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"Stephanie can't resist the sexual urges of the springtime"

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Competition Entry: Spring Forward

Author's Notes

"Vernalagnia (n) vern-uh-lay-nee-ah A romantic mood brought on by Spring. Also known as Spring Fever this is an archaic term for that lustful boisterousness one feels as the days lengthen and become warmer."

It was something in the air that finally made me do it. Spring fever, you could say. And after a couple hours with my friends at the cocktail lounge, my phone was burning a hole in my pocket. Each sip of my drink made me want to text him more. I knew what I wanted but, between the risk of rejection and moral concerns, I hadn’t ventured beyond the flirting that had become routine with his monthly haircuts. What the hell? I thought as the vodka alleviated my concerns whilst emboldening the allure.

“Hey” I texted discretely under the high top table while Lexi and Sarah’s banter carried on. I hit send and my simple “Hey” hung aloof at the bottom amongst the professional text history of appointment confirmations and reminders, a visual cue of lines being crossed that made me blush just slightly. I put the phone under my thigh where I could feel it vibrate and then waited pensively.

They bantered and blabbed without ever looking in my direction to see me spacing out in nervous anticipation. They didn’t even notice me jolt when my phone buzzed under my leg.

“Hey Steph” Kyle replied. My blush intensified.

I had cut his hair just a couple days before and the flirting from that particular appointment was more robust than usual. So much so that it had been the only thing I could think about since. So much so that I think I may have gone too far and revealed my intentions to him which, at the time, felt like a mistake. But in this moment, I wanted to make mistakes.

“What’s up?” he continued.

“Just having drinks with my friends…” I sent back, teasing him some with ellipses. I did my best message stealthily which wasn’t difficult with the two of them so engaged in their nonsensical conversation. Still, the last thing I wanted was for them to ask questions and have to lie about texting a guy inappropriately younger than me. Even without them seeing the phone, my excited glow could have given me away. Let alone the subtle yet visible sexual jolts every time I felt my phone buzz.

“Me too lol” he shot back. I looked up at my friends whose attention was focused on identifying the single men in the room, giving me ample time to respond.

“You’re not old enough to drink!…”

“I can if I don’t get caught ;)” he wrote, making my heart beat a little faster.

I was still a little pensive. It was going well so far but it could still blow up in my face if I wasn’t careful.

“You’re bad ;)” I replied.


I could sense him teasing back. It felt like a game, at least at the start. I started to type “It’s” then paused. Dare I? I thought, wondering Is this actually going to happen? I took a breath and went for it.

“It’s sexy…”

With all the fantasies I’d had about Kyle, I never thought that it would happen. I never thought I’d act on them and I never truly considered if he felt the same way about me. It was just a fantasy. At least, until that night. That night, I wanted to venture down that road. After breaking up with Rick in November and spending the entire winter lamenting about yet another failed long term relationship, the refreshing spring air had my mind and body ready for something new. Something never before experienced. Something I had been obsessing over. The only thing left was whether or not he wanted the same thing.

My phone buzzed.

“YOU’RE sexy…” he wrote back. My heart skipped a beat.

“Steph!” Lexi exclaimed, jarring me. I looked up at her tiny elfish face, nearly dropping my phone.


“Chill!” she laughed, “This is Mike and his friends, Ray and Connor.” My eyes scanned Mike and the two guys standing behind him. They were all fairly attractive, especially Mike, decently dressed and give or take fifty years old. “Mike would like to buy us all a drink,” she said, giving me the he’s-into-you gesture.

“Thank you but I’m still working on mine,” I said, politely but distracted. The point of Sarah’s stiletto jabbed me in the shin while her smile remained directed at the men.

“Are you sure?” Mike asked.

“I’ll have a seabreeze, since you’re buying,” giving him a placating smile in hopes that he’ll waste the next ten to fifteen minutes trying to flag down the bartender.

“I’ll take a seabreeze too, thank you,” Sarah said with a smile which, paired with her primped dark hair and plentiful makeup on her pretty but aging face, bordered on desperate.

“Margarita for me, por favor.” Lexi chimed, more bubbly than our friend.

“You got it,” Mike said cooly with a subtle smile directed at me before the three men ventured off to the busy bar. Once they left, Sarah turned her attention back to me.

“What’s up with you?” she asked sharply.

“Me? Nothing.”

“Mike’s totally into you,” Lexi added.

“I can see that,” I chuckled.

“I hope whoever you’re texting is hotter,” Sarah said, clearly annoyed that Mike was into me and not her. Kyle was hotter. Much hotter. Though I couldn’t exactly tell her that the sexy guy I was texting was her son.

“No…” I lied, “just more drama with Rick.”

“Ugh…” Sarah grumbled under her breath, “I need to get laid.”

