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Fixed Wright Up

"A bent tent pole has her screen tent sagging. His pole certainly isn't sagging, though."

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Tasha opened the door of her camper trailer and took a deep breath of the morning air. Dappled sunlight filtered through the trees to fall on her nude body, and she shivered from a still-crisp breeze. She covered her stiffening nipples for a moment, pushed her long dark locks off her shoulders, and then made her way down the steps to the screen tent. It wouldn’t be long before the mosquitos took note of her presence, and she wanted to be safely inside before that happened.

The magnets on the tent flap snapped together behind her, and she headed straight for the plastic tub below the picnic table. It took only a couple of minutes to retrieve the coffee maker from the tub, plug it into an extension cord running from the trailer, and get the coffee brewing.

The pot was only half full when the door of the larger camper next to her opened and her friend Cynthia stepped out. The blonde had been the one to suggest the nudist camp a couple of years earlier. She’d been pursuing a man, of course. Though that didn’t work out, after a couple of nervous days, both women had discovered that the lifestyle agreed with them – to some extent.

The regulars were largely purists who refused to acknowledge any connection between nudity and sexuality. Tasha and Cynthia both thought that was ridiculous, and thus they didn’t have many friends in the camp. The few friends they had and the freedom to cast away their clothing kept them coming back for more.

Cynthia yawned, stretched, and then came to join Tasha in the tent before the local bloodsuckers could reach her. “Morning,” she said with a glance at the coffee pot.

“Morning. Almost done,” Tasha responded.

Cynthia clapped her hands together and rubbed them in a gesture of eagerness. “Need to make sure we’re good and awake. They should start showing up any time now.”

Tasha smiled and nodded. Today was Nude Day, and it had become one of the pair’s favorite days of the year. A decade earlier, a tradition of coming to the camp on Nude Day had started at the local college. The regulars hated it, but had to tolerate the intrusion of all the young, tight bodies because the one-day entrance fee they paid and the money they spent at the vendors was what put the camp in the black every year. It kept the annual fees everyone else paid low, so they endured the frolicking college students.

Tasha and Cynthia were looking forward to the parade of young naked studs. They’d both made sure to put brand new batteries in their vibrators in anticipation. In their early forties and divorced, it was a rare chance for the two friends to see such fine specimens up close and personal. Neither harbored any illusions about doing more than looking, as just as many tight young coeds showed up as men. But look they would, with great enthusiasm.

“I wonder if he’ll show up this year,” Cynthia mused while picking up her coffee cup, having seen the coffee maker finish.

Tasha didn’t need any more clarification than that. There was only one person she could possibly be talking about. They hadn’t even managed to overhear his name, and he’d been kicked out after only a couple of hours for lewd displays, but he had made a lasting impression on them both. A handsome face with a square jaw, the muscular body of a football player, and one of the biggest cocks either of them had ever seen, made him quite memorable indeed.

The mental image of him had given Tasha’s vibrator a workout for a couple of weeks after his brief visit to the camp.

“We can hope,” Tasha said while she went to fill her own cup.

The blonde added, “And hope he doesn’t get kicked out so soon this year.”

The two friends shared a laugh and then chatted while the sun climbed and the camp awakened. They had finished breakfast and the pot of coffee when the sound of silvery laughter heralded the beginning of the festivities. Shortly thereafter, a group of five young girls strutted down the road in front of the campers. The women were tossing glances behind them and giggling as they walked. Sure enough, a group of naked men walking at a brisk pace appeared shortly after the coeds had vanished.

None were remarkable, but they were young, reasonably fit, naked, and sporting erections that bounced as they walked. The two friends both let out quiet, simultaneous moans.

“I think it’s that time,” Cynthia said while rising from her chair.

Tasha nodded and said, “Uh huh.”

The pair slathered on insect-repelling sunscreen, and made their way down to the beach by the lake.


Tasha and Cynthia chuckled under their breath as they watched the dripping couple be escorted out of the camp. They weren’t the first, and likely wouldn’t be the last, but they were certainly the most blatant. Tasha could barely believe her eyes when she saw the young woman riding the man’s cock with only the barest attempt at subterfuge as she clung to him out in the lake.

“Do you think they’ll make it out of the parking lot before they go back at it?” Cynthia asked as she turned toward their campers.

“I don’t think Hank is going to take his eyes off them until they’re out the gate.”

“Probably not. Can’t say as I blame her. He’s yummy.”

Tasha moaned, “Mmm hmm,” in agreement. The young man was certainly a candidate to fill her fantasies when she pulled out her vibrator that evening. Her nipples were still stiff and she knew she was soaking wet from ogling all the young male skin on the beach for the last few hours.

She was hungry for far more than the sandwiches they’d come back to make.

“Let’s hurry up and eat,” Cynthia suggested. “The eye-candy is already thinning out.”

