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Jana's Appointment With Dr. Marx

"A visit to the doctor always help."

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The car pulled up in front of the lobby doors to a small clinic. The name on the door said it was the ‘Marx Gynecological and Pregnancy Care Clinic.’ She knew her appointment was with Doctor Marx.

She slid out of the Uber that had brought her to the clinic and walked towards the door. Just as she reached it, a woman opened it from the inside. Looking at Jana, she said, “Come on in, the doctor is waiting for you.”

Jana quickly appraised her as she did most people. She was blond with her hair up in a ponytail, purple scrubs that appeared to be hiding a pretty fit body, and Jana guessed her age somewhere in her thirties. Jana wondered to herself if she was going to be part of the appointment as well.

As they walked back into a hallway, the blond looked back over her shoulder at Jana and said, “I’m Carly, I’m doctor Marx’s special duty nurse. I’ll be assisting with your treatment if that’s not a problem?”

Jana smiled a little devilish smile before replying, “Oh no, I’m fine with you assisting the doctor, and please call me Jana.”

Carly led her down the hall to a room that had a card reader attached to the door. Carly swiped a card across it, and it clicked open. Carly stepped in, holding the door for Jana. Jana took in the room, and the first thing she noticed was a pink examination chair. It looked like any typical examination chair she’d ever seen until she noticed the extra restraint attachments. As she glanced around the rest of the room, it pretty much looked like her regular doctor’s office.

“Well, Jana, the doctor will be with you shortly, but I need to prepare you. If you would undress, and then I will help you settle into the examining chair,” Carly said to her.

Jana had only worn a simple slip-on dress and matching panties. She had assumed she wouldn’t be dressed long for this appointment. She slid the straps off her shoulders, and the dress slid to the floor at her feet. Carly caught sight of her breasts and just about moaned herself. She knew the doctor would approve.

Jana then slipped her fingers into the waistband of her panties and slid them down her legs. Before she stood back up, she picked up her dress, turned to Carly, and asked, “Where can I put these?”

“Here, I’ll put them in the closest,” indicating a large cabinet along one wall. After hanging Jana’s dress in the closest, Carly turned back to Jana and said, “Okay, let’s get you comfy in the chair.”

Jana walked over to the chair and slid her bare ass onto the seat. She was surprised at how soft it was. Most exam chairs felt like wood. She brought her feet up and stretched her legs out on the chair. Carly came over and helped her settle into position by having her slide down a little.

When she had her in position, Carly stepped back for a minute before asking, “Are you okay with being restrained?”

Jana didn’t hesitate before saying, “I’m fine with it. Dr. Marx explained it would be part of the treatment.”

“Good, I’ll finish getting you ready for the doctor then.” With that, Carly first moved Jana’s arms to flat boards along each side of the chair. She then ran soft restraints around her wrists and then one around her upper arm. Jana just watched without saying anything. She did try the restraints out, though, and found she was tied down tight.

Carly then moved to Jana’s legs. She lifted each one into a stir-up that had padded support for her calf. Then, she took soft restraints, wrapped one around each ankle and each calf, holding Jana firmly in place. When she was done, she looked at Jana and asked, “Are you comfortable, or is anything too tight?”

Jana, who was pretty relaxed so far, just replied, “I’m fine.”

“Excellent, then I’ll finish preparing you for the doctor then but first, do you have a preferred safe word? We like patients to have one in case the treatment gets too intense.”

“Yes, candy cane because I can’t stand the damn things,” she finished with a chuckle. Her chuckle got Carly to chuckle as well.

“Okay then,” Carly went over to a whiteboard and wrote candy cane in big red letters. The board was on the wall behind Jana’s head but in clear view from anywhere in the room.

“Okay, Jana, I’m going to apply lube to your pussy and anus. After that, the doctor will be in. Any other questions before I start?” Jana just shook her head no.

Carly went over to a table and pulled a cloth cover off of it. On the table were various medical instruments and other devices that were going to be used on Jana. She picked up a sizeable syringe-looking device with a bulbous head attached to it—walking over to Jana, pulling a small stool with her. She sat down between her legs. She then placed the head against Jana’s anus; she pushed the plunger, squirting a small amount of lube against her opening. Using the head of the syringe, she smeared it around before pushing against Jana’s anus harder until the head of the syringe was inserted.

Jana moaned loudly at the intrusion into her ass but at the same time felt her pussy tingle. Carly continued applying lube and pressure until the whole head had disappeared in Jana’s anus. Once she had it completely inserted, she pushed the plunger emptying the rest of the lube into her. Jana felt the cool gel spread out into her anus and moaned again. She then pulled it out, causing another deep moan from Jana.

