I’d seen the two young lads strolling around the shopping center earlier today but paid no particular attention to them. Up until now, they were just part of the scenery. There were so many young people hanging around the precinct, their presence wasn’t that noticeable. However, my curiosity was aroused after finally realizing (we women have an uncanny instinct about these things) that they were actually following me.
Momentarily unsure of what to do next I entered the nearest shop (turned out to be a newsagent) without consciously thinking about it. A little unsettled, I just wanted to buy myself some time and gather my wits. Not wanting to stick out like a sore thumb, I picked up a random magazine and began flicking it without really looking at them. To this day I have no idea what I was supposedly reading because my gaze was fixed on what was happening outside.
Sure enough, my feminine intuition was proved correct. The young guys had found a bench in one of the many public seating areas and sat down. To the casual observer, there was nothing out of the ordinary, but from where I stood, my suspicions were confirmed. Without a doubt in my mind, I saw they had chosen their position very carefully.
For anyone going about their business, these two young men were exactly as they seemed. Young lads, spending their Friday morning, hanging around town and chatting excitedly. However, for me standing in the shop, watching them covertly, I realized I was trapped. Although no one was physically touching me, I couldn’t move without being seen by my unofficial escorts and the thought was sobering. They had chosen their vantage point so easily, so casually and without drawing any attention to themselves, I involuntarily smiled at their ingenuity.
“What the fuck?” I muttered, mildly surprised at my reaction. Instead of feeling like I was in danger, a small ripple of excitement was coursing through my veins! My heartbeat quickened and my skin began to prickle. Was I in any danger? I wondered fleetingly. I quickly discarded the idea, admonishing myself for acting like a drama queen. Not here in broad daylight and definitely not in the middle of the busy town center! Feeling foolish, I continued musing over what was happening. Then another thought, and probably the correct one, crashed into my consciousness like a runaway juggernaut. Was I imagining things?
It took a moment to sink in, but it couldn't be denied. This was probably some stupid coincidence, they were almost certainly waiting for friends and soon they would all go off to the pub for a few lunchtime beers. I smiled and shook my head. I felt a right silly bitch. How could I’ve been so wrong? I was so sure they were following me; I would have put money on it.
Luckily, nothing untoward had happened and I cursed my too vivid imagination. Narcissism and an enormous ego had tricked me into believing that these young lads were actually following me. I snorted in derision. I was much too old for them. If the truth be told, they probably wouldn't give me a second glance. Nothing like a dose of crushing realism to bring you crashing back down to earth. Happily, it was only my pride that was feeling battered and bruised.
I continued pretend-reading and looked on wistfully at my would-be stalkers. I studied them more intently now. I could see that they were older than my own kids, late teenagers I guessed, but from here it was hard to tell. Distance and the fact that the blazing sunshine was almost blinding didn't help. Compared with outside, the interior of the shop seemed dark and dingy, (which it wasn't) and made my task even harder. Even so, I could see that they were both good looking boys.
The one with short spiky blond hair was a bit taller than his companion but the dark-haired lad was stockier than his friend. I could see them laughing and joking with each other and I wondered what they were discussing. Then the dark-haired boy held a hand in front of his face and began moving it back and forth while his pressing his tongue, in time, against the inside of his cheek. His friend burst out laughing and then stuck his own tongue out suggestively before pretending to lick something very tasty. The gesture was as unmistakable as it was erotic.
Without a doubt, I knew instinctively this performance was somehow connected to me and I had trouble breathing. A shiver ran down my spine and I felt like someone was physically touching me. Watching this erotic display, I realized that my intuition had been correct the whole time.
Closing my eyes I began picturing his tongue brushing the top of my thighs, just above my stocking tops. I was watching as he slowly worked his way towards my pleasure zone, still tantalizingly hidden behind my sexy lace underwear. I could feel my swollen folds, wet with desire pressed tightly against the delicate fabric, and all I wanted to do was to pull my panties aside, displaying myself to him.
My pussy was aching to feel a tongue split me open and dive deep inside. Then he was licking me with long slow deliberate movements, lapping up the copious juices leaking from my sex; juices that mingled with his saliva formed our own delicious intoxicating cocktail. I felt his fingers pulling my lips apart, exposing my pink intimate parts. Holding his head to keep it exactly where I wanted it, I instructed him to suck me harder. His hot breath scorched my sensitive skin before his mouth clamped hungrily on my pulsating button. He was licking and sucking like an eager puppy and I could feel my orgasm nearing.
