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What Did You Do To My Son?

"Jane was shocked at the changes in her middle child."

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“I have to ask, what have you done to my son?”

“You don’t like?”

“No, don’t get me wrong. I haven’t seen Mike for five years. He was a … I don’t even have the words for what he was! I know that it might be hard to hear from a mother, but I raised five kids, mostly alone. Mike was the best educated, had the brightest prospects, but somewhere along the line, he fell in with some crappy friends and he turned into a real …. I never did understand it, and believe me, I tried!”

Nicole started laughing. “I know, he was pretty much a shit when we met. I decided to do something about it.”

“I don’t understand? He was more than unpleasant, inattentive, dirty and . . . well . . . his relationship with women was pretty unbelievable as well. I overheard him tell one of his ‘friends’ that if a girl a good … um … good in bed, he would spring for breakfast. I know he wasn’t talking about a girl being a nice person. Even the girls he did hang around with were pretty … disgusting. What did you do?”

“Do you really want to know?”

“Yes! I’ve been worried about him for years. I expected the cops would show up any day to tell me he was dead in a ditch or arrested for something or other. You have no idea how relieved I am. I really don’t understand!”

“Jane, I’m not sure what to tell you. Some of it might shock you.”

Jane thought for a second, torn between intense curiosity and an understanding that she might be invading someone’s privacy. She didn’t know what else to say and then was saved by Mike when he came outside with a fresh pot of coffee.

Nicole grinned with a very interesting grin, one that Jane couldn’t figure out, as she watched Mike refill their cups.

Jane sat there not sure what to think. She truly was amazed at the changes in Mike. At first, she was shocked almost out of her mind when Mike and Nicole showed up. She nearly didn’t recognize her own son. He was clean, shaved, and dressed nicely – much different than the dirty, torn clothing, scraggly beard, and hair that looked like he cut it with a dull knife the last time she saw him.

She remembered how he looked that day because that was the last time she had seen him. She was at her wit’s end and elected to try the tough love approach and kicked him out. He had verbally abused her, threatened her, and even tried to steal from her until she couldn’t stand it. Short of calling the cops herself, she kicked him out and she had hoped he would grow up, no that’s not true, she prayed he would grow up. For months afterward she was scared he would show up and she was even more scared he wouldn’t. She gradually accepted that he wasn’t a danger to her, but she was more afraid he was a danger to himself! But . . . these changes . . . took her breath away, they were amazing, simply amazing!

The biggest shock was when he introduced Nicole as his wife. Jane was caught so totally off-guard she was so shocked she got a little lightheaded. Nicole was completely unlike anyone he had ever dated, physically, and certainly in attitude!

As Nicole sat back seeming to enjoy some private joke, Jane looked at her middle son’s wife. She was a knockout, but then Mike always could attract good-looking girls, but all the previous ones were of a certain . . . type, skinny, unkempt, and incredibly foul mouths. Jane’s ex-husband would have called them trashy; Jane was pretty much disgusted by all of them. She had forbidden Mike from bringing any of them home after she realized they were quite slutty as well. She couldn’t stand the noise of those girls saying things while having sex with him. No, having sex was too nice a term, Mike was fucking them, as much as she hated to use the term — even mentally. None of them ever had jobs that she was aware of and they fed his behavior and at the same time enabled his behavior! They were so noisy, and Mike seemed to encourage it and thrive on it.

As Nicole leaned over the table to reach for some sugar, Jane did think she was a knockout. She was tall, as tall as Mike, while she wasn’t Junoesque, she wasn’t a skinny next-to-nothing girl who looked like she needed a year of meals to look human. Nicole was curved beautifully and nearly as heavy in the chest as Jane was herself. What Jane decided she liked about Nicole was she was supremely confident in herself. Not arrogant, but she was confident! She was the type of girl she wished all her sons would find, but the surprise of Mike being the one to land her was just too incredible. Just wait till the weekend and the rest of the family met her! Jane had to smile at that thought.

