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Topless Party Leads To More

"Martin sees his lovely topless wife Jenny flirt with stud Garth."

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Martin experienced an air of anticipation as he got within a mile or so of the beach cottage. For work reasons, he wasn’t able to get there until a couple of hours after the others. By now they would have finished their time at the beach and would be back at the cottage having a barbecue.

There would be seven or eight couples, mainly in their mid-to-late thirties. Most or all of the women would be topless. This was a scenario this group enjoyed two or three times a year.

Martin loved those times when his wife Jenny was topless around other couples. Her tits held their own in any company. They were bigger than average, but not grotesquely large. They were starting to sag just a little - just the right amount. Her nipples were usually very protuberant, standing out from her large dark areolae.

Some of the more experienced, sluttier women in the group were at least a little jealous of Jenny’s wonderful tits. Most of the husbands just enjoyed ogling. Martin found that a big turn-on. Whenever he fucked Jenny, or masturbated, he found his thoughts coming back to situations, real or imagined, of other guys enjoying his topless wife.

Martin pulled up at the cottage. From his car he could see that most of the group were sitting at a long outdoor table, drinking and chatting. His lovely dark-haired wife was seated at one end of the table, leaning slightly forward so that her stunning breasts hung at an alluring angle.

Jenny’s face exhibited an aroused leer. She was chatting happily to the guy opposite, a tall blond Adonis named Garth. He was a charming merchant-banker, with a reputation of being something of a stud. He had fucked at least a couple of the sluttier wives present at the table.

Garth was also leaning forward a little. His engaging blue eyes alternated their gaze between Jenny’s face and her taut aroused nipples. Martin was disconcerted but aroused to see that Jenny’s knee was pressed firmly against Garth’s knee under the table.

When Jenny saw Martin approaching, she immediately withdrew her knee and sat back a little. Garth also saw Martin and abruptly stood up and moved to an empty seat at the other end of the table.

Martin gave his wife a peck on the cheek and then took the bottle of wine which he had purchased into the kitchen. The party’s hostess Erica was at the bench, preparing a cheese platter.

Martin had always found Erica’s rather scrawny tits strangely alluring and was delighted to see them bare once again. He had groped them for a little while after a recent dinner party. Tarty Erica had reciprocated by slipping her hand into his jeans and expertly fondling his cock. Martin hadn’t yet told Jenny about this indiscretion. She might be aroused, or she might be annoyed - probably both.

“Hi honey,” said Erica, briefly rubbing Martin’s cock through his trousers. “Mmm, nice and hard … Pleased that our little wife’s tits are the pick of the bunch, are we? I haven’t forgotten about that handjob I promised you at the last dinner party, but I can’t manage today. I’ve booked some quality time with big Benjamin once everyone has had a few more drinks.”

This was code for Erica’s plan to get her husband Bill drunk so that he wouldn’t realise what she was up to. Then she would spirit Benjamin, a lovely, very tall, black New Yorker, away to her bedroom. Slutty Erica was working her way through the husbands, particularly those known to be well-hung.

After a couple of glasses of wine, some food, and some raunchy banter with their friends, it was time for Jenny and Martin to leave. As Jenny collected her bikini top from the pile, Erica came over, and, out of Martin’s earshot, whispered, “I gave Garth your number. You’ll be wet all week awaiting his text.”

Erica walked Jenny and Martin to their car. “Have a great fuck tonight, you two,” she bellowed in a bawdy voice. She gave Jenny a peck on the cheek, and then gave Martin an unnecessarily long goodbye kiss on the lips, blatantly lifting his shirt as she did so, pressing her scrawny tits, nipples erect, against his bare chest.

Jenny was annoyed, both at her friend’s behaviour, and at her own inability to control the gush of wetness she felt between her legs. Jenny shook her head. “Just go and fuck your BBC,” she grinned to her friend as she got in the car.

Jenny and Martin always had great sex after Jenny had been topless around other males. Jenny would be aroused by the lecherous glances her tits had drawn. Martin would be horny knowing that his wife’s outstanding breasts were a turn-on for the other guys and was excited to be the one who has unlimited access to them.

However, the recent interaction between Garth and Jenny meant that she and Martin were excited to another level, such that that night’s fuck would be incredibly hot.

As Jenny prepared for her shower, she watched Martin undress. When his lower garments came off she was delighted and somewhat surprised to see that his lovely familiar cock was standing at attention. Often these days after a hard day at work and a few wines Martin needed a helping hand (and mouth) to achieve full erection, but clearly today’s events had made him particularly horny.