“Oooooh yes, don’t stop. Make me cum,” I whispered almost inaudibly, feeling my body starting to tremble as my climax almost reached the point of no return. His face, industriously busy between my thighs was covered in my sweet honey and I could hear his excited slurping as he tried keeping up with my bucking abdomen. Two long hard fingers pushed past my slippery lips and started fingering me roughly. “Mmmmm, that’s it, baby, keep going," I murmured "I’m almost there….” and my body began to explode.
“Can I help you, madam?”
I opened my eyes instantly but had trouble focussing through the fog of desire. It took me a moment to discern where I was and the realization caused me to blush furiously. My expression must have been a picture because the young sales assistant was looking at me very strangely while I tried focusing my gaze on her fresh young face, trying desperately to regain my composure.
“What did you say?” I murmured dreamily and heard her repeat the question.
I shook my head and replied shakily (not easy when all I wanted to do is hike up my dress and finish what my fantasy had started) that everything was fine, (which was a lie.) Although her disturbance was as timely as it was unwanted, it had definitely saved me from a potentially much more embarrassing situation! Who knows how far I would have gone left to my own devices. Blushing profusely I replaced the magazine back on the rack and politely excused myself.
“Get a grip,” I muttered angry enough to spit, mostly with myself, but also feeling a bit resentful towards the young lady. She was, after all, the one who disturbed me and ruined my fantasy. I moved slowly, recovering myself as I headed towards the door, and then grinned lecherously. Why should I be pissed off? I was having a delicious daydream and the raunchiness of it had gotten me all hot and bothered. The sexual tension in my body hadn’t lessened and looking over my shoulder, I saw the assistant watching me quizzically. She was very attractive and by the way she was watching me, I suspected she might have a vague idea of what I was thinking when she offered her assistance. In my current state of mind, there was only one kind of assistance I needed and looking at her cute little body I wondered if she really wanted to ‘assist me.’ I laughed. 'If only you knew, young lady,' I thought and exited the shop. As I left the newsagents, Blondie nudged his friend and nodded in my direction.
I knew it!
I silently congratulated myself, happy my instincts hadn’t let me down. They were following me, and for whatever the reason was, I didn’t care. Time would surely provide the answer but the certainty I'd been right was sending small electric pulses to every nerve ending.
My skin began to tingle tantalizingly and a feeling of pure unadulterated lust surged through my veins. Instantly the mental image of the young lad lying between my widespread thighs, tongue flicking up and down my slit, replayed in my mind's eye. The erotic images caused my pussy to moisten, and breathing became heavy, causing my ample bosom to rise up and down noticeably. My nipples began protruding through the thin fabric of my summer dress, and not really wanting to advertise my state to the whole world, I quickly realized I had to do something about this.
Deciding to find somewhere where I could be alone, I began walking towards the bigger department stores. They had public toilets and I would be able to relieve myself in private. My sex was throbbing wildly and a sort of madness took control of me. I had to exert all my willpower to stop myself from breaking into a run such was my desperation and all rational thinking evaporated in the heat of my lust. As I approached the entrance of Marks & Sparks, I realized both lads were still behind me... still following me and a dirty, filthy thought crossed my perverted mind. Since these two had caused my current mental state I decided it was their duty to relieve it.
I smiled wickedly as countless erotic images of what I wanted to do to them prickled my awareness. My pussy was getting wetter now and I desperately needed satisfying. I knew myself well enough to know that only the feeling of a rock hard manhood plunging deep inside me was going to provide me with gratification I sought, and these boys were going to be my absolution. Without glancing back at them I ran my hand through my long blond hair, letting it cascade over my shoulders. Then instead of continuing towards Marks & Sparks, I turned right and walked in the direction of the town parks.
With a thrill of anticipation and a smoldering heat building up between my legs, I looked into the shop windows across the street and congratulated myself for a second time today. In the reflection, I could see the lads tracing my footsteps. For a split second, it seemed like we made eye contact but that was probably an illusion. I could see them pointing at me, nodding agreement to each other and then continuing their pursuit.
