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Exceptional Circumstances

"Betty had had enough of lockdown and especially the one rule for them scenario."

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Author's Notes

"A tale of anticipation of a horny MILF coming out of lockdown following a viral pandemic. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I hope you all enjoy. Sounds true - doesn't it!"

I am a good and honest citizen of the community, which is why I get angry when certain people flaunt the rules to suit themselves. It’s not as if I haven’t been suffering in this house on my own. I haven’t seen, held or felt a warm, horny cock in more than eight weeks, which is a long time; especially when you were getting laid almost every day.

I’m sat listening to the Prime Minister tell us to ‘please move along’ regarding the issue of his advisor; the one who tested positive for Covid-19 along with his wife and then travelled over two hundred and sixty miles from London to County Durham in March to self-isolate with his family. I mean, the rules clearly stated that they should have stayed where they were; London.

In that one action of upholding his advisor’s reasonable and exceptional behaviour, the Prime Minister effectively trashed their own advice.

I smiled at the television and put two fingers up to the prime minister, slipped my mobile phone from its protective cover and dialed Sam. We had a brief chat and I told him, in no uncertain terms what I was thinking. He seemed to be right on my side and plans were made.

The lockdown rules had been relaxed in the last few days and I was firmly going to uphold them as much as I could, or maybe, as much as our sexual desire would allow. Saturday couldn’t come fast enough for me, all I had had in the last eight weeks were dildos and vibrators to keep me sane. I was lucky that my convenient LoveHoney on-line shopping website was still open for business and I had purchased two suction-cupped dildos that would stick to the shower wall and the headboard of my wooden bed.

With no work to be getting on with, I nearly wore them out. I seemed to prefer the shower room one, simply because of the excellent weather and the heat, I was taking two showers a day, morning and evening, and to be honest, it looked so left out poking from the tiles as it did. Of course, one-touch and that was it, my lust triggered and before I knew it I was either on my knees sucking it in anticipation or pressing it into my bottom until it found a slick channel to invade.

I came so hard on those dildos but now I was looking forward to the real thing. My sexual urges were beyond maximum capacity and I had the hots for the plans we had made.

I’m what you would call a MILF; late thirties and slutty as fuck. I’m honest with it and I know I need cock more than the average woman. Would I label myself as nymphomaniac? I’m not sure. Maybe I would, sometimes. In fact, I would class myself more as an MWLF or Mother We’d Like to Fuck. Because more than one man at a time is my thing.  I say man, I mean teenager – young teenagers.

Sam is just about eighteen. We’ve known each other for just under two years now. He lives about fifteen doors away and we started seeing each other when I snapped my Achilles tendon doing the usual stupid exercise of skipping. I had to rest up as I could not drive anywhere. His mum and I were friends and she volunteered him to do the shopping for me. Well, that’s how it started. Teasing him was fun, at first, but the teasing got too much for both of us and it finished with him fucking me just about every day in the third week; more than once. His energetic cock and speed of recovery were second to none. He had met his match, as I was more than capable of keeping up with him.

Five months ago he started telling me about some friends of his that were keen to make my acquaintance, so-to-speak. He had obviously been talking to someone and I smiled at him and asked him what kind of woman he thought I was. I had to raise my head from sucking his cock to ask him that but it made him laugh all the same. He never did answer my question but our conversation about other lads took off and here we are.

I’ve been wondering what to wear all week. I’ve settled on next to nothing. At the very least it has to be clothes that are easy to discard and I’ve chosen a sundress that buttons up the front. I love teasing the boys.  I don’t think I’ll bother with knickers or bra, I don’t see the point.

I suddenly hear the metallic knocking sound of the front door and my heart immediately starts to pound in my chest. I head for the door and open it, careful to keep my distance (social distancing rules apply). Apparently, we can meet up to six people from different households and I’m bending the rules slightly by meeting them indoors rather than outdoors. I don’t give a fuck anymore and Boris can go and push a sharp object where the sun doesn’t shine.

I am pleased to see Sam and we exchange some pleasantries as we chat on the front door. I invite him in and tell him to sit in the far chair in the lounge.  The other two look at me like they have been caught in headlights. My breasts aren’t as big as they normally would have been, simply because my lack of a bra is not showing them off to their best, but there’s enough there for them to know what they are dealing with. I see them look at me and then at the bulges that are wobbling slightly because I am swinging my shoulders at them.

