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Daughter's Ex-boyfriend, PT 2

"Mom gets ex-boyfriend living with her to give her a full body massage and then sex too"

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He didn’t move. Elliott didn’t have to move. She was sleeping right there, next to him. She was as naked as she was last night. He smiled at her figure, holding her soft and fuller figured mature body against him in the morning. It was like being in another world to him. But he was smiling as he looked at her soft, almost silky curves that he could see, and he was ready to go at it with her again.

Last night, he’d just made love to her. He couldn’t believe it. He had sex, good sex too, with his ex-girlfriend’s mother, and she is a woman whom he’s admired for, like, forever. And doing what he just did with her was the very first time in his life.

Laying beside her and holding her mature body, he thought about what he’d done the night before.

'I can’t believe it. I actually had sex with Mrs. Calletti. No, I guess I can call her Angela now, can’t I? Mmmmm, look at her', he said to himself as he tried peaking at her hips and then her ass. 'Oooooohh, wow…Does she have an ass or what. God, I’d love to chew on those', he thought, (referring to her ass cheeks).

He smiled. He knew he’d be more then willing to sink his teeth down into her ass cheeks.

'I’d love to lick her ass all over', he told himself. 'And look at her hips. Mmmmm, those hips of hers…they go on for miles'. He smiled as he looked at her hips and then her ass once again.

She moved a little but hadn’t woken up as of yet. He adored her. He saw it as if he loved her in a manner of speaking.

'Should I kiss her? Should I kiss her shoulders? God, I’d sure love to do that', he told himself as he lay there wanting to hold her closely.

'I should reach around her and hold her closely. I could hold her close. I could even hold her boobs. Yeah, I should reach around her and pull her towards me, and I could hold her tits as I hold her. Couldn’t I?' he said to himself. 'Yeah, that’s what I’ll do'.

So Elliott, as gently as possible, slowly reached around Angela’s sleeping body, and as carefully as he possibly could he tried placing his hands on her soft, big, and round breasts. He got them there. Angela didn’t move an inch. He didn’t move other then doing that. It was almost as if he “floated” into heaven. He loved the feel of them. They were big but soft and powerful.

He almost felt like rolling her body over on to her back and once he’d do that he knew, without question, that he’d climb on top of her, happily of course, and he’d lower his head down to her boobs and begin making love all over them. At least that’s what he felt like he’d do if he could.

He wrapped himself around the sleeping beauty. He could feel her breathing, not heavily, but slowly and deeply as well.

'Oooooohh, she felt soooo nice', he thought. She was soft and warm and she also felt gentle as well. “I could hold her all day long like this,” he said under his breath.

But it wasn’t quiet enough. Angela murmured something. He froze. He practically stopped breathing for that matter and he tried only listening to her. 'Ohhhhhhh, she sure felt wonderful', he thought. Like a pillow almost, she “moved” as she breathed in and out.

A little here, a little there, and as she “moved” in and out he held her breasts in place. God her breasts felt good. No, they weren't some young 20 year old girl’s breasts but they still sure were nice and quite awesome boobs for a woman her age, he thought.

He lay there. Still wrapped around her and holding her breasts in his hands, he still felt like rolling her over so he could suck on them and make love to them in the early morning hours. It was only 6:45 in the morning. Yeah, okay she was still asleep, but her body and her boobs were wonderful, to put it mildly.

“God, I wish she was awake,” he said under his breath.

“I am,” she said, startling him. “I’m just enjoying feeling your body, especially your hands, around me like they are honey…mmmmmm. If you want to… feel free to squeeze them as often as you want to.” She remained silent for a minute or so and then she finally said, “I loved doing what we did last night honey. It was remarkable to me. It really, really was honey… Mmmmmm.”

“Uhhhhhh really, you’ve uh been awake this whole time, really?” he replied.

She turned over, smiling as she did. Obviously both were naked but the covers covered them both up. As she smiled, she looked right into his eyes.

“You are, you know, a very good lover, and I do mean that too Elliott.” Her hand came out and traced a line over his lips. “Kissing you last night was definitely a treat and a half. If I didn’t have things to do I’d…” and she left it at that as she smiled into his eyes. “But I’ll be back later on. We can see, of course.”

