Julie pushed open the heavy oak door and almost fell inside. She closed the door behind her with a heavy thud, leaving the snow storm outside. She collected herself and looked around. In front of her stood high shelves with books as far as she could see. To the left was an old wooden desk with a worn chair in the same material. Someone had placed a threadbare cushion on it.
The library was quiet, which wasn’t strange considering it was just that, a library. The snow storm kept the other students in their rooms, only Julie was crazy enough to venture out. Her reason was that she couldn’t stand her roommate. Vicky was a first class bitch and had been picking on her since the first day they had met.
Julie was on a scholarship while Vicky came from a wealthy upstate New York family. Her friends all drove shiny new cars, while Julie walked everywhere. They had designer clothes, Julie wore second hand. They used makeup, Julie didn’t. She had asked the administration clerk if she could change rooms but there were no others available. So, she kept away as much as possible, either in the library or a café in the small University town.
Julie heard footsteps and turned, expecting to see Mrs. Whitehall coming towards her. Instead, a man walked slowly down the steps from the second floor. He had white unruly hair and a grey beard. On his nose sat a pair of small metal framed round glasses and around his neck hung another similar pair on a string. He wore grey flannel pants and a thick sweater. He hadn’t noticed her yet because he was looking at where he placed his feet, making his movements slow and precise. When he reached the bottom he looked up and saw her.
“Hello, young lady. What are you doing out in this weather.”
His voice was soft and very deep. It resonated in the large room.
“Nothing much, I just wanted to get away for a while,” Julie replied.
“Get away from what?” he said and sat down heavily on the chair at the desk.
Instead of answering his question she asked one herself. “Where is Mrs. Whitehall?”
“She went to see her sick mother. I’m Mr. Rush, but you can call me John. Would you like a cup of tea?”
Julie didn’t know Mrs. Whitehall even had a mother, and that she would still be alive. She had figured the old lady had to be close to seventy.
“Yes, please. That’s very kind of you.” She said gratefully.
“Come, pull up a chair.” He said.
Julie left her bag on the desk and grabbed a chair from a nearby table. John turned on a kettle that was standing on a small table by the wall behind the desk. When the water began to boil he turned it off and poured the hot liquid into two old mugs. One had the seal of the University, the other of a car dealership in town.
He added tea bags, and then said, “sugar?”
“No, thanks.”
Julie took the warm mug from his hand and warmed hers with it. Then she put it down on the desk and used her by then warm hands to get the chill out of her cheeks.
“Tell me, what were you running from?” said John when he was seated.
This close Julie figured him to be even older than Mrs. Whitehall.
“Oh, it’s nothing.”
“You don’t venture out in weather like this for nothing.” He said.
Julie sighed. “Fine, the girl I am sharing my room with is a wicked bitch, and I can’t stand her or her friends.”
John chuckled. “I’m sorry to hear that. What’s her name?”
“Victoria Sanders, Vicky for short.”
“Blonde hair, blue eyes, bouncy tits and drives a red Corvette?”
Julie was so surprised at the words coming out of the old man’s mouth, she just nodded her head.
“Mm, I know the type. When I was in college we had the same type of people. Funny how some things never change.”
Julie drank from her mug and the warm liquid felt good. “Did you graduate from here?”
“No, no, I’m an Oxford man.”
“Oxford, as in England?” She asked, surprised.
“Exactly, but I haven’t been back to my home country in over fifty years, I guess I have lost my accent.”
“But not your taste for tea?” she said nodding at the kettle.
He gave her a smile. “No, there is nothing a cup of tea won’t cure.”
They sat in silence for a while and then John opened a drawer on the right side of his desk and took out a tin box. “Cookie?”
Julie looked inside the box which held ten biscuits, what she thought must be chocolate chip cookies. She took one and bit into it. “Mm, it’s delicious.”
“Thank you, I bake them myself.”
“Wow, a librarian who also bakes. What else do you do?”
There was a sparkle in his eyes. “I can run a marathon, sail, ski, and climb mountains.”
She gave him a sideway look. “At your age? Or when you were young?”
“I still do it all. But I think the one thing I like the most is sex.”
Julie almost choked on the cookie. With tears in her eyes, she drank some of her tea and cleared her throat. “Are you married?”
“No, but that doesn’t mean I can’t meet women.”
“No offense, Mr. Rush, John, but isn’t it hard to meet women your age?”
He laughed a loud deep sound that echoed through the library. “Who said anything about old women? No, I like them young, full of life, hard bodied and horny.”
For some reason, Julie didn’t feel uncomfortable with John’s words. Instead, she felt sorry for him. Maybe he was senile and didn’t live in reality but in his own past. There was no way this old bearded man would get even close to a woman Julie’s age.
