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A Sale of Two Titties

"Mariah is down and out and on the dole, but she has a pair of assets she can capitalize on."

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Competition Entry: Sexy Cam Fun
Mariah walked out of the office feeling extremely self-conscious. She’d never once in her life imagined that she’d have to accept public assistance, but circumstances had forced her to do exactly that. After losing her job and having no luck finding another one, her savings had run out, leaving her little choice. Her family was helping, but it was barely enough to pay the rent and utilities, and she couldn’t bring herself to ask for more.

Thirty-five years old and on welfare – she felt like a complete failure at life.

She walked down the street toward the bus stop, every step taking her further from the embarrassing door she’d just walked out of. Unfortunately, a young man who had certainly seen her exit was still walking some distance behind, so she wasn’t yet safe. Much to her chagrin, he followed her to the bus stop and stopped to wait as well.

Face burning, she did everything in her power not to make eye contact, and prayed the bus would arrive quickly. On top of it all, the wind was blowing ferociously, whipping her blonde locks against her face.

Her stomach went sour and she stiffened when the young man said, “Excuse me. I’m sorry to bother you.”

“Pardon?” she responded, her conscience not allowing her to ignore him. Thankfully, the bus was heading her direction, which at least offered the potential of escape.

“I’ll get to the point, because your bus is coming. My name is Brian. I’m a photographer and do some online content.” He held out a card. “This is a website address I have set up for potential models. There’s a place on the page to enter the code I wrote on the card. I hope you’ll give it a look.”

“Model?” she muttered, accepting the rather plain card, which was simply text with his name, a website address, and his handwritten addition. Though she had a positive self-image, model was not a label she would have ever placed on herself.

“Just give it a look. The website should answer any questions, but there’s an email address for me if you need it. I won’t bother you any more, but I hope to hear from you.”

With that, he gave a nod and walked on down the street. The bus pulled up and a very confused Mariah climbed on board, glancing down at the card and trying to decide what to make of it. As she took her seat, she made at least a small decision, and put the card in her purse. For now, she had shopping to do.

No matter how much she hated going on the public dole, it was a huge relief to actually have groceries in her apartment again when she returned home. She’d been living on leftovers from the family and donations from the food pantry for two months. Even the time necessary to put everything else away felt like an eternity as she anticipated cooking something she’d bought because she had a craving for it – lasagna.

Doing the dishes afterward proved a tiring experience, because she’d ate more than was really advisable. It had simply been too much of a treat, and she reasoned that she had at least two meals worth of leftovers anyway. Exhausted both physically and emotionally from the day, she slipped into bed and almost immediately drifted off to sleep.


Mariah slept late, as there was very little reason for her to get up. She’d given up not only her cable, but also her television itself when she needed the money. Large parts of her wardrobe and all of her furniture except for absolute essentials had likewise found their way into second-hand stores. There was little for her to do but re-read books she’d already read several times, or continue the futile job hunt online.

It was that task she reluctantly engaged in after breakfast, only made possible by the kind donation of a neighbor’s wi-fi password and a second-hand laptop from one of her nieces. The decision to marry her now ex-husband straight out of high-school haunted her each and every day. Without a college education, her possibilities were extremely limited, despite glowing recommendations from her previous employer, who had hated to let her go. The competition was fierce for the few jobs she could get.

After three fruitless calls resulting in someone telling her the position had already been filled – on ads placed that very morning – she gave up. While digging through her purse for some headache medicine, she came across the forgotten business card from the previous day. With nothing better to do, she popped a couple of pills and typed in the web address.

The page was very plain, with a large text header that read Brian DeFalco photography: model portal, followed by an email address. Below that, there was a text entry box with a notation that it was to be used if he had offered a code. Not paying much attention to the text below, she shrugged her shoulders, entered the code, and pressed the button next to the text box.

The next page was just as plain, and was a personal message obviously directed to her and her alone.