He smiled back at her. She loved having sex with me she said. Wow, the woman loved doing it with me and to me, she said. God Angela… I can’t wait to do it again with you.

With that idea in his head he said “And I loved making love to you too Angela,” although he didn’t mean to call it making love but it could have felt like that in some ways.

“I’m glad you did like it,” she said.

She shoved down the covers exposing his chest and some of her naked upper body so that both of them could see one another.

“You’re such a handsome fellow. Do you know how handsome you really are Elliott? I know I could tell you but the best way, without making love to you, is to write my feelings down on paper, but you probably wouldn’t appreciate that, would you?”

“Sure I would,” he said. “I do mean that too. I always love reading. I mean, not only the sports section or some crap like science fiction. I love reading deeper stuff. I happen to love English. I have even read Values. It’s always been the biggest interest in my life,” he admitted to her.

She wondered. What were “values?” She had to ask him.

“Ohhhhhh, Values?” he replied. “Well that’s a class in Philosophy,” he told her.

They looked at each other. She began to smile as she did. That is quite impressive that he took some of those classes, she thought. Elliott loved Philosophy? she asked herself? “You went to college, really?”

“Yeah, but I couldn’t afford it. I had to drop out after…” and he told her. “So I got into construction but I love working outside. It’s a great experience. Everyone should do it for at least a couple years at least. I really think they should. Plus you can make a lot of money doing it too,” he told her.

“And it builds up these strong muscles too,” she came back as she traced a line or two over his arms while smiling. “I mean look at you. You’re big and muscular. You have all these nice, powerful muscles. Mmmmm, and your chest and arms and even your back muscles as well Elliott,” she went on to add as she smiled some more. You’re just strong a nice and strong guy as far as I’m concerned Elliott.”

“Yeah, I guess I am,” he said. He thanked her.

“Well gosh, any girl, or should I say even a woman like me looks at a guy like you. And when we do we see a handsome looking, grown man. A real man Elliott. You have no idea what I mean by that either. You are intelligent. You are a really good looking guy. And you are… strong and soooo powerful,” she went on to say. “Gosh Elliott, how can’t a woman not be impressed with a man like you who’s soooo affectionate like you?”

He said thank you. Their eyes locked in on one another and he added “But what about you, Angela? You should take a look at yourself. I mean this. You’re a really good looking lady and as far as I’m concerned when I look at you I see a very, very pretty and mature woman who is also very beautiful too!”

He stared right at her and went on to add, “I really do mean that and I’m not holding back. When I first saw you, a long time ago, there was something about you I told myself that said to me that I should try and make love to you if you can believe that. I said to myself, if you can believe this, I’d love to make love to you. I mean it too. Gosh there was something about you that said to me I… I have to get to know her a lot, lot better. Man, I can’t believe I just said that,” he admitted.

She was taken by his words. Does he really mean that? Come on now… he doesn’t really mean that does he? He can’t be that serious. She thought about his words and then asked herself, 'God, am I really… that attractive to him?'

“Stop teasing me, Elliott. You have to be teasing me, right?”

“Nooooo, really I’m not,” he said as he stared right into her pretty eyes and traced a line down the bridge of her nose. “There isn’t anything about you I would change. Angela, if we had a week together, alone… I’d eat you up and then some. God, I can’t believe I just said that.” But he paused a moment and then added “But its true… it really is.”

She was stunned by his admission. It actually turned her on some. 'This… this young guy who is a little bit older then my daughter is telling me I’m sexy or pretty at the very least? Ohhhhhhh come on now… he has to be kidding me isn’t he? No… no he isn’t. He said to me that he’d lay in bed with me for a week'. He really did, she reminded herself.

“You mean that?” she said. “You’d actually would lay here with me and you’d… you would ‘eat’ me up? Now that’s umm kind of umm kinky… don’t you think, Elliott? I mean I do. I think its rather on the kinky side.” She stopped and thought about that for a moment. Suddenly her body shivered a little. She swallowed hard. “Come on now.

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You’d actually leave me where I’m at and you’d actually ‘eat’ my body up, sexually?”

He was smiling but he was also nodding his head while he looked at her. She was so turned on by it all that she was succumbing to his words as if what he’d said was a challenge and an offer all in one. She felt her body “shiver” again.

