The woman in the short blue dress looked at me again. This time she smiled and I smiled back quickly, my ego stroked by her attention. I lifted my drink to her and she lifted hers back, almost empty. We'd been playing this game for half an hour, catching glances at each other off and on, but her welcoming smile now spurred my confidence. I made a motion toward her and she nodded. Feeling all full of myself and convinced of her interest in me, I strolled towards her with cocksure attitude in my gait.
She seemed to be alone, or at least unattached, sitting on the fringe of a group with her back to the bar. She wasn’t overtly sexual, but done up for attention for sure. Her mouth quirked in an amused grin as I approached. Highlighted brown hair swirled around her face as she adjusted her spot to make room for me next to her at the bar. Although not a stunner, she had the type of interesting good looks and and attitude that make a woman stand out as attractive. As I closed the distance to her I thought her face sported more makeup than she needed or usually wore; dark eyeliner, deep red lipstick. I'd already assessed the rest of her from across the room. The royal blue dress deliciously gripped her fuller curves, exposing the one knee and sculptured calf that dangled casually over the other. Perhaps too short for her legs, but the expanse of thigh was exhilarating, and the tight top accented a full chest of rounded flesh with more than a little cleavage showing. A hint of alert nipple peeked through the color in the dim lights of the club. A very well-put-together lady.
As I sidled up to her, she upended her glass, finished her drink and smiled politely as she placed the empty vessel on the bar. I motioned to the bartender to refill her.
"Well, hello," I smirked, extending a hand as we waited for her drink. "Martin. My friends call me Marty." Her mouth quirked again, as if she held a secret joke inside that she couldn't share. She took my hand in that soft way that women have, her palm kind of facing down over mine.
"Cindy," she said with a narrowed eye. "My friends call me Cindy." I nodded my head at her quip. "Nice to finally meet you, Marty," she said as her drink arrived. I dropped a twenty on the bar. "You've been staring at me for a while, now. I didn't think you're ever come over." I studied her face more closely now and saw she was older than she'd appeared from across the room, mid-thirties my guess, about ten years older than me. She smiled that smile again and I found I didn't care.
"I thought it was you, staring at me," I returned, clinking her glass. Her soft chuckle was lost in the ambient noise.
"Yeah, maybe," she confessed, and sipped, looking over her glass at me. "You here with friends?"
"Supposed to be," I related. "They're late. Or I'm way early."
"Mm hmm." She took another, longer sip. I finished mine, and motioned for another, slipping another bill on top of my change.
"What about you?" I asked. "You here with anyone?" I motioned casually to the group of men and women near her, trying to appear clever and intuitive.
"Some friends," she acknowledged.
"I've never seen you here before."
"I've never been here before. You a regular?"
"Somewhat," I admitted.
"Seems like a nice place, fun," she trailed off. "Nice looking crowd." She cocked an amused eye at me. "You get a lot of action here?" My surprised look gave me away. "Come on, young guy like you?" She motioned at the crowd with her glass. "All this," she continued, as though that explained a lot. I felt a blush and forced a sheepish smile.
"Sometimes," I smirked. "They're not as attractive as you," I tried.
"Oh slick, Martin," she answered with amusement. "Well done. Use that line work often?"
"I dunno, I never used it before," I confessed with a smile. "But it's true."
"Well, thank you," she said with a practiced nod that told me she had heard it enough to be comfortable with the compliment. I started to worry that I was blowing it when she suddenly stood and grabbed my arm. "Let's dance."
I reevaluated my chances as she led me to the crowded floor. She seemed to take no notice of the milling crowd. As she made a beeline for the swarm of bumping dancers, the crowd seemed to part before her. Reaching the fringe of moving bodies, she made a space and turned to me with a look that requested my approval. The song playing was the current hot radio tune, easy to dance to and not too fast. I slipped an arm to her waist but she slipped away, beginning her moves a foot away from me.
I mimicked her rhythm and she smirked again. I was beginning to like that expression, for all the things it might mean. After seeing me move for a few more minutes, she allowed our bodies to brush, then touch. I tried the hand again and this time she allowed it to settle at her waist. After a few sways with my hand resting on her shifting hip, I screwed up the courage to pull her closer, pressing our pelvises together, but off center.
She shifted, fixing the alignment. I smiled at her and she smiled back.
As she casually pressed herself against me I leaned back, one of my legs halfway between hers, moving together. I looked at her face and her eyes narrowed. I made a show of looking down her body, caressing her with my eyes. I noticed her nipples had graduated from timid poking too glaringly obvious. I raised an eyebrow and looked back into her face and gave her an approving nod. She returned it, then cocked her head. I pulled myself back up against her so her breasts were pressed tightly against my chest as we swayed to the beat. I leaned into her ear and my other hand circled to her lower back, pulling her in.
"You dance well," I said into her neck, trying to be heard.
"This isn't dancing," she laughed, then grabbed the hand on her hip and spun her frame, pulling my arm around her waist. She tugged my other hand tight with it and pushed her ass into my crotch as she held my arms around her, like I needed guidance. I moved with her, feeling her cheeks lift and fall as she shifted her hips, and noticed some activity below my belt. I gritted my teeth, hoping she might not feel it.