Tasha looked up between the boughs at the sky. There was darkness on the horizon, and already a few gray clouds drifting overhead. “Not sure how long the weather is going to hold out, either.”

“Well, it’s not supposed to rain. If it just clouds up, it will cool things off, and maybe they’ll hang around longer.”

“Ever the optimist,” Tasha said.

The blonde twitched her eyebrows as she split off to go to her camper. “If I was being optimistic, I’d be talking about which one I was taking to bed with me tonight.”

Tasha shook her head and chuckled as she continued to her camper. She retrieved the French bread and tomato that would be her contribution to lunch, and brought them out to the tent. The two ate and watched a regular parade of college students – most now coupled rather than in groups – walking past on their way to the parking lot.

They were on the verge of returning to the beach when Cynthia’s phone went off. She retrieved it from the bag she had slung over her shoulder, checked the display, and answered it.

Tasha knew it wasn’t good when she saw the blonde’s brow furrow shortly after she started talking to her daughter. Cynthia ended the call with, “Sit tight. I’ll be there in a half hour or so. Bye.”

“Is Annie okay?” Tasha asked once her friend put down the phone.

“Sort of. She got in a fight with her boyfriend and stormed out without her key to the house. She sounds more mad than hurt, but I won’t know for sure until I get there to let her in. I guess I’ll go grab some clothes. I’ll leave you the key to the camper so you can take a shower later – in case I don’t make it back tonight.”

“Okay. Good luck.”

Cynthia sighed. “I’m probably going to need it.”

Tasha saw her friend off, and briefly flirted with the idea of returning to the beach. The truth was that without Cynthia there to whisper to, the idea was far less appealing. She also didn’t trust the darkening sky. In the end, she decided to relax with a book and a glass of wine.

The clouds rolled in, but they didn’t open up. The mesh of the tent did a good job of blunting the stiff – but not too chilly – wind that came with the clouds. Above, in the canopy, the wind seemed to be much stronger. The leaves and limbs were bending and whipping.

Despite the lack of rain, the ominous looking clouds had proved enough to discourage the visitors. The previous trickle of couples became an exodus of naked college students hurrying toward the parking lot. Tasha was glad she hadn’t wasted a trip down to the beach. She was wondering whether she should start taking things into the campers when a cracking sound caught her attention. She looked up, though there was nothing to see through the solid roof above, and heard a much louder crack. It was immediately followed by the sound of something crashing through the trees.

Tasha screamed when the limb landed on the ground next to the tent, on top of one of the ropes, and jerked the entire structure toward it.

It took her a minute to calm her racing heart and catch her breath. The tent was leaning dramatically toward the downed limb, threatening to pull up the stakes on the other side and collapse atop her head. Tasha exited the tent and walked over to the branch. It wasn’t huge, but she knew it was going to prove a challenge to move it by herself.

After a couple of experiments trying to lift the limb, she settled on tugging on the tips of the larger branches to rotate the whole thing on its broken end. It was hardly a perfect solution, but it was enough to free up the rope, allowing the tent to partially straighten.

Tasha walked around the tent, securing the stakes, and then frowned when she saw that the roof was still sagging and crooked. A quick look inside revealed why. One of the aluminum poles supporting the roof was severely bent.

That’s just great, she thought as a breeze caused the tent to shudder alarmingly. She shook her head and bent over to pick up the book she’d dropped when the falling limb scared her.

“Need some help?” a voice asked as she stood up straight.

Tasha turned around and her eyes went wide when she recognized a young man who had once been her paperboy.

Boy was the last word she would use to describe the man standing in front of her. His face was the one she recognized, but everything else had changed dramatically. Lean muscle adorned every inch of his nude body. What was dangling between his legs most certainly screamed man. It was every bit as impressive as the one from the previous year that had so inspired her arousal.

While she was still trying to process the changes in him, recognition dawned in his eyes. “Oh, hey Mrs. Wright. So, you’re a nudist?”

Tasha summoned up every ounce of self-control she had and the experience she’d gained in a couple of years of coming to the camp to appear nonchalant. “Oh, hello, Tommy. I’ve been coming here for a couple of years now. It’s Miss, though. I’m divorced. You can call me Tasha, though.”

“Yeah, I’m going by Tom now,” he said as he approached. “Tasha it is. Looks like you could use a hand.”

Your hand isn’t exactly the appendage I need.

Tasha ignored the naughty thought that had sprung up in her head, forced herself to maintain eye contact, and said, “I do. I’m at a loss. That limb is too heavy for me to move, and one of the tent poles is bent.”

“Let me get that limb out of the way, and then I’ll see what I can do about the tent.”

“Thank you.”

He waved his hand in a dismissive gesture and said, “No problem.”

