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Community Involvement Ch. 07

"Clare meeting arranged now its time for a hair cut"

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Forlornly, I waved goodbye to Michelle as she drove off to do her school pick up run. As I went inside I reflected on the amazing day we had spent together (the last full day we would have for quite a number of weeks); two squiring orgasms for Michelle, a first time tit fuck for me (for both us to be exact) and a very deep and meaningful discussion about relationships. In particular, our respective marital relationships and some of the previously undiscussed circumstances that, without any forethought or planning by either of us, had ultimately delivered us into each other’s arms. I shook my head in delightful disbelief at my (and Michelle’s) good fortune.

There was no denying the fact that I was looking forward to the school holidays that were due to start at the end of the following week as it meant some good times with my daughter. However, it also meant time away from Michelle.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” I thought to myself, which turned into a chuckle as another idea popped into my head. “I wonder if the same can be said for a cock?”

I busied myself tidying up the kitchen and generally getting to house in some sort of order while waiting for my daughter to arrive home from school. I checked my emails and wrote some replies and updated my calendar accordingly for the following week. Time slipped by quickly and before I knew it, it was 3.30pm. I was just about to leave my home office to go downstairs and make some tea when the phone rang. The caller ID was blocked. Instinctively I thought of ignoring the call to avoid talking to a bank or dealing with telemarketers but then I remembered Clare’s call earlier in the week was ID barred, as it channelled through the school switchboard network, so I took a chance and answered.

“Hi Ray, it is Clare.” I was relieved it was the one person calling that I was eager to hear from, the warmth of her voice a delight to my ear.

“Hi Clare. Good of you to call.”

“I hope I haven’t caught you with your pants down?” She laughed at her remark. I thought it a bit crass but from my limited experience with Clare I understood where she was coming from.

“No, you haven’t, but even if you had, it would not be of any consequence.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” she said provocatively. “It could make for some interesting dialogue over the phone. Who knows what it might lead to?”

“We’ll have to leave that kind of chat for another time, I’m afraid. I am expecting my daughter home any minute.”

“What a spoil sport,” she laughed. “I guess I’ll just have to cut to the chase.”

“What can I do you for?” I asked, enjoying the levity, but also wanting to get off the phone.

“Now that is a bit more like it. Oh, but you don’t have time for me now. I’ll just have to wait my turn. How about next Thursday? Can you squeeze me in?”


“I am so pleased you can fit me into your tight schedule. How does ten o’clock in my office sound?” The first part of her response was laced with a sarcastic sound that I did not really appreciate. Rather than take issue, I decided to let it slide and further explore the sexual innuendo ridden aspect of our chat.

“I thought you were the one with the tight schedule?” I quipped. “Anyway, regardless of who’s schedule, or anything else for that matter, is tight or not, I am sure either way it can be stretched to accommodate, don’t you agree?”

“You have aroused my level of expectation, Ray. I looked forward to continuing this discussion next Thursday. You had better come prepared.”

“Ten o’clock, your office, I’ll be there.”

“I just hope Michelle hasn’t exhausted your capacities?”

“I can neither confirm nor deny that last assertion, but I have good recuperative powers; I am sure I will be able rise to the occasion, Clare. See you then.”

I got off the phone, amused and a bit annoyed at the double entendre filled phone call. The dalliance with Clare the week before was very enjoyable, to say the least, make that extremely enjoyable, but I knew she was up to something and not knowing what was troubling. I shrugged it off, assuming it was all part of a little game Clare seemed to enjoy playing with me, updated my calendar with the Clare appointment details and started downstairs. I had no sooner started to boil the kettle when my mobile rang again.

“When are you going to see Clare?” Michelle asked without any formal greeting. I was surprised and overjoyed to hear her voice.

“Funny you should ask. I just got off the phone with her.”

“I am surprised you were able to get off over the phone, I thought I had drained you.” Michelle’s cheeky comment made me smile.

“She did prick my attention with some rather saucy double meanings.” I could not stop myself, I just had to laugh. Michelle joined in and we bantered on for a short time longer. She explained that she was still waiting for her son to come out of a late finishing choir rehearsal and had run into Clare.

“So, when are you going to see Clare?” she asked. “Next Thursday, at ten o’clock, in her orifice.”

“I assume you meant office and were teasing me. However, that may explain her huge grin when I saw her a few minutes ago,” Michelle mused. “She asked if I had heard from you, but we got interrupted when her mobile rang and she had to go.”

“I only got off, um, let me rephrase that,” I laughed. “We only finished fixing the timing a few minutes ago. I was just making a cup of tea for myself and now I have the pleasure of hearing your voice.”

“That is nice to hear, thank you,” Michelle replied, and then she added in a rather nonchalant tone, “The pupils actually finish on Wednesday, which means there will only be staff at the school on Thursday. You had better get plenty of rest between now and then. Your first experience with her was... um, unconventional, shall we say.”

I spluttered into my cup. Thankfully, a napkin was within close reach.

“Yes, it was an unconventional interview, as you put it.” I laughed and coughed at the same time and quickly wiped my mouth and chin, relieved not have spilt tea all over myself. “Informative is another word to describe it.”

“I bet you are hoping to get a lot more information at your next meeting?” Michelle was deliberately baiting me in a humorous way.

“I am eager to find out if I have secured that casual teaching position she was looking into, first and foremost.”

“Absolutely!” Michelle agreed excitedly, but I could tell she was not going to leave the subject there. “It will be interesting to see how it will all work out for you. You have to remember though, she will be the boss and you will be working under her...”

