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Charlene, My Hot Neighbor, Chapter 1

"Called to help her move a desk, she has a special "thank you" for him!"

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I had just stepped out of the house on my way downtown to pick up some things to make dinner. Just as I got halfway down the driveway, I looked over the four-foot-tall hedge separating my yard from the neighbors.

In the next driveway stood Carol Young, looking at the old wooden office desk in the back of the rental truck parked in front of her garage.

"Hi, Miss Young! Been rummage sale shopping again, I see!" I called out, waving to her.

"Yes, I have! Say, Jason, could you give me a hand, please?" she said. I pocketed my keys and walked over to see what she needed.

"What's up, Miss Young? Need a hand unloading that desk?" I asked.

"Yes, I do. Would you be a dear and help me. I need to get it off this truck and into the house so I can return the truck to the rental place," she said.

"Sure, I'd be happy to give you a hand. Tell you what, if you'll take the drawers out, I will go get the hand truck from my garage. It will make moving this heavy oak desk a whole lot easier!" I told her.

"Okay," she said.

"Be right back then," I said, and then I went to get the heavy-duty hand truck I had bought when I replaced my washing machine and dryer a few months earlier. 

A few moments later, I returned. "I brought an old wool military blanket to pad the desk–I don't want to scratch up your new treasure!" I said.

"Thank you," she said with a smile. "I got all the drawers out, and they are already inside where I want to put this desk."

"Good. That will lighten things up a bit and give us some handholds to grab onto this thing, as well!" I said. I rolled the hand truck up the moving truck's ramp and got it in position.

I threw the blanket over the top, and when I got it where I was satisfied it was placed properly, I carefully tipped the desk on its back with what was the top, still covered with the blanket, and up against the hand truck.

I strapped it in place so it wouldn't shift or fall off, and then I wheeled it down the ramp and into the house using the double front doors.

"I'm sure glad it hasn't rained lately–I'd hate to get this pretty white carpet dirty!" I said, looking down at the light-colored carpet.

"Oh, don't worry about the carpet, honey, it's due to be cleaned anyway!" she said.

"You can just set it here. I will move it to its final location later. Thank you so much for your help, Jason. I saw this desk at an antique store, but didn't think about how I was going to get it home!

"I rented the truck at the suggestion of the store owner, but still needed a big strong man to help me! I'm sure lucky I caught you, you are a lifesaver!"

"No problem, Miss Young. I'm glad I could help. Just give me a call when you are ready to move it to its final location and I will give you a hand," I told her.

"You are a dear. I will, thank you," she said. And then I left to go on about my grocery shopping.


It was a little over a week later and I was out in the driveway, cleaning the inside of my car when I heard Miss Young calling me.

"Jason, is that you?"

"Yes, it is," I said, standing up.

"If you aren't terribly busy, do you think I could borrow those big, strong arms of yours again?" she asked.

"Sure, Miss Young. Give me about five minutes to finish this and I'll be right over!" I said. 

"All right, take your time, there's no hurry," she said and went back in her house.

"Sorry about that, I was right in the middle of cleaning the car and I needed to finish up so the stuff I was using wouldn't dry on it, it is a pain to get off if it does!" I said, a few minutes later when I came over.

"What can I do for you?"

"You remember that old desk? Well, I would like to move it into place if I could get your help," she said.

"Sure, Do you happen to have some hard plastic coasters or maybe some old saucers?" I asked.

"I have some saucers, why?" she asked.

"A friend who worked for a moving company showed me a trick–you put a saucer or coaster under each leg and it slides on the carpet a lot easier," I said.

"How clever! I'll get them!" she said, and a moment later came back with four small Melamine saucers.

I put one under each corner of the desk and tested it. Sure enough, it slid easily across the carpet. "Okay, where would you like it?" I asked her.

"Can you just slide it into the den over there? I'm turning the den into my home office and I want to use the desk there," she said. 

I pushed it across the living room and into her new office, positioning it where she wanted it. I removed the four saucers from under the desk and took them into the kitchen putting them in the sink. 

Then I returned to the den to find a surprise waiting for me... Miss Young had taken the top of her dress down and was holding her bra in her hands!

"WHAT THE...? Miss Young! What are you doing?" I asked as I quickly turned my head so as not to look.

She sauntered up to me and put a hand to my face, turning it to look at her. "What's the matter, Jason? Don't you think I'm attractive?" she purred.

She shook her firm D-cup tits as she moved closer. I have to admit, my eyes were fixed on the bouncing globes, hypnotized by the way they moved.

"W-Well yes, Miss Young, but..." I said.

"Charlene... my name is Charlene, Jason. I've seen you watching me when I'm outside in the backyard sunbathing. I know you're just wishing that you could have this body. Fantasizing about tapping this ass and fucking this pussy... haven't you, baby?" she purred.

"I... I..." I stammered, unable to make sensible words.

