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"Aunt" Libby

"Young man wants to seduce his aunt, who wants to seduce him. Read about their journey."

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Libby's naked body was pressed down hard against my chest. My arms holding her body tight to me as our genitals thrusted together. Libby moaned as we continued building towards a mutual climax. Then Libby went silent as her body writhed under me. Her orgasm lasting until my own climax erupted. My cock throbbing as I filled her with rope after rope of cum. Afterward, we lay there side by side. We were both exhausted as we basked in the afterglow of sex. We looked at each other and shared a kiss before closing our eyes for a short nap.


My mother and father were divorced when I was ten years old. My mother retained custody of me, their only child. Mom and dad agreed to very liberal visitation rights. They both were very loving parents. Never a negative word crossed their lips after their separation. I loved them both dearly, and I guess I was one of the lucky kids. My buddies in similar situations would always have some kind of horror story about their parents.

When I was fourteen, my father introduced me to Marsha. Marsha and dad married, so at the age of fifteen, I had a stepmother. Marsha and I got along great, and I always considered Marsha one of my best buds, I would at times call her 'Mom'.

One day, my mother introduced me to a man named Roger. Apparently, my mother and Roger had been dating a few times. Roger and I never clicked, he was very demanding of my mom's time. If I wanted Mom to take me to a movie, or just for a hamburger, he would always interject with his plans. I grew to hate him, so when Mom announced that they were getting married, I cringed. I begged her not to, but she told me everything would be fine. She said, "Roger thinks the world of you, are you being a little jealous?"

No way was I jealous of the creep, but I couldn't explain to her, how I thought her life would be a living hell. I talked to my dad about it and he said, "It is her life and if she feels that Roger is the one she wants to share it with, you don't have to give her your blessing, but you must respect them."

It took six months, of living with Roger, to convince me to ask my dad if I could come live with him. I told him how Roger was fine, as long as Mom was around, but when he and I were alone, all hell broke loose. Roger never hit me, a couple of times he grabbed my arm and shook me, telling me he would break my neck. I still haven't figured out why he didn't like me. The only reason I can think of is he had to share my mom with me, and he didn't like that.

Dad said, "Of course, but first we must talk to your mom about this."

Mom wasn't too happy, but she agreed that I should live with my dad. Dad had his lawyer draw up the papers, and the judge granted him full custody. I moved the next day to live with my dad.

I saw less and less of my mother, I had a sneaking suspicion that Roger was standing between my mom and I. I was right, Mom finally saw through Roger, and she dumped his ass. She also applied for and was granted a permanent protection order against him, Roger was never allowed to communicate or be within one hundred yards of Mom or me.

Mom confided in my dad and Marsha, that Roger was physically, and mentally abusing her. They helped her, and now Roger is out of our lives forever. Mom wanted me to remain living at my dad's home. Mom sold her house and moved into an apartment not far from us. Life went back to normal between Mom and I. Some months I would stay there almost every weekend.

Did I ever tell you that I love my parents?


When I turned sixteen, Marsha and Dad threw me one big birthday bash. Everyone was there including Marsha's youngest sister Libby. When Libby and I were introduced, her title, 'Aunt' was kinda stressed. Me, being a good kid, called her 'Aunt' Libby. 'Aunt' Libby was twelve years older than me, and I thought she looked much younger than twenty-eight.

A month before my seventeenth birthday, 'Aunt' Libby came to live with us. It seems that 'Aunt' Libby was caught fooling around with the neighbor. Her husband went ballistic and booted her out. So 'Aunt' Libby is now a single woman living with us. That's all I knew about her, until later in the year. That's when I found out the neighbor was a woman. 'Aunt' Libby was having a sexual relationship with her.

At my birthday party, 'Aunt' Libby gave me a big kiss, tongue and all. I almost shit my pants, my dick hardened, and I'm sure she could feel it pressing against her. I never had sexual thoughts about her, this was a complete surprise to me.

"Let's drop the 'Aunt' Libby," she whispered into my ear. "Just call me Libby, I don't look that much older than you."