“I am not sure which position we will end up in. Like you said, she will be the boss, so I am happy to let her decide. I just have to make sure I keep my end of the bargain up.” As much as I tried, I could not keep a straight face, or voice in this case.

“You are nothing but a tease,” she exclaimed, her sexy voice soothing any reservations I might have had concerning my dealing with Clare.

“I suppose I could be accused of that, but I certainly don’t leave you disappointed.”

“No, you certainly haven’t disappointed,” she purred. “Not so far.” We both had to laugh at that comment.
“Seriously though, you don’t mind?” I asked, genuinely concerned.

‘Ray. What we have, you and I together, I mean, is something gloriously pleasurable. The sex is great, and don’t let that go to your head,” she chortled, “and the comfort we have with each other on so many levels, is something we deeply cherish. But that cannot stand in the way of... um...” She was searching for the right words.

“Developing our own sense of our selves through interactions with other people...” I offered.

“Yep. That will do nicely, thank you.” Michelle sounded pleased with my interjection. “Long story short, as far as you and I go, we can screw who we want, when we want etcetera, but we still have each other to fall back on. Right?”

“Damn straight!”

“Good. Now, no more concerns about Clare.” Michelle had put on her motherly voice as she scolded me. “You just make damn sure you get yourself on that trip.”

“Yes Ma’am.” I said in an admonished voice, which made Michelle laugh.

“There is one thing I have to do before seeing Clare though. I have to get my hair cut.”

“It is a bit wild at the moment,” Michelle added.

“Is that so?” I retorted, trying to sound injured.


“I hate it when you’re right.” We both laughed. We chatted lightly for a few more minutes before my thoughts turned to our being apart.

“Today was our last time together for about three weeks, if I am not mistaken.”

“Yes, unfortunately. The actual school holiday break is two weeks, which includes Easter and ANZAC Day this time around. Then I am away from the Tuesday after school resumes for ten days.” I could hear the emotion in her voice. “It is more like four weeks we will be apart.”

“We can still say hello over the fence if we get the opportunity,” I reminded her. It was not like we would not be seeing each other at all. Michelle concurred and we discussed various options to keep our respective siblings entertained. Finally, the time had arrived and we had to take our leave of each other. It was sad in many respects because of all that we had discussed recently as well as the sexual activity. However, we did have many bright points to help get us through. There was the Clare meeting and all the tour arrangements to get organised, both individually and as a team. On top of that, we still had the opportunity of spending two nights and close to three days together to look forward to, well before the music tour.

“The future looks so bright, I have to wear shades,” I said, quoting the song title. She laughed heartily.

We said our goodbyes, for the thousandth time it seemed, and hung up. As I still had the phone in my hand I decided to make the hair cut appointment before I forgot.

“Hello, Nicolina speaking.”

“Hi Bella,” I answered, “How are you?”

“Hi Ray. I am good. So, tell me?” I smiled to myself. That was Nicolina’s typical question when clients rang to make appointments. It was unusual but, hey, it worked.

“Could I get a haircut at nine thirty on Monday?” I liked to get the first appointment on a Monday as it was always quieter. Nicolina was the only person who worked on a Monday and being first up meant no distracting chatter with other clients; I had Nicolina all to myself.

“I might be a little late on Monday. Is 9.45 okay?”

“No problem.” I was relieved to have that organised. All I had to do now was get all the information I needed to take to Clare sorted.

It was 9.30am when I arrived outside the door to Nicolina’s salon. The morning peak hour traffic had been good for a change so the drive into the CBD to drop my wife off was quick and easy. The drive back out to the inner western suburb where Nicolina was located was a little congested but moving and I was lucky enough to find a parking spot right out front. The salon was still in darkness, indicating Nicolina was running late as she had suggested she might be. The sunny morning made it pleasant to wait by the door and catch up on some of the overnight European football scores.

After a short while I looked up and saw her walking toward me. She was smoking a cigarette with her large leather bag slung over her shoulder as she made her way along the foot path. She was wearing a knee length denim skirt, a sunflower yellow coloured shirt and black flat soled slip-on shoes. Her jet black, shoulder length hair was newly bobbed, and it swished and swayed as she walked. From my vantage point, she looked in a vibrant and buoyant mood which always made for good conversation during my time with her. I go out of the car and waved.

"Hi Ray,” she said as she got closer. “How are you? Sorry, I am late."

"Ciao Bella. I'm fine. How are you?” Nicolina was of Italian decent so I liked to use some of the limited Italian words and phrases I knew when conversing with her. She also found it amusing when I got it wrong. “You’re not late. You mentioned you would be here around 9.45...I was early, in fact.”

Before opening the door she leant towards me to give me a kiss on each cheek in typical European fashion. She placed her hands on my shoulders and tilted her head to my right so I raised my hands toward her hips. Although unintentional, I misjudged and my palms settled on either side of her upper abdomen and as she moved to kiss me her body shifted causing them to move higher. I could feel the heat of her body through her shirt and the swell of the underside of her breasts against my thumbs. I quickly decided to take advantage of the opportunity and shifted my hand slightly higher which brought my palms into contact with the sides of her breasts. It was only a brief contact but enough to give me a sense of her heavy breast flesh through her underwired lace covered bra.

“Uno momento.” She said after breaking our greeting. She placed the key into the lock to open it and did not seem to have noticed my touch of her breast or if she had, she made no issue of it not seemed upset.