“What’s your name?” I ask the blonde lad that’s standing next in line.


“Joseph,” the dark-haired boy says from behind him.

“Well, come on in Joseph; can I call you Joe?” My voice is smooth, husky, and I know I’m dealing with someone who is shy and perhaps more than a little self-conscious.

He nods but doesn’t make a move. His head is bowed and I’m pretty sure nothing is of interest on the paving stones outside my house. The boy behind him pushes him forward, Joe stumbles forward but keeps going as he continues past me into the lounge.

“Take the left-hand sofa seat, Joe,” I instruct him.

“And you are?” I ask the boy before me with a pout on my lips. I know he’s seventeen. He’s one of Sam’s best friends. Sam had mentioned him before and they are like chalk and cheese. His richer clothes, sparkling shoes and aftershave single him out in the threesome of friends. I smile because who in the hell wears aftershave in the afternoon, and he reeked of it.

“Dave,” he spurts out with more than a confident smile on his face.

I step to one side and bite my lower lip. I know that this one is going to be fun, but I’m also determined that all three of them are going to enjoy themselves. I want them all to leave this house, not having fucked a woman, but having enjoyed a woman and enjoyed themselves.

I ask Dave to seat himself on the right-hand side of the sofa. One point one metres from Joe; I know that because I measured it. Not exactly the two metres but then we are only interpreting the guidelines – aren’t we?

I stand opposite them and start a normal conversation. I end up relying on Sam to do most of the work and they get a little chatty except for Joe. His eyes never linger on anyone too long. Sam soon turns the conversation around to sex and why they are here. It is encouraging to know that the two newbies want to be here, in this house, at this precise moment. And for that, I am more than grateful. The things Sam said about me made me glow, one thing he said made me blush. Not because I was embarrassed but because I hardly knew these two lads. I mean, what would they think of me. Still, my pussy was leaking at the prospect of what was to come.

As I look from one to the other I reflect on how lucky I am; three teenagers all eager to pleasure me and be pleasured. I presume they are two rampant teenagers and Sam, because I know exactly what teenagers are like. I know how horny they must be feeling right now, especially Dave and Joe. 

“It was Joseph’s sixteenth birthday two months ago,” Sam blurts out.

“Right…” I say nodding my head in approval. As soon as I wished him a happy birthday, the penny dropped. Sam was going to bring Joe along to my house on his birthday and introduce him to me. I was going to be Joe’s special birthday present. If only he knew what I would have done with him then. I became even more excited to see what Joe was hiding inside his trousers.

“Why don’t you all get undressed for me. I’d love to see your naked bodies,” I said, in my softest and most seductive voice.

Sam had started to unbutton his shirt as soon as I mentioned the word undress, as did Dave, and more reluctantly, Joe followed them. I glanced between all three of them as they busied themselves with those awkward things like shoes, socks and for Joe even his belt. It wasn’t long before Sam was sitting back in the chair with a throbbing semi hard-on, Dave had shoved his clothes to one side and sat back on the sofa; one arm on the side and the other by his side. His cock pointing straight upwards from his bushy black-haired balls. He was sizeable at around seven inches and without any doubt, eager and confident with it.

I watched Joe push his pants down his legs before picking them up. All his clothes had been folded neatly beside the sofa. He sat back in his seat; all the time, at least one hand was covering his groin as if he was nervous of showing me what he had hidden there. I caught a glimpse of something impressive but the vision was short-lived.

I looked at them all and smiled. They looked wonderful, all of them sexy, Joe was the slimmest and Sam was more bulked out, probably because of the heavy lifting he did in the gymnasium.

“My turn, then,” I said. My voice came across as slightly hesitant but in fact, I couldn’t wait to get my kit off.

I felt so hot. My nipples ached under the sundress because my breathing had ensured they rubbed hard against it. My heart rate went through the roof as I put my hands on the top button of my sundress. I popped it open; my eyes flitting between all three of them but concentrating more on the newbies than I was Sam. I paused before I popped the second button.

“I’m feeling very horny,” I said as I popped the third. I was positively exploding within my skin. I swear, if I could have become any more turned on I would have had an orgasm just standing there undressing.

