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Ellie and Chris meet again

"Chris, friend of Ellie's son, comes back into her life with resultant deep pleasures"

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Ellie Stanton stood transfixed, her cell-phone loose in her shaking hand. Chris was coming. The gorgeous young man she had yearned for, ever since their last, their only, meeting, three months earlier. All too brief, those orgasmic minutes, but at eleven a.m. Ellie could be holding the superbly endowed Chris once more.

His deep tones on the cell-phone told her that his new job had him in the area and could he call in for a coffee. He had thrilled her with his farewell comment, “See you then, little lady.”

Ah, calling her that. So big in all departments, he had dwarfed her. The fact that he was some twenty-four years behind her own forty-three years, hadn’t mattered then, and it wouldn’t now. God, it would be magical, and such a wonderful surprise. Her son, Jaimie, was away in university, so surely, they’d have longer than last time.

Since that time, her only source of satisfaction had been her own fingers with memories of Chris providing her stimulation. His being so dominant had been another delight. But she had remained greedy for more. Oh, roll on eleven o’clock.

Within fifteen minutes she had showered, dusted her small body liberally with a range of perfumes, chose to wear no bra, and since panties would be too moistened by the time he arrived, she didn’t wear any. That in itself was exciting. And, because she recalled how much he had liked it, she allowed her hair to hang loose to below her shoulders

A quick, unnecessary, tidy up and the coffee mugs set up on the kitchen table. A vain attempt to show cool. With Chris’s fantastic looks in front of her, she wouldn’t know what cool was. She tried reading but couldn’t concentrate. She had looked at her watch so many times, but when it showed ten-fifty-five that was the moment the door-bell sounded.

Her movement to the door could only be called indecent haste, and there he was, standing there his eyes, bright, his smile so warm, so far above her.

Chris held out his hand, “Hello, Ellie. Thank you for having me.”

Trembling, Ellie took the offered hand, very formal for any neighbour’s benefit. Oh, those so blue eyes, and dark curling hair, and that massive build, looking so business-like in a dark blue sports jacket and blue shirt. As she returned his greeting her mind was joking around, ‘I haven’t had you yet.”

Leading him through to the kitchen, she hoped he was looking at her buttocks, as he spoke of his job with a publication company and the prospects he had there. Over coffee, talking trivialities, Ellie wondered when he would make some kind of move.

“Which hotel are you staying in?”

“Oh, I haven’t booked in yet,” he said, and their eyes held as he added, “I was too eager for---the coffee.” The pause, the look in his eyes, told Ellie all she wanted to know.

Sounding very throaty, she said, “It’s been a long three months.”

Chris was immediately on his feet, moving around the table, to bend and sweep her tiny form up into his arms, while his lips found hers. Ellie’s mind almost went into orgasmic mode as his hand covered her breast, and she gasped, “Upstairs. We’ll have real comfort this time.”

Chris took the stairs two at a time, carrying her with such ease, that Ellie could not help thinking of that famous staircase image from ‘Gone With the Wind’, which she had seen so many times. She pointed to her bedroom door, and he pushed his way inside, his blue eyes blazing down into hers.

He surprised her by setting her down on her feet, but immediately worked at removing her dress. Finding her naked underneath brought a satisfied grunt from him, as he held her at arms-length and bathed her with approval that thrilled her.

“Oh, those gorgeous little breasts,” he murmured, and his hand cupped over her left one making Ellie gasp. He must know how sensitive they were, but his touch had her hands moving to his belt buckle.

“Yes, you do that part,” he said, unbuttoning his shirt, as he slipped it off his shoulders, Ellie was pushing his pants down, and there it was, that superb erection she had been craving for three months.

Touching it with a gentleness that she needed to control, it was wonderful to hear his grunt, and to feel the pulsing under her finger tips. Chris slid his hands from her hips, into the curve of her waist, and up to her breasts. Could she be dripping onto the carpet. It certainly felt like it.

His voice was almost a growl as he asked, “How do you want to start this? We were very rushed last time.”

Her mind was screaming, ’I want you to fuck me, hard.’ But he was right, despite her wild desires, rushing would kill the joy of anticipation. So, she murmured, as she allowed herself to be mesmerised by those blue eyes, “I want you to decide. I want anything you desire.”