“Okay, I’ll do it,” she told him.

“Do what?” he asked.

“I’ll lay here, all day long, and I’ll let you ‘eat’ me up… sexually,” and also added, “Mmmmmm ohhh, let’s do it…all day long, Elliott.” She got hungrier and hungrier for it as she looked at him. “Oh gosh…oh my Lord, I can’t wait!”

He smiled as he heard her out. “Mmmmmm,” he replied in a ravenous, aroused tone. “Ooooohh, now is this an offer to me on your part too, Angela?”

“I guess so,” she said. “I mean, yes! Sure it’s an offer from me to you, honey. I mean that is of course when we do this? Can we do it today?” She thought about the insinuations it was sending to him. She didn’t care at all. “When can we do this?” she asked.

She closed her eyes as she imagined it all. She immediately imagined his body all over hers. She pictured his lips and that tongue of his all over her body too. She opened her eyes and he stared hard at her as he smiled.

Then she went on to say, with a slip of the tongue, “Oh fucking God Elliott… do it to me! Eat me up all over my body! Ohhhhhh Elliott, can we do this today? I’m so ready to have you eat me up all over honey. I really am sweetheart… I mean that’s when you’re ready.”

“I’ll rearrange my schedule. I mean I don’t have to call anyone but…”

“Me too,” she said in that sweet domesticated tone of voice of hers. “I’ll make one call and cancel and appointment I had with a friend and I’ll lay back down and we can snuggle and… mmmmmm, we can oooooohh get started. How’s that sound?”

“Here’s your phone,” he said as he handed it to her.

She called and quickly canceled her appointment. She clicked it off then actually shut it off completely. She threw it to the floor and looked at her naked new friend, smiling. “I am soooo ready to feel you all over me,” she told him. “Get me turned on. Make me feel soooo horny, will you. Kiss me everywhere possible. I would so love to…ohhhhhh Lord, just do me everywhere honey.”

She laid down and closed her eyes. Nothing happened for a moment. She was laying on her back, waiting. He was kneeling on the bed and looking down at a majestic, mature, and naked grown woman. He loved every possible sector of her body he realized.

“Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are Angela?” he asked.

“No, but feel free to show me, will you?” she said as she started to open her eyes.

He was about to lower his body into hers as he was coming down lower and lower to kiss her on her lips. She closed her eyes. He then kissed her lips. His kiss was regal but soft and long.

She eventually kissed him back due to she’d wanted to kiss a man, him if possible, all day and all night long. She smiled once he kissed her on her lips and said “I loved that kiss, Elliott.”

“Shhhhh,” he replied, quietly.

She barely said another word as he began doing his thing with her. From there he kissed her neck and then her breasts. He continued heading south to her stomach and around her pussy, to her inner thighs for a bit, and finally he went right down to her toes.

He held one foot in is hands, kissing each toe, and especially her big toe. He did the other foot as well and did it exactly as he did the other toe. From there he slowly kissed her ankle and then her calf, moving up to her knee and stopping there.

Elliott raised her leg up in the air some. He shifted so that he could kiss the underside, softly, and he made a solid point of kissing the undersides of both her knees. Angela couldn’t get over how much she adored that. It was in its own way, arousing as hell. She held back, not saying anything to him, but she sure enjoyed it totally as she smiled.

He flipped her over, starting down at the bottom more or less, and he started to kiss up her leg.

“Mmmmm, I love these thighs,” he told her. “You sure have some of the greatest thighs in the world.” She knew better but she didn’t say anything. Regardless, he kissed and he kissed both of them thoroughly.

Inside of them or on the backsides, he kissed all over her thighs, sensuously. He took his time. She loved it and laid there as he kissed each one, in detail. On her stomach, he couldn’t see her face, but that face had one of the biggest smiles anyone would have ever seen on it.

Next, and he adored it to no end, was her ass and its butt cheeks. He spent and excessive amount of time on it, kissing it, nibbling it too, and even licking both cheeks in addition to nibbling and kissing both of them as well. He didn’t miss a spot on either one he thought as his teeth, intimately, did their thing on her ass as well as licking and even sucking her ass, completely.

