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He helped her recover the woman inside her, she made a man out of him

"He made her feel like a teenager, she made him into a man."

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He was LEGAL. That was all she could think as Matthew stood on her doorstep waiting to go hang out with her son Caleb. She'd known this kid since he was four feet tall. He'd always been a cute kid. Funny, energetic, a bit arrogant, but endearingly so, not obnoxiously. But the young Nubian god standing before her was no kid. Standing 6'2, 185 lbs with sandy hair and hazel eyes and just the slightest crooked bent to his smile, she wanted nothing more than to chew lightly on the full bottom lip of this kid's mouth. He was well proportioned, and CUT. Lean, with more of a soccer players' build than a football star. And that was fine by her. Saundra didn't really care for the all brawn, no brain types.

Once she could pry her eyes off his body and get her brain to shift gears, she met his gaze and immediately flushed crimson. He was smirking at her. He'd known the EXACT nature of her inner musings. And with the blithe arrogance that only a teenage boy can truly pull off without it being totally insulting, he returned the favor by letting his own gaze travel brazenly over her own build. Though only in her mid forties, Saundra looked ten years younger. She'd kept herself in shape with healthy eating and exercise habits she'd developed in the years following the births of her children. And by sheer dumb luck, this evening she was dressed to impress as she had a function she was attending for a business fundraiser.

Her dress, while conservative, was a deep plum colored form fitting sheath with a square neckline and pencil skirt hitting just above the knees. Her cleavage peeked provocatively over the hem line of her bodice, the creamy mounds creating the perfect shelf for the Celtic inspired pendant that rested just at the valley of her breasts, her good luck charm. Her toned legs tapered gracefully into a pair of black patent leather stacked toe stilettos, and her mink colored hair was pulled into a graceful french twist that rested just at the nape of her neck.

His gaze finally meandered back to her face and he whistled low. "Where're you off to tonight looking like that Ms. B?"

She cleared her throat, "I have a fundraiser to attend. Caleb's in his room, you can go on up if you like. I'm running late so I've got to go."

"It's a shame you have to run off so quick," he replied winking at her.

"Well I'll thank you for making me feel like a kid again, Matt. But you ought to be careful with your tone there buddy, someone may take you too seriously one day and you could get yourself into trouble," she scolded teasingly.

"I can handle trouble," he grinned at her.

She laughed, "I'll bet. You boys have a good time tonight. No drinking and driving, and try not to be out too late tonight. Caleb, I'm going! I love you and I'll see you later!" She hollered up the stairs to her son.

He shouted back an absent, "Bye, love you!" back down at her. Shaking her head, she headed to her car.

All evening long, she could hardly concentrate on her business obligations. She kept seeing the look in Matt's eyes as they traveled all over her body leaving a trail of tingling heat in their wake. No one had ever left her feeling this much need, this much lust. Especially not her dead beat ex-husband. He'd been a wham bam thank you ma'am kind of ass. So over the years her porn and toy collection had grown significantly. But she knew tonight she'd have a new fantasy to play out while she pleasured her love starved muff. She couldn't leave the conference room of the hotel fast enough.

She was standing in the lobby, fishing through her purse for her keys when she sensed someone standing close. Looking up, she gave a startled squeak. Matt was standing ten feet from her, thumbs hooked through the belt loops of his jeans, open lust painted across his features.

She crossed to him three strides and hissed at him, "What are you DOING here? How did you even know where I was?" She didn't want to let on that her sex had flooded with wet heat at the sight of him.

"Caleb told me when I asked."

She glanced around "Well why aren't you with him? Where is he?"

Matt shrugged, "He went home. He said he wasn't feeling that great, I think the pizza we had didn't agree with him."

Motherly concern trumped desire long enough for her to ask, "Is he okay?"

He shrugged again, "Yeah he's good. He just looked mildly green around the gills. Nothing a little Pepto and some sleep couldn't cure."

"You're sure he's alright?" she persisted.

Nodding his head, he stepped to her, "I'm sure. Now why don't you stop avoiding the issue and follow me."

"Excuse me?" her eyebrow cocked in surprise at his commanding tone.

Taking her hand, he pulled her toward the elevators. "You heard me. Come with me."

Seemingly not of her own volition, she followed him. Once the elevator doors were shut, he firmly gripped her shoulders and pushing her back to the wall, kissed her hard. Her arms came around him, her fingers digging into his ass and pulled him against her throbbing mound. The car was quiet except for their heavy panting. The elevator dinged their floor and pulling her behind him, Matt guided them off and down the hall to the room he had reserved for the night.