Out of curiosity she asked, “and how do you meet these hard bodied young women?”
“Here, in the library, or on the internet. I belong to several dating sites.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Seriously, here in the library?”
“Yes, is it so hard to believe?”
“Well, if it was a guy my age I wouldn’t think it was, but coming from you, it is. No offense, but you are not exactly at the age where ‘hooking up’ is part of your daily activity.”
“Why not? Don’t older people have the right to have sex?” He argued.
“Sure they do, but I find it very hard to believe that you would do it with a girl my age.”
“How old are you?” He asked.
“Twenty-two, and you?”
“Eighty-one. What age was the oldest guy you have ever been with?”
Julie had to think for a second. She hadn’t been with that many guys, but she thought the oldest to be Eric. They had met during the summer when she had worked in a department store. She thought he was around thirty, which she told John.
“Okay, and was he any different than the other guys?”
“Not really, at least not that I can recall.” She said truthfully.
John grinned at her, showing perfect white teeth. “Well, maybe you have to add another ten years to the next guy. My point is, us older guys know more about sex and how to please a woman than younger men.”
“That might be true.” She said.
“Might? When was the last time someone ate you out?”
Julie felt how she blushed, this was becoming too personal. “Excuse me, but that’s none of your business.”
“C’mon, tell me.”
She took a deep breath, ready to say no, but then changed her mind. John was an interesting old dude, and she wondered how far he was willing to go. He was obviously trying to flirt with her.
“Well, if you must know, no one has actually eaten me out, yet. Two guys have licked me, but not for very long.”
“Did you like it?”
Did she? She loved it. “Yes, I did.”
“What if I told you I would lick you until you came twice.”
Julie looked at the old face and grey beard. Having it between her legs was nothing she was looking forward to. “John, if a guy could give me two orgasms with his tongue I would be a very happy girl.”
“Just what I thought. What I am telling you is that it might be to your benefit to be with an older man.”
“Not eighty-one, though.” She said with a smile.
“Suit yourself, it’s your loss.” He replied.
At that moment, her phone rang and she took it out from her bag. It was her friend Tamara asking where she was. After a short conversation, they decided to meet for dinner at the cafeteria in ten minutes.
“I have to go, John. Thanks for the tea and the very interesting conversation.”
“You are welcome. Please, come back and see me again.
John watched her walk towards the doors. She had a lot of clothes on so it was hard for him to see what kind of body she had, but in his mind, it was hard with pert boobs and a round ass. He licked his lips when she slipped out into the snow storm. He got up and took the mugs with him to the bathroom where he washed them in the sink. He had had an erection all through the time he had spent with Julie, and now his cock was limp again. Back at his desk, he began to pile return books onto a little cart which he then pushed around the library returning the books to where they belonged. While he did this he fantasized about lying between Julie’s legs and licking her soft wet pussy.
Julie dipped a couple of French Fries into the ketchup she had poured on her plate. After swallowing she said, “have you met John Rush, the new librarian?”
Tamara looked up from her phone that she was typing on. “No, why?”
“He tried to pick me up.”
Her friend put away her phone, and said, “really? Is he good looking?”
Julie laughed. “Yeah, if you like them old.”
“What? In his forties?”
“Double that.”
“Fuck me! That is old.” Tamara exclaimed.
“He probably would fuck you, I mean," joked Julie.
Tamara was a beautiful woman with mocha coloured skin and big doe eyes. She was taller than Julie’s five-feet-seven and had more ass and boob too. The guys loved her and would do their homework by the communal pool when the weather allowed it, just to get a look at her. She didn’t mind it and wore the smallest bikinis she could get her hands on.
“No thanks, I don’t date men older than forty,” Tamara said and wiped her mouth with a paper napkin. Then she took out her makeup and added a touch to her face.
She was the exact opposite of Julie. Immaculately dressed for any occasion, including a snow storm. She wore tight fitting jeans, high boots, and a fashionable winter jacket. Julie wore jeans that were one size too big, military boots and a second-hand long coat she had found in a pawn shop down the street.
“What if he was really nice?” Julie asked.
Tamara looked at her from behind her small makeup mirror. “What do you mean nice? Taking me out for dinner and buying me things?”
“No, I meant as a person.”
She scoffed. “Nope, no chance in hell any old dude will touch these,” she said cupping her left boob with her free hand, and then continued, “being nice is not what I use as a measuring tool, to let men take me out.”
“I do,” Julie responded.
“And that’s where we are different.” Tamara leaned over the table and almost whispered.
The library was quiet, which wasn’t strange considering it was just that, a library. The snow storm kept the other students in their rooms, only Julie was crazy enough to venture out. Her reason was that she couldn’t stand her roommate. Vicky was a first class bitch and had been picking on her since the first day they had met.
