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Community Involvement Ch. 05

"Meeting aftermath with Clare produces surprising results"

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My thought processes were in a bit of a state. I had just had sex with the woman my next door neighbour had recommended me to meet. Not only had Michelle recommended me highly, she had arranged the meeting and laid all the ground work. I had to admit, though, Clare was worth the effort. Yet Clare’s questioning about Michelle & I had me flummoxed. Did she know anything for certain or was she simply fishing and why?

I tried to recall Clare’s comment as I started the car to head homeward, to Michelle’s place to be exact, but it was eluding me. I churned over the final exchanges between us but my mind kept going back to the mid-point of our interview. I could still smell and taste the long legged Clare as I did up my seat belt. Then it came to me.

“Don’t worry. I know how to be discreet.” Clare’s parting words echoed in my head like a tolling bell.

“Was I missing something?” I thought to myself. I negotiated the U-turn and headed for the main road. As I straightened the car up I dialled Michelle’s mobile. The blue tooth connection was already synced and the car instantly filled with the excessively loud sound of the call connecting, so I turned the volume down from the earlier music listening levels to more a level more appropriate and waited for Michelle to answer.

“Hi Ray,” came the excited answer as she picked up the call, obviously recognising my number. “How did you find Clare?”

“I went to reception and asked...”

“Ohhh, you’re impossible sometimes,” Michelle said through what I imagined to be gritted teeth. “I walked straight into that one didn’t I.”

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist. She’s a very persuasive woman,” I replied, my heart thumping in my chest. It seemed to be getting warmer in the car but I could not open the window while on the phone. “She says I need to meet her again to fill in the appropriate paperwork and she also wants to review the DVD I did last time.”

“That’s a good sign, isn’t it?” Michelle’s voice suddenly sounded a little less excited, she had noted the reserved tone in my voice. I guessed she was starting to think I was not as fully committed as she thought.

“It’s a very good sign,” I said, trying to ease her mind. “We discussed the possibility of me becoming a contracted staff member which would mean the trip would be a paying gig as well.”

“Oh my god. That is fantastic.” Michelle’s excitement level rose immeasurably at that, so much so it sounded like she was about to jump through the car radio. “You’re not pulling my leg are you?”

“No. No jokes this time, cross my heart and hope to die. She asked if I was you’re partner though, which made me a bit nervous.” I had not wanted to make any fuss about Clare’s comments regarding Michelle and I over the phone but I could not hold it in. I held my breath waiting for Michelle to comment.

“Oh, she knows you are not my husband through school sport on Saturday mornings. Plus, she could easily look at the school records to see my husband’s name is not Ray, so don’t worry about it. She must have been mistaken or something.”

I was not convinced. I felt like I was definitely missing something.

“What is your opinion of Clare?” I asked.

“Why? Do you find her attractive?” Michelle’s voice sounded as if he was back on a playground at school.

“Clare attractive?” I scoffed. “Nah, she’s butt ugly.”

“Yeah right.” Michelle knew I was joking. “Have you lost your glasses or are you on drugs?”


“She is a stunning looking female,” Michelle answered. “She seems very organised and the music department seems to function better since her appointment than it had done previously. All in all, I think she is good for the school and good for the students. Why do you ask?”

“I was just wondering what she was like. This being the first time I had met her. It seemed a bit odd that she would ask about you and I the way she did.”

“I only told her what you told me. You know, about the previous music tours...”

“Michelle,” I broke in. “I only told you about my previous experience yesterday, remember? I don’t recall ever having told you about them previously.”

The only sound I could hear at this time was the sound of the car as it moved along the road.

“I know you told me yesterday, in detail I mean. But I distinctly remember you mentioning that you had been overseas and about the DVD you produced. It would have been shortly after your return, so a few years ago now, as we chatted near my car port. Like we used to do before, um, before we started...” She went quiet.

“Before you let me look down your top.” I had to hold my breath to stop myself from laughing.

“I did not let you look down my top. You took advantage of the situation.” She was trying to sound indignant, by I could also hear the humour in her voice.

“Both guilty as charged.”

“Jury dismissed,” Michelle declared, and we both laughed.

“I suppose I could have said something but I don’t remember doing so. I would have been excited by it all at the time, so it is possible I guess.”