“That’s fine with me.” He drew her close, so that she had the delight of his cock hard against her belly. “In time, I want to invade every orifice in your delicious body. But, I think just stroking you will be good.”

He lay her back on the bed, and she wriggled further on, with thighs slightly parted, happily prepared to give herself to anything he wanted. His words defining his intentions had increased her creaming.

As his lips moved to cover hers, he began laughing, and he chuckled, “If we stay in this position, there’s no way you’ll get at what you’re reaching for.”

Ellie realised that he was right. Lying as they were, her fingers groped downwards seeking his cock, to find it well out of reach. His noble shaft, when he lay full length was nearer her feet than her hand, and she told him.

Smiling he adjusted so that his body was bent, and her hand had access to his cock, while she lay with her head resting on his arm. Chris used the hand of that arm to keep a continuous caress on her left breast, stroking and pinching the nipple, which drove her wild with need.

Her hand clutched wildly on his rod tugging the foreskin back and forward. His shiny purple warhead was so tempting, but she was unable to get her head near enough to lick or suck. There was still plenty to keep her fingers busy. The joy of clutching and squeezing his balls was heightened by his groans of pleasure.

Allowing her fingers to pass further between his thighs, she was able to stroke around the rim of his anus. That made him gasp and jerk.

In all of that, his free hand had stroked her cheek, played with her long hair, which clearly delighted him and fondled her right breast. Ellie wondered how long she could take this delightful form of torture, before he had her crying out for release.

She knew that time couldn’t be far off. As his hand stroked over the hair on her mound, Ellie’s breathing quickened. So close, she might even cum before she had his cock inside her. Her own hand continued to frig along his hardness.

Now he stroked along her inner thigh, and she heard his sigh, “So smooth. Gorgeous.” Next second his fingers were on her pussy-lips. Could

she hold off the fever that was threatening to devour her? Then his finger had slid through into her eager wetness. Elle heard her own yelp of delight, as she had, what she knew was a mini- orgasm, but was no less exhilarating.

Chris had noticed her cry, or maybe it was her action on his cock, but he began moving, as he said, “Time for deeper things, I believe.”

“Oh, yes, yes.” Was all Ellie could manage, as he parted her thighs, slid his body between them, looked down into her eyes, and politely murmured, “No weight on that tender body.”

With that, he placed an arm around her lower back and lifted her, so that only her shoulders were in contact with the bed. Ellie was experienced enough to know exactly where this was heading, and she almost stopped breathing as her spasming passage longed for it.

Within seconds, Chris’s wonderful pole was moving towards her centre, and he was pulling her onto it. Ellie would have loved to have wrapped her legs around him to force his pace. He was being deliberately slow in his advance, and her short legs could only clutch against his sides, as the sheer immensity of him carried her over the edge. She orgasmed wildly, clawing at his broad back, flexing her inner muscles to urge him on.

As Chris held her close, and his blue eyes scanned her face, he growled, “I just want to give you everything.”

His words fed into her heated brain, as slowly she returned to a more controlled level. Controlled? She was still on fire. Still aflame around his steeliness. His thrusts were deeper, faster, and one hand holding her against him moved so that he was able to slide a finger around the tight little ring of her anus.

Hardly able to breath, his cock huge in her, she trembled at the sheer anticipation of what he might do now. If he did that—The thought died as the sensation of his finger entering her, drove her into one massive second orgasm.

She squirmed, howled, lurched against him as he clutched her hard against him until it seemed that all sense of gentleness was lost to both of them, and his thrusts were madder, stronger, and as desperate as her own. Chris was cumming inside her, his finger was plunging in and out of her tiny hole, even as his juices spurted to mingle with hers. It was a delight for her to hear his growling and grunting as his whole body jerked his essence into her.

They remained in that tight gymnastic position until Elle felt his cock softening inside her, and gently he lay her back onto the bed and flopped alongside her. It seemed like a long time before either of them found a voice to say anything. For Ellie it had been everything she might have hoped for, but her insides were fluttering with the thought of what she was going to ask him.

