It was the second “Odyssey Group” party Ashley and Lucas had attended. Late thirties, contentedly married for a dozen years, they were happy sexually, but perhaps a tad restless, and of course like all the attendees, mainly in the same age group, were on their own sexual odysseys.
At the first party, they had just looked on. There was plenty to observe: topless flirty wives, lusty groping, and some extramarital adjourning to bedrooms.
They put their toes in the water at the second party. Lucas had been quite extensively groped by an older buxom woman, Chloe, who had asked him to dance. Ashley was highly aroused that night when Lucas disrobed in the bedroom. His jocks were heavily soaked with pre-cum, courtesy of Chloe’s crafty groping, and filthy chat. “Like a horny schoolboy,” chuckled Ashley as she tugged her husband’s underwear down and took his sticky cock in her mouth.
Lucas further aroused Ashley by describing how, as they finished their dance, Chloe had whispered to Lucas that he was number three for the night. It was her practice at these parties to grope five or six cocks over the course of the evening, administer a handjob or two, and then go home to her husband and describe each cock as they had a prolonged marital fuck.
Ashley told Lucas about how she had gone out to the patio with a rugged-looking tall German guy, Rolf. Rolf was clearly bewitched by Ashley’s cleavage, daringly exposed in her sluttiest little black dress. His conversation was clever and witty. His chat gradually became more provocative. He related a horny anecdote about a threesome with two horny frauleins he had picked up one Oktoberfest, a few years ago.
He craftily dropped his voice so that Ashley moved closer to listen. His lips brushed Ashley’s lips, lightly at first, but this soon segued into a full, passionate kiss, involving horny tongue-to-tongue action.
Then without ado, Rolf slipped Ashley’s spaghetti straps down, and tugged her top to her waist, so that her raunchy medium-sized tits were fully exposed. As they kissed, Rolf worked Ashley’s nipples over, pulling and squeezing with such teasing skill that Ashley felt her panties dampening with prolific surges of cunt juice.
She pushed her pelvis against his prominent bulge, gigantic through his thin trousers, and started to rub herself off against his rigid cock. Rolf squeezed Ashley’s nipples more firmly, making her moan and writhe against him.
But then, to Ashley’s dismay, Rolf abruptly pulled back, and said, “Sorry darling. I would really love to fuck you, but I have a threesome organised with our hostess, Suzelle, and her lovely Spanish visitor, Juanita. I have had a penchant for MFF threesomes ever since those Oktoberfest sluts I told you about. I must adjourn to Suzelle’s boudoir. I will hopefully catch up with you again soon at one of these debauched gatherings.”
At home, after the party, chatting about their respective erotic interludes made Ashley and Lucas uber-aroused. Foreplay was minimal. Frantic missionary-position sex was what they both needed. Ashley was at her wettest, lovely thick black bush soaked, juices streaming down her thighs. Lucas pushed his rigid, dribbling cock inside, and rammed mercilessly, relishing the sensation of his wife’s distended nipples against his chest.
Ashley’s climax was intense and noisy, marked by powerful contractions of her pelvic muscles, and a plethora of vulgar expletives. While telling Lucas how wonderful his cock felt inside her juicy cunt, she was actually having a structured fantasy about what her first view and taste of Rolf’s magnificent Teutonic cock might be like. She hoped so much that he would attend the next party.
Lucas also climaxed quickly, thinking about his wife’s gorgeous tits having been recently ravished by the rugged Bavarian. Ashley’s erotic description of how she had relished Rolf’s nipple squeezing and pulling was both arousing, and a little threatening. Ambivalent thoughts about his wife with another guy never failed to make Lucas spurt uncontrollably.
As their third Odyssey Group gathering approached Ashley and Lucas became increasingly horny and speculative.
They had each had moderate experience pre-maritally. They had both had a couple of flings since they married. They hadn’t much discussed these episodes. They maturely each respected the other’s need for occasional diversity, understanding it was best to regard such interludes as enhancing their healthy marriage.