Tasha couldn’t keep her eyes from dropping to his tight butt as he walked over to the limb. She nearly wasn’t able to suppress the moan trying to rumble in her throat when he bent over and picked it up by the heavy end in a bunching of muscles. He easily carried the branch a good distance beyond the camper, toward the thicker woods, and then heaved it into the undergrowth.

He dusted off his hands as he returned with his cock swinging. “Let me have a look at that pole.”

Tasha’s cheeks warmed because she’d been checking out his pole, and the words hit rather close to home.

She managed to keep it together and opened the flap of the tent to invite him in. He nodded as he walked past her, and she couldn’t help but notice that his eyes seemed to linger on her breasts for a fraction of a second.

I’m naked. Of course he’s going to look, she rationalized. It doesn’t mean anything.

He looked up and didn’t need any guidance to see the problem. “Yeah, that’s pretty bad. It’s bent bad enough that if it wobbles around, it might break. The way the poles go together, the whole thing might collapse.”

“Do you think you can fix it?” she asked.

“I might have an idea that will work until you can replace the pole. Think I have the stuff in the car.” He looked around, spotted the cooler, and said, “Perfect. We’ll both need something to stand on. I’ve got a cooler in the trunk too, but I think I’ll need you to hold things steady while I work on it.”

Tasha nodded and gave a little shrug. “If you can fix it, I’ll be glad to help.”

He pointed a thumb over his shoulder and said, “I’ll go get the stuff from my car. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

He smiled and said, “No worries. Glad to help.” With that, he exited the tent and headed back toward the road.

As soon as he passed out of sight, Tasha blew out a long breath, shivered, and clenched her intimate muscles to calm the tingling between her legs. Without a doubt, Tommy had just beaten out all contenders for the lead in her fantasies. She knew Cynthia was going to eat this story up when she returned.

Three-quarters of her second glass of wine remained, so she took advantage of it. It was hard to get the image of his young, naked body out of her head. She knew she was going to have to stay in control when he returned, and she hoped a little liquid courage would help with that. After finishing the glass, she considered pouring another, but decided that might push over the line from courage to impulsiveness, which was the exact opposite of what she was going for. Drinking wine when he returned would also send the wrong message.

Or rather, would send a message she doubted he would be receptive to.

That decided, she peeked at her phone and saw that fifteen minutes had passed while she drank and mused. Unless he was really dallying, it didn’t take anywhere near that long to walk to the parking lot and back. She was beginning to wonder if he was going to return when he appeared on the road carrying a cooler.

“Sorry that took so long,” he said as he approached, “But it was worth it. There was an old antenna out by the office, so I asked if I could use a few of the tines. Aluminum will work a lot better than wood, which is what I was planning on.”

“No need to apologize. You’re helping me out, after all.”

He shrugged. “Hoping to, anyway. This should work, but I won’t know until I try it.”

“Just let me know what you need me to do,” she said as she opened the tent flap for him.

Tom sat the cooler down on the ground and removed a fistful of zip ties from it. The tines broken off the antenna followed. He then looked up and positioned his cooler under the spot beneath the nearly broken tent pole.

“Just need to get your cooler in place, and we can get started,” he said as he walked over to grab it.

The second cooler found a home only a foot or so away from his.

“Okay,” he said, and then pointed at where all the poles met. “What I need you to do is hold those up straight for me. Your cooler is full, so it should be pretty stable as long as you’re careful. I think you can reach it, but give it a try.”

Tasha put a foot on the cooler, and then accepted the steadying hand he offered before stepping atop it with the other foot. An electric tingle ran all through her from his touch. As soon as she was atop the cooler, it dawned on her that her sex was at a level just below his chest with him standing on the ground. She tried not to think about it and pushed up on the tent poles where he’d indicated. That served to lift her breasts, putting her in a pose that brought color to her cheeks.

“Push up just a bit more,” he said as he climbed onto his cooler. When she followed that instruction, he said, “Perfect,” put the zip ties in his mouth, and reached toward the bend with the aluminum tines in hand.

Tasha was keenly aware of how close she was to him as she stood in the provocative pose. When she glanced his way, the sight of his muscles working set off a natural – and powerful – reaction. Somehow, she managed not to shiver, and directed her gaze straight up at their hands.

Tom straightened the bent pole, and then arranged the four pieces of aluminum around it. He held them in place with one hand, and then dexterously fed one of the zip ties around the whole thing. After pulling it tight, he repeated the process with a second on the opposite side of the bend. With that secured, he quickly added a half dozen more.

“Okay, now let go,” he said.

Tasha let out a sigh of relief when she dropped her arms, which were beginning to ache. Nothing budged when she let go. Tom gave the tent a shake, and then a stronger one. The result was the same. The fix was holding.

“That should get you by for a while,” he said. “You can climb down.”

