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"Its Sex 101 for the boys"

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One Friday, around midnight, we arrived home from a boring dinner party thrown by a colleague of Martin, my husband. I took a quick shower and then flopped naked on the bed, I was feeling quite tired and ready to sleep. But Martin had other ideas, his head nestled between my legs and he began to lap at my pussy with a slow and deliberate pace.

After more than twenty years of marriage he knows exactly what I like and when I like it. Ten minutes later, I came with a huge gush soaking his face. As I did so I repeatedly called out my thanks to him. He sat up and just smiled before we both fell asleep.

The telephone woke us at nine o clock the following morning.

“Oh Shit, is it today?” I heard Martin ask. He soon followed up his question by saying, "don't worry, we will be there."

"Damn!" He said to me. "We have to be at a wedding at two o‘clock this afternoon, it is my fault I forgot all about it," He was annoyed with himself but it was just a work colleague getting married that he hardly knew, we were only expected to attend because Martin is his boss.

“Don’t panic, we have plenty of time,” I told him and he calmed down.

To cheer him up I got out my nice dark blue wedding suit with a miniscule bra and matching panties and holdups, with a warning to him to keep his hands to himself. All to no avail, as by the time we were in the car his hand was wandering all over me.

I thoroughly enjoyed the party after the wedding. There was plenty of food, drink and some dancing. As dusk arrived and most people moved inside, I began to feel the effects of too much wine. I needed to clear my head, so I wandered into the garden and headed to the fountain I had seen earlier.

As I got closer I noticed two teenagers standing there having a smoke, I had to smile to myself as I wondered if my teenage son did the same thing. As soon as they saw me they hid their cigarettes in their hands. I was about to call out it was no problem, when suddenly I found myself flying through the air. I was later to find out there was a small retaining wall that I had somehow managed to fall over.

I lay there on my back, the wind knocked out of me and my left ankle was giving me severe pain. I could feel myself drifting in and out of consciousness, for how long I had no idea. As my mind slipped back and forth I could hear strange male voices and parts of their conversation.

‘Is she out cold?’

“I think so.”

“We should call for an ambulance.”

I think I must have passed out again, but not for long, as I started to come around I could hear the same two voices talking about me in a much more forthright and sexual manner.

“She has lovely tits.”

“I would love to lift her skirt and see her cunt.”

“I’d like to stick my cock in her mouth.”

“Same here, then fuck her and dump my load up her cunt.”

I could hardly believe what I was hearing, but even in my sorry state their crude vulgarities were turning me on. I finally opened my eyes to see the two filthy mouthed teenagers standing over me.

“What happened, my ankle is really hurting?” I asked.

“You fell over the wall, but don’t worry, an ambulance is on the way.” One of the boys told me.

Two hours later, Martin and I left the hospital’s emergency room. My head was OK but unfortunately I had a badly sprained ankle with a tiny fracture, I would need a week on crutches with a bit of therapy to get me back to normal. The following day I spent mostly in bed letting the pills the hospital gave me do their work.

By late afternoon my mind went back to my two crude teenage rescuers, which I had hardly stopped thinking about since my accident. I recalled what they said and got myself so excited I had to get my dildo out of the drawer and bring myself off. My mind was working overtime as the orgasms swept over me.

Martin arrived home with news that he had arranged for me to visit a work colleague’s house for the next three days. He told me the house had a pool and that there would be no better therapy to exercise with no strain on my ankle. As it was my left ankle I would be able to drive over to the house. He followed up by telling me that the guy’s sons always get home about three in the afternoon, and they would help me in and out of the pool if I had any difficulty.

A few minutes later Martin added that these two boys were the ones that had found me, and they deserved a big thank you from me. I gulped as the filthy memories flashed through my mind again. I was sure the boys were only trying to impress each other with how manly they were, and that in reality they were just a couple of innocent teenagers with little experience of sex, let alone an interest in fucking a woman in her mid forties.