They obviously saw themselves as hunters, but today, unknown to them, their prey was leading them to precisely where it wanted them. I wondered fleetingly if they had any idea they were puppets dangling on the end of my strings, and that I was the puppet master in control. What they wanted, or thought they wanted, left me cold. They played no part in my decision making. In fact, I wasn't even in control of my senses. I was a slave to my most basic of instincts and they were instructing me.
My vanity demanded I check my appearance in the windows opposite, and my reflection confirmed what I already knew. I was hot. My 'Victoria’s Secret' racer-back crochet outfit, very respectable indoors, had become somewhat unrespectable in the bright sunlight, and the outline of my figure was clearly visible. Although I’m my forties, my figure is still something that I am very proud of. I work hard at keeping myself in shape and I’m narcissistic enough to advertise that fact with figure-hugging clothes that are both stylish and sexy. Revealing enough to set imaginations running wild but nothing too vulgar or demeaning.
(I am after all a respectable married mother.)
However, when it comes to underwear, respectability and modesty are not the defining parameters, in fact just the opposite. Raunchiness and sleaze define what I wear. Mostly I order from a raunchy catalog, that shall remain nameless, but every now and then I come across something really daring, in some of the local shops, and I just have to have it. Today was a prime example.
The set I was wearing consisted of a fabulous, red polka dot balconette bra, which made my ample bosom seem even more impressive. Adorned with girly ruffles, and a cute bow nestled in my cleavage it matched the dainty panties which almost revealed as much as it concealed. It was one my favorites because although it wasn’t as shameless as much of my stuff, it was more practical for everyday use. Nevertheless, it was sexy and playful enough to get many of my lovers’ blood running when I paraded in front of them. Another quick glance in the window confirmed what I already knew: I was looking good!
I carried on walking and added a more pronounced sway to my hips. After crossing the traffic junction I took a deep breath to gather myself and entered the park. For an ordinary working day it was really crowded, something I hadn’t taken this into consideration. It seemed like the whole world had skived off work, (like me) and was here enjoying the gorgeous summer weather.
Everywhere I looked I saw couples and groups lying around sunbathing or picnicking. There were a few people walking their dogs and down by the pond, there were several mothers feeding the ducks. As the glorious sunshine basked over me, I realized that finding somewhere secluded was going to prove more challenging than I had anticipated. Moving deeper into the park-lands, I fleetingly wondered whether this was a lost cause. Looking back I saw my protégés standing at the entrance, scanning the area, obviously looking for me and my resolve strengthened. The dampness between my legs was increasing and licked my lips hungrily.
I strolled on, moving away from the more populated areas, desperately looking for something useful, but as the search lengthened, my carnal desires were waning. Finding what I wanted was proving more difficult than I imagined. Eventually, my determination was rewarded. There was a section of pathway, leading through some sparse woodland toward the housing estate which bordered the park. I looked at it contemplatively. Although the path was used regularly, it wasn’t as busy as the main walkways. Close to the path, a few meters in front of some shrubbery was a park bench. Could this be what I was looking for?
A quick inspection beyond the thick bushes revealed a secluded area guarded by a huge oak tree. I had finally found what I was looking for. Feeling elated I returned to the empty park bench and seated myself. My short dress rose upwards and exposed a huge amount of tanned thigh, and as the blistering sunshine radiated down on me, I realized that it wasn’t the only reason why I was hot and bothered.
Patience has never been my strongest virtue and while waiting there, I was afraid that the lads had lost my trail. Obviously, they were better trackers than I gave them credit for, because, moments later I saw them approaching through the hordes of people milling about. Their expressions looked anxious. They definitely looked like they had lost something (or someone) and their heads kept turning this way and that in their efforts to find what it was they were looking for.
I knew instinctively they were searching for me and decided to do nothing. They’ll find me, I reasoned wistfully enjoying the moment. I giggled and half-closed my eyes, assuming an innocent posture. Then Blondie grabbed his friend’s shoulder and pointed in my direction. Disbelief was written all over their young handsome features despite their obvious searching for me. Through my half-closed eyelids, I watched them discussing their next move.