Tasha stepped off the cooler, and the temptation was too great to resist. She had to take a peek while his cock was just below eye level. When she glanced at his manhood, that plan went straight out the window. He was rock hard and even bigger erect than she’d assumed he would be. A gasp escaped her before she could even think about holding it back.

“Sorry about that,” he said as he stepped off his cooler.

She couldn’t think of a single thing to say. If he hadn’t stepped down from his perch so quickly, she wasn’t sure she could have even torn her eyes away from the sight of his erect organ.

He said, “I know it’s rude to get hard. They told us that when we came in, but I couldn’t help it.”

Tasha looked him in the eyes, still searching for something to say to cover her reaction to his hardness, and what she saw within his eyes further tied her tongue. There was an unmistakable hunger there. He maintained eye contact for a moment, and then blatantly looked her up and down before returning his gaze to hers.

A crooked smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. What she was thinking was just as obvious in her eyes.

Tom reached out and ran his fingertips from her shoulder down to her elbow. Tasha drew in a shuddering breath from his touch.

“Do you want to..?” He trailed off and nodded toward her camper.

Every tiny bit of inhibition drained out of her with those words. She let her own raging hunger flow into her eyes and said, “God, yes.”

His smile widened, and he quickly bent down to flip open the lid of his cooler. Out came a string of condoms.

“So, this was what you were after all along?” she said with mock seriousness that her coquettish grin completely belied.

“From the moment I saw you bent over from the road.”

Tasha shuddered and growled. She then said, “Hurry,” and headed out of the tent.

He was right behind her and grabbed her butt as they proceeded toward the trailer. “Damn, that ass,” he said, and then echoed her earlier growl. “Always wanted to see you naked.”

“Worth the wait?”

“Oh yeah.”

Tasha opened the door and climbed the steps. He was barely inside when he pulled it closed behind him, and it took him no longer to pull her into a kiss. Their lips met with desperate intensity and not even the slightest hint of affection. Pure lust was driving them both, and they had surrendered to it.

One of his hands gripped her butt, holding her tight against him. She could feel the condoms dangling from his fingers, and his cock throbbing against her. The other had slipped behind her head and into her hair. Her hands raked along his back, reveling in the feeling of his muscles.

When they finally broke from the kiss, Tom tossed the condoms onto the bed, which nearly filled the small camper. Tasha gasped in surprise when he once again gripped her ass in his now unencumbered hand and quickly turned her with her back facing the door. He leaned forward, pushing her against it, and then the fingers of his other hand raked through the trimmed curls around her sex.

“Love that you don’t shave,” he said in a husky voice.

“Then show me,” she answered right back.

A shuddering breath filled her lungs when he plunged two fingers into her saturated pussy. The digits curled inside her, and the heel of his hand pressed against her clit. At the same time, he leaned his head down, turned it sideways, and latched onto her nipple.

Sharp whimpers exploded from Tasha’s lips as he pumped his fingers, rolled her clit, and sucked her nipple hard. One of her hands snapped to the back of his head, holding him to her breast. The nails of the other raked his back when her fingers curled into claws from the pleasure he was giving her.

Her whimpers turned into groans and gasps when he picked up the pace of his fingers. Her back arched away from the door, though she was still firmly pinned by his muscular body. The powerful – almost frantic – way he was taking her only added to her pleasure.

As the first tickles of an approaching orgasm arose within her, he suddenly let her nipple go and jerked his fingers out of her needy canal. A sound that was half a growl and half a whimper escaped her when he left her hanging. He straightened, and then lifted his slick fingers to her lips. Without a moment’s thought, she parted her lips and sucked them in.

“Do you taste good?” he asked.

“Mmm hmm,” she moaned around his fingers as she sucked them clean.

“Then I’ll have to see for myself.”

“Oh god yes,” she exclaimed when he pulled his fingers out of her mouth and dropped to his knees.

Tom grabbed her left leg and lifted it, bending it at the knee. Then he draped it over his shoulder and dived in. Tasha’s hands settled on the back of his head, twining into his hair when his tongue went to work.

A steady stream of inarticulate sounds tumbled from her lips, arising unbidden and uncontrolled as his tongue danced over her. It had been forever since anyone had licked her with such fervor and skill – and never standing up. That was a first that was turning her on even more. Despite his submissive position, he was still firmly in control, holding her against the door.

At first, the pleasure was too sharp – too overwhelming.

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All she could do was hold onto his head and be devoured. Slowly but surely, the tickle behind her mound that he’d already started with his fingers reasserted itself. After that, it swelled quickly.

Her pleasure mounting, Tasha cried out, “Oh god!” A moment later, he pulled away for a fraction of a second to catch a breath and swallow. She pulled him back into the V of her legs, demanding, “Don’t stop.”

He growled and doubled down, sucking her clit hard.