“There!” She smiled broadly, holding the door open for me after she had disarmed the alarm. “Come in. I'm glad you’re my first customer, I always like talking with you."

“I like speaking to you too.” I replied, watching her behind as she walked across the salon to turn on the lights. “That is why I like to see you first thing on Mondays. It’s just you and me plus it’s quieter and a lot less chaotic.”

“You should have been here on Saturday.” She laughed. “It was bedlam.”

Nicolina’s salon, though small, had a more efficiently laid out floor plan compared to her previous one. She initially ran the business for the owners, who had two other premises, but the husband died and the wife sold the business to Nicolina about three years ago. The area was predominantly an Old Italian suburb about 10 kilometres from the centre of Sydney and with Nicolina’s Italian background, the local women all came to her. From outside, her front door is on the left hand side of the frontage, and as you enter her reception desk is a metre in from the door. The interior is about five metres wide by four metres deep and looks out onto the footpath where she puts a table and some chairs; Nicolina’s smoking spot.

Directly behind the reception desk is a small room divider with some product display shelves which extends about one meter in from the left hand wall. Directly behind this wall, Nicolina has a small coffee machine over a bar fridge and two hair washing stations. Along the right hand wall she has two long wall mounted mirrors and two swivel chairs; this is where she plies her hair dressing talents. At the back of this area there is a small table and two doors. The table is where her colleague and resident beautician, Lillie, does her nail treatments and the like. The first of the doors at the back, which is located centrally along the rear wall, leads into a room where Lillie does all her specialised beautician work and the second door, located in the far right corner leads out to the toilet facilities. It is small when compared to most salons but functional and Nicolina was happier due to cheaper rent, if nothing else.

With the lights on, Nicolina raised the front blinds. The morning sun burst in, filling the salon with a happy glow that seemed to match her demeanour perfectly.

“You seem very cheerful and bouncy this morning?” I observed.

“Thank you. I had a really good night’s sleep for a change. I have also been getting up earlier and going for a brisk five to ten kilometre walk, depending on how much time I have available. I have been feeling good for doing the exercise. It helps me overcome the stress of standing all day in here.” She smiled brightly and her big brown eyes shone.

“Now all you have to do is give those up,” I said, pointing to the cigarette packet that had fallen from her bag.

“Tell me about it,” she answered with a sigh as she reached for the small table which was to go outside.

“I’ll do that,” I offered.

“Okay, thank you. You take the table and I’ll take the chairs.” She stepped back so I could grasp the table. I picked it up and watched as she bent to pick up the chairs. As she leaned forward, her yellow shirt dropped forward, exposing her bra covered chest to my hungry eyes.

She definitely has great tits for her age ,” I thought to myself as I fixed my gaze onto her swaying bosom. I knew from previous conversations that Nicolina came from Calabria, in the south of Italy, and her complexion was typical of the region. Dark, olive skin, big brown eyes, jet black hair; Mediterranean looks, no question and a good looking package she was to boot. She had some signs of ageing around her eyes but her skin still looked soft and youthful. I did not have any clue of her actual age but if I had to guess I would think she would have been in her late fifties.

Nicolina was not short either. I had only seen her in the salon where she always wore flat shoes but she still reached at least 175cm tall (5ft 8’). Today however, was an exception in terms of her attire, as normally she wore dark colours to work. Despite her age, she had a good figure, especially her breasts, which were rounded and full as they nestled in her bra. She had a bit of a rounded bump tummy, which I knew from previous discussions, was from the sad occasion of having to deliver, via Caesrean section, a still born child; her only child as it turned out. I assumed that was part of the reason she immersed herself in her work.

I dared not move, drinking in sight of her breast flesh as they concaved with the weight of her bosom as she bent to pick up the chairs.

“They look heavy?” I said, fully intending my comment to be directed to the chairs but inwardly meaning her tits.

“They are not heavy,” she replied straightening and smiling. “I was just being careful of how I gripped them. I didn’t want to break my nails.”

“No, there is no Lillie today to fix them if you did,” I laughed.

I held the door open and we went out and arranged the setting to her desired positions.

“Coffee?” she asked. I accepted readily and we went back inside.

I followed her in admiring the sway of her hips under her snug fitting denim skirt. Just as we were about to pass the front desk, she paused, saying she had to find a piece of paper from Saturday and pick up the fallen cigarettes. She picked them up and threw them under the desk. As she fished around, looking for the paper on a low shelf, her shirt billowed open again, revealing her deep and inviting cleavage. With her every movement her breasts swayed seductively. I noted the way they pressed heavily into the cups of her black under wire bra. If I was any judge, I would have thought the material was under serious stress.

“Probably a far greater pressure than what my crotch is experiencing in the confines of my jeans,” I thought to myself. “Although...”

I could not move. I wanted to take in the wonderful sight for as long as possible. It was all I could do not to thrust a hand inside her top and grab a handful of boob but resist I did.

“Can you see a yellow post-it note sized piece of paper on the top of the desk?” Nicolina asked. She was still bent over and my eyes were feasting on her chest as she looked up and then looked down to see her blouse gapping, providing me with such a magnificent view.

“There is nothing in plain sight on your desk,” I replied after quickly glancing in that direction. I had not moved closer as I did not want to lose my prime viewing position.

“You might need to look closer,” she suggested. “At the desk top as well.”

I grinned self-consciously at being discovered. I moved to the front of the waist high reception desk and moved her appointment book.

“Found it!” I exclaimed, holding it aloft for her to see.

“Thank god.” Nicolina sighed, withdrawing her head from under the desk.