Libby kissed me again, this time her hand caressed my cock through my jeans. My teenage hormones took over my body. I put my arms around Libby and hugged her close to me. This time I kissed her, I had quite a bit of experience kissing, so I unloaded on her. Our tongues danced in each other's mouths until I heard Marsha calling for Libby. We quickly separated, Libby winked at me as I walked away, hiding the bulge in my jeans. Marsha would have recognized immediately that I had a boner, and Libby would have been in trouble. That was close, I had to be more careful in the future, if there would be a future.

I laid in my bed, replaying in my mind, what had just occurred. Was Libby making a play for me? Why would a woman of twenty-nine fool around with an inexperienced seventeen year old? My young mind had no idea. But I wasn't stupid, Libby was pretty damn hot. Nice body, not very big in the boob department, though. Her long brown hair was straight as a pin. But those legs, they were to die for. Long, slim, perfectly shaped legs.

Libby always wore short dresses or skirts. She knew men were always looking at her. Libby liked to flaunt herself, and she could get away with it. I saw many men get a wallop just for staring. How was I the lucky one to have her right here in my house, and kissing me, dumb luck I guess?

After I was asleep, I dreamt of making love to a teenage girl. She couldn't kiss very well, then her mother appeared in my dream , kissing me, and showing her daughter how to. We were kissing madly when she pulled back, and I saw her face. "Libby," I gasped, as she was now stroking my cock. Then the teenage girl was running away, screaming, 'I hate boys, I hate boys, give me a man! All I want is a man'. It was the weirdest dream I'd had in a long time.

Through a sleepy fog, I felt my mattress sink. Was someone was sitting on my bed? I cracked one eye slightly and saw Libby sitting on the edge. Now I sat up, fully awake. The covers fell forward, exposing my morning wood. My stiff cock was sticking out from my body, it's purplish head exposed, I quickly covered up. Maybe Libby hadn't seen my hardon, her broad smile told me she had.

"Good morning Trax," Libby cooed as she glanced at my covered cock. "I hope you slept well, I sure did. I fell asleep day dreaming about you."

Trax, only my dad calls me that, it's short for Traxler. I was named for my great-grandfather. I kind of liked that Libby called me by my nickname. I wondered why she was in my room, though. She was in her babydoll pj's that were pretty revealing. My eyes bugged out when I saw her breasts through the thin film of cloth. Her pussy slit visible because she was not wearing panties. Now my cock was like a rock.

Libby stood up and walked to my bedroom door. The doorway, bright with sunshine, exposed every curve of her body. I just sat there, not moving, I was transfixed, staring at her beauty. I evaded her eyes, my eyes would betray the emotions and thoughts swirling in my mind. This was the moment that determined that I had to have sex with my step-aunt. My promise to myself, that I would have this beautiful creature in my bed, and soon.

I blurted out, "My god, you are so beautiful and sexy."

"You're quite the hunk yourself, Trax. I bet you all the young girls are clamoring to date you. I know I would have."

Libby disappeared into the hallway. I jumped from my bed, I had to piss so bad. I rushed into the bathroom that Libby and I shared. Her bedroom and mine had access to the bath between our rooms. Martha called it a Jack and Jill bath. Since Libby moved in I no longer stand to piss, no more messy toilet, but this time I did stand. I didn't have time to sit, and I wanted Libby to hear me.

I took a quick shower and dressed before going downstairs. When I reached the kitchen, Libby was already there. She had dressed, those long legs exposed by some very short jean shorts. She didn't need a bra, and there was none. I could see her nipples through the thin material of her blouse.

I sat in a chair, my new erection trying to escape the confines of my shorts.

"I want to fix you breakfast, is there anything special you would like?"

My mind silently said, 'Your pussy!'

I must have waited too long to respond because she asked again.

"Uh, no, a couple eggs, over easy, would make me happy."

Libby sat and drank a cup of coffee as she watched me eat. Whenever I looked at her, she had a ready smile. I was now of the opinion that Libby wanted me as much as I wanted her. I pushed my plate away after I finished eating. Libby stood and cleared the table while I poured myself a cup of coffee.

"I would have poured a cup for you. I'll do anything for you, just ask," cooed Libby.

My heart was dancing in my chest. After what she just said, I knew for sure that Libby and I would be fucking soon. Now my cock was as stiff as iron at the thought of me between those sexy legs of hers. She was standing at the sink, I had to avert my eyes to avoid blasting my shorts full of cum. When she was looking away, I dashed outside, anywhere away from Libby. I walked around the block, then swept out the garage. Marsha and dad were at work, and this was as good a time as any to clean the garage floor.