“Ditto!” Lexi blurted with a cute, mischievous smile.

“If I had Steph’s tits, I’d be in an Uber with Mike by now,” Sarah joked. I didn’t respond, just smirked, thinking they certainly have your son's attention.

“Blah…” I mumbled, trying to pretend I was drunker than I was.

“You okay?” Lexi asked.

“I think so…” I said, faking sick, “I need to use the bathroom.”

“I’ll go with you,” said Sarah.

“No, I’ll be okay…” I got up and hurried away before they could chase after me, darting into the single-use restroom and locking the door behind me. I looked at my phone. There was nothing since Kyle told me I was sexy leaving me unsure of how to respond. There were so many slutty things I wanted to say to him but I didn’t want to go nuclear in my seduction just yet. Maybe “say” nothing, I thought.

I turned to the mirror. My singles night attire was quiet sexy. Perfectly fitted jeans with my sunshine yellow blouse flattered my curvy, not quiet chubby, figure with my light brown hair tumbling playfully down my chest. No wonder everyone was so confused that I showed no interest in talking to Mike. I was almost ready. Just do it, I thought. I let out one more button from my blouse, pouted and snapped a picture. I inspected the selfie. Colorful, sexy with two amble breasts pushed up front and center. Most importantly though, I looked my age. Beautiful yet vintage, like a classic record in his mother's off-limits collection begging to played.

Sent. Then waited. And waited.

“Whoa...” followed by a selfie.

With nowhere to sit, I leaned back against the wall to catch my breath. I stared into the image. While technically G rated, the pic was oozing with sexual signals. His short, smart hair that I cut for him just days ago made him look sexy beyond his years while the sly smile on his chiseled face aroused me

The excitement was almost too much to bear. My body felt electrified. I could have shut it all down if I wanted to but I had the spring fever. There was no going back. I’m going to fuck this kid, I declared, officially giving myself a pass to let my sexuality run wild. I fought every urge to go all in; send a dirty pic and tell him all the things I wanted to do with him naked in my bed. But I kept it together. I wanted to enjoy the burning seduction for as long as it lasts.

“OMG what am I doing???” I teased, knowing exactly what I was doing. Seducing a seventeen-year-old stud.

“?” was all he wrote back.

“You’re too young…” I typed. A risky move but playing up the situational attraction turned me on to no end. Despite his age, it was clear that he wasn’t a virgin. This kid knew what he was doing to. It only took thirty seconds of Facebook stalking his sexy girlfriend to see that they fucked like crazy. But she was kid too. Me being his mother’s forty-two-year-old friend was the caveat: the delicious cherry on top.

“You’re right…” he replied, “We should stop.”

Well played, I thought, sensing more teasing and not a backfire. I waited briefly for a follow up but the ball was in my court. “Yeah…” I wrote back, doubling down. It was going to happen, the only question was who would crack first. I twisted in the wind waiting for a reply. My body was going crazy. My clothes wanted to come off and he wasn’t even with me yet.

“Ttyl” he wrote. Fuck, I grumbled. I couldn’t take it any longer.

“Tonight…” I cracked.



“I thought I was too young” he said, taking the upper hand.

“Well theoretically…” I started, “It's not much different than with your gf... You know?" My heart was racing as lusted into my phone sending him the eggplant and lips emojis, following it up with the eggplant, peach and splash and finally the message "Except I'm a little older than her ;)"

Two hard knocks on the door shook me from my seductive trance not a second after hitting send. “Be right out!” I shouted, fixing myself.

“Steph, are you okay in there?” Sarah asked through the door.

“I’m feeling sick,” I mumbled, trying again to play drunk to set the stage for an early exit.

“Do you need help?” I gave myself the once over in the mirror and perfected my nauseous face before opening the door. Sarah stood there with her arms crossed, looking a distressed sort of beautiful in her low cut blouse and skin tight jeans on the stilts she calls legs. “We’re going to the Golden Parrot with Mike and his friend.”

“Okay, have fun...” I said meekly.

“What? You aren’t coming?”

“I think I need to go home.”

“What the hell, Steph?”

“I’m sorry, I’m not feeling up for it.”

“Well we don’t want to go without you!”

“I…” instead of finishing that sentence, I rushed back into the bathroom as if I had to vomit.

“Steph!” She nearly shouted, knocking on the door again.

“Can you call me an Uber?” I whined.

“Dammit, Stephanie.”

I opened my phone to see Kyle's three splashes and a tulip response. Oh my...

I stayed in the restroom until my Uber arrived. Sarah and Lexi walked me to the car despite Mike’s insistence of doing me the honor. No thanks, buddy.

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“Text me when you get home, okay?” Lexi told me as I got into the car.

“I will.” I said, trying to sound pitiful.

