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For Her Daughter's Sake

"We all make sacrifices for our children, but what will Sonia submit to for the sake of her daughter?"

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Sonia lowered herself to the couch,  loosening the fabric tie at the waist of her robe and allowing the fabric to drop from her shoulders, freeing her breasts. Sighing, she brought her 6-month old's mouth to her bare breast, watching him latch on enthusiastically. The pressure in her milk-swollen breast subsided and she let out a relieved groan.

Leaning back into the couch, she felt her shoulders relax as the infant suckled away happily. Part of her couldn't believe she had another baby, even now that the little guy was six months old. She hadn't planned on having another. It wasn't really that she was too old, still being a couple of years away from 40. It had just been so long since she had a newborn, that she had never even considered going through it all again. Her husband, Tom, had never really showed much of an interest in having a baby in the five years they had been together, either. It wasn't that he didn't like kids. He had always been the perfect dad to Sonia's older daughter, Hayley. He just seemed content with how their lives were.

Hayley, however, was over the moon with having a little brother. Sonia guessed that was what being a 19 year old was like, thinking back to herself at that age. Of course, that was the age that Sonia had herself fallen pregnant with Hayley. The father had skipped town pretty much immediately upon learning about the pregnancy. Still, although it devastated her at the time, she had to admit that it was probably for the best, and with the support of her family she had managed to raise Hayley to be a pretty great kid.

It had only been in the last couple of years that Hayley had struggled, going through a fairly severe bout of depression. She was good now, though, touch wood. What with finishing High School and going onto University, and now having met a nice guy, the last couple of months seemed to be better..

With that thought, Sonia glanced down, realising that Baby Jake had fallen asleep, obviously satisfied. Standing up slowly, so as not to wake him, she padded through to the next room, to the cot they had set up in the corner of the dining/ kitchen area. She lowered him gently, managing not to wake him.

Sonia filled a glass of water from the tap and took a sip, picking up her phone from the counter as she did so and looking at the time. 5am. She could try to get a little bit more sleep, but to be honest she felt quite awake now and knew she would probably lie there tossing and turning until Tom's alarm went off at 7.

Instead, she walked back through to the lounge, sitting back on the couch and placing the glass on the side table. Absent-mindedly, she scrolled through Instagram, not really paying much attention to what was in her feed. A lot of it was craft ideas, beautiful looking dishes that people had cooked, and lycra-clad fitness influencers. 

Starting to wonder whether she should actually just try to get some more sleep, Sonia's eyes fell on a video of a guy in his 20s squatting what looked like an enormous weight. She stops scrolling and let the video play, marvelling at the mass on the two ends of the barbell. Slightly surprised, she realised she was also checking out the guy. She chuckled to herself. Not all that surprising, she thought - her libido was bound to return at some point, having been absent without leave since before the birth. It just seemed sudden. About time, though, she thought to herself wryly, making a rough mental calculation. It had been at least nine months since she and Tom had been intimate, or since that she had been intimate with herself.

Now, though, her body surprised her. As her eyes took in the sight of the guy's muscular thighs rippling as he slowly squatted up and down, a telltale warmth appeared in her lower abdomen, slowly spreading down into her crotch as her gaze drifted to the bulge in the guy's shorts.

"Hmm", she murmured under her breath, tilting her head on its side. Perhaps her body was starting to need the kind of attention it was used to before she fell pregnant. She had always had a healthy sexual appetite. Or if you were to ask Tom, a somewhat overactive sexual appetite. He had come to terms with the fact that she needed that sort of release more often than he did, and got used to her regularly heading up to bed early with a toy and scrolling through erotic literature, or occasionally finding a video to watch. It wasn't that he had absolutely no sex drive. In usual times he would tend to be up for it, no pun intended, once or twice a week. This just fell a little short of Sonia's own need for pleasure - closer to every other day, or even every day, depending on where in her cycle she was. Tom had even suggested, in that joking but not completely joking way of his, that she take a lover outside of their marriage, but she had dismissed it with a humorous scoff. She half suspected that he would enjoy her being with other guys, or at least hearing about it, if the excitement he showed when she occasionally mentioned the kinds of things a past lover did to her were anything to go by. She loved Tom, though, and didn't want to complicate things. She just had a certain itch that needed regular scratching.

