Carol Blunstone had worked for the Henderson family business since she left school just over forty years previously and she was sad that her boss, Matthew Henderson, was retiring. When she first started work, Matthew's father, Timothy, ran the company but now it was to be in the control of Matthew's son, Duncan.
Matthew was retiring early; he was only in his late fifties, but he wanted to enjoy a hopefully long retirement.
Carol, who was now aged sixty, did not dislike Duncan, whom she had known since before he started working for the company nine years previously but she assumed that he would want someone aged closer to his twenty-six years as his secretary/PA.
Duncan, in his new capacity of Managing Director, invited Carol out for a lunchtime meal and she fully expected and understood that he might be intending to suggest that she retire from the company.
They had the meal in a good local restaurant and chatted about the past, but there had not at that point been any mention of the future.
"You have been with us a long time, Carol, " said Duncan in an observation that Carol expected to lead to him saying that perhaps she should consider leaving.
"Yes, forty-two years, actually," she said as she anticipated Duncan going on to say it was time for her to go.
"I am not sure that you have always been properly appreciated, Carol, " said Duncan but in a noticeably softer tone than before; it was almost a whisper.
"Oh no, Duncan, your father and his father before him have always been fair with me, paid me well," insisted Carol.
"I was not referring to pay, I was more referring to appreciating you as, um, a woman," said Duncan still very softly and Carol thought that she detected a slight blush.
"What do you mean, Duncan?" asked a slightly perplexed Carol.
"I mean that you are so attractive, I have fancied you as long as I have known you," blurted Duncan although still in a low voice.
It was now Carol's turn to blush a bit as she replied, "Well, thank you, but your mother is a similar age to me."
"I know, but I have always wanted you, Carol, " insisted Duncan.
"I think we should end this conversation before you say something you regret," suggested Carol.
"Yes, Carol, you are right, but I mean it," said Duncan.
"Yes, you may think that you do but let's forget anything was said," stated Carol although she knew that she would not be forgetting it.
Carol was married and although her marriage was not loveless it was certainly sexless and Duncan Henderson was a devastatingly handsome young man. She had never strayed or even thought of straying but she was currently feeling things in her mid-body that she had not felt in ages. If the conversation continued, it might not only be Duncan that said something that was to be regretted.
Duncan had had a preference for older women since losing his virginity as a seventeen-year-old to a forty-something friend of his mother's; obviously, his mother did not know. He had bedded several women since then but they were usually older than him and sometimes considerably older.
Duncan regrettably agreed to 'forget' it but they both knew that it could not be forgotten.
They went back to work after lunch and the atmosphere was a bit strained, not because of any friction but more because of the attraction that they were feeling towards each other.
When she got home that evening, Carol's husband Harry asked how her lunch had gone because he, like Carol, thought that Duncan might suggest she leave her job. He believed that if that did happen the company would reward her loyalty financially, so neither he nor Carol was concerned in that respect.
Carol told Harry that the lunch went well but obviously did not tell him that her new boss had got the hots for her.
Carol and Harry normally slept in the same bed but Harry was prone to snoring, which sometimes caused Carol sleepless nights and she was being honest when, at bedtime, she said, "Your snoring kept me awake most of last night so I am going into the spare room tonight, okay?"
Harry did not object so they went to separate rooms that night. Carol did not expect to be sleeping for a while, although it was not her husband's snoring that would be keeping her awake.
She looked at her naked body in the full-length bedroom mirror, something that she very rarely did. She was quite pleased with the size of her breasts, although there was a slight sag, and she thought that the hair around her pussy was quite attractive although she knew that some men preferred little or no hair.
She turned side on and stood at an angle so that she could see both of her rather large rounded buttocks and then turned completely and looked over her shoulder at her very full backside.
Doing this plus thinking about Duncan and the lunchtime conversation had caused her to, almost subconsciously, start fingering her pussy and she was soon quite wet. She did have a dildo hidden away in the room but decided to complete the task with her fingers and she spread her quite thick legs wide as her fingers worked fast in her cunt and she bounced her arse on the bed as she came.
She had not masturbated in weeks, but she thought that it might well become a more common occurrence in the future.
Work went well for the next two weeks, although Carol often sensed Duncan's eyes being on her bottom and she was correct to do so. There was a little bit of very mild flirting between the two of them but the lunchtime conversation was never directly mentioned.