“Feel better.” Sarah added, somewhat annoyed.

“Thanks.” I replied, shutting the door. Your son’s dick should do just that.

The car pulled away and, the moment it turned the corner, I was back to perky. A little tipsy but perky. I couldn’t pull my phone out fast enough to check my messages. “See you in 20” was his last message. I was ten minutes from home which gave me about five minutes to prepare. I was so excited, I could barely breath. The driver was silent and focused on the road though I resisted the urge to discretely slide my hand down into my jeans. Ten minutes to home. Ten minutes to build the tension.

“What are you going to tell your gf?” I texted. While I awaited his response, I wondered how I should greet him. Should I answer the door in lingerie? Or naked? Maybe I should let him strip what I'm already wearing?

“Zoe? Don’t worry about it,” he replied. “What did you tell my mom?”

Literally everything about him was sexy to me. His looks, his attitude and everything in between. And that wasn’t even including the situational attraction. I had been bad before but Kyle was the pinnacle of fantasies for me. I felt myself becoming more of a libertine with each house we passed on the way. Every lusty thought of Kyle led to an even lustier thought until nothing was left in reserve.

“Don't worry about it ;)” I played back. Kyle replied with the devil emoji. I sunk down in the backseat until the driver's eyes in the rearview mirror disappeared behind the seat. I unbuttoned my blouse again bit the tip of my tongue and snapped another picture showing some of my lacy black bra. Sent. I could feel the heat radiating from my pussy, touching myself lightly over my jeans sending electricity through my veins. I pulled up his pic again and imagined kissing his lips while tearing his shirt off, running my fingers down his hard forbidden body.

"You're going to make me crash my truck lol" he joked.

“It would be worse if I was next to you..." I wrote, adding an eggplant and kissy lips.

"Then pull over and," finishing the line with an eggplant, tulip and splash. Then another splash on a separate line. I replied with a hot face only to get another splash back. Then another. And another. I watched in awe as more and more droplets symbolizing Kyle's teenage sperm in relation to my tulip blipped on my screen. Whoa. The mental image that inspired gave me goosebumps.

"OMG Kyle..." I wrote, "Is that what I think it is??"

His response was short. A single emoji that made my jaw drop and tremble with arousal.

"Loved [emoji]"

I got out of the car and hurried inside. I shut the door and pressed my back against it to check my phone. Kyle hadn't responded. Did I scare him off? I could barely believe what had just gone back and forth between us. Staring into the mirror, I reexamined myself. I still looked incredible, though a little stirred; like a sexy middle aged woman who had invited her friend’s son over for a night of uninhibited sex. Still no response. Did I really scare him off? I wondered. I looked back at the pics I sent him. They were hot. My naturally large breasts looked incredible and my eyes spoke volumes. There was no way a young man would be able to turn that down unless the situation weirded him out. Or if he thought it was a trap.

Still no response though.

“The front door is unlocked…” I texted.

I scrolled up to his picture. Even with his shirt on, I could see the muscles in his chest and shoulders. The thick stubble on his defined face and icy blue of his eyes made me feel like I was legitimately going crazy. I wanted to tear into him like a Christmas present until he was as naked as the day he was born – back when I was twenty-five, mind you – only now he’s a man. With a giant erection. With me naked on the bed showing him where it goes. It didn’t take long for my fingers to find my clitoris. The touch was like a bolt of lightning and, with my jeans around my thighs, I stumbled lightly on my heels. I kicked off my shoes and dropped my pants to the floor before finally flinging off my blouse that suddenly felt like a hindrance. Where is he?? I wondered, feeling suddenly needy. My phone buzzed.

But it wasn’t Kyle. It was Sarah.

“Sorry for being rude with you earlier. You’re a good friend. I hope you feel better :)” she wrote.

Time seemed to stop upon reading it. I looked up from my phone to see my stunning reflection. My breasts seemed ready to pop out of my lacy black bra with each guilty breath. A tiny black G-string barely covered my trimmed, moistened vagina and donned a little pink bow marking me as his slutty little present. Sarah’s life-long friend primped and nearly naked for her son to make good on his colorful emojis: eight splashes and a pregnant me.

I heard the front door open and footsteps in the front room of my little ranch.

“Shit!” I gasped, dropping my phone. I didn’t bother to pick it up, instead snatching my black silk robe and putting it on in a hurry before opening the door to my bedroom to find him standing at the threshold.

Starting at hit feet, my eyes swiftly rose from his feet to long jean clad legs, and up the muscle filled white t-shirt to his rugged, stubbly youthful jawline and short yet youthfully wild brown hair. Without my heels, he was nearly a foot taller than me. When my eyes met his, a low masculine “hi” came out of him followed by a hungry smile.