Julie was on a scholarship while Vicky came from a wealthy upstate New York family. Her friends all drove shiny new cars, while Julie walked everywhere. They had designer clothes, Julie wore second hand. They used makeup, Julie didn’t. She had asked the administration clerk if she could change rooms but there were no others available. So, she kept away as much as possible, either in the library or a café in the small University town.
Julie heard footsteps and turned, expecting to see Mrs. Whitehall coming towards her. Instead, a man walked slowly down the steps from the second floor. He had white unruly hair and a grey beard. On his nose sat a pair of small metal framed round glasses and around his neck hung another similar pair on a string. He wore grey flannel pants and a thick sweater. He hadn’t noticed her yet because he was looking at where he placed his feet, making his movements slow and precise. When he reached the bottom he looked up and saw her.
“Hello, young lady. What are you doing out in this weather.”
His voice was soft and very deep. It resonated in the large room.
“Nothing much, I just wanted to get away for a while,” Julie replied.
“Get away from what?” he said and sat down heavily on the chair at the desk.
Instead of answering his question she asked one herself. “Where is Mrs. Whitehall?”
“She went to see her sick mother. I’m Mr. Rush, but you can call me John. Would you like a cup of tea?”
Julie didn’t know Mrs. Whitehall even had a mother, and that she would still be alive. She had figured the old lady had to be close to seventy.
“Yes, please. That’s very kind of you.” She said gratefully.
“Come, pull up a chair.” He said.
Julie left her bag on the desk and grabbed a chair from a nearby table. John turned on a kettle that was standing on a small table by the wall behind the desk. When the water began to boil he turned it off and poured the hot liquid into two old mugs. One had the seal of the University, the other of a car dealership in town.
He added tea bags, and then said, “sugar?”
“No, thanks.”
Julie took the warm mug from his hand and warmed hers with it. Then she put it down on the desk and used her by then warm hands to get the chill out of her cheeks.
“Tell me, what were you running from?” said John when he was seated.
This close Julie figured him to be even older than Mrs. Whitehall.
“Oh, it’s nothing.”
“You don’t venture out in weather like this for nothing.” He said.
Julie sighed. “Fine, the girl I am sharing my room with is a wicked bitch, and I can’t stand her or her friends.”
John chuckled. “I’m sorry to hear that. What’s her name?”
“Victoria Sanders, Vicky for short.”
“Blonde hair, blue eyes, bouncy tits and drives a red Corvette?”
Julie was so surprised at the words coming out of the old man’s mouth, she just nodded her head.
“Mm, I know the type. When I was in college we had the same type of people. Funny how some things never change.”
Julie drank from her mug and the warm liquid felt good. “Did you graduate from here?”
“No, no, I’m an Oxford man.”
“Oxford, as in England?” She asked, surprised.
“Exactly, but I haven’t been back to my home country in over fifty years, I guess I have lost my accent.”
“But not your taste for tea?” she said nodding at the kettle.
He gave her a smile. “No, there is nothing a cup of tea won’t cure.”
They sat in silence for a while and then John opened a drawer on the right side of his desk and took out a tin box. “Cookie?”
Julie looked inside the box which held ten biscuits, what she thought must be chocolate chip cookies. She took one and bit into it. “Mm, it’s delicious.”
“Thank you, I bake them myself.”
“Wow, a librarian who also bakes. What else do you do?”
There was a sparkle in his eyes. “I can run a marathon, sail, ski, and climb mountains.”
She gave him a sideway look. “At your age? Or when you were young?”
“I still do it all. But I think the one thing I like the most is sex.”
Julie almost choked on the cookie. With tears in her eyes, she drank some of her tea and cleared her throat. “Are you married?”
“No, but that doesn’t mean I can’t meet women.”
“No offense, Mr. Rush, John, but isn’t it hard to meet women your age?”
He laughed a loud deep sound that echoed through the library. “Who said anything about old women? No, I like them young, full of life, hard bodied and horny.”
For some reason, Julie didn’t feel uncomfortable with John’s words. Instead, she felt sorry for him. Maybe he was senile and didn’t live in reality but in his own past. There was no way this old bearded man would get even close to a woman Julie’s age.
Out of curiosity she asked, “and how do you meet these hard bodied young women?”
“Here, in the library, or on the internet. I belong to several dating sites.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Seriously, here in the library?”
“Yes, is it so hard to believe?”
“Well, if it was a guy my age I wouldn’t think it was, but coming from you, it is. No offense, but you are not exactly at the age where ‘hooking up’ is part of your daily activity.”
“Why not? Don’t older people have the right to have sex?” He argued.
“Sure they do, but I find it very hard to believe that you would do it with a girl my age.”