“Are you annoyed with me or something?” Her question stung me a little.

“No,” I replied, feeling a little guilty for thinking the way I was. However, I could not ignore my gut feeling telling me to be vigilant, with Clare more than anything. “It’s just that she put me in an awkward position with her questions and I did not know how to answer. I had no idea what was said when you two were made the arrangements for the meeting.”

“All I said was that you might need some persuading and that was all.” It was Michelle’s turn to sound a bit annoyed. “Clare’s response to that was, and I quote, ‘I know how to very persuasive when I have to be.'

“Oh, she was, believe me.”

“What did she say?” was Michelle’s anxious sounding question which was immediately followed by another, this time full of woman’s curiosity? “What did she do?”

“To answer the first of those questions, she said, quote; ‘You and Michelle are fucking each other. I could tell by the way she talked about you. Only a lover would be so glowing in the way she spoke, trying to convince me you were the man for the job.’ Michelle, I was shit scared for you when she said that.”

Again there was silence as I drove.

“I guess I might have over done it?” came Michelle’s meek sounding voice. I kind of got caught up in moment and the possibilities. Sorry.”

“No need to be sorry. But...” Michelle interrupted me.

“So what did she do?”

I was not ready to answer this. My silence only seemed to make it all seem so much worse.

“She seduced you!” It was a statement, not a question. “Or did you seduce her? She is a stunning woman, like I said.”

“A bit of both, I suppose,” I offered feeling guilty. “I felt I had no choice. I want to go on the tour with you, not just because of your excitement, although that is a large part of it. I really want to go for all sorts of different reasons. You and me together, the opportunity to produce photographic imagery in a paid capacity and the possibility of additional work afterwards, just to mention a few. It’s all too much to pass up. Then she asked those questions and all I could think of was protecting you.”

“I understand.” Michelle sounded deflated. “It is a bit of shock and I am not sure I know how to deal with it right now. Wait! Come to think of it, she did seem even more keen to meet you after I showed her a photo of you.”

“A picture of me?” I asked astonished. “You have a picture of me... on your phone?” I assumed it was on her phone, as I knew I had not given her one and I was certain she had not taken any shots of me that I was aware of.

“Yes,” she answered a bit sheepishly. “I took it that day you were pruning the hedges out the front of your place. I took it from the upstairs front window of my place. The window that overlooks your front yard. You were at the top of the ladder without your shirt on and I wanted a photo of you, so I...”

I ignored the photo issue for now.

“So you knew there was a potential for something to happen?” I could not finish the rest of my questions, I did not really know what to add next. So many thoughts started to flood my brain.

“Ray, I am sorry if I have upset you. I didn’t think she would be so, um, so openly sexual...”

“Michelle,” I said feeling relieved that the initial ground had been broken on this subject. “I am not upset with you. I am rather relieved to have told you, to tell you the truth.”

“Ray, I need some time to think. Could you please not come around? I will call you later this afternoon.”

Before I could reply, she had hung up.

I drove on in silence. My relief at breaking the news made me feel dizzy, like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. However, the stress of knowing that Clare had deliberately used her very persuasive ways to get me to agree, albeit in principle, to going was starting to replace it. She had asked some telling questions and had voiced some assumptions that were too close to mark for comfort. I did not know how to approach the future at this stage. Maybe Michelle would have some answers when I spoke to her next. If I speak to her next! I had no idea what she thought of my dalliance with the lovely Clare.

Michelle’s car was not in her carport when I pulled up in my driveway. I went inside my door and closed it quietly behind me. The enveloping silence a welcomed change from the chaos of the roads and the tangled web that seemed to be building following my ‘meeting’ with Clare. I was deeply concerned about Michelle, not only about what her reaction to my fucking Clare might be, but I had no inkling of what she was up too as a result of our telephone conversation. Inspire of these thoughts, I busied myself with finding the DVD I had produced following the music tour a few years ago. It took a bit of searching but finally I found the two disk production. I had just inserted the first of the two disks to check they still worked when my mobile sprang into life. I looked at the screen but the caller ID was blocked.

“Do I answer not leave it?” I thought, fully expecting it to be financial institution harassing me for a credit card payment. I decided to answer.

“Hello.” My voice full of apprehension. The line was quiet of a few seconds, typical of banking call centres.