I went back into the house, Libby was nowhere to be seen. I sorted through a stack of DVD's looking for something to watch. Finding one, I loaded the DVD player and sat on the couch. I had seen this movie before, but a long time ago. I had forgotten the plot so most of it was like first time watching.

I was so engrossed in the movie, I didn't hear Libby enter the room. Libby sat down next to me and watched the movie for awhile.

"You know the sex scenes are actually real in this movie, don't you?"

"No, that's against the law," I said. "Well, at least I think it is."

"No it isn't," she replied. "Sex in movies is not against the law. If a movie is not pornographic, there can be real sex. It's up to the actors. Most of these films are made for foreign audiences."

"You're kidding. How can you tell if they are actually having sex?"

"Normally you can't, but somehow the word gets out and viewers look harder at those scenes. Next time a sex scene comes on, hit your pause button and then advance frame by frame, you'll see."

Libby was sitting next to me, I could smell the sweetness of her perfume. We both were watching the film when I felt her fingers playing with the collar of my shirt. I looked at Libby and smiled, before returning to watch the movie. Libby's fingers moved from my collar to the back of my head. She gently and lightly rubbed my hair. No girl had ever done this to me before and Libby was an expert. I felt tingles and chills at the same time. I didn't want her to stop.

The movie was progressing to the point of another sex scene. The scene involved a clothed woman straddling a man. The man's pants fly was open but you couldn't see anything. I hit the pause button, I pressed the pause button again and the film advanced one frame. Nothing here to see, so I continued hitting the pause button until I saw the woman's skirt flutter up.

"See look closely," said Libby. "See his cock in her, he is really fucking her."

I looked close, I saw what looked like a cock, I hit the pause button again, another frame, pause button again for the next frame. Now I could see for sure that he was inside of her. I hit the button a few more times, they definitely were fucking. No play acting now.

"I see it now," I said. "How does this get by the censors?"

"The movie isn't porn, that's how. The sex is part of the story. Resume the movie and watch how she moves, that is a dead giveaway."

I resumed the movie, it looked real to me, but I'm no expert when it comes to sex. Libby said something about how the woman's actions were constricted by how far she could move with a cock in her. With Libby playing with my hair, me watching two people fucking on the TV, no wonder my cock was as hard as a rock. I shifted to relieve the pressure that was hurting my dick. It helped some, but not enough.

"Here, I'll take care of that," Libby said as she unbuttoned and unzipped my shorts.

My shorts wide open, Libby slipped her hand under my boxer waistband. Quickly she pulled my cock and balls out. Her fingers slipping my waistband down, to be held by my balls. Libby didn't remove her fingers from around my cock. Her warm hand felt like heaven to me. Libby stopped rubbing my hair and pulled my face to hers and we kissed. We both maneuvered our bodies so we could kiss more comfortably. As we kissed, Libby started jacking my cock. I'm not cut, so it was very easy for her. We continued to kiss and then it happened. My belly muscles tightened, my legs straightened and I shot cum all over Libby's negligee.

"I'm so sorry, Libby, I didn't mean for that to happen."

I was so embarrassed, my face so red, I could feel my skin heating up. Libby looked me in the eyes as she sucked my cum from her fingers. Then she scooped up what cum she could, from her top, and sucked that from her fingers. When Libby placed her saliva filled mouth over my cock, I leaned back so I could watch her suck me. Libby sucked my cock while stroking the underside. She was pumping and sucking out whatever cum that was left in my urethra. She opened her mouth, I could see her tongue wallowing in my pure white spunk, she closed her mouth and she swallowed. My sexcapades with girlfriends couldn't compare to what Libby had just done. I wanted to fuck Libby right now, not ten minutes, not an hour, but right now.

I pulled my shirt off, then my shorts and boxers, I was completely naked. I was kissing Libby as I untied her top. When the last ribbon was unfastened, I removed her top and gazed at her titties. Perfectly shaped, with dark puffy nipples. I moved my face to her chest. My mouth closing over her closest puffy nipple and I gently sucked. I rotated between her breasts, sucking first one puffy nipple then the other. I heard light moans coming from Libby's mouth.