“How old are you?” He asked.
“Twenty-two, and you?”
“Eighty-one. What age was the oldest guy you have ever been with?”
Julie had to think for a second. She hadn’t been with that many guys, but she thought the oldest to be Eric. They had met during the summer when she had worked in a department store. She thought he was around thirty, which she told John.
“Okay, and was he any different than the other guys?”
“Not really, at least not that I can recall.” She said truthfully.
John grinned at her, showing perfect white teeth. “Well, maybe you have to add another ten years to the next guy. My point is, us older guys know more about sex and how to please a woman than younger men.”
“That might be true.” She said.
“Might? When was the last time someone ate you out?”
Julie felt how she blushed, this was becoming too personal. “Excuse me, but that’s none of your business.”
“C’mon, tell me.”
She took a deep breath, ready to say no, but then changed her mind. John was an interesting old dude, and she wondered how far he was willing to go. He was obviously trying to flirt with her.
“Well, if you must know, no one has actually eaten me out, yet. Two guys have licked me, but not for very long.”
“Did you like it?”
Did she? She loved it. “Yes, I did.”
“What if I told you I would lick you until you came twice.”
Julie looked at the old face and grey beard. Having it between her legs was nothing she was looking forward to. “John, if a guy could give me two orgasms with his tongue I would be a very happy girl.”
“Just what I thought. What I am telling you is that it might be to your benefit to be with an older man.”
“Not eighty-one, though.” She said with a smile.
“Suit yourself, it’s your loss.” He replied.
At that moment, her phone rang and she took it out from her bag. It was her friend Tamara asking where she was. After a short conversation, they decided to meet for dinner at the cafeteria in ten minutes.
“I have to go, John. Thanks for the tea and the very interesting conversation.”
“You are welcome. Please, come back and see me again.
John watched her walk towards the doors. She had a lot of clothes on so it was hard for him to see what kind of body she had, but in his mind, it was hard with pert boobs and a round ass. He licked his lips when she slipped out into the snow storm. He got up and took the mugs with him to the bathroom where he washed them in the sink. He had had an erection all through the time he had spent with Julie, and now his cock was limp again. Back at his desk, he began to pile return books onto a little cart which he then pushed around the library returning the books to where they belonged. While he did this he fantasized about lying between Julie’s legs and licking her soft wet pussy.
Julie dipped a couple of French Fries into the ketchup she had poured on her plate. After swallowing she said, “have you met John Rush, the new librarian?”
Tamara looked up from her phone that she was typing on. “No, why?”
“He tried to pick me up.”
Her friend put away her phone, and said, “really? Is he good looking?”
Julie laughed. “Yeah, if you like them old.”
“What? In his forties?”
“Double that.”
“Fuck me! That is old.” Tamara exclaimed.
“He probably would fuck you, I mean," joked Julie.
Tamara was a beautiful woman with mocha coloured skin and big doe eyes. She was taller than Julie’s five-feet-seven and had more ass and boob too. The guys loved her and would do their homework by the communal pool when the weather allowed it, just to get a look at her. She didn’t mind it and wore the smallest bikinis she could get her hands on.
“No thanks, I don’t date men older than forty,” Tamara said and wiped her mouth with a paper napkin. Then she took out her makeup and added a touch to her face.
She was the exact opposite of Julie. Immaculately dressed for any occasion, including a snow storm. She wore tight fitting jeans, high boots, and a fashionable winter jacket. Julie wore jeans that were one size too big, military boots and a second-hand long coat she had found in a pawn shop down the street.
“What if he was really nice?” Julie asked.
Tamara looked at her from behind her small makeup mirror. “What do you mean nice? Taking me out for dinner and buying me things?”
“No, I meant as a person.”
She scoffed. “Nope, no chance in hell any old dude will touch these,” she said cupping her left boob with her free hand, and then continued, “being nice is not what I use as a measuring tool, to let men take me out.”
“I do,” Julie responded.
“And that’s where we are different.” Tamara leaned over the table and almost whispered.

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“I don’t fuck welfare cases. You have to earn it.”
Julie pushed away her empty plate and stood up. “I’m getting a refill. Do you want something?”
“No thanks, I’m fine.”
There were three girls in front of the coffee stand, and while Julie waited, Vicky walked in with her best friend Samantha Graves. When they saw her they came up to her and Vicky said, “what are you up to, skank?”
“What does it look like, bitch?” Julie retorted.
Vicky stepped closer and snarled. “Fuck you, you poor piece of trash.”
They left her and Julie filled her coffee mug and went back to Tamara.
“What did they want?” she said, nodding towards Vicky and Samantha that had picked up a tray each.
“Nothing, being assholes as usual.”
