In recent years I’ve rediscovered going to live music gigs. Where I live in the West Midlands, there is a thriving tribute band circuit. You can see many good outfits playing the music of groups who have either died or grown too rich and lazy to play anymore. You know the ones I mean. I prefer 1970’s and 1980’s rock bands and my wife likes pop acts and we usually take turns in choosing who to see. In this story, it was my turn and I booked for a 1980’s soft rock group. You can probably guess from the title of this story who they are. Unfortunately, my wife had a terrible migraine on the day and could not go but she insisted that I did, as the group were a favourite of mine from my student days.
I arrived at the venue early and was lucky to be able to sell my spare ticket. I bought a drink and took my seat at a table just behind a big party who had commandeered four tables and put them together. I had an okay view of the stage and did not stand out as Johnny-No-Mates on his own. Fifteen minutes before the show was due to start I saw a couple coming through the crowd on the dance floor scanning around for spare seats. The woman was a bit younger than me, late-forties, blond, slim, attractive but wearing a harried expression.
“I told you we should have left home earlier Harry, there are no seats left.” She said.
Harry must have been six foot four and very heavily built. He had probably been impressive in his youth but his heavy investment in his beer gut now made him look a slob.
“Alright, how many times do I have to say sorry,’’ he snapped back.
The woman’s eyes lit on the two spare seats on the corner of my table and I dreaded the prospect of having my enjoyment spoiled by witnessing the couple's domestic.
“Are those seats taken?” She asked. I was tempted lie but then she said, “I’ve been looking forward to seeing this group for ages.’’
She looked in such desperate need of a good time I ended up telling a half truth. “My wife could not come, so this one next to me is free. I don’t know about the other one.’’
“There you go then love,” said Harry pulling the chair out for her. “I’ll get the drinks in. You know I’m not that keen on this lot. Now Sabbath or Quo that’s a different matter,’’ he said looking at me for confirmation.
“They’ve all got their merits,’’ I said, not wishing to get involved in a sterile discussion. Harry made some harrumphing sound before heading to the bar.
“I’ve got to remember that answer next time I want him to shut up,’’ said the woman.
She had a pretty smile that changed her careworn face and the transformation was so great that I stared at her and did not hear what she said next. She noticed my interest and blushed awkwardly.
“Sorry, I didn’t hear you. It’s a bit noisy in here,’’ I said covering my faux pas, “you’re a fan are you?”
“Yes. I first saw the real group when I was a nursing student in London. My boyfriend took me.’’ My eyes automatically drifted in the direction of the bar. “Not Harry, my boyfriend at the time was Dev, he was studying to be a doctor. I’m Laura, by the way.’’ She looked at me questioningly and I played along.
“Well, Laura By-The-Way, I’m not Indian myself but with this complexion, I get taken for all sorts. I’m from Bromsgrove, my name is George.’’ We shook hands. “What happened to Dev?’’ I asked.
Her eyes looked sad again. “When he qualified he worked for the World Health Organisation. They send them to all sorts of hell holes. We kept in touch by letter, no email in those days, and about four years later I received an official letter from the WHO, saying he had been killed when his ambulance went over a land mine in Africa.’’
It was such a shocking reply that I could not stop myself from taking both of her hands. “That’s terrible Laura, I’m so sorry for you.’’
“It was a long time ago, but I should not have blurted it out like that. Now I’ve embarrassed both of us.’’ Laura went to brush an imaginary tear from her eye and we realised I was still holding her hands. “Thank you for caring George,’’ she added and we let go a little awkwardly.
Harry returned from the bar with a pint and an orange juice. As he leant over to put them on the table we could smell the whisky on his breath.
“You can’t drink much more, you’re driving us home remember. Besides, it is no good with your medication,’’ Laura warned.
“All right staff sister, you’re not at work now. Anyway, that’s not a problem. I bumped into Stan and Eileen at the bar, you remember them. They’ve invited us back to theirs for a few drinks after. That’s a result.’’ Harry’s smile was in direct proportion to Laura’s frown.
“Oh them. I remember. They can come back to ours instead so I don’t have to stay up,’’ said Laura.
“Don’t be like that love, it’s just a bit of fun. Look it’s my round at the bar, I’ll be back later with another drink for you. What can I get you for putting up with the Missus mate?’’
