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Good Girls Don't But I Do

"This is another autobiographical account of my sexual journey. A fifty-ish woman making up for lost time and living life on her own terms."

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In case you hadn’t figured out from my previous stories, I have never really conformed to society’s norms when it comes to matters of sex and sexuality. I have always had an overactive libido. Okay, if the truth be told, I’ve always been a bit of a slut. My sex drive has more in common with a guy’s actually. I was always very popular with the guys in high school because, well, I often had sex on the first date and the other girls didn’t. I had always identified with that eighties song by the Knack and was rather proud of the fact.

Now that I’m older I have few close female friends. Don’t get me wrong, I cherish the ones that I have but simply I prefer the company of men. And when I’m with a gal friend, my thoughts often wander. And the thought that runs through my head most often is, “Am am missing an opportunity for another type of ‘bonding’?” And since my divorce, and my two sons moved out, I’ve been completely liberated to take advantage of every opportunity to find the intimacy that I crave (not that it had seriously impeded me in any significant way before).

I live in a college town and Luca was a graduate student and teaching assistant living next door. His roommate worked at a local defense contractor and traveled extensively so I often saw Luca working around the exterior of his house, often with his shirt off. More than once he caught me checking him out as I stared at his broad shoulders, muscled back and arms, flat stomach and well-defined abs.

Once earlier in the Summer, I was home outside reading in the early evening and Luca had a female friend over. She was a sexy brunette in her late thirties with perky tits, a narrow waist, athletic ass, and short hair. It was cool enough that he had left his windows open, or maybe he just wanted to show off a bit because he knew that I’d be watching.

I could hear them drinking and laughing intermittently on the patio at first, then silence for a while, then the unmistakable sounds of two people fucking. Not the high-pitched sounds of a college girl getting screwed, but the low guttural bellow of an experienced woman getting her insides turned seriously inside out. Over and over I could hear her as she orgasmed all over his cock. This guy was satisfying her like a real pro. My garden was sheltered so my hand went under my jean skirt and I surreptitiously eavesdropped on them. He must have made her cum three or four times.

Having just turned fifty I have come to understand that as a single, middle-aged woman you simply have to go after what you want because you never really know when the next time will be. So I decided to follow my own advice. I was desperate to fuck my young neighbour. I felt like some feral animal in heat. My pussy was constantly wet thinking about it.

I picked a lazy Saturday afternoon when I knew that Luca would be out and about.

I had come home from work after lunch to get ready. It was a hot Summer day and I had been perspiring, but I decided against taking a shower. I am a bit of a clean freak but I also appreciate sex as nature intended. I had been in a heightened state of arousal all day thinking about my seduction of Luca and I was sure that he would be able to smell my womanly pheromones. Well, he could certainly smell my pussy; my thong was already soaked through with my girly cream. I refrained from changing it, enjoying the wetness between my legs as my cunt drooled in anticipation of the afternoon’s activities.

As a bit of a change of pace, I had refrained from trimming my pussy hair for a few weeks and so my bush was thick and ample. I could only barely see the outline of my pussy lips as I looked in the mirror. I felt a little bit like a mature seventies porn star.

I was proud of my body. I worked out and it showed. My stomach was flat and accentuated my 34D breasts. My large nipples already betrayed my horniness. They were erect and distended and my silver dollar-sized areolas were puffy and crimson. I often dare to go braless in public when I’m particularly horny, just a tight lifting tank top on to observe the effect that my jutting nipples and very large breasts have on men. Fit, built, beautiful, horny, and available, I’m everything their wives and girlfriends despise.

I applied the bare minimum of makeup and pulled on a loosely fitting sundress with no bra. My full tits swayed as I walked and I could clearly see my erect nipples through the gossamer fabric. I dabbed a bit of perfume on for good measure.

As it was he was washing his car when I sauntered out of the house and onto the front patio.