“You need to change roommate,” Tamara said.
“I know, but there are no other available,” Julie replied.
Tamara put away her makeup and said, “I know the guy over at the administration, I will have a talk with him.”
“Really? How do you know him?”
“That’s my business, but let’s just say, that I made him very happy one night before Christmas.”
Julie giggled, “thanks.”
A week later John Rush was sitting in his chair in the tiny office he had in the library. It was on the second floor and he didn’t often use it, except when one of his fuck bunnies came by.
He looked down at the blonde head moving up and down over his cock and said, “do you like Santa’s gift?”
The head turned and he looked into a pair of light blue eyes. Vicky licked her lips and moaned, “yes, I do. Thank you so much, for letting me suck you.”
Instead of answering he pushed her head down and she went back to doing what she loved.
Vicky had a Santa fetish, and John had found that out after listening to her and Samantha talking one night. He had been returning books to the shelves and the two women hadn’t noticed him. Vicky had told her friend how she liked her boyfriends to dress like Santa and then fuck her.
When Samantha had left and Vicky was alone John had simply walked up to her and said, “what if I would be your Santa? I mean, I have the beard and the age.”
Thinking she would tell him to piss off, he was surprised when she said, “sure, but can you get it up?”
He took a blue pill from his pocket and showed it to her. “This will help.”
They had gone to his office where she blew him and he came all over her pink cheeks and button nose. This was the second time she had come by and he was hoping he would get to fuck her this time.
When he felt his balls begin to contract he lifted up her head and said, “C’mon, let me fuck that juicy pussy of yours.”
Vicky was so horny by now she didn’t care who or what stuck their cock in her. “Okay, give it to me.”
John swiped the things off his desk and onto the floor and then lifted Vicky up so she could she lie down. He quickly undid her jeans and pulled them off. She had long beautifully shaped legs and white cotton panties. They came off, and when he saw her pussy with just a thin landing strip of pubic hair, he sighed and buried his face into it. Vicky giggled as his beard tickled her but when his tongue found her clit she stopped and deep moans began to come from her throat.
“Yes, Santa, lick my pussy, lick it good.”
When she was nice and wet John pulled down his pants and his cock was hard and ready. Vicky lifted her head from the table to see what an eighty-year-old dick look liked. She had been afraid it might be all shrivelled up and useless, but she was wrong. It was erect and a drop of pre-cum glittered on the tip. John grabbed her legs and pulled her closer to the edge. He lined up his cock with her pussy and then gently pressed himself into the warmth and wetness of her. He sighed when he was all the way inside and began to thrust slowly and steady.
Julie found the library empty apart from two students over by the computers. She walked along the aisle looking for John, but couldn’t find him. Then she remembered the office on the second floor and headed that way. When she reached the door she heard sounds coming from inside. It sounded like someone was moving the furniture around, so she just opened the door and walked in. What she saw made her jaw drop.
John was standing by his desk with his pants around his ankles. On the desk lay Vicky holding on to the edges with her hands and moaning loudly while John fucked her. The noise Julie had heard was the desk hitting the wall. She thought about quietly closing the door and walk away, but this was such a good opportunity to get back at Vicky.
“Hi, am I disturbing you?” She enquired.
John whipped his head around and when he saw her, he just smiled, and said, “no, not at all. I am almost done. Hang on one second.”
Vicky who had also seen Julie, tried to get up but John held her in place for the few seconds it took him to pull out his cock and jerk off. The cum flew over Vicky’s tummy and landed on her cheek and her sweater. When John was done, he let go of her and she scrambled off the table and grabbed her pants.
When she ran past Julie, she said, “Not a word, not a fucking word about this, or I will kill you.”
She slammed the door shut, and Julie was alone with the half-naked John.
“I’m sorry to intrude, John, but I was looking for you downstairs,” Julie said politely.
He turned towards her and stood there with his semi-erect cock dangling between his legs. Her eyes were drawn to it, and she felt ashamed for looking. Instead of getting dressed, John walked slowly towards her and his cock moved to the rhythm of his steps. She looked up at his face and he was smiling at her.
“It’s OK, you can look.” He said
“It’s so fucking big. I have never seen anything like it,” she whispered, and dropped her bag on the floor.
John grabbed his shaft and gave it a few jerks so it hardened. “Nine uncut inches, and if I may say so, I am very proud of it.”
While she watched, it grew hard under his touch and when he let go the shaft stood straight up against his belly. By now he was only a few steps from her and he kept coming closer. She took one, then two steps backwards but the door was there and she had nowhere to go. As if she wanted to. Who was she kidding? Staring at his massive dick, she only had one thought in her mind, she had to touch it.
