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Vaping Is Hard Ch 1

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No one ever said growing old was going to be so painful!

Wait a minute; yeah, they did. Everyone older than fifty-five said it.

Still, Brad was disappointed that he was in so much pain. I mean, just because he turned sixty-five not so long ago, did that mean that every joint had to scream in agony every time he moved?

Yeah, I guess it did.

He sighed ruefully as he readied himself to stand up from his easy chair. It was because the chair was so damned comfortable and well-padded that it was so hard to get out of. He would happily have stayed there for the rest of the day if he didn’t have to urinate.

He pushed with his hands against the arms of the chair and braced himself for the jolt of pain from his knees and then stood. He was almost embarrassed by the loud grunt he let out. He would have been embarrassed if he weren’t alone.

He lived by himself in a one-bedroom apartment near the outskirts of the city. Being Toronto, it was expensive enough.

He shuffled to the bathroom, did his business and then settled into his office computer chair to browse the web. He checked his email and then started reading the news. He closed the pop-up ads one after another as they appeared with a frown but then paused over a half-page window advertising CBD oil. It could be had for the low, low price of just $25 per vial and was guaranteed, GUARANTEED, to make joint pain more bearable.

He frowned deeply. He knew most of these ads were nothing more than click-bait, but this one tempted him. After a long pause, he selected it and a new web browser opened on a site that sold all kinds of cannabis products. After some perusing, he was quite surprised to find they had a brick-and-mortar store just a few blocks from his three-floor walk-up.

It was just about two in the afternoon and he decided a walk might do him some good.

After he got there, he studied the front of the store doubtfully. Then with a shrug, he went inside.

The girl behind the counter couldn’t have been more than thirty. She was also very attractive, but then, Brad thought all women under fifty were attractive. She had a slender body with curves in all the right places and a sweet smile that immediately put him at ease. Of course, that was just a euphemism for, he wanted to fuck her, not that he’d ever admit to it.

“How can I help you?” she asked.

“Well,” Brad said shyly, “I um, saw an ad for this stuff that helps with, uh, joint pain.”

“Joint pain,” she said with a nod and a sly look in her eyes.

“Yeah,” Brad said, “My knees are shot and it’s hard to walk with all the stiffness in my hips.”

“Oh!” she said, as if she were expecting him to say something else, “Of course! Joint pain!”

Brad frowned and sighed.

“What were you expecting me to say?” he asked gruffly.

“Oh,” she said with a brisk shake of her head, “Nothing.”

“Come on, Missy,” he insisted, “I’m not getting any younger and I don’t have time to waste on word games!”

She sighed and stretched her neck to the side to look over his shoulder at the door.

“Okay,” she said in hushed tones, “But if anyone asks where you heard this, it wasn’t from me!”

“Okay,” he said.

“It’s just that,” she began hesitantly, “When men like you, you know, your age, come in here talking about joint pain, they usually mean something else!”

“Like what?” he asked.

“Well,” she said with a faint blush, “They mean they have trouble with, um, another joint.”

“I don’t get it,” Brad said with irritation.

She blushed once more and then leaned forward close to his ear.

“They can’t get it up,” she whispered.

Brad’s eyes widened and he pulled back sharply.

“What?” he asked in surprise.

“They can’t do it anymore,” she whispered once more, “Mr. Johnson won’t get out of bed!”

Brad’s mouth opened slightly and he swallowed hard.

“Do you have something for that?” he asked incredulously.

She nodded and leaned her elbows on the counter. She gave him a sly smile and gestured for him to come closer. He leaned his head forward and listened avidly.

“The good news for you is, it helps with knee and hip problems too,” she said, “It’s my own special recipe and it’ll have you skipping down the sidewalk in no time and, well, doing other things as well!”

“Really!” he whispered.

She nodded and winked then abruptly turned to the shelves behind her. She didn’t hesitate or waver, just grabbed a dark-brown glass vial with a colorful label and placed it on the counter in front of him.

“It works best in a vape mod,” she said, “But a drop on the tongue will do.”

“I don’t have a vape mod,” Brad said, “Do I need one?”

“It works much better if you do,” she said, “Wait one minute.”