Shuffling her butt forward on the couch, Sonia's knees opened. The air, not cold, but slightly cooler than the confines of her robe, prickled her inner thighs, bringing goose pimples up on the soft, smooth skin. Placing her hand on her stomach, now almost back to its usual relatively flat state thanks to her pilates routine, she allowed herself a smile in the dim light. The familiar sensation now starting to dampen between her lips was a welcome one.

With a sigh, Sonia slid her fingers under the waistband of her panties. She placed her phone on the couch next to her, deciding that she could do with her own mental stimuli on this occasion. The room was once again thrown into semi-darkness, the light from her phone extinguished, As she began to slowly tease her gently pulsating clit from its little hood, her eyes readjusted to the lower light. 

Starting to breathe deeply, and allowing herself to wallow in the pleasure building between her legs, Sonia's eyes fell on the other couch about ten feet away. Her mind being in a state of pre-orgasmic haze and the room being only dimly lit, it took a few moments for what she was seeing to register in her mind.

With a squeal, Sonia snatched the hand from between her legs and sat up abruptly. There on the opposite couch lay a sheet-covered body. The only part uncovered was a head with dark brown, somewhat curly hair, and 2 open eyes glinting back at her.

"What the fuck??" Sonia hissed.

A male voice stammered out, "Uh… I… I'm so sorry Mrs. D! I wasn't,  um, watching or anything… I just…" he trailed off.

It was Blake, Hayley's boyfriend.

"Blake?!" Sonia exclaimed, making sure to keep her voice quiet to avoid waking Baby Jake, or the rest of the house upstairs for that matter.

"What…" she started, pausing to get her thoughts in order, "Why are you out here?"

Blake had taken to staying over in Hayley's room in the last few weeks, and thinking back to the previous evening Sonia realised he was visiting. She couldn't for the life of her work out why he was out here on the couch, though.

Even in the dim light, Sonia could see Blake's face go bright red. He was a sweet guy, but always seemed somewhat shy.

Feeling a little bad for snapping at him, Sonia added, "I mean,  I'm not angry at you, I just didn't expect you to be there."

At this, there was a long pause.

"Hayley and I had a fight," Blake stated, sounding crestfallen, and lowered his gaze.

The look on the poor young guy's face made Sonia feel a sudden pang of motherly protectiveness.

"Oh, honey," she said, empathy colouring her voice, "come and tell me what happened." She patted the couch cushion next to her.

Blake looked hesitant, glancing down at her chest.

"Shit," she murmured, realising that her Robe was still open, her breasts on full display.

Quickly closing it, she looked back up, mumbling out a quick, "Sorry".

Patting the couch cushion next to her again, she smiled reassuringly at Blake. 

"It's ok," she began,  "I may not be able to fix it, but I am a woman you know, so you might be surprised."

Again Blake hesitated a moment before standing up, lifting the sheet to wrap it around himself, and crossing to sit awkwardly on the couch next to her.

He said nothing, so Sonia prompted, "So… what was the fight about?"

Blake looked down sheepishly and mumbled, "it's embarrassing."

"It's ok," Sonia smiled warmly, taking his hand encouragingly. 

"By the time you reach my age, nothing is new anymore, and nothing is really embarrassing," she said, patting his hand.

At this Blake scoffed, looking down at their hands, seeming nervous to meet her eyes.

"Yeah, right," he stated, flatly, adding "And you aren't that old."

Sonia laughed at this, "Well, I guess I'm younger than most mothers with 19-year-old daughters. But the fact remains, I've been around the block a few times."

She only realised after this came out that it might sound suggestive, so she added, "You know what I mean."