“You look like you could use a cold beer, Luca,” I yelled across his yard.

“You read my mind,” he yelled back. “Clean cars are overrated anyway.”

“C’mon in out of the heat,” I offered as I held the door for him. He followed me into the house. I could feel his eyes on my ass the outline of which was clearly visible underneath my sundress.

I pulled an IPA from the fridge, opened it and placed it in his outstretched hand.

“Why thank you,” he responded with genuine gratitude. I like manners in a man. It makes him both intriguing and beguiling. Luca was getting into my head which is a sure way into my panties. Opening moves dispensed with I decided on the direct approach.

I offered him a seat at the bar which separated my kitchen from the dining room. I was so horny that my body had literally taken over and I was certain that he had picked up on the subconscious signals that I was sending. I could feel my pulse and respiration quicken, I had started to perspire, and I could feel a dull throb in my groin as instinct took over.

“I hope you’re not expecting your girlfriend, I don’t want to get you in trouble should she drop by,” I probed none too subtlety.

“Oh, she’s not my girlfriend,” he retorted almost too quickly. “Besides, she’s in Philadelphia on business for a few days.”

Bingo, that was the green light I was looking for. I leaned over the counter giving him an unencumbered view of my breasts and I could see him staring down the front of my sundress.

“You won’t mind if I make myself a gin and tonic then?”

I turned to open up the cabinet to fetch a tumbler and filled it with ice. I could feel Luca’s eyes on my ass as I methodically mixed my drink using the opportunity to move my hips suggestively.

“Cheers!” I said as I turned, and raised my glass while taking a deep gulp. We made prolonged eye contact.

“Margot, you’re a stunningly attractive woman,” Luca spoke slowly and deliberately. “Any man would die to…uh…be with you. Why aren’t you with anyone?”

“Well Luca, I guess the men my age are seldom worth the effort, and I’m very discriminating about the rest. I need a man to be old enough to have lived life; but young enough to make me feel alive,” I responded candidly.

I brushed past him to grab him another beer. He reached out and grabbed my arm pulling me into him. Grabbing both sides of my head with his strong hands he kissed me deeply and insistently, our tongues intertwining. I gently bit his lip and ran my tongue around the outside of his mouth, teasing him, which turned him on even more.

He deftly grasped the hem of my sundress and lifted it. I raised my arms to assist him. He let it drop to the floor. I stood there naked in front of him but for my thong. His lips went to my breasts and he kissed, sucked, and nibbled my super-sensitive nipples. My mouth hung open and my knees buckled but no moan escaped my lips, it was more of a dry croak. I was starting to lose control. He reached down and put the palm of his hand on my pussy which was by now literally on fire, but I brushed it, away.

“Easy Luca. Slow down,” I said. “We have all afternoon.”

I dropped to my knees to examine my prize in more detail and pulled Luca’s baggy shorts down. I wanted to see what had sent his sexy little friend into orgasmic outer space. It was then that l realized that I might have bitten off more than I could chew.

“Oh my God Luca,” I gasped. Before me at eye level was by far the thickest cock I had ever seen. I must have been turning him on because it was fully hard and stood out prominently from his groin. I quietly wondered how this monster would fit in my mouth much less my pussy. “Is this thing even human?”

“The guys call me ‘Trashcan’,” he replied somewhat sheepishly.

I could barely get my hand around it. It was ruddy in color and thick veins stood out from its surface. “Ribbed for her pleasure,” I chuckled silently recalling the slogan on the condom packages. But the most prominent feature was its bulbous head which looked like an angry purple apple. A thin stream of pre-cum was already visible at its tip. I couldn't help but think, “Was he part of my seduction or bias versa?”

I put my lips to the tip of his impressive member and gently kissed and licked the pre-cum off, savoring its salty taste. I ran my tongue around the circumference of his cockhead stopping to kiss it making sure that the kisses were sloppy and audible. I even nibbled and tugged gently on his foreskin with my teeth driving him insane with desire.