Duncan, who lived alone, wanked most nights thinking about Carol and he resolved to have one more attempt at getting her towards sharing a bed with him although he knew that it might force her to resign from her job. He did not want to lose her but he wanted to lose the chance of bedding her even less.
Duncan was due to go to a town quite some distance away for a meeting and although it was possible to do the round trip in a day, he, as his father and grandfather had sometimes done, decided to spend the night after the meeting in a hotel.
Both Matthew and Timothy Henderson had, on occasions, invited Carol on these business trips but she had always declined. She had actually found both men to be very attractive but because of their and her marriages, she would never have done anything about it.
Matthew had once at a staff party and after a few drinks made a sort of half-hearted advance on Carol, but she put it down to the drink and nothing happened anyway.
Duncan eventually plucked up the courage to say, "Carol, you know that I have that meeting away next week."
"Yes, Duncan, I know," she confirmed.
"I am going to stay in a hotel overnight afterwards," said Duncan, which was not a surprise because both his father and grandfather had done similar.
"Yes, do you want me to book you a room?" asked Carol.
"Would you like to book two rooms, Carol?" Duncan asked hopefully.
Although she was ninety-nine per cent sure what he was suggesting she thought that she had better check, "Who is going with you, Duncan?"
"I was hoping that you would, Carol," he replied with his eyes fixed on hers although she found her eyes drifting to his crotch, which seemed to be bulging a bit.
She was unsure as to how to answer because the idea of having sex with her much younger boss was really appealing but she was, despite the lack of sex, still a married woman, "I don't think so," she heard herself reply but she knew that it did not sound very convincing.
"Please, Carol, I know we said that we should forget that conversation but I want you so bad," pleaded Duncan.
"Duncan, we shouldn't, we can't," she said but she was weakening and her pussy was getting damp.
"Perhaps we shouldn't but we can," said Duncan, slightly contradicting her.
"I am married and I am so much older than you," said Carol although that was maybe trying to convince herself rather than him.
"But you want to, don't you?" said Duncan, striking at exactly the right moment.
"Yes," was all that Carol could weakly respond.
Duncan was thrilled but decided to give Carol a get-out clause, "Book two rooms and if you decide that you do not want to sleep with me, then you do not have to."
"Duncan, I am so mixed up because I do want to but I don't think that I should," replied Carol.
"Then book the two rooms and we will see how you feel on the night," said Duncan logically.
"But what do I tell my Harry?" asked Carol, still fighting inwardly.
"Tell him that I need you at the meeting, he doesn't know that I want to get into your knickers, does he?" said Duncan, trying to lessen the tension.
"No, he doesn't know that you want to get into my knickers," laughed Carol, who now realised that the knickers that she was wearing at the moment were very wet.
Carol looked for hotels in the town and booked two adjacent rooms although she felt both guilty and excited as she did it. She kept telling herself that she only had to go to bed with Duncan if she really wanted to, although at the moment she really wanted to.
Harry was a bit surprised that his wife was going away on business because he knew that she had declined chances in the past, but he had no suspicions because he thought that if he did not fancy his wife then probably nobody else did either.
As days went by, Carol got more nervous and more excited, as did Duncan, and at last, the day arrived and Duncan picked up Carol from her home. "Fuck, you look gorgeous," said Duncan as she got into his car, and she was pleased because she had made an effort.
"Well, thank you, Mister Henderson, you look quite good yourself," she replied confidently.
The drive was quite a long one so they pulled into a service station for a coffee. "You do not really have to attend the meeting, Carol, you can have a look around the shops or something," said Duncan.
"If I do not have to attend the meeting, then why am I here?" teased Carol and she found her hand touching Duncan's.
Duncan took her hand in his and said, "To give us both a good fuck, I hope."
"Hmmm, we will have to wait and see about that," giggled a very turned-on Carol.
For the remainder of the journey either Duncan seemed to have a hand on Carol's leg or she seemed to have a hand on Duncan's leg and they were both actually wishing that they could have a fuck as they arrived at the hotel. Unfortunately, Duncan's meeting was in less than an hour so with the need to check-in and then shower and change, there was not actually time.
They did manage to have a long kiss in the lift on the way to their floor though, the first time that they had actually kissed.