“I’ll get straight to the point. I assume you looked at the information on the front page, and if you’re here, then you still might be interested.”

She hadn’t, but she was here anyway, so she read on.

“There were two things that caught my eye when I saw you on the street today. The first was that you were leaving the welfare office, which leads me to assume that you might be having financial troubles. I can give you at least a little relief in that department, if you’re willing. The second was your breasts.”

Mariah sat back and gasped, stunned at first by the unexpected words on the page. Of all the things she’d thought about when she saw him walking behind her that day, ogling her breasts was not one of them.

“I hope I don’t offend you by saying that they’re beautiful, and I’d very much like to photograph them. I can offer $200 for a shoot, in cash. This is for a personal project, so the photos will be tasteful, and not show your face. If you’re interested, send me an email, and we can make an appointment for you to come to my studio, which is here.”

The page listed an address that she knew was in a part of town where numerous small businesses had storefronts in strip malls. As she thought about it, she even had some faint recollection of seeing the place, which hadn’t struck her as out of the ordinary in any way. It looked like any other storefront.

After the initial shock, she opened the previous page in another tab to discover that all of his photography was nude, that he shot video as well, and that much of it was used to provide content to pornographic websites. When curiosity prompted her to view example photos, she found that while the photos under the heading for porn were certainly that, they were a great deal less raunchy than she would have anticipated, and most involved women her age with young men.

She had never even considered anything of the nature before, but she wasn’t shy about her body. In her current position, $200 would make a big difference, and what he was describing was more along the lines of art than porn.

Keeping that in mind, she set up a throwaway email account with a false name, and sent him a simple message. “I’m interested, but I need to know more.”

She hadn’t closed one of the tabs she’d opened to view the example pictures, and paused to look at it a little longer before clicking the red x. The woman in the picture looked to be about her age, and didn’t appear to have undergone a lot of plastic surgery. She looked like a normal, nude, middle-aged woman. The man was absolutely delicious – young, hung, and handsome.

Arousal prompted her to hit a button to view the next picture in the series, and she shivered when it loaded. The young man was tonguing the woman with what appeared to be a great deal of enthusiasm. The next picture had the woman with her lips wrapped around his eye-catching cock. In the final picture, that same cock was buried inside her, and she appeared to be enjoying it thoroughly.

Tingling between her legs and with her nipples tenting her blouse, she was just about to open another series of example pictures when a sound alerted her that an email had arrived. Sure enough, it was on her new account, and from Brian.

As she read, a smile spread across her face. He was obviously a professional, despite working in the porn industry, and he took the anonymity of his models very seriously. He’d included several possible times to come to his studio for a shoot, but left it open in case she needed to make other arrangements.

She didn’t exactly have scheduling issues, so she threw caution to the wind and highlighted the first possible time – the next day – and accepted the offer. She got butterflies in her stomach the moment she sent the email, but found a good way to chase them away. After going through all the example photos – which were equally arousing examples of strapping young men with older women – she made a brief return to bed.

One thing she had been absolutely unwilling to sacrifice despite her troubles was her vibrator.


Mariah was sure that the butterflies in her stomach were going to lift her straight into the sky as she got off the bus. The studio was only a block away from the stop, but it felt like the longest walk of her life. Once at the door, she summoned up the courage to push the bell as instructed, and a buzz sounded almost immediately that unlocked the door.

Brian stood up from the desk where he was sitting and said, “Glad you’re willing to give it a try, Maria.”

“Mariah, actually,” she answered as she accepted his handshake.

“I can understand the caution. Nervous?”

“Honestly? Yes.” His demeanor was actually beginning to set her at ease. As that happened, she took notice of how good looking he was for the first time. He was in his early 20s by her best guess, and easily as attractive as the young men from his photos.

“Most people are. Why don’t we start by looking through some of the other shots I’ve taken for this series? That way, you can see what you’re getting into before you fully commit.”


“Come on over and have a seat, then.” He quickly clicked a couple of times with his mouse, bringing up a page of thumbnails.