Both wiped dry, she sat up and leaned over him. How good it was to feel to be in a position of power over him, although it was the opposite she preferred. However, the question she had to ask was important. “Why don’t you stay here tonight?”

His face showed just a slight surprise, then pleasure, before with a wry smile he said, “That could be good. But do you have a spare room?”

Ellie laughed, and drove a controlled elbow into his ribs. “I’ll have to look,” she laughed.

They showered together, and the touching and kissing was so arousing that Ellie began wondering just how many demands she could make on this lusty young man. Under the shower she had bent to take his already rising cock into her mouth, but without any delay he had pulled back and knelt to lick a lovely long tongue along her pussy lips.

As they dried each other, hands touching everywhere, Ellie was telling herself that this was a journey into heaven, but she had sufficient sense to suggest they had lunch. “Just to keep your strength up,” she said, and they both laughed.

She produced a towel robe that he could wear, and she wore a silken, seductive one as they went down to the kitchen to sit and consume sandwiches which Ellie had quickly put together. But it was then that Chris dropped a mini-bombshell when he told her, “I’m being rather remiss, but it has just occurred to me that if I don’t do what I came north for I could get the sack.”

Sensing something she didn’t want to hear, as she had made thrilling mental plans for the afternoon, Ellie heard Chris go on to tell her that was supposed to visit two or three bookshops in town and he had to report back to his office on the following day. His eyes regarded her apologetically as he went on, “If I don’t get that done this afternoon, it might be difficult tomorrow.”

So, although disappointed, Ellie found herself alone and could only console herself with the thought that it would have been that way if Chris hadn’t been around, and she promised she would have a good meal ready for him when he came back. “Two hours tops,” he said as he left.

In fact, it was near three and a half hours before he was coming through the doors, all apologies, but with that breath-catching smile, and although the meal she’d prepared was ready they had a comforting hug and kiss session. And as that exciting hardness pushed against her, she said uncertainly, “Eat first, and then—"

Chris kissed her on the nose, “And then we’ll see about settling a different hunger.”

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Ellie watched fascinated as Chris ate ravenously, and when he put down his knife and fork on an empty plate and told her, “That has to be the best lasagne I’ve ever had,” her heart gave a little leap.

His blue eyes scanned over the thin dress she had worn all afternoon as he said, “Now, what about a long walk?”

Something slumped inside Ellie, “Walk? Where to?”

That grin, oh, that grin, “Well, there’s a flight of stairs near here, isn’t there?”

Loving his teasing manner, Ellie jumped to her feet, “Can’t catch me.”

She was away, laughing before Chris could scramble out of his chair and around the table. Chris grabbed at her dress as she was halfway up the staircase. But Ellie had prepared for that and had unfastened all the buttons so that the garment was stripped off her and she giggled as she heard his gasp, of surprise, or was it delight?

She raced, naked, into her bedroom and turned to meet his frantic pursuit. Only, there was no frantic pursuit. Chris did not appear. Surely, he was just as eager as she had been?

Puzzled, Ellie peered out onto the landing. No sign. Had he stumbled on the stairs? She moved to peer over the bannister rail. Where was he?

Next second, two arms snaked around her. There was momentary shock, before his hands squeezed her breasts, drawing her back into the exquisite feel of his bare chest, and more excitingly, the stab of his hot, hard shaft along her lower back.

“Gotcha!” he hissed close to her ear.

Ellie laughed delightedly, “I want to be ‘got’” She started to contort her hand behind her trying to clutch that cock. But Chris’s hands had left her breasts to slide down over her belly, one hand gave a quick caress on her clit, before both hands moved behind her thighs, and she felt herself being lifted, until his wonderful hardness was nestled between her buttocks.

By slowly lifting her up and down his cock was caressing close to her anus. Oh, he was so practiced. Then his low voice was whispering into her ear, while at the same time he nuzzled her thick hair. “Would taking you there, trouble you?”

Ellie shook her head. She had been taken anally a couple of times, and hadn’t liked it much, mainly because her lovers had cum at the very entry. Somehow, she was sure Chris would be better, and she was prepared for a little pain at his hands.

“No, it wouldn’t. But, standing up?”