She turned away and disappeared through a door to the back and then returned a few minutes later. There was a box in her hand about the size of a coffee mug. She also had some batteries which she placed beside the box on the glass pane.

“I can let you have this one,” she said and then looked furtively toward the front door again, “But don’t tell anyone where you got it! I’m not licensed to sell these! If you pay me cash, I can give you the oil, the vape and the battery for sixty bucks.”

Brad looked at the box and squinted at the writing on the side.

“I don’t know how these things work,” he said.

“No problem,” she said with a smile, “I’ll show you everything you need to know!”

Brad agreed and paid her the money. Then she spent the next twenty minutes filling him in on how to use the vape, fill it with oil and then inhale from it.

She watched him suck on the tip and shook her head.

“No, not like that,” she said.

She took it, pushed on a small button on the side of the device and inhaled a small amount of the oil. A small puff of wispy smoke blew out of her mouth and she grinned.

“Like that,” she said.

Immediately after she inhaled the oil, Brad thought he noticed her pupils dilate a bit, but she just smiled and held the mod against his lips.

“Now you try,” she said.

He breathed in as she held the tiny button down with her thumb and then he felt the vapor whoosh into his lungs. Almost right away he felt a little tingle. The hairs on his arms stood up a bit, and a pit opened in his stomach.

“Feel that?” she asked coyly.

He nodded and she smiled broadly.

“You take a haul off that a few times a day and you’ll be moving like Van Damme in no time!” she said with a laugh.

Brad grinned and studied her face. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, and he was not sure but he thought she was shifting her weight from foot to foot and squeezing her thighs together a little.

Then he felt his hard-on grow.

He looked down in surprise and saw it pushing against the front of his pants. When he looked up, he saw she was looking at it too.

“Told you,” she said with a giggle.

She pulled a card from a small tray on the counter and handed it to him.

“I’m Tracy,” she said, “Let me know if you have any trouble.”

Brad grinned and left the store feeling like a new man. When he got home he sat in his chair. He got up again, without feeling any pain, and took his pants off. It was uncomfortable to sit with his erection confined in there.

He sat down again and then squirmed to get his underwear off.

That was better!

He turned on the TV and watched some cooking show; at least, he listened to the cooking show while he marvelled at his brand new hard-on. He hadn’t had a full-grown hard-on in over two years.

It was after about twenty minutes of looking at it that he began to wonder. How do I get rid of this?

He frowned and looked up in time to see the weather update. The weather girl was hot!

Without even thinking about it, he grabbed his boner and stroked. After about three or four up and down motions, his semen poured out of his cock and he sat back with a sigh.

“And that’s our weather update,” the pretty blond girl on TV said with a smile, “See you tonight!”

“I hope so!” Brad said with feeling as he watched his erection recede.

Lying back with the seat fully retracted and his feet up, he fell asleep. He woke up in time for the news and watched intently for the return of the weather girl. When she came back on, she was as cute as ever, but he didn’t get hard watching her.

After Brad had left the store, Tracy followed him with her eyes as he walked away.

He was an attractive enough looking man but not her type. She wasn’t into the May-December romance type of thing. Still, after inhaling that vape, she had to admit she’d been tempted to grab that old man’s dick and ride it hard. The oil she’d created was that effective!

About ten minutes later she decided she couldn’t take it anymore. She flipped the Closed sign on the front door then slipped into the backroom lounge.

Without any further ado, she dropped her slacks and panties, fell back on the couch and plunged her fingers into her sopping wet cunt. She brought herself to a very satisfying orgasm within about thirty seconds. Then she sighed heavily and laid her head back on the couch for a moment and caught her breath.

“Why am I not filthy rich from this stuff?” she asked no one in particular.

She got up, returned to the storefront and flipped the Open sign around on the front door.

The next morning was Saturday. Brad got out of bed and showered and then tried to decide what he was going to do for the day.

He was putting a small breakfast together for himself when the phone rang. It was his niece, Sara.

“Hey, Uncle Brad!” she said perkily.

“What’s up, Peanut?” he said. Peanut had been his nickname for her since she was a toddler. She was now twenty-two and in college.