“Do you need some help?” I asked, seeing she was attempting to straighten. As I moved back to my previous position, I got another eye full of her heavy chest.

“Thank you, that would be helpful,” she accepted gratefully.

As I reached to help her up, she looked down at her drooping top again. As she rose to stand in front of me, my right hand slid to her waist. Just as had occurred when we kissed hello, I moved my hand upward and rested my thumb against the swell of her breast.

“Are you okay?” I enquired.

“Yes, thank you.” She sighed again. “I need that paper, as I urgently have to place an order later today for a client coming in on Friday. I nearly forgot. Now, what was I doing? Oh. Coffee!”

I stepped back and allowed her to pass. I was sure she had noticed my thumb resting on the swell of her breast and I was certain she knew I had been looking longingly deep inside her shirt, but she was not reacting.

Hmm, what to do?” I mentally asked myself.

“Cappuccino?” she asked, drawing me away from my metal deliberations.

“Yes, please.”

“How do you have it, Bello?” she asked, placing two cups under the respective spouts.

“White and two sugars, please,” I replied. “I’m not sweet enough some people say.”

She smiled warmly and bent to open the fridge. Her shirt gapped wonderfully and I stood there with my eyes fixed onto her delightfully melons. Nicolina retrieved the milk, looked down at her shirt and noticed it was again providing me a direct line of sight onto her womanly assets.

“I’ll have to do something about that,” she said idly. “About what?” I asked innocently.

“Oh...” she deliberately paused. “The milk situation. I will have to get some more milk later today.”

“I thought there was ample there...” I grinned, my heart pounding in my chest.

Nicolina smiled warmly at my response. She turned her attention to making coffee and asked if I needed my hair washed. I explained I had washed it in the shower earlier and she suggested that I sit at the basin and that she would only lightly wash it and then she would put a good conditioner through it. I was about to do as she suggested when, much to my delight, she bent over to put the milk away.

If I am not mistaken, she is enjoying flashing her tits at me as much as I am enjoying looking at them,” I thought. “ That is the fourth time in quick succession and she knows what I am up to. Do I try for a hand full?”

“Sit,” She suggested, indicating the first of the washing stations. “Relax your eyes, I mean your legs and enjoy your coffee while I wash your hair.”

“What about your coffee? It will get cold.” I chose to ignore the eye comment.

“I usually end up having coffee cold when I am in here.” She laughed. “It’s part of the job.”

She shrugged her shoulders, which made her breasts sway under her shirt.

She laid a small black towel across my shoulders and tucked it into my collar. Following that, she placed a large, light-weight smock across my clothes, which buttoned at the back behind my neck and, by pressing her hand on my shoulder, eased me back into the chair so that my neck entered the circular nook of the wrap-around basin.

“You do good coffee,” I said, finishing the cup. It was a good coffee, just the way I like it; not too hot and not bitter.

She adjusted the water temperature and doused my hair. A small rivulet of water ran down my neck and onto my chest which made me shudder. Nicolina apologised and came around in front of me to fix the situation. She bent from the waist and reached for the towel another beside the basin. Her shirt did not disappoint and gapped appropriately, her breasts swinging with her every movement. Her cleavage deepened as she reached forward to rearrange the towel with her arms pressing her breasts together.

“Nice,” I whispered.

“Thank you,” she replied, although I was not sure if she felt I was commenting about the towel being fixed or her gapping top.

Sadly, she returned to washing my hair. Her strong fingers kneaded my head and scalp making me close my eyes in enjoyment. She rotated them in large swooping circles, pressing deeply into my head. She traced a path from my temples, around my ears and down the back of my head to the nape of my neck. Her scalp was massage technique was a highlight of the hair cutting process that I always looked forward to and today was no exception.

She rinsed the shampoo out of my hair and continued to the conditioning treatment stage. She massaged the conditioner in with equal vigour and then ran her nails back along the scalp. It felt wonderful. She was about to comb the fragrant mixture through my hair when she dropped it. The comb slid, as if it were on a ski jump, and flew off across the floor. Nicolina apologised for her clumsiness and went to retrieve the wayward comb. To my surprise she deliberately turned to face me as she bent to pick it up.

There they were again; her beautiful breasts in all their bra encased glory. I was left in no doubt this time about her conscious decision to openly display her bounty. Just what to do about it was my next dilemma.

She turned the tap off and started to dry my hair with the towel using long slow circular motions with her expert fingers. It was making me feel dreamily relaxed again despite the constant replay of the numerous views inside her shirt I had been afforded up to now.

“There. If you just take a seat over there,” She pointed to the seat in front of the mirror directly across from me, “I will be with you in a moment. Would you like another coffee?”

“Sure,” I said standing and turning to face her as I answered. Nicolina smiled warmly, her big brown eyes looking directly at me.

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As I tried to convince myself of the need to act, she bent forward and opened the fridge, and for the umpteenth time she displayed her breasts to me. From her bent position she looked up.

“I only have full cream milk, is that okay?”

“It’s fine by me,” I replied, but I was not looking at her face and she knew it. In fact, I got the impression she had only asked to make sure I was looking at her tits.

There could not be any other reason for it as she had used full cream milk for the first coffee,” I reasoned to myself.

Stealing myself, I knew what to do.

I took a step closer as she straightened. My pulse thumped in my chest as I suppressed one of my long held fears, a fear that by shying away from direct action usually found me deeply regretting opting out; I was going to pounce.

“I’ll bring it over to you Ray. Just take a seat?”