In the shower, Jenny found it difficult to keep her hand away from her aroused pussy. Her clit was maximally engorged. As she briefly rubbed it, she found herself fantasising about Garth’s mouth being there. She withdrew her hand, turned off the shower, and dried off in front of a full-length mirror loving the reflected image of her tits.

Jenny recalled how gorgeous Garth was clearly aware that her nipples had been engorged and aroused. If Martin hadn’t arrived when he did maybe she and Garth could have gone for a stroll. He would have been able to squeeze and pull her nipples, and she would have had a feel of his cock, which was known around the women in attendance to be of more-than-adequate dimensions. These thoughts made Jenny’s juices surge onto her upper thighs. She had to dry that area again.

She loved Martin’s dick, but it was only average length. She and Martin had married when quite young, so Jenny was not extremely experienced. However, in late high-school, she had been on a few dates with big Carl.

Carl was not particularly tall. He acquired his nickname for other reasons. While she was still a virgin, Jenny had given Carl a couple of handjobs. Those experiences had been sufficient to put Jenny in the sector of females who felt that size was of at least some importance. She often visualised Carl’s enormous cock when nearing climax while fucking Martin.

Jenny finished drying and sashayed naked into the bedroom. Martin was lying on his back, gently stroking his rigid cock. He contentedly ogled his wife’s magnificent tits, feeling both aroused and a little annoyed about her interaction with Garth a couple of hours ago.

Jenny slipped into bed next to Martin. Their initial slow kiss soon became more intense, and Martin dropped a hand to his wife’s genitals, knowing how she loved to have her clit stroked and squeezed at the start of foreplay.

Jenny forcefully pushed Martin’s hand away. “Fuck that; I just want some cock,” she said. It was unusual language for Jenny to come out with. Martin found it extremely arousing.

Jenny pushed Martin onto his back, straddled him, and lowered herself onto his rigid penis. She leaned forward a little to optimally present her stunning tits with outrageously erect nipples.

Both Martin and Jenny recalled how this was how she had presented her tits to Garth, sitting opposite him earlier on. Neither commented, but somehow each knew that this fuck had an extra erotic loading.

Martin knew that as Jenny wriggled around on his dick, she would be fantasising that she was sitting on Garth’s cock, having him suck her gorgeous nipples.

Jenny knew that Martin would be imagining, with a mixture of jealousy and lust, Garth pounding his huge cock into her excessively gushing cunt.

Knowing why they were both extra-aroused, but having an unspoken understanding not to verbalise the reason was a significant turn-on for each of them. Neither of them was going to last long. The back story kept pushing them both towards climax.

Jenny bounced up and down with increasing force and speed on her husband’s aroused rigid cock. Her lovely quite heavy mature tits bounced and gyrated erotically. Martin rapidly became highly excited. He felt threatened by the possibility of further interaction between Garth and his wife, but at the same time, he contrived mental images of them together. When he imagined Jenny’s tits dangling as she sucked Garth’s cock it was too much. He let out a blood-curdling shout, “Fuuuck,” and shot his load into his wife’s wet, welcoming pussy.

As Jenny neared climax she started again on her uncharacteristic expletives. “Darling, I love the way your rock-hard cock has made my fucking cunt so wet tonight,” she told Martin, with a filthy leer on her face.

While she was saying this to her husband, she was actually imagining Garth naked, significantly taller, more muscular and more urbane than her husband, walking towards her with a glass of wine and a monstrous erect cock, as she lay, also naked, with her legs spread wide, begging to be fucked.

This fantasy was too much. Jenny’s pelvic muscles shuddered with orgasmic contractions as she climaxed noisily. She knew that Martin would be concerned about how she felt about possible further interaction with Garth. What a turn-on. Her juices ran down her legs. Her clit remained engorged.

She slid off Martin’s now-softening cock, and moved forward. She straddled Martin’s face and lowered her swollen clit so that he could kiss it and lick it. This wasn’t something they had done frequently, and Martin’s efforts were a little clumsy.

Nevertheless, Jenny was so aroused that she managed to have another fantastic climax. Pretending to herself that it was Garth licking her clit out-weighed the occasional “ouch” caused by Martin’s ineptitude.

A couple of days later, the text arrived.

“I know your husband religiously plays golf every Saturday afternoon. My wife is away next weekend. Come around at 1.30. It will be warm. Just wear a bikini top and shorts. We need to continue our conversation. Garth.”