I went back to kissing her while I fumbled with her shorts button and zipper. Soon I was able to pull her shorts down, Libby lifting her ass so I could. No panties stood between me and her pussy. Libby was shaved clean, not a trace of pubic hair anywhere. I was a novice at oral sex, having only gone down on one girl in my life. I was hesitant to do that now. Instead, I played with Libby's wet slit. I run my finger up and down, building the courage within myself to put a finger inside of her.

"Put pressure on my cunt," Libby asked me. "Press hard, I like that, it feels good."

Libby saying the word 'cunt' was so filthy but so sexy to my young ears. I had never heard any female say the 'C' word. I pressed my fingers hard against her crotch, exerting as much pressure as I was capable of.

"Oh god that feels good, you're doing a great job Trax."

My fingers were tiring fast, I couldn't keep this pressure up much longer. I let my middle finger slip into her. Her pussy was warm and so seriously wet. I fingered her for awhile before I slipped my index finger into her. Libby spread her legs further apart, giving me more access to her pussy. Libby was hanging onto my shoulder as I pounded her pussy with my fingers. Libby started to rub her clit, with her free hand, faster and faster she rubbed. "Oh shit... Oh Fuck... I'm cumming! Ooohhh... Fuck!"

Libby stopped rubbing her clit as her orgasm took over her body. I watched in amazement, as her face distorted. Her eyes tightly clamped shut, her head swinging from side to side, her hair flying.

We collapsed into each other's arms, kissing and telling each other how good our climaxes had felt. When we returned to normal, we remained on the couch. I kept my arm around her, pulling her close to me. Our nude bodies warm where they touched. The ice had been broken, I was pretty sure I could pursue Libby and be successful. I hadn't actually fucked her yet, but I wasn't going to let the afternoon pass without that happening.

The movie was still paused with the actress straddling the actor. "Should I continue the movie?" I asked Libby.

"Yes, I would like to finish watching it with you."

I pressed the play key. More of the story unfolded as the end was drawing near.

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The last scene was a lesbian seducing a straight woman. It was probably the most erotic scene in the whole movie. The straight woman didn't stand a chance. I won't go through the whole seduction scene with you, but they did end up nude in bed. The actress who played the straight woman's part was fabulous. When the lesbian's fingers traveled lower and touched her clit, she melted. That's when I touched Libby's clit, Libby gave a little gasp and kissed me.

The lesbian was kissing and traveling down the other woman's body. From time to time kissing and nipping her skin with her teeth. When she reached the woman's nether region, she gently spread the straight woman's legs. Her pussy was now exposed, but we could not see it. The camera angle was such that you could only see the lesbian's face. I could see the lesbian's upper lip was touching the hood over the woman's clit.

The camera cut and the next view was a side angle. The straight woman's leg obscured the view, but I swore her pussy was being licked. "Do you think she is eating her out?" I asked Libby.

"I would say yes, but I can't be sure. Maybe there will be a close up and we can study frame by frame."

Libby's pussy was very wet now. She must be getting turned on again.

"Hit pause, pause the movie," Libby exclaimed.

I paused the movie.

"Back up a few frames."

I backed up maybe fifteen to twenty frames.

"Now advance one frame, but don't advance again until I tell you."

I pressed the pause button and the frame changed. Libby told me to keep advancing, slowly.


The straight woman had moved her leg and you could see her pussy. If you looked close, the lesbian's tongue was touching the woman's clit. I advanced another frame, and Libby looked, "See, she is licking the woman's clit. This is for real, real pussy eating!"

I advanced frame after frame, Libby narrating each frame. Libby was getting turned on now, she was breathing shallow breaths. Libby was holding me tighter.

"Trax, look, look, see her tongue lick her clit, see her lift her friend's clit hood."

A few more frames and I saw the lesbian's lips surround her clit. She must be sucking on her. The straight woman was holding the lesbian's head. The straight woman lifted up like she was doing a sit up.

"She's cumming, and she's cumming hard," Libby exclaimed. "Look at her toes, see, they are straight out, her legs stiffening and shaking. Her orgasm will be over when she pushes the lesbian's tongue away from her pussy. See, she just pushed her away. She is overly sensitive now."