Duncan went to his meeting and Carol wandered into town, but they both had the upcoming events of the night in mind although Carol was still feeling guilty. She sent her husband a text to say that they had arrived but was careful not to say anything about going into town because as far as Harry was concerned, she was attending the meeting.
Throughout the next few hours, whilst Duncan was at his meeting, Carol was almost certain that she would sleep with him because she would not even be there if she was not, but she still felt a twinge of guilt. She had a shower and again looked at her naked body, and as she touched her breasts or her arse or her cunt she thought of Duncan touching her in those places.
Duncan's meeting went well even although he was not fully concentrating on it. With it over, he sent Carol a text saying that he was about to return to the hotel. They had an hour and a bit before their evening meal, so Duncan tapped gently on Carol's door when he was back at the hotel.
"Who is it?" said Carol's voice from inside.
"The man that wants to fuck you," was Duncan's reply but as there was then silence, he wondered if he had done wrong.
Carol partially opened the door and she had a bathrobe on. "Can I come in?" asked Duncan.
Carol had not expected to have to make decisions about being in the same room as Duncan until later but she stood back and almost whispered, "Yes."
With Duncan in the room and the door closed, they looked at each other a bit nervously. "Um, I was not expecting to see you until dinner," said Carol, whose damp hair made her look even sexier.
"I can leave if you want, you decide if anything happens either now or later," said Duncan, whose cock was struggling for space in his boxers.
Carol's mind was in turmoil although she knew that if she asked him to leave now she would still have the option for later. She looked at Duncan for what seemed to him to be hours and then she opened her bathrobe and let it drop to the floor, leaving her totally naked.
Carol's body went rigid in shock at what she had done and in anticipation of what would soon be happening. Duncan moved towards her and kissed her gently but then much more passionately as his hands went to Carol's arse, and she fumbled with his trousers.
Carol knew that there was no going back now, not that she wanted there to be, as she dragged Duncan's erect penis out of his boxers. Duncan had hoped that his first time with Carol would be slow and gentle but the pace that things were moving and the upcoming mealtime meant that it was unlikely.
Duncan dragged his boxers and trousers down and took off his tie and shirt as Carol looked at the first erect penis that she had seen in ages, and this particular penis was quite impressive.
Duncan gave her one more chance. "You are sure about this, aren't you?" he asked in all seriousness.
"What do you fucking think?" laughed Carol as she put her arse on the bed and spread her legs invitingly.
Her wetness had been increasing since Duncan had entered the room but Duncan put his head between her legs and gave her cunt some licks to make sure. She twisted her backside on the bed and said, "Please take me now," and Duncan had his cock at her entrance and slowly moved inside her.
It took her a few seconds to again get used to having a hard cock between her legs, but soon Duncan was all the way in and he started to slide in and out and Carol grunted and 'Oohed'. Duncan increased his pace and Carol was feeling things that she had not felt in years, and even then she had only rarely felt this turned on.
Duncan was now fucking quite fast and Carol shrieked, "Oh shit, oh fuck, oh fuck," as a huge orgasm hit her.
Duncan was approaching his own climax so thought he should ask where Carol wanted it. "I am nearly there, where do you want it?" he panted, but although Carol was going to indicate that she wanted it in her cunt, it was too late because Duncan spunked.
When they had calmed down, Carol laughed and said, "It is a good job I did not want it in my mouth."
"Yeah, sorry about that, I came quicker than I thought," apologised Duncan.
They cuddled for a while but with time getting short, Duncan got dressed and returned to his room for a shower and to get changed, and Carol had to shower again and get dressed for dinner.

Duncan again tapped on Carol's door and they walked arm in arm down the corridor towards the lift to go down to dinner, "So, Carol, have you decided whether you are going to sleep with me tonight?" Duncan asked confidently.
"You will have to wait and see, you had better be on your best behaviour," Carol teased in response.
They giggled and laughed and flirted through their meal and then had a couple of drinks in the bar, and then Duncan went back to the earlier subject. "Have I behaved myself sufficiently?" he asked.
"Well, so far, yes, but we are not upstairs yet," replied the very happy Carol.
Duncan could not resist caressing her arse as they got near the lift and Carol laughed, "Well, that is rather naughty, isn't it?"
"Oh, I intend to be much more naughty than that if you will let me," said Duncan as the lift opened and they entered.
"I intend to be naughty too," said Carol as she caressed the bulge in Duncan's trousers as they had the lift to themselves.