Ashley and Lucas had never watched each other do anything sexual with another partner. There had been no swapping or group sex. However, they had frequently fantasised together about such activities.
They fucked frequently and furiously in the couple of weeks leading up to the next party, thinking and chatting about how horizons were going to be broadened by these Odyssey gatherings. They were not completely explicit. But each knew they had reached a tacit agreement that nothing would be off the table.
A couple of hours and a few wines in, and the third party was becoming very lively. Tops were coming down, cocks were being groped, folk were adjourning to bedrooms with new playmates.
Jens, the wealthy, thickset, Scandi stockbroker who hosted the gatherings at his huge, rambling abode approached Ashley with a bottle of bubbly, and topped up her glass, staring uncompromisingly at her raunchy cleavage as he did so. “I am delighted that you have continued to attend these little gatherings my dear,” said Jens. “You fit in really well.”
Before moving on to the next guests, Jens briefly and deftly slipped a hand inside Ashley’s dress, and tweaked her left nipple. “That Rolf really knows his stuff,” he murmured, as he eased away.
Ashley quaffed her champagne. She was quite annoyed at Jens’s assertive presumptiveness. She was however somewhat ambivalent regarding the frisson of dampness between the legs that Jens’s quick grope had elicited.
Ashley’s old college friend Fay had been attending these sexfests for a couple of years. Ashley had been delighted to catch up with her for the first time in years at the second party, and here she was again at party number three. Fay had been utterly promiscuous at college, so it made sense that she might turn up as a regular at these horny Odyssey Group gatherings.
Fay was chatting with a group of raucous women, all wearing disgracefully scanty, sexy garments when she spotted Ashley again filling her wineglass at the bar. She beckoned for Ashley to come and join her.
“Hi, slutty tits!” exclaimed Fay affectionately, as she briefly worked a finger up and down Ashley’s amply exposed cleavage. “Word has it that a certain Euro stud had the time of his life with these as a warmup to his threesome at the last party. You really must fuck Rolf at one of these gatherings soon. I’ve had him a couple of times. He is hung like a stallion, but employs his huge cock so subtly.”
Fay gestured at her noisy female group and said, “We have just been having our usual cock-talk. Speaking of which, my tarty old friend Chloe tells me your lad’s over-sized dick is quite the dribbler. She was rather impressed, and has him earmarked for a handjob sometime soon, though she’s not here tonight. When it does happen, will you want to watch?”
“Oh yes, I wouldn’t mind watching,” replied Ashley in as casual manner as she could manage. In fact she was highly excited by this horny prospect, and could feel a wonderfully profuse ooze of juices developing in her panties, running onto the top of her thighs.
“As I think I’ve mentioned, my husband Owen and I have an extremely liberal relationship,” continued Fay, boastfully. “I just love the thought of him doing a whole range of sexual stuff with various slutty women.”
Wandering past the chattering group of women, drink in hand, Lucas grinned as he heard plenty of “cocks,” “cunts,” and “fucks” emanating from the fold. It was both feisty and incongruous to hear such vulgar terms emerging from this rowdy group, most of whom led extremely respectable lives from day to day - Ashley was a teacher, as were a couple of the others, and there was an architect, a molecular biologist, a barrister, and a paramedic as well.
However, there was, quite out of the blue, a sudden, even noisier eruption from another corner of the huge living area. Five or six rowdy women were clustered around their friend Nell, a senior ICU nurse. Nell seemed a little tipsy and giggly. It was apparent that her raunchy buddies were vigorously relieving Nell of all significant garments.
Nell’s libido was legendary. Like many folk with extremely stressful jobs, a full-on sex life was an important release valve. She and her partner, a senior police officer, had an open relationship, and Nell was renowned for fucking her way around various pubs and clubs. This week she had turned forty, and the Odyssey Group was the perfect forum for Nell to celebrate with a gangbang.