Libby and I started kissing each other. Libby was climbing all over me, telling me how hot she was and how she wanted me to eat her out. Libby was talking more into my mouth than not. I picked her up, my cock was trapped between her pubic bone and my belly. I headed for the stairs, and started up, carrying Libby. Her arms were tight around my neck, her legs tight around my waist.

My bedroom was just down the hall, I pushed the door open. When we were inside, I hiked Libby up so my cock was at her vagina entrance. At least what I thought was her entrance.

"Wait, I need to position your cock."

Libby reached down between us and rubbed my cockhead up and down her slit. My god was she wet! My cock was covered with her wetness and my pre-cum. Libby lined up and slowly her pussy sunk down over my shaft. The heat and wetness of her pussy were giving me sensations that were beyond description. When I bottomed out in her, she wanted to hug. I hugged her tightly then slowly walked to the bed. I laid her down, my cock pulling from within her. Libby spread her legs wide, I positioned my cock at her cunt again and pressed forward. I watched as I sunk in between those wet lips. I was going to fuck Libby in the missionary position because that is the only way I had seen it done.

When my seven inch cock was all the way in Libby, I started to fuck her pussy. We were looking into each other's eyes. I was wondering what she was thinking as my cock plunged in and out of her. Suddenly Libby's eyes glazed over and she cum. Libby was silent, but her ass was moving like a fire had been lit under her. I was worried she might tear my cock off.

"Fuck me Trax. Blast your cum deep in me, I want to feel your cock when it throbs so hard. That will make me cum again. Fuck me baby... Fuck me hard. Pound my pussy, cum in me, fill me up."

Shit! Her talking like that was bringing me to climax sooner than I wanted. I was enjoying just fucking her. Soon I was pummeling her pussy hard while she rubbed her clit again. Libby stiffened, she was having another orgasm. I joined her with my own climax. I held my cock still, I was full depth in her pussy, spurting my cum deep. My cock was throbbing hard, which set Libby off again. Now her pussy was milking my cock, over and over her pussy walls contracted and relaxed, my cock still hard when we parted.

"God that was good," Libby panted. "Save your energy up, I want you again. Think you can do that?"

"Maybe I can. Remember you are my first real woman, I have no track record here."

Libby and I lay side by side, playing with each other's bodies. It didn't take long for either of us to be turned on again. This time I wanted to go slower, taking more time. Libby's body responded to my gentle caresses. Libby was moaning ever so slightly as my fingers worked her slit. Her kisses were more heated. She held onto me, moving her legs so my fingers had more access to her pussy. My mind told me that I wanted to go down on her and I physically wanted too. I was so inexperienced at sex, I was afraid I would fuck up somehow.

I moved around until I was between her legs. I looked at her body, starting with her feet and slowly moving my eyes upward, until our eyes met. There was a lusty look in her eyes and on her face. Libby liked what she saw, and it was turning her on more. I spread Libby's legs more, I needed the room to kiss those smooth inner thighs. As my kisses came closer to her Rubenesque pussy, I made sure to breathe out, teasing her pussy. A couple more passes over her pussy and she was moaning for me to eat her. Libby's labia were swollen and a deep pink, almost red color. Her clitoris was poking out from it's hiding place, just waiting for me to tickle it with my tongue.

It was time for me to perform oral on my first woman ever. My tongue tip licked her slit. Libby's pussy lips suddenly had a sheen as her liquids oozed from her. I was braver now and I slid my tongue between those puffy lips.

"Oohh... Trax, eat my pussy... make me cum with your tongue."

I licked her slit, top to bottom, over and over. The more I licked, the more Libby's pussy leaked.

"Oh yesss... just like that, oohh, it feels so good. Ooohhh Trax, suck my clit, please baby."

I was pleased that Libby was telling me what to do. I had some ideas of my own, but I would do whatever she wanted. Anything she wanted I would add that to my growing cunnilingus repertoire. I moved my mouth up, my lips encircling that small nub. As I sucked, it grew larger and longer, making it easier for my tongue tip to tease her. Libby was moaning louder now, but not too loud. I think Libby is more vocally restrained during sex.

"Ooohhh... fuccckkk... I'm cumming... ooohhh Traxxx... it feels so gooodd!"