I opened my eyes and smiled at them, nodding my head imperceptibly granting them permission to approach me. They gave themselves a high five and congratulated each other and I watched amused as their bravado exerted itself and they continued walking in my direction. They were dressed in summer garb, designer names of course but they both looked good. Muscular legs protruded from knee-high shorts and tight G-Star tee shirts were stretched over a discernible washboard and impressive biceps. Their aura was one of masculinity and youthful vigor and their emergence was causing me to get really wet between my legs. I could feel my juicy folds opening in anticipation as I fantasied about what I wanted these two young men to me. As they closed in I could see that they weren’t teenagers anymore but young men and they were more handsome than I thought.
They stood in front of me, fingers hooked into their shorts displaying an arrogance and confidence that comes with youth. Blondie was a complete stranger to me but the dark-haired lad looked vaguely familiar. I tried thinking when and where I had seen him, but my memory failed me and I gave up after realizing I couldn’t recall where from. The blond haired lad was cockier than his friend, wearing an arrogant sneer and looking me up and down. His arrogant expression tried conveying disdain but his eyes told another story. They lingered much longer than necessary on my protruding nipples and exposed skin. I watched him lick his lips and realized I was ahead in the game.
“Hello, boys.” I nodded at them curtly, my voice sounded stern and patronizing even though I was quivering with excitement. Standing there, looking at the thin film of glistening sweat covering the exposed flesh I was amazed at how they exuded a physical presence that was exciting as it was unsettling. I imagine any strangers approaching us would be put off by the intimidating appearance but I knew I was safe. These guys used the same energy to protect whatever they regarded as their own and at this moment they considered me their woman. I could see that in their eyes and knew nobody was going to interfere with us.
“You’ve been following me!” A statement. Not a question. “May I ask why?”
The darker one looked at me, ignoring my question and asked, “You’re Mrs. Smith aren’t you?”
I nodded and narrowed my gaze. “Do I know you then?” I replied desperately trying to place his face.
“My mum is Rita Shannon,” he answered and then the penny dropped. Ah, that’s why he looked familiar. Now I remembered seeing him often enough behind the wheel of his mother’s Mercedes when he picked her up from work but just hadn’t made the connection.
“You’re Rita Shannon’s son,” I exclaimed as a bright light illuminated the darkest recesses of my mind. He nodded his face a mixture of pride and relief.
“I’m Paul and this is me mate Jase.” He pointed his thumb towards the blond haired lad. I assumed Jase was short for Jason and I gave him a small smile. He nodded curtly looking embarrassed because we both knew who was in charge. Paul was growing more confident now. This was because I hadn’t told him to bugger off after finding out who his mother was.
“I thought I recognized you when I saw you leave Dixons,” he carried on, “but I wasn't really sure. Then when we saw you come outside the newsagents I definitely knew it was you.” He smiled and his smile conveyed a feeling of superiority over me as if he had secret information about me.
I nodded slowly and wondered what he thought he knew. If his mum talked about me on the journey home, then I guessed he’d heard nothing good. She called me the office slut, ready to spread my legs at a drop of a hat, and prepared to go to bed with anybody to get ahead.
Sexual curiosity is a powerful driving force and maybe after hearing his mum’s lurid tales about me, I’d become a fantasy figure in his adolescent fantasies. If his mum ever found out that I was the inspiration for the dried up cum stains, soiling her precious bed sheets she would have a fit. I bit my lip to stop myself chuckling. Having seen me wandering around town Paul had obviously repeated his mum’s stories to Jason and together they had decided to find out what the difference was between truth and fiction. I admired their intentions. I could read their minds like an open book. Seeing me sitting there, exposing an enormous amount of tanned thigh, erect nipples clearly visible, and my forbidden pleasure zone is hidden tantalizingly from sight by my strategically placed hem had raised their hopes. They fervently wanted to believe everything they’ve heard.

“This is all very well, Paul, but that doesn’t explain why you’re following me does it?” I smiled seductively, already knowing the answer. I wanted to see if, having come so far they would have the courage to take it further. I was afraid they were too inexperienced or intimidated to follow through but decided to play along. While waiting for an answer I pretended to be bored and started playing with my long hair.
“Dunno really, I just wanted to meet you.” I was right. They’d bottled it!