Blake blushed again, looking down at where she held his large hand between hers.

"Anyway," Sonia went on, "I'm not going to tell Hayley, so spit it out.

Her casual tone seemed to relax Black a little and he swallowed.

"I guess," he started, pausing for a moment to gather his thoughts, "I guess I just need it more than she does."

It took Sonia a few moments to understand his meaning, but realisation dawning on her she laughed softly. He seemed a little hurt at this reaction.

"Sorry, I'm not meaning to laugh at you!" She exclaimed, dipping her head down into his line of sight to force eye contact, "that's just a really, really common thing in relationships."

Blake looked at her imploringly, wanting to find comfort but still uncertain.

"I mean," Sonia said, "even Tom and I…" she trailed off. "Sorry," she quickly added, "I shouldn't…"

"You mean," Blake looked at her quizzically, "Mr D wants it more than you, too?"

Sonia couldn't help a quiet burst of laughter from escaping her throat. 

"No! Quite the opposite!" She blurted out, then thought better of it, thinking of how to recover.

Blake beat her to it.

"You mean," he started, "some girls…?" he trailed off, not quite sure how to put it.

Again Sonia laughed. His innocence was really quite touching.

"Yep, some girls want it… Need it more than guys," she chuckled.

Blake blushed deeply again, looking down.

"It's ok, though!" Sonia said quickly, touching his chin gently and pulling his face back up to look at her, "people can have perfectly healthy relationships without being exactly matched in that way. I mean, just now you caught me…." She trailed off. It was her turn to blush. "What I mean to say," she quickly went on, "is that it's ok to satisfy those urges yourself when you need to."

"Oh, I do!" Blake blurted out, then looked abashed.

"Oh, I bet you do," Sonia chuckled, "what boy doesn't!" 

At this, Blake laughed.

"But," he ventured, "does it really satisfy you?" 

His expression was earnest, looking into Sonia's face with searching eyes.

Sonia felt suddenly locked in the intense focus of his eyes. He really was a handsome guy.

"I mean," she stammered, her eyes lowering a little, allowing her to notice the way his sheet had dropped from his shoulders and was now bunched up around his waist. She realised for the first time that she hadn't seen him topless before, and the sight was thoroughly distracting, especially given how abruptly she had been dragged from her self-pleasure not long before.

Shit, Sonia thought to herself. She had to get her mind out of the gutter. She was supposed to be helping her daugher's boyfriend!

"Does it?" Blake asked again.

Sonia blushed as she realised she had been looking at his well-formed chest. Snapping her eyes back up to his, she found the same intense expression boring into her.

"Well, no," she started, "If I'm being honest with myself it doesn't. But I guess it keeps the urges at bay until Tom is up for it."

The double-entendre wasn't lost on Blake.

"But I'm almost constantly up for it," he stated in a tone of resignation, emphasising the last three words and glancing down at his lap.

Without thinking, Sonia let her eyes follow his gaze, wondering how she had missed the large tent being formed in the sheet, poking up from his lap. 

"I mean," he went on, "I… masturbated… when I came out to sleep on the couch earlier, and already I'm aching for more. I mean, it didn't help seeing you touching yourself, of course," he chuckled lightly.

Sonia's eyes widened and she swallowed, realising too late that Blake was looking back up at her face, clearly seeing her staring down at his crotch, wide-eyed.

"I guess I'm just questioning whether we might be better off breaking up," Blake said flatly, "I mean, if we're that mismatched."

Sonia looked at the boy, her mind whirring. Hayley had been so happy lately, and a lot of this was down to her relationship with Blake. If they broke up now, Sonia was worried she might spiral down into depression.

"Blake," Sonia started, "I know it's difficult, but if you break up now - so soon after Hayley has recovered from her depression - she could really go backwards."

"I know Mrs D, but…" he trailed off glumly.

There was a long pause. Sonia's eyes fell back to the tent at Blake's lap, seeing it twitch slightly against the sheet and noticing a patch of precum darkening the material at the tip of his manhood. God it looked big, she thought to herself. 