“It must be a bank,” I thought to myself and decided to hang up.

“Hi Ray, It’s only me,” came the sweet voice of Clare on the line just as I pulled the phone away from my ear. I nearly cut her off.

“Clare!” I exclaimed. The thought of her calling so soon catching me by surprise.

“I have you on speaker phone, just so you know.” That piece of information was good to know but why was she calling? “I also have a visitor.”


“Hi Ray.” It was Michelle.

“Michelle...what are you doing there?” My mind was awash with possibilities.

“Michelle called and asked to see me ASAP. It seems she was concerned about our meeting this morning.” Clare’s voice was measured yet still warm and welcoming just as it had been when I met her earlier in the day. “I take it you mentioned what transpired?”

“Yes, I had too. It is not every day that I get offered a position like you outlined.”

“Exactly. I even told Michelle it would be a pleasure to have you under me.”

Clare’s deliberate double entendre was not lost on me and I could only guess Michelle understood it as well.

“I am sure you did,” I replied smoothly. “Michelle, have you got any concerns with what Clare has told you?”

“None at all. She has been up front and honest with me. In fact, she was grateful that I put the two of you in touch.”

“It was her front that started all this,” I thought to myself, remembering the way she filled her blouse and the button that popped. “If the truth be known, Clare’s idea of being ‘put in touch’ would be a physical interpretation of the phrase as well.”

“I have told her of our unique situation.” Michelle’s comment caught me by surprise. I decided it was best to try to follow any leads she might lay down.

“Me being your photographic assistant and all, and that was why I was able to speak so highly of your credentials.”

“Of course,” I agreed, smiling broadly, bordering on straight out laughter.

“What a wonderfully devious little minx you are, Michelle?” I thought. It was an amazing and quick piece of thinking the way Michelle had manoeuvred the circumstances back in our favour.

“I only have room in my budget for one paid position though,” Clare added.

“That is fine. I will be a subsidised parent on the tour, so no drama,” Michelle added quickly.

“So all is resolved,” Clare stated. She seemed eager to end the discussion and then she added...

“However Ray, I still need to see that DVD and get the personal information I need. I will contact you early next week, before term ends.” She was about to conclude the call, when I heard her say something quietly to Michelle, and she then addressed me again.

“Are you around during the holidays?” she asked.

“Yes, although I will have my daughter to consider.”

“No problem. I will contact you and let’s see if we can get together during the holidays if next week does not work out.”

The call ended. I sat at my desk astounded at the quick thinking Michelle had employed to save today, as the saying went. Just as I was about to start the DVD, to ensure it was a complete copy, my phone buzzed again. It was an incoming text message from Michelle.

“All good. Can you met me at my place tomorrow first thing?”

“See you at 9.30,” I replied.

“Cool.” Michelle’s response was accompanied by a smilie face. This was quickly followed by a perplexing addition.

“Come prepared.”

I leant back in my swivel chair and sighed with relief. The ill-ease I had felt about the prospect of the tour and the meeting with Clare, had seemed to have passed. I still had to consult my own family though, but that bridge could be crossed at a slightly later time.

That night I could hardly sleep. Rampant thoughts of Michelle and Clare kept me awake. Added to this was the nervous excitement I felt following Michelle’s request for me to see her in the morning.

Being right on time, a trait I always pride myself on, I rang the doorbell and eagerly awaited the sight of Michelle. The day was bright and warm, despite the overnight Autumn chill. The recent run of warm sunny days made any thoughts of winter remote. The light breeze barely ruffled the tree limbs and the air was full of the sounds of Rainbow Lorikeets playfully squabbling over the native flowering trees. The tall Liquid Amber in Michelle’s front yard was in its full autumn display, its branches slowly losing its red leaves, creating a carpet of red across the lawn.

“Come in if you’re good looking,” Michelle’s voice floated down her hallway.

“The door is open but if you could close it behind on your way in, that would be good.”

The only sound was the occasional clink of breakfast dishes being washed up so I made straight for the kitchen.

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To my astonishment and very pleasant surprise, Michelle was doing the washing up wearing only a pair of white lacy knickers and a sleeveless, white T-shirt. To add to this splendid sight, she also had on a pair of black high heels. The overall effect was mind blowing, not to mention anything else. I was like a moth to a flame, drawn without hesitation, my penis all but pointing the way.