He'd lied a little to Saundra. It was he who'd begged off hanging out tonight. After seeing the naked desire in her eyes at her front door, he knew that he finally was going to have his shot with her. He'd taken the free time he'd had to reserve the room and get everything ready. After all, she was a beautiful and experienced woman. Not some giggly bimbo girl like what he was used to dealing with. He'd known he was going to have to pull out all the stops.

Keying the door open, he ushered her in ahead of him. She simply gaped. The bed had been turned down and he'd replaced the simple hotel cotton bedding with wheat toned silk. Candles flickered from every solid surface, champagne sat open and chilling in a wine bucket with two glasses already bubbling. She couldn't help but be drawn in by what this boy becoming a man had done for her. While it was a classic seduction scene, it stopped just shy of being cliche' because he'd left out the stupid rose petals. And thank God. She actually didn't care for roses and she wondered idly if he'd found that out from Caleb.

Speechless she turned to him. Suddenly his bravado was gone. He cleared his throat and looked down, slight embarrassment staining his cheeks. He'd gotten her this far and now he wasn't sure what to do with her. She walked over to him.

He looked up at her and she leaned in to kiss him gently on the mouth. "Thank you, Matt. No one has ever gone to so much trouble to make me feel wanted."

"I've always had a crush on you Ms. B" he said quietly.

"I know. It was cute when you were little. But as I watched you grow into a man, cute walked right out the door and sexy sauntered in."

She took his hand, and kissing the tips of his fingers, she placed it on her breast. His breathing got heavy, as did hers, and slowly he began to knead the soft flesh there. Her head tilted back, and taking the advantage, he ran his mouth along the smooth, fragrant skin there teasing little fires of delight all over her body. Her nipples hardened, her nether region throbbed with aching need. She pushed his hand down to press against her sex, rubbing herself against his cupped palm. She reached down and undid the button on his jeans, taking her time sliding the zipper down. Then leaving his pants open, with his member straining against the fabric of his boxers, she slowly began to work open each button of his shirt. His nostrils flared with each exhalation as the tension built to critical mass.

She quirked a smile at him, the gleam in her emerald eyes almost predatory. She kissed him again, slowly, drawing out each glide of her tongue, exploring every contour. Then she did what she'd been craving for longer than she can remember, she sucked on that full, sensuous bottom lip, scraping her teeth against it, laving it with her tongue. His taste was intoxicating, her head full with the scent of him.

His control snapped. He yanked her against him, burying his face in the exposed curvature of her breasts, snaking his tongue into the deep valley there. Her fingers threaded through his hair, gripping him tight against her. His hands fumbled over the back of her dress until he found what he sought, the zipper.

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Ripping it open, he pulled it off her shoulders and slid it off of her to the floor. She stepped out of it, kicking it to the side and pushed his shirt off his broad back.

It was a flurry of motion then as the remaining clothing was hurriedly cast aside. Finally bared to each other, they knelt on the bed, hands gliding up and down fevered skin. He once again bent his head to her breast, his lips clamping on the sensitive little bud. She gasped as need flared and she brought his hand to her aching center. His fingers slid inside her wet heat, moving in and out of her while his mouth did incredible things to her nipples. She stroked the long hard length of him, impressed with its size and girth. He was much bigger than her ex could have hoped to be and she knew she was in for an amazing night!

He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe it! She was his! The scent of her was unlike anything he'd ever known. Not that his experience was that much, but still. The girls he was used to smelled like candy. But not Saundra. Her scent was musky, heady, like an exotic bloom from luxury destinations. Classy and rich, he breathed her in.

He trailed his mouth from her breasts up her neck until he was kissing her again. There was more urgency this time, more need. His fingers pumped in and out, her juices flowing into his hand. Then, while he was devouring her neck, she pushed him back on the bed. She kissed her way down his body until her breath was just barely tickling the throbbing purple tip of his cock. A single pearly drop of pre-cum formed and she gently lapped it up with the tip of her tongue, her eyes sparkling into his.

The breath simply left his body when she plunged her mouth on him all the way to the base of his shaft! Sweet Jesus, this woman could suck cock! She worked him slowly at first, her mouth moving up and down the length of him, her fingers massaging his balls. She took him deep into her throat, the muscles there contracting around his head. He was panting, straining not to cum too soon. His hands fisted at his sides and he dug his heels into the mattress as he held out.

She hungrily devoured his throbbing meat, wrapping her tongue and lips around every inch of him. She didn't know a cock could taste this good! Her pussy throbbed with aching need, eager to receive him. She felt him straining to hold back. Smiling, she let her mouth roam to his sack where she sucked one, then both of his balls into her hungry mouth. She let her tongue roll them around while her fingers stroked the length of him, lightly pinching the tip.

