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Night Nurse

"A mysterious angel comes to visit every night while I try to remember who I am."

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Author's Notes

"A departure from my usual stories, let me know what you think by liking, favoriting or commenting!"

For what seemed like an eternity, I couldn’t see anything but darkness. Slowly returning to consciousness, I could hear people talking, along with a clinical beeping.

“Easy there doctor, he’s coming to,” a female voice spoke.

A male answered, “Adjust his oxygen, give him more anesthesia. He’s fucked up, he’ll be in severe pain if he comes to.”

Blackness again, without dreams. Just deep, deep sleep.

I awoke, unaware of how much time had passed. My mouth was dry, and every part of my body was searing in agony. When I opened my eyes, it was like someone was shining their headlights into the back of my skull.

A machine beeped from somewhere beside me, and my vision began to come into focus. I was in a hospital bed. One of my arms was in a full cast, as was one of my legs. There was an inflatable brace around me to stabilize my torso. My left leg was elevated in a stirrup, I couldn’t move at all. A short, pretty, African-American woman wearing blue hospital scrubs greeted me.

“Oh, you’re awake,” she said, picking up a clipboard.

I opened my mouth to ask for water, but all I could manage was a rasp. It made a sound as though a mummy had awakened from centuries of slumber.

“You need some water, Hun?” she asked, picking up a bottle from the table next to my bed.

I nodded, and she offered me the straw. I started sucking down the ice-cold water as if I had finally found a desert oasis after weeks of being parched. The best sip of water I’d ever had.

“Slow down,” she warned.

“Where am I?” I asked, my throat finally hydrated.

“You’re at Infinity Heights Memorial Hospital, I’m Nurse Lindy,” she answered, strapping a blood pressure cuff around my arm to take my vitals.

“What happened?” I asked, unable to remember. What’s my name?

“You were in a terrible accident,” she told me, looking over my chart.

“Everything hurts,” I groaned.

“I’m sure it does,” she chuckled, “Boy, you messed yourself up good!”

Nurse Lindy pressed a button on a machine outside of my peripheral vision, and euphoria washed over my body. Suddenly, I couldn’t feel a thing.

“How long have I been here?” my voice was weak.

“Twenty-two days now. You were in a medically induced coma, I’ll let the doctor fill you in on the rest, but please let me know if you need anything.” She smiled, then turned on the TV for me before leaving me alone.

Accident? I don’t remember anything. I willed my hand to move, it took a great deal of effort. Finding the remote, I began surfing the channels for something interesting to watch. I was floating in medically induced bliss, it didn’t matter what was on TV.

At some point, a doctor came in and listed all of what was broken and bruised. She also explained what course of… hell, I don’t remember. I do remember a blonde nurse coming in and sticking my dick into a plastic urinal. It was humiliating, but I had to empty my bladder. My body shuddered as the urine drained from my body. I drifted back to sleep without any dreams again. A deep, heavily medicated sleep.

When I came back to consciousness, it was nighttime. The room was barely lit by a few blue lights on the floorboards. The TV was still on, re-runs of The Three Stooges playing quietly.

“My sweet, how are you tonight?” a female voice spoke softly, trying not to wake me. It was an angelic voice, one that seemed hauntingly familiar to me.

A nurse was standing over me, her straight black hair flowing down her cheeks. She wasn’t wearing scrubs, but instead, a more traditional uniform. Black, with a red medical cross on the chest. Her uniform flattered her figure, her skirt ending just above the knees.

She noticed my eyes were open and gently cupped my cheek in her hand. I tried to move but was unable, visibly wincing in pain as my nerves protested.

“Don’t move, my sweet,” she commanded in a whisper, placing a finger over my lips. “Let Nurse Aria take care of you like she does every night.”

Every night? What a saint. I felt a twinge of embarrassment when she pulled back the covers, exposing my flaccid penis to her. My gaze followed her while she turned around to do something beyond a curtain. Her tight skirt was hugging a magnificent ass. When she turned around, she had a sponge in her hand, gently floating back to me on her feet.

Though my body was almost completely numb, I could still feel the warmth of the soapy water as she gently took my cock in her hand to bathe it. Her red fingernails were glistening, even in the dark room. The warm sponge caused my dick to twitch, filling with blood in response.

“Sorry,” I managed to get out in a rasp. I was embarrassed that my penis seemed to be the only thing working correctly.

“Sorry for what, sweetie?” she asked in a low, sensual voice. “I’m gonna take care of you like I do every night,” she repeated.

Nurse Aria leaned over me, kissing my lips. The scent of her breath filled my nostrils. I must be dreaming… delirious from the medication.

Unbuttoning the top button of her blouse, she exposed her cleavage, wrapped in a red bra. Once she finished bathing me, she didn’t cover me back up. Instead, she knelt on the bed beside me, and leaned against me, careful not to injure anything.