“That’s okay, I’m driving myself,” I said. Harry made his way back through the crowd. “Besides I’m enjoying Laura’s company,’’ I added when he was out of earshot. Laura smiled that winning smile again. I held up my glass, “To absent friends,’’ I said.
“And to new ones,’’ said Laura and we clinked glasses.
We talked about our lives and our kids, now all grown. The noise increased as the room was now full. We sat very close, arms and legs touching and when we spoke we had to lean in to speak into each other’s ears. I could smell her perfume and see the swell of her cleavage. I was stone cold sober but I was intoxicated with her. Part of it was lust, but also a feeling of excitement which I had not experienced for many years. I could see she felt the same. When she leant in to talk to me she put her hand on my leg. After she finished she went to move it and I put my hand on top of hers to keep it there and she smiled. I had a raging hard on that I was trying to adjust discreetly, but I know she knew. Laura’s face was flushed and I could see her nipples poking through the material of her dress.
She looked up quickly, “Caught you, George,’’ she said. Before I could protest innocence she gave me a quick peck on the lips.
I wanted to grab her there and then and she could see it in my eyes. “I’d better go to the loo before I do something stupid,’’ I stammered trying to get up without drawing attention to my boner which she saw anyway.
“Get me a gin and tonic please, George. I feel like celebrating properly.’’
I made my way to the gents and had to wait for a stall so I could let my aching hard-on out. It was another minute before I could point it down and pee. A thousand thoughts went through my mind. I was desperate to fuck Laura and I am sure she felt the same. But there was no opportunity. She and Harry were leaving with the other couple and I did not think she was the type to agree to a quick shag in the car park. I would have to arrange to see her again, but then it would be premeditated and worse cheating than an opportunist fling.
These sober thoughts saw off my boner and I went back into the hall. I bought a couple of drinks and was making my way back through the crowd when I noticed Harry in a dark corner of the room. He was facing a woman, as was the man next to him who I took to be her husband. There was something odd about the way the men were standing and I edged around discreetly so I could see them without being seen myself. I caught the briefest glimpse but I was not mistaken.
They both had their cocks out and she was wanking them. Harry leant down to say something into the woman’s ear and grabbed a handful of her arse which was half sticking out of her short skirt. He slid his hand up revealing her stocking top and plump thigh above. The woman playfully slapped his hand down and the three of them made themselves decent and headed towards the fire doors where the smokers exited for a fag. I was sure they did not have any qualms about a quick fuck in the car park, cold as it was out there.
I made my way back to Laura and tried to keep a neutral face but she saw right through it. “What’s wrong George?’’
I did not know what to tell her. But I did not have to.
“It’s Harry, isn’t it? You saw him with that woman?’’
All I could do was nod.
“That couple he wants to go back with, they’re swingers. Stan can’t get it up properly anymore but he likes to watch Eileen fuck other men.’’ Laura downed the gin and tonic in one and let out a little sob. “How did my life become like this?’’
“I’m sorry Laura, I really am,’’ I said. I lifted her face to mine and brushed the tears from the corners of her eyes and then I kissed her tenderly. She responded the same then the dam broke and she pulled my head hard toward her. My tongue was in her mouth and her hand was on my cock under the table.
“Laura, I want you so badly. I don’t want to think of any consequences. Let’s leave Harry to it. I’m taking you home afterwards.’’ She looked up at me with a mixture of fear and excitement in her eyes.
“Yes George, I want you to take me home afterwards.’’
That settled, we joined other couples on the dance floor as the band brought the first half of their set to a close with one of their hit ballads. I held Laura close. She could feel my hardness against her thigh and I could feel the heat of her mound against mine. Our dancing slowed for me to give her kisses on the neck. Laura pulled me closer as her legs almost gave way. “
Oh, George, I’m so wet, you’ve made me come.’’ I almost popped my shot myself.
We made our way back to our table as the lights came up and there waiting for us was the husband of the woman who I’d seen wanking Harry.
“Oh, there you are Laura, thank god I’ve found you.’’ Stan seemed too concerned to notice I’d quickly removed my hand from Laura’s waist. “We went out into the car park for a fag and Harry had a nasty turn. You need to look after him, love. Come on.’’