Tasha clenched her teeth and held back the scream trying to escape her. She still had enough presence of mind – if just barely – to worry about the other people in the camp hearing her. The hot itch inside her spread and swelled with every flick of his tongue, slowly eroding her control.

Her whimpers and gasps grew louder as the bubble of orgasmic energy within her grew. Fingers and toes curled as she drew near the edge, digging her nails into his scalp. She remained on the cusp of oblivion until she thought she was going to burst, and then her orgasm ripped through her like a knife.

Fellow campers forgotten, she wailed in release.

Tasha screamed and gasped through the jolts of orgasm assaulting her. Standing on one leg and pinned against the door as she was, the throes trying to wrack her body only tightened her muscles and caused her to jerk spastically, banging her head against the door. Tom didn’t let up in the slightest. He growled into her climaxing pussy, the vibrations adding yet another dimension to the sweet agony.

It was too much. Her hands pushed on his head of their own volition, seeking a moment’s relief. A chill of panic joined the waves of orgasm crashing through her when his muscles bunched and he resisted, continuing to tongue her. For a few moments, she was nearly insensible from the stinging ecstasy. The moment she regained a hint of control over her body, she grabbed fistfuls of hair, and once again pushed him away. This time, he surrendered.

Tasha leaned against the door, panting for breath and quivering from the continued pulses of orgasmic energy. He shifted her leg off his shoulder, and her foot touched the floor, but only for a moment. She yelped in surprise when he put one strong hand under her butt, the other behind her back, and easily lifted her uncoordinated body.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, though he seemed to need no help in supporting her. She could see her wetness glistening on his lips, chin, and cheeks when he smiled at her. He turned, sidestepped along the side of the bed, and then lowered her to the mattress. She had barely settled before he climbed in after her, straddled her body, and lowered his lips to hers.

Tasha kissed him hard – or at least as hard as she could. She still hadn’t quite caught her breath. Once again, she tasted herself, and her tongue sought out the sticky wetness on his face. His erection tapped against her mound, and it wasn’t long before those brief touches made her want more. She stretched out a hand and wrapped it around his hard organ.

He groaned into the kiss as she marveled at how big he felt. His cock was also harder than any she’d touched in at least a decade – probably more. The sight of it and the flashes of fantasy it inspired were one thing. Having him atop her with his big cock so close to her sex was another. A nagging hint of worry about whether she could handle it bubbled up through her arousal.

Tom pushed himself up, away from her lips, and then straightened over his knees. She kept her hand wrapped around him as he knee-walked forward until his balls were resting just below her breasts.

Tasha stroked him and said, “You’re so hard.”

“You don’t know how hard it was to talk it down until I was sure you were looking and wanted it,” he said while letting the fingers of his right hand glide over her breast and nipple.

Still a little afraid of the imposing phallus, she asked, “Why me? There were all those girls your age, and they all had to want you.”

“Always had a thing for Milfs. Think you started that, actually. None of them had tits like yours, either. I like a woman who knows what she’s doing, and knows what she wants.”

Those words and the look in his eyes made her want something – desperately. She hadn’t yet summoned up the courage for it, though. Instead, she gently tugged on his cock. He responded by scooting forward. Once he was in position, she let him go and enfolded him in the warm nest of her breasts.

“Ah, fuck yeah,” he said in a deep, husky voice. “Love those tits.”

Tasha looked up at him while she rubbed and squeezed his cock with her breasts. She reveled in his grunts and the pleasure she could see in his expression. Her arousal built, and the intimidation of his large cock faded.

“I want to fuck those tits,” he said after a half minute or so.

Tasha nodded, and he shifted his position slightly. She squeezed the globes around him, and he pumped his hips. The swollen head poked out from between her breasts, revealing a drop of pre-cum in the slit, and more smeared over his glans. He started out slow, but it didn’t last long. Soon enough, he was truly fucking her tits. It was far from comfortable without lube, but her excitement dulled the discomfort. The bed creaked from his thrusts, joining the sound of her rapid breathing and his quiet growls.

As his thrusts grew increasingly enthusiastic, more of the thick shaft poked out. Tasha experimentally snaked out her tongue and found that she could reach his cock. She could taste the pre-cum, and he let out a much louder growl from the slippery touch. Both served to send a rush of wetness flooding between her legs.

After a few more pumps of his hips and a few more licks, he asked, “Do you want to suck it?”

“Yes. Yes,” she answered.

He was moving as soon as she let go of her breasts. He lifted one leg, swung it over her, and settled in within easy reach of her mouth. Tasha traced his length and teased the head with the tip of her tongue. When a large drop of pre-cum welled up from her efforts, she didn’t let it escape.

“Yeah, suck it,” he said as she took him between her lips.