But she finally spoke up. “You’ve done this before? God Elliott…you sure know how to turn a girl on don’t you?”

“I try,” he replied. “Now shhhh, be quiet okay?”

She said okay and he licked the crack of her ass before moving on. He kissed her lower back. He kissed her hips and sides and back all the way to her shoulders. And all of a sudden he flipped her again as he wore a “scheming” like smile on his smile. 'What was he up to', she asked herself.

He only smiled as he kissed, or licked, her stomach, but she found she loved that for sure.

He kissed further up and further up and he kissed and then licked her and stopped at her beautiful bosoms.

“I love these you know,” he said.

And he “attacked” them. He kissed and handled them and as he did he licked her nipples too. He licked them repeatedly. He got his teeth on one, got it hard, and then moved on to the other nipple where he did the same thing.

Angela couldn’t believe it but she was becoming hornier then ever as he did that to her.

He kissed and sucked on her cleavage. He kissed and licked the rest of her boobs. Her chest was gradually heaving as if she wanted him to do more and more. She was getting hornier and even hornier as she allowed him to “eat” her up. Her eyes had closed. She wanted this badly. She wanted his cock in her hands. Angela wanted his cock in her mouth so that she could suck on it at that point. Angela was soooo turned on she could feel herself moaning, almost.

He had kissed her all over her body. He had eaten her up all over. He barely missed a spot on her body. She knew it too. He was tremendous. He was spectacular as far as she was concerned. There was only one thing left now.

“Fuck me baby,” she screamed out. “I want you! I soooo fucking want you!”

“Mmmmmm, now that’s my girl,” he said. “And I want you too. I mean if you really want me like you said you do.”

He pulled away from her a little so she turned to face him but with a glorious smile on her face. She was about to say something to him but he put a finger to her lips. He shook his head and looked into her eyes. Then he smiled back at her.

“I haven’t had this much fun in my life, Angela. Being able to kiss your body like I did has been…well that was soooo darn uhhh arousing to me.” He kept on smiling at her as she smiled at him.

“I do love being with you like this, Elliott,” she said quietly. “I could do that all the time. I mean it. Feeling your lips on my body, just like you did that, well… Ohhhhhh wow, that turned me on in the biggest way. Did you know that?”

He heard her. He smiled. So without her knowing it he slid his hand down between her thighs. He smiled and winked at her.

“Like this turns you on?” he asked.

Her face changed. She was “surprised” as hell once she felt his fingers “digging” around in her upper thighs. Her eyes abruptly grew big. Her mouth proved she was very stunned and seeing as she was he continued “playing” around inside them a little more then she expected, even though she told him she was horny.

He continued to finger soft and warm pussy. She closed but opened her eyes, several times as he did it, and as he continued doing it she knew only one thing. Angela was more then ready for his white cock, as nice as it was to her, to get laying inside of her, and she was ready for it right away.

So she reached down and started playing with his limp toy. She teased it. She played around with it some more. But before too long she had hold of it in her hand and she was stroking it at full blow. He felt it. She felt it too seeing as it got harder and harder and longer and longer. And she was smiling at him as it did.

“Want me to, umm, suck on it for you?” she asked.

“Oh God no…uh uhhh,” he said. “The way I feel right now,” he went on to say as he shook his head, “I think I could, you know, make love with you right now.”

“Then feel free honey. I mean it. I’m ready if you are. Just do it,” she told him.

He was on her. He was hard and ready. And she took it and placed it on her pussy. Then, for his sake, she placed it into her, and let him do the rest. Before long, these two were going at it at full blow. On top, on the side, and even from the backside too he was fucking her and loving her as he they had affectionate sex. Throughout it all, he tried holding on to her generous, bountiful looking breasts as he fucked her.

Yes, she came, and so did he. Once they had cum, together, she turned over, and took him into her arms and kissed his lips.

She also said, not thinking, “Somehow you’re not leaving me. Somehow I’ve got to keep you. I don’t know how but I want you forever. Do you know why? Because I know I love you and I love you a lot.”

Then she kissed him again. After hearing that Elliott took her in his arms and didn’t let go of her all day long. They did have sex later on and took a shower together too.

There is something to be said about a mature woman, isn’t there?

Written by Stoneypoint
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