John saw her face change, from surprise to shock, to delight, and finally to desire. She licked her lips and when he was one step from her she sank down onto her knees in front of him.
Looking down at the young woman he asked, “are you ready?”
“Mm, I think so.” She replied.
“Do you think you can handle it?”
Julie took hold of his shaft with her right hand and her fingers didn’t even come close to touching around it. It was hot and rock hard in her hand and when she began to jerk him off a drop of cum showed up on the tip. Instead of feeling disgusted but what essentially was the cum that Vicky had taken, it turned her on even more. Sticking out her tongue she licked it off and then gave his cockhead two hard sucks, to clean it out.
“Take it as far as you can,” John, whispered.
Opening her mouth as wide as she could, she lowered her head and the long thick shaft slid in between her lips, stretching them further apart for every inch. Her jaw hurt but she didn’t give up. Slowly, but surely she took almost all of him inside and when his cockhead reached the back of her throat she controlled the gagging that automatically followed. She began to bob her head up and down and as she did it faster and faster saliva began to drip down her chin, but she didn’t care.
Julie’s eyes were wide open as she sucked his cock, and John didn’t take his eyes off hers, not even for a second. He loved watching the young women suck him. It was one of his favorite things in life. As his balls began to contract and he felt those first contractions of his coming orgasm he gently pulled his cock out of her mouth and pulled her up.
“What?” she asked, looking dazed and confused.
“I want that young pussy of yours.” He said.
She quickly took off her clothes and sat down on the table where just a few minutes earlier Vicky had gotten hers. John helped her off with her white panties and when she lay back, the table was cool against her skin. She shivered and then lifted her head so she could see better.
John stood between her legs and she could clearly see his hard cock sticking up. When he grabbed it and the cockhead came knocking on her pussy lips she grabbed the edge of the table but kept eye contact with him.
“Are you ready?” he said.
“Yes, give it to me, John. Fuck me. I want your old cock in me.”
He laughed his deep laugh and then moved in closer. When he began to enter her, Julie took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She was extremely wet even though he hadn’t touched her cunt at all. His cock slid in a couple of inches without much resistance. But when he grabbed her legs and pulled her closer and at the same time thrust into her, Julie’s eyes flew open and she let go of a long shriek.
“God, you are big, fucking shit, it hurts!”
“Shh, relax baby doll, just relax. It will be okay after a minute or so.”
He stood rock still while Julie’s pussy slowly began to adjust to the enormous cock inside her. When she began to breathe normally John, continued to slowly move back and forth. What had started as pain, slowly became pleasure as her pussy relaxed and she relaxed. John’s cock did what it was supposed to do, drive her to an orgasm. Julie lifted her head as much as she could and looked down at her pussy. Her lips were swollen and spread wide apart. John rubbed her clit with his thumb and he had slowly begun to quicken his thrusts.
“Mm, yes, yes, old man, fuck my tiny pussy, fuck it deeply.” She moaned.
“I bet you never thought I could do this.” He smiled at her.
“No, never, but God, you are fantastic!” She exclaimed.
“That’s what they all say,” he chuckled.
“Oh, oh, oh, shit, oh shit, I am almost there!”
John watched her face while the orgasm flowed over her and he loved the way she shut her eyes as hard as she could, and grabbed the table until her knuckles were white. Her legs trembled, and her back came off the table as she let go of a long deep moan. When she had come, John pulled out his cock and moved so he was standing beside her. Turning her head towards him, she giggled and opened her mouth so he could slide his shaft into it.
She loved the taste of her own pussy and using her lips and tongue she quickly brought him to an orgasm, where he squirted some in her mouth and some over her cheeks. The hot liquid ran down her skin and she loved every second of it. When she was dressed and bent over to pick up her bag, she turned to John who was sitting still half naked on the table.
“How do you do it?” She queried.
“Do what?”
She pointed at his cock. “Keep that thing so hard.”
He chuckled. A few years ago I invested some money in a company that was making a pill for men that had problems keeping their cocks hard. I thought it was all BS, but I guess they knew what they were doing. I am now a millionaire, but also a big user of their product.”
“Oh, God, you are on V?” Julie gasped.
“Yep. When would you like to come by again? I am free on Tuesday at 3pm.”
Julie laughed. “What? Do I have to make an appointment?”
“Of course, or did you think you were the only woman on campus that knows about my cock size?”
Julie laughed and turned around. “I’ll let you know, John Rush.”
“You do that, Julie.”
Julie pushed away her empty plate and stood up. “I’m getting a refill. Do you want something?”
“No thanks, I’m fine.”
There were three girls in front of the coffee stand, and while Julie waited, Vicky walked in with her best friend Samantha Graves. When they saw her they came up to her and Vicky said, “what are you up to, skank?”