The taste and his musky, manly scent gave her chills. She was sucking only a couple of inches of his cock, but it was stretching her lips and she could feel the beginning of an ache in her jaw almost immediately. The feeling of it throbbing against her tongue caused her to persevere, though. She sucked him slow, but hard, and he rewarded her with quick, strong breaths from between his teeth.

“So fucking good. You really know how to suck a dick,” he said.

Tasha moaned around him, and then took him a little deeper. He put a hand on the back of her head, but didn’t force himself on her. That didn’t change when she picked up the pace, either. He was staying in control, not gagging her with his big cock, which caused the last of her fears to evaporate.

The twin aches in her jaw and between her legs caused her to let him slip from between her lips.

“I want you,” she said in a breathy rush.

Tom turned around, his saliva-slick cock bobbing next to her face, and snatched up the string of condoms. He tore one free, and then moved toward the foot of the bed as he ripped open the package. Tasha bent her knees, parting her legs, and reached down to tease her folds as he rolled the latex over his erection. Once it was in place, he moved forward and she shifted her fingers to her hood. Rolling her clit in circles, she watched him push down on his cock and edge in the last couple of inches.

“Oh yes,” she gasped when the tip touched her need.

Tom rubbed the head up and down the part of her nether lips, coating it in her abundant wetness. Once, and then a second time, his cock stopped at the entrance of her canal, and she drew in a deep breath of anticipation. On the third, he pushed inside her.

Her breath escaped in an explosive yelp.

“Yeah, that’s tight,” he said as he rocked his hips, stroking little more than an inch of him inside her.

“So big. So fucking big,” she whimpered, knowing it was only the beginning.

“Yeah, baby. Oh yeah. Oh fuck yeah,” he said as he slowly stroked.

Groans and growls arose from her throat with every measured thrust. It was several seconds before she realized he was going ever-so-slightly deeper with each penetration, slowly opening her up. At some point, the hand between her legs had joined the other on the bed, and both were gripping the bedclothes tight. She was unbelievably full, and yet when she lifted her head to look, barely half of him was inside her.

“Oh god,” she squeaked when that realization hit her.

Tom paused with his thick cock stretching her, and let his thumb take over for the fingers that had abandoned her clit. Tasha’s mouth dropped open and she let out a series of hard pants from the stimulation. He knew what he was doing to a degree she hadn’t expected. The pressure and speed of his thumb varied – but never too soft, too hard, too slow, or too fast. It was as if he could read her mind and knew exactly what she needed to make her pleasure soar. All the while, he regarded her with a confident grin and his big cock throbbing inside her.

“Good?” he asked, though his expression said that he knew the answer.

Her reply emerged in a rushed breath, “So good.”

His thumb slipped down for a moment, and then returned slippery with her wetness. A tug of his index finger lifted her hood, exposing her button to his thumb. She moaned in response, the sound high-pitched and lingering. Chills ran all through her body as her pleasure spiked. Her back arched. Her fingers gripped the bedclothes even tighter.

Then she screamed when he pushed another couple of inches inside her.

“Ah, fuck yeah,” he said as he withdrew and then thrust back inside her.

Tasha cried out when he drove his cock home, and then gasped as he withdrew over and over again. A particularly shocked-sounding cry escaped her when she felt his balls tap against her and knew she had every incredible inch of him inside her. After that, the dangling orbs beat a tattoo against her skin with every thrust.

Despite his divided attention, he kept his thumb at work. Tasha found herself writhing and jerking the bedclothes as he picked up the pace and she rushed headlong toward oblivion.

“You gonna come?” he asked.

She was too far gone to do more than whimper in response.

Suddenly, he dropped forward onto his hands atop her – his hips still working – and said, “Come for me.”

He didn’t have to ask twice. The moment’s hesitation and change in stimulation as he switched position was the trigger that set her off. A weepy, strangled cry escaped her as electric jolts of orgasm ripped through her. The sound had barely faded when she yelped because he was still driving his cock home.

“Yeah, that’s it,” he growled.

After only a few thrusts, her body reacted in desperation, because her thoughts were an incoherent, roiling fog of ecstasy. Her feet snapped to his butt, and hands curled into claws to dig into his back. She pulled him against her with climax-fueled strength and wailed into his shoulder as he surrendered to her grip and froze with his big cock deep inside her. Every throb of his erection in her tightly clenched canal set off another wave of orgasm and another cry of release.

Ever so slowly, her orgasm waned into aftershocks. He pushed up on his arms above her when she let him go, but he mercifully didn’t start thrusting again. She looked up in near disbelief at the marvelous young specimen of manhood hovering above her as she settled down to earth.

Once she caught her breath, she smiled and said, “Oh, wow.”

He chuckled, dipped down for a quick kiss, and then asked, “Ready for more?”

Still twitching as she drifted into the afterglow of her orgasm, part of her silently, but decisively said, No. It was a small part, though. The sight of him and the feeling of his hard cock still buried inside her sparked alight a flame of desire that grew rapidly.