“And what did you think that would accomplish, Paul?” I asked teasingly. Paul said nothing and shrugged his shoulders dumbly. He was avoiding my question but he kept looking at me intently.
“Do you like what you see, Paul?” His eyes brightened momentarily but he stayed silent. “I notice you can’t keep your eyes off me. Do think I’m sexy?” He shifted uncomfortably at my directness. “Oh don’t worry, Paul; I know what you’re looking at!” I crossed my legs over each other and momentarily revealed what both pairs of eyes had been hoping to get a glimpse of. I was rewarded by two sharp intakes of breath and I couldn’t help grinning at them. “I don’t mind you know. That’s why I’m sitting here like this.” I laughed as they started blushing.
Knowing attack is the best form of defense Paul tried countering my teasing.
“My mother doesn’t like you!” A statement challengingly made and without any ambiguity. Not giving me a chance to reply he carried on undaunted. “She thinks you’re a slut,” he added and started to smile. This time nature gave my admirers a helping hand. A light summer breeze wafted under my dress and raised the hemline revealing my soaking wet polka dot knickers to my young devotees. A low groan escaped from one of them and looking at their laps I felt a degree of satisfaction. Two bulges were discernible; modest and discreet but definitely visible.
Knowing the vision they had seen was engraved in their memory. I decided to up the ante. I placed a hand on my thigh and began gliding my fingers back and forth along the bare flesh. With each upward motion, my fingers pushed my hemline gently higher.
“What do you think, Paul? Do you think I’m a slut?” I could see my question and actions raised conflicting emotions within his handsome young being. He obviously didn’t want me to stop what I was doing (after all my panties were slowly being revealed) but he didn’t want to insult me by agreeing with his mother. He obviously felt uneasy because my teasing was constantly directed at him and when he looked down at his feet and I wondered if I’d gone too far with my provocation.
I decided to change tact.
“Why does she think I’m a slut then, Paul?” I kept my voice steady, innocent sounding but my eyes sparkled mischievously. When he saw my expression he relaxed slightly but he was still unsure how he should react to my forthrightness.
“Well…she says…”
I interrupted him. “Don’t worry, Paul. I know what she thinks. She’s said it enough times at work to anybody who cares to listen.”
He nodded warily remembering he should be defending his mother’s honor. “She says the only reason you’ve got as far as you have is that you’ve screwed your way there!” He was speaking quickly now, hoping I wouldn’t take offense at what he was saying. “She hates you; I’ve never heard her say anything good about you. She wishes she could sack you but she says you’re protected. I don’t know what she means by that, she won’t tell me but I guess there’s something going on, and she despises you for it!” he said. His voice sounded flat and emotionless.
“She would have thrown you out on your arse a long time ago if it had been up to her,” he added as a footnote and looked up at me. Finally and I saw a spark of defiance in his crystal blue eyes.
I sighed softly. Rita Shannon, office manager, and tyrant was a big fat ugly bitch who made the lives of the secretaries a living hell. She was my biggest antagonist at work. We crossed swords often when I first started working there and things just went from bad to worse. I suppose she blames me for the fact that nobody takes her ideas seriously but my conscience is clear.
Maybe she should change her attitude to the people who work around her and put up with her shit on a daily basis. I’m an easy target for her ever since she found out the director takes every opportunity to get inside my knickers and what’s more, I let him. She found out by accident, but that didn’t make things any better. A while ago she barged into the director’s office unannounced and discovered me stark naked, kneeling in front of the director. Our boss’s thick manhood was disappearing down my throat and his creamy white sperm decorated my face.
Being caught by her made an already strained relationship even worse but the atmosphere between us completely deteriorated after her discovery and from that moment on, she declared war on me. She used every opportunity that came her way to get me fired but just as she suspected I was protected. I was obviously better in ‘dick-tation’ than she was.
“Who I fuck or don’t fuck,” I replied, my voice icy, “is nobody’s business. Not yours! Not your mother's! And definitely none of your business!” I tried sounding angry, tried disguising my true feelings but secretly I was dripping wet. I was dying to get fucked and looking at the growing bulges I wasn’t the only one feely randy. This verbal foreplay was enjoyable but I was ready for the real thing. I decided to take the bull by the horns.