“What does it look like, bitch?” Julie retorted.
Vicky stepped closer and snarled. “Fuck you, you poor piece of trash.”
They left her and Julie filled her coffee mug and went back to Tamara.
“What did they want?” she said, nodding towards Vicky and Samantha that had picked up a tray each.
“Nothing, being assholes as usual.”
“You need to change roommate,” Tamara said.
“I know, but there are no other available,” Julie replied.
Tamara put away her makeup and said, “I know the guy over at the administration, I will have a talk with him.”
“Really? How do you know him?”
“That’s my business, but let’s just say, that I made him very happy one night before Christmas.”
Julie giggled, “thanks.”
A week later John Rush was sitting in his chair in the tiny office he had in the library. It was on the second floor and he didn’t often use it, except when one of his fuck bunnies came by.
He looked down at the blonde head moving up and down over his cock and said, “do you like Santa’s gift?”
The head turned and he looked into a pair of light blue eyes. Vicky licked her lips and moaned, “yes, I do. Thank you so much, for letting me suck you.”
Instead of answering he pushed her head down and she went back to doing what she loved.
Vicky had a Santa fetish, and John had found that out after listening to her and Samantha talking one night. He had been returning books to the shelves and the two women hadn’t noticed him. Vicky had told her friend how she liked her boyfriends to dress like Santa and then fuck her.
When Samantha had left and Vicky was alone John had simply walked up to her and said, “what if I would be your Santa? I mean, I have the beard and the age.”
Thinking she would tell him to piss off, he was surprised when she said, “sure, but can you get it up?”
He took a blue pill from his pocket and showed it to her. “This will help.”
They had gone to his office where she blew him and he came all over her pink cheeks and button nose. This was the second time she had come by and he was hoping he would get to fuck her this time.
When he felt his balls begin to contract he lifted up her head and said, “C’mon, let me fuck that juicy pussy of yours.”
Vicky was so horny by now she didn’t care who or what stuck their cock in her. “Okay, give it to me.”
John swiped the things off his desk and onto the floor and then lifted Vicky up so she could she lie down. He quickly undid her jeans and pulled them off. She had long beautifully shaped legs and white cotton panties. They came off, and when he saw her pussy with just a thin landing strip of pubic hair, he sighed and buried his face into it. Vicky giggled as his beard tickled her but when his tongue found her clit she stopped and deep moans began to come from her throat.
“Yes, Santa, lick my pussy, lick it good.”
When she was nice and wet John pulled down his pants and his cock was hard and ready. Vicky lifted her head from the table to see what an eighty-year-old dick look liked. She had been afraid it might be all shrivelled up and useless, but she was wrong. It was erect and a drop of pre-cum glittered on the tip. John grabbed her legs and pulled her closer to the edge. He lined up his cock with her pussy and then gently pressed himself into the warmth and wetness of her. He sighed when he was all the way inside and began to thrust slowly and steady.
Julie found the library empty apart from two students over by the computers. She walked along the aisle looking for John, but couldn’t find him. Then she remembered the office on the second floor and headed that way. When she reached the door she heard sounds coming from inside. It sounded like someone was moving the furniture around, so she just opened the door and walked in. What she saw made her jaw drop.
John was standing by his desk with his pants around his ankles. On the desk lay Vicky holding on to the edges with her hands and moaning loudly while John fucked her. The noise Julie had heard was the desk hitting the wall. She thought about quietly closing the door and walk away, but this was such a good opportunity to get back at Vicky.
“Hi, am I disturbing you?” She enquired.
John whipped his head around and when he saw her, he just smiled, and said, “no, not at all. I am almost done. Hang on one second.”
Vicky who had also seen Julie, tried to get up but John held her in place for the few seconds it took him to pull out his cock and jerk off. The cum flew over Vicky’s tummy and landed on her cheek and her sweater. When John was done, he let go of her and she scrambled off the table and grabbed her pants.
When she ran past Julie, she said, “Not a word, not a fucking word about this, or I will kill you.”
She slammed the door shut, and Julie was alone with the half-naked John.
“I’m sorry to intrude, John, but I was looking for you downstairs,” Julie said politely.
He turned towards her and stood there with his semi-erect cock dangling between his legs. Her eyes were drawn to it, and she felt ashamed for looking. Instead of getting dressed, John walked slowly towards her and his cock moved to the rhythm of his steps. She looked up at his face and he was smiling at her.
“It’s OK, you can look.” He said
“It’s so fucking big. I have never seen anything like it,” she whispered, and dropped her bag on the floor.
John grabbed his shaft and gave it a few jerks so it hardened. “Nine uncut inches, and if I may say so, I am very proud of it.”
