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Vaping Is Hard Ch 2

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Zoe gasped and froze as she straddled the much older man’s midsection. He was sixty-five and she was not even twenty-five yet. His cock was pushed all the way inside her and she quivered as her orgasm surged through her.

“Oh God, Uncle Brad!” she cried out, “I’m cumming! Oh yes, I’m cumming so hard!”

By the time it passed, she was dripping with sweat and gasping for breath.

Brad’s cock twitched when he heard Zoe call him Uncle Brad. He wasn’t her uncle, but the fantasy that thought invoked made his member swell with arousal.

Her maroon-colored dress was hiked up to her waist, exposing her slit with its neatly trimmed pubic hair. She still wore the upper part of her dress, and her bra underneath hadn’t even been loosened. Her state of dress spoke to the urgency of their lovemaking. His slacks lay on the floor where she had pushed them. He still wore his white cotton button-down shirt. She had slid her pink undies down to her ankles and off and then mounted him.

Brad felt her breasts through the dress, leaving it to his imagination as to what they might look like. He liked what he felt.

“Oh God, that was— Oh God!” she said breathlessly, “You are on fire!”

Brad only stared at her as she finally sagged to his side. He looked down at his cock as it bobbed up and down against his belly and then closed his eyes.

“You’re still hard!” Zoe said with awe.

Brad only shrugged and tried to breathe. Zoe smiled and placed her hand on his boner. She looked deeply into his eyes as she stroked him. When she placed the tip of her nose against his, he shot his load all over his belly.

“Uncle Brad!” a shriek came from the doorway.

They both looked up to see Sara staring at them in shock. Sara was Brad’s niece though she and her friends all called him Uncle Brad. Maria was standing in the bedroom doorway behind her with a hand covering her mouth and her eyes wide. She seemed to be as astonished as Sara.

“My God, Zoe!” Sara shrieked, “What the hell are you doing?”

Maria simply stared without speaking.

Zoe sighed and her face turned bright red. She scrambled to her feet and brushed her dress down to her knees and took a deep breath.

Brad rolled to the side of the bed opposite the door and pulled the blankets around his waist. His slacks were on the floor by the door and he couldn’t think of any way to get to them without further embarrassment.

Finally, Zoe looked up to meet Sara’s eyes.

“We were doing something that adults all over the world do,” she said with her cheeks still flushed bright red.

“But that’s my uncle!” Sara shouted. “What the hell were you thinking?”

Zoe was beginning to lose her temper now.

“Oh, for God’s sake, Sara!” she snapped, “Don’t be such a prude! You’re no vestal virgin yourself, you know!”

Sara flushed and looked away for a brief second, then her eyes flashed right back to Zoe.

“That’s got nothing to do with this!” she said hotly, “You can fuck any guy you want! Why did you have to pick Uncle Brad?”

“Has it occurred to you that maybe he wanted to?” Zoe asked with a raised eyebrow. “You saw that hard-on he had when we left. I was helping him out with it! It’s not like it was something you could do!”

“You bitch!” Sara hissed. “That’s just sick!”

“You call it sick,” Zoe said, “But I’m not related to him like you are. If I want to fuck him or anyone else, it’s none of your damn business!”

Sara’s mouth worked for a few heartbeats and then she flung her hands in the air in exasperation.

“I’m done with you, you skank!” Sara spat and then she stormed out of the room. They heard her stomp through the apartment and then heard the front door slam.

“Oh my—” Maria muttered as she turned from the front door and back to the scene in the bedroom.

She was still a little in shock, but she couldn’t deny the rush of arousal she’d experienced upon seeing Zoe riding Uncle Brad’s cock. Of course she’d seen porn videos, but never before had she seen anyone having sex with her own eyes. She’d never realized all the other sensory inputs that went along with the sex act. The first thing was the smell. There was the sweat from Zoe’s exertions, but above all were the scents of their lovemaking. The mingled odors of pussy and semen made a heady cocktail.