Whispering in my ear, she said, “I love you, sweetie,” before nibbling my ear.

Love me? What the hell is going on here? I tried to ask her. I have no idea what I actually said, but it probably sounded like I had just received a lobotomy.

Aria pressed her lips against mine, her sensuous kiss causing me to submit to the surreality presented to me. She sat up, her face lowered across my chest and over my lap. My dick was still hard from the bath she had given it.

I watched powerless to move as she opened her mouth. With my cock in her hand to hold it steady, she lowered her lips over my helmet. I was so numb, I could barely feel her mouth on me.

Damn the meds for not allowing my body to fire on all cylinders. I could feel her sucking me, but the sensation was so subdued I might as well have had a wool sock on. I watched as strands of saliva leaked from her mouth, pooling on my pelvis.

Had she been doing this every night? I couldn’t remember anything, I had been in a coma. Why would she be doing this for me?

I guess I better not look a gift horse in the… mouth.

Nurse Aria slobbered on my hard cock, coaxing an orgasm from deep within my desensitized body. Her blowjob became more vigorous until I blasted my load into her mouth. Jets of cum filled her cheeks until I was spent. More euphoria as my orgasm fought with the chemistry of my meds, a war of releasing endorphins. Aria swallowed my load in a couple of nasty gulps.

I drifted off in a haze, it must have been a dream. After twenty-two days, I probably needed to get off so badly that I concocted the specter of Nurse Aria to relieve my testicles.

The next morning I woke up to Nurse Lindy meddling in my room. I was starving, and the pain meds were wearing off.

“Good morning, Hun,” Lindy said cheerfully.

“Can I get some breakfast?” I asked, “My pain meds are wearing off too.”

I could move a little more now, though the cast and the foot in the sling were still a massive hindrance. Lindy dosed me again, then asked what I wanted to eat.

It took me an hour to eat my bacon and egg sandwich. After finally eating solid food, I crashed hard again. Awakening in the afternoon, a male doctor came to check on me. A different nurse with brunette hair attended to me in the afternoon, plastic urinals and bedpans again, and more tests. I still didn’t remember jack shit before waking up the day before.

That night my angel, Aria, visited me again. She affectionately washed my cock before sucking me off into her wanton mouth. I still figured it was all part of my imagination, a vivid side effect of the drugs dripping intravenously into my system. I never had any recollection of any other nurses coming into my room at night. It was like a dream, she would appear, take my load in her mouth and clean me up, night after night.

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I tried my best to be awake each night for her. Occasionally Nurse Aria would tease me with glimpses of her panties, hiking her skirt up as she treated my penis like an ice cream cone. Some nights were more lucid than others.

After a couple of weeks, my leg was released from the sling and part of my arm cast had been removed. No friends or family had come to visit me, no one to help me remember who I was. I didn’t even know who to call, having no recall of my life. During the days, I would spend time doing small sessions of physical therapy to build my strength back up. Memories of the wreck started coming back to me in segments.

I had been riding my motorcycle fast on a winding, mountain road, the wind whipped against me violently as I sped along. I hit a guard rail, failing to negotiate the turn. There was another rider there… my friend? The memories were slowly coming back to me, I was heading toward the guard rail, then what?

I was still constantly in pain. Even as I felt my body healing, and becoming stronger, I needed that precious drip of analgesic relief.  The murky, shadowy void eased my anguish with each wash through my being.

I woke up one day, a new memory lingering in my head. I was riding with my friend, Mike before the wreck. I asked Nurse Lindy if she could call him for me, maybe he would come and see me.

Nurse Lindy looked at me sullenly, “I’m sorry, your friend didn’t make it.”

It took a minute to sink in, I wept once the gravity of losing my friend finally weighed on me. He fuckin’ biffed it, man. I sobbed uncontrollably, prompting Nurse Lindy to medicate me into a blurry, tranquil slumber again.

That night, my dreams became more vivid, jogging my memory. I had hit the guard rail, going over the edge of the mountain. I soared like a bird momentarily, before gravity snatched me in its sadistic clutches and I careened down the mountainside at terminal velocity. It was probably a hundred feet down. I landed on the bike hard, my pelvis smashing down and compressing my vertebrae into dust before I bounced from the seat and into the side of a moving train. The impact of my head against the freight car caused me to spin like a rag-doll into the dirt. Luckily, I was wearing a helmet, though I’m sure it was obliterated by the impact.

I woke from my sleep to Nurse Aria gobbling on my numb cock again. A soft sucking sound filled the room until I erupted into her mouth. Her voice was like a song each time she soothed me with her words. My body was trashed, and may never be the same again, but Nurse Aria’s nightly fellatio gave me something to look forward to in my bleak state. I wondered if she did the same for every patient. She was strikingly beautiful, mysterious, and alluring, any patient would be so lucky.