"Your room or mine?" asked Duncan.
"We have already fucked in mine, so we will say yours, but I have to call into my room first," replied Carol.
"Not for your nightdress, I hope," said Duncan.
"No, not for my nightdress, I will be with you shortly," replied Carol.
What she actually went to her room for was to remove her dress and underwear and put on the bathrobe, and after putting her head round the door to make sure there was nobody in the corridor, she hurried to Duncan's room and she had hardly tapped on the door when he opened it.
He too had removed some clothing but he still had his boxers on, but not for long as Carol dragged them down and took his swaying erection in her mouth. Harry had never been too keen on getting his cock sucked, but Carol was enjoying this opportunity as she played Duncan's prick with her tongue and lips.
She sucked him for a while but did not intend to make him come, so she eventually stood up and Duncan undid and removed her bathrobe. Duncan stood behind her with his cock against her arse as he kissed her neck and played with her tits. Carol was going wild.
"Would you like me to play with your arse, Carol?" asked Duncan.
"Oh baby, you can play with whatever you want," replied Carol, who had now lost all feelings of guilt.
Duncan put her face down on the bed and caressed her large buttocks as she purred and squirmed in excitement. Next, it was a finger in her arse crack, which came as a shock to her because nobody had done that to her before; she found it hugely stimulating though.
Duncan was now kissing her bottom and he kissed up her naked back so that his erection dragged along the back of her legs and up to her arse. He then kissed back down and Carol was concerned that the orgasm that she was about to have would stain the bed quilt. The orgasm came but she lost any concern for staining the quilt.
Duncan then put his tongue into her butt crack, and she lifted her middle off the bed again and again as she came for a second time.
"Arse in the air, my sweet, I want to fuck you from behind," requested Duncan and Carol struggled to comply because of the tingling that she was feeling in her cunt. Duncan had no trouble in entering her throbbing pussy and he slowly made love to Carol from behind.
If she had ever had sex this good, she had long forgotten it as her much younger lover took her to orgasm after orgasm, and she was getting close to exhaustion when Duncan tensed and ejaculated into her. She collapsed on her front with him on top and still with his cock inside her.
"Oh, Duncan, Duncan, Duncan," was all that she could say as their bodies slowly relaxed.
Duncan softened inside her and then withdrew. He again kissed down her naked back and again kissed her buttocks and Carol let out a contented sigh. They chatted for a while and then Duncan set his alarm because Carol would have to go back to her room at some point to wash and change for breakfast. They fell asleep in each other's arms, but they both hoped to be awake early enough for more sex in the morning.
Carol awoke before the alarm and as she looked at the handsome naked man beside her, she had all sorts of emotions. Her cunt was tingling from the unaccustomed fucking that it had had over the last twelve hours or so; she again felt guilt, and she was both excited and apprehensive about the future.
She took Duncan's semi-erect penis in her hand and soon had that fully erect and Duncan fully awake, and the two of them kissed as Duncan's fingers got between Carol's legs and soon had her wet enough to take his cock. Duncan got above her and slowly eased his penis into her, and Carol locked her thick legs behind his back as he thrust his hips and had Carol panting.
"Ummm, oh god, Duncan," she said as she came and Duncan kept fucking her. Duncan felt himself about to let go but rather than have his penis deep inside her, he had it only just inside as he spurted.
It was thought it best for Carol to go back to her room now, so she put on her bathrobe and partly opened the door. A man was leaving a room further down the corridor and she wondered if it was actually his room or if he had had a night of illicit sex. With the man now having gone and nobody else about, she went to her room.
She showered and got dressed and tugged on the bedclothes in her room to make it look like the bed had been used, although the hotel staff were probably well used to finding unused beds in supposedly occupied rooms. Duncan also showered and dressed, and the lovers met for breakfast before checking out and making the return journey home.
Carol again felt guilty as she sent a text to her husband to say that they would soon be on the way back, and the return journey was more subdued than the journey up. They stopped for coffee and they were friendly enough, but Carol kept thinking of the future. She wanted to have sex with Duncan again and she hoped and thought that he would want to have her again, but she still had the guilt.
As Duncan lived alone, actually going to bed with him would not be difficult, but Carol would still have to lie to her husband about where she was and what she was doing.
Duncan Henderson and Carol Blunstone had had great sex, but whether that was a one-night fling or whether it led to more, neither of them knew.