“You all look ready and waiting for me to finish,” I said as I looked to Sam’s hard-on which was developing nicely, Dave’s erection that just seemed to pulse as he clenched his buttocks and Joe’s hands and arms that were still covering any sight of a cock. Surely he must be feeling the effect of my slow striptease?

I undid the rest of the buttons, pausing before each one. I tried to cover my body as much as I could but as I leaned forward to reach the bottom buttons my breasts eagerly parted the top of my dress. The sudden but quick flash of tit flesh was not lost on Dave. I glanced at Sam and I could see him smiling as he too watched Dave and Joe take in my sexy and erotic tease.

Dave’s eyes were all over my body, never resting on anything long enough in case he missed something important. Joe was the opposite, his bright blue were just looking into mine, and when I realised that, something snapped inside of me. I suddenly felt something warm spread through me. A glow. An afterburn. I saw Joe as someone who desired me, not just for a fuck or some fun but genuinely desired me. I opened my dress and shrugged my shoulders; letting it roll off my body before hitting the ground.

I was naked standing before them. No pretence.  I was the woman they were going to manhandle, maul, grope, fuck and suck, but I was also a sexy wanton harlot with my own needs and desires.

The words, “Gorgeous,” came from Sam.

The words, “Oh, Fuck! You’ve got lovely tits,” came from Dave.

Joe said nothing, but he was staring at my breasts and I noticed his lips quiver. His gaze slowly descended to my pussy and then my legs before returning to my eyes.

“Fuck, her pussy is shaved,” commented Dave as an afterthought, as if it was unheard of to do that these days.

I let them feast on my body placing my hands on my hips and wiggling them from side to side, my voluptuous curves caressed the air around me, reached out to the three lads and eagerly sucked them in. Even if they wanted to run now – they wouldn’t be able to.

I raised my hands to cup my breasts and squeeze them. I let one hand roll over my body until it slid over my stomach down towards my overly wet pussy. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Sam holding his cock in his hand and pulling the foreskin over its head; a lusty sneer on his face. I thought Dave was about to come there and then, I think if he had touched his cock he probably would have. Joe was, at last, having serious problems keeping his cock covered. He needed help, which was why I was there in the first place.

I first fetched my laptop which I placed on the coffee table with the lid open on my favourite site, PornHub. I then wandered up to Joe and knelt on the floor in front of him. I put my hands on his knees initially and with my kindest voice possible told him to give me his hands.

I could see he was reluctant, and after a glance in Sam’s and then Dave’s direction I offered my hands to him so that he could take hold of them. I took them in my hands and spread them apart. I let out a long sigh. A rewarding sigh. Even Dave commented to the side of me. Joe’s cock had been released and with nothing to hold it down it sprung up to its full length and it must have been all of nine inches. Thin but very, very long. I nearly melted at the sight of it. For the life of me, I couldn’t understand why he was hiding such a beautiful cock.

I put his hands on my breasts and rubbed his palms over my nipples. They tingled with such enthusiasm. He finally responded, cupping them and squeezing them and letting his finger tease my erect nipple. He seemed to be mesmerised by my large brown aureoles. I edged closer between his legs, swaying my upper body from side to side, teasing him with the movement of my breasts.

“Firstly,” I whispered, “I’m going to relieve you both. I don’t want you to be afraid of anything if something unexpected should happen – let it. I want you both to enjoy this first time with me. If you can’t stop something from happening – then let it.”

Both Dave and Joe nodded. I edged forward some more until my thighs were touching the sofa. I reached out with my hand and circled the base of Joe’s circumcised cock.  I looked into his blue eyes which seemed locked onto mine at that moment; his pupils dilated as if warning me. He was breathing hard, but then, so was I; more in anticipation of what was to come. I moved forward as if to kiss him, tilting my body until my head was above his cock; there were only inches between what I wanted and where I wanted to put it. My lips clamped around the head of his cock as I reached forwards.

I heard a moan, then a louder groan. I felt his hand shaking on the side of my breast. I sensed him tense up. I heard Dave next to me exclaim how gorgeous it all looked and by the time I raised my hand halfway up Joe’s cock for the second time, his spunk flooded my mouth. He suddenly let loose a barrage of sorry’s but I kept him steady and slowly worked his cock in my hand until every drop was milked and swallowed. It felt heavenly as if the whole action was in slow motion. I loved the taste of his spunk, thick and creamy and ever so slightly salty. I didn’t know whether he had wanked before seeing me or how long it had been but it was sure the quickest I had ever sucked anyone off in my life.