One night, after weeks of steady healing, I was more lucid than usual. When she gave me her nightly kiss, I slipped her the tongue, grabbing the back of her head to hold her. She kissed me back hard, swirling her tongue against mine.

“Someone’s feeling better,” she cooed melodically.

“Only because you help me every night,” I whispered, smiling.

Nurse Aria rubbed my chest, she was curled up in the hospital bed next to me. Her hand played lower down my abdomen as she kissed me passionately. I was not so heavily medicated at the moment, her touch caused my flesh to tingle. I could smell her sweet perfume, and her body felt real next to me. She pecked my cheek with her lips, each kiss giving me more goosebumps. Finally, her hand found my cock under the blanket. I could feel it swelling in her grip, stiffening as she stroked it with her fingers.

“You want more?” she asked, her grin aberrant.

I didn’t answer, this was a foreign scenario to me, even after months of blowjobs in delirium. She got up, unbuttoning her black blouse. Her perky tits pushed out in a bright-pink brazier. She shrugged the blouse from her shoulders, then shuffled out of her skirt. Her panties were matching.

Grabbing my dick in her hand again, she stroked it before climbing onto the bed between my legs. Her eyes looked into mine as she took me into her mouth. I could feel her tongue slithering on my shaft this time.

“You’re so good at that,” I sighed.

She stopped sucking me long enough to answer, “I’ve had a lot of practice.”

She licked my shaft before resuming her tongue bath on my cock. I wished I were able enough to fuck the shit right out of her. Instead, I would have to lay back and accept her gracious mouth. Her head bobbed in the dim light of the room, I could see her ass in the air behind her while she sucked me deeper into her mouth.

Aria stopped, just as I reached critical mass. My dick popped from her mouth just before exploding. She stood up, rolled her panties down her leg, and stepped out of them. Carefully crawling up the bed to straddle me, she guided my cock-head inside of her wet labia.

“Fuck,” she whispered, “I’ve been waiting to feel you inside me.”

I groaned as she slowly seated herself on my dick. She was already very slick with arousal, bracing herself with her hands on my chest.

“Are you alright?” she asked.

“Yes, I am,” I answered, grabbing her ass with my good hand. Her warm pussy felt like paradise around my shaft.

She gyrated her hips in response before beginning to ride my cock. Her hair fell onto my chest as she leaned forward, her ass bouncing on me.

“Just tell me if it hurts too much,” she whispered.

Her warm cooze around my cock was sending pulsating bolts of pleasure throughout my body. My arm in the cast reached behind her to unclasp her bra, fumbling with protruding fingers to remove it. Aria sighed in pleasure, reaching an arm behind her back to assist me.

Her glorious tits fell free from her bra, hanging right in front of my face. Pulling her against me with my broken arm, I took her breast in my mouth, sucking her nipple while she writhed on top of me.

“Mmm,” she let out a quiet moan, “that feels good.”

She sat upright on my lap, her head tilting back as her mouth opened in delight. She was riding me at a good pace now, her breasts were bouncing up and down her chest. She ran a hand through her hair, her body shuddering from a wave of ecstasy, her gash plunging down on my dick. I moved my broken arm to thumb her clit as her back arched, causing her to gasp sharply. She tried to concentrate on riding me while I thumbed her mound. I wasn’t going to be able to hold out much longer.

“I’m going to come soon,” I warned her.

“That’s good, sweetie, fill my pussy,” she panted, slamming her hips down harder to milk my dick dry.

My cock ached for release, my glans burning, ready to trigger my ejaculation. I gave in, a flood of semen pouring into her hot, wet box. Spots dazzled in my vision as the intense climax set my body ablaze.

Aria stopped riding me, leaning back, on one hand, to inspect the cream pie filling her pussy with her other. I used my good hand to assist her, plunging my fingers into the mess inside of her. After all the care she had given, I had to make sure that she came with me. My fingers squelched inside her, assaulting her G-spot.

“Oh god!” she cried, my fingers fervently jamming into her.

Her face contorting in carnal bliss, she was soon coming hard on my hand, trying her best to keep quiet. Her body twisted on top of me, legs quivering from the intense release, her pussy weeping out down her ass-crack. Once she caught her breath, she kissed me again.

“Thank you, my sweet,” her words floated in the air.

She got up and dressed herself, taking the time to clean me up with a sponge. My endorphin rush was over, pain was returning to my body. I wasn’t heavily medicated right now, and I had the stark realization that Nurse Aria was a real person.

“How do you feel?” she asked me, lovingly.

“Amazing, but the pain is coming back,” I groaned.

She went to the machine and put me back into a deep sleep. Deep, deep...

Written by Cactus469
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