Her buddies had stripped her down to just an olive green G-string. They paraded her around the room, mega-tits jiggling, nipples erect, cunt oozing juices onto her thighs, as they recruited male participants.
Lucas, and Fay’s husband Owen had joined their wives’ noisy group to watch the raucous proceedings. Nell and her mob pulled up, and the leader of the pack, another horny nurse, Sandy, announced the state of play in very simple terms.
“Nell is primed, and ready to celebrate. We have three guys. We just need one more.”
Owen stepped forward enthusiastically, substantial bulge evident in his tight, pale blue chinos. Fay, belying her previous purported permissiveness, grabbed her husband’s arm firmly, and hauled him back, hissing, “Oh no you don’t, sunshine. You’re not going there.”
Lucas looked longingly at Nell’s sodden G-string. Pupils dilated, he caught Ashley’s eye, and then quickly looked away.
Ashley grinned, chuckled, and pushed her husband forward. “Away you go, darling,” she murmured. “Enjoy, and you can tell me in lurid detail how it was when we fuck tonight.”
At home later that night, Ashley lay on her back naked, legs spread, gently fondling her erect clit, as she waited for Lucas to bring their nightcaps to bed: a small Riesling for Ashley, a single-malt for Lucas. When Lucas shed his jeans and jocks, Ashley was delighted at the vision of his semi-erect cock, so sticky with recently dried juices, coating his knob and shaft.
Ashley took a sip of her wine, and said, “Mmm, lovely vino, darling. Now give me a taste of your obscenely sticky cock. Nell’s slutty cunt-juice, and how many guys’ loads?”
As Ashley lovingly sucked her husband’s dick to full erection, Lucas explained that there was semen from two other guys in the mix adhering to his shaft. “Apparently it is a tradition for the rookie to go third in these gangbangs.”
Lucas swallowed some whisky, and, from the rear, eased his cock into his wife’s aroused, eager pussy. Ashley moaned with arousal as Lucas explained how, while awaiting his turn in a room adjacent to the bedroom, Sandy had removed his lower garments, and gently fondled his rigid dribbling cock.
“When you organise a gangbang, one of the perks is that you get to have a feel of all the cocks. My husband won’t know what has struck him when I shag him tonight… I‘ll be so horny from all this groping!” Sandy had exclaimed.
Lucas continued his story. “Jens exercised his host’s prerogative, and went first. Nell’s first fuck didn’t last long. I could hear lots of cursing - Nell has an incredible pottymouth - and a few slaps. Then Jens emerged looking bedraggled and somewhat the worse for wear, with recent bite marks on his neck and upper arms.
“Number two was a surprise packet. It was Bert, that short, balding, slightly chubby, conservative-looking tax accountant. He and his plain, bespectacled, flat-chested, librarian wife Mary look rather out of place at these parties, but Sandy said that they are both absolute tigers in the cot, and Nell had especially requested that Bert be one of her quartet.
“Bert undressed, and Sandy fondled and rubbed him to full stiffness, and sent him into the bedroom straight after Jens emerged. His cock was surprisingly long and thick for a short guy. While I was awaiting my turn, I could hear Nell producing all sorts of raucous, ecstatic shrieks as Bert went to town in her extremely experienced cunt. Despite his nerdy appearance, Bert clearly knew how to press the raunchy birthday girl’s buttons.
“Then it was my turn. Sandy sent me in completely naked. My cock was rigid and dribbling with anticipation.
“Nell was lying on her left side, facing the bedroom door. The vision of her huge tits, nipples protruding towards me, did nothing to reduce my dribbling.
“‘Oh, hi new guy. I’m pleased that you are my rookie tonight. My horny old buddy Chloe said that your cock would be worthwhile. She was clearly correct. Come and stand by the bed so that I can have a taste.’”
Lucas’s description of Nell’s crafty cock-sucking proved too much for Ashley. Lucas’s steady thrusting, and his description of Nell’s horny, multi-paced, pre-fuck frenulum licking was such an arousing combination that Ashley could no longer hold back. She shrieked repeatedly as she climaxed, loving the thought that her husband’s thrusting, sticky cock had been inside a couple of Nell’s slutty cavities just an hour ago.