She turned her head over her shoulder to regard me, and swirled her ass in a circle against my waking member. I guessed she did notice, but wasn't upset. All right, then . I pushed harder against her and she laughed and spun around again, facing me and throwing her arms over my shoulders with a brighter, lighter giggle. This wasn't like the girls my age, who pretended nothing was going on. I laughed with her and pumped my hips forward as we swayed and glided together, my semi obvious to us both as it pressed between our bodies.
Another song had started and she stopped, cocked her head and wrinkled her nose. I didn't know the song. She shook her head and took my arm, dragging me off the floor. I trailed after her again, this time watching the sweet movement of her ass as she led me back to the bar.
Someone had slipped into our spot at the bar, but she reached boldly between them, grabbed our drinks and handed mine to me. We stood outside the people who ignored us. She sipped, then handed me her drink. She leaned in again, grabbed my remaining cash from the bar and left a couple of bucks for a tip. Good girl , I thought as I gave her back her glass and she gave me my money.
"Hey, do you smoke?" she asked suddenly.
"Sadly, yes," I confessed, "I really should qu-"
"Come on, I need a smoke." She upended her glass and finished her cocktail and reached in to leave the empty on the bar. I was still finishing mine when she took it from me, nearly spilling it in the process. She dropped my almost-empty next to hers and then hooked her hand around my elbow. We made our way to the door.
We got stamped on the way out and she looked at the clot of smokers clustered about twenty feet from the door. I started moving towards them when she tugged my arm.
"Ugh, no," she said, and her voice sounded different outside, softer and yet more direct without the loud music to shout over. She pinched her face as she looked up and down the street, evaluating, then motioned with her chin. "Over there," she told me, and tugged my arm.
Our destination was a mystery, but her direction was opposite that of the smoking group. I shrugged and went with her, feeling surprisingly comfortable with this older woman who seemed... genuine? Unpretentious? Whatever , I thought, she seemed to have taken a liking to me, and I was interested right back. I mean, I wasn't letting my imagination run away with me. But I wasn't holding the leash very tightly on it, either.
As it turned out, her destination was a darkened walkway which led to the rear parking area. She strolled a few paces in, out of the glare of the streetlights, then leaned against the wall as I fumbled my pack out. I gave her one, took one of my own, and lit hers first. Without acknowledging my manners she took a deep drag and I watched as she let the smoke roll lazily from between her pursed lips before blowing out the rest. It's not like I had a smoking fetish or anything, but damn, she made it look good.
We smoked. She asked me polite questions and I answered, just chatter like smokers do. As I talked, I watched her fingers flicking the butt even when there was no ash. Long, manicured nails, slender fingers. And a ring. A wedding band. I hadn't noticed before. I pulled the leash on my imagination, hard, reeling in the possibilities of the night. She must have seen the look on my face, and she followed my eyes to her hand.
"Yeah, married." She said it nonchalantly. "Is that a problem for you?"
"I don't know," I said cautiously. "Should I worry?"
"No," she answered through a cloud of bluish smoke. Her voice was casual. She flicked the butt to the ground and ground it with a toe. "He knows where I am, and he knows what I do."
"What you do?" I asked, curious. I motioned a hand in a circle, indicating us, the dark alley. "Is this what you do?"
She chuckled and pushed herself off the wall and stepped into me, pressing herself against me as she had when we'd danced. Her perfume reached my nostrils and I felt her breath on my cheek. "You want to see what I do, Martin?" she breathed. I held still as her lips brushed my cheek, then moved to my ear. Her breath sent a chilling ripple through me. "My car is back there, in the lot. Come," she said, reaching for my hand. Her teeth nipped my earlobe. "I'll show you what I do."
She stepped back and looked me in the face. My cock was ready to follow but the rest of me had reservations. Sure, she was more forward than the girls I usually met. And sure, she was hot, and sexy, attractive and confident. But the parts of me that were siphoning blood to my groin had questions about whether or not this was a good idea.
"Don't take this the wrong way," I told her, "you're very attractive, Cindy. But you're married, and I'm not sure that... "
My words fizzled and failed as she lifted the hem of her skirt with her feet slightly apart and exposed her bare pussy, shaved but for a thin strip of trimmed hair above her clit. Her white skin glowed in the dim light and plump lips glistened between her flawless thighs, crowned by a swelling hood.
"Does this help you make up your mind?" she asked. She stood defiantly, holding her dress up, showing herself to me for a few more seconds while my brain whirled and finally came to an agreement with my cock.
"Yep, that did the trick," I grinned.
She smiled as she dropped her dress and grabbed my arm. Once again, I found myself watching her ass as she led me up the walk between the buildings to the rear parking area. She strode purposefully, a smart bomb zeroed in on its target as she zigged and zagged between the parked cars to the rear of the lot. I looked nervously around, checking for crazed husbands, but other than a guy tossing trash bags into a dumpster behind the club, there was no one in sight.
She led me to a dark full-size sedan, pretty new by it’s looks and parked under a light. She opened the back door and perched her cute butt on the seat with her feet on the ground. I was still standing outside.