Chris chuckled, “I don’t think so.” And still holding her high he moved towards the bedroom, an action which continued his cock ploughing along her buttock gap. So heated, so promising, that Ellie was sure this was heading towards something marvellous.

Chris was placed a small cushion under her head. “Big preparation,” he told her. “Hope you find it worth the effort.” He tucked a larger pillow under her belly, raising her buttocks and pussy higher.

With her thighs spread, she was imagining how he felt looking directly into her gaping pussy and anus. As though he read her mind, he said, “Ellie, you look delicious from any angle. I’m about to explore your hinterland.”

Saying that Ellie jerked as his fingers ran back and forth along her already very wet crevice. She was surely half way to the heaven that Chris had ready for her. Sounds of a top being unscrewed, and then he said, “Just a little gentle application.

And he was so gentle as his finger slid, and applied lube around her tiny orifice. That finger, smearing deeper inside her revealed the grip there. Ellie was so overjoyed by the whole sensation of it that she was prepared to take any discomfort.

Then Chris’s hands gripped her thighs and she sensed him moving up close to her waiting ass. She held her breath. Here it came.

But her breath expelled on a groan of delight as his perfect rod stormed right up into her cunt, filling her, as ever, with such luxurious sensations. He grunted in her ear, “Further moistening for your tight passage.”

When he pulled out of her, there was that awful empty feeling, which was forgotten as Ellie became aware of Chris guiding his purple tip on her tight little rim. “Just relax into it,” Chris whispered.

The pressure started as he eased against her and Ellie could tell Chris was being so cautious that the slow, slow entry made it feel as though she was just too tight for his hefty rod. Wanting it, yet fearing it, Ellie pushed back impulsively with her hips. A brief tearing feeling that brought some hurt, but then, she knew he was inside her.

“Oh, good.,” Chris murmured. “Beautiful.”

For Ellie, this was new. New sensations, new intrusions, new passions, but, oh, yes, such new pleasure too, as Chris’s bountiful cock picked up a slow, gentle rhythm plunging deeper and deeper into her. Her unexplored passage was keen for the rapture her lower body was in. Whenever Chris drew his shaft back, Ellie was hungry to have its thrusting return.

When Chris’s hands moved, from reaching around to where they had been fondling her breasts, down, until his fingers fluttered over and around her clit, it felt as though she had been transported into the seventh heaven she had been expecting. The stimulation on her taut clit, allied to his hardness heaving up towards her bowels was all too much and she orgasmed wildly, her hips heaving madly back against Chris.

Ellie then, despite her own sudden impassioned climax, became aware of Chris’s gasping and growling as his thrusts quickened and within seconds, Ellie felt his hot seed spraying inside her. Much more noticeable than during a standard fuck.

“My God, Ellie,” he gasped, his hand pressing hard into her soaking crotch. “I’ve never felt so –so—damn it, lucky. You are my magic lady.”

His words alone, had Ellie clenching at his receding cock. Did she really deserve so much passion from this young, so virile, young man?

Wiped clean of their juices, they lay, once more, hardly needing voices, just enjoying the afterburn of their explosive mingling. Finally, they moved to the bathroom to enjoy another shower together. This time a little more muted, and less heated. Ellie feared that Chris might be drained of all energy.

When they were back on the bed, Ellie quickly learned how wrong she had been

At first, their tongues fought major battles with each other, and it was so good. Then Chris moved down over her breasts with his tongue licking and stroking, while his fingers moved further ahead of his face tickle through her bush.

Ellie was just a little frustrated when his movement downwards took his plunger out of her grasp. All frustration was forgotten when his tongue combined with his fingers moving through her juicy regions. There was just a sense of guilt that she could not return the joys he was inflicting on her.

Chris’s hands parted her thighs even more. At one point he leaned back as though admiring the whole display before his eyes, and then said, “Gorgeous.” Then he placed his open palm flat along her whole pink crease and just applied several presses.

Caught up in the rapture of it all, Ellie thought his action similar to what she’d seen applied to the chests of heart failure patients. But this wasn’t her chest he was dealing with, this was her very womanhood, and it was fabulous.

Then, so expertly, Chris slid his hand back until two of his fingers were pushing up into her. Hell, Chris, she thought, either develop longer fingers, or give me that gorgeous tool you have there. Ellie knew that her next orgasm was not far away. How many would that be on this wonderful day?