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I took him in my mouth and I heard him gasp, then let out a slow moan. I had developed my deep throat technique to an art form but there’s no way I could take Luca’s cock without dislocating my jaw. I was able to accommodate the head but only with difficulty. I had to have him inside me.

“I want you to fuck my horny pussy, Luca,” I commanded. “I want that thing inside me.”

“Wow! Margot’s got a potty mouth on her,” he joked.

I didn’t respond, just pulled him by the hand into my bedroom. I climbed into bed and rolled over on my back, pulling my thong off as I did and tossed it aside. I spread my legs seductively. I could see him staring at my pussy with desire.

“Jesus Margot, you’re soaking wet,” as he looked at the engorged lips of my exposed cunt. My secretions had made a sloppy matted mess of my pubic hair.

“Do I need a condom?” he asked innocently.

“No way,” I responded. “I want to feel every ridge and vein of that beautiful thing between your legs. I just had my period so it should be okay,” I lied. The truth be known while the risk of pregnancy was low it wasn’t out of the question and I had been pregnant briefly by a longtime lover when I was forty-four.

Luca climbed onto my bed and positioned himself between my legs. He maneuvered his bare cockhead against my bloated pussy lips mashing them. I gritted my teeth knowing that I was going to have to endure a bit of pain to get to the pleasure part. He pressed the gigantic head of his cock against my entrance and began to bear down.

He worked his hips back and forth and in circles entering me inch by magnificent inch. All the same, it felt like he was trying to jam a soda can into my pussy. I looked over at the full-length mirrored door of my closet and noticed that I was subconsciously banging the back of my head against the mattress and thrusting my hips forward to get more of him inside me. My back arched and my ass lifted off the bed as my body tried to force the immense knob into me. My hands reached around and grabbed his ass and I simultaneously spread my legs, thrust my hips and pulled on his hips in an effort to drive him deeper into my ravenous cunt.

Luca sucked on my neck and breasts leaving a trail of passion bites. I was well past the point of caring how this would look at work on Monday. In fact, it turned me on even more knowing that when another woman saw my poor attempt at covering them up with concealer she would know that I was getting something that she wasn’t.

He clearly knew what he was doing and the sensations that he was delivering were amazing. My pussy was drenched with my arousal and I could hear the unmistakable nasty sticky smacking sound of Luca’s cock sawing in and out of me.

“Luca. That. Thick. Cock. Is. Making. Me. Cum,” I managed between his powerful thrusts.

“I aim to please Margot,” he grunted. I could tell from his voice that he was having to concentrate hard to keep from cumming deep in my pussy.

The muscles and veins of my neck bulged from my exertion and arousal. Rivulets of sweat had begun to collect on my upper chest and my temples and my hair was damp with sweat. The muscles of my ass clenched and released and I grunted with the exertion, my rasping breath intermingled with loud moans of ecstasy. He grunted as again and again he pounded down into my spasming pussy. My cries became inaudible as my breath was taken away by the unbelievable fullness crammed into my stretched and quivering pussy.

He was giving me a good pounding and I was lost in ecstasy. I could tell that I was getting close to a truly epic orgasm. Suddenly my body shuddered in spasms as I came in one of the most violent orgasms I'd ever had. My hips rocked up and down and liquid squirted out of me onto our thighs. My breasts were heaving.

I glanced over at myself again in the mirror. My feet were locked behind Luca’s knees pinning him on top of me and I was thrusting my pussy forcibly against him, mashing my clit against his pubic bone while trying to force him ever deeper inside me. My hands alternated between pawing at his powerfully muscled ass cheeks and fiercely gripping the bedsheets.

Luca’s buttocks clenched and his pace quickened. Then his head snapped back and his back arched as he brutally jammed his immense cock down, driving it deep into me, the head mashed against my cervix. I gasped as I felt the sharp jerk of his cock and the dull pressure of his cum jetting into me.