“Hi…” I replied, barely audibly as I took in his radiating sex appeal like a deer in the headlights until he leaned down to kiss me. Time stopped again. The taste of his tongue felt like a fast acting drug. Our hands were busy but I couldn’t even track them as our lips make love. I didn’t even know how long that first, epic kiss lasted. But when it was over, my robe was on the floor at my feet. Kyle’s shirt was half off and his insatiable v-shaped abs leading down to open fly and absent underwear boldly showing trimmed public hair and the very start to his stiffened manhood. My sudden uncertainty following the text from his mother had seemingly never happened as I watched panting while Kyle shirt come up over his head and land on the floor, blinding me with muscles. His long arm reached forward and caressed my pussy through my saturated panties. I watched his strong hands court my kitty until his other hand firmly lifted my chin into direct eye contact.

“Am I still too young for you?” he asked, in the cockiest tone. My knees were beginning to shake every so slightly. It was then that I realized that he was the one in control, not me. What was sexy instantly became sexier. He was going to take me and not the other way around.

“Yes…” I panted softly, moving my hips with his fingers. They slid under the lace and inside me gently while I peered into his icy blue eyes. “We shouldn’t do this…” He was in for more than just sex. And he knew it.

“But we are,”

I bit down on my lip and ran my pink nails down his sculpted young body. My nails grazed his naval causing his ever growing cock to spring free from his jeans and prod my stomach, taking my breath away. With only his tight ass holding up his pants, his long, thick cock protruded out towards me. Enormous, forbidden and hard, all for me.

“Don’t be scared,” he said as he removed his finger from me and brought it to his lips. The thick white from my pussy stuck to the tip as he tasted his finger, “I'm not.”

Fuck, I thought. Spring fever had us both. We were two horny rabbits and resistance was futile. I sprung up on my toes to plant a hard, deep kiss on him. My hands dove down the back of his pants, squeezing his bare ass while his found mine just as quickly. His fingers traced up the string of fabric in my cracked then up my spine and to the clasp of my bra. His cock throbbed against my stomach, the sheer size of it making me weak at the knees. I started to sink back down as my feet got tired, kissing everything along the way until my lips were wrapped around the hard nipple of his mighty pectoral. I nibbled his chest with my last remaining ounce of restraint. My fleeting self-control manifested physically as my skin felt hot and loins stirred wildly.

Kyle bent down to kiss my ear, then whispered “My mother will never know…” He tugged down on my unhooked bra exposing my excited breasts as the straps fell to my elbows, illuminating his lusty eyes. I could see how badly he wanted me, the overwhelming attraction was mutual. We were going off the rails together. My bra slipped off my arms as my fingers raked down his chest until his swollen, young cock was in my hands.

“Promise?” I purred. Kyle’s grin turned devilish. His hand took the back of my head as I dropped to my knees in a hurry. I licked up his endless shaft and took him into my mouth as far as he would as he could go.

“She doesn't have to know...” he moaned as I fellated him, “it's mine...” Deeply triggered, I fit him deeper into my mouth. I hummed and sucked on him furiously with my butt out, getting worked up beyond anything I had ever felt in my life. Every taboo fantasy I had ever had about him was rushing through me as I coated his manhood in pink lipstick. Lookup up into his eyes longingly, feeling physically and mentally attached to him on every level. His hands stroked my hair and held my head as if I was a doll. “Want to you want?…”

Fuck it. That’s it. The taste of young pre-cum danced on my palate as I pulled my head back off him.

“Get me pregnant.” I declared, huffing and puffing from my knees. Without hesitation, Kyle bent down and picked me up by my ass. My nipples pressed into his chest as he carried me over to the bed, kissing him frantically before being tossed on the bed. I peered down my body to Kyle’s face between my knees, his thumbs hooking the lace on my hips. I panted, with hair obstructing my vision, “put your baby in me...” I felt my panties travel down my legs and disappear into the ether. As I flipped my hair out of my face, the final image of my life before my life changed forever was that of my best friend’s Adonis of a son nestled between my legs with his male organs loomed just over my mature vagina.

“You're mine now...” he uttered in a low rumble, tickling my trimmed public hair as if he had never seen it in the wild before. His hands took hold of my breasts while his hips rocked backwards, his entire length gliding over my drenched clitoris until it met the pulsating tip. I couldn’t speak, only moan as he pushed forward into me, growing louder and louder as I expanded for his size. My moans turned to belts until I could feel his sac resting on the tops of my cheeks and a deep kiss muffled the sounds of sin.

By then, I couldn’t hear a thing. Not my coos. Not his breath. Not the thrusting or even the bed springs.

Most of all, I couldn’t hear my phone ringing with Sarah on the other end. Wondering why her son was at my house.

Written by AshleyDreams
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