The next thing Sonia knew, she was speaking again, but it almost felt like it was someone else in control and she was simply viewing from the outside.

"You know," she said, her voice dropping to barely above a whisper as she rested her hand lightly on Blake's thigh, "we might be able to work something out…"

Blake looked at her, honestly confused.

"What do you…" he started, but Sonia cut him off.

"I don't want you to break up with Hayley," she started. "At least for a while, that is. Not until she's been well for longer." She paused here, smiling a little. "But I also really don't want you to go unsatisfied."

Sonia found herself licking her lips gently, watching as Blake's eyes flicked down to them and back up to her eyes, wide-eyed realisation dawning across his handsome features.

He opened his mouth to speak, but Sonia cut him off once more, part of her not wanting to give him any excuse to argue, no matter how honourable that would be.

"If I keep you satisfied," she whispered, "will you stay with Hayley?"

Even as she said it, she couldn't believe her own words. What on earth was going through her mind? She should backtrack… Apologise and get the hell out of there. Yes, she would simply apologise profusely, saying she didn't know what had come over her, and get back to bed. She could snuggle with her husband until the alarm went off, pretending this had never happened. 

As she opened her mouth to speak, though, Blake slowly nodded his head. Croakily, his throat suddenly dry, he managed a weak "Deal". At the same time, his hand took the sheet and pulled it away to the side. It was like the prize being revealed in a game show. As Sonia's hand was on the sheet, it too got pulled across Blake's lap. As though in slow motion, they both watched as her hand fell into Blake's lap. Instinctively, Sonia's outstretched hand grasped the thick meat of his rock-hard shaft sticking up through the fly in his boxer shorts.

It was hard to tell who was more shocked, as both of them gasped simultaneously. Blake at the sudden contact. Sonia at the sheer size of the manhood now throbbing in her hand.  For one thing, her fingers didn't quite reach each other around the shaft. What's more, she would probably need four hands to cover it from base to tip. She let out an astonished laugh, giving it a squeeze and marvelling at just how hard it was. You could probably break a bamboo cane around this thing, she thought.

"Is it… ok?" Blake asked, sounding suddenly insecure.  

Looking up into his face, Sonia smiled reassuringly.

"Oh honey," she breathed, it's perfect. I can understand why Hayley might not be able to handle this very often though," she chuckled, looking back down at the pole dwarfing her hand. "She'll get used to it,  though."

In her head, Sonia added,  And until then,  I'm more than happy to help. 

Slowly starting to ease her hand up and down Blake's enormous member, Sonia lent forward, kissing his chest a few times before flicking her tongue over a nipple.

"Ok," she purred,  looking up into his face, her eyes taking a lusty half-closed expression. "You're in charge… What do you need from me to be satisfied?"

With this, she raised an eyebrow. She knew from experience that for a young guy like Blake who had so far mostly experienced sexual frustration, this would likely blow his mind. His resulting expression, a mixture of shock and awe, confirmed this.

For a few moments Sonia thought that Blake was going to say nothing, stunned as he was, but finally he croaked out a timid, "Would you be able to suck me?"

Sonia grinned up slyly, then, her eyebrow raised again, whispering,  "It doesn't sound like you're in charge…"

Blake looked back at her, nervous and confused.

"You're in charge," she stated, grinning a little, "Don't ask me… Tell me what you need."

Blake stared for a moment. Clearing his throat, he swallowed. Taking a deep breath, he placing his hand lightly on her head,  pressed down gently but insistently.  

"Suck me… suck my dick" he intoned in a deep growl.

This was all Sonia needed, and she let out a satisfied sigh as she allowed Blake to use the strength of his hand to push her down towards his raging manhood, putting up only token resistance. She could feel the dull ache in her abdomen starting to thrum again, as though there were a bass beat too low for her hearing coming from a speaker at the floor. Wave after wave of slow yet insistent rhythmic vibrations pulsed through her stomach and down into her pussy and she felt the familiar sensation of her juices starting to flow. 