Mariah sat down, a page full of breasts in front of her, and reached for the mouse.

“Porn pays the bills, but what I’m actually working on right now is something more artistic. It’s what I really wanted to do, but the nude photography business is a bit of an old boy’s network. I’m hoping to use this series to attract some attention from an insider.”

She clicked on the first thumbnail, which expanded into an image that nearly filled the screen. The subject was obviously an older woman, though her breasts had held up well.

“You can scroll through them all with that little button at the top without going back to the thumbnails.”

She clicked on, finding the choice of poses interesting. All were centered on the breasts, with only the occasional glimpse of chin or belly. Some of the women were her age, while others were younger. From perky to pendulous, the photos displayed a wide variety of breasts from the front, in profile, from above, and in every conceivable level of zoom. In some, props were added, leaving breasts peeking out from behind plants, or resting on books.

“So what do you think?” he finally asked after she’d scrolled through twenty or so images.

“They’re very tasteful, and interesting. You seem to have a good eye.”

“Interested in participating?”

“Well, I’m here, so I may as well go through with it.” She chuckled. “You were right. I can use the money.”

“Right this way then. I have everything set up and ready. I thought I’d take a few shots in your blouse, just to get you comfortable around the camera, then maybe move on to your bra.”

“That sounds fine. It might help my nerves a little,” she said as she stood.

He waved for her to follow and walked through a doorway where a backdrop, a comfortable looking stool, and a table full of cameras and lenses was set up. “The first model I had in for this suggested it, and it’s seemed to work pretty well since.”

“Hope it works for me.”

“Have a seat, and we’ll get started.”

Mariah lowered her purse down on the floor below the stool, and then sat down. Brian picked up a camera and turned toward her.

“What should I do?” she asked, her cheeks warming a little.

“Why don’t you try putting your hands on top of your head?”

She nodded, and followed the direction.

“Perfect,” he declared, and she heard the simulated shutter sound from his digital camera go off twice.

“Maybe from the side?” she asked, turning a little.

“Beautiful.” Another click. “Go with it.”

Encouraged by his commentary, she started by resting her left hand atop her breast, which resulted in him saying, “Classy. I like it,” as his camera clicked.

Then she tried leaning her head back, lifting her breasts and thrusting them toward him.

“Wonderful. Keep it up.”

Growing more confident by the moment, she continued to pose, basking in his praise. Her nervousness faded away, replaced by a deliciously naughty feeling she hadn’t experienced in quite some time.

After a couple of minutes, he said, “These are great shots. You’re a natural. Feel comfortable opening a few buttons?”

She surprised herself with how quickly she complied with that request, opening four buttons to expose the whole of her cleavage and large portions of her bra-covered breasts. Then she struck the first pose she’d chosen again, placing her hand atop her breast.

“Excellent. Keep that energy flowing.”

Mariah posed, beginning to chuckle a little as she added some flirtatious elements to her choices. Brian had nothing but praise for everything she did, and after only a few poses, she shrugged off her blouse completely.

“Beautiful. A little profile.” The camera clicked. “Lean back a little. That’s stunning.” Another click.

Caught up in the odd – but exciting – energy, Mariah popped open the clasp on her bra. Brian kept snapping pictures as she slowly pulled the straps down off each shoulder, and finally bared her breasts for the camera.

“They’re perfect.

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These are going to be incredible.”

Mariah’s nipples were pebble-hard, and she knew she was soaking wet. She pushed the large globes together, drawing out a gasp from Brian and several clicks of his camera. Then she struck his first suggested pose again, her heavy breasts lifting as she placed her hands atop her head.


With her hands atop her head, she asked, “They don’t look too saggy, do they?”

“Oh no. Your breasts are amazing, Mariah. These are going to be the best of the entire project.”

“Flatterer,” she said, looking away with a coquettish smile.

“Truth,” he protested, quickly snapping a shot.