She knew the first one would be quick, and that was fine with her. She would make sure he used his recovery time wisely! Her clit now throbbing almost painfully with need, she knew it was time to finish him off. Fucking her face with his cock, she rapidly bobbed her head up and down on him, her tongue snaking around his shaft, her throat closing hungrily around his tip. Gently she used the tips of two fingers to massage his perineum, that magical tender place between his balls and his ass hole. His back arched off the bed then as his seed spilled into her mouth. She milked him dry, not wasting a drop. When the last quivering spasm passed through his frame, she licked her lips and grinned at him.

"It's my turn," she said, the huskiness of her voice penetrating his orgasmic haze.

When he could lift his head off the mattress, he looked at her with a kind of awe. He'd never experienced anything like that in his short life! The couple of blow jobs he'd had before had been fumbling, giggly disasters. This was a symphony of pleasure conducted by a master. He knew he needed to respond in kind. He sat up, cupped her face in his hand, leaned in and kissed her long and slow in thanks. Then slowly laying her back on the bed, he took his time worshiping at the alter of her ripe body. He ran his tongue from the soft lobe of her ear, down the graceful curve of her neck, trailing the line of her collar bone to the diamond hard points of her nipples. Pushing her ample breasts together, he suckled both nipples at the same time.

Her toes curled, and heat pooled at her core. Her chest was heaving as she drowned in the sensation. This kid was a natural. He had an instinct about how to pleasure a woman. She threaded her fingers through his hair again as he tortured her with tongue and teeth. He was already getting hard again and she felt his member brush against the sensitized flesh of her slit. When she finally was reduced to whimpering with need, he kissed and licked his way down to the apex of her thighs. Nudging her legs wider with his shoulders, he nuzzled her center teasingly before finally spreading her open with his fingers and laving her with his tongue. She moaned in ecstasy. Her head spun with sensation as his tongue worked her into a frenzy.

Slowly rolling the sensitive shaft of her clit with his lips while the tip of his tongue massaged the electrically charged little button, she was writhing. He slid his fingers deep into her heat once again, probing for that hard little G. He found it relatively quickly given how responsive she was. He pressed on it slowly, rhythmically at first, then as her panting grew heavier, her moans and cries louder, he thrust faster and harder. When she came, she screamed, her wet snatch gripping his fingers as she spasm-ed again and again, her juices pouring into his hand and hungry mouth! And still he kept going, even as she tried to push him away, he held her pinned, his mouth feasting on her until he brought her up and over a second, then a third time.

He couldn't wait any longer. He needed to be inside her now. He climbed up her torso until his hands were braced on either side of her head. He plunged his thick cock home, deep into her still quivering pussy. She screamed again, coming to life, she wrapped her legs around his waist and started thrusting hard and fast on him. He nails dug into his shoulders, her mouth found his and drank him in, the taste of their sex mingling together. He thrust inside her, deep, hard, fast. She rode him furiously. Breath hot, sweat gleaming, they writhed on silk sheets. Rolling he brought her on top of him. She pistoned her hips, her breasts bouncing as she did. He cupped them in his palms and rolled her hard nipples between thumb and forefingers.

"Oh, GOD! YES! YES! Oh FUCK!" she cried over and over.

"You like that?" he growled.

"Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me harder!" she begged.

He took her hips and, arching his back, he rammed himself as deep into her as he could. Her head flew back and she screamed her orgasm at the top of her lungs. He wasn't done with her, not by a long shot. And she wasn't finished either he discovered as she levered herself off of him briefly to reposition his cock into her tight ass. Slowly she lowered herself onto him, her cheeks quivering in anticipation. When he was fully sheathed, she slowly started rotating her hips. This was a first for him and it was all he could do not to explode right now.

She was so TIGHT! Her sphincter gripped him, pulling him inside. She kept her movements slow at first as she slid up and down. Then as he got a grip on his control, she gradually increased the pace until the only sounds in the room were their heavy panting and grunting, and her ass cheeks slapping against his thighs with sharp wet pops. He knew he couldn't hold out much longer, so he reached down and started frigging her clit with his fingers. She was crying out in short desperate screams of pleasure. Finally she crested, her pussy and ass throbbing and tightening on him. He lost control and with one final hard thrust, emptied himself deep in her ass.

She slid down bonelessly to lay sprawled across his chest. He caressed her bare back with his fingers and she all but purred at him for it. Finally limp, he slid out of her ass and she repositioned herself until she was lying against his side with her leg draped over his. He kissed her temple, and she laughed delightedly.

Glancing down at her he asked, "What's so funny?"

Smiling, her eyes met his, "This was the best sex I've ever had with anyone but myself!"

He grinned from ear to ear, "Really?"

She nodded, "Oh yeah! We're going to have to do this again very soon!"

Feeling himself stir, he rolled over to cover her, "How 'bout now?"
Written by eroticeli
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