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Opening her mouth just a little, she inhaled Blake's musky scent as he pushed the head between her lips, forcing her jaw to open. Feeling the tight skin of his glans push against her tongue, Sonia closed her lips around the thick shaft, just below the ridge of the head, and sucked gently. This made Blake exhale sharply and the full length of his big cock twitched in her mouth, the sharp tang of precum hitting Sonia's tastebuds and causing her to moan softly around the giant mushroom head in her mouth. 

Blake continued to push on the back of her head, simultaneously lifting his hips to meet her, and she felt the thick, blunt head force her tongue down to the base of her mouth as it pushed its way in. Feeling it bump up against the back of her throat, Sonia fought her gag reflex, only just succeeding. Again she moaned, spurring Blake on to place a second hand on her head. Lacing the fingers of both hands into her tousled hair, he pulled her back up off his hardon so just the head remained. It had been a long time since someone had taken charge of her mouth like this. On the odd occasion that she went down on Tom, he would let her set the pace. This was fine. She was good at it, and they both loved it, but there was something about the brutish insistence with which Blake was using her mouth that made her really fucking wet. 

Blake paused for a moment, holding her head firmly with only his glans in her mouth, looking down at her and seeming to revel in the view. She took the opportunity to swirl her tongue around his swollen head, hungrily licking and slurping as she looked up at him sideways, up over his rippling torso to his handsome features, as if to ask what he needed from her.

"I want to fuck your pretty face," was all Blake growled out. 

The greater level of command in his deep voice sent a pulse through her abdomen and pussy. Perhaps her view of him as shy and innocent hadn't given him enough credit. Perhaps there was another level to Blake that she hadn't yet seen.

Sonia felt her thighs squeeze together tightly and her hips squirm, desperate for stimulation as she felt Blake's strong hands, fingers still laced through her hair, push her down again. She did her best to apply suction and lap at as much of his cock as she could with her tongue. Blake wasn't playing games now, though, barely pausing. Soon, he was his fat meat in and out of Sonia's mouth, grunting almost aggressively each time he forced her down onto him, his cock pushing hard against the back of her throat. For her part, Sonia found herself sucking harder and harder and moaning around him, the wetness between her legs a constant cry for attention. 

Almost without realising, she found her hand snaking down between her legs where she knelt on the couch next to Blake, even as her other hand massaged his big balls, resuming the pleasure she had started what felt like hours earlier. Now she was really wet, though, and she automatically slid two fingers up into her tightness, feeling it grip her deliciously, having been starved for so many months. She moaned deeper, shuffling her knees wide and rocking her hips back and forth as she began to finger-fuck herself in time to Blake fucking her face.

Blake noticed this, withdrawing one hand from the back of her head and reaching out to squeeze her backside even as his remaining hand continued to pump her head up and down.

Suddenly Blake stopped, seeming to consider something as he held Sonia's head down on his throbbing cock. She glanced up at him sideways, questioning.

He appeared to make a decision, reaching down under her and taking her wrist. He pulled her hand out from inside her panties, her fingers slipping out and leaving her hole desperately squeezing and quivering where they had just been.

Sonia let out a frantic whimper, looking up at him imploringly. He simply looked down at her, holding her wrist.

"Who's in charge?" he asked, a somewhat stern edge entering his voice.

Sonia was taken aback. Moments earlier, she had basically had to coax him to say what he wanted froom her. Now here seemed to be a totally different man emerging - a man who knew what he wanted and was going to take it. This sent an unexpected shiver through Sonia - a shiver of both fear and excitement.

"Who is in charge?" he repeated, this time removing the hand from the back of her head to allow her to speak. Before doing so, though, she couldn't help herself from bobbing up and down a few times, sucking and slurping greedily, something about this new side of Blake making her want to please him.

After a few seconds, she lifted her mouth from him, sucking the head one last time. She looked up sheepishly and whimpered, "You… you're in charge."