When I thought he had no more spunk to offer, I raised my head and rubbed the head of his cock with the palm of my hand.

“Never say sorry,” I told him, shaking my head in the process. “I love it when a man comes in my mouth,” I added. I knew what those words would do to him. An ex-boyfriend of mine once said that he had never forgotten the time that I sucked him off. He kept telling me he was going to come with the expectation that I would remove my mouth from over his cock, but I never did. He had to finish in me and I swallowed the lot. By the time I released it, I told him the same thing.

It warranted a smile from Joe and I started to move eagerly towards Dave.

“Same for you too?” I asked.

“Fuck, yes,” he blurted out. He was not so demure, definitely more extroverted and shameless.

Dave’s legs were already apart giving me free access to his cock and balls. He was eager, rampant and I could tell he was ready for what I was about to do to him. That look on his face told me that he was determined to last longer than Joe had. Little did he know that I had other plans.

I made myself comfortable between his legs and gave a quick glance towards Sam, who was sitting patiently in the corner chair. I winked at him before I performed the same sequence as I had on Joe. But this time, I had started to stroke his cock much earlier, bringing my hand to the top before letting it fall back to his balls at least three times before I leant in with my body. My other hand took hold of his semen-secreting organs and I tugged at them as if they were jiggle balls. I opened my lips once more and let the crown slip between them. I sucked on it for a while as I wanked him and crunched his balls together; gently of course. I could hear his breathing quicken and become more erratic but apart from that the room had a deathly silence about it. Everyone was watching the action of one horny slut and a teenager desperate to receive a blow-job.

I started to slip my mouth down further and further. I pulled back a little so that I could stroke his saliva coated cock. I bobbed my head a few times before I slipped my mouth back down. By the time I had reached his pubes, Dave was spurting down my throat. His essence missing my taste buds completely. I let my mouth rest in that position while I gobbled his cock. It pulsed and pumped, and again, I swallowed everything that I was given, savouring the feel of his stiffness in my throat.

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When I raised my head from his cock, the only thing I saw was the smile on his face.

“I thought I’d last longer than that,” he said, in all honesty. But, I had to give him credit, he lasted a lot longer than I thought he would have. Especially when I started to massage his cock with my throat.

“Betty’s too good for that,” commented Sam from the corner of the room. He was right, of course.

I had taken two loads of spunk without so much as anyone touching my flesh or my pussy but I was more than happy to relieve them of their compulsion to climax. At least they would last a little longer, especially for what I had in mind.

I turned to the laptop and held it in front of them.

“This is what we are going to do together,” I told them, looking from Joe, to Dave and then to Sam. “I want you to watch these three sequences and tell me if you’re all okay with it.”

I played the first clip. A woman climbing on top of a teenager while holding his cock in her hand, presenting it to her pussy before she slid down on it. I let them watch the clip for a few seconds more before pausing it.

“Who wants to do that to me?” I smiled.

Dave was straight off the block with the request. I expected him to be, he didn’t look the type to wait and see what the other clips were about. The act of fucking me occupied a prime position in his mind.

I then played the second clip, another teenager stepping over the first one and leaning against the back of a sofa. His cock swinging wildly as he presented it to the woman. I looked at Joe who was keeping quiet. I had expected him to volunteer for that one but he didn’t. I got my request in first.

“I get to choose who does this one,” I smiled, biting my lip in the process.

I looked at Joe. I swear I detected a hint of disappointment in his eyes and then I said, “Sam. Sam gets to have the blowjob because he’s the one I haven’t tasted yet.”

I played clip three. The scene proceeded with the threesome on the sofa before it cut to a teenager pouring oil on his hand. The closeup saw him massage his cock with the oil. I watched Joe like an eagle as he followed the guy to where the rutting threesome was going on, I watched him concentrate on the guy in the clip as he knelt on the sofa, I watched his eyes open wide when he saw the man massage the oil onto the woman's crack. I swear he nearly climaxed when the man’s cock entered her anus. It was a graphic clip, the closeup made it obvious. I let the clip run on a little so that they could see how much fun the woman was having. I was on heat watching Joe and Dave digest the material in front of them. I felt extremely horny and couldn’t wait for the action to start.