It was mid-afternoon when the provocative message came. Jenny was mentally excited and physically aroused. She was unable to concentrate on work matters, so she left early. As she drove home, she could feel that she was becoming increasingly wet, deciding which scanty bikini top would be best for her afternoon alone with Garth.

Her wetness became so excessive that her juices soaked into the car seat cover, causing a damp stain. Jenny grinned wickedly. The only previous time this had occurred was back in high school during a parking session down by the river with big Carl. She loved recalling the huge load he had squirted over her tits as she tugged him.

When Jenny arrived home after leaving work early, she poured herself a generous glass of Pinot Grigio and headed to the bedroom. She spread a towel on the bed, not wanting further problems with wetness.

She took her dildo. from her drawer. She removed all her clothes. She lay on the bed, legs spread. She inserted the dildo, and frantically rammed it in and out while rubbing her tensely engorged clit with the index finger of her free hand.

Fuck, it was great imagining what Garth’s cock was going to feel like in there at the weekend. Jenny had an immediate shuddering climax; gushing juices from her hyper-aroused cunt. What a relief.

She had a couple of sips of wine, and resumed masturbation, this time giving herself a lovely slow build-up with her fingers. She gently moved her fingers around her labia and her clit, rubbing and squeezing. Her clit soon again became tautly distended. She then slipped two fingers into the copious wetness of her pussy.

Throughout this slower session of self-pleasuring, Jenny moved from one fantasy to another. Garth often featured, but she also switched to other images.

She imagined going further than she actually had done with big Carl. Oh, to have had that gigantic cock between her labia. She could recall those youthful handjobs so clearly.

Although not extremely experienced compared with some of the other wives, Jenny had had her moments. She did have a couple of fumbling drunken one-night stand fucks during her college years. The episodes were not brilliant, but images of Pete and Geoff’s cocks were etched in Jenny’s memory. While she masturbated, she briefly fantasised about a threesome, during which she rubbed Pete’s thick cock against Geoff’s long, curved dick.

Then she switched to recalling a very satisfactory one-nighter she’d had while away at a work conference last year. Gorgeous Jack’s cock was only average size, but he certainly knew how to employ it. He was much more into varying positions than Martin and wasn’t averse to putting his tongue into interesting places. Martin knew about her college fucks, but she hadn’t divulged to Martin that she’d had a three-climax session with Jack.

Then she fantasised about coming home to find slutty Erica bending over the living room sofa while Martin fucked her from behind. She loved imagining Martin pulling Erica’s nipples to the max. and then hearing his raw bellow of arousal as he climaxed when he realised Jenny was watching.

The finale of this series of fantasies was the image of Garth ejaculating between her tits while Martin looked on, tugging his own cock and climaxing uncontrollably. Jenny intensified the thrusting with her fingers and screeched bawdily as she orgasmed.

The days leading up to the weekend were marked by the most intense sex Martin had ever experienced. He didn’t know about Garth’s text, but he assumed that his wife’s insatiable needs were due to ongoing arousal from the flirtation with Garth.

Twice Martin arrived home from work to find Jenny in bed masturbating. He tried to give her privacy to do so, but Jenny delighted him by insisting that he watch. It was an incredible turn-on hearing the noisy squelching that she brought on by ramming three fingers in and out of her highly-aroused cunt.

Several nights Jenny was topless when cooking, and when they had their meal, giving Martin wonderful flashbacks to having seen his wife's nipples aroused as she had rubbed against big Garth’s leg.

A couple of times Martin had come across Jenny on the phone to a female friend, with one hand down the front of her jeans, rubbing away. Martin would never eavesdrop, but he couldn’t help hearing snippets of Jenny’s raunchy chat. Again Jenny’s new-found filthy vocabulary was prominent.

They fucked every morning before work. Twice Jenny had Martin shower with her so that she could have a second orgasm courtesy of his fingers. They fucked at least twice every night, with Jenny further developing her recent propensity for expletives. A couple of times Jenny climaxed during foreplay, after minimal fingering, but was always ready for a second climax when shagging.

Martin had always thought that their marital sex was really quite adequate. However, these few days were of an entirely different dimension. The intense eroticism of these days made It worthwhile experiencing some misgivings about the somewhat threatening reason for Jenny’s hyper-aroused status.