She seemed to be alone, or at least unattached, sitting on the fringe of a group with her back to the bar. She wasn’t overtly sexual, but done up for attention for sure. Her mouth quirked in an amused grin as I approached. Highlighted brown hair swirled around her face as she adjusted her spot to make room for me next to her at the bar. Although not a stunner, she had the type of interesting good looks and and attitude that make a woman stand out as attractive. As I closed the distance to her I thought her face sported more makeup than she needed or usually wore; dark eyeliner, deep red lipstick. I'd already assessed the rest of her from across the room. The royal blue dress deliciously gripped her fuller curves, exposing the one knee and sculptured calf that dangled casually over the other. Perhaps too short for her legs, but the expanse of thigh was exhilarating, and the tight top accented a full chest of rounded flesh with more than a little cleavage showing. A hint of alert nipple peeked through the color in the dim lights of the club. A very well-put-together lady.
As I sidled up to her, she upended her glass, finished her drink and smiled politely as she placed the empty vessel on the bar. I motioned to the bartender to refill her.
"Well, hello," I smirked, extending a hand as we waited for her drink. "Martin. My friends call me Marty." Her mouth quirked again, as if she held a secret joke inside that she couldn't share. She took my hand in that soft way that women have, her palm kind of facing down over mine.
"Cindy," she said with a narrowed eye. "My friends call me Cindy." I nodded my head at her quip. "Nice to finally meet you, Marty," she said as her drink arrived. I dropped a twenty on the bar. "You've been staring at me for a while, now. I didn't think you're ever come over." I studied her face more closely now and saw she was older than she'd appeared from across the room, mid-thirties my guess, about ten years older than me. She smiled that smile again and I found I didn't care.
"I thought it was you, staring at me," I returned, clinking her glass. Her soft chuckle was lost in the ambient noise.
"Yeah, maybe," she confessed, and sipped, looking over her glass at me. "You here with friends?"
"Supposed to be," I related. "They're late. Or I'm way early."
"Mm hmm." She took another, longer sip. I finished mine, and motioned for another, slipping another bill on top of my change.
"What about you?" I asked. "You here with anyone?" I motioned casually to the group of men and women near her, trying to appear clever and intuitive.
"Some friends," she acknowledged.
"I've never seen you here before."
"I've never been here before. You a regular?"
"Somewhat," I admitted.
"Seems like a nice place, fun," she trailed off. "Nice looking crowd." She cocked an amused eye at me. "You get a lot of action here?" My surprised look gave me away. "Come on, young guy like you?" She motioned at the crowd with her glass. "All this," she continued, as though that explained a lot. I felt a blush and forced a sheepish smile.
"Sometimes," I smirked. "They're not as attractive as you," I tried.
"Oh slick, Martin," she answered with amusement. "Well done. Use that line work often?"
"I dunno, I never used it before," I confessed with a smile. "But it's true."
"Well, thank you," she said with a practiced nod that told me she had heard it enough to be comfortable with the compliment. I started to worry that I was blowing it when she suddenly stood and grabbed my arm. "Let's dance."
I reevaluated my chances as she led me to the crowded floor. She seemed to take no notice of the milling crowd. As she made a beeline for the swarm of bumping dancers, the crowd seemed to part before her. Reaching the fringe of moving bodies, she made a space and turned to me with a look that requested my approval. The song playing was the current hot radio tune, easy to dance to and not too fast. I slipped an arm to her waist but she slipped away, beginning her moves a foot away from me.
I mimicked her rhythm and she smirked again. I was beginning to like that expression, for all the things it might mean. After seeing me move for a few more minutes, she allowed our bodies to brush, then touch. I tried the hand again and this time she allowed it to settle at her waist. After a few sways with my hand resting on her shifting hip, I screwed up the courage to pull her closer, pressing our pelvises together, but off center.
She shifted, fixing the alignment. I smiled at her and she smiled back.
As she casually pressed herself against me I leaned back, one of my legs halfway between hers, moving together. I looked at her face and her eyes narrowed. I made a show of looking down her body, caressing her with my eyes. I noticed her nipples had graduated from timid poking too glaringly obvious. I raised an eyebrow and looked back into her face and gave her an approving nod. She returned it, then cocked her head. I pulled myself back up against her so her breasts were pressed tightly against my chest as we swayed to the beat. I leaned into her ear and my other hand circled to her lower back, pulling her in.
"You dance well," I said into her neck, trying to be heard.
"This isn't dancing," she laughed, then grabbed the hand on her hip and spun her frame, pulling my arm around her waist. She tugged my other hand tight with it and pushed her ass into my crotch as she held my arms around her, like I needed guidance. I moved with her, feeling her cheeks lift and fall as she shifted her hips, and noticed some activity below my belt. I gritted my teeth, hoping she might not feel it.
She turned her head over her shoulder to regard me, and swirled her ass in a circle against my waking member. I guessed she did notice, but wasn't upset. All right, then . I pushed harder against her and she laughed and spun around again, facing me and throwing her arms over my shoulders with a brighter, lighter giggle. This wasn't like the girls my age, who pretended nothing was going on. I laughed with her and pumped my hips forward as we swayed and glided together, my semi obvious to us both as it pressed between our bodies.