The following day I managed the short drive to the house with the pool and sure enough, the two boys were sitting on the wall outside waiting for me. They greeted me very cordially and helped me out of my car, saying how glad there were to see me up and around.

I had put my plain black one piece swimsuit on under my sweat suit to drive over. It was a glorious hot day, the boys helped me to sit down on a pool deck chair, and we introduced ourselves properly.

“I am Mrs Simpson, but do call me Sally.” I looked at the taller one and said, “I believe you are Peter and your brother is Dan.”

“That’s right,” Peter said with a big grin on his face. We chatted for a few more minutes and then I slipped off my sweat suit ready for my first swim.

“Are you going to help me into the water then boys?”

Both of them leapt up and helped me from the chair, taking hold of an arm each as they escorted me down the pool steps into the water. The pool was lovely and warm, my ankle had no weight on it and I could exercise perfectly well. Peter stood at the side watching me and Dan went into the house. I swam quite a few lengths then stopped to take a rest. Peter pulled off his T-shirt and wearing only his shorts he jumped in and swam over to me.

“Are you alright?” He asked.

“Yes! Just stopping for a break, it has been a long time since I did any swimming.”

“Good! I wanted to talk to you anyway. More of a confession really,” he said.

“Really, and what have you got to confess?” I asked smiling.

“When you were unconscious my brother and I could not help but admire your wonderful tits and think about doing things to you.”

“Oh.” Was all could say as an answer, but I did feel very flattered.

“Can I see them? Can I feel them?” He asked, obviously getting excited.

“I don’t really think that’s a good idea, I am old enough to be your mother,” I told him.

“Just a quick fondle Sally. Go on, you will enjoy it.”

“Well I suppose if…”

That was consent enough for Peter, his hands went up to my shoulders and he grabbed my swimsuit and pulled it down to my waist. His hands clamped on my breasts and he began rubbing and lightly squeezing my now erect nipples. It would have been impossible to get him off me even if I wanted to.

“Oh Peter,” I muttered.

He slowed after a while and then before I knew what was happening he was sucking my nipples, one after the other until there was a big splash and we both looked up to see Dan swimming toward us.

“Let me get a feel as well,” he said loudly.

I now had a boy either side of me feeling and sucking my breasts. I was enjoying their attentions but felt slutty and guilty. I felt even guiltier when their fingers found my pussy.

“You certainly have a forest down there,” Dan said. “But we both love a hairy cunt; do you like it when we rub your clit in a circular motion?”

I looked straight into his face but could not answer him, they knew they had me now and first Peter slid his fingers into me and then made way for Dan, who must have had three or even four digits up me.

I could feel the flush of an orgasm start to come over me. “Enough!” I shouted out and managed to twist from their grip. I pulled my swimsuit back up and carried on swimming a few more lengths, I turned to the boys and smiling asked them to help me out of the water. As I dried off I told them:

“That was very wrong what we did back then, I’m far too old for you both.” They looked suitably contrite, staring at the floor as I talked to them.

“Now help me to my car, then go to your rooms and use your right hands to get those erections down. Moreover, do it again before I arrive here tomorrow.”

They both laughed and probably did just that, I know I had to have the same sort of relief when I got home. The following day I arrived a little late and they were both sitting outside on the wall again waiting for me. They helped me around to the rear of the house and into the pool area, both of them were being very chatty and friendly.

“I am going straight in the water. Give me a little help please.”

They jumped up and carefully supported me until I was in the pool. They both sat on the steps while I swam up and down giving my ankle and the rest of my body plenty of exercise. After about twenty minutes I stopped for a rest and joined them on the pool steps.

“Did you do as I asked before I arrived?” I asked smiling.

“Yes! And it did not help much,” Peter said laughing.

“Don’t tell me you both have erections now,” I gasped.

Peter was very quick, he grabbed my hand and pressed it against his shorts.

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He smiled at me as I felt the hardness and splendour of his young but manly erection. I slid my hand inside his shorts, encircled his cock and slowly started to pump him. He lay back on the steps and let me get on with jerking him off.