I went to her and lustfully thrust my crotch against her gorgeous behind. My rising member rested firmly against the crevice of her arse. She arched her back pressing her behind hard onto me. I pushed forward pinning her body between my cock and the sink while I grabbed at her tits. I pressed the V of my hands on her rib cage and slowly lifted them up, under the rise of her breasts and pushed firmly up, squeezing the thumbs of each hand hard into the full roundness of her flesh. She groaned loudly from deep within her throat as I pinched her nipples quite firmly, pulling on them through the material of her top.

Michelle had ceased washing up. Her head rested on my shoulder as I wantonly fondled her wonderful breasts. We had not exchanged any greetings; there was nothing to say. Michelle’s garb said it all. I dropped one hand down her tummy and she reacted instinctively by pushing her bottom away from the bench top enough so I could continue my downward press across the front of her panties. The waist band was wet, but that was from the water in the sink unlike the gusset which was saturated with her vaginal secretions. I guessed she had planned this, probably as a result of her discussion with Clare. I had no time to speculate, I had other matters to attend to as I pushed my index finger hard into her folds and the wetness that seeped through and coated my finger. I raised it and told her to lick it clean. She opened her mouth and with a darting tongue quickly lapped up her own juices, licking her lips as well.

"So you like to be commanded?" I asked, leaning my body hard against hers, my mouth on her ear.

"Oh god yes, Ray. Not all the time but sometimes, well you have me now.” Her hands opened on the bench in a gesture of submission. “I never get to do things this way normally but with you it seems..." She did not finish the sentence but we both knew what she meant. We both felt safe and secure enough to let go and release our inhibitions, things just felt right between us despite the brevity of our closer association.

“I think I will cut those sexy knickers you are wearing off you, you wanton hussy.” I had noticed a bread-knife lying beside the sink.

“No need my horny man,” she replied, her voice husky with desire. “The little bows on each side are not there just as ornaments...”

I pressed my groin into her bottom again as I reached for the bow of the right hand side. Michelle caught her breath slightly as she saw what I going reaching for. Without saying a word, I slipped my hand into the waistband of her knickers and felt the bow give a little as I pulled. I smiled lustfully and whispered into her ear.

“I know exactly to remove them.”

She shivered noticeably at the first touch of my mouth on her warm flesh. I had dropped to my knees, wetly kissed the dimples of her back, and slowly kissed my way around to her hip. She gasped excitedly as my lips fondled the bow. Gently I gathered the end of the bow in my teeth and pulled as deliberately and slowly as I could manage. The satin ribbon that formed the bow gave way easily as I tugged it until the running knot remained. I dropped the ribbon end from my teeth and kissed her hip wetly, the running knot being the centre of my attack. With little nibbles, I gently gathered the knot in my teeth and pulled it undone. The garment on her right hand side dropped open slightly as I rose onto my feet to change sides.

I stood back, admiring her soft skin, the lovely sway of her back and the two dimples just above her gorgeous behind. I pressed my body to hers again and told her what I was going to do next. Michelle murmured softly, urging me to continue. I repeated the process on her left side, exactly as I had used on the right, placing little wet kisses on each part of her hip that became uncovered.

With the garment unsecured, I stood and moved behind her. I pressed my crotch to her bottom and told her how I was going to remove her knickers. She gasped in excitement. I roughly pulled them away from her lower body and as soon as they were free of her crotch and upper thighs, I pressed her to the bench again with my crotch. As I kissed her neck and shoulders, I quietly balled her sexy underwear up in my hand and held the juice soaked gusset up in front of her face.

"You planned this and it is easy to tell that you're enjoying yourself, aren't you?" I asked firmly.

"Oh god yes, Ray. You have no idea how horny using your teeth to undo them like that made me feel. I am your slut, your toy, fuck me as you see fit."

“I guess your visit to see Clare got you’re naughty mind working?”

“Well, you did fuck her on her desk, didn’t you?”

I just nodded in reply.

"Suck it. Taste your own juices. Your flooding vagina has soaked your knickers you naughty woman." She opened her mouth wide and sucked hard on the wet material. She drank deeply and I could hear her moan of pleasure at her own taste. I slapped her buttock. She jumped and then sighed as the initial shock subsided.