Another song had started and she stopped, cocked her head and wrinkled her nose. I didn't know the song. She shook her head and took my arm, dragging me off the floor. I trailed after her again, this time watching the sweet movement of her ass as she led me back to the bar.
Someone had slipped into our spot at the bar, but she reached boldly between them, grabbed our drinks and handed mine to me. We stood outside the people who ignored us. She sipped, then handed me her drink. She leaned in again, grabbed my remaining cash from the bar and left a couple of bucks for a tip. Good girl , I thought as I gave her back her glass and she gave me my money.
"Hey, do you smoke?" she asked suddenly.
"Sadly, yes," I confessed, "I really should qu-"
"Come on, I need a smoke." She upended her glass and finished her cocktail and reached in to leave the empty on the bar. I was still finishing mine when she took it from me, nearly spilling it in the process. She dropped my almost-empty next to hers and then hooked her hand around my elbow. We made our way to the door.
We got stamped on the way out and she looked at the clot of smokers clustered about twenty feet from the door. I started moving towards them when she tugged my arm.
"Ugh, no," she said, and her voice sounded different outside, softer and yet more direct without the loud music to shout over. She pinched her face as she looked up and down the street, evaluating, then motioned with her chin. "Over there," she told me, and tugged my arm.
Our destination was a mystery, but her direction was opposite that of the smoking group. I shrugged and went with her, feeling surprisingly comfortable with this older woman who seemed... genuine? Unpretentious? Whatever , I thought, she seemed to have taken a liking to me, and I was interested right back. I mean, I wasn't letting my imagination run away with me. But I wasn't holding the leash very tightly on it, either.
As it turned out, her destination was a darkened walkway which led to the rear parking area. She strolled a few paces in, out of the glare of the streetlights, then leaned against the wall as I fumbled my pack out. I gave her one, took one of my own, and lit hers first. Without acknowledging my manners she took a deep drag and I watched as she let the smoke roll lazily from between her pursed lips before blowing out the rest. It's not like I had a smoking fetish or anything, but damn, she made it look good.
We smoked. She asked me polite questions and I answered, just chatter like smokers do. As I talked, I watched her fingers flicking the butt even when there was no ash. Long, manicured nails, slender fingers. And a ring. A wedding band. I hadn't noticed before. I pulled the leash on my imagination, hard, reeling in the possibilities of the night. She must have seen the look on my face, and she followed my eyes to her hand.
"Yeah, married." She said it nonchalantly. "Is that a problem for you?"
"I don't know," I said cautiously. "Should I worry?"
"No," she answered through a cloud of bluish smoke. Her voice was casual. She flicked the butt to the ground and ground it with a toe. "He knows where I am, and he knows what I do."
"What you do?" I asked, curious. I motioned a hand in a circle, indicating us, the dark alley. "Is this what you do?"
She chuckled and pushed herself off the wall and stepped into me, pressing herself against me as she had when we'd danced. Her perfume reached my nostrils and I felt her breath on my cheek. "You want to see what I do, Martin?" she breathed. I held still as her lips brushed my cheek, then moved to my ear. Her breath sent a chilling ripple through me. "My car is back there, in the lot. Come," she said, reaching for my hand. Her teeth nipped my earlobe. "I'll show you what I do."
She stepped back and looked me in the face. My cock was ready to follow but the rest of me had reservations. Sure, she was more forward than the girls I usually met. And sure, she was hot, and sexy, attractive and confident. But the parts of me that were siphoning blood to my groin had questions about whether or not this was a good idea.
"Don't take this the wrong way," I told her, "you're very attractive, Cindy. But you're married, and I'm not sure that... "
My words fizzled and failed as she lifted the hem of her skirt with her feet slightly apart and exposed her bare pussy, shaved but for a thin strip of trimmed hair above her clit. Her white skin glowed in the dim light and plump lips glistened between her flawless thighs, crowned by a swelling hood.
"Does this help you make up your mind?" she asked. She stood defiantly, holding her dress up, showing herself to me for a few more seconds while my brain whirled and finally came to an agreement with my cock.
"Yep, that did the trick," I grinned.
She smiled as she dropped her dress and grabbed my arm. Once again, I found myself watching her ass as she led me up the walk between the buildings to the rear parking area. She strode purposefully, a smart bomb zeroed in on its target as she zigged and zagged between the parked cars to the rear of the lot. I looked nervously around, checking for crazed husbands, but other than a guy tossing trash bags into a dumpster behind the club, there was no one in sight.
She led me to a dark full-size sedan, pretty new by it’s looks and parked under a light. She opened the back door and perched her cute butt on the seat with her feet on the ground. I was still standing outside.

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She grabbed my belt and pulled me towards her. Now I really looked around. There was a small group at the other end of the lot, but no one near. By the time I had reassured myself she had my pants open and was fumbling inside my briefs. Still, I was a bit frantic and nervous when she pulled my briefs down and grasped my filling shaft in her married hand. Nervous enough that I thought I might not be able to maintain an erection.
She saw to that quickly enough..
