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The Proposition - Part 2

"After some soul searching Carol continues her affair but takes a caning to ease her guilt"

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Author's Notes

"The idea of incorporating a caning into this story should be credited to debbieshands1 who suggested it in a comment on the first part of this story. <p> [ADVERT] </p>It is possible that I would have eventually come up with that idea too but it had not occurred to me at the time of her comment."

Carol Blunstone arrived home after her day and night with her boss, Duncan Henderson, which Carol's husband Harry thought was purely a business trip although the plan had always been that it was with a view to Carol having sex with Duncan subject to her consent.

Despite her feeling of guilt both before and after she had very much consented and had very much enjoyed but on her arrival home Carol was feeling down. There was no pretending that it had not happened because even if Harry never knew, it would forever be on her conscience.

"Hello dear, good trip?" asked Harry after giving his wife a little peck, which was as close as she and he got to sex these days.

"Yes, it went well," replied Carol, hoping that her face did not betray her guilt.

"You went to the high-powered meeting then, quite the businesswoman?" Harold teased his sixty-year-old wife.

"Yeah," she lied because she did not go to the meeting and she felt strangely more guilty about this little lie than the fact that she had had her boss's twenty-six-year-old cock between her legs three times.

Everything going on in Carol's body was conflicting with something else because although she had had wonderful sex she was regretting that she had and although she physically wanted to have much more of the same her thoughts were telling her that she must not.

She was not much happier when she went to work the next morning and seeing Duncan did not help because although she so wanted him again sexually she kept mentally telling herself no. Then she would mentally convince herself that because she had done it once, well three times actually, doing it again, again and again, would make no difference.

Duncan was confused because although he was happy enough for Carol to decide how to proceed, if at all, in her own time she was actually being a bit cold towards him.

After he had dictated a letter to her he said, "Tell me, what is wrong?"

"Oh I am so mixed up and I feel so guilty," replied Carol.

"Do you regret us having made love, I thought that you enjoyed it?" said a concerned Duncan.

"You would not believe how much I enjoyed it but I feel bad about Harry," replied Carol honestly.

"I do understand that but we cannot pretend that it did not happen, you need to make up your mind what you want to do about it," said Duncan.

"What do you mean by do about it?" asked Carol.

"Well, you need to decide whether what happened between us was a one-off or whether you want it to happen again," said Duncan

"I do want it to happen again, very much, but I keep thinking that we should not," said Carol.

"You do know that I did not and will not make you do anything that you don't want to don't you?" said Duncan although he knew that Carol had been a very willing participant he still wanted reassurance.

"Oh yes Duncan, I knew what I was doing and I very much wanted to do it," confirmed Carol.

"So if we do it again it will be because you want to then," stressed Duncan.

"Yes but as I said, I do want to but I feel so guilty," said Carol.

"How about if you got punished for doing it?" asked Duncan who surprised himself by having asked such a question.

"Punished in what way?" asked Carol in response.

"I don't know, what would you consider a suitable punishment for sleeping with your boss?" asked Duncan with a smile.

"Well if I had done something like that when I was seventeen my headmistress would have caned me," replied Carol with a weak giggle but then wondered why she had blurted that out.

There was a moment's uncomfortable silence before Duncan said, "Did you get caned at school Carol?" as he became aware that his cock had hardened since they had been talking about punishment.

"I did, but not for sleeping with my boss," replied Carol with an unconvincing laugh.

"Fuck, I love looking at videos of women getting caned," confessed Duncan.

"Pervert," said Carol, and this time her laugh was genuine.

"Tell me, did it hurt?" asked Duncan anxious to stay on subject.

"Of course it fucking hurt, it had meant to, but I had an amazing masturbation afterwards," reminisced Carol.

Duncan was fully erect in his trousers and he spoke in a low voice as he had done in the restaurant when he first told Carol that he fancied her, "What if we get a cane and I cane you for sleeping with your boss?"

"Are you serious?" asked Carol although she had little doubt that he was.

"Yes, it could cure your guilt and turn us both on at the same time," said Duncan excitedly.

"Shit, you are serious," said Carol who, if doing nothing else, was buying herself a little bit of time to think.

Although they were the only two in Duncan's office and the door was closed there were other employees not far away and, despite having an erection that he would like cured, Duncan said, "Perhaps we can continue this conversation later, Carol."

"Yes Mr Henderson, that would be a good idea," replied a sexually aroused Carol.

They came into contact a few more times during the day in their capacities of MD and PA but everything was strictly business despite the underlying urges of each of them to have sex with the other. At the normal finishing time and with most staff having left or leaving, Duncan put his head around his door and said, "Can I have a quick word before you go please Carol?"

"Of course Mister Hendeson," she replied for the benefit of any staff that were still nearby.

Even though there were now very few other members of staff still in the building, Carol closed Duncan's office door.