“Would you like to fuck me, Paul?” I was determined to make sure there was no room for misunderstanding. He swallowed hard unsure if he had heard me properly and if he had he didn’t know what to say. I bunched my dress into my lap and revealed my soaking wet panties. The polka dots covering my opening were darker than the others. The discoloring was due to them being sodden.
“Did you hear me, Paul?” I paused for effect. “Or do I have to ask you again?” I was pressing my point home and to reinforce my intentions he watched me slipping my fingers under the playful fabric covering my soaking wet slit. He just stared at me, completely dumbfounded. My fingers slid up and down my slippery opening before gently pressing my swollen clit, protruding proudly from under its hood. “All this talk about fucking has gotten me wet and horny, boys, and I need some cock.” The bulges had grown somewhat and my prospects looked good. “Looks like I’m not the only one dying to get laid, am I, boys?” Paul looked shocked at my outspokenness but had plucked up some courage to say something. Unfortunately, Jason spoke first.
“Sounds like you’re a right slut to me, Mrs…” He had clearly forgotten my name so I helped him.
“Mrs. Smith. I’m Mrs. Smith to you.” A look of irritation darkened his expression.
“Whatever, Mrs. Smith, sounds like you like a bit of the old pork sword. Sounds to me like you can’t get enough of it,” He smiled patronizingly at me. “If I’m honest!” I had to bite my tongue to keep my acid reply to myself. “What does your old man think about that? I bet he doesn’t know you’re shagging the boss or that you’re here with us virtually begging for it?” he chipped in challengingly.
I smiled up at him seductively. “What my husband does or doesn’t know isn’t important. He doesn’t need to know about my boss and he doesn’t need to know about this. I don’t tell him everything I do and the less he knows the better it is for everyone involved” I answered assuredly, believing my own lies. I smiled sweetly at him. “And yes Jason, I don’t just enjoy sex, I love it! I live and breathe sex! I need it every day and get any way I can!” His expression was euphoric and his green eyes sparkled with excitement.
My fingers were pressing deliciously against my clit and I let a little moan escape my lips. l saw the bulge in his shorts twitch and decided a little twist the knife wouldn’t do any harm.
“But,” I continued business-like, “I don’t know if I want to let you have sex with me! Paul here is another story. I’ve no qualms about letting him fuck me. I’m doing that to spite his mother but you…” I paused and looked at him blandly, “I see no reason why I should let have a little booty. Do you?” The look of uncertainty on his handsome face was a picture. He was looking at me trying to decide if I was serious or not and I had difficulty keeping a straight face as I let him stew for a moment or two.
“Don’t worry, sweetie, you’re right, I’m so fucking horny that I’m going to let both of you screw the arse off me.” Inside my panties, my fingers slipped inside my open folds and I felt a thrill of delight rush through me.
The relief on Jason’s face was priceless. Up until now, we’d only been engaging in verbal foreplay albeit garnished with a saucy hint of voyeurism and judging by the bulges I could see they were just as turned on as I was. However, talking is one thing and action is another. I doubted if these young men had the courage to take it any further so I knew I would have to make the first serious gesture if I was going to leave this park completely spent.
“So what about you then Jason,” I asked challengingly and to emphasize the point I stopped fingering myself and reached forward to fondle the bulge in his shorts. “Are you up for it?” Jason nodded enthusiastically and grinned at me. Feeling how hard Jason’s erection was under his shorts encouraged me and I began gripping him, feeling how big he was. I had trouble restraining myself when I realized how big he was, but seeing as the bench was too public for what I had in mind, I chose to behave myself…within reason.
“What about you, Paul?” I sat and waited for an answer. “You still haven’t answered me!” I said looking back up at him. “Jason here,” I nodded in his direction, “is more than ready, if what I’m holding in my hand is anything to go by. He’s raring to go but have you made up your mind?”
“This your last chance, Paul, I’m not going to ask you again!” I decided to call his bluff. My voice sounded stern when continued speaking.
“Listen, young man, I’ve told you what I want and who I want to do it with but if you’re not up to it I’ll stand up and leave you both standing with aching erections. Who knows maybe you can wank each other off when I’m gone!” Jason looked at his friend imploringly, knowing he’d never have another chance like this again and the expression of desperation on his face almost made me cave in.