After checking around us yet again, I looked at her. She was looking up at me from the back seat of her car. Her eyes, which had been demure and interested before, were wide and wild now, with a glint of narrowed devilishness. Her slightly amused grin had transformed to a hungry smile as she gripped my cock, stroking it to full staff. I blinked through my astonishment as she leaned forward, holding my gaze, and opened her mouth as she angled my cock to her face. At the last second, her tongue flicked out, stroked up my tiny slit and circled the head before her lips parted and surrounded the tip. I groaned, mesmerized by her seductive expression as her mouth sucked on me.
Her eyes never left mine as she stroked my shaft, sucked the head, swirled her tongue and then stretched her lips and took almost my entire shaft into her mouth, all the while looking like she was enjoying it more than me. Spasms of pleasure rocked through me and I grunted, moaned and groaned with delight as she worked my stiff member. Her free hand slipped under and fondled my ball sack as her mouth and hand began stroking in unison, a choreographed dance of body parts. Still I watched her, in the shadowed light of the parking lot, her image as thrilling as the sensations she elicited.
She pulled her mouth off and a moment of suspicion swept through me. Here it comes, the letdown . She just been teasing and now she'll tell me to fuck off . She smiled and I steeled myself for the trick. But instead she leaned back, tugging me by my cock with one hand and hiking her skirt with the other and scooting further into the back seat to lean against the opposite door. I ducked my head and followed my cock, crawling onto the back seat and kneeling over her.
"Now that was dancing," she snickered, "but dancing time is over. Get inside me, you young stud," she coaxed. "Fill me."
She pulled the dress to her waist, exposing all of her hips and legs and that sweet, wet, married pussy. Shaved labia beckoned, parted slightly to reveal only a dark shadow between. Her clit hood was standing taller, full and extended. With my pants gathered at my ankles and my bare butt facing the open door, I slipped my hands under her ass, lifting it and aiming for her siren call. My cockhead brushed her wet heat and she sighed. It bumped her clit and she gasped. I lowered my aim and dropped my hips, and this time she groaned as my spit-slicked shaft speared halfway into her.
I looked up from her cunt to her face, saw her eyes wide on my narrowed gaze, her mouth open and slack to my clenched jaw. I shifted my hips, working the rest of my cock into her. Fuck, this was incredible! Her slick velvety heat infused me, wrapping my shaft and gripping. I pushed until I was deep, all the way in, and started fucking like I was being graded.
My arms were straight, holding my upper body above her, her neck angled where her head leaned on the door's armrest. Her tongue snaked out, licking her lips as I began slow, steady strokes into her willing love tunnel. I made animal noises, and she encouraged my enthusiasm.
"Yeah, fuck me good, Marty, fuck me hard and long, take my married cunt!" Her dirty sex talk was exhilarating! Fuck, the mouth on her! I screwed up my filth factor and answered in kind.
"Oh, yeah, Cindy, you like my cock in your cunt?" I'd never talked like this to any girl I'd been with, and the words felt foreign, but easy. "You like my hard cock fucking your married, slut hole?"
"Oh, fucking Marty, don't stop baby, fuck me good, fill me! Fuck me with your beautiful cock!" Her eyes had gone wild again with that hint that she knew something I didn't.
Somewhere in the back of my mind was the vision of my shiny white ass cheeks showing through the open doors, glowing in the parking lot lights, maybe even through the tint of the sedan windows. But the look in her eyes, the expression on her face, combined with the feel of her bucking up at me and her vibrant, filthy words drove the fear of discovery to the deepest recesses of my brain. She was a hot, sexy lady, whose confidence and assuredness made her all the more desirable. She had a voracious appetite and enthusiasm, and by God I was having the ride of my life. I gave up trying to match her dirty talk, my vocabulary descending into grunts and curses as she painted the interior of the car with aural enticement.
"Give Cindy what she wants, baby, give me what I need, oh, fuck your cock feels so good in me, baby, oh, you're fucking me so good." The words spilled from her easily, flowing with heat and urgency and emotion that drove me for more, more, more. I lifted my head, craning my neck and arching my back, trying to push more of my body inside her, grinding my pubic bone against her mound.
Movement caught my eye, and with a quick glance I saw people, two girls, my own age likely, a few cars away. One had a hand at her face and they seemed to be giggling, working their way tentatively closer. I knew she couldn't see them, but she felt my motion slow and stutter.
"People," I hissed at her. "I think they saw us."
Her face broke into a grin that came pretty close to scaring me. "Yeah?" she asked devilishly. Her legs pulled me into her and her hands slid up under my shirt, pushing it up my back. She wrinkled her nose and smiled. "Let's give 'em a good show, then!" she snarled at me with a feral smile.
The mental image of my ass bouncing up and down in the back seat flashed through my head as I avoided looking up. Cindy began bucking up under me, urging me to action. I was pretty sure I'd look more comical than sexy, but Cindy turned up the heat and my cock followed her lead. I started drilling again as she resumed her oratory.
"Fuck, Marty, you fucking stud!" She was shouting more loudly than before and I realized she was trying to make herself heard outside the car. She grinned, and gave me a quick nod, letting me in on the joke. "Fuck me, you man-whore, give me that hard cock!" I grinned back at her and threw my entire torso into furious motion, fucking her with my entire body, and answering her enticement.