Her own pussy tingled just then; an aftereffect of the CBD oil she’d inhaled a short time ago but also the very real effect of seeing two people fucking right in front of her. Her thighs tensed and she tried to turn it off, but it wasn’t easy. Zoe was just now pulling her discarded panties up to her waist and Brad was desperately reaching for his trousers that lay on the floor beside the bed.

“I’ll, um,” she stammered as she turned toward the living room, “I’ll leave you to, um—“.

Zoe sighed heavily as Maria left the doorway. She turned back to Brad and smiled weakly as he stretched for his pants. She picked them up from the floor and handed them to him and then walked slowly to the door.

“Are you as disgusted with me as Sara is?” she asked from the doorway.

Brad looked up in confusion.

“Disgusted?” he said, “What makes you think that? I’m thrilled! I’m still not sure why you decided to do this with me, but I’ll never be upset that you did!”

Zoe smiled sadly and nodded.

“Will you come see me and Maria in the living room?” she asked.

“I’ll be right there,” he said as he struggled into his slacks.

By the time he shuffled into the living room, Zoe and Maria were having an earnest discussion. They stopped talking and looked at him with a sense of ambivalence.

“Are you okay, Uncle Brad?” Maria asked worriedly.

Brad chuckled quietly and sank into his easy chair.

“I’m just fine,” he said, “Though I think Zoe might not be feeling so good.”

Zoe sighed and bit her lip.

“I’ll be fine,” she said, “It’s not the first time someone’s called me a skank.”

They all went silent and Brad and Zoe stared at the floor. Maria was frowning and looking from one to the other.

“Can I ask something really uncool?” she finally said.

Zoe looked at her with irritation but nodded.

“Just remember, I’m not judging!” Maria said.

“Fine!” Zoe snapped, “Ask me already!”

“Why did you do it?” Maria stammered, “I mean, Sara was right about one thing. You could have had any guy. Why Uncle Brad?”

Zoe grimaced and took a deep breath. Her face flushed red and she grimaced as she tried not to blurt out something hurtful. Brad opened his mouth once but closed it almost right away. Seeing the anger rise on Zoe’s face finally made him break his silence.

“It was my fault!” he said suddenly.

“What?” both girls said almost simultaneously.

“It’s that stupid oil I got!” he said frantically. “It’s got some strange powers! Yeah, it helps with my joint pain, but it gives me a boner every time I use it. It must be doing the same to you girls!”

Maria stared at him with her mouth open. Zoe just bit her lip and chuckled. Brad frowned at her and turned red.

“What did you say?” Maria asked.

“It’s the oil,” Brad said with a heavy heart, “I’m sorry, I should have warned you before you took some of it. I didn’t know it would affect you the same way, but I was embarrassed about what it did to me. I didn’t want to say anything because, well, I was embarrassed.”

Zoe snickered softly and pursed her lips. Brad looked up at her angrily.

“What?” he snapped.

“I knew that!” she said finally.

“You knew?” Brad said with surprise.

“Of course I knew!” Zoe said. “After I took a hit off your mod, I started to feel it almost right away. At first I thought it was just because I hadn’t done it in a while. Then when I saw you with your, well, I saw you were, oh fuck it! You had a boner! You had a boner and I, well, I wanted to see it. You were horny and I was too! Okay? That’s when I knew for sure!”

“You knew the whole time?” Brad asked. “Even before you came back here to, well, you know.”

Zoe nodded and looked at Brad tenderly.

“You know,” she said, “What Sara and Maria said, well, it’s true. I could have gone off to find any guy; someone I know, someone I didn’t know. But I didn’t. I came back to find you because I saw you were in rough shape. You were horny as hell and we all abandoned you just when you needed us the most.”

Brad frowned and looked down at the floor.

“Thanks for the pity fuck,” he muttered sarcastically and shook his head.

Zoe grinned and moved to sit on the arm of his chair.

“Don’t be like that!” she said, “It wasn’t pity! Well, maybe at first it was. I saw how hard you were and how embarrassed you were. But after we got started, it wasn’t pity. There was definitely no pity after I came for the third time!”