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Finally, Saturday came. There was no morning fuck, for once. Wanting to reserve her now perennially juicy cunt for Garth, Jenny got up early, went to the gym, and spent the rest of the morning shopping.

By the time she arrived home- late morning - Martin had departed for the golf course. Jenny enjoyed a long, warm shower. She spent a little time pleasuring her nipples and clit, but held back from orgasm. She wanted to keep at least a couple of explosive climaxes in reserve for her visit to Garth’s place.

While out shopping Jenny had purchased a new yellow bikini. The top plunged at an angle which revealed plenty of her ample cleavage. The straps were provocatively thin. She didn’t waste too much time deciding which bikini to buy, because she assumed it would be discarded soon after arrival at Garth’s, as the invitation implied picking up from where they had left off. She coupled the top with a pair of tight navy-blue shorts, with black crotchless panties underneath.

Garth welcomed her at the door with a chaste peck on the cheek. He was wearing a black designer tee and tight pale denim shorts. His biceps were prominent, as was his tantalising bulge.

He led Jenny to the patio where a small table was set, with some lovely cheeses, pate, and dips. There were two chairs, set so that they would be sitting opposite each other just as they had at Erica’s place. Garth suggested a chilled Alsace Riesling. Jenny indicated that that would be perfect on such a warm day.

They chatted about the Alsace region for a while. Jenny loved her white wines; two or three glasses of quality Rieslings were always quite the aphrodisiac. Garth was a wine buff and was very well-travelled. His knowledge of the subtleties of Alsace’s Rieslings was extensive. Jenny loved listening to his erudite chat while he stared at her cleavage.

“All week I haven’t been able to keep my mind off your beautiful tits,” said Garth. “Please show me them again while I tell you about an erotic Alsace experience I had a couple of years ago.”

Jenny slipped her top off, and leaned forward, allowing her gorgeous full breasts, nipples taut, to dangle optimally just as they had at Erica’s party. The initial image caused Garth to have an excited audible sharp intake of air.

Delighted at causing this response from Garth, Jenny’s aroused cunt gushed profusely, so much so that her shorts visibly dampened. She blushed, embarrassed at her loss of control.

Garth grinned lasciviously. “Don’t worry, darling. I’m dribbling into my jocks as well. Now let me tell you about my memorable night in the French northeastern city of Strasbourg a couple of years ago."

……………………. ………………………

As they sipped their wine Garth described briefly but intensely an interlude that had occurred while he was in that cosmopolitan city at a merchant banking conference.

The conference was as boring as batshit. Garth managed to escape the last session of the conference a little early. He found an atmospheric little bar in a bohemian part of town.

He grabbed a Scotch and sat near a group of three feisty-looking females around his age. It seemed that a French local was catching up with a German and an Italian friend. Their names were Adele, Elke, and Gina. All wore low, short dresses. Gina was blatantly commando. They were clearly after some action

Their shared language was English. Noisy, buxom Elke was the leader of the pack. Their chat was raunchy. Not one for subtlety, Elke almost bellowed to her friends, “That African-American stockbroker from last night certainly knew his way round a girl’s clit. He made me climax just so quickly.”

“Your orgasm had nothing to do with his gigantic cock inside you, then?” giggled Adele.

“I was in the room next door, fucking that well-hung Swedish lawyer," said Gina.”We were constantly distracted by the German slut’s noisy grunts and bellows as she rode her BBC. I presume the brief quiet moments were when your mouth was full of huge black cock,” she bantered.

“You are obviously enjoying listening to our chat, honey,” called Elke to nearby Garth. “Why don’t you perch your gorgeous bum on this stool next to me, and join in. Your trousers are a nice tight fit at the front, I see,” she said, staring at the bulge his half-erect cock was causing.

They obviously were used to working as a team. After some further brief sexy anecdotes, Adele leaned forward for an inappropriate length of time just to give Garth a long look down her magnificent plunging cleavage. Then, sitting opposite him, Gina spread her legs so that any lingering doubt about her commando status was removed.

This was the cue for Elke to move her hand from the top of Garth’s thigh onto his bulge. “Fucking huge, I’d say. Let’s get back to the flat and check him out.”

Back at Adele’s flat, once some wine had been poured the three women removed their tops. Elke was moderately overweight. This gave her substantial tits a thick, heavy appearance, a look which Garth had always found very arousing.

On the other hand, Gina’s pair were small and perky, with lovely dark areolae, and exquisite protruding nipples.