For ten minutes more, she posed for his camera, until he finally ran out of storage cards. “I guess that’s it,” he said, and then laughed.

“It’s been fun.”

“Glad to hear it.”

A little disappointed that it was over, she bent down to retrieve her bra from where it hung on one of the supports of the stool. As she lifted her head, she caught Brian reaching between his legs to make an adjustment. From what she could see, he had plenty to adjust.

His face flushed when he realized that she’d seen him. “Sorry, just feeling a little constrained.”

She laughed, still holding her bra. “It’s okay. It’s flattering, really. I’m a little overheated myself.”

“You seem pretty comfortable with yourself. Would you possibly consider doing a solo video?”

“A what?”

He cleared his throat. “A solo video. Masturbation. I can do another $300.” His voice carried an apology when he added, “For now, porn’s still paying the bills.”

The thought sent her hormones into overdrive, but also caused her nerves to come back. “I don’t know. I’d be afraid that someone I know would see it.”

“I have wigs, and masks. The amateur feel is pretty marketable right now. Let me show you.”

He walked over to a cabinet and pulled out an auburn, shoulder-length wig, along with a feather-trimmed mask that would hide virtually everything above her mouth except for her eyes. Her nerves retreated a little.

“Redhead okay? You can try them on and I’ll shoot a little video so you can see how it looks.”

As he walked toward her, her eyes gravitated of their own volition to focus between his legs. She could see his erection moving back and forth with his steps.

She let her bra drop to the floor and nodded.

He handed over the mask and wig, never looking down at her breasts, although something in his expression hinted that he wanted to. She pulled on the wig, adjusted it, and then put on the mask. Brian had picked up his video camera by the time she had the mask situated.

“Okay, let me roll a minute or so, then you can take a look.”

Feeling unbelievably sexy, she ended up striking poses again, as she had during the shoot. She saw him swallow as he turned off the camera, cued it back to the beginning, and brought it to her.

What she saw when she looked at the video surprised her. She barely recognized herself. The hairstyle was so different from her own, and the mask so concealing that she doubted anyone who hadn’t already seen her naked would have the slightest clue who she was.

“One little problem,” she said as she handed the camera back. “The carpet isn’t going to match the drapes.”

“That won’t matter. The MILF site I’m thinking of for this has a lot of women wearing wigs and masks.”

“MILF? I don’t have any children.”

“Well, they don’t know that, do they?” He twitched his eyebrows.

Mariah grinned. “$300, then?”

“It’s less than the usual rate, but I’m a little strapped right now.”

“Let’s do this before I lose my nerve.”

“Unfortunately, there’s some paperwork. Let’s go back to the... uhm... the film studio and we’ll get it out of the way. It doesn’t take long. I’ll have to get a copy of your I.D. The records are kept very confidential, but it’s a legal requirement.”

In a fog of arousal and excitement, she simply nodded her agreement and followed him. The film studio was a small room with a bed and two chests of drawers next to it. There were plenty of sheets and mattress pads in a cabinet near the door, and those on the bed looked freshly laundered. She was impressed with how well the bed was made up – to the extent of having hospital corners.

While she filled out the paperwork – still bare-breasted – he copied her driver’s license and went to work setting up a camera on a tripod. By the time she’d finished, he held a second camera, and stood near the one on the tripod.

“I’m ready to start whenever you are.”

Oh, I’m ready to start, she thought. She was positively aching to touch herself, and the thought of doing it in front of the young photographer was turning her on like nothing she’d ever imagined. She dropped her pants and panties to the floor without a second thought, and climbed into the bed.

“Try not to look at the camera, and just be natural. Enjoy yourself. That’s what they’re looking for on this site. They want to see real orgasms.”

“I think I can handle that,” Mariah said as she reclined, parting her legs wide.

Brian started the tripod-mounted camera, and then aimed his own. “Action.”