Blake grinned down at her, brushing a few strands of hair from her face and nodding.

"Take off your robe and panties," he commanded calmly, all traces of nerves gone from the boy. All traces of the boy seemingly gone.

Sonia hesitated only a moment, the man before her exuding authority. Standing before him, she undid the tie on her robe, letting it fall to the floor behind her. She then peeled her damp panties down her legs and stepped out of them. Standing again, she watched Blake look her up and down, appraising her fully nude body. Sonia had never felt more naked than under his cool gaze, amplifying that same mix of fear and excitement. To her shock, she found her legs shaking slightly despite the relatively mild air temperature. She found herself self-consciously covering her breasts with her arms, but Blake simply gave a sly smile and shook his head, to which her arms dropped to her sides, her nipples seeming to stiffen under his gaze. They weren't just words - he really was in charge, she realised.

Slowly, Blake stood, towering over Sonia's petite frame as he removed his boxer shorts and threw them to the side. Looking up at him, Sonia felt a dribble of juices run down her inner thigh, making her whimper softly. Walking around to stand behind her, he leant down, brushing her hair away from her ear.

"I think we'll both enjoy this," he whispered.

With that, Blake took Sonia by the hips, lifting her as though she were a doll, stepping forward and placing her on the couch on her knees. Keeping one hand on her hip, he pushed her upper back forward so that she had to catch herself with her hands on the back of the couch. 

Stepping back, Blake surveyed her, once again filling her with that fearful yet exciting sense of vulnerability. Like prey being stalked. She couldn't see him, her quivering body frozen, making it feel impossible to turn her head and look, but she could feel his eyes boring into her. Suddenly she felt calloused hands on her ass cheeks, and heard the quiet groan of floorboards as he apparently dropped to his knees. His hands gripped her fleshy cheeks and peeled them apart, evidently to allow him to inspect her holes. Involuntarily, she whimpered again, feeling her hot breath coming almost in pants, as the seconds stretched out, her juices flowing freely from this intensely erotic tableau, her asshole winking rhythmically.

Suddenly, Sonia felt Blake's weight shift behind her and the sudden stimulation of his tongue on her. She yelped, unable to stop herself, feeling Blake's warm, soft tongue eagerly exploring the folds of her cunt. Her knees felt instantly weak as the pleasure snaked up through her body and into her lust-addled brain. This went on for a minute or so, Sonia managing to keep her moaning and whimpering as quiet as possible. Occasionally, the tip of Blake's tongue would flick against her clit, sending a sudden jolt through her, causing her breath to catch in her throat. Blake would then resume the exploration of her soft folds. 

Gradually, Sonia felt Blake's tongue exploring further and further from her clit, slipping into her hole before flicking down and swirling momentarily around her puckered anus. She hadn't previously done much ass play. Tom wasn't into it at all, and she had only ever let one guy fuck her 'forbidden hole', as he'd called it, albeit fairly briefly and with a smaller than average appendage. Never before had she had it licked, though, and there was something exciting about it. Something intensely erotic. Blake's sequence of pussy, clit, pussy, ass started to find a certain rhythm, and Sonia became distantly aware that each time he reached her asshole she would push back, panting. It wasn't that the rest didn't feel good, but something about having her ass licked felt so damn naughty.

More and more, Sonia found herself imagining Blake's tongue probing into that tight little hole, and she realised that she was pushing back desperately now whenever he swirled his tongue there, her panting becoming pleading whimpers. The next time he reached her ass, she felt a pressure there, even as his tongue continued to explore. Confused by this new sensation, but spurred on nonetheless, she pushed back a little harder, hearing herself whimper out a desperate, "Please…".

At this, she felt the pressure increase, realising now that she could feel Blake's palm resting over her ass crack, fingers on her tailbone. She realised with a nervous thrill that it was Blake's thumb pushing against her tight hole. With a desperate groan, she met the increased pressure by pushing back again, finally feeling her sphincter relax and the tip of Blake's thick thumb push into her ass up to the first knuckle.