I inserted two fingers into her pussy and stroked hard. My liplock on her clit and my fingers pounding away inside of her, brought her to another climax. Libby may be quiet, but her body more than makes up for it. Libby was twisting and turning, I pulled my fingers from her and held onto her legs. That was the only way to keep my lips solidly on her clit. Just a few seconds went by when Libby stiffened, trying to push me away from her clit, she didn't succeed. This time her thunderous orgasm propelled my face backwards. She was now free from my tongue. I still held onto her legs, I was sure she would end up on the floor. Libby's body was possessed with her passion.

I drew back and watched as she started to return to normal. Libby was staring at me, gasping for breath.

"OH, (gasp), where, (gasp), did you, (gasp), learn, (another deep breath), learn to eat pussy like that?"

"I don't know, I just did what I thought you would like. Did I do it wrong? I'm sorry, I don't know how!"

"Don't you change a fuckin' thing, that is the best I've ever had. You're a natural pussy eater, Trax, now come up here and fuck."

Libby spread her legs wide, her knees upwards. I pulled my foreskin back and slipped my cock up and down her wet slit. Libby took hold of my shaft and positioned my cock at her vagina opening.

"Fuck me Trax, push your hot cock deep into my wet pussy. I want your cum deep in my belly."

As I pushed into her, I felt her wet heat surround my cockhead, then my shaft. I slid deep into her wet love cavity. I must have bottomed out, I felt pressure on my cock tip. I didn't know that much about female genital anatomy, but I was tight against her cervix.

I held my chest off hers, my hands pressing into the mattress on each side of Libby. We were staring into each other eyes as I fucked her. This time there was something else I was reading from those beautiful eyes of hers. Something I had never seen before, and I didn't know what it was. I knew how I felt fucking this goddess. I liked Libby a lot and I wanted her for myself. If she didn't want me, I would be a broken-hearted fool.

Libby must have sensed what I was thinking. She raised up and put her arms around me, and laid back down. She was carrying my weight on her.

"Rest on your elbows, Trax, I need to breathe."

I'm six, one, and weigh a good one-seventy-five. Libby probably weighs in at one-ten or so, and is five-nine in heels. I raised up, now my elbows and knees carrying my weight. This also gave me more freedom of movement. I kissed Libby and continued to fuck her.

"Trax, your cock feels so good," Libby whispered.

I responded by kissing her as I held my dick tight in her.

"Fuck me baby, I want you to cum deep in my cunt."

I resumed fucking Libby, but this time I slowed my action down some. I wanted all those good feelings, I was getting from her pussy, to last as long as possible. Every time I sunk deep, I pressed my cock against her cervix, not hard, just tight. Libby would smile when I did that.

"You like my pussy?"

"Yes." I couldn't think of any other answer because of the sensations I was feeling.

"Do you like the sensations my pussy gives your cock? I want to be your slut! Can I be your slut, Trax?"

No girl had ever talked dirty to me before. When Libby said what she said, my cock jerked inside of her.

"I think I have your answer," she said. "I'm now Trax' slut, his piece of ass, his cunt."

"Libby, stop, I'm going to cum too soon if you keep talking like that."

"That's the whole idea, Trax. I want you to cum and pump me full of your sperm. I like the idea that you could give me a baby if I wasn't on the pill."

Now my mind was thoroughly fucked up. I didn't want no kid, but I wanted to give her a kid. What the fuck? Later I would learn what my dilemma was. I continued my long strokes.

"That's right, keep fucking me. I'm your slut now, anytime you want me, I'll be ready to fuck you. Tell me I'm your slut."

I moved my mouth near her ear, "You're now my slut, no one else's, you are my personal slut."

"Do I belong to you and your cock?"

"Yes, you belong to me and your pussy belongs to my cock."

I could tell that Libby liked to hear dirty talk too. Her pussy would contract placing pressure on my cock, especially when I said slut or cunt. My mind was racing to formulate dirty talk for me to express to her.

"From now on I tell you when to fuck, I tell you when to suck, do you understand?"

Libby's pussy was clenching as I went all alpha on her.

"Yes, tell me when to fuck, when to suck. Tell me often."

"Libby, do you love my cock?"