“My friends and me will be in your neighborhood later today,” she said, “We were thinking of dropping over to say hi.”

This, of course, was code for making sure he was eating properly, wearing clean clothes and not wandering the streets in his underwear.

“Yeah, sure,” he said with a grin.

As he said this he was thinking of Sara’s two friends, Maria and Zoe. They were two of the hottest girls he’d ever met, aside of course from Sara, who was much cuter, but she was family.

After the call, he finished his light breakfast and decided to drink his coffee on the postage-stamp-sized balcony. There was enough room for a chair with foam pillows and a small round table.

He was just finishing his second coffee when there was a knock at the door. He stood up, grunted from the pain in his knees and hips then shuffled over to answer it.

The girls were there, looking as pretty as ever. All three of them gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek, though Sara’s hug lasted a little bit longer than the others.

“How are things, Uncle Brad?” Sara asked as they all settled onto the couch in the living room.

“I’m great!” he said but made the statement a lie when he grimaced at a pain in his hips.

“What’s wrong?” she asked with concern.

“It’s nothing,” he said with a wave of his hand, “It’s just getting old stuff.”

“It’s your hips again, isn’t it?” she said in all seriousness. ”Or is it the knees?”

“It’s both,” he admitted with a grumble, “But I’m fine!”

“No, you’re not!” she said as she moved to sit on the arm of his easy chair, “You need to get something for that!”

“Don’t worry about it,” he said, “I already got something.”

“Show me,” she said.

She had that not-to-be-trifled-with expression on her face, and Brad grimaced.

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“You’re just like your mother, you know!” he said resentfully. His brother’s wife was a formidable woman who nobody messed with.

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Sara said, “Now show me what you got!”

Brad frowned and stood from his chair. This time he was thoroughly embarrassed at the grunting sound he couldn’t help but make from standing. All three girls were looking at him with concern.

He shuffled into his bedroom and grabbed the vape mod and vial of CBD oil he bought. When he handed it over to Sara, she frowned dubiously.

“What the hell is this?” she asked sharply.

“It’s from a shop up the street,” he said defensively, “It helps with the joint pain. After I use it, I feel like a million bucks!”

He didn’t bother mentioning the added bonuses he got from it.

“But what is it?” Sara asked once more.

Brad grimaced and turned his back on her.

“It’s that new cannabis stuff,” he mumbled, “It helps! Believe me!”

“Do you believe this shit?” Sara said with disdain as she waved the bottle of oil in front of her friends. “I can’t believe anyone would take advantage of an old man like this!”

“Can I see that?” Maria asked with interest.

Sara tossed it to her and groaned angrily. “This is such bullshit!” she spat.

Maria concentrated on reading the label. Among other things, it clearly stated that it contained CBD oil. There was also glycerine and a few flavored items listed along with a few things she didn’t recognize.

“I don’t know, Sara,” she said, “I’ve heard that this stuff can help with joint pain, and a lot of other things.”

“Yeah, right!” Sara said angrily. “Is there an address on there? I’m gonna go and give them a piece of my mind!”

“Don’t be so quick to judge,” Maria said, “There’s research out there that says cannabis can help where other things can’t.”

“She’s right, Sara,” Zoe said, “I’ve read about it too. They’re using CBD to treat arthritis, cataracts and even things like depression.”

Sara shook her head doubtfully but looked like she might be willing to trust her friends.

For the next twenty minutes, Brad felt like he didn’t exist. The girls were crowded around his computer as they looked up anything they could find on medicinal cannabis. Brad spent the time in his living room feeling like a child who’d been sent to his room.

Finally, when they returned to the living room, Sara looked almost contrite.

“I’m sorry, Uncle Brad,” she said as she settled onto the arm of his chair, “I shouldn’t have been so judgemental.”

Brad nodded as the other two girls sat on the couch.

“How does it work?” Maria asked.

Brad shrugged and frowned. He wasn’t sure he wanted to talk about his new miracle drug.

“You just smoke it from a vape mod,” he mumbled.

“That’s it?” Zoe said.

He nodded and was surprised when Maria grabbed the mod and turned it on. She held it to her lips as she pushed the button and then inhaled.