“Come on, Paulie, she’s gagging for it. Mrs fucking Smith here wants us to fuck her brains out and you’ve got to think about it. Duuuhh,” Jason exclaimed in exasperation. “Are you a fucking moron mate?” I giggled at Jason’s attitude. Whatever Paul was thinking, Jason wasn’t going to let this opportunity slide past him without doing his best.
“So what do you say, Paul?” I asked softly. “Once I’ve gone, I’m not coming back so don’t take too long deciding.” I hoped Paul wouldn’t want to look weak in front of his friend but I needed certainly not hope. I reached out with my other hand and gave Paul the same treatment as Jason had been receiving for the last few minutes.
“Come on, Paul. Your cock’s as hard as Jason’s here so I know you want to.” Suddenly a flash of inspiration hit me and I knew what the problem was. “Oh, Paulie, Paulie, Paulie you stupid fool, I only said you could do me to spite your mum because I was fucking around with Jason’s head. I find you both attractive and I really want have both of you.” I could see my nipples sticking through my dress, pointing at these hunks and the top of my thighs were sticky from the amount of love sap leaking from my wet and willing sex.
If Paul said no now I doubted if I could actually carry out my threat. I was just too far gone and knew I needed a delirious physical release to relieve the sexual tension built up in the last half hour. Two pairs of eyes watched me intrinsically as I fondled their manhood’s and finally Paul muttered something.
“Sorry, darling, what did you say?” I replied teasingly. Paul swallowed the lump in his throat before repeating himself.
“Yes, Mrs. Smith, I want to have sex with you!”
“You fucking beauty,” Jason whooped loudly, his voice full of relief. “I thought for a moment there, you were going to bottle mate.” He slapped his friend's shoulder playfully.
Whilst checking to see if anyone was paying attention to us I spread my legs wide displaying my soaking wet gusset. Luckily for us, we were too far away from the main area to attract any attention which was just as well because I was planning to shock them a little more.
“Have you ever seen a woman finger herself before?” I asked sultrily and slipped a hand between my legs and pulled the soaking wet fabric to one side, displaying my pussy.
“Jesus, Paul, she’s fucking bald!” Jason exclaimed enthusiastically when he saw my shaven pussy. Four eyes were watching me silently but very eagerly. I began caressing my outer lips which were already open in a gesture of invitation and waves of unadulterated lust ripped through me as they looked on intently. I smiled and winked at them. I gently pulled my lips apart exposing my pink hole to my attentive audience.
“In a minute guys we’re going to walk behind those bushes and you’re going to give me the best fucking I’ve ever had, but first I want you both to unzip your flies and let me see what you’re packing,” I looked them hungrily, “because if my instincts are right you’re both very big boys aren’t you!” As I spoke I plunged two fingers as deep inside me as I could and began masturbating. Both lads were rubbing themselves and swallowing nervously, but neither one of them averted his gaze.
“Jesus, Paul, she’s a fucking nymphomaniac. Look at her frigging herself. God, feels like my cock's gonna burst it’s that fucking hard,” Jason exclaimed rubbing his erection even harder. My little show was clearly getting him hornier by the minute.
“Are you for real, Mrs. Smith?” Paul asked a little nervously, looking over his shoulder to see if we were being spied on. “Did you really mean that you know about getting our cocks out and all that? What if someone sees us here with our dicks hanging out of our pants. We’ll be in deep shit if…”
At that moment I couldn’t have cared less who was watching us. I closed my eyes and abandoned myself to the sensations rippling through my body. In the distance, I could hear Paul prattling but I wasn’t actually listening. I pulled my fingers from my oily tunnel and placed them just above my eager slit. I felt how slick and slippery my fingers were when I tugged the skin hiding my throbbing clit aside and began caressing over my sensitive knobble.
“Yes, Paul…I aaammmm for reeaaal!” I replied breathlessly, my breathing ragged. “Oh, God…I’m gonna cum…yesss.” The pent-up lust I’d been containing since sitting here suddenly ripped through my loins. My stomach muscles started cramping up and I had trouble breathing whilst trying to answer him.