As that thought struck her, Chris’s lips went down to close around her swollen clit. Ellie heard her own shuddering cry of delight, as his fingers flickered inside her. It was all too much, she was about to burst, and she needed the wild hardness of his cock deep inside her. “Fuck me, Chris. Now.”

He was such a darling. No sooner her desperate request, than his cock was riding up deep into the very core of her, bringing on another orgasm. Although this time, only seconds away from her own drifting, Chris’ faster, more demanding thrusts told her that he was cumming. How much could he have left? No matter, it was as captivating as ever.

As they lay side by side, Chris voiced his gratitude for her generosity. Their followed a jokey argument about who had given who the greatest ecstasy. Already in Ellie’s mind was the fact that she still had available the gift of a blowjob for him. She would mention that very soon

They lay for a while in quiet satisfaction. Then, Ellie became aware of Chris’s deeper breathing. Raising her head, she saw that, with lips slightly parted, he was sound asleep. She snuggled against him, disappointed, yet happy that she had obviously taken it out of him.

Now she would just lie alongside him, relishing his nearness.

She slept.

Ellie woke up in darkness. Switching on the dim night light, she saw that it was only 3.00 a.m. and Chris was still sound asleep, lying naked on his back, legs spread, slight snoring noises coming through his parted lips. Ah, just to sit up and gaze on the body of this young, well-muscled Adonis, with his flaccid, yet still impressive, cock lying across his thigh.

Ellie touched it gently with her fingertips. Chris didn’t move, and that was when the idea came to her, and thrilled her. For some time, she had wondered what a limp cock would feel like in her mouth. She had never fancied it much. Now here was Chris at her mercy. How exciting would it be if she could feel it swell inside her? And then? Then, she could complete the job.

Up on her knees she bent over his lovely body, tentatively raised the limp cock, until she could get her lips around it. Being flaccid, his organ would not travel easily, and she needed her tongue and a firm sucking action to take it deep.

Ellie was amazed at how quickly everything developed. First, it was like what a deflated balloon must feel like, not very appealing rubbery and slack. But then she was sure she could feel his blood pounding into his wonderful implement.

Imagination? Who cared? As she sucked, and her tongue worked around it, she was enthralled to find it no longer slack. The more she sucked, the harder it became, filling her mouth so delightfully.

Chris’s body twitched, his hand was on the back of her head, beginning to grip at her hair. His sleep shrouded voice asked, “Ellie, what the hell?”

Reaching up she held the newly revived hardness of him, as she drew back her mouth to tell him, “I am giving you a blowjob to end all blowjobs. Please, let me give you this and cum in my mouth.”

Chris grunted, “If I have any left.” But he lay back and left Ellie to happily disport herself. So, she sucked deeply, almost gagging as the head struck the back of her throat. His cock felt huge. Big up her channel, it was even thicker here, she told herself.

Then came the elation of having Chris flex his hips upwards, giving the impression of fucking her face. The joy of it, the delirium had her cunt walls leaking, but this time she would deny them. This was all for Chris.

Ellie drew her head back so that her lips could make a full pass along his shaft, until Chris’s voice choked out, “Ellie, I’m –Oh, God.”

To her delight she felt his first spurt strike the back of her throat. It was so warm, as it was followed by more and she began gulping greedily to get every drop down inside her. A super feeling to hear his gasps and groans while she milked him, but even more stimulating for Ellie was the notion that even after he left in the morning there would still be part of him lurking inside her.

As his quickly limpened cock slid from her lips there was a slight salty bitterness of the final drips. She raised herself to be kissed and thanked.

They lay and happily agreed that it was going to be easy to make this kind of contact, especially while her son was in university.

Ellie felt she had been so blessed to find this young man who knew exactly how to please her. The idea of having this sexual bliss continue was so exhilarating and full of such promise. The next morning they shared one more euphoric coupling and it was so frantic, as though they had been apart for months.

Ellie watched him drive away, she patted her stomach and asked herself, “How long can I hold his stuff in there?” She laughed and went inside to start a normal day.




Written by redwriter34
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