"Mmmmm. Spread your legs but stay leaning against the sink."

I pressed my foot to the inside of each of her feet in a mock kick, indicating that she should do as I asked. She did so and I dropped to my knees and then sat between her wonderfully splayed legs, thinking to myself that this would be the first time that I was able to get a close up examination of her beautiful womanly secrets. I was seated on the floor, directly under her luscious body with my back against the cupboard. I looked up, thinking Galileo must have felt like this when first investigating the starts, but for me, here above me was Michelle in all her glory.

Her mound was very lightly covered with a thin veneer of golden brown hair that was mattered now with the copious amount of lubrication that had seeped from her inviting mound. Her outer lips were quite puffy with arousal and the juices coming from her had covered her inner thighs as well. I roughly pushed her arse cheeks apart to look at her winking rear entrance. The tight starfish shaped opening seemed to be beckoning for me to lick it, so I did. I speared my tongue tip hard against her resistant anus, licking her with all the fury I could muster. I could feel her arse start to move in a slow circler motion, as my tongue tried to penetrate her with every thrust. She groaned loudly and ground her body down onto my probing tongue. Again her juices flowed with her pent up desire coating my forehead.

"Oh my god, Ray, that feels so good," she hissed through clenched teeth. "That's it, suck me there, I have never had anyone do that before. I love it; please stick your tongue deeper up my arse."

As I continued to tongue fuck Michelle's tight arse, I slipped my hand around to her pussy, and slowly pushed two fingers between her juicy labia and began to rub her erect clitoris. I could feel her juices starting to flow more heavily, the texture had thickened as her arousal increased. Satisfied her flow would allow, I inserted one more finger into her vagina.

"Aaarrrgggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" she screamed, "God yesssssssssss."

I knew that Michelle was about to climax at any second by the intensity of the shuddering waves coursing up and down her legs. Her torso undulated in its sexually driven dance as she rushed toward her peak. I gave her a quick barrage of my three fingers deep into to her body, slightly bending them at the top of each thrust to put pressure on the tender G-spot. Michelle begged me to make her come, screaming aloud that she about to climax. I quickly removed my fingers and sucked her whole vagina with my wide open mouth. The vacuum I created suctioned me to her body as she exploded.

"I am comingggggggggggg..." she yelled as her body convulsed strongly in response to my targeted attentions. My mouth was filled repeatedly as she squirted, filing my mouth and streaming it across my face. I clutched hold of her hips in an attempt to keep my mouth clamped to her pussy. Her hips bucked widely, each wave made her thrust her mound onto my mouth, the back of my head pounding in time against the cupboard. Slowly her orgasm passed and I relaxed my grip. I gently licked her swollen lips and tasted the thick creaminess of her deepest juices, which caused her to buck, the sensitivity of her private parts still being too much.

Michelle clutched onto the sink for support as she rode out the final vestiges of her shattering climax. I could still hear her breath raggedly coming from her mouth as she struggled to regain control. I gently kissed her inner thighs and caressed her legs, quietly waiting for her to come down from her orgasmic high.

No words had passed between us, apart from those made during my initial onslaught. Slowly Michelle straightened her upper body, her legs still splayed above me as I sat on the floor. Gently I caressed her legs; her firm thighs and calves flexed as I touched them. I was trying to urge them toward a relaxed state before I continued to pleasure my delightful and willing partner.

I reached higher, used my thumbs to pry her labia open, and attached my mouth firmly upon her mound again. I flattened my tongue and ran it from her anus to her clit and back again, slurping up her flow with as much noise as I could make. Her hips bucked as I reached her oversensitive clitoris and she ground her arse hard down onto my mouth urging me to eat her pussy. I slapped her rump hard again reminding her not to let go of the sink. She grunted her agreement as I continued to drink her flow.

Slowly I pushed both thumbs up into her vagina. Her muscles gripped the invaders trying to draw them deeper. I pushed them fully inside, stopped, and then slowly withdrew them, drawing a flood of her wetness. I smeared the flow across her anus using a slow rotating movement of my thumbs to get her rear hole to relax. With each rotation, I pressed upward more firmly until I felt it was time to move on. I quickly dipped my left thumb back into her pussy then pressed it firmly into her arse. I heard her gasp and catch her breath as I forced my thumb partially into, what I assumed to be, her virgin arse. A long guttural groan followed as I pushed the thumb completely up into her rear.