She nodded.

Tasha’s back arched, her eyes pinched closed, and she gasped when he popped up onto his knees, his cock sliding out of her. He was holding out a hand when her eyes opened, and she lifted her hand to take it. She sat up when he tugged, and then rose to her knees as well. He pulled her in, kissed her hard, and then gave her a sly smile. She followed along when the hand on her butt, and the one on her back guided her to turn around.

Tom slid his hand down her sides, a lecherous moan rumbling in his throat when they reached her ass. Tasha breathed heavily in anticipation when he edged closer and his hands slipped around her hips.

“Oh!” she cried when his hands suddenly cupped her breasts and he pulled her against him once more.

He kissed her neck while squeezing her breasts, further stoking her fires. She could feel his erection against her butt – rock hard and ready for more. She found out how ready when he leaned forward, forcing her to bend with him. He let her right breast go, and with surprising speed, guided his cock inside her.

Tasha groaned as he filled her in one smooth push. His fingers found her clit, and he squeezed her breast hard as he began to buck his hips. Her breath came in gasps and grunts as his big cock invaded her depths a second time.

He had impressed her with his thumb, and his fingers proved even more talented. With him matching anything she could have provided for herself, she pinched her free nipple and let him drive her crazy.

“You like it rough, don’t you?” he growled into her ear.

“Yes,” she answered in a breathy whisper.

“Want me to bend you over and fuck you until you scream like a banshee, don’t you?”


In a flash, his left hand was on her back, pushing her toward the bed. She stretched out her hands, and as they touched the mattress, he grabbed her hips. They both groaned as his cock sank balls deep inside her.

Tasha’s voice achieved a new, nearly ear-piercing pitch as she said, “Oh my fucking god!”

Tom held himself buried to the hilt for a moment, watching her tremble, and then thrust again. Air blasted out of Tasha’s wide open mouth at the same moment as his balls slapped against her, and then again a heartbeat later. He took her with strong, measured thrusts, opening her up to depths she hadn’t experienced in ages. To her amazement, it wasn’t long before the twinges of discomfort vanished beneath a sense of tremendous fullness.

“Yeah, so fucking good,” he said as he felt her resistance weaken. His next thrust was faster – harder – causing her breasts to jiggle from the impact. “You like that?”

“I love it.”

The slaps of their flesh colliding, his grunts of exertion, and her sounds of pleasure echoed loudly off the walls of the camper. Tasha reached back to rub her clit, but only managed a few strokes before she had to brace herself. Though she considered trying again, he was picking up the pace, pulling her back toward him, and she knew it was futile.

It was also unnecessary.

The oh-so-sweet fullness was growing warmer by the moment. Untouched, her clit tingled with chilly sparks. Her breasts – which were swinging to and fro, clapping together, and bouncing off her arms – felt hot and tight. Every slam of his cock increased the pressure.

“Yes! Like that! Like that! Don’t stop!” she cried as she moved toward an explosion.

“You gonna come?” he asked, his voice loud and strained.

Hearing the telltale signs of his mounting pleasure only pushed her higher. “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

“Yeah. Do it. Fucking come for me.”

“Fuck meee!” she screamed, trailing off into a screech as she reached the threshold of orgasm – and then succumbed. Tasha’s scream as she burst into climax warbled with every hard, fast thrust of his cock.

Tom let out an explosive growl when her walls clenched around him, but it barely slowed him. “Fuck yeah. Fuck yeah. Ah, shit, I’m close.”

She meant to say, “Give it to me,” but only managed to pronounce the first letter before the rest turned into another wail of vicious ecstasy.

His voice was loud, growling, and the words all ran together when he said, “Wanna come all over you. All over those fucking tits.”

This time, she didn’t have an opportunity to fail to respond. He jerked free of her, sending an even more powerful surge of beautiful agony rushing through her body. As she cried out, he pushed her over sideways, and then grabbed her legs to flip her on her back. Tasha thrashed and twitched, fully consumed in the throes of orgasm, and saw him tear off the condom through the strands of hair covering her eyes.

Tom took his cock in hand, stroked it once, and let out a roar that would have given a lion pause. Cum arched through the air, spattering on her cheek and in her hair. His next tug sent hot strands to land on her breasts. Three or four more spurts added to the splatters on her tits and striped her abdomen. One errant shot even hit her knee when they both jerked at the same time. The final dribbles decorated the curls on her mound and clung to the swollen head of his cock.

A gurgling growl escaped him as Tom sat down hard. He leaned on one arm, not having enough room to lie down as he fought for air. Tasha was in no better shape, still coming and twitching. She grabbed her right leg when it started quaking uncontrollably, but the tremor continued for several seconds before it calmed.