I looked over at Dan who was stood the other side of me with his hand down his shorts. He was playing with himself while watching me service his brother. I mouthed to him I would help him out in a moment and he stopped touching his own cock, preferring to wait for my touch. I speeded up with Peter and he soon came in his shorts, repeating ‘oh yes, oh yes,’ as I pumped his cum from his balls.

I asked Dan to give me a moment as my wrist was stiff from the angle I was at, he nodded and just sat waiting with a grin on his face until I said.

“Stand in front of me Dan, time for your treat.”

I was still sitting on the steps leaving my arms at his waist height. With one swift tug I pulled his shorts down his legs and my right hand gripped his hard cock and my left hand cupped a fine pair of testicles. His legs were already shaking and I knew he would not last long. Dan’s cock was bigger than his brothers, and his balls felt heavy and tight just how I like them.

I loved the feel of him in my hand and I slowly but firmly pumped his shaft, drawing his foreskin fully back to reveal a lovely shiny head. I think I must have licked my lips at that point, because he suddenly got the impression I was going to take him in my mouth. He grabbed hold of my head and pulled me closer to him.

“Go on Sally, suck it,” he told me.

“I don’t think so,” I said.

“We both know you want to,” he replied.

“Well maybe just this once Dan, I did say I would treat you.”

On hearing me say those words he moved forward and I was sucking on a teenager’s cock, rolling my tongue around his bell end before taking him deeper. He only lasted a matter of seconds, I could hear his breathing getting heavier until, without further warning, he spurted a huge load of thick creamy cum to the back of my mouth. I didn’t have any other choice but to let his spunk slide down my throat.

“Oh God Sally,” he yelled out, as his cock pulsed again and shot out the rest of his cum for me to swallow.

“Now remember this has to be a super secret,” I pleaded after I’d finished sucking Dan off. They both nodded and I actually believed them. We all got out of the pool and everything returned to normal.

“It’s my last day tomorrow,” I announced. “The swimming has been really effective in helping my ankle, thank you so much.”

As I drove home, I wondered if I had gone far too far today, but that thought quickly went as the warm feeling and taste of young lust reminded me of the sexy fun I had enjoyed. My only worry now was how far I would go the next day.

I was going out for dinner with friends after the following days swim, which would mean I would have to take a change of clothes with me and get ready at the boys’ house. I told them as soon as I arrived and they offered me the use of a spare room with a door straight to the pool. There was a table in there with a few other bits and pieces of furniture, it was obviously just used as a junk room.

I had my swim in relative peace, and then got out to sit and enjoy a can of soda the boys had left for me. I watched them for a while as they swam up and down enjoying themselves. I thought that perhaps they were not in the mood for the sexual bit today, which seemed strange. It was a bittersweet notion as I was secretly hoping for a repeat of yesterday’s action.

Eventually I went through the side door to the small room to change and get ready for my evening out, when both boys came in to join me.

“We thought we could watch you get naked,” said Peter.

“Are you going to get naked first then?” I asked.

Their swim shorts immediately fell to the floor and I stared at two beautiful young male bodies, tight, trim and muscular, with both their cocks in a semi flaccid state. Peter said it was my turn, so I dropped the top half of my swimming costume to my waist and the sight of my bare breasts was enough to make their cocks rise to full hardness. They both took hold of themselves and applied a stroking motion on their swelling erections. I finished undressing and stood there naked while they stared at me for a few seconds.

“What would you like to do now?” I asked, half expecting them to ask me to wank or suck their cocks off again.

I got my answer when they both stepped toward me and walked me backward until my ass hit the edge of the table. I was lifted and pushed back until I was laying with my legs hanging over the edge. I didn’t know exactly what was going to happen, but my libido was rising and my body was aching to be touched more.