Lucas thought that perhaps he should leave the rest of his description of his interlude with Nell until the next morning.
“Don’t you dare remove your filthy, sticky cock, my stud of a husband. I need you to give me another fantastic cum while you describe how your dick felt in the slutty nurse’s sodden, birthday cunt,” asserted respectable schoolteacher Ashley.
So Lucas continued relating his story. He also continued thrusting into his wife’s prolific wetness, and continued squeezing her elongated, highly aroused nipples.
“It took only a little of Nell’s highly skilled sucking and licking manoeuvres to push me to the brink of climax. Nell had such extensive experience that she sensed this. Wanting to preserve my ejaculation for her pussy, she removed my cock from her mouth, and with her index finger and thumb, squeezed the base of my shaft, causing slight pain, and effectively suppressing my urge to climax.
“She told me that I was to lie on my side, and fuck her from behind, but first to check out what I was letting myself in for. She spread her legs to display the most wonderful spectacle. Her beckoning cunt was oozing lovely female juices, laced with the two previous guys’ semen.
“Above, was the most protruberant, congested clit I am ever likely to encounter. Nell tugged it between thumb and forefinger, just as though it were a little cock, and instructed me to do the same when I fucked her.
“I lay on the bed behind the horny nurse, and glided my rigid cock inside. It was such an erotic feeling, slushing around in Nell’s wetness, knowing that some of the fluid was from Jens and Bert’s recent randy ejaculations.
“Nell enjoyed the way I alternated squeezing her bloated nipples with tugging on her protruding clit. ‘Oh, that’s great, rookie,’ she moaned, as I pulled a little too firmly on those wonderful aroused teats.

“I was contentedly thrusting in a steady rhythm, when number four entered the room. It was Darren, coach of the college basketball team, clad in just a pale blue tee, rigid dick pointing skyward. My thrusting immediately increased in pace and depth.
“I totally lost control when I felt Nell squeeze around my shaft, and gush even more cunt juice as Darren slipped his sensational thick nine-inch black cock deep into her hungry mouth. I bellowed with both anguish and delight as I released my spurting load into Nell’s wetness.”
Lucas had stepped up his thrusting into his wife’s aroused cunt as he described his fuck with Nell, and at this point was so aroused that he had a grunting, spasming climax.
Ashley was uber-aroused by her husband’s horny account of his role in the gangbang, and had a second ecstatic, gushing orgasm just as Lucas ejaculated..
As they collapsed, exhausted, into each other’s arms, fulfilled, and ready for blissful slumber, Ashley reflected happily that tonight had been a major advance for the erotic side of their marriage. “Your gangbang description made me so aroused, darling. Consensual non-monogamy doesn’t suit everyone, but it’s just great for us.”
At the fourth Odyssey Group party, Ashley was into the action right from the get-go.
Half an hour, and two wines in, and she was topless, and giggling away in raunchy conversation with a group of several women who had also bared their tits for the night.
The group included Fay and Sally, who were both rather small-breasted, and Nell and Chloe, who were quite the opposite. Chloe was rather overweight, and her huge tits were saggy, but very sexy, particularly because of the extremely provocative protruberance of her ruby red nipples. Mary, the flat-chested librarian, was full of horny anecdotes about her youthful exploits with multiple partners.
Nell sidled up to Ashley, clinked their wineglasses, and said, “Thanks for lending me your husband’s lovely cock at the last party. He was a great rookie fuck.”
Nell reached over, and gently fondled Ashley’s already erect left nipple. “It’s no wonder your man was so good with my tits, having these beauties to practise on, every night.” Nell squeezed Ashley’s nipple quite firmly. Ashley blushed and grinned, as she felt her panties becoming damp.