“What is that smile for, Jane?”

“I’m just thinking what the rest of the family will think of you. You are going to stay through the weekend so I can have them over, aren’t you?”

“Sounds like fun! Are any of his brothers or sisters like he was?”

Mike left the coffee and went back into the house. Jane wasn’t sure, but it seemed to be at a small signal of Nicole’s. She appreciated the time to talk with her middle son’s wife.

“Oh no, they turned out much better, not Boy or Girl Scout squeaky clean, but nothing like him – not even close. Joe is a civil engineer working for the city. His wife is a sweet girl who’s looking forward to starting a family. Joe’s the oldest. Bee, Bianca, is a little like you, I think because she never put up with any of Mike's crap. She’s in advertising and working at a radio station on the Island. Mike is the middle child. Then there’s John and Terry, the twins. They are living about an hour away; both recently finished a graduate program and are starting jobs. Bee, John, and Terry are all single, but seeing people. I don’t know if they will be bringing anyone. I think you’ll like them! I know they are going to love you, for nothing more than ‘fixing’ their brother.”

“I hope they like me for more than that, after all, we’re family now.”

Nicole was equally surprised at Jane when she opened the door. It took her weeks to convince Mike he needed to do this. She had met Mike when he was pretty much at his worst and she would have never identified Jane as his mother! She was attractive and elegant in her demeanor and dress. Jane might not appreciate all the changes in her son, that would remain to be seen. Nicole certainly was proud of things so far and she hoped Jane would appreciate things as well, maybe more than simply appreciative.

Jane was looking forward to spending the evening with her middle son and his wife, something she would never have predicted in a million years. She exhaled a slow sigh of relief as Mike came out ready for dining out in a sports coat. He was looking more and more like the Mike of his high school and college days.

At ten that evening, Nicole stretched and a surprisingly attentive Mike went off to bed with her. Jane did spend a nice evening with them and more than once she was just marveling at the change in Mike. “He must really love this girl!” She’d never known anyone to change this much in a relationship. He opened doors, treated everyone politely, and the one time she saw his neck redden at the annoying behavior at another table to their server, she saw Nicole’s hand touch his arm and he settled right down! It was, well for lack of a better term, amazing!

Jane stayed up for a few minutes to make sure the house was straightened up. Dishes ready to run in the dishwasher, and the coffee pot was set for the morning. She took a deep breath and stood in the middle of the room with one hand on the kitchen island as she felt the years of tension all at once. She was serious about believing the police would come to the door one day! Not a day went by when she didn’t think of Mike and where he might be and what trouble he might have been getting himself into. She blamed herself, her ex, his friends, even Mike himself, but she never had an explanation of what happened to turn a really nice guy into such a …!

She stood very still and her shoulders suddenly shook as she broke out into tears. She started sobbing and couldn’t seem to stop herself. The relief she felt had finally caught up with her. She was half afraid to go to bed, afraid she would wake up and Mike and Nicole would be just a dream. She had never in her wildest dream that she might get her son back, let alone a reformed son. She leaned over the counter, gripping the edges to steady herself. She jumped as a hand touched her neck.

Jane looked up to see a Nicole, a comforting and knowing Nicole. Jane knew she was going to like her because she realized that Nicole understood! Nicole gathered Jane in her arms, she was several inches taller than Jane so Jane’s head went to Nicole’s shoulder as she felt her arms go around her.

“It’s okay, Jane! It’s alright. Let it out! Mike is fine; you don’t have to worry anymore. It’s fine.” She took Jane to her bedroom and sat her down on her bed, still holding her.

Jane sniffed as she tried to regain some sort of self-control. She was a bit embarrassed at Nicole seeing her like this, but would have been mortified if Mike had.

“I don’t understand, I am trying, but I don’t understand.”

“Shhh, Jane, it’s okay. We surprised you today, but Mike was afraid to call ahead. He was scared you would just hang-up on him.”