Brad swallowed nervously as he watched her. He wasn’t sure how potent the aphrodisiac effects were or how much she had inhaled.

She immediately smiled as her eyes widened.

“Wow!” she said enthusiastically, “That’s nice!”

“Really?” both Sara and Zoe said almost together.

“Yeah!” she said, “It feels like, well, I don’t know! It’s tingly!”

The other girls exchanged glances and then Sara reached out her hand.

“Let me try it,” she said.

She took a short puff and hesitated for a moment. Then she took a longer haul and grinned.

“You’re right!” she said, “That is nice!”

Zoe took her own turn and then all three girls were sitting on the couch with big grins on their faces.

“You know what?” Sara said with a laugh, “I was wrong. That stuff is really good!”

Brad was watching them nervously. He didn’t know if it would have the same effect on them as it did on him. He did notice they were looking a bit fidgety.

“Yeah, but what about your uncle?” Zoe said. “We’re using up all his medication! He should take some too.”

“You’re right!” Sara declared. She stood up and bounced over to Brad and held the mod to his lips.

“Go on, Uncle,” she said, “Take a big breath!”

Brad hesitated a bit but then inhaled deeply at Sara’s prodding. He bit his lip and tried not to think about his private parts. He definitely didn’t want to get a hard-on in front of his niece. Afterward, Sara returned to the couch and the three girls smiled widely as they watched him.

“How long does it take for the joint pain to go away?” Sara asked.

“It happens within a few minutes,” Brad said, “I should be able to stand without any pain from my knees very soon.”

He glanced sideways at Maria and Zoe just then and noticed they seemed to be squeezing their thighs together and squirming a bit.

“Good,” Sara said, “Let’s see you do it.”

“Oh, I don’t think so,” Brad said with a blush, “I don’t think it would have worked just yet.”

“Well, try it!” she insisted, “If it still hurts, you can try again in a few minutes.”

Brad grimaced and glanced into his lap, knowing that he now had a raging hard-on. If he stood, it would push out against the front of his pants and all three girls would be able to see it.

Both Sara and Zoe stood up and grabbed his hands. They pulled him to his feet and then stood back to look him up and down.

Brad blushed and put his hand over his face.

“Oh,” Maria said quietly.

“That’s, um,” Sara muttered.

“Is that—?“ Zoe said.

“Okay, girls!” Brad said quickly, “You see, no pain! It works really well and I feel great!”

Sara bit her lip and backed away. Maria blushed and stood up from the couch. Then all three were moving toward the door.

“Well, Uncle Brad,” Sara said distractedly, “I’m, uh, really glad you found something for your pain. We’ll, um, be getting out of your hair now.”

Brad nodded with an embarrassed smile and walked them to the door.

“Thanks for coming, girls,” he said, “Drop in any time.”

Sara nodded without looking at him and rushed into the corridor. Maria followed her and gave him a desultory wave.

“Thanks, Uncle Brad,” she said shyly.

Zoe was the last to leave. She didn’t look embarrassed or awkward. She smiled at him and laid a hand on his arm.

“See you soon, Uncle Brad,” she said with a smile.

“Yeah,” he replied with a shy smile.

After they were gone, Brad returned to his easy chair and sat with his head between his knees.

“Oh God!” he groaned, “What have I done?”

Outside on the sidewalk, the three girls turned toward Sara’s car. It was parked on the opposite side of the street and facing west. Just before they crossed the street, Zoe tapped Maria on the arm.

“You guys go ahead,” she said, “I’m gonna take the subway to Scarborough.”

“What for?” Sara asked.

“I’ve got to settle up a debt with my ex,” Zoe replied.

Neither of the other girls liked Zoe’s ex at all! They grimaced together.

“Are you sure?” Maria said with distaste.

“Have to do it!” Zoe said. “You know how he gets.”

They both nodded and frowned.

“Okay,” Sara said, “Good luck!”

They then crossed the street to the car and Zoe turned toward the subway a block or so away.

Brad still hadn’t moved from his chair when he heard a knock on the door. He sighed and stood up, without any joint pain, and walked to the front entrance. When he opened the door he was shocked to see Zoe.