“No need. Let me give you a hand,” I said. She was busy with the coffee as I reached out from under the smock and placed my left hand firmly on her left breast. She stopped immediately and slowly looked down at my hand and then slowly turned her head to look directly at me.

“I think you should remove your hand, Ray,” she said in a steady tone. I gently flexed my fingers and squeezed her rounded globe. I could feel my pulse in my temples my heart was beating that hard. I was so nervous that she was going to react in a negative manner or even get angry, but I had gone this far I knew I had to make a stand.

“I don’t think I can. Your continuous display had me wondering if it were all by chance but now...”

“Now what?” she asked with her hands still on the coffee machine. She had not made any attempt to remove my hand either. I took a deep breath.

“I think I’ve had enough of looking at your fabulous breasts from an arm’s length, as it were. It’s high time I got to see them up close and personal.”

“What if I say no?”

“Oh, I don’t think you’ll say no.” I moved my hand to undo her button.

“I don’t think you should do that,” she repeated. Nicolina cast her eyes down at the button briefly and then looked back at me. In that short moment her eyes had taken on a distinctly smouldering glaze. I knew then that verbally she was testing me and that her eyes seemed to be conveying her real desire.

I quickly unbuttoned the rest of her bright yellow shirt with one hand as I locked her eyes with mine. I could see her chest rising and falling slightly quicker than it had been as I let the sides on her unbuttoned shirt fall open. I moved closer and placed my right hand on the waist band of her skirt and slowly pressed my fingers into her lower abdomen. Gently I slid them down the front of her skirt and covered the area where her skirt flowed over her sex.

“I don’t think you should do that,” She whispered huskily. I also noted that she had swallowed heavily just before speaking.

“Why?” I asked, softly caressing the top her mound through her skirt. “I am not sure it’s a good idea.”

“I am just trying to give a helping gland,” I pleaded with a smile.

“Don’t you mean hand?” She asked weakly.

“Both.” I pressed my fingers either side of her hot mound and squeezed them together.

“Have a think about the words? You’ll soon understand what I mean.” My hushed words drifted to her as I fondled her lower body. She was thinking hard. I moved in behind her and pressed my hardened penis into her rounded behind. My right hand returned to working on her sex as I fondled her breast and bra with my left.

“Oh, I get it now.” She moaned. Her appeals for me to stop had dissipated.

“How about you lock the front door and then I can really show you what we should do?” I whispered into her ear as I roughly pulled the cup of her bra below her left breast and squeezed the glorious orb. It was heavy, full and rounded and filled my hand to capacity. I pinched her nipple firmly which caused her body to quake with desire.

“Now, go close the door.”

Her breath had quickened substantially as I fondled her exposed breast. I asked her again, pulling hard on her hard nipple. Her head sagged and rocked back as I pulled and teased her nipple.

“Oh god, that feels so good,” she hissed. “Let me quickly lock the door.”

I released her, but before she moved away, she kissed me fiercely. Her hands held my face as her mouth engulfed mine and her tongue speared deeply into my mouth exploring every nook and cranny. Her breath was ragged with desire and lust.

“I really want you,” she rasped and ran to the door and locked it without bothering to cover herself.

"I didn’t realise I was exposing so much of myself at first,” she told me as she locked the door and turned the closed sign to face outward. Nicolina moved to turn the lights off, her left breast still hanging out over her bra cup. “But when I finally understood what was happening and I found it so exciting. I decided to continue to tease you with no real thought of what might happen or how far it would eventually go...I didn't care, really. I found it irresistibly exciting to have a good looking man like you looking at aroused me. I was on the verge of stopping myself or stopping you, whichever way you want to say it. I was thinking ‘he would not want to look at my old saggy body, would he?’ but then you..."

"How about you let me be the judge of what I look at and what I don’t? I assured her. “You look amazing and your breasts are glorious. I recall telling you some time ago that you have all the right curves in all the right places, and believe me, you do.”

She blushed noticeably.

I moved to her and wrapped her in my arms. We were standing in the middle of her salon and the look she gave me was with a look that was full of apprehension and uncertainty. I dismissed those impressions and pressed my lips to hers. Her disquiet quickly dissipated as we kissed. Our kiss started gently but gained intensity as any final feelings of apprehension disappeared to be replaced with a near carnal lust. Her hands slid to my jeans and engulfed my bulging cock.

"Fuck! It's so hard," she said surprised.

I was surprised. I had not heard her swear before, but under the circumstances, I was not going to discuss her use of language.

“It’s further acknowledgement of what effect you and your fabulous body have had on me,” I said, enjoying the feel of her hand as she massaged my cock and balls.

She kissed me again and started to undo my jeans. Our lips mashed together and our tongues collided in that time honoured dance. Our hands got busy; she unbuttoned the smock and let it slip to the floor before attacking the waist of my jeans as I fumbled with the three hooks of her bra. She moaned seductively into my mouth as each hook released and I pushed my groin into her tummy as she slowly pushed the zip down.

“Where to?” I asked, breathing deeply.

“There is a massage table in Lilly’s room,” she rasped, clawing at my crotch, trying to get my jeans off as we walked.

I nudged the unlocked door open with my foot as we entered, wrapped in each other’s arms. It was a tiny room with a low ceiling, measuring no more than three square metres (ten square feet). The floating floor was made of gloss polished pine timber and the gyprock walls were painted egg shell white. It was a warm and comfortable room with shelves running the length of the rear wall which were full of beauty and waxing products. Two white cotton curtains hung from a runner just inside the door, which I assumed would be pulled across to provide privacy in the event Lilly had to exit the room while a client was on the table.