While she watched, it grew hard under his touch and when he let go the shaft stood straight up against his belly. By now he was only a few steps from her and he kept coming closer. She took one, then two steps backwards but the door was there and she had nowhere to go. As if she wanted to. Who was she kidding? Staring at his massive dick, she only had one thought in her mind, she had to touch it.
John saw her face change, from surprise to shock, to delight, and finally to desire. She licked her lips and when he was one step from her she sank down onto her knees in front of him.
Looking down at the young woman he asked, “are you ready?”
“Mm, I think so.” She replied.
“Do you think you can handle it?”
Julie took hold of his shaft with her right hand and her fingers didn’t even come close to touching around it. It was hot and rock hard in her hand and when she began to jerk him off a drop of cum showed up on the tip. Instead of feeling disgusted but what essentially was the cum that Vicky had taken, it turned her on even more. Sticking out her tongue she licked it off and then gave his cockhead two hard sucks, to clean it out.
“Take it as far as you can,” John, whispered.
Opening her mouth as wide as she could, she lowered her head and the long thick shaft slid in between her lips, stretching them further apart for every inch. Her jaw hurt but she didn’t give up. Slowly, but surely she took almost all of him inside and when his cockhead reached the back of her throat she controlled the gagging that automatically followed. She began to bob her head up and down and as she did it faster and faster saliva began to drip down her chin, but she didn’t care.
Julie’s eyes were wide open as she sucked his cock, and John didn’t take his eyes off hers, not even for a second. He loved watching the young women suck him. It was one of his favorite things in life. As his balls began to contract and he felt those first contractions of his coming orgasm he gently pulled his cock out of her mouth and pulled her up.
“What?” she asked, looking dazed and confused.
“I want that young pussy of yours.” He said.
She quickly took off her clothes and sat down on the table where just a few minutes earlier Vicky had gotten hers. John helped her off with her white panties and when she lay back, the table was cool against her skin. She shivered and then lifted her head so she could see better.
John stood between her legs and she could clearly see his hard cock sticking up. When he grabbed it and the cockhead came knocking on her pussy lips she grabbed the edge of the table but kept eye contact with him.
“Are you ready?” he said.
“Yes, give it to me, John. Fuck me. I want your old cock in me.”
He laughed his deep laugh and then moved in closer. When he began to enter her, Julie took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She was extremely wet even though he hadn’t touched her cunt at all. His cock slid in a couple of inches without much resistance. But when he grabbed her legs and pulled her closer and at the same time thrust into her, Julie’s eyes flew open and she let go of a long shriek.
“God, you are big, fucking shit, it hurts!”
“Shh, relax baby doll, just relax. It will be okay after a minute or so.”
He stood rock still while Julie’s pussy slowly began to adjust to the enormous cock inside her. When she began to breathe normally John, continued to slowly move back and forth. What had started as pain, slowly became pleasure as her pussy relaxed and she relaxed. John’s cock did what it was supposed to do, drive her to an orgasm. Julie lifted her head as much as she could and looked down at her pussy. Her lips were swollen and spread wide apart. John rubbed her clit with his thumb and he had slowly begun to quicken his thrusts.
“Mm, yes, yes, old man, fuck my tiny pussy, fuck it deeply.” She moaned.
“I bet you never thought I could do this.” He smiled at her.
“No, never, but God, you are fantastic!” She exclaimed.
“That’s what they all say,” he chuckled.
“Oh, oh, oh, shit, oh shit, I am almost there!”
John watched her face while the orgasm flowed over her and he loved the way she shut her eyes as hard as she could, and grabbed the table until her knuckles were white. Her legs trembled, and her back came off the table as she let go of a long deep moan. When she had come, John pulled out his cock and moved so he was standing beside her. Turning her head towards him, she giggled and opened her mouth so he could slide his shaft into it.
She loved the taste of her own pussy and using her lips and tongue she quickly brought him to an orgasm, where he squirted some in her mouth and some over her cheeks. The hot liquid ran down her skin and she loved every second of it. When she was dressed and bent over to pick up her bag, she turned to John who was sitting still half naked on the table.
“How do you do it?” She queried.
“Do what?”
She pointed at his cock. “Keep that thing so hard.”
He chuckled. A few years ago I invested some money in a company that was making a pill for men that had problems keeping their cocks hard. I thought it was all BS, but I guess they knew what they were doing. I am now a millionaire, but also a big user of their product.”
“Oh, God, you are on V?” Julie gasped.
“Yep. When would you like to come by again? I am free on Tuesday at 3pm.”
Julie laughed. “What? Do I have to make an appointment?”
“Of course, or did you think you were the only woman on campus that knows about my cock size?”
Julie laughed and turned around. “I’ll let you know, John Rush.”
“You do that, Julie.”