Carly then got up and went over to a hamper dropping the syringe in. She then went to the table, this time picking up a speculum. Taking a tube of lubricant, she spread some along the surface. She then picked up a second syringe that looked like the first but slightly larger and longer. Turning back towards Jana, she walked back over and settled down on the stool again between her legs.

“Jana, this may be cold at first,” she said as she started inserting the speculum. Jana shivered at the cool touch of the metal and lube. Carly applied more pressure sliding the speculum further into Jana. Jana moaned out and shivered again. She moaned several more times before Carly had it fully inserted.

“Oh my god, I’ve never felt one go that deep,” Jana muttered between moans.

“We use a longer and thicker version for the doctor’s treatments than used for regular exams,” Carly said. Then after a short pause, she added, “I’m going to start spreading it open; please tell me if you are uncomfortable.” Jana felt the pressure of the sides of the speculum start pushing against her.

Carly worked the little knob that opened the speculum as Jana resisted the urge to moan. Jana just leaned back, panting as the pressure built with each twist. She kept going until Jana’s pussy was gaped wide.

When she felt she had Jana opened wide enough, she inserted the second syringe. Jana barely felt it slide in; she was so opened. Carly squeezed the plunger on the syringe and started emptying the lubricant into Jana’s pussy. Jana yelped lightly as the cool lubricant flooded her pussy. When the syringe was empty, she slipped it out but left the speculum inserted and spread open.

Getting up, Carly walked over dropped the second syringe in the hamper. Jana just laid back on the exam chair as Carly busied herself. She was letting her body adjust to the sensation of the speculum holding her open and the cool lube filling her. She had her eyes closed when the door opened, and in walked Dr. Marx. Her eyes opened to see Dr. Marx. She was still amazed at how handsome he was for an older man.

Walking over to her, Dr. Marx looked at her before saying, “Are you ready for the treatment?”

Jana had come to Dr. Marx needing help with having an intense orgasm. She had always been a very sexually active woman, but now she could barely have an orgasm, let alone one that would satisfy her. She sought out Dr. Marx after a friend of hers had recommended him. This appointment was the culmination of several minor appointments to prepare her for this treatment.

Looking up at Dr. Marx, Jana said, “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Good,” he replied before turning to Carly and asking, “Is she prepared?”

“Yes, doctor, she is fully lubed, and her pussy has been opened fully.”

Turning to look at Jana again, “We’ll get started then.”

Dr. Marx moved between Jana’s legs and ran his fingers over the outer edges of her vulva. This brought low moans from Jana. He continued moving his fingers along her until he was rubbing her clit. By this time, Jana’s low moans had turned considerably louder. Dr. Marx turned to Carly and said, “Make a note; her sexual response to exterior stimulation appears normal.”

Then looking up at Jana, he continued, “I’m going to check you for any abnormalities before proceeding with the treatment.” Jana was still a little fuzzy from him rubbing over her clit to answer, so she nodded in reply.

She didn’t feel him insert his fingers into her pussy with the speculum holding her wide open, but as he probed her vaginal walls, she felt every bit of it. As he continued, she couldn’t help but quiver and moan again. He was very thorough in his examination, and Jana was becoming very excited. He finally pulled his fingers from her while saying, “We won’t need this anymore,” as he loosened and removed the speculum.

Moving over to the tray Carly had uncovered earlier, Dr. Marx picked up something that looked like a large butt plug. It was red, and the best she could tell, it was made of latex material. It had a second smaller one attached to it by a thin wire. Stepping back over to Jana, he said, “We’ll start with light stimulation of your pussy first.” He held up the device he had in his hand, showing it to Jana. Jana looked at it and knew exactly what it was, a plug to insert into her pussy, but she didn’t see the smaller one attached the way he held it.

Sitting down on the stool, Dr. Marx positioned himself directly in front of Jana’s pussy. He noted she was still a little gaped from the speculum. Taking a tube of lube offered by Carly, he coated the instrument with lube. Then placing it against Jana, he pushed it into her pussy. Jana moaned as it opened her up. Even with the lube, she could feel it spread her open.

He kept going until it had entirely disappeared except for its wide flat end. He then took a small remote offered by Carly. He just waited a few moments before doing anything else, listening to Jana’s breathing settle. He wanted her calm before he continued. Her reactions had to be natural for the treatment to work.

Just as Jana’s breathing settled completely, he hit the little button on the remote. Although the settings were at the lowest, Jana immediately jumped against her restraints like a bolt of lightning had hit her. He just let the vibrations work through her as he observed how her body reacted. It was essential for him so he could direct the next steps of her treatment.

Jana felt the pulse of the device instantly. The surge ran up her vaginal walls into the pit of her stomach. As she reacted to it, she felt as if it was ending at her fingertips. She couldn’t help but jump and moan until Dr. Marx finally hit the button to turn it off again. Then all she could do was collapse back on the soft chair.