“I love the feeling…oh, God…I’m cumming…yes…yes…Jesus…you’re making me cum!” I shut my mouth knowing I wasn’t making any sense but as my fingers continued fingering my clit I just had to ride the waves of ecstasy breaking over me. My sex was flooding and I could smell my musky aroma. I could feel cum soaking the top of my thighs as my body began calming down.
Although small shockwaves still scourged through my frame as I slowly opened my eyes, my orgasm left me feeling exhilarated. Paul and Jason looked on open-mouthed, thoroughly engrossed in my performance. With realizing it these young studs had already supplied me with my first climax today.
My euphoria was damped slightly when I saw both sets of flies still zipped up. Pouting my lips in the exaggerated way a spoiled princess would, I looked up at them and asked, “Why haven’t you boys done what I asked?” Sheepish grins looked back at me. “If you boys want some of this…” I pointed between my legs, “then you’ll have to let me see some of that.” I pointed at their bulges. They looked at each other quickly and winked.
Fingers fumbled hastily with zips but eventually, hands disappeared inside the shorts and I waited impatiently for my reward. “Are you really gonna let us have sex with you, Mrs. Smith?” Jason asked cockily as he started pulling his penis from his trousers.
I nodded my head and was just about to say, “Jason, darling, I’ll let you do anything you…” when Jason’s eight-inch manhood appeared in front of my eyes. I was rendered momentarily speechless by his size. Jesus, he’s big, was my first coherent thought as I admired the fleshy staff sticking out of his shorts, and ‘I want that thing inside me right now’ was my second.
“Move closer Jason darling.” I smiled at him. “I want to get a good look at you.” I reached out and folded my fingers around the warm flesh. I pulled his foreskin back over the swollen helmet and saw the purple glans, glistening with pre-cum begging me to lick him clean. I couldn’t help myself, I was dying to taste him, to savor his manly fluid and without hesitation, I shifted forward and fell to my knees in front of him. With Jason’s erection about to disappear between my hungry lips another rigid manhood, now free from its constraints, presented itself next to Jason’s, and for the second time in seconds, I was again struck dumb.
Paul was smiling broadly as he held his member proudly in front of me. Like Jason’s beside him, Paul’s was just as long and just as thick, but he was circumcised and I felt a shiver of pleasure run down my spine.
“What do you think of this, Mrs. Smith?” Paul asked shyly.
“I was just thinking how lucky I was after seeing Jason’s cock but now…” I removed his hand with mine, “I’ve got two to play with. Come here stud, I want to suck dick.” I lowered my mouth over Jason’s manhood. I flicked my tongue eagerly over the salty tip and then lowered my head over the whole length. My lips were stretched wide as Jason’s thick shaft bumped the back of my throat before disappearing completely from view.
“Fucking hell, Jase,” Paul smirked as he his friend's shaft reappeared. “She swallowed your whole cock!”
“I know,” Jason replied before addressing me. “You’re something fucking special, Mrs. Smith.” He admired me silently as I engulfed him once again. I released his delicious shaft with a plop before replying.
“Thank you, Jason, you’ve got a lovely cock.” Turning my attention to Paul I said, “And so have you, Paul, and now Jason can watch me deep throat you!” I gave Paul’s manhood the same elaborate treatment I’d given his friend, resisting the temptation to get carried away. I wanted more much more and for that, we would have to move.
“Come with me you two, I need fucking right now.” Holding Paul’s erection I turned and walked towards the shrubbery behind us. As I entered the bushes acting as a barrier to the small clearing I heard Jason ask the question that he’d been dying to ask.
“Mrs. Smith you said back there that we could do anything we wanted to. Did you mean that?”
“Let’s play it by ear shall we?” I offered, “and who knows, anything can happen when I really get going.
I moved through the shrubbery behind us and could feel my thighs were all sticky from my dried up love sap. My dress snagged on branches that protected our little dell and threatened to tear long gashes in the expensive crochet fabric but I couldn’t care less because I could only think about was going to happen as soon as we were hidden from the general public.
I heard a satisfying rustle of bushes signaling Jason’s arrival and moved to the big oak tree. I released Paul’s warm hard member and turned around to look at my studs. I was so excited that without delay I pulled my dress up around my waist to expose my pussy and spreading my legs, I leaned backwoods against the tree trunk and readied myself for some down and dirty fucking.
Part 2 coming soon xxx