Jane actually gave a half-hearted smile as she said, “I might have. You have no idea how afraid I was of him and then later for him. You just don’t know!”

“I think I do, Jane.” Nicole took a very deep breath. "You know, it took me a while to convince him, but it took even longer to convince myself to push him to do this. I was more than a little nervous about meeting the woman who could have born such a son." Nicole said it with such a smile that Jane couldn't take any offense. After all, she used much the same words herself.

"It took a while, but he finally started opening up. He talked about home and college and you. That's when I realized that my first impression of him didn't stretch to cover the rest of the family or his upbringing. At that point I knew he needed to see you again, and you piqued my curiosity as well. Finding you in here, like this, tells me that you are one hell of a special lady and an excellent Mom!"

"You can't know that yet."

"Yes, I can. You are standing here in your kitchen crying your eyes out. Tell me you haven't been worried about him since the day he left?"

"You mean since the day I kicked him out?"

"You had no real choice, Mike's honest enough to admit it to me. He realizes just how bad he was, believe me, he does."

"But how?"

“Are you sure you want to know?”

“Yes, I really do,” Jane answered intensely.

“Okay, I think the best approach is to show you a little. It will be surprising. Be outside our door at eleven on the button.”

Jane looked puzzled.

“It’s easier to show than tell. We’ll talk later, I am sure.”

Nearing eleven PM, Jane went to her room and changed into pajamas for bed. She sat there and she could hear some noise from their room, but the house was too well made to make out any words. Nicole wasn’t the type to scream the things his old girlfriends would yell at the top of her lungs, even knowing that Mike’s mom was nearby. She certainly wasn’t some slut like the ones Mike used to know.

Her curiosity really did overwhelm her and she was standing at the door a few minutes before eleven, tying off a robe. She could hear some more noises, but not sure what it was.

At eleven on the nose, the door opened and Nicole stood there with a wide smile, the door partially shielding her body. She touched her finger to her lips and moved aside, giving Jane a view of the room. Nicole turned back toward the bed and Jane got a good look at her son, her son who at times had frightened her badly, who worried her every day for years. He was lying on the bed, on his stomach - no he was tied down to the bed frame, on his stomach, with a pillow under his belly pushing his rear in the air. She stopped dead in the doorway, unsure of what to do, or if she should do anything!

Nicole started talking to Mike, in a very low and as sexy a voice as Jane had ever heard in her life. “So my little boy! Are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure you want me tonight?” Nicole was talking to Mike, but she was looking at Jane.

“Oh God, Mistress Nikki, please! I need you so bad!”

Jane almost jumped at the sound of his voice. She could barely recognize it because she had never heard such a tone in her life. Mike was begging!

“You know how I love to hear you beg for it.” Nicole turned slightly and Jane saw the second thing that nearly made her heart stop, Nicole was wearing a strap-on, and it was a large one!

“You know what this is, what am I going to do to you?”

“Mistress Nikki, you are going to peg me.”

“Do you want me to peg you?”

“Oh god yes!”

She swatted him on the ass and Jane saw him jump.

“I mean, Yes, Mistress, please peg me!”

“That’s better. I think I need to lube up a bit!”

Nicole stepped back and toward the low-boy dresser. Jane looked at her son carefully. She thought he was naked, but she could see he had a tee-shirt on and something over his face. She realized it was a pair of panties. She wasn’t sure he could see her, even if he faced toward her, but as it was he was facing the head of the bed, directly away from the door.

Nicole stepped back into her view and smiled at Jane. She arched an eyebrow as if to ask a question, but Jane could only look at her, still unsure. She took Jane’s hand and turned it palm up. Then to another surprise for Jane, she squirted a generous amount of something into her hand. Then Nicole placed Jane’s hand on her cock and mimed Jane rubbed the lubricant onto it. Jane’s mind seemed to be on the fritz. It had been years since she held a cock, even a phony one. Her hand instinctively started rubbing it harder! Nicole smiled at her and nodded.