"Take my cock, you dirty slut!" I shouted down at her. One of her hands slipped from my back to cover her giggle. "Fuck, your pussy is so wet for me! Cum for me! Cum on my cock!"
"Oh, Marty, fuck!" she answered too loudly. "Cum in me baby, fill me with your hot seed!"
"Yeah, Marty!" I heard in a high-pitched voice from behind me, mixed with squealing giggles, "fill her with your hot seed!" I choked back a laugh and Cindy's face returned my amusement, but then her expression changed, became serious, then slack, then intense. I was still fucking her, we we moving against each other with wild and passionate delight. And I realized the audience was turning her on even more. The concept stirred something in me as well, then, and her words confirmed my assumption.
"Fuck. Fuck. I'm gonna cum, Marty. Fuck," she gasped, her words lower, softer, for my ears only. "Fuck, Marty, fuck, don't stop," she continued, the volume escalating, rising in intensity, and it struck a chord of pride in me that I was going to get her off. I snarled back at her, coarse and gritty.
"Yeah, baby, cum for me, cum on my hard cock," I urged, thrusting deep and hard and as well as I could imagine. My legs pumped and stiffened as my balls tightened and my body let me know I was walking the edge. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum, too, fuck," I groaned as she clenched her jaw. Then her mouth opened and she began an intermittent keening wail. Her eyes went wide and the cries increased in pitch. I felt the fierce, undeniable clenching as her climax broke over her and she resumed her enthusiastic cussing!
"Oh, fuck fuck fuck fuck!" Her voice was desperate and pleading and it pushed me hard over the edge. My butt clenched and my stomach rolled and then I was shouting back at her, unintelligible animal sounds as I erupted inside her, filling her with strong, pulsing jets that exploded from me. After the peak crested and my quivering body rode the drop-off, I heard laughing chants from outside. Go Marty, go Marty, go Marty! Still shimmering in my ecstasy, I opened my eyes to see Cindy smiling up at me. I laughed at the chants, and she laughed with me as we kissed and I slid my slicked cock in and out of her, slowly, feeling sated and comfortable and easy.
We were still kissing as the laughs faded and moved away.
I eventually lifted my body from hers and we began the awkward attempts to put ourselves back together and extricate our tangled bodies from the back seat. She pulled some tissues from the console and we attempted to clean up a bit before struggling into our clothes. I got out first and offered my hand as she shifted herself to the door and then to her feet. She demurely smoothed her dress and I felt a pang of loss as her generous sexy bits disappeared back under her dress.
"That was... incredible," I managed to say. "Thank you, Cindy."
She snorted a laugh, but not at my expense. "As if we had a choice," she observed with a sly smile. Again, I was struck by the thought that she was telling herself a joke that didn't include me. "But no, thank you, Marty. It was delightful, and just what I needed. No," she corrected, "what I wanted."
I blushed, I think, hoping she couldn't tell in the darkness. "Are you...uh...going back in?"
She gave me that knowing smile, but with a layer of appreciation and affection. "No dear, my night is over, or almost, anyway. Her eyes flicked over my shoulder and she added, "ah, yes, time to go."
I turned to see a handsome, well dressed man, slightly older than Cindy, walking purposefully towards us, and was struck with a feeling of dread. My trepidations eased a little as she took my arm and snuggled her cheek into my shoulder and the approaching man smiled at us with amusement.
"Perfect timing, dear," Cindy called to him when he was still far enough away that I thought I could outrun him.
"Of course," he sounded in a self-confident manner. He winked at her as he closed the gap. "Have fun?"
"Always, dear," she answered. "This is Marty. Marty, meet Jess, my husband."
I looked unbelieving at the hand extended to me, then tentatively stuck my own out. He gripped it hard. "Nice to meet you, Marty," he said, then inclined his head. "Don't judge."
I stammered out some useless sounds and they both chuckled.
"May I?" he asked, and reached for his wife's hand. She released me and I stammered out things that sounded polite, I hoped, but they were no longer paying any attention to me. I blinked my confusion away unsuccessfully as they got into the car. I was still standing there as the drove away, Cindy snuggled under his arm.
I stayed there a few more minutes, trying to make sense of the events before surrendering. I'd never understand their arrangement, and I satisfied my confusion with the memory of the excitement, the attraction, and the easy, fun sex I'd had. As I headed back to the club I wondered if I'd ever see her again, and if she'd remember me.
I found my friends hanging at the bar, boisterous and loud.
"Oh, looked who finally showed up!"
"Dude, where were you?"
"Fucking late for you!"
“Where the hell were you, man, I called you!”
I gazed at them and considered regaling them with my tale of mutual seduction and serendipity, and decided against it. It had been between us, me and Cindy. Well, me and Cindy and Jess. But still, it was my memory, and I wasn't going to try and describe it to them. Oddly, while we often traded stories of hookup victory, this felt...different. Private.
"Yeah. Sorry," I apologized, "I was... uh," I told them. “In the car.”
And I left it at that.
She saw to that quickly enough..