“I am looking forward to this, to share my body with the three of you.”

I turned to face Joe.

“You, Joe. You get to fuck my arse. What do you think of that?”

I put the laptop down, reached for the Johnson’s baby oil and handed it to him. I could see Dave about to interrupt me, about to tell me that he had been short-changed, a little too quick in making his decision. Too eager.

“That’s settled then,” I said and watched Joe as his mouth dropped open.

I leaned forward and started to move towards Dave. I was definitely in a rush to have these cocks inside me but it was their first time, so I deliberately calmed my senses and tried to be adult about it. I first let my breasts dangle over Dave’s cock which was now fully erect for the second time. I kissed him gently allowing him to kiss me back. I don’t think he even realised that I had just swallowed two loads of cum. It was the natural thing to do under the circumstances. His kisses were gentle at first before they became passionate; I devoured them. I let Dave take his time with my breasts, exploring them. He was even confident enough to reach forward and slip a finger into my sodden cunt.

“Fuck she’s wet,” Dave blurted out.

This was it, I thought, my take on exceptional circumstances was about to begin. Dave was right, I was wet and I couldn’t wait for the orgasms to roll.

I climbed on top of Dave, and just like in the video, I grasped his cock to feed it into my cunt. There was no need for any more ceremonies. His stiff cock slid past my lips and I could see the surprise in his eyes when he realised that he was going to fuck me. His hands reached out to circle my waist but as soon as he had passed the entrance I sat back on his cock.

I motioned for Joe to stand up and with that Sam stepped up onto the sofa and took his place in front of me. My body was already oozing pleasure from the feel of Dave’s cock and the anticipation of sucking Sam. I could feel Dave withdraw his cock and push it back into me; causing me to gasp out loud. My lips started quivering and my eyes were closed shut; savouring the feel of a cock inside me.

I turned my head to see Joe looking at the three of us, bottle in hand, top open, staring at us.

“Come on darling,” I coaxed. “Shall I do that for you?”

Joe nodded. He looked like he was caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.

I took the bottle and squirted a liberal amount of oil on my hand and plastered it around my anus. My finger slipped inside just to make sure it was nice and slippery. In fact, I had ass fucked the shower dildo that morning to make it nice and loose and ready for these lovely cocks. Next, I squirted some more oil over the head of Joe’s cock. There was no chance of getting it on the carpet as his cock was pointing straight up towards the ceiling.

“You will love the feeling and so will I,” I told him, “You will bring me so much pleasure, Joe.”

Once again he nodded. I smiled before rocking my body once more on Dave’s cock. I stuck my bottom outwards in an attempt to get Joe to slip his cock into me. I felt a cock nudge my little star. I sighed, allowing him enough time to slip the head over the rim. I let Joe take his time, feed it into me slowly if that was what he wanted to do. I knew that the sight and feel of his cock disappearing into my body would be creating all sorts of mental and physical emotions to unfold. I reached out to place my hand on the side of his hips and I pulled him gently towards me. I smiled at him, as I felt his cock brush over Dave’s cock and bury itself in my arse.

I took the time to pant and moan as I became filled. I looked up into Sam’s eyes and I could see that he knew what this meant to me. He knew how I was feeling.

I looked over my shoulder and saw that Joe was almost afraid to move. I encouraged him to pull his cock backwards. He got the message. So did Dave.

“It feels wonderful,” I encouraged Joe. “Now, push it in again.”

Joe did exactly as instructed and I felt filled to the brim with two cocks. The third was about to be re-inserted between my lips.

It soon became time to concentrate on the cock wiggling its head in front of me. I started to suck on it after placing my hands on either side of his body; wiggling it between my lips and bobbing on it from time to time. I started with a slow rocking motion of my whole body; encouraging the three of them to try and keep in tune with my body rhythms. As I sucked on Sam’s impressive member, I felt Dave push his cock all the way up inside my pussy. I can only imagine what it must have felt like for both the lads to feel their cocks sliding past each other as they fucked into me.

“Fuck her arse hard,” said Sam.

I was glad that it wasn’t just me that wanted to get this show on the road. Sam knew exactly what I wanted, what I needed, and he was spot on.

Joe grabbed my hips and started to fuck his cock into me. He was getting the hang of this foursome.