Panting, Sonia let out a low groan, feeling her knees weaken at this strange but intense feeling, her pussy seeming to gush its approval. Blake continued to lap at her pussy and clit, keeping his thumb firmly embedded in her ass. Slowly, she felt the pressure increase again, her ass fighting it for a few moments before she once again rocked back with an animal growl, the tight ring of muscle relaxing.

This went on for 10 minutes or so, and Sonia was amazed to find sweat pouring down her face from the intensity of it. Suddenly, Blake stood, keeping his thumb slowly pushing in and out of her ass. Unsure what was happening, but knowing she had no more say in the matter than did the couch, Sonia held her breath, her whole body quivering in anticipation.Slowly, he withdrew his thumb and she felt herself push back, disappointed.

"Stay," he stated simply, silently leaving the room. He was gone only a minute or so, but it felt forever to Sonia, kneeling on the couch and facing the staircase down which the whole family would be coming in - she glanced at the clock - 45 minutes or so.

Finally Blake returned holding a small tub - vaseline. Standing behind her again, she heard him unscrew the lid.

"Tell me again who's in charge," he prompted Sonia, his voice quiet but commanding.

"You are," she replied without hesitation, a little quaver in her voice betraying her nerves as she blushed.

"And what am I in charge of?" he prompted.

Sonia blushed deeper, hesitating a moment before responding timidly, "Me."

"And what does that include?" Blake went on. 

His commanding presence made her clit tingle. Her pussy ache. Her asshole twitch.

This time she paused slightly longer, and before she could respond, she felt the sharp sting of Blake's hand across her backside, making her yelp.

"What does that include?" he repeated.

"Ev… Everything," she stammered. Worried about being punished further, she quickly added, "My mouth. My pussy," then after another brief pause, "my ass".

Saying this made her blush with shame, but along with the shame was a deep yearning to be dominated by this man.

"That's right," he replied simply, reaching around her and finding her clit with the fingers of one hand while the other held his cock steady. The head, now liberally coated with vaseline, pushed firmly against the entrance to her ass.

The fingers at Sonia's clit started to slowly circle the hard little nub, making her once again moan softly, while the head of his cock pressed slowly against her before rocking back, and then repeating. Once again, just like with Blake's tongue and then thumb, Sonia found herself pushing her ass back, whimpering softly. Gradually, as with his thumb, she felt her sphincter start to relax.

At this point, Blake spoke. 

"Tell me what you want," he commanded in a deep, gravelly voice.

Sonia found herself responding automatically, without thinking.

"I want you to fuck my ass," she whimpered, pushing back harder as she said it.

"I can tell," Blake chuckled, dryly, adding, "Ask me."

Sonia moaned at this, finding herself pushing back harder still. She could feel that she was close to opening to Blake's massive cock, and although the thought scared the shit out of her, she was desperate for it all the same.

"Please," she pleaded, "Please fuck my ass." 

With that, Sonia pushed back hard, gritting her teeth. Blake followed suit, pushing his hips forward powerfully. A moment later, her tight ring gave and the golf-ball sized head of his cock slipped suddenly into her ass. Her sphincter gripped it his thickness as Sonia gasped and panted. Holding it in place, Blake's fingers once more teased at Sonia's swollen clit, pinching and pulling it lightly. His other hand no longer needed to guide his cock, he reached up and found a nipple, pinching gently. Sonia whimpered desperately. After half a minute of this, Blake felt Sonia start to relax again, her gasping slowly returning to whimpers as she gently rocked back.

 "Ask me again," Blake prompted, his fingers continuing their assault on her sensitive clit, and now alternating between both nipples.

"Nnnnnhhhh," Sonia groaned through gritted teeth, pushing back once more. "Please fuck my ass!"

Without warning, Blake pushed forward, another couple of inches disappearing into Sonia's tight backdoor. It was all she could do to stop herself from crying out, both from pain and pleasure. She felt her knees buckle, held up only by Blake's strong arms and hands. 