From the other side of the room, Lucas noticed that Ashley’s topless group was becoming increasingly raucous. Ashley seemed to be the centre of attention.
Lucas wandered to the bar, to get another drink. Ashley broke away from the giggling bevy to join him. She came straight to the point.
“Darling, I’m sure you remember that I turn forty in a couple of weeks. Well, er, that means that tonight it’s my turn to, er...” Ashley jerked her head in the direction of the corridor leading to the bedrooms.
Lucas grinned lasciviously, and felt a gush of pre-cum in his jocks. “Go for it, gorgeous horny wife. Relish every inch of each huge cock, and I’ll look forward to hearing the details when we fuck at home tonight.”
Fay and Mary shepherded Ashley to the bedroom, stripped every garment from her trembling, nervous body, and gave her a preliminary workover.
Fay fondled Ashley’s tits, and squeezed and pulled her nipples to full erection, just as she used to when they had occasionally played at college, prior to double-dates with various well-hung jocks.
Mary skillfully probed between Ashley’s thighs, tweaked her clit, fingered her briefly and craftily, and proclaimed, “Fine. Definitely wet enough for several pounding cocks. Enjoy, horny slut.” Fay and Mary returned to the main room, satisfied that Ashley was suitably prepared.
Ashley, now highly aroused, lay naked on the bed sipping wine. Very soon, her first male entered the room. Again, Jens was going to exercise host’s rights. He leered as he stared at Ashley’s beautiful tits, while he unceremoniously disrobed.
Ashley had previously thought that Jens’s thickset build meant that he was perhaps a former powerful athlete who had stopped exercise and gained weight in middle age. However, to Ashley’s delight, Jens’s naked body just revealed powerful musculature - massive, clearly defined quads, tight glutes, bulging biceps, and a flat belly, with taut abs.
Jens’s rigid cock, much the same length as that of Lucas, but considerably thicker, completed the package. Although she was far from sold on Jens’s persona, Ashley could feel her juices run at the appearance of his naked body.
Jens murmured some superficial pleasantries as he fondled Ashley’s tits. His nipple technique was surprisingly subtle - lots of gentle kissing, sucking, and pulling.
However, the rest was not subtle. Jens mounted the recumbent Ashley, and without ado, rammed his erect dick into her wetness. His massive quads and glutes vigorously propelled his cock to and fro in Ashley’s highly aroused cunt.
Jens grunted crudely and gutturally as he thrust his cock into Ashley with increasing depth and force. Although the Dane’s fucking technique was entirely self-centred, Ashley found herself increasingly aroused. She usually preferred subtle variations in pace and force, but Jens’s gross, relentless ramming was just the right start, in view of what lay ahead.
Jens’s thrusting reached a crescendo, and he bellowed harshly as he shot his load. Ashley climaxed simultaneously, and noisily, submitting Jens’s thick shaft to waves of intense pelvic muscle clenching.
As Jens threw some clothes on and vacated the room, with a gruffly muttered, “Thanks, great,” Ashley reflected to herself that although the “Wham, Bam, Thank-you Ma’am” approach was not usually her cup of tea, it seemed just right tonight, to kick-start proceedings.
Ashley took a couple of fortifying sips of Riesling. There was a light tap on the door, and to Ashley’s delight, gorgeous Raj entered the room, buck naked. Raj was a handsome, tall, slim Industrial Chemist. He hailed from Hyderabad.
His long, rather thin, uncircumcised cock exhibited a cute bend to the right in its rigid state. It bobbed about tantalisingly as Raj approached the bed. He stood close, so that Ashley could take his beautiful brown dick in her mouth.
“So how do you like the taste of Indian cock, my dear?” asked Raj, as he dribbled some pre-cum in response to Ashley’s enthusiastic sucking.
“Mmm, scrumptious,” replied Ashley casually, as she fondled Raj’s balls, while she recalled the blowjobs she used to perform on her college boyfriend from Mumbai, Dev.