"Oh god, yes... you have the best cock, perfect for my cunt. Fuck me hard, fuck me, Trax!"

My climax was building, but I had a way to go yet. I wanted Libby to talk dirty. I wanted to cum while she talked.

"Talk dirty to me Libby. I want to cum while you talk dirty."

I sped up my fucking. Libby's pussy was clenching my cock tightly. Libby took my face in her hands, and kissed me. She started talking dirty with her lips against my lips and mouth.

"Ram your cock in me. Pump your cum in my belly. My cunt is your cunt. Your cock is my cunt's cock. OH GOD... I'm cumming... oh Traxxx!

I felt Libby's pussy spasm, her legs flung wide and stiff, she put me in a bear hug. Then my cock exploded. I held tight, deep in her hot and wet pussy. The sensations of my throbbing cock sending cum deep into this woman's pussy were outstanding. Never had I such an intense climax. My cock was still throbbing after all my cum was deposited in Libby's womb.

Libby's legs were wrapped around mine, holding me. I couldn't move if I wanted and believe me, I didn't want to. Libby's pussy was still pulsing from her orgasm. He lips mashed against mine. My mind couldn't fathom how much the two of us were like one, joined tightly together by our genitalia, legs and arms, even our lips. It seemed we stayed this way for hours, but in reality, it was only a minute or so.

Libby relaxed her grip on me. Her arms falling to her sides, her legs resting, next to my legs. I raised back up onto my elbows, my cock still deep and tight inside of her. I wasn't softening, my cock was staying hard.

I smiled, "That's what I call a mother-fucking excellent, to outstanding, to a über superior fuck! My god Libby, I want to fuck you again and soon!"

"You will, baby, you will. Never have I enjoyed a fuck more than the one you just gave me. I'm yours Trax, do with me what you want, I'll do anything for you. Just make sure you fuck me like that again!"

"Are you my slut, my cunt?

"Trax, I'm your slut, your cunt, or anything else you want me to be! My hot pussy belongs to you."

I was still horny as a bitch! I spread Libby's legs. I looked down between her legs and saw the sheet was stained with a large wet spot. Libby's pussy lips were shiny with her juices. Something came over me, I plunged my face into her crotch. I licked and cleaned her pussy from both of our excretions. Now I was satisfied. My cock relaxed and softened.

"Come up here and kiss me," Libby begged. "I want to kiss you."

I did as she wanted. Libby kissed me and then she licked my face clean of our juices. Now with a clean face and a flaccid cock, I lay next to her.



"Can we do this again, maybe in an hour or two?"

"For sure Libby, for sure."


We made love one more time that day, that is where this story started.

There was no way to hide the relationship Libby and I enjoyed. Marsha and Dad both knew what was going on between us. We had a 'sit down' around the kitchen table. Marsha and Dad expressed their opinion, then Libby and I expressed ours. To tell the truth, Libby and I were in love, not the let's marry kind, the best friends forever kind.

Libby lived with Marsha and Dad until my sophomore in college. Her living there enabled her to put away enough money to buy her a small cottage at the edge of town.

Libby and I never missed an opportunity to make love, that's what we call it now. When we are in the heat of passion we call it whatever dirty words that come to mind.

After I obtained my Juris Doctor, I was recruited by a large law firm in Los Angeles. I gave my parents and Libby a heads up that I would be moving there right after I took a break to travel Asia. I returned and found a condo rental within walking distance to the office.

I was like a lost puppy, I missed Libby so much. Then one day I received a call on my cell. It was Libby, she was in the city and wanted to take me to dinner. I was excited as I walked into Morton's Steakhouse. Libby was seated there, as beautiful as ever. The other patrons were treated to what looked like a long lost lover's kiss. We held hands over the table until our meal arrived.

We talked for hours over our meal and a ton of drinks. I invited her to my condo and well, you can imagine what took place. It felt so good to be together again. We both promised we would never part.

Libby and I are still together, we are not married. We do have a sweet little girl that we love so much. She has made our lives complete.

I am now a full partner in the firm. I've won some very big cases in tax law, seems the IRS has so many rules, they contradict each other at times.

This is the end of my story of "Aunt" Libby and I. Libby and I thank you for reading about our adventure.

Written by NVMii
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