"Relax Jason honey, it's okay. Want to know a secret? I've had my fantasies about you as well!" she said.

"You have?" I asked, stunned.

"Sure. Don't think I haven't noticed when you are outside with your shirt off cutting the grass or working on your car or something. Or when you are in your room–you know our bedrooms face each other. I can see into your windows when you have the shades open and I've seen you getting ready for bed some nights.

"Of course, it's only from about the middle of your chest up, but I've often dreamed about what the rest of that looked like," she said, biting a corner of her bottom lip coyly.

"But Miss Young... you are a beautiful model–you can have any man you want! Why me?" I asked.

"Please call me Charlene, Jason. Calling me 'Miss Young' is so stiff and formal, I want us to be friends, and friends call each other by their first names. And as for having any man I want, well there's a downside to being a beautiful model, as you put it.

"You see, men are afraid to talk to me. Ironic isn't it... we go to such great lengths to make ourselves attractive to men and when we do, they are afraid to talk to us!

"I guess they are afraid we will shoot them down or that they aren't good enough to date us. But in the end, it just leaves us lonely and all we want is someone to want us," she said, sadly.

"I never thought about it like that," I said.

"Well, it's true. You don't know how many times I have wished I had someone here just to keep me from talking to myself and to keep me warm at night. Someone to love and who would love me back.

"And you don't know how many times I stared out my bedroom window wishing I could somehow telepathically tell you to come over," she said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Mmmhmm. You are a good looking guy Jason, and what's more, you have always been nice and friendly and courteous towards me. To tell you the truth, the women of this town don't like me very much because I make their husband's heads turn.

"They are terribly jealous and possessive and afraid I will steal their man away from them. And the men here are afraid to talk to me because of their wives. 

"I'm like the Jezebel of this town, even though I've never tried to come on to any of them or interfere with their marriages or anything like that. Just because of how I look and how I dress I am an outcast. And I hate it.

"A girl's got to eat, you know, and I was blessed to be able to use my looks to earn a nice living. I look the way I look because this was what I was born with.

"And I dress this way because it's all I know. I have been modeling for a long time, now, and I don't know how to dress any other way.

"My closet is full of these high fashion clothes because everything is custom fit for me so I can show it off. I don't have any regular clothes to speak of!" she said.

"I never realized..." I said.

"It's not your fault. Like I said, you are one of the very few who has always been nice to me," she said. Then she moved closer and put one arm around my neck.

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"So Jason, want to help a girl out? Think you can make me feel like I'm wanted... at least by you?" she said, as her hand moved down to rub the front of my pants where she had noticed a sizable lump forming.

I didn't answer her question–I couldn't answer her question. And since I didn't say no, Charlene took my stunned silence as consent. She pulled me into a kiss and pressed herself up against my body.

She felt the bulge in my pants press up against her eager pussy and she moaned–it had been some time since she felt something living inside her. She had her vibrator and had become good friends with it.

But with all its features, it still didn't come close to the feeling of a real man's cock. It couldn't hold her, it couldn't love her... it was just a cold, unfeeling device.

Charlene kissed me hard and deep. She loved kissing and hadn't had a lot of practice lately, so she wanted to get her fill while she had a willing, albeit stunned, partner.

She coaxed my tongue out of my mouth and sucked on it as if it was a small cock, giving me a sneak peek at what she had in mind for another part of my anatomy.

After several long moments of kissing and tongue-sucking, she wanted to find out more about the growing bulge between my legs.

She began slowly sliding down the front of me; down my chest, then further down until she was kneeling on the carpet in front of me. She kept her eyes on me in a most seductive and sensual manner until she reached the floor.

It was really sexy! Her eyes moved down to the target she was after, and she traced a red fingernail along the outline of the prominence. 

"Mmmm..." she moaned as she felt the size and the hardness of her new plaything.

She stroked my cock through my jeans giggling when it twitched and moaning softly as it grew thicker and harder. She looked up and watched my face as she began unbuckling my pants and pulling my zipper down.

When she didn't get any sign of resistance from me, she continued pulling the front of my pants apart, then pulling them down my legs. She pushed my jeans down to my ankles and then returned for my boxers. 

The bulge was a lot more prominent now that it had a little room to grow. She smiled at the hard, eager cock straining against my shorts, wanting to get free and get into the action.

She gave the length of my shaft a long slow lick through my shorts. Then she reached up and with a smile, she slowly pulled my shorts down.

"Oh my, Jason!" she gasped when my cock sprang free, pointing right at her as if it knew what was coming next. "I think your friend here wants a kiss, too. Should I kiss him?" she asked.

"Oh, he definitely wants a kiss," I said, finally getting my composure back.

Charlene leaned forward, kissing the tip of my cock softly. Then she licked her lips and looked up at me as she licked the head of my cock, bathing the whole tip in her tongue's saliva.

"Mmmm... Jason, baby, you taste delicious!" she said. 