Adele’s tits were quite superb - a little larger than average, they dangled in a pendular manner. Her long engorged nipples were begging to be sucked, and Garth did just that when Adele presented her breasts to his face.

Adele moaned ecstatically, and said, “Oooh, you’ve done that before, cowboy.”

Then she said to her two partners in crime, “OK guys, Daisy Chain time.”

This trick drove Garth to extreme ecstasy. He and the three women, each completely naked, lay in a warm room, on a soft carpet, positioned so that each simultaneously gave and received oral sex.

Having delighted in plenty of glimpses of Gina’s commando vulva, Garth loved using his tongue to stimulate her engorged clit, and quickly bring her to climax.

Simultaneously, Gina, not for the first time that week, had her head between Elke’s chubby thighs, licking and sucking her thick distended German clit, and floppy labia.

Elke was making crass slurping noises as her lips and tongue explored Adele’s lovely aroused cunt.

Last, but not least, the gorgeous Frenchwoman was giving Garth’s enormous cock the best fellatio he had ever experienced - and he had experienced plenty.

All four were hyper-excited, and their orgasms occurred remarkably close together time-wise.

Garth stayed the night and fucked each of the trio separately.

Elke abrasively demanded to go first, but she was actually a great fuck. She insisted on the cowgirl position. She was noisy and crude, but she knew how to use her bulky tits and sloppy gushing pussy to make Garth climax remarkably quickly.

After a brief break, Garth next screwed the beautiful Milanese Gina. Her smallish tits were a gorgeous responsive mouthful. Her lovely moist vagina was tight but distended perfectly to cope with Garth’s giant knob and shaft. He and Gina shared stunning simultaneous orgasms.

Last but not least, Garth shared a prolonged fuck with lovely Adele. She responded ecstatically to the work-over Garth administered to her beautiful erect nipples. They changed position frequently, and eventually both climaxed while fucking in the doggie position, with Garth reaching around to adeptly manipulate Adele’s aroused, engorged clit.

………………………… ……………………………

Sipping quality chilled Alsace Riesling while Garth described his amazing interlude in that region made Jenny so aroused that she couldn’t keep her hand out of her knickers any longer. She just had to rub her distended clit. Garth loved seeing his sexy topless guest moving her hand around in her shorts.

Their glasses were empty. Garth adjourned to the adjacent kitchen for a re-fill.

Jenny couldn’t see into the kitchen, but suddenly and astonishingly, Garth’s denim shorts, and then his navy pre-cum stained jocks soared through the door and landed on the patio at Jenny’s feet.

“I presume you like to ogle a new cock for a while before you fuck it,” shouted Garth from the kitchen.

“Oh yes, always,” replied Jenny casually, trying to sound as though a highly arousing extra-marital fuck, with a slow teasing build-up, was a quite run-of-the-mill event for her.

Garth emerged from the kitchen with two more glasses of wine. His massive flaccid cock wobbled tantalisingly from side to side as he walked across the patio. Non-erect, Garth’s cock was larger than was Martin’s dick at its stiffest.

Jenny desperately wanted to put Garth’s beautiful purple-red knob in her mouth, but he kept his dick out of reach as he passed Jenny her Riesling. He returned to his chair and started to slowly stroke his beautiful cock, smearing dribbles of pre-cum along his shaft. Jenny found this image to be totally mind-blowing.

“Now, gorgeous, get your shorts and knickers off, and show me your wares,” said Garth. “I hope you haven’t shaved. I love a thick, unshaven bush.”

Jenny didn’t disappoint. She slid her lower garments off to reveal her aroused genitals. Her thick black pubic hair was sticky from her oozing juices. On spreading her legs it was evident that her large clit was very distended. Her proximal thighs were soaked with cunt-juice. She moved a couple of fingers back to her prominent clit, and re-commenced rubbing.

“Which of your three Strasbourg women did you most enjoy fucking?” asked Jenny, as she watched Garth tantalisingly rub his cock so that it became more and more engorged.

“Oh Adele was the most proficient, and most enjoyable,” replied Garth. “Your gorgeous tits are very similar to hers. I’m looking forward to seeing how your cunt matches up.”

This utterance was just too much for Jenny. She shrieked obscenely as she climaxed from her clit rubbing. She was delighted at the physical sensation, but mentally disappointed, as she had been trying to hold off until they fucked.

Garth sensed this and reassured her. “It’s OK, darling,” he said. “You‘ve done exceedingly well. Most women don’t last anywhere near as long as you did with this routine. Now I’m going to give you seconds and thirds.”