I pushed her blouse from her shoulders and placed soft kisses on each as they became visible. She moaned aloud as my lips made contact with the soft flesh of her neck while my fingers groped at her tits. Pulling her closer I kissed her neck more firmly, drawing the perfumed skin into my mouth and gently chewed on it. Gently I pressed my body closer to hers and guided her to sit on the table behind us as I slowly stripped her shirt away; first the right arm and then the left as I followed the material down with my lips.

Her arms were long and lithe and slightly darker than her torso due to sun exposure, yet the skin was equally as soft and fragrant. I traced the contours of each arm with my lips as her cotton shirt slipped away. She entwined her fingers into my damp hair and caressed my head as I softly kissed her skin moving down the right arm and then back up, across her throat to repeat the treatment to her left arm. I gently curled my fingers into the bra straps at her shoulders and kissed her there as well. She grabbed me by my hair and pulled me hard against her heaving body. She pushed my head downward and gasped aloud as I engulfed her thick dark brown right nipple and massaged her left with my hand.

"Arrggghhh, uhmmm..." she moaned. “It’s been so long since I’ve had anyone touch me...” She wiggled her bra straps off her body and discarded the garment on the floor as I continued to feed on her tit. Her comment spurred me on as well. If I had started out seeking purely my own pleasure, I was now determined to give her a “right seeing too”, the likes of which she would remember for a long time.

“You have a great body,” she whispered as she guided me to stand for a moment as she discarded my shirt. Her fingers glided over my skin, outlining the muscle contours of my chest and lightly draw circles around my nipples. I shivered noticeably.

“Sensitive, are they?” she asked in a hushed voice.

“A little,” I replied smiling. “It’s a great feeling though.”

“Powerful,” she said as she cupped my pectoral muscles and caressed them.

“I might have a slim body, but I can at least lift my own weight,” I said, feeling proud of the fact that she liked what she saw.

“An athletic build. In fact, from the width of your shoulders, I would say you do a fair bit of swimming.”

“I used to when I was younger; body surfing, not laps in a pool.”

She sat on the table as I was standing between her splayed legs in my undone jeans. I placed my left hand on her cheek and kissed her deeply again. Our tongues swirled and romped together like two playfully puppies. Our ragged breathing filled the room. As we kissed, I cupped her behind and slowly lifted her and laid her down on the massage table. My right thigh rested heavily on her mound which she rocked, thrusting up against me in an erotic dance.

I stood and surveyed her long, luscious body that was laid out before me. Her breasts fell heavily onto her chest, which was rising and falling significantly. Her olive skin seemed to glow in the low light of the room and I could only but admire the beautiful appeal of her womanly assets.

View no more.” I thought. “It’s time to feast.”

I kissed her mouth tenderly as I tweaked both of her dark nipples and gently tease her sensitive flesh. She moaned louder as I pull on them and slowly kissed my way down along her musky neckline. She looked so divine laying there half naked; her breasts heaving with every inhalation. Tenderly I move d further down, across her undulating chest and into her devastating cleavage. I breathed in her intoxicating perfume and kissed my way to the crest of her glorious orbs. Softly at first, I sucked on her nipples and placed butterfly kisses on the slightly rounded belly which made her moan and curl her toes.

As I kissed my way across the faint Caesarean scar along her tummy, Nicolina raised her head, a little dismayed.

“Ray,” she whispered, “You don’t have...” I cut her off.

“Nicolina, this scar shows that you are alive. I understand the heart ache that goes with it, but it is part of you; don’t be ashamed of it. Like you, it is beautiful.”

“Do you think so?” she asked, her eyes beginning to mist.

I did not reply with words; I simply kissed the scar again and moved my mouth back to her breast.

Her skin was soft and warm. I circled her areola and flicked the hard nipple with the tip of my tongue before I ran it down the slope of her breast and up into her armpit which made her squirm and giggle. I laughed at her response and she told me it tickled, playfully slapping my shoulder. I stopped tickling her and tenderly kissed her mouth before trailing my lips back her nipples and sucked on them harder and harder.

Nicolina bridged herself by digging her heels into the cushion of the table and raised her arse. I reached under her behind and unzipped her denim skirt. Deftly she pushed the skirt away from her hips and rested her bottom back on the table as she pushed the skirt further down her legs. I grabbed hold of the hem and pulled firmly and once it came free of her legs, I flung it aside not caring where it landed. I had Nicolina’s body to take care of and it demanded urgent attention.

That left Nicolina with only one piece of clothing. From the crest of her breast I looked down across the expanse of her body and saw, for the first time, her knickers. There was only one way I could think of to describe them: Her knickers were practical.

These are absolutely enormous panties.” The line from Bridget Jones sprang into my mind. “Obviously she dressed for work, not seduction.”

I resumed my attack on her breasts and engulfed them with intent, leaving a thick coating of salvia on each of her hard nipples. Nicolina was panting hard as she pushed my head lower across her heaving stomach, telling me through actions alone what she wanted.

I bypassed her crotch and went straight to her knees. I softly kissed each and massaged her calves as I moved lower, past her ankles to her feet. Somewhere during our engagement in the main part of the salon, she had removed her shoes so I took full advantage and suck each of her toes. She squirmed even harder and laughed, complaining that it tickled but begged me not to stop. I sucked each toe delicately, swishing them with the flat of my tongue.