I felt Michelle bend her legs slightly to try to open her arse, which only pressed her body onto my thumb even more, her knees thumping against the cupboard on either side of my head. I held still, feeling her arse flinching as it got used to being opened in this foreign way.

Reaching up, I entered her pussy, using three fingers of my right hand in a slow twisting motion. She shuddered and choked off a cry of pleasure as I finger fucked her slowly, grinding my knuckles against her swollen clit each time I fully entered her. I kept my thumb firmly imbedded in her arse as I started to fuck her pussy with more powerful upward strokes.

I watched fascinated as her inner lips pulled down with my fingers as they withdrew, their dark redness glistening with the overflow of vaginal fluid dripping from her gorgeous body onto my chest as well as the floor. Gradually I started building the pace, pulling back and re-entering her flooding womanhood faster and harder in response to her cries and pleading for me to make her come.

Looking up I caught sight of her head lolling from side to side, her lips parted as the waves of pending orgasm ebbed and flowed, but the tide was slowly building to a crescendo. Fast and faster, I plunged up into her body, delighting in the ecstasy she was feeling. My own senses were flying in conjunction with Michelle's, it was as if I was building to climax as well, my mind was consumed with being with this gorgeous woman and delighted at being able to make her climax so beautifully.

Her ribbed channel clenched my fingers as I relentlessly rocketed up deep inside her. She tensed suddenly, her whole body clenching, every muscle clamping tight.

"Oh Ray...going to..." the words caught in her throat, "come, god yessssssss."

"Fuckkk meee!" she screamed as she came hard on my fingers. She held my fingers deep inside her, the whole of her body shaking violently, her hair even draped into the sink water. As her flood gates burst, Michelle filled my mouth with a river of hot woman cum, her blasts splashing across my face and hair, my shirt was soaking wet as well. I did not care. There was nothing for me to do now but to suck her pussy dry, which I did, swallowing every mouthful of juice that she gave me. She came hard, pulsing wave upon wave racking her body like the effects of a powerful earthquake. I gently withdrew my fingers and thumb from her offices, her trembling body had gone limp. I eased her to the floor beside me and I took her face in my hands, and covered her mouth with mine. Our lips parted, and our tongues met, I knew that Michelle was getting a good taste of her own cum, which was mixed with my saliva. She sucked my cum coated tongue softly into her mouth until it was clean.

"Oh Ray that was exquisite and so selfless. Thank you," she said with a trace of suppressed emotion.

"Ssshhhh now," I whispered. "I definitely enjoyed every moment just as much as you, believe me." I smiled and kissed her brow.

“I could always take you into the shower?”

“Oh no,” she said quickly. Recognition of the memory of our earlier time together flashed across her face. “I don’t think I would have the energy to do anything just at the moment.”

She snuggled into my shoulder. The silence of our surroundings seemed to embrace us as much as we were physically entwined. Neither of us uttered a word. There was no need to say or do anything. My senses were still reeling as well, I had ridden the tide with her and now could only enjoy the quiet aftermath.

“I heard on the radio the other day that 70% of people surveyed for a recent report indicated that they have sex regularly in the kitchen.” We were still sitting on the floor under her sink as I casually stroked her hair, when this random piece of trivia popped into my head. Michelle stirred; I think she had dropped off to sleep.

“Oh, sorry,” she apologised.

I kissed her brow tenderly and repeated what I had said. She commented that she had heard a similar thing and smiled broadly, surveying the wet floor with her knickers sitting in the middle of the puddle made by her squirting orgasms. Turning to me, she suggested we get cleaned up. I helped Michelle to tidy up and then I told her I would be back in a few minutes, as I had to get out of my wet shirt. She blushed a little and kissed me before retrieving her knickers.

“Looks like these will have to be binned,” she announced, holding them up on one finger.

I apologised for cutting them but Michelle flashed her little shy-look at me and cooed that using the knife had added immensely to the sexiness of what had happened. We stood in her kitchen and embraced briefly, and finally agreed to meet back on her deck in about fifteen minutes.

Written by Phoenix181
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