"Well Carol, have you thought any more about the suggestion?" asked Duncan in a lover to lover way rather than a boss-to-employee.

"Do you mean have I thought any more about having a cane across my arse?" Carol replied with her eyes fixed on Duncan.

"Carol, hearing you say those words is so exciting," said Duncan who made a move towards her but did not actually touch her.

"So I see, " laughed Carol as she looked at the bulge in Duncan's trousers.

"Carol, we are so good together, aren't we?" said Duncan who, as before, just wanted a bit of reassurance.

"Yes, we are and I think that if I got a sore backside it would ease my guilt," said Carol which was enough for Duncan to close the small gap between them and lock his lips on hers. As they kissed he grabbed her buttocks and she ground herself against his bulge. There were still one or two people in the building but at this moment Carol and Duncan were the only occupants of the planet.

"Can you come back to my house now for a little while?" asked Duncan whose penis was wanting to be out of his trousers.

"Yes, I will just text Harry and tell him I am working late," replied Carol whose urgent need for sex outweighed her conscience.

She sent the text to say that she would be about two hours late and then followed Duncan out of the office and, in her car, followed him to his home. Although she knew where he lived this was her first visit to his house but it might be the first of many.

When they were indoors they kissed lovingly and their hands moved over the other's body as a cock hardened and a cunt moistened. A thought crossed Carol's mind about how many sex sessions constituted an affair as Duncan led her up the stairs.

"You really are a naughty girl aren't you Carol?" said Duncan as he undid her blouse.

"I am, perhaps I should be caned," replied Carol as she undid Duncan's trousers and lowered them and his boxers to have his erect penis spring free.

"I think you most certainly should be," said Duncan as he undid her skirt and had it drop to her ankles.

Carol undid Duncan's shirt and he removed her blouse and bra before they again met in a kiss.

They then both became totally naked before Duncan eased Carol down onto her back on the bed and she placed his hard penis at her entrance with her hand and he pushed forward and slid all of the ways into her.

"Yes Duncan, give your horny secretary the fucking that she craves," instructed Carol and he thrust in and out at an increasing pace and promptly had Carol gasping into her first orgasm.

Duncan fucked her long and hard and Carol Blunstone was getting something that she had been lacking, although not necessarily missing, for years as she came time after time. Duncan was really slamming her hard now and the sounds of fucking filled the room until Duncan groaned and spurted jet after jet of spunk into his very mature lover.

There were thoughts of going again but Carol said that she had to stay within the self-imposed two-hour time limit that she had given to Harry although she knew that she needed to shower to cleanse the smell of sex even if the knowledge of sex could not be cleansed from her.

"Shall we look on the internet for a cane?" the still naked Carol said whilst drying herself.

"Yes, one that will really sting this lovely arse," said Duncan as he ran his hand over Carol's rounded cheeks.

They chose and ordered one for delivery to Duncan's home so that they knew at least one future sex session would involve the application of a cane to Carol's bottom.

Carol still had the mental battles with herself about guilt but she told herself that any future sex would not change the amount of guilt so why not go with it. She returned home and told Harry that she might have to work late more often because 'Duncan had a different way of working to that of his father and grandfather' and Harry accepted that without question.

Carol was rather looking forward to having her bottom caned because she knew from her experience over forty years ago how sexually stimulated she was after her headmistress had beaten her but one thing she was concerned about was the inevitable cane marks that would be left on her backside. Although she and her husband no longer had sex they did, usually, sleep in the same bed and she wondered how she could hide the marks for however long it took for them to disappear.

Carol had no contact with Duncan during the weekend which followed their after-work fuck, although they each thought about the other a lot. In the early part of the following week, their interaction was friendly but business-like despite them both struggling to keep their hands off the other.

"I have a parcel due to be delivered at home today," said Duncan on Thursday morning.

"Oh do you?" replied Carol who knew very well what the parcel contained and what the contents of the parcel would be used for.

"Yes, do you think that you could work late this evening Carol?" asked Duncan as Carol's sixty-year-old buttocks gave a twitch.

"I think that I could, I will let Harry know," replied Carol.

"Maybe you should let him know that you might need an extra cushion on your chair," grinned Duncan.

"I don't think so but I will tell him that it might be quite late before I get home this evening," said Carol.

Duncan nipped home at lunchtime to make sure that the parcel had been left where he had asked for it to be but he did not open it because he thought that as the item was for both of them, they could open it together.

Carol had decided that to prevent her husband from seeing her cane marked bottom she would sleep in pyjamas rather than a nightdress, something that was not unusual, and she would change into them in the bathroom.

The afternoon at work went normally and Carol had contacted Harry to tell him that it would likely be quite late before she got home and if he wanted he could go to bed before she got there and she would go into the spare room. She knew that the guilt she was feeling about the lies and the infidelity would be reduced by having the cane lash her backside.