Nicolina was breathing in long raspy breaths as I moved back up toward her womanhood. I tailed soft kisses up her thighs, skipped over the panties and speared my tongue firmly into her belly button. Nicolina entwined her fingers into my hair and grunted as I tongue fucked her stomach. She arched her back and madly tugged at the waistband. I slid my hand under the top and pushed as well. Finally they came free, and I quickly pulled them away from the dark thatch of her mound and dragged them free of her legs.

Her crotch was soaking wet. I smiled at her as she lay there totally naked, her eyes pleaded for me to return to her body. I grinned and smelt the crotch of her panties.

“You are very wet!” I announced casually, and then sucked deeply on the gusset. “You taste fantastic. Do you want me to taste you there?”

I draped my fingers across the patch of dark curly hair that covered her sex. Nicolina nodded.

I kissed her tummy again, just above the top of the tuft of hair. She moaned aloud and urged me to go lower.

“She wants me to lick and suck her; to devour her sweet pussy. She wants me to make her cum like she never has before.” I thought to myself . “I want to that as well.”

I moved my head lower and, as I moved lower, Nicolina spread her legs in welcome. My heart was pounding as got between her beautiful thighs and I breathed in her deep musky scent. It made me dizzy with excitement. Her secret cleft was covered in a dark triangle of curly hair that was matted with her secretions. My mouth touched her saturated pussy and instantly her sweet pussy nectar dribbled down her puffy lips that were peeping through the tangle of tight curls, to meet my searching tongue. I slipped my tongue along her pussy lips and drank her in, the thick creamy juices coating my lips like a lip gloss, only better. I started to suck and lick on her hard clitoris.

“Ooh, fuck Ray!” she screamed. ‘You are so good. Going to cum...”

My tongue lapped up every magical drop that Nicolina had to offer as I grabbed hold of her hips to ride with every heave of her body. I slid my tongue deep into her heavenly pussy as her hips rocked wildly, my face riding the waves as her body rose and fell. She was really wet and she was getting wetter and wetter with every second. I tongue fucked her as deep as possible. She tasted so wonderful; I couldn’t get enough. I wanted to feast on her forever, to make her cum and cum, over and over again. With desperate eagerness I buried my face hard against her crotch and I penetrated her pussy with my tongue, spearing it deep and hard. I was eating her pussy and drinking deeply from her special fountain as I massaged her clitoris with my thumb, strumming it across the hard nub like a guitar string. Suddenly her thighs clamped about my ears, holding me tightly against her thrusting body.

“Oh Ray, ngghhhhhhh, I’mmmm Cumming!"

She tensed, her whole body tort as her climax built then broke through to fill her being with unspeakable delight. Her bottom lifted and fell with my head tightly clamped against her gushing vagina. I rode the tide, feeling her ecstasy as wave after wave of orgasmic bliss spread out from her mound to the furthest extents of her body.

Slowly she softened the grip of her thighs and her right leg slipped off the edge of the table. She was gasping for air as she continued to shudder; the climatic aftershocks made her limbs tremble as she laid there spent.

Slowly Nicolina stretched out her arm, her hand seeking any part of me she could find. I smiled to myself, enjoying the post climax serenity of our surroundings and the beautiful look of the wonderful body reclining in front of me. I wrapped her hand in mine and she pulled me forward. Her half lidded eyes meet mine and beamed at me with a smile of satisfaction.

She gently guided my head to hers, placing her soft lips to mine. Her lips parted to make way for her searching tongue. I replied in kind and our tongues met and danced together, gently probing and lapping over one another. After a moment of this sensuous embrace, Nicolina pulled away slightly and looked along my body.

“Hmmm, that was the best start to a working week I have ever experienced.” Her fingers played lightly along my thigh, slowly climbing higher to ultimately find my bulging underwear. “I cannot let this go to waist, though.”

Her gently fingers caressed the heavy sac and slowly traced the outline of my thick, hard penis. I reached to my side and slid them off so she could get better access. The thick head got caught in the waist band and when I finally pulled it free, the thick shaft slapped against her palm. Nicotine looked down along my body and then looked again.

“Oh my god!” she exclaimed. “Look how thick you are!”

Her fingers encircled the rigid pole. “I can barely get my fingers around it. I’m not sure it will fit anywhere.”

She smiled languidly, gently stroking my meaty cock.

“Don’t worry, it will stretch,” I said, smiling warmly while rocking my hips in time with her slow pumping motions. “I was down there just a few minutes ago, remember?”

She laughed and continued fondling my penis as I reached across to play with her secret opening between her thighs. As soon as my finger made contact with her clitoris, she jumped and her hips bucked away from the point of my contact.

“Nnngghhh...Oh fuck, so sensitive, sorry.” Her breathing had increased again at that light touch and her chest heaved as a further shudder pulsed through her body. “I want you in me, but please don’t touch me there.”

I nodded my agreement and reached for her breast.

“No! Not there either. Sorry, Ray. You beautiful man... you made me orgasm too well, plus it’s been god knows how long since I have any sexual contact; but, like I said, I want you and I don’t want to let this thick monster of yours miss out.”

Her eyes were smouldering again, and despite the off limits areas of her body, I was certainly not going to leave without fucking her.

Besides, she had asked nicely.” I laughed to myself.

I looked at the beauty of my hairdresser lying on the massage table naked before me, my cock totally aroused and standing at full attention with her hand clasped around the shaft. I knelt across her right thigh and pulled her leg back up onto the mattress, using it to level myself between her splayed thighs. I looked deeply into her eyes as I lowered body onto hers. She slowly rocked her hips and pushed her body upward in response, offering herself to me.