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“Oh this lube is so cold! I bet you wish I had a real cock to warm it up for you, Mikie.”

Mike doesn’t say anything.

“Mikie got quiet all of a sudden. Don’t you ever think of a real cock in your ass?”

“No, Mistress, yours is the only cock I want.”

“That long pause told me more than you are willing to admit too, Mikie. I think that one day I would love to see a real cock in your ass! Maybe while you are getting fucked, you could be sucking me off at the same time! Would you do that Mikie?”

“Mistress, I don’t know!”

“At least you are honest. We’ll explore that another time. Right now, I am getting all nice and wet while rubbing my cock and thinking how good it will feel in your ass!”

“Please, Mistress, fuck me!”

Nicole looked at Jane, who was still rubbing her strap-on. It was already well lubed, but Jane didn’t seem to be able to stop. Nicole reached behind her and unsnapped her bra, suddenly baring her breasts in front of Jane. Jane was still looking at Mike while rubbing Nicole’s cock. Nicole stopped her with a touch and leaned in very close, her bare breasts touched Jane’s lightly through the robe and pj’s, Nicole could see that Jane was at least a little turned on, or else her nipples were permanently erect. She lightly kissed Jane’s cheek and whispered very quietly, “Watch this, Mom!”

Nicole went back to the bed, the straps around her waist and down along the bottom of each butt cheek. Jane realized her back was bare and saw her bra down on the floor.

Without another word, Nicole knelt on the bottom of the bed and slowly made her way up between Mike’s spread legs. Jane moved a little to get a better view and while she couldn’t see Nicole make contact, she saw her son push back toward Nicole and moan like … like … a girl!

At that point Jane was overloaded she had to leave. She forgot to close the door, so, from her room, she could hear the two of them. No wild yelling, no silly screams, only the sounds of two people having sex, which were unmistakable. It went on for quite a while, and obviously the two of them enjoyed it. She heard Nicole orgasm at least twice and Mike once. She would have thought that once Mike came it would end, but then the reality of the rubber cock struck her as she realized that Nicole could keep going for longer than the average man.

When the noise settled down, Jane went into her bath and washed her hands. The lotion was slightly sticky by now and it reminded her of ... something she didn’t want to remember. She slowly washed her hands, not sure what to think! When she came out of the bathroom, she realized Nichole was sitting on her bed, no longer wearing the strap-on, but naked. Jane stopped short.

“Well it’s not like you haven’t seen me naked, Mom!”

Jane tried to smile, but she was still confused.

“It’s okay if you prefer Jane ...”

“No, you can call me Mom if you want. I just don’t know what to think, that’s all.”

“Good, because I wanted to call you Mom the moment I saw you. I was scared to death of the type of woman who could have had a guy like Mike, but when you opened to door, I was impressed.”

Nichole reached for Jane and gently pulled her to the bed. “Let me tell you a bedtime story.” She took Jane in her arms and they lay down together in a place where Jane had laid alone for so long.

“I met Mike in a bar. He was ... well, you know what he was like. I was with a few friends and one of them was a gay guy who I have known my whole life. Mike and his so-called friends tried to give a bunch of shit to my friend and it really pissed me off. I decided that Mike needed to learn a lesson. I’m not exactly a mild-mannered person. I tried to ignore it after we left, but it sort of ate at me. So one day I was back at that bar and Mike didn’t recognize me, he even tried to hit on me. I was pissed but decided to deal with him in private, away from his ‘friends’.

“When I got him alone, he was a very different person. Oh, he was still a shit and had a lot to learn, but he was surprisingly easy to manipulate. I took his virginity that night and for him, it was like flipping a switch.”

“His virginity? He lost that a long time ago.”

Nicole laughed a low laugh. Her hand stroked Jane’s face, looking in her eyes like a lover.