By this time his massive cock was fully erect. Garth stood and wandered over to stand beside Jenny, who was still seated.

Garth steered his engorged knob towards Jenny’s mouth. “Have a brief suck, and then we’ll find the bedroom,” he said.

Jenny licked Garth’s lovely huge mushroom head. Then she took the head and about half the shaft into her mouth while holding the base of his beautiful cock. She slid the shaft in and out enthusiastically. His thickness blew her mind. She loved the way he moaned contentedly with each suck.

After a short time, Garth withdrew his highly aroused cock from Jenny’s mouth. He took her hand and led her to the bedroom, where he had already positioned a thick pillow mid-bed.

He instructed Jenny to lie on her back with the pillow under her buttocks. Garth kneeled between Jenny’s legs, and with his lips and tongue went to town on Jenny’s receptive pussy.

Initially, he kissed and sucked her labia. Then, when Garth gently kissed and licked Jenny‘s engorged clit, she started to wonder how long she could maintain some semblance of control.

She lost it when Garth said, “Now it’s time to see if your cunt tastes as good as Adele’s.” A couple of minutes of feeling Garth’s tongue probing inside her vagina was all Jenny could manage. She screamed with ecstasy as she experienced another shuddering orgasm.

“Mmm, very nice. Your response just about matched that of the lovely French slut,” taunted Garth. Now have a sip of wine and we’ll move on to the main event. We don’t waste much time between courses in this establishment.

Sitting up, Jenny gratefully gulped a little more of the expensive Riesling. Then without ado Garth firmly pushed her onto her back again, knelt between her legs, and teased her vaginal opening and clit, repeatedly gently prodding and rubbing each with the huge mushroom-like head of his rigid thick cock.

Any pretence at dignity was gone as far as Jenny was concerned. “Stop teasing, and fuck me with that giant cock,” she sobbed.

Garth slowly moved his cock in a circular manner around Jenny’s inner labia. “You won’t get much of it unless you outperform Adele, you know,” said Garth, knowing from experience that calculated taunting was the way to increase wetness even further.

“OK, here we go, lovely lady,” said Garth slowly, as at last he eased his huge dick into Jenny’s uber-receptive cunt.

He varied the depth and rate of his thrusts with exquisite skill. Whenever he sensed that Jenny was near climax he backed off.

They rotated through three positions: missionary, spooning, and doggie. Garth’s skilled fingers found Jenny’s engorged clit frequently when she was on her side or on her knees. Jenny enthusiastically fondled Garth’s huge balls when they were fucking in the missionary position.

After a few rotations, Garth moved back into taunting mode.

“You are doing OK, lovely lady, but the feisty French slut did know how to thrust her pelvis in a very filthy manner. Jump on top, and show me what you can do.”

Garth lay on his back, hands casually positioned behind his head. Jenny sat on his magnificent stiff pole and went to town for all she was worth. She gradually increased the intensity and speed with which she moved up and down, writhing her pelvis around his cock with an incredibly arousing technique. Her stunning tits jiggled up and down in a way that Garth found highly exciting.

“Better than Adele, my darling,” was sufficient input from Garth to send Jenny into a third shrieking, thundering orgasm.

Garth swiftly withdrew, threw Jenny onto her back, straddled her, and shot his huge load all over her magnificent tits.

Jenny was exhausted and slipped into a very satisfied sleep. When she awoke, Garth was there for her with a coffee and some sensitive advice.

“That was sensational, Jenny. Thank you so much.

"I would make two points. First, don’t feign more experience than you actually have. It never works; a degree of inexperience is in fact very arousing.

"Secondly, use sessions like this as a way of enhancing your relationship with your husband. He is a great guy. I really like him. As a couple, you can use play within this group as a way to greatly strengthen your marriage. You can come to me again, but you should regard it as being for the purpose I just mentioned.”

Jenny had already decided that she would use today’s incredibly arousing experience to enhance her marital relationship. She loved Martin dearly. She wouldn’t go out of her way to tell him about today’s interlude, but if he asked, she wouldn’t lie.

Nevertheless, she said to Garth, “When can I come again?”

Garth replied, “My wife is away again in a fortnight. Come around again then. I’ll invite big Benjamin, and we’ll give you your first DP. We are a very skilled duo. Just ask the lovely slutty Erica when she calls you tomorrow for a comprehensive description of today’s performance.”

Written by mzay
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