"Bon appetit, then!" I said, letting her know that she had my full permission to enjoy herself.

Charlene looked up at me with a playful smile and then went at my cock like she was starved. She sucked my cock into her mouth and slid down my shaft until she felt me at the back of her throat.

She paused there for a second, drawing a breath in through her nose. Then she swallowed and as she did, her throat opened and she pushed forward, driving the head of my cock down her throat.

Now with the head past her gag reflex, she was able to slide further down my shaft until her nose was pressed firmly against my stomach.

"Oh shit! Damn, Charlene, that feels amazing!" I said.

She held my cock down her throat until she needed air then she backed away until I came completely out and she gasped for breath.

"You like that do you? Trust me, I've had to 'convince' more than one photographer that I was a good model!" she said. 

Then she wolfed me back down her throat again. This time when she pulled back, she brought up a good amount of saliva with her.

It spilled out of her mouth and fell onto her tits, leaving a saliva bridge from the tip of my cock to her mouth. She grinned and took my cock back into her throat. 

She liked sloppy, messy, throat fucking and she began forcing my cock in and out of her throat. Her motto was that if it didn't wreck your makeup, it wasn't a proper blowjob.

So she set out to make her face a Picasso painting using my cock as her paintbrush. She worked up the saliva and then rubbed the stuff over her face with my cock.

Finally, when her mascara was running down her cheeks, her lipstick was smeared across her face, and she looked like a clown caught in the rain, she stopped.

"Now, Jason, I want you to fuck me with that delicious cock! I want to feel you bury that thing in my cunt and fuck me like you hate me! Come on baby, give me the fucking I need so much! Give it to me hard, deep, and fast! Make me scream your name so loud the cops come!" she said. 

"I will, but first I want a taste of you now!" I said. I hefted her up on the old desk and laid her back on it. I pulled her panties off (the only thing she had on at this point except for her heels)

"Oooh!" she said as she raised her hips slightly to allow me to remove her undies.

I pulled them down her long, lean legs, and off, bringing them to my nose where I inhaled her warm delicate scent. Seeing me enjoy her aroma made Charlene even more aroused and she moaned watching me.

"Why Charlene... I didn't know you were shaved!" I exclaimed when I saw her bald pussy.

"Yes, it makes the bikini pictures easier to shoot... and the guys seem to like it this way," she said.

"Well, this guy sure does!" I said. "Now why don't you hold that bald pussy open and let me see the goodies!"

Charlene reached down between her legs with both hands, using her thumbs to hold her pussy open. I traced around the rim of her opening with my finger much like she teased me earlier.

But the difference was that Charlene was already very horny and my teasing only made her whimper for me more.

"Please Jason, don't tease me, baby! Please eat this juicy pussy and enjoy my sweet taste! Please, I love having my pussy eaten... so eat me!" she cried.

And so, with her holding the lips of her pussy open for me, I used my hands to hold her legs wide apart.

I knew when I started, her natural reaction would be to slam her legs shut on my head, thus hampering my dining. So I used my hand and arms to hold her legs apart so I could get at every delicious drop she would give me.

I bent my head down until my face was only inches from her steaming pussy. I inhaled deeply savoring her musky-sweet perfume. I licked my lips as she watched which made her moan and raise her hips to me.

"Jaasonn..." she whined.

I smiled up at her from between her spread thighs. Making this beauty whimper for me was turning me on! I gave her a playful little bite on the inside of one thigh and she gasped. I kissed the other thigh and elicited a moan from her. Yes, I was going to enjoy this! 

I plunged my face into her smoldering pussy and my tongue snaked its way deep into the wet tunnel. The reaction was instantaneous and just as I expected.

"Ohh fuuck, Jason!" she squealed, "Oh yes, baby! Yes, yes, yes, yes! Oh, fuck!" Her legs tried to clamp down on my head but I held them apart. So she spread them wider and I could see out of the corners of my eyes her thighs quivering as I devoured her sweet peach. 

Charlene writhed and squirmed under my tongue's assault, at times holding her head to keep her mind from exploding and other times clawing at the desk for a handhold.

It had been a long time since she had known such exquisite pleasure, and I was no stranger to orally pleasuring a woman.   

I feasted on Charlene's juicy pussy for several delicious minutes as her mind slowly became unraveled. I left no corner unexplored and no wrinkle or crevice untouched as my tongue sought out every precious drop of woman-honey. I was very thorough!

Charlene cooed and mewled her delight as I worked twisting and adjusting her position so that I could access every part of her and loving the feeling of my wriggling tongue deep inside her.

But as wonderful as the feelings I gave her were, her need for something more was still left unfulfilled. She needed a bigger tool for this job!


I hope you have enjoyed this story. I wrote it exclusively for only. If you are seeing it anywhere else (such as SexChatPartner by the person known as "Sophia") it has been copied there without my consent. Why don't you come to my site and read the original in the comfort of the Master's chambers!

Written by Master_Jonathan
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