“His anal virginity, Mom. I wasn’t gentle, because I was mad at him. I wanted him to pay for his comments. I know if he knew me better he would have said even worse things to me. But the more I hurt him, the more excited he became. It might be a weird way to start a relationship, but that’s how ours started.”

“Nicole, I can’t believe any of this.”

“Why not? You saw what he is like. If we weren’t here in your house he would have been a lot louder and much more demanding. He would have begged for it much harder. I know all this surprises you.”


Nicole laughed a small chuckle. “I know I was surprised. One of the problems, Mom, was that I didn’t like cock at all myself. I am a lesbian, or I guess I should say bisexual now. Mike knows and it doesn’t bother him at all. We’ve created this strange relationship, but it works for us. You knew him before and the changes have been incredible and when he proposed, I was taken aback. I never thought I would ever say yes, but I did and we take care of each other. When I find the need for some girl-time, I tell him and he doesn’t worry if I am gone all night. As long as I am open with him, he doesn’t mind at all. He also give me something no one had ever given me before, their trust, their complete and total trust. I do love your son, more than I thought possible.”

Jane’s mind was still spinning from all she saw and all she heard. “But how? That first time must have nearly killed him!”

Nicole laughed a little. Oh, we didn’t start out that large. Here, let me show you.”

They sat up, Jane was suddenly a little self-conscious of Nicole’s nudity, but it didn’t seem to bother Nicole at all. Nicole reached down and brought up a strange looking item. Jane looked at it and then Nicole handed it to her. It was almost a foot long, shaped sort of like an elongated 'F' but thicker with a slight upward angle just before where the center would be. There were two extensions, the top one was a short nub about two inches long with the tip wider than the body. The second was not far below the first, but it was longer and wider than the body and shaped with gentle curves for its length. The ‘handle’ was also gently shaped, but longer. Jane was clueless as to what it was.

Nicole took it from her. “It works like this.” She opened her legs and inserted the larger of the two nubs inside her. Jane had never seen anything other than a cock penetrate there before. She was more mesmerized than she would have thought, then she realized where the smaller nub would end up and she blushed at the thought.

Nicole stood up and Jane saw the utility of the device immediately and she also realized it was much smaller than the dildo she held in her hand earlier.

“You see, no straps. It fits rather well and as long as you don’t get too rough, it transmits every feeling into you. Here touch it.” Like she did in the bedroom, she took Jane’s hand and wrapped it around the dildo. “Stroke it like you were putting on some lotion.”

Jane did so, barely realizing what was happening. In a moment she could see how her stroking the toy was affecting Nichole as her hips started moving. At that point she also remembered something Nicole had said, that she was a lesbian. She pulled her hand away as if she had been burned.

“Nicole, what . . .”

Nicole stroked Jane’s face. “I thought it was rather obvious.”

“But Mike?”

“He knows I am here. I told you, we are totally open with each other.”

“But I am his Mom.”

“I know, and you are a beautiful woman!”

“Nicole, I am so much older than you.”

Nicole pulled Jane to her feet and in front of her full-length mirror. “Look at yourself, Jane. Don’t think like a mom, or even as an older women. Look at yourself objectively!”

Nicole stood behind Jane as she looked at herself, or at least she tried to do so with some level of objectivity.

Nicole stepped closer and pressed up against Jane with her face over Jane’s shoulder. “You are a very beautiful woman!” She looked at Jane’s body with barely disguised hunger. She reached around and started unbuttoning Jane’s PJ top. Jane’s hands tried to stop her, but with only three buttons, it wasn’t long before her top opened, baring her breasts.

Jane was still very confused, but also getting a little angry. She pulled off her top and threw it to the floor. “Is this what you want to see, an old lady’s tits hanging down!”

“Jane, yes, there is some sag, but with breasts so large and lovely, that’s to be expected. Sure you’re not 18 any longer, but you are still one sexy and beautiful woman!” Nicole gently took her breasts and stroked them and then pressed her dildo firmly against Jane, making her jump.