I placed my hands on either side of the cushion under her head and kissed her brow while using my own hips to search for her molten opening. The thick purple head nudged at her rear entrance and by shifting my portion slightly, gouged her sweet petals opened. I lowered myself and prodded at her silky labia with my swollen member, pushing them apart with the bulbous head, teasing the wanton hole with its presence. She moaned as she felt the pressure to enter her and felt the pop as the head penetrated the outer muscles of her wet tunnel of passion. Slowly I pushed onward, inch by inch, centimetre by centimetre, pushing her long neglected channel open to receive my penis.

“Oohhhhh, fuck. I can feel the's opening me wide,” she hissed.

I stopped and pulled back, leaving just the ridge around the purple head inside her clenching sex. I kissed her mouth softly and gently pressed my body to hers. The head slipped deeper, gradually sinking until it was fully inside, my balls rested against her juice soaked perineum. I paused, waiting to see if she was comfortable; I did not want to make any of her over sensitive places a distraction for the fucking I wanted to give her.

I could not wait any longer. I slid my cock out fully and pressed the shaft along her puffy, slick labia and crushed the thick into her clit. She bucked at the touch, thrusting her hips up against my body. I thrust the gland along her rose petal lips making her grunt each time I hit her hard button. With a slight undulation, I penetrated her tunnel fully, driving the full length of my shaft deep inside her pussy. I reached her cervix which made her moaned loudly. Our eyes were locked together as I fucked myself into her glorious body, knowing that with each thrust her lust was becoming needier, as was mine. I pounded myself harder and faster, deeper and deeper; her body responding with its own spasms and her tightened muscles gripped around my shaft. The control of her muscles was amazing as she milked my manhood by rocking her hips and grinding her arse, moving her body on my cock which had me quivering with the feelings she bestowed on me.

I reeled at the shaking of her body beneath mine and felt every spasm as she released a flood of nectar around my shaft, from tip to base. I knew she had overflowed in the lust of the moment and I could not wait any longer. My pace was fast, my breath ragged, as I rammed my length into her responsive channel. With each hard inward thrust her breasts kept time, which only increased my desire to fill her with my seed. She grunted loudly with each downward swing, the wet sound of our body on body contact filling the room.

“Can’” I trailed off; the immense feeling of immanent ecstasy was too much.

With a loud grunt, I unloaded a thick load of cream deep into her willing body. In desperation, I pulled back and thrust deeply one last time, sending the finally gushes of my essence deep into her hole. My whole body was rigid, the muscles of my shoulders tort and clenched. As the sensation of climax slowly seeped away my head lulled between my arms. She reached up and tenderly eased me down to lie beside her. We both lay there in a trembling mass wanting naught but the feelings we both felt and the satisfactions they had both enjoyed.

Time seemed to be suspended and the air around us was warm and comforting. The only sound was the steady exhalation from us both as we enjoyed the post coital quiet.

“What’s the time?” Nicolina asked at some stage, neither of us had any idea of how many minutes had passed.

I glanced at the clock on the wall behind the head of the table. “A quarter to eleven.”

“Shit... fuck...” Nicolina started frantically to move. “Sorry, I have a client due in half an hour. We had better get a move on.”

We quickly raced about like mad chooks and dressed. As we finished reassembling our respective attire, we looked at each other and burst into gut wrenching laughter. It was a rather comical situation, despite the highly erotic nature of what had preceded our current predicament. We ensured the massage table and the room was put back the way we had found it and closed the door behind us. Nicolina’s hand found mine.

“Thank you, Ray.” She looked at me with a hint of sadness in her eyes. “Thank you for everything.”

I kissed her tenderly.

“There is no need to thank me, it was a pleasure... for two. Maybe you should finish my hair cut?”

She playfully slapped me and pushed me into the washing station seat.

“You’re the wickedest client I have even come across, and I mean that in every sense,” she said, replacing the towel and smock around my shoulders. “But that was glorious.”

I laughed.

“The pleasure was all yours.”

“Nothing for you?” She asked with mocked hurt in her voice.

“Maybe some.” She slapped me again, only a bit harder this time. “Okay, a lot. But maybe there are some aspects we could work on next time?”

“Hmmm, you might be on to something there?” She mused.

She finished rewashing my hair and directed me to the seat for the hair cut that had been somehow delayed. Just as she was about to start, her next client entered. After greeting the middle aged woman, Nicolina resumed with applying the finishing touches to my head.

“Is this for a special occasion or just a tidy up?” she asked, before using the electric razor to trim my neckline.

“I have a client interview on Thursday.”

“Oh, congratulations. Is it for a photography job?”

“Yes, it is as a matter of fact. A local school needs a photographer for their upcoming music tour to Europe and I seem to be in the box seat to get it. They are offering a casual teaching position to get me on the tour, due to my previous experience, so I thought I had better get myself all dolled up beforehand. Just in case I have to meet some of the school heads.”

“I am so happy for you.” Nicolina beamed. “I am sure you’ll do fine. There, all finished.”

“Not quite the same finish as earlier,” I quipped.

“No, but an equally satisfying result, I am sure.” She smiled as we walked toward the exit.

“Ciao Bello,” she said, opening the door.

“Ciao Bella, and thank you.”

We kissed each other on alternating cheeks and, as before, my thumbs traced a line on the underside of her breasts.

“Just behave,” she snapped, smiling broadly. “See you next time, and good luck.”

Written by Phoenix181
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