It had really not crossed Harry's mind that his wife was having extramarital sex although he did tell her to make sure that Duncan 'gave her something extra' for these long hours. She confirmed that she would indeed make sure of that.

After work, Duncan and Carol went to his house in their separate cars feeling a sense of anticipation not only for the upcoming sex but also for the upcoming caning.

They arrived at the house and were eager to open the parcel, "Sit down whilst you can still do so," laughed Duncan as he offered Carol a seat on the settee. He sat next to her and they opened the parcel to reveal the whippy looking cane and they both handled it, almost in wonder.

"What did you get caned for at school?" Duncan asked the woman that was soon going to be caned again.

"Oh I called my form teacher an ugly, fat, old bitch," giggled Carol.

"Was she?" smiled Duncan.

"Maybe not old but she was ugly and fat and she was a bitch," said Carol.

"Did you get it on the bare bum?" asked an increasingly excited Duncan.

"No, I had knickers on but for all the protection they gave it might as well have been bare," replied Carol thinking back to the stinging that the headmistresses caning had produced.

"How many did she give you?" asked a wide-eyed Duncan.

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"Six and she made sure that I felt each one," said Carol who was wet because of the memories and what was about to happen.

"I think that you should get it bare arsed for sleeping with your boss," announced Duncan.

"I think so too," agreed Carol.

"Not sure if six strokes are enough though, "  teased Duncan allowing Carol to decide how many strokes.

"I think nine strokes, as it is for a first offence," said Carol who was not far off cumming in her knickers.

"Yes but it will be more for any repeat offending," said Duncan whose penis was rock hard.

"And so it should be," said Carol whose eyes sparkled with sexual excitement.

"I think that the caning should be administered immediately, kindly bare your bottom, Mrs Blunstone," said Duncan as he stood up cane in hand.

Carol stood and removed her skirt and knickers and watched Duncan as he removed his own trousers and boxers, "To make himself comfortable."

"Bend over the back of the settee please," said Duncan as he bent a cane between his hands for the first time in his life.

Carol bent over and her large and attractive bottom offered a wonderful target for the cane as did her vagina for Duncan's rigid penis after the caning was done.

Duncan did what he had seen done in various caning videos and tapped the cane against Carol's buttocks before raising it and bringing it down with a CRACK the sound surprising him. Carol groaned and shook her arse slightly as Duncan watched a red line appear.

"Can't you do better than that?" taunted the bent over Carol.

"I will try," said Duncan before landing a second CRACK that was indeed louder than the first one and brought a stifled, "Oh shit," from Carol.

The third CRACK brought a louder, "Shit, oh fuck," from Carol whose whole body seemed to tremble and Duncan smiled as he watched the third red line appear.

Duncan went on with the caning and after six strokes, Carol was sobbing loudly and she kept trying to clench and unclench her buttocks to relieve the stinging. Duncan did think of stopping then, not least because he was longing to fuck her, but she had said nine strokes so that was what she would get.

He perhaps put a little less power into the last three but then he stood back and looked at the cane ravaged mature arse as Carol cried into the settee cushions. She had not spoken, well nothing that he could decipher, but her legs had opened noticeably and her cunt seemed to be begging below her caned buttocks.

Duncan was certainly ready to go so he dropped the cane to the floor and brought his penis to Carol's vagina and she pushed back as he pushed forward and they both groaned as he slid deep inside her.

They were both so aroused that neither would last long and Carol started cumming after a few thrusts and Duncan ejaculated very soon thereafter. They were both breathless from the caning and the fast fuck and they remained with Carol bent over and Duncan inside her for a while without either speaking.

"That's what you get for cheating on your husband," said Duncan, still with his cock in Carol's cunt.

"What, the caning or the fucking?" said Carol with a mixture of laughter and sobs.

"Both I suppose," said Duncan who slowly withdrew his cum soaked penis from his lover's cunt.

As expected, Carol was not going to be sitting down, although she would have to when she drove home, and both she and Duncan examined her caned arse, she needing the help of a full-length mirror.

"Did that feel like it did when your headmistress did it?" asked Duncan.

"The caning did but she did not do the bit that came afterwards," said Carol as she rubbed her buttocks to try to soothe the pain a bit.

As she had told Harry that she would be quite late there was no hurry to get home although it seemed to be understood between her and Duncan that there was not going to be any more sex this evening.

Carol remained naked from the waist down for the next two hours, she also remained standing, and her bottom got inspected from time to time.

It seemed that Carol and Duncan were now very likely committed to ongoing sex and it was also likely that Carol would have to be caned for it occasionally, just to ease her guilt.

She eventually got dressed and, very uncomfortably, drove home and she was pleased that Harry had already gone to bed so she could use the fact that she did not want to disturb him as a reason for spending the night in the spare bedroom.

She did examine her caned backside once more in the mirror and masturbated as she relived the caning and the fucking that followed and she expected more canings and more fuckings in the future.


Written by PJH
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