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Brad sighed and grimaced. He flushed with embarrassment once more and wished he could crawl through the floor.

Maria watched all this unfold with her mouth open and her eyes wide. Finally, Zoe grinned. Then her smile went wide. Then she burst out laughing.

“What is so damn funny?” Maria asked.

“You poor thing!” Zoe said to Maria. “You must still be feeling the effects of it.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Maria said stiffly.

Zoe looked at her and her laughter redoubled.

“You’re still as horny as I was before I dragged Uncle Brad off to bed!” she finally said. “You must be squirming right now!”

Maria blushed and looked away.

“It’s true!” Zoe said. “You’re as horny as a ram! You haven’t had a chance to relieve yourself yet!”

Maria turned redder and stared at the floor.

Zoe looked at Brad and gestured for him to leave the room. Brad rolled his eyes and stood up.

“I guess I’ll go make some tea,” he said with a grimace then shuffled off to the kitchen, muttering to himself.

Once he was safely around the corner, Zoe reached into her purse. She pulled out a bright pink dildo and held it out to Maria.

“Here, Honey,” she said gently, “Why don’t you scoot off to the bathroom and, um, take care of yourself?”

Maria looked at the dildo with revulsion and grimaced.

“I’ve never used one of those things,” she said with disgust, “And I don’t intend to start now!”

Zoe arched an eyebrow and gave her a serious look.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

“Yes, I’m sure!” Maria snapped.

“Well, maybe you should convince Uncle Brad to give a repeat performance,” she said. “I highly recommend it. Even though I did most of the work, his dick was more than I could handle.”

“Sara was right!” Maria said in a withering tone. “You are sick!”

“Am I?” Zoe said, “Or maybe I’m just trying to help out a friend in need.”

She waved the dildo in her direction once more questioningly.

“No!” Maria said.

Zoe smiled and stood up. She put the dildo away, grabbed Brad’s vape mod and went to the kitchen. She turned it on and held it to his lips.

“Wait!” Brad said, “What are you doing? You know what that thing does to me!”

“I know,” Zoe said, “And there’s a girl in your living room right now who needs you!”

“What?” he asked sharply.

“Poor Maria in there got the same juice we did two hours ago,” she said, “But she hasn’t had a chance to get off yet. Since it’s your vape oil, maybe you should take some responsibility and, well, take care of her.”

She held it to his lips once more and he recoiled. After she angrily raised her eyebrow at him, he relented and inhaled the vapor.

“I’m going across the street for coffee,” Zoe announced to both Maria and Brad as she opened the front door, “I’ll be back in about an hour.”

Then she was gone.

Brad frowned and brought two cups of tea into the living room. Maria was watching him with a look of fear and embarrassment on her face. She looked at his midsection as he placed the tea on the table and gasped when she saw the erection poking against the inside of his pants.

Brad paused and looked down. Then he shook his head and threw himself into his easy chair. He put his face in his hands and groaned.

“God, I’m so ashamed!” he moaned into his fingers.

As Maria watched him she came to realize that he was genuinely upset. After she had seen him in bed with Zoe, she had thought he was just another old pervert. Now she realized that both he and Zoe were only acting out the effects of the CBD oil. Then the tingling in her own pussy reminded her how horny she’d been for the past two hours.

Hurriedly she batted those feelings down and sighed.

“Don’t feel bad, Uncle Brad,” she said, “You haven’t done anything wrong.”

“Not much, I haven’t!” he muttered with his face still buried in his hands.

“But it’s true!” she said, “It’s not your fault this oil makes you— well, you know.”

“Drink your tea,” Brad muttered.

He reached for his own cup and sipped at it. It was still very hot. He put it back down on the table and looked at Maria. She was hunched up on the couch and placing her lips cautiously to the lip of the boiling hot cup. He realized then that one of her hands was buried between her thighs. His eyes went wide when he saw she was rhythmically moving her fingers against her groin. Her tight denim skirt was pushed high up on her thighs exposing her bright pink underwear. She was pressing two fingers deeply into the gusset and moving them up and down the length of her slit. Her legs were squeezed tightly together and her bottom squirmed against the sofa underneath her.