I did not have to wait long until my breasts were being caressed by one of them, while the other was licking the inside of my thighs. I opened my legs wide as my mind urged the licking to become more intense. I felt my legs being lifted and my feet being placed on the table, now with my knees up I was even wider spread apart. I was completely at their mercy, my pussy an easy target for anything they wanted. A finger went inside me and the licking of my thigh resumed, slowly heading up toward my pussy lips and then hopefully my clit, which by now was begging for attention.

“For fuck sake eat me,” I screamed out and a tongue immediately invaded me, much to my delight. “ Oh fuck, that feels so good, for God’s sake don’t stop.”

My whole being was shaking with all the pleasure signals going through me as hands and tongues moved all over my body. My eyes stayed shut as I wallowed in extreme pleasure. Now I was more than ready for a young, hard cock inside me.

“Fuck me, fuck me now,” I blurted out between heavy breaths.

Within seconds Dan’s big cock was prodding at me, a few clumsy jabs until he found my wet slit, and then he sank deep inside me in one smooth motion. He proceeded to fuck me at a nice slow pace, which I was enjoying until the pace became a blur as he slammed harder and harder into me. He was just using me, looking to dump his load inside me and very soon he did just that.

As soon as he pulled out, Pete stepped up to take his turn on me and drove his cock hard into my spunk filled pussy with no ceremony whatsoever. He had the same urgency to fuck me and shoot his spunk in me as his brother. There would have to be some training before this happened again I thought, as I lay there being used again as nothing more to them than a slutty cum dump.

Number two was just as quick with me and I thought they were done, but by now Dan was already rock hard again and eager for a second go on me. This time he didn’t have the same urge to cum so quickly and seemed determined to prove to Peter that he could fuck me the hardest.

“Oh yes,” I screamed. “Cock, give me cock.” I couldn’t help myself. Dan was giving me the best fucking I’d had in years. The more he fucked me the more the wanton whore in me revealed herself. I love young cock and Dan was giving me plenty of it.

“Go on, fuck the old slut,” Peter called out, encouraging his brother to keep ramming his cock ever faster into me.

“Oh Jesus, yes, yes” and the feel of fast and repeated deep penetration was bringing me closer and closer to orgasm.

We came together, spunk pouring from me now as I climaxed with Dan’s cock buried deep inside me. But I felt guilty again and ashamed of myself for enjoying being used like I had been. The boys went back outside congratulating themselves on a job well done in their minds. I jumped in the shower to get cleaned up, and after getting dressed and ready to meet my friends later, I joined the boys sitting at the table by the pool.

“That was not very good sex for me,” I told them. “You started off OK but then there was no gentleness or caring for me, you just acted like dogs shagging me repeatedly. You both need a lot of training before that will ever happen again.”

“Really? It sounded like you loved it,” Dan replied.

“A little more tenderness and appreciation would have been nice.”

“Let me make it up to you then,” said Dan

He immediately leapt to his feet and crawled under the table, I pushed myself forward on the chair and as I opened my legs I felt him pulling my panties to one side. He started to lick my labia lips and my clit tingled with excitement at the feel of his tongue. I guided his head and kept him at it for some ten minutes, enjoying every second as I instructed him all the time.

Finally, as an orgasm scorched through my body, my legs locked on his head and I buried his face in my pussy with my hands. He looked relieved when I let the pressure off him. He grabbed his towel as he sat back in his chair and wiped the mess that had poured from me off his face. I put my soaking panties back in place and lowered my skirt and smiled at them both.

“Now you both now know how to do that properly, I will re-test you both at our next meeting and after that we will have to start at fucking 101. Are you game for that or do you think you know it all?”

“We really need the lessons Mrs Simpson

and are grateful for your help,” Dan said.

“Call me at this number anytime on Monday and I will tell you where we will meet next week.” I gave them a note with my cell number.

I got up and left them to think about the sex they would be having the following week. As I drove off to my meeting, I did the same. Of course I was thinking of it purely as an educational assignment, I always did want to be a teacher.

And the summer rolled on.

Author: DB
Editor: Steffanie

Written by DBarclay
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