After checking around us yet again, I looked at her. She was looking up at me from the back seat of her car. Her eyes, which had been demure and interested before, were wide and wild now, with a glint of narrowed devilishness. Her slightly amused grin had transformed to a hungry smile as she gripped my cock, stroking it to full staff. I blinked through my astonishment as she leaned forward, holding my gaze, and opened her mouth as she angled my cock to her face. At the last second, her tongue flicked out, stroked up my tiny slit and circled the head before her lips parted and surrounded the tip. I groaned, mesmerized by her seductive expression as her mouth sucked on me.
Her eyes never left mine as she stroked my shaft, sucked the head, swirled her tongue and then stretched her lips and took almost my entire shaft into her mouth, all the while looking like she was enjoying it more than me. Spasms of pleasure rocked through me and I grunted, moaned and groaned with delight as she worked my stiff member. Her free hand slipped under and fondled my ball sack as her mouth and hand began stroking in unison, a choreographed dance of body parts. Still I watched her, in the shadowed light of the parking lot, her image as thrilling as the sensations she elicited.
She pulled her mouth off and a moment of suspicion swept through me. Here it comes, the letdown . She just been teasing and now she'll tell me to fuck off . She smiled and I steeled myself for the trick. But instead she leaned back, tugging me by my cock with one hand and hiking her skirt with the other and scooting further into the back seat to lean against the opposite door. I ducked my head and followed my cock, crawling onto the back seat and kneeling over her.
"Now that was dancing," she snickered, "but dancing time is over. Get inside me, you young stud," she coaxed. "Fill me."
She pulled the dress to her waist, exposing all of her hips and legs and that sweet, wet, married pussy. Shaved labia beckoned, parted slightly to reveal only a dark shadow between. Her clit hood was standing taller, full and extended. With my pants gathered at my ankles and my bare butt facing the open door, I slipped my hands under her ass, lifting it and aiming for her siren call. My cockhead brushed her wet heat and she sighed. It bumped her clit and she gasped. I lowered my aim and dropped my hips, and this time she groaned as my spit-slicked shaft speared halfway into her.
I looked up from her cunt to her face, saw her eyes wide on my narrowed gaze, her mouth open and slack to my clenched jaw. I shifted my hips, working the rest of my cock into her. Fuck, this was incredible! Her slick velvety heat infused me, wrapping my shaft and gripping. I pushed until I was deep, all the way in, and started fucking like I was being graded.
My arms were straight, holding my upper body above her, her neck angled where her head leaned on the door's armrest. Her tongue snaked out, licking her lips as I began slow, steady strokes into her willing love tunnel. I made animal noises, and she encouraged my enthusiasm.
"Yeah, fuck me good, Marty, fuck me hard and long, take my married cunt!" Her dirty sex talk was exhilarating! Fuck, the mouth on her! I screwed up my filth factor and answered in kind.
"Oh, yeah, Cindy, you like my cock in your cunt?" I'd never talked like this to any girl I'd been with, and the words felt foreign, but easy. "You like my hard cock fucking your married, slut hole?"
"Oh, fucking Marty, don't stop baby, fuck me good, fill me! Fuck me with your beautiful cock!" Her eyes had gone wild again with that hint that she knew something I didn't.
Somewhere in the back of my mind was the vision of my shiny white ass cheeks showing through the open doors, glowing in the parking lot lights, maybe even through the tint of the sedan windows. But the look in her eyes, the expression on her face, combined with the feel of her bucking up at me and her vibrant, filthy words drove the fear of discovery to the deepest recesses of my brain. She was a hot, sexy lady, whose confidence and assuredness made her all the more desirable. She had a voracious appetite and enthusiasm, and by God I was having the ride of my life. I gave up trying to match her dirty talk, my vocabulary descending into grunts and curses as she painted the interior of the car with aural enticement.
"Give Cindy what she wants, baby, give me what I need, oh, fuck your cock feels so good in me, baby, oh, you're fucking me so good." The words spilled from her easily, flowing with heat and urgency and emotion that drove me for more, more, more. I lifted my head, craning my neck and arching my back, trying to push more of my body inside her, grinding my pubic bone against her mound.
Movement caught my eye, and with a quick glance I saw people, two girls, my own age likely, a few cars away. One had a hand at her face and they seemed to be giggling, working their way tentatively closer. I knew she couldn't see them, but she felt my motion slow and stutter.
"People," I hissed at her. "I think they saw us."
Her face broke into a grin that came pretty close to scaring me. "Yeah?" she asked devilishly. Her legs pulled me into her and her hands slid up under my shirt, pushing it up my back. She wrinkled her nose and smiled. "Let's give 'em a good show, then!" she snarled at me with a feral smile.
The mental image of my ass bouncing up and down in the back seat flashed through my head as I avoided looking up. Cindy began bucking up under me, urging me to action. I was pretty sure I'd look more comical than sexy, but Cindy turned up the heat and my cock followed her lead. I started drilling again as she resumed her oratory.
"Fuck, Marty, you fucking stud!" She was shouting more loudly than before and I realized she was trying to make herself heard outside the car. She grinned, and gave me a quick nod, letting me in on the joke. "Fuck me, you man-whore, give me that hard cock!" I grinned back at her and threw my entire torso into furious motion, fucking her with my entire body, and answering her enticement.