“Look at yourself Jane, see the sexy woman I do.” She hooked her waistband and pushed it to the floor, coming back up and pushing the toy between Jane’s thighs. It wasn’t long enough to see in the mirror, but Jane certainly felt it touching places long abandoned.

“But Nicole!”

Nicole didn’t say anything, she simply pressed tight against Mike’s mom and slowly stroked the toy between her legs while looking at her in the mirror. Yes, Jane wasn’t eighteen, and her hips were wider than she was sure they were at thirty, but she was still a very sexy woman. Cautiously Nicole started gently rubbing from Jane’s waist to her breasts, holding each wonderful handful, hoping Jane would respond to her. She heard the confusion in her voice but maybe heard something else.

Jane didn’t step away, she did look in the mirror and tried to be objective. But in her mind’s eye, she kept comparing herself to when she was younger. The former high-school and college athlete and cheerleader. She knew she was heavier, hippier, and her breasts had sagged to the point of hurting her back all too often. To say nothing about the gray hair her hairdresser artfully conceals for her.

At the same time, she felt the heat from Nicole’s body pressed against her where nobody had been in a long time. She knew since her divorce years ago she hadn’t had much of a social life or a sex life, but it really hadn’t sunk in until right that moment. Nicole was massaging her breasts and when she pinched her nipples, an unaccustomed feeling flooded her body.

“You are a beautiful woman, Jane. You’ve raised a wonderful family. You care very deeply all your children, but especially your wayward son. Even without all of that, I couldn’t help but be attracted to you. You are also a very strong woman, exactly the type I find fascinating. The total package is pretty damn spectacular.

Jane met her eyes in the mirror, “This package?”

Nicole smiled, “Not just your body, as wonderful as that is, but the whole package. Mark told me many stories about you. I’ve been intrigued by even his memory of you for a long time. Meeting you confirmed it.” Then she kissed Jane on the side of the neck and felt her body respond, even though her mind hadn’t caught up.

She turned Jane from the mirror and held her in her arms. She pressed her toy in between Jane’s upper thighs and knew exactly where it would rub her, given their height difference. She just held her and when Jane’s head rested on her shoulder and arms clasped around her waist, she knew this was going to be special for them both.

Nicole started slowly moving like she was dancing. She led and felt Jane move with her. There was no music, but the movements were slow and gentle as if in perfect sync. Nicole felt her toy moving between Jane’s legs, rubbing along her pussy. She could feel Jane’s response as she heard her breath quicken and her hold around Nicole’s waist slowly tightened.

Without much more warning, Nicole felt Jane cum. The dance stopped and her body shook. Nicole was almost completely supporting her as she cried out, her mouth vibrating against Nicole’s neck.

Nicole was almost to the point of laying her on the bed when Jane seemed to come back to the world from wherever she had gone. She stiffened and then looked at Nicole with a curious, even surprised look on her face. Then she seemed to relax against Nicole before kissing the side of her neck.

It was Nicole’s turn to be surprised. She knew Mike’s mom was straight and hoped to maybe broaden her horizons a little, so to speak. But the feeling of her body against her own and the kiss told her that Jane was more than ready to be more than just an occasional bed partner. Nicole knew Mike wouldn’t mind, as long as she didn’t neglect him, and she also assumed Jane wouldn’t let her.

Jane stepped away from Nicole but held her hand as she led the way to the bed. Nicole marveled at the lack of hesitation. She was learning more about Jane every second and loving it!

Mike stood quietly on the other side of the bedroom door with a smile on his face as he heard his mother orgasm. His two favorite women were getting along better than he hoped.  All his nervousness about coming home was done.  Well, most of it.  There was still seeing his siblings.  He went back to his room, knowing Nicole wouldn't be back before morning, as it should be!


Written by Brookell
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