Laura looked at me and we followed Stan out of the club. Harry was sitting on a picnic bench breathing heavily.
Slutty Eileen sat next to him. “He came over all funny,’’ she said.
'More like he came all over you,' I thought noticing Harry’s fly was open.
Laura’s professional training kicked in and she opened the neck of his shirt then took his pulse. “You’re hyperventilating Harry. You should not be over-exerting yourself with those blood pressure pills you’re on. You’re not supposed to drink either.’’
“Alright, alright don’t go on at me,’’ Harry grumbled.
“Perhaps we better take a rain check on the afters,’’ said Stan. He wanted to dump Harry now that he knew he was okay.
“No, I’ll be right as rain once I’ve had a breather,’’ Harry pleaded.
“Nonsense. You need to rest,’’ said Laura, “George has offered to drive us home but we can’t spoil his evening as well. Why don’t you sleep it off in the car and we will come and get you at the end.’’
We all agreed it was a good idea and Harry was forced to go along. The other couple scarpered and I helped Laura manhandle Harry to their car. It was a big four by four pickup with an extended cab. Signs on the side claimed Harry was a master builder. Harry complained he had a headache and after we got him into the rear seats of the cab Laura searched in her bag for some paracetamol. She was about to give them to him then she had a second thought.
“Take two of these instead, they’ll do the trick.’’ Harry swallowed the pills without question, washing them down with the remains of a bottle of water.
“Perhaps I’ll just rest my head for a few minutes,’’ he said pulling his feet up on the seat and stretching out. The whole car shook.
We shut the door and headed back towards the club.
“Look, we can go now if…’’ I began.
“No, we are not going George. I am fed up with that man ruining my life. We are going back in there and we are going to dance like a couple of horny teenagers then you are going to take me home and fuck me. Is that clear?’’
To emphasise the point Laura pulled me towards her and kissed me sticking her tongue halfway down my throat.
When we came up for air she said, “those were sleeping pills I gave Harry, he’s not going to know anything.’’
I laughed and pulled her towards me so she could feel I was hard again.
“We can go now, if we have to,’’ I said, desperate to be in her.
“Easy cowboy; dancing first, come on.’’ She took my hand and we ran back inside.
The other couple were nowhere to be seen. Laura had another gin and tonic and really let her hair down. Or rather she put it up in a ponytail to cool down. It made her look years younger. I was all over her.
“I thought Dev had lots of hands but you take some beating George.’’ She laughed.
“Just like all those Hindu gods,’’ I said.
We were dancing closely and no one could see I had undone one of the buttons on her dress and my hand was teasing her clit through the wet cotton gusset of her knickers. She put her arms around my neck and moaned into my ear as she came while the band were playing their biggest hit.
“I’ve been waiting for a girl like Laura,” I whispered in her ear.
They finished with an encore of their other chart topper and we made our way arm-in-arm back to her car where a sleeping Harry had fogged up the windows. I pulled my car up next to theirs and opened the rear sliding door.
“Are you sure he won’t wake up?” I queried.
Laura pulled up Harry’s eyelids. His eyes were fixed and dilated, with no recognition of the courtesy light. We manhandled his dead weight onto my back seat, locked his car and drove off. Laura could not see so well in the dark, so she put her address into my sat nav and that guided us. A couple of minutes later Harry started snoring like a pig.
“You see why I need sleeping pills, George? It’s lucky I picked up my new prescription this afternoon.’’
I smiled at her and stroked her face. Laura leant over and put her hand in my lap. It took fifteen minutes to reach her house, during which time she stroked my cock through my trousers and recited a menu of all the things I was to do to her. I was amazed I did not crash.
We got Harry out of the car and he seemed to be coming round.
“Do I know you mate?’’ he slurred.
“No, I’m just a mini cab driver. Your wife asked me to give you a hand. Said you had a bad pint or something,’’ I lied.
Laura smiled at me as she lifted Harry’s other arm over her shoulder.
“Yer, that's right, it was a bad pint. Laura, make sure you give this bloke a good tip. He’s alright.’’
Laura looked at me. “Don’t worry Harry, I’m going to give him a very good tip.’’
We struggled him up the stairs and into the spare bedroom.