"Take my cock, you dirty slut!" I shouted down at her. One of her hands slipped from my back to cover her giggle. "Fuck, your pussy is so wet for me! Cum for me! Cum on my cock!"
"Oh, Marty, fuck!" she answered too loudly. "Cum in me baby, fill me with your hot seed!"
"Yeah, Marty!" I heard in a high-pitched voice from behind me, mixed with squealing giggles, "fill her with your hot seed!" I choked back a laugh and Cindy's face returned my amusement, but then her expression changed, became serious, then slack, then intense. I was still fucking her, we we moving against each other with wild and passionate delight. And I realized the audience was turning her on even more. The concept stirred something in me as well, then, and her words confirmed my assumption.
"Fuck. Fuck. I'm gonna cum, Marty. Fuck," she gasped, her words lower, softer, for my ears only. "Fuck, Marty, fuck, don't stop," she continued, the volume escalating, rising in intensity, and it struck a chord of pride in me that I was going to get her off. I snarled back at her, coarse and gritty.
"Yeah, baby, cum for me, cum on my hard cock," I urged, thrusting deep and hard and as well as I could imagine. My legs pumped and stiffened as my balls tightened and my body let me know I was walking the edge. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum, too, fuck," I groaned as she clenched her jaw. Then her mouth opened and she began an intermittent keening wail. Her eyes went wide and the cries increased in pitch. I felt the fierce, undeniable clenching as her climax broke over her and she resumed her enthusiastic cussing!
"Oh, fuck fuck fuck fuck!" Her voice was desperate and pleading and it pushed me hard over the edge. My butt clenched and my stomach rolled and then I was shouting back at her, unintelligible animal sounds as I erupted inside her, filling her with strong, pulsing jets that exploded from me. After the peak crested and my quivering body rode the drop-off, I heard laughing chants from outside. Go Marty, go Marty, go Marty! Still shimmering in my ecstasy, I opened my eyes to see Cindy smiling up at me. I laughed at the chants, and she laughed with me as we kissed and I slid my slicked cock in and out of her, slowly, feeling sated and comfortable and easy.
We were still kissing as the laughs faded and moved away.
I eventually lifted my body from hers and we began the awkward attempts to put ourselves back together and extricate our tangled bodies from the back seat. She pulled some tissues from the console and we attempted to clean up a bit before struggling into our clothes. I got out first and offered my hand as she shifted herself to the door and then to her feet. She demurely smoothed her dress and I felt a pang of loss as her generous sexy bits disappeared back under her dress.
"That was... incredible," I managed to say. "Thank you, Cindy."
She snorted a laugh, but not at my expense. "As if we had a choice," she observed with a sly smile. Again, I was struck by the thought that she was telling herself a joke that didn't include me. "But no, thank you, Marty. It was delightful, and just what I needed. No," she corrected, "what I wanted."
I blushed, I think, hoping she couldn't tell in the darkness. "Are you...uh...going back in?"
She gave me that knowing smile, but with a layer of appreciation and affection. "No dear, my night is over, or almost, anyway. Her eyes flicked over my shoulder and she added, "ah, yes, time to go."
I turned to see a handsome, well dressed man, slightly older than Cindy, walking purposefully towards us, and was struck with a feeling of dread. My trepidations eased a little as she took my arm and snuggled her cheek into my shoulder and the approaching man smiled at us with amusement.
"Perfect timing, dear," Cindy called to him when he was still far enough away that I thought I could outrun him.
"Of course," he sounded in a self-confident manner. He winked at her as he closed the gap. "Have fun?"
"Always, dear," she answered. "This is Marty. Marty, meet Jess, my husband."
I looked unbelieving at the hand extended to me, then tentatively stuck my own out. He gripped it hard. "Nice to meet you, Marty," he said, then inclined his head. "Don't judge."
I stammered out some useless sounds and they both chuckled.
"May I?" he asked, and reached for his wife's hand. She released me and I stammered out things that sounded polite, I hoped, but they were no longer paying any attention to me. I blinked my confusion away unsuccessfully as they got into the car. I was still standing there as the drove away, Cindy snuggled under his arm.
I stayed there a few more minutes, trying to make sense of the events before surrendering. I'd never understand their arrangement, and I satisfied my confusion with the memory of the excitement, the attraction, and the easy, fun sex I'd had. As I headed back to the club I wondered if I'd ever see her again, and if she'd remember me.
I found my friends hanging at the bar, boisterous and loud.
"Oh, looked who finally showed up!"
"Dude, where were you?"
"Fucking late for you!"
“Where the hell were you, man, I called you!”
I gazed at them and considered regaling them with my tale of mutual seduction and serendipity, and decided against it. It had been between us, me and Cindy. Well, me and Cindy and Jess. But still, it was my memory, and I wasn't going to try and describe it to them. Oddly, while we often traded stories of hookup victory, this felt...different. Private.
"Yeah. Sorry," I apologized, "I was... uh," I told them. “In the car.”
And I left it at that.