He had always thought she was pretty. With her long auburn hair falling loosely to her shoulders and her stylish maroon colored dress, she looked a picture!

Zoe!” he said with surprise.

“Hi, Uncle Brad,” she said with a wink, “Did you miss me?”

Brad shifted uncomfortably. His erection hadn’t gone away since he inhaled the CBD oil and now it was becoming more insistent.

“I think you did,” Zoe said coyly as she looked down at the front of his pants, “Let me help you with that.”

She came through the door, closing it behind her and then dropped to her knees. Before Brad could react, she unzipped his fly and his boner popped out almost of its own volition.

“Mm,” she mumbled, “Nice!”

She closed her lips around the head and smiled around it as she looked into his eyes. Brad thought he was going to cum right then, but he didn’t. She began to slide her mouth up and down his shaft, causing his eyes to roll back in his head. He grunted without realizing it and Zoe giggled as she tickled his balls.

“Come on, big boy,” she said as she stroked his cock, “Show me what you’ve got!”

She put her mouth on his penis once more and stroked it quickly while she sucked on the head. Brad swallowed and whimpered a bit and then his hips thrust forward suddenly. He felt like his cock was melting, it was so hot. The semen flowed out of him for a full half-minute before he sagged back against the wall behind him.

“Wow!” Zoe said with a smile as she scooped a drop of semen off her chin, “You must have had a lot of that stuff stored up!”

Brad sank to his knees as his cock finally went flaccid. He took several deep breaths and then looked at Zoe, who was now crouching between his knees.

“I don’t know what that oil is,” she said, “But it sure got my juices flowing! Do you think you can get it up again for me?”

Brad didn’t say anything. He just looked at her with a worried look on his face.

She smiled and pulled him to his feet then led him to the bedroom. On the way back, she picked up his vape mod and grinned slyly.

Once in the bedroom, she shucked his slacks to the floor and then his underwear. She pushed him back on the bed and stood looking down at him with a lusty look in her eye. She dropped the vape onto the night table and then hiked the hem of her skirt up. Hooking her thumbs into the waistband, she pushed her panties to her ankles and then off.

“I don’t know what you think,” she said as she crawled over his midsection, “But this is a lot more sexy when I’m still wearing some clothes!”

Once again she raised her skirt and Brad stared in wonder at her slit. It was sheathed with auburn hair only slightly darker than the hair on her head. It was neatly trimmed with a round patch just above the top of her folds.

His cock responded and she grinned as she reached down and placed it at her entrance.

“Do you want to fuck me, Uncle Brad?” she whispered.

He nodded mutely and she sank slowly onto his shaft with one leg raised to the side. Her hand guided him in until he was buried completely inside her, then she placed both legs tightly against his sides.

“I am so horny!” she said as she started rocking slowly against him, “I hope you don’t think any less of me after attacking you like this.”

Brad shook his head, still unable to speak. Here was a young girl he’d had fantasies about for ages straddling him and fucking him like she never wanted anything more in her life.

“Mm, that’s nice,” she hissed as she slid him in and out of herself.

Brad whimpered slightly and he felt like his cock was eight feet long. It was so deeply buried in her channel, and every inch of it felt wonderful.

Before too long, she was quickening her pace until her hips were flying back and forth. She grunted with every downward motion and she was cupping her breasts over her dress.

“Oh God, fuck me!” she cried.

Brad’s passing thought was that she was doing all the fucking, but that was just fine by him.

She gasped and then held herself still with his cock pushed all the way inside her and then released. Her legs quivered against his sides and she was breathing heavily.

“Oh God, that was— Oh God!” she said breathlessly, “You are on fire!”

Brad only stared at her as she finally sagged to his side. He looked down at his cock as it bobbed up and down against his belly and then closed his eyes.

“You’re still hard!” Zoe said with awe.

Brad only shrugged and tried to breathe. Zoe smiled and placed her hand on his boner. She looked deeply into his eyes as she stroked him. When she placed the tip of her nose against his, he shot his load all over his belly.

“Uncle Brad!” a shriek came from the doorway.

They both looked up to see Sara staring at them in shock.


Written by Brent473317
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