“I can’t take your snoring until I get some more sleeping pills. Okay, love. I’ll see you in the morning.’’ Laura threw a quilt over Harry and he went back out like a light.
“Make me a drink George, and put some music on, I’ll be down in a few minutes.’’ She added.
I found the lounge and a well-stocked drinks cabinet. I even found an old vinyl album of the greatest hits of the band we had just seen and I put it on the stereo at the lowest volume.
On the mantelpiece were family photos showing a young girl growing up. In the last one, she looked about eighteen. Laura’s daughter was the image of her mother. At the back of a wall unit, I found Laura’s official graduation photo in her robe. I compared the two. I could hear feet coming down the stairs behind me.
“I found your graduation photo. You and your daughter could be sisters.’’
“Sally started uni this September. I’ve got another gown you might be interested in George.’’ She said.
I turned around and stared open mouthed. Laura was wearing a short pink kimono style silky dressing gown. The tops of her black stockings were on full display. She was also wearing full makeup. She'd gone a bit heavy with the mascara and red lipstick but my cock was not complaining.
“I know I look like a tart and I want you to treat me like a whore. It’s what he’s always wanted but I never gave it to him. I want you to take lots of pictures George, so I can show him what he will never see in the flesh,’’ said Laura.
“Are you sure Laura?” I asked.
“I’ve wanted to leave him for the last five years and now Sally has gone there is nothing to stop me.’’ She threw me a small camera and opened her gown. I nearly came on the spot.
“Do you like these? They are called suspender tights. They are quite practical when you are wearing these knickers as well.’’ Laura opened her legs and I could clearly see the swollen lips of her cunt through a clump of short blonde curls. The tacky red and black satin knickers had a split crotch and the matching bra had holes through which her strawberry nipples poked.
“He bought me this outfit last Christmas but I have never worn it. What do you think George?’’
I could not control myself and I grabbed her and kissed her roughly. Her lips felt slick with the lipstick. My right hand went between her legs and into her soaking cunt which took three fingers easily while my thumb found her clit.
Laura writhed for a while on my hand then forced me off and sat with her legs splayed on the couch.
“Picture, please George,’’ she said.
I knelt on the floor between her legs and started clicking while she played with herself with her right hand and her left pinched and tweaked her nipples. It was the most erotic thing I’d ever seen. The smudged lipstick added a nice sleazy touch. I dropped the camera and pulled her legs towards me. I could smell the intoxicating aroma of her cunt inches from my mouth. Her hands pushed my shoulders back with surprising force.
“Not just yet George, I want you to take some pictures upstairs.’’ Laura took my hand and led me up to the bedrooms.
The sight of her legs in black nylon and high heels and the way the suspender tights framed her shapely arse had me snapping all the way up. We passed the empty master bedroom and Laura opened the door to the spare bedroom where we’d dumped her husband. Despite lying on his back his snoring now had the steady wheeze of deep sleep, but all the same, I was a bit apprehensive.
“Don’t worry. I know how powerful those tablets are, but to be safe I gave him two,’’ she said.
Laura took off her soaking knickers and dropped them at the foot of the bed. The bra and gown followed. I thought, 'she’s determined to put him through it when he wakes up. The poor bastard.'
I thought we would leave it at that, but she walked to the head of the bed and climbed on. She wobbled in her high heels on the pillows but Laura managed to swing her leg over and squat down with her open cunt inches from his face. She put three fingers in and started to masturbate quickly making squelching sounds. Her juice fell on Harry’s face. Her expression said she was still furious with him.
My senses were overloaded at her antics and my cock grew another two inches if that was possible. I snapped away until the flash started to disturb Harry’s sleep. He tried to roll over and I had to be quick to grab Laura and lift her over him before she fell on him.
“My hero,’’ she giggled mischievously.
I was not going to let go of her until we were out of the room but Laura had other plans. She grabbed the doorframe on the way out. “I want you to fuck me at the end of the bed.’’
I felt the blood rush through my body, I’d never been more turned on. I put her down and she bent over the foot of the bed holding the frame. She wiggled her arse at me and I would have sung 'God Save the Queen,' if she asked me to. I dropped my trousers and spunk stained underpants. My pre-cum had been leaking all evening and I could not be sure I hadn’t shot my load already. This was not the time for finesse and I just opened her legs wider and slid my slimy cock into her soaking cunt. Laura had fantastic pussy control and she spasmed her vulva gently squeezing and releasing my cock as I thrust into her. With my thumb I teased the sensitive ring of her arse hole and Laura sighed and pushed herself back on it.