Mariah let out a moan, reaching up to cup her breast and squeeze it as she slid her hand down between her legs. She ran her fingers through the curls around her pussy for a few moments, and then parted them. Her back arched up from the bed and she yelped as the touch sent electric pulses shooting all through her.

The camera was barely a thought in her head as she teased her need, but the man holding it was another matter entirely. Glimpses of him as her head lolled on the pillow showed that he was still hard. She saw him touch himself several times as he moved carefully around the room, filming her from different angles.

Her pleasure mounted, fantasies about the young man filming her urging her on. She moaned and whimpered, only tracing circles over her clit at first. Soon, that wasn’t enough, and her fingers flashed over her hood.

As she climbed toward a crescendo, her other hand left her breast, and she plunged two fingers deep inside her. Both hands moving rapidly, she felt her muscles tensing as the swelling bubble of orgasmic energy between her legs reached the point of critical mass.

Mariah cried out as orgasm claimed her with ferocious intensity. She writhed on the bed, her head lashing on the pillow. Long hair not her own covered her eyes while her fingers continued to work on her rhythmically clenching pussy. Her womb fluttered. Her face felt white hot. Her vision dimmed behind closed eyes. On and on it went, until she thought she would pass out from the sweet agony.

By the time she could open her eyes and breathe with anything resembling regularity again, Brian had put down his camera. Instead, he held a bottle of water, which she accepted with a grateful moan. She sat up, still shivering from the aftershocks, and took a drink that made her cough at first, but was like the sweetest nectar of the gods.

“H-how was that?” she asked, and then laughed.

“I think they’re going to pay pretty well for this one.” He laughed as well. “Incredibly hot and sexy.”

“Oh my god. I can’t believe I just did that, but it was so good. I haven’t had an O like that in a while.”

“There’s a shower right through that door, whenever you’re ready.”

As he said it, he gave his erection another squeeze, and she couldn’t resist. “Still feeling a little constrained, huh?”

He smiled. “A lot, actually.”

Feeling more attractive, sexy, and aroused than she had in years, she acted on pure, primal instinct. His eyes shot wide open when she reached out and squeezed his cock through his pants. “Mmm. I can see why. Oh my.”

Brian groaned and shivered.

“Have you ever been in front of the camera?” she asked in a low, sultry voice.


“Want to try it?”

“I... Oh, fuck it.” He slid open a drawer, revealing a plethora of condoms and several bottles of lube.

Mariah’s deft fingers popped open the button of his pants as he tore a condom loose from a string of them. “Is the camera still on?” she asked.

“Yeah, I didn’t think to turn it off.”

By the time he ripped the packet open, she’d tugged his pants down to his thighs, releasing the most gorgeous cock she’d ever seen. He stepped on the heels of his shoes, trying to get out of them, and she held out her hand. He gave her the condom, and immediately pulled off his shirt.

She moaned from the sight of his rippled abs and bare-shaven chest as he divested himself of his shoes and struggled out of his pants. The moment he was naked, she slid a hand behind his tight butt and pulled him close. She meant to roll the condom on, but he had other ideas. He leaned over the bed, aiming for the V of her legs, and she gasped.

The condom found a hasty resting place atop the chest of drawers as he buried his face between her parted legs.

Mariah twined her fingers into his hair as he devoured her with the energy and enthusiasm only a young man can muster, but with the skill of one experienced far beyond his years. Having barely settled from her most powerful orgasm in months, she sensed that she was about to top it.

His tongue teased, probed, flicked, and lapped, making her squirm against his strong arms wrapped around her thighs. She could scarcely believe the sounds passing her own lips – loud, high-pitched, and almost feral. A look over her rapidly rising and falling breasts at the young man between her legs stoked her fires even higher.

It hit her without warning, and with the power of a thunderbolt. A loud wail of sweet release escaped her as her fingers fisted in his hair and her legs clamped down on the sides of his head. Her butt bounced up off the bed, then slammed down, then rose back up again as wave after wave of orgasm ripped through her.