“Now let me reciprocate, and have a taste of your nectar before I fuck you,” purred Raj, in his gorgeous Indian accent, as he lowered his head to Ashley’s groin.
Approaching from the side, Raj gently pinched Ashley’s labia together, simulating closed facial lips. He then kissed her labia as if he were kissing her on the mouth, craftily flicking his tongue between the labia, onto her clit, and into her slit.
Ashley moaned, and gushed bursts of cunt juice, delighted that her first gangbang was not just a series of relentless fucks. Raj’s clever cycle of lip and tongue stimulation and withdrawal soon took Ashley over the top, and into a shrieking climax. What a bonus.
Raj then lay on his side behind Ashley. He slid his beautiful cock into her wetness, and thrust to and fro, as he pulled her aroused nipples, varying his pace from ponderously slow to frenetically rapid. Ashley’s post-cunnilingus afterglow rapidly segued into unabashed lust. She was soon moving her pelvis rhythmically in time with Raj’s varying thrusts.
Raj started to grunt. Ashley started to moan. Raj’s final deep hard thrusts as he climaxed again caused repeated, uninhibited shrieks from Ashley, as she had another shuddering orgasm.
Unlike Jens, Raj didn’t rush away. He stayed for a little while, chatting wittily as he gently and appreciatively cupped Ashley’s beautiful tits. But then it was time to go. “I’ll send in your rookie, darling,” murmured the gorgeous Sikh, as he departed from the boudoir.
Ashley sipped more wine, and gently fondled her turgid clit as she awaited her fellow gangbang debutant. Her thoughts briefly strayed to Lucas, and how he would be looking forward, somewhat ambivalently, to her account of her adventure.
Then, Number Three knocked lightly at the door, and entered. It was Marcus, the sweet-looking violinist from the symphony orchestra.
Handsome Marcus was medium height, dark-haired, and rather swarthy. His facial features were angular, his voice was soft, sensuous and seductive. His banter was witty. It was evident as he undressed that his hands were as would be predicted for a top-class musician: well-maintained, lithe, and dexterous.
Like Raj, Marcus was in no rush. He employed his skillful hands in a way that gradually worked Ashley into a frenzy.
Initially, Marcus spent much time rubbing and massaging Ashley’s shoulders, back, and buttocks, just every now and then brushing his erection against her.
Slowly his clever hands started to wander, fingers fleetingly brushing her nipples, and through her thick, soaked bush, now and again flitting down to lightly tease her clit.
This approach made Ashley so aroused that she shamelessly begged for some cock. Marcus lay behind her, and entered from the rear. He chose that position so that he could continue to allow his fingers to wander to Ashley’s erect nipples, and turgid clit.
Marcus’ dick was just average size, but he used it brilliantly, cunningly varying the force, depth, and speed of his thrusts, all the while using his sensitive musician’s digits to alternately stimulate Ashley’s nipples and clit.
His stamina was great too. Ashley complimented him on how he was lasting so well. “I thought that you might cum prematurely, rookie,” she said. “First gangbang, slushing away in other guys’ loads. But no, your staying power is fantastic. Now give my clit another of those trills, with your dexterous musician’s fingers.”
As Marcus reached around to again fondle Ashley’s bloated, uber-aroused bud, he explained why he was managing to last so long.
“I am lasting well, darling, because I’ve already had a climax tonight. Before coming to your bed I spent some time experiencing raunchy Chloe’s inimitable handjob technique. She has this trick where, halfway into the job, she uses her free hand to slip a thin, well-lubed dildo Into your arse, while continuing to tug.
“The dual stimulation makes for such an exotic, exciting orgasm. Your man Lucas will be loving his session with Chloe right now. Those horny sluts Fay and Mary have organised a Chloe handjob for Lucas as a diversion while his wife is being gangbanged.”
This was too much for Ashley. She had been teetering on the brink, but the thought of her husband having a filthy handjob from Chloe took Ashley over the top, into a shrieking, squirting climax. Marcus smirked, and contentedly blew his second load for the night, this time into Ashley’s lovely sodden pussy.