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Jana was catching her breath when Dr. Marx asked, “Jana, how did that feel?”

Still a little unsteady, Jana replied, “I’ve never felt anything like that before.”

“Did it give you any sexual feelings? Any tingling in your vagina?”

“No, just the sudden surge through my body when you turned it on.”

“Well, would you like to continue, or we can stop,” Dr. Marx finished.

Jana was quiet for a moment before looking up at the doctor and saying, “No, let's continue; I have to get back to feeling normal about sex again.”

Dr. Marx just nodded and pushed on the button. Then he slid the intensity up a notch sending a high jolt through Jana, again lifting her off the chair once again. She let out a cry and then a long-protracted moan before settling back onto the chair. She was absorbing the waves of sensations. As she laid there, she moaned in various levels of intensity. Finally, Dr. Marx cut it off again, and Jana just collapsed completely on the chair, feeling like she had run a marathon.

Dr. Marx just observed her and deciding what to do next. He sat down on the stool between her legs. He grasped the smaller plug that had been dangling. Taking the lube, he applied a generous amount on it. Then as Jana relaxed, he placed it against her anus. She felt the touch and tensed.

“Relax, Jana; I’ll be gentle.”

He started applying pressure, slowly opening her anus up as it spread around the heart-shaped plug. Jana cried out and then moaned lightly as it slipped entirely into her. Dr. Marx watched her anus open up and swallow the plug as he applied continuous pressure. He kept it up until it was completely settled in her. Jana was moaning loudly by the time he had finished. He took this as a good sign as she had told him she had always enjoyed anal.

He allowed her some time to get accustomed to the anal plug and calm down. When she had settled down, he asked, “Are you okay? Does that feel good to you?”

Although her reply was a little stilted, Jana replied, “Yes to both questions.”

Dr. Marx nodded his reply and stood up. He moved back a little, hitting the start button for both plugs, now sending an instant tremor of sensations through Jana’s body originating from both her vagina and anus. She rared up against her restraints, crying out and then slowly settling back to a steady series of moans.

As he watched, Dr. Marx varied the level of intensity. He would completely stop the sensations briefly and start them again at a higher level. Each time, Jana would rare up straining against the restraints before settling back to just an almost uncontrollable moan.

Dr. Marx finally stopped all stimulation because it was evident that it did not have the effect he wanted on her. He knew from previous cases that this should have brought her to a state of almost uncontrolled orgasms. Yet all she was doing was moaning through the sensations with each rise in level.

Jana collapsed in the chair, and her body went limp. It had been years since she had felt such overwhelming sensations, yet she knew she had orgasmed once. As her body rested, she looked at the doctor, “I’ve not felt such intense sensations in years, but I still didn’t orgasm,” she said in such a dejected tone.

“My dear, if you are willing, I would like to try something else. It’s an electro-shock therapy. Like this last time, I will stimulate both your vagina and your anus. It might not be pleasant initially, but most women respond rather quickly to it. If anything brings you to orgasm, I believe this will.” Jana absorbed the doctor’s words for a moment before just nodding her head okay.

He moved over to the tray and picked up two devices that were shaped like metal penises. One was larger at about an inch and half diameter and close to eight inches long. The other was much slimmer and only about four inches long. Jana looked over at the doctor as he picked them up, and her eyes went a little wide.

As the doctor was picking up the penis-shaped devices, Carly moved a small cart near the end of the chair. It had a small device resting on it that had electrical leads hanging attached to it. After getting it ready for Dr. Marx, she turned to Jana. She could see sweat had pooled on Jana’s skin.

She picked up a towel saying to her, “I’m going to wipe your skin down if that’s okay?” Jana just nodded her reply while still eyeing the doctor as he moved back between her legs with the new devices.

Carly took a soft towel and ran it over Jana’s tummy, wiping away the small pools of sweat that had gathered. She then moved her way upwards, wiping Jana’s skin. As she ran the towel across her breasts, Jana moaned loudly as it dragged across her nipples. Carly mumbled an apology, but Dr. Marx took note of her moans. He made a mental note that her nipples had become sensitive to touch.

He proceeded to remove the two plugs that were still in her vagina and anus. This caused moans from Jana but not much else. He lubed first the smaller device and, since her anus was still gaped open from removing the plug, was able to slip it right in. Jana moaned at its entry but not as loud as she moaned at the plugs exit. He then lubed and inserted the larger one into her vagina. This brought almost no reaction from her.

“Okay, Jana, I’m going to attach the leads to the devices I inserted. Then I will start the voltage so you’ll barely feel it and turn it up a little at a time. Hopefully, this will bring you to orgasm swiftly. Just remember to use your safe word if it becomes too much.” Jana, looking at Dr. Marx, just nodded her understanding.