All the while, his incredible tongue continued to wash over her, drinking up her juices.

After one overwhelming surge of orgasmic energy, she went limp and gasped. Dimly, she realized that he’d slid out from between her legs, but a torrent of aftershocks kept her senses dull to the world around her. Her breaths came in pants as she desperately tried to draw air into lungs starved from screaming in ecstasy.

How long it went on before she felt the bed shift and strong hands pushing her knees apart, she didn’t know. Her eyes snapped open, and she saw Brian above her, knee walking forward with his cock covered in latex. His face glistened with her juices still, and it was a little red from the curls around her pussy scratching him, but he wore a hungry smile.

Her pleasure-fogged brain had barely processed that when she felt the tip press against her folds. A moment later, a deep groan rumbled in her throat as his big cock slid easily into her well-lubricated, and still climaxing pussy.

“Ah, fuck yeah,” he said as his smooth-shaven balls tapped against her ass.

“S-so big. Oh my god,” she exclaimed. He felt as if he was all the way up in her belly, stretching her in the most wonderful way. A squeal from her accompanied him pulling back to thrust again.

Mariah’s breasts jiggled and bounced from the power of his thrusts. Loud claps sounded every time their flesh collided, his cock driving into her depths. A constant stream of mindless vocalizations passed her lips, mingling with his grunts and growls. He took her hard and fast, fingers just as talented as his tongue rolling her clit beneath its protective sheath.

The aftershocks of her climax on his tongue were so sharp as to hover just below uncomfortable, kept flowing in a relentless current from her head to the tip of her toes by his fast-thrusting cock. Hot on the heels of one such spike, she let out a loud, croaking scream as she came again.

Her first experience with multiple orgasms was one she would certainly never forget. These were no mere troughs and peaks of climax, but one assault of beautiful agony right after the other. On and on it went, until she was hoarse from screaming, coated in a sheen of sweat, and nearly senseless from the unbelievable ecstasy.

From within the chaotic abyss of pleasure, she rose for one brief, fleeting moment when he slammed his hips forward a final time. He let out a cry that she might have found comical in its high pitch and warbling quality if she’d possessed enough of her wits to recognize it. She could feel his big cock throbbing and pulsing inside her, filling the latex barrier with hot young cum.

Then another wave crashed over her and dragged her back into a churning sea of pleasure.


Mariah still felt as if she was walking a little bow-legged three days later when she went to answer the doorbell. She couldn’t help but smile when she saw Brian.

“Got it all rendered,” he said as she pulled him inside. He handed her a DVD.

“Have you watched it?”

His face turned red and he chuckled. “Yeah. It’s too bad there’s only one camera angle. This one would be like printing money.”

There was no way that was happening, because Mariah had lost both her wig and her mask midway through her orgasm on Brian’s tongue, and anyone who knew her would be able to recognize her throughout the remainder of the video. Besides that, she had seen the state she was in afterward in a mirror.

“How did it go?” he asked, knowing she had a job interview that morning.

Mariah beamed. The experience with him had given her a dramatic boost of self-confidence, and she’d ridden that swell into an aggressive push for a job that she would have previously considered out of reach. “I start Monday. And you?”

His smile was as big as hers. “I’ve had a couple of good email conversations, and have an appointment to show off a few things this weekend. It’s not a sure thing, but I’ve at least made inroads. It was the pictures of you that sold both of them.”

“Oh, stop,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“No joke. I’ll show you the emails. Your video is still number one on the site, too. Probably will be for a while. I should have charged them more.”

The thought of thousands of men watching her masturbate sent a shiver up and down her spine.

“So, do you want to go out and get a drink? Celebrate? It’s on me.”

A sly, crooked grin spread across Mariah’s face. “Maybe later. I have a better idea.”

With that, she grabbed his hand and tugged him toward the bedroom, where the camcorder she’d borrowed from her sister sat on its tripod, ready to record.

Written by RejectReality
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