It was a night where there was to be no rest for the wicked. Soon after Marcus’s departure, Number Four entered the room, wearing just a pair of red jocks, barely containing a huge bulge.
“I assumed you would like the pleasure of removing them, my dear,” murmured Rolf, in his cute Bavarian accent.
The selection of Rolf as Number four completed a fantastic night for Ashley. Since her horny play with Rolf a couple of parties ago, nearly every time she shagged Lucas, she had been silently fantasising about fucking the German stud. Her fantasies were about to come to fruition.
Ashley attempted a semblance of calmness and detachment, as she gave Rolf’s dick a preliminary rub through his jocks. However, the increasing sexual aroma from her surging cunt juices gave her away, and she just had to get at that Teutonic cock.
Ashley slid Rolf’s precum-speckled jocks down, and gasped with pleasure at the beautiful vision of his cock, every bit as thick and long as she had fantasised it would be.
She took it into her mouth. Ashley was delighted that her sucking and licking elicited guttural moans from the gorgeous German. However, Rolf wanted to fuck.
He tossed Ashley onto her back, entered her, and rammed her mercilessly for thirty seconds, making her shriek with arousal. Then Rolf turned Ashley onto her belly, and for what seemed like an eternity, fucked her from behind more tenderly, craftily varying the pace and depth of his thrusts.
After that, they rotated through several horny positions, including cowgirl, and reverse cowgirl. Rolf’s banter was both amusing and provocative. His thrusting was persistent, and insistent.
Ashley became increasingly aroused with each change of position. The way Rolf firmly pulled her nipples while she bobbed up and down on his pole during cowgirl was extraordinarily arousing, and during her third go in that position it all became too much.
Ashley let out a huge scream, trembling with arousal as her pelvic muscles spasmed around Rolf’s huge, rigid cock. It was the most intense of the several climaxes Ashley experienced during that amazing night.
Her orgasm rolled on for what seemed like ages. When she was sure she was done, Ashley rolled off Rolf’s cock, which remained defiantly erect.
She lowered her head to Rolf’s groin, and skillfully swirled her tongue around his knob, and his frenulum, arousing him to a frenzy, before taking his lovely dick deep into her mouth. Tasting her own juices on a new cock had always been a special moment for Ashley, and this night’s taste was no exception.
The big German moaned gutturally as the schoolteacher skillfully sucked his rigid cock, craftily varying the pace and the pressure. He tried to hold back to prolong the ecstasy, but just couldn’t, and let out a huge bellow as he spurted several times into Ashley’s enthusiastically receptive mouth.
Ashley joyously swallowed Rolf’s voluminous load, and they collapsed, exhausted, in each other’s arms. Ashley blissfully cupped Rolf’s monumental balls as they drowsed peacefully, until the party wound down.
That night, back home in bed, Lucas gently moved his cock to and fro inside Ashley’s arse as they discussed her experience. Lucas had started in Ashley’s pussy, so that he could experience the eroticism of slushing his cock about in his wife’s wonderful cunt juice mixed with other guys’ recent loads. But it soon became apparent that she was sore from the night’s extensive ramming, so they then switched to anal.
They both felt certain that extending their range of sexual experience as they had each done at the last couple of parties would only enhance their mature marital relationship.
Relishing the sensation of her horny husband’s cock in her arse, Ashley said, “Darling, I’m really looking forward to the next Odyssey party. But I also think that it’s time for us to orchestrate some smaller, er, gatherings, at our place.
“So next weekend, I have asked that nerdy couple Bert and Mary to come for dinner. You are going to be so aroused by the vision of her aroused, protruberant nipples and large dark areolae on the background of her tiny pale tits. I am going to love seeing you fondle them while you watch Bert fuck me senseless.
“Good night darling,” murmured Ashley, as her husband exploded uncontrollably and ecstatically in her highly aroused, receptive pucker.