Sitting on the stool between Jana’s legs slid back a bit before reaching to the controls. He turned the knob to the very first mark sending a small electrical current to the devices inserted in Jana. Jana’s reaction was a low moan and a flexing of her legs as she tried to close them even though they were firmly restrained.

Dr. Marx noted her reaction. That was the first time she had tried to pull her legs together in reaction to stimulation. He continued to observe her and listen to the low moans coming from her.

He clicked the knob up two levels, and again, Jana’s reaction was to moan but even louder while trying to close her legs. He knew from previous patients that what Jana was feeling was like being penetrated repeatedly by a much larger cock than the device’s size. Each electrical surge was like the pounding she would be receiving from a lover. The higher the voltage, the stronger the sensation she would feel. He left it at the current setting allowing the sensations to course through Jana. She continued to moan loudly and flex her legs against the restraints.

As he observed her, he couldn’t help compare her to other patients. Most women that come to him are usually sexually frustrated with their lack of being aroused. Many because they haven’t been in relationships in ages and suddenly find themselves with a man of their desires. Then they can’t get their bodies to respond to their new man.

Yet that wasn’t Jana’s story. She was a beautiful woman, but a traumatic experience had caused her to shut down. Now years later, she was craving to find the pleasures that she had denied herself for so many years. As she told him in their first few meetings, being with a man know still isn’t a priority but whether feeling her denied pleasure is. Her story touched him so much more compared to the others.

Shaking himself out of his thoughts, he got back to watching Jana. Her moaning had intensified, but she still hadn’t orgasmed. So, he turned the knob two more clicks sending large amounts of voltage into the devices. Jana’s reaction was a deep, protracted moan, and her body lifting off the padded exam chair with her legs convulsing in the restraints.

He thought she was well on her way to orgasm, but the longer he watched, the less certain he was. By this time, any other patient would’ve orgasmed. He continued to watch Jana struggling to reach an orgasm she so desperately desired. Knowing her sexual leanings, he decided to add to her stimulation.

Looking at Carly, he said, “Start teasing her nipples, and we’ll move on from there.”

Carly was delighted with this idea. One of the reasons she was Dr. Marx’s special treatment nurse was because she loved women. She always hoped to be involved in their treatment but seldom had a woman need her help or desire it. She had read Jana’s file and knew like the doctor; Jana had a thing for women over men.

Already standing near Jana, Carly just had to reach out to grasp her nipples between her fingers. She gently rolled them between her fingers at first, causing Jana’s moan to intensify. As Jana reacted more, she went to pinching and pulling Jana’s nipples. At this point, Jana was almost screaming in her need for release.

Dr. Marx did something he had thought he would need to do; he clicked the dial-up one more setting. This sent most current into the devices insert into Jana’s vagina and ass he had ever used on a woman to produce an orgasm. He watched as her body responded to the additional stimulation of the voltage and Carly’s attention to her nipples. He could see she was so close.

Normally he didn’t get involved with his patients beyond the clinical parts of the procedures. Today was going to be different, though. He noticed how swollen and extended Jana’s clit had become. He reached for the tube of lubricant he had used on the devices. He was then squeezing a generous amount on his fingers. When he had his fingers lubed, he reached out and stroked them across her clit.

The results of his action were almost instant. Jana let loose with a deep crying scream as her pussy exploded like a fountain of Champagne being uncorked. It caught the doctor off guard, and he caught a large amount of juices in his face and on his chest. She continued arching her body against the restraints as she fountained her juices for several more seconds before she collapsed back into the chair.

Carly tenderly let go of her nipples and grabbed the towel she had been using. She ran it over Jana’s body as Jana laid there and panting heavily in her post-orgasmic bliss. She tenderly wiped across Jana’s nipples but still got a low moan of sensitivity from her. She continued down her body until she reached her vagina. She waited as Dr. Marx tenderly pulled the devices from Jana’s body.

As Dr. Marx slipped the devices out, Jana moaned lightly. Her orgasm had utterly exhausted her. She knew she hadn’t orgasmed like that in years, and although her body was telling her she just had, he mind was still coming to grasp with it. The thing that passed through her mind was whether her lover could bring her to this intense of an orgasm.

As Carly finished wiping down Jana, Dr. Marx asked an exhausted Jana a few questions. He listened to her replies and was very satisfied with them. He finally said, “Well, Jana, you achieved a powerful orgasm. Hopefully, this will unlock your body to do it again with your lover. If not, please give me a call, and we will discuss the next step for you.”

As their conversation finished, Carly had finished unstrapping Jana. Jana, finally standing up on very unsteady legs, looked at the doctor and said, “Thank you, Dr. Marx, hopefully, this will help me. If not, I will be in touch.”

Written by Road_Runner
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