This time, rather than simply holding himself inside her, Blake started to rock her back and forth onto him, eliciting a mixture of groans and whimpers. She was sweating profusely, and not just from her face. Her chest glistened with a sheen of sweat, as did her back. 

"Tell me again what I'm in charge of…" Blake growled, almost menacingly.

Sonia whimpered at the commanding presence in his voice. 

"Everything," she whimpered, her head now hanging, eyes shut tight from the intensity. "My mouth," she rasped out. "My pussy, my ass… all of me… You own my body."

With that, Blake took the hand from her clit, bringing it up to her mouth and pushing three fingers in roughly, making Sonia moan around them and suck greedily. With the hand on her breasts, he lowered it to her pussy. Instead of finding her clit again, however, he simply pushed three of his long, thick fingers up into her, the sudden intrusion making her buck hard against his hand, her moan getting hoarse and more desperate. 

'"You want me to fuck you properly now?" he asked with a quiet confidence.

Sonia simply nodded, a desperate gurgle from her throat the only sound she seemed to be able to make.

From that moment, Sonia's mind seemed to implode. She felt the rest of Blake's huge cock thrust up into her at the same time as his fingers started a frenzied pumping, in and out of her frothing pussy, over and over. The fingers in her mouth pushed in roughly, the scent of her cunt infiltrating her nostrils. Once again Blake withdrew his cock, thrusting in again. She had never felt so full in her life. Suddenly, she realised that the orgasm that she was teetering on the precipice of for much of the past hour was about to crash over her. Lacking all control, she let out a series of guttural grunts, the most animal sound she had ever heard from a person, her body spasming from head to foot. Her pussy gushed, squirting around Blake's pistoning fingers and over the couch, just as her ass clenched down on the massive organ impaling it over and over. This sent Blake over the edge, and with a series of grunts of his own, he emptied the contents of his swinging balls deep into Sonia's ass.

He held himself in her for a few moments, savouring it, before withdrawing his cock with a slurping sound and removed his fingers from Sonia's mouth and pussy, He let her fall forwards onto the couch, her ass pointing up towards him. He admired the gaping hole for a moment, watching it continue to clench and release, dollops of his thick white seed gushing out and down, between and over the ravaged folds of her cunt. Playfully, he gave her ass a firm slap, eliciting a giggle.

"Now I'm satisfied," he grinned as she turned her head and looked up at him starry-eyed - a look of wide-eyed amazement at what had just happened.

"Me too," she admitted, as much to herself as to him, as she caught her breath.

"Now for a shower," Blake said brightly, glancing at the clock as he pulled on his boxer shorts before making his way quietly through the house. It was 6:45.

Sonia, alone in the room, gingerly pulled on her own panties, trying not to allow any of Blake's cum to spill onto the couch or carpet. She then pulled her robe on, tying it at the front. On shaky legs, she walked slowly into the kitchen, checking that Baby Jake was still asleep. Miraculously,  he was. Quietly, she opened the door to the toilet adjoining the kitchen and slipped inside. Sitting on the seat, she cleaned up her swollen pussy and raw ass as much as possible, wincing at how sensitive the whole area was. She was going to be sore for at least a few days. Bizarrely,  though,  she felt like she could masturbate some more,  even now. 

Standing at the small sink, she washed her hands and face, looking in the mirror as she did so. Somehow she didn't recognise herself. The woman who looked back at her as she tied her hair up wasn't the same Sonia who came downstairs to feed her baby a couple of hours earlier. This Sonia lost all control in the presence of a dominant younger man.  This Sonia pleaded to have her ass fucked. This Sonia gave over her body completely,  ultimately being rewarded with the biggest full-body orgasm she had ever experienced. She knew she should feel shame for this new Sonia, but looking at that face in the mirror, she found herself grinning slyly.     

"Now I'm satisfied," she whispered to herself.

Written by johnnyflotsam
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