He swallowed nervously and sat back.

When Maria looked toward him again she saw his eyes were riveted to her left hand. She swallowed hard then. He was watching her and she didn’t even realize she had been rubbing up and down against her slit. She was soaking wet by now and her panties were practically dripping with her juices.

“Oh God!” she gasped as she pulled her hand away. “I can’ believe I was—! Oh my God! You must think I’m such a tramp!”

She tucked her skirt between her quivering thighs and made a small whimpering sound.

Brad bit his lip in embarrassment and sighed.

“You’re not a tramp,” he said, “Neither is Zoe. It’s my fault. I’m the one who caused this.”

“No, you’re not!” Maria said.

She crawled from the couch to kneel between his thighs. She placed her hands on his knees and looked up at him with pleading eyes.

“It’s that stupid oil! That’s what’s doing this!” she said miserably.

She took his hands in hers and held them tenderly. Then her gaze dropped to his midsection.

She’d always thought of him as Uncle Brad, the older man who was more like a father figure to her than her own father was. Now she found herself staring at the bulge in his pants and wishing fervently that she could see it. She bit her lip and felt her mouth go dry.

Brad looked at her and watched as she became fixated on his lap. He knew his hard-on was beyond big right now. It was throbbing and pushing relentlessly against his zipper.

Not quite believing what he was doing, he slowly opened his zipper. His cock pushed against his underwear and he opened up the flap holding it back. Then it was poking proudly upward from his lap and Maria was looking at it with a hypnotized expression.

He put his hands on Maria’s arms and pulled at her to crawl up into his lap. With a faint whimper, she allowed herself to be raised into the chair. Then she was face to face with him with her legs gathered tightly to either side of his thighs.

“Oh God!” she whimpered.

She could feel the hardness nestled against her pubis and she bit her lip as the desire in her became overwhelming. She pressed herself against it and closed her eyes as it pushed against her underwear.

Brad reached down and pulled the gusset of her panties to one side. Maria responded by sliding her wet lips back and forth against his shaft. She hissed at the sensation and squirmed against it. Brad held his penis close against her and she slid her wetness up and down its length. Then the head was propped against her channel and she opened her eyes in surprise.

“Oh God!” she whimpered again as it slid inside.

If there had been any doubt that the CBD oil was helping with Uncle Brad’s joint pain, it was swept away when he stood up and held her against him. She wrapped her legs around his midriff and groaned as he gently laid her on the floor. As soon as she was flat on her back he began thrusting in and out of her.

Brad felt like he was twenty-five again; a beautiful woman underneath him calling out his name and his rock hard cock plowing into her. Her reddish-blond hair was scattered wildly behind her head and she looked up at him with blazing eyes. Her mouth was partly open and her breath came in ragged gasps.

She threw her arms around his neck and clung to him like a helpless heroine in a B-movie, whispering his name and whimpering with desire. When she came, she wrapped her legs tightly around his back. Brad kept on thrusting and her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

Brad could feel his knees chafing against the rug but he didn’t care. Maria could feel her buttocks chafing against the rug and she didn’t care either.

All they cared about was the motions carrying them to bliss. Maria had two more orgasms as Brad continued to pound into her. He didn’t say anything when it happened, but he came inside her after about three minutes. His erection persisted, so he continued fucking her.

It was about ten minutes later when he felt a really big orgasm coming. He pinned her arms to the floor and thrust harder and harder. When it came, his face turned red and his eyes bulged out. Then he pinned her wrists to the floor as he shot his second load of semen inside her. She screamed out loud when she felt him squirt and tears welled at the sides of her eyes.

He collapsed to her side and both of them lay gasping for breath. His penis finally went flaccid and the sperm drooled out of her stretched pussy lazily. It pooled into a large glob on the carpet and she could feel it stick to her thighs and buttocks.

“Wow,” a voice said.

They both started and looked around to see Zoe standing in the doorway with a big grin on her face.

“I’m beginning to wish I stayed!” she said.



Written by Brent473317
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