In that split second, the thought of what was happening, and the feel of the combined actions of all three men, made me climax. My body shuddered and shook. The muffled sound from my mouth went nowhere and I revelled in my own orgasmic bliss.

“I’m cumming,” Joe cried out.

I wasn’t surprised, he was young, the youngest in fact and probably unaccustomed to this kind of pleasure ride. I let him fill my arse up with his sperm as I rode them. I hadn’t intended to allow Joe to pull out of me as soon as he had come, and to his credit, he kept his cock buried in me as he filled me up with his cream. I pushed my bottom back to meet his vibrating body. It was only about a minute after he came that I felt his cock stiffen in my arse.

You can only imagine the smile that would have put on my face if it wasn’t already full of cock.

I started to tug on Sam’s erection. I wanted his spunk inside me now, I wanted him to complete the set of juices that were swirling around in my stomach. After all, he had been the most patient of the three of them.

I pulled on it, sucked hard on it, and I could feel a second orgasm build within me as my sucking motions caused me to bounce on the cocks inside.

“Fuck, I’m cumming,” Dave announced.

I worked harder on Sam’s cock because I wanted both of them together. I was wiggling my body as much as I could to make them fuck me harder and harder. Between them, they seemed to get the message.

Sam finally spurted into my mouth as my orgasm took complete control of my body. I could feel Dave’s spunk washing the sides of my womb but I wasn’t prepared for Joe to announce he was coming, once more, into my arse. It felt wonderful to know that I had brought these three young studs to orgasm at the same time as they made me climax. Sure, their young balls seemed to be exploding with enthusiasm, but I hadn’t reckonned on them being so quick to recover. Don’t get me wrong, after the eight weeks of celibacy (if you can call fucking dildos being celibate) I was glad of it.

I let Sam’s cock slip from my mouth to let out a loud moan straight into the cavity between his balls. It was followed with a few expletives of my own before I licked his gorgeous balls. I looked over my shoulder at Joe who had a huge grin on his face, and rightly so. I then looked down at Dave, still pushing his cock into me as much as my weight allowed him to.

“Let’s change places,” I said, panting and somewhat out of breath.

I climbed off Dave’s cock and knelt to one side of the sofa; Dave got up and I motioned for Joe to sit down. I pushed back a little and took his semi-flaccid cock into my mouth. To say he was a little taken aback at my actions was an understatement. I think it was the last thing he expected me to do after where he had put it.

I sucked his cock, savouring the taste of his spunk on the shaft. I could see that Dave had already poured oil onto his hand and was liberally coating his cock with it. It was growing in his hand as I was blowing Joe to another erection.

I could feel Joe respond, his cock was hardening, extending,  growing to its full nine inches or more; after all, I hadn’t measured it but I was relishing in the thought of having it scrape along the insides of my cunt and hopefully push against my g-spot. That would definitely cause a stir. It would be something else these lads wouldn’t be expecting.

As soon as he had hardened enough I straddled him and inserted his cock into my waiting pussy. Fuck, he felt good. Seconds transpired before Dave pushed his eager cock into my anus as I once more started to suck on the head of Sam’s cock. I knew his time would come and he was being very patient with me, but I had a plan as to how to pleasure Sam and it would have to wait.

Joe’s cock pushed upwards until it bottomed out. Dave’s cock had fully penetrated my clenching bottom and I looked over my shoulder at him. I mouthed the words fuck me knowing full well he understood and was intending to do just that.

“You two ready?” I asked.

I had nods from everyone. I told them that I wanted them to fuck me as hard as they could, after all, I reckoned they would last now, seeing that Joe had come three times and was showing very little sign of becoming limp, and Dave had unloaded his balls twice into me.

With two orgasms under my belt, I was looking forward to a rampant fuck session that I hoped would put me into a rolling orgasm. I had experienced them before but only from this kind of sex with young, virile lads.

“I want you both to fuck me hard and keep going,” I told them.

The look in Dave’s eyes was nothing less than manic. He had his instructions and I could tell he was going to carry them out.

We started to fuck. Before I slipped my mouth back over Sam’s cock, I looked up into his eyes and mouthed a silent thank you.

His welcoming smile made me feel happy and then it started.

I felt both guys fuck my body. At first, it felt random, as if they were doing me independently but they soon sorted themselves out into a rhythm that had me climaxing within three minutes. They were true to their word and they kept fucking me; causing another orgasm to raise its welcoming head above the parapet. I eagerly let it flow over me; my body shaking on Joe’s cock with Dave’s adding extra fuel to the flow of pleasure.