The minutes passed slowly as they caught their breath and endured the sweet suffering of the aftershocks. Tom was still groaning with his eyes closed and his head hanging limp when Tasha lifted her head to marvel at the amount of cum splattered all over her.

The hair between her legs and at the base of his shaft glistened with her juices, as did his softening cock. She was dribbling so much wetness that it almost felt as if he’d come inside her. As the warm, floating feeling of the afterglow settled over her, Tasha let her head fall back on the pillow and moaned in satisfaction.

She chuckled when Tom answered the sound with a pitiful sounding groan.

A short while later, he mumbled, “Holy shit,” and sat up straight. Tasha licked her lips, twitched her eyebrows, and offered a moaning chuckle.

“Damn, you made me come a lot,” he said as he admired his handiwork.

“Mmm hmm. Me too.”

“The moment you popped, it was like... Damn. That was it for me.”

“I loved watching you come,” Tasha said, but then fidgeted as a drop of said cum rolled down her side. “I think I need a shower now, though.”

“Want some company?”

She shivered at that thought, but said, “I don’t think that’s going to work. It’s pretty small.”

“We’ll just have to stand close.”

“I think it’s even smaller than that.” She pointed over at the small sink and said, “Hand me that towel, please.”

Though he barely had to move, Tom still groaned as he reached out and retrieved the towel. He handed it over, and Tasha started with the globs on her face before moving to those threatening to dribble onto the bed. Then she did the best she could to wipe up the rest, but the small hand towel was hardly up to the task. She balled it up and gave it a toss into the sink.

Suddenly alive with energy, she slid out of the bed, giving Tom a slap on the ass along the way. “Shower time,” she declared.

He blew out a hard breath and spun on his butt until he could put his feet on the floor to follow.

Though she didn’t see anyone outside, Tasha still felt deliciously wicked and wanton as she walked over to the tent to retrieve the key to Cynthia’s camper from the picnic table. Her hair was disheveled, a sticky sheen of cum still adorned her skin, and the curls between her legs stuck up in stiff spikes.

Tom asked, “Could you grab my phone out of the cooler while you’re in there?”

Tasha retrieved it and her bag, which contained her phone – as well as several other items she really shouldn’t have left out in the open. The way he admired her freshly-fucked look as she exited the tent inspired her to strut over to Cynthia’s camper with him close behind. She unlocked it, and they both went inside. Tasha opened the door to the bathroom.

He shrugged upon seeing the tiny shower and said, “Okay, you’re right. There’s no way we’re both getting in there. I guess I’ll just have to wait my turn.”

“I’ll try not to be long, but I have a pretty big mess to clean up.”

Tom chuckled as he sat down on the small couch, his eyes still roving over her body.

Thinking about how young and likely quick to recover he was, Tasha was almost certain this wouldn’t be her last shower of the day – or her last shower of hot young cum.

As she’d alluded to, it took a while to wash her hair and clean off all the evidence of their tryst. By the time she shut off the water, thinking about the potential of things to come meant that the water wasn’t the only source of wetness in the shower.

Tasha toweled dry, and then pushed open the door, making sure to strike a sexy pose as she did so.

Her cheeks turned bright red when she saw Cynthia leaning against the stove and grinning mischievously.

“I guess you weren’t lonely while I was gone,” the blonde said while blatantly checking out Tom. She then looked back and said, “No need for introductions, we already took care of that.”

Tasha shook her head, rolled her eyes, and fought down her embarrassment. She gestured toward the bathroom and said, “All yours.”

Tom stood up, and she noticed that he was about half hard as he walked past her.

Though Tasha could see it was killing her, Cynthia waited until the water turned on before she said, “You slut.” She then affected a shiver and added, “I can just imagine how big that is when it’s all the way hard.”

With the unexpected shock of seeing her friend gone, Tasha fell back into the easy relationship they shared to say, “I don’t have to imagine.”

“I certainly hoped not.” A tone sounded from her phone, and the blonde picked it up. When she looked at the screen, her eyes went as wide as saucers.

“What is it?” Tasha asked.

Cynthia’s lips curled up into a smile, and she turned the phone toward her friend. Tasha saw a selfie of a young blonde man. He was shirtless, cut, and had his shorts pulled down to reveal an erection almost as impressive as Tom’s.

Tasha looked over the phone at her friend, and asked, “So, who’s that?”

While tapping out a reply, Cynthia answered, “Well, your new friend has a friend he thought might want to show me a good time. He sent him a picture and it looks like he was right.”

The regulars were going to be so pissed at them before this day was over. Tasha tossed her friend’s tease right back at her. “Slut.”

“And I’m about to prove it all night long.”

The two friends laughed, and Tasha heard the water shut off in the bathroom. She leaned in close and said, “I think Nude Day is my new Christmas.”

“Ho, ho, ho.”


Written by RejectReality
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