As we neared our climax we looked at her fat slob of a husband lying like a beached whale just a couple of feet ahead of us, and I must admit I enjoyed the sadistic spite of fucking his wife right in front of him. Laura came just before I did and I felt her juices soak my balls. I shot into her four times. I did not now I could produce so much spunk. We stood locked together, panting in our recovery. She was still gripping the end of the bed and I was gripping her suspenders like handles.
I started to pull out and Laura picked up the camera which we’d dropped on the bed. I took several shots of my spunky cock emerging from her and then she opened her cheeks so I could capture my spunk leaking from her swollen lips and the redness of her arse hole. I even managed to take one artistic between the legs shot where you could see Harry’s face at the other end of the bed.
Laura picked up the kimono and wiped my cock and them mopped between her legs before dropping it on the ground. She smiled at me. Her anger was gone.
“I think I’ve used you terribly, George. I wanted to spite Harry, but you deserve better from me. I want to make love to you properly before you have to go home. Can we do that please?’’ She asked.
“Laura, you have just given me the most erotic, nasty sex I will ever experience and I thank you for it, but I would like to make love to the Laura I met earlier,’’ I replied.
“Go in my bedroom George, and she will be in soon.’’
I lay on her bed and pulled over the dress she had worn earlier and drank in her smell. I could hear the shower going and a few minutes later Laura came in just wearing a towel. Her face was scrubbed clean and her wet hair was up in a ponytail. She looked so young. She lay on the bed next to me and I could smell fresh shampoo and her perfume. We kissed tenderly and caressed slowly now that our lust had been slaked. Laura wanked me gently but I was having trouble coming back to life.
“I think he needs a stiff talking to,’’ I said.
She took the hint and leaned over taking my cock in her mouth. I pulled her legs over my head and kissed up the inside of her thighs. Laura opened her legs wider and my tongue teased the folds of her inner and outer lips and then circled her clit. She moaned onto my now fully erect cock. I knew I would have to fuck her soon but there was one thing I wanted to do before that. I opened her cheeks fully and flicked my tongue around her puckered arsehole before jabbing it in. The effect was instantaneous. Laura ground her bush against my face and came in my mouth. Her juices soaked my chin. She fell sideways onto the bed as her legs gave way. I span around to spoon with her.
“No one has ever done that to me before George.’’ She said.
“I know, I’ve got the patent on it,’’ I joked. She pulled my arm tight around her and she could feel my hardness between her cheeks.
“All your own work,’’ I said.
Laura rolled on her back, opened her legs and pulled me on top of her. We kept a steady rhythm like experienced lovers and her pussy control held me back while she came twice.
After the second time she said, “I want you to put it in my bum George. I want to know what it is like.’’
She pushed me off and turned over on her knees and presented herself to me. It was a sight that could have brought a dead man back to life. I got behind her and slid my cock between her lips for lubrication. Just to be sure I tongued her arsehole again.
Laura started squirming. “Don’t tease me like that George, just fuck me in the arse.’’
“Your wish is my command m’lady.” I eased the head in and let her get used to the size.
The feeling was fantastic. I knew she was ready for more when she started backing onto me. She gently slid back and forward until I was all the way in, her wet pussy lips touching my balls.
“I didn’t think it could be so sensitive. Now I know why Harry begged for this. Fuck me now George. Fuck me hard.’’
I started to speed up and my balls slapped against her open cunt. Laura put one hand between her legs and played with her clit. That did it for me. My rush was incredible and I pumped into her again and again before I eased out and collapsed by her side.
We lay listening to each other’s breathing, lost for words. “Laura I -’’
“Don’t make any promises George. I’m not holding you to ransom.’’
“You know I care about you, Laura.’’
“I knew that from the first five minutes of speaking to you. But you have a wife who you still love and I would not want to break up any relationship even though I think we could be happy together. We are better people than that George.’’ I wanted to argue with her but the words would not come out. “Let’s just be thankful we have had tonight.’’
“Will you be okay Laura, I mean with him?”