The intense fuck and the fact that Joe’s cock head was scraping my insides caused him to announce that he was coming. I waited for his ultimate thrust to announce that he was unloading his balls before slowing down a little. I raised my mouth from Sam’s cock and murmured into his balls about how wonderful this all was.

With Joe’s spunk swilling inside me I started to fuck them again. Joe had deflated but not by much. In fact, I could feel that it had deflated by the right amount and the tip of his cock was now scraping against my g-spot on its upward motion.

That was when I knew they were going to get the full show. Dave relentlessly fucked my arse, his cock pistoning in and out like it was on speed, it was a sure sign that I was going to spurt. His cock never let up and the two orgasms he had experienced tempered his need to ejaculate.

My orgasm hit home.

Sam had taken things into his own hand and had started wanking his cock into my face. I was going to get seconds and Sam knew how much I liked spunk over my face and tits. Another orgasm built inside me and it was all I could do to encourage both of them to keep fucking me. I kept repeating the words over and over to them.

Joe announced he was coming once more and I had to shake my head in disbelief as to where he was getting it all from but I was more than happy to receive it. I climaxed once more and before I knew it, the combined action of Dave and Joe had me on a rolling orgasm with only fifteen to twenty seconds between that wonderful pleasure pulse rippling through my body and the next one crashing into me. It was like a wave, the rush of water up the beach and the slow receding slip into another wave. Each orgasm became associated with the word fuck that was forcibly thrown into the air from my panting lungs. I shuddered to think about what they must have thought of my language.

I felt Dave grip my hips tightly, not allowing me to move that much and I knew he was unloading into my arse. The next few orgasms were fast and furious and I had to pull my body off Joe’s cock which had started to harden once more.

The next climax saw me spurt all the contents of my cunt over Joe’s torso. As if on cue, Sam covered my face and tits.

I was panting, shaking, tired and almost exhausted but I was desperate for more as long as they could keep going. I felt Dave pull out of my arse and I could feel their combined spunk dribble down my thighs. I fell backwards in an attempt to ensure that Sam’s spunk covered my body and I was thankful that Dave had stopped me from falling off the sofa. My fluids were still leaking out onto Joe’s body but what surprised me the most was Joe’s eagerness to suck the sperm from my covered tits into his mouth. I was not expecting that – not from him.

I can honestly say that by the end of that session, Joe was finally out of his shell.

It didn’t end there. Though the foursome did come to an end, I did mount all three of them to a couple more wonderful orgasms. I finally beat Joe’s erections into submission. I don’t know where he got his erectile stamina from but he just kept getting hard every time I sucked or touched his cock. In fact, he even got hard when I suggested he suck on Dave’s cock when Sam was giving me one from behind. Dave promptly refused the offer though, which didn’t surprise me.

I looked on Joe with a knowing smile and filed that piece of evidence for later. There would be a later that was for sure and we made our promises that we would meet up again sometime soon. In a tender moment between Joe and myself, I told him that he could come and see me anytime and that he didn’t have to come with his friends.

We eventually found ourselves in the shower, not all together as my shower is too small for four people, but we did play around with the showerhead and Joe took great pleasure in bringing me to climax by directing it against my clit. Neither of the lads got to lick my luscious pussy but I knew that that could wait for another day.

I felt sad saying goodbye to them at the end of our steamy session as they were lined up in the hallway ready to leave, one-by-one, as per lockdown restrictions. I gave them each a loving kiss.

I turned to Sam and told him that I had chatted with his mother earlier and she had confirmed that he could help me move the furniture in my bedroom. I asked whether he could do that now or did he have to leave.

I saw the smirk spread across his face as he said goodbye to his friends as they left one by one. Two metres apart.

“Move the fucking furniture indeed,” he laughed, once the door was closed.

I grabbed him by the hand, yanked him towards the stairs; ascending them I told him that I needed his cock in my arse and a good spanking for being so slutty.

It was time for my plan B.

Later that night I sat and watched the television, fully sated, and noted that our glorious prime minister was instructing people that they should not be entertaining group meetings inside their houses.

Well, fuck me if I didn’t see that coming!

Written by DarkSide
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