“Damn Margot, you’re good,” he managed as he collapsed on top of me breathing heavily. We lay there a moment his cock softening inside me. I felt strangely content and safe with Luca. Being a single woman at my age isn’t always easy and I was enjoying Luca’s attention, not to mention the ego boost that it gave me.

He rolled off of me, laid me on my side and entered me from behind. We like this for a long while without speaking, neither feeling the need to fill the silence.

After a while, I could feel his cock stirring and becoming erect again. He started to move his hips imperceptibly in my cum filled sheath. His cock was so thick that I could feel his heartbeat through the walls of my vagina.

After a few moments of missionary, Luca was fully hard. He deftly flipped me over on all fours. I love getting fucked doggy style but he entered me so abruptly I thought he was going to rupture a kidney.

“Jesus Luca”, I grunted, “Take it easy.”

He paused a moment to allow me to adapt to his impressive size, then continued to thrust into me. I could feel the head of his cock mashing the entrance to my cervix. I was feeling his girth with every stroke. I dropped down until my shoulders were on the mattress to give him better access to my cunt. The bulbous head of his cock raked my G-spot. Now I knew what his short-haired brunette friend had experienced. I was in complete ecstasy.

I could feel my orgasm build and then cascade over me like a tsunami. It was so strong it triggered my gag reflex. My spasming cunt became the center of my existence. The primal woman in me took over. My subconscious deemed him physically strong, and a suitable mate. My legs shook and I babbled incoherently as orgasms washed over me, one after another.

“Ngggg…Urghhhh…Cummingggg…Again,” was all the verbal communication that I could manage, my eyes rolling back in the sockets.

I could feel his heavy balls slap against my sodden gash. It just couldn’t get any better.

Luca quickened his pace and I could feel that he was getting ready to cum as well. He grabbed my hips and thrust forward as if he was trying to gain entry to my womb. The lips of my pussy were turned inside out from his size and they fluttered and danced on his girth. I needed his sperm in me.

“Cum in my pussy Luca,” I hissed. “Breed me. I want your seed in my womb.”

Luca grabbed my hips and slammed himself into me. I felt his cock like a battering ram against my cervix as if trying to gain entrance to my womb. I could feel the pulse of his cock and the jets of sperm on the wall of my cervix. He collapsed on me and pushed me forward on the bed.

I scrambled from beneath him and went down on him to clean up, devouring the copious amounts of my pussy juice and globules of his cum.

I collapsed and rolled over on my back my pussy belching sperm and pussy juice. I lay there for a second, sweating and out of breath, in a huge wet stain on my bed. Luca got up after a few minutes.

“Margot,” he started. I stopped him.

“Ssshhhhh…” I pursed my lips and smiled warmly at him. “You were marvelous Luca. Now go home.”

He quickly dressed, kissed me goodbye, and departed.

It was a while after he had gone that I was able to get up. Luca had emptied two prodigious loads of sperm into me and it was draining out in a slow, steady, semi-transparent stream. The air in my bedroom was thick with the distinctive smell of sex.

I got up and walked gingerly to the bathroom, Luca’s semen dripping out of my pussy and down my thighs. I looked in the mirror. The hickies on my breasts and neck where he had mauled me were dark and prominent. I picked up a hand mirror to inspect the damage to my pussy. She had taken an epic battering; her lips were dark crimson and splayed open from Luca’s impressive girth like some obscene lotus flower. I could see the clitoral hood slightly rolled back exposing my swollen clitoris. My copious pubic hair was matted with the product of our lovemaking.

But it was at that moment - naked and barefoot in my bathroom, with Luca’s sperm streaming out of my freshly fucked pussy and running down my leg and puddling on the bathroom tile that I had a moment of profound reflection. “Life is for the living Margot,” I said softly to myself. “Life is for the living.”

Written by wanderingbutnotlost
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