“We were finished a long time ago. We’ve both been marking time until Sally left. This last couple of months have been impossible. I don’t want that for the rest of my life. Especially now I know there are wonderful men like you out there.’’ She said, softly.
“There aren‘t Laura. They are all like him, that’s why we must…’’ She silenced me with kisses tender, passionate kisses, but goodbye kisses all the same.
“You need to go home to your wife, she will be worried by now.’’
I sat up and looked around for my clothes.
I found my jacket and my phone fell out. “I want a picture of you before I go. Not one like those we took for Harry.’’
Laura tidied up her pony tail and gave me the smile that melted my heart earlier. I took a couple of head and shoulders shots and we were both pleased with the results. I made one last try when I was fully dressed.
“Laura, give me your phone number, just so I can check you are okay.’’
She would not, but she took mine. On a piece of paper I wrote St George Taxis 24 hour service and my mobile number. She laughed. She stood on the bed which gave us eye to eye contact.
I looked at her naked body for one last time. “Why couldn’t I have met you half a lifetime ago Laura?’’
“George, let’s just be grateful that we did meet.’’
With one last kiss I turned and left the bedroom. I could not risk turning back.

The cold night air was a shock on my face. A freezing fog had descended while I was at Laura’s. I did not have a clue where I was so I set the sat nav to take me home. The journey took another hour as the police were in attendance at several accidents where people had driven too fast in the fog. It was well after three in the morning when I crept it. I washed quietly in the downstairs cloakroom, hoping I’d done enough to cover the tracks of what I had been doing, but not smelling as fresh as a daisy which would have been equally suspicious.
“Are you alright love, you are late?” said my sleepy wife.
“It’s a little after two,’’ I said deducting and hour and a half from the clock on my side of the bed. “It’s very foggy out there. The police are diverting traffic because of accidents.’’ I thought it was best to keep as close to the truth as possible.
“Well I hope it was worthwhile. Did you enjoy it?’’
I turned my head into the pillow. “I had a wonderful time and now I’m home.’’
It took a few days for my guilt to wear off and then I became desperate to see Laura again. I had no idea of where we had driven that night. It was another couple of days before I remembered she had put her address in my sat nav. Knowing I could find her again took the edge of my need to see her and life returned to normal.
However, my calm was shattered when I came home one day to find my wife had connected the sat nav to her computer. “There was a special offer on map updates and you always moan I leave all that stuff for you to do.’’
I had a fixed grin as I thanked her for being so helpful. When I checked the sat nav afterwards all the trip history had been erased. I had lost Laura. I was like a bear with a sore head for a couple of days.
That should have been the end of my story but about six months later I was coming home from work and I saw a big black four by four pick-up truck at the lights. As it went by I recognised Harry at the wheel. I had to pull across the opposite lane of traffic to turn left and follow him. The curses of other drivers were loud in my ear. I was close enough to see Harry was on his own in the car. He stopped at an off-licence and came out with six tins then he drove on and stopped at a curry house. They were busy and it was twenty minutes before he emerged with his take away. I followed as close as I could and he turned off the main road and into a posh housing estate.
A terrible thought occurred that he might not be going home. Suddenly he pulled up on a drive and got out with his provisions. I watched him go into the house and switch all the lights on. I drove down the road a bit and parked up. I had to be sure it was his place and not somewhere he was working on. It was dark enough so I risked going up the path and peeking between the curtains that were not quite closed.
I saw it was his place. I recognised the furniture, but the pictures were gone from the mantelpiece. I padded back down the gravel drive and gave the house one last look to fix it in my mind. It was then I noticed the estate agents board lying against the wall. I took note of the number.
The next day I phoned the agent, saying I was interested in properties on Harry’s estate. The agent read a few details but did not mention Harry’s house.
“Are there any looking for a quick sale?’’ I asked.
“I’m afraid you’ve just missed one. We sold number 25 last week. I believe the owners are getting divorced. The wife left a few months ago. But the husband is still there. He might be interested in a better offer if you are that keen.’’
I told the greedy agent not to worry and I would keep looking. Laura had done it. She had got away. I hope wherever she is, she is living the life she deserves.
This is a true story so I‘ve had to be a bit vague in places. Please bear with the slow start. I promise you it has a sizzling ending.
The end