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The Hitchhiker

"A college student needs to get back to school."

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Author's Notes

"I chose to write this from the young man's perspective. I had to use several assumptions in his private thoughts but, the overall story and the dialog is true to the best of my recollection. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Enjoy..."

The Christmas holiday break was coming to an end. It was great to come home and see my family. I hadn’t been home since I left in August. Now it was time to get back to school. The trip from where I live in Naples to Tallahassee is a little more than a seven-hour drive.

My Father was disappointed in my grades for the fall semester. After having a long conversation, he thought it best if I concentrated on my studies. He insisted that I leave my car at home for the semester and gave me money to take the bus to Florida State.

I looked up the schedule for the bus. It was crazy. A seven-hour drive by car takes twenty-one hours by bus. The bus makes over seventeen stops as it zig-zags across the state. I looked into flying but it was expensive and nothing was available for several days.

It hit me, pocket the money my Father gave me and hitchhike back to school. It is a straight shot up Interstate 75. It shouldn’t take much longer than if I drove my car, and I will have an extra hundred dollars to party with when I get back to my dorm.

The next morning, my parents drove me to the Greyhound terminal. Carrying a backpack with a hidden cardboard sign with large letters that read FSU, I said my goodbyes. As usual, my Mother cried. She always gets emotional when I leave. My Father gave me the evil eye and told me that I better pick up my grades or he wouldn’t pay for school. Then, he hugged me.

As soon as they left the building, I went out a different exit. The terminal was a short walk to the entrance ramp to the Interstate. I pulled out my sign and prominently displayed it for drivers to see. It was only a five-minute wait before a truck stopped. I ran up to the passenger door and climbed in. The driver was a young man. He told me he was heading to Bradenton, about two hours north. It was a good start.

Exactly two hours later, the truck was rolling down the exit ramp for Bradenton. It came to a stop, I grabbed my backpack, thanked the driver, and hopped out. I crossed the street to the northbound entrance ramp, pulled out my FSU sign, and waited. Time was at a crawl as I waited. I wasn’t as lucky getting a ride and started to regret my decision to thumb a ride rather than beg for my car. It was a half-hour when someone finally stopped.

A beautiful BMW Z4 pulled over. It was a convertible but, because it was a brisk sixty-three degrees out, the top was up. Too bad, it would have been fun driving with the top down. Like the first ride, I ran to the passenger door, opened it, and lowered myself into this high-performance roadster. As I settled in I looked at the driver. I laughed out loud when I realized that the person driving this land rocket was an old lady.

She looked at me and with a slight annoyance in her voice asked, “What the hell is so funny?”

The look on my face must have given me away; she knew. I was hoping she wouldn’t throw me out of the car. I waited too long for this ride.

With a sheepish look on my face I said, “When I opened the door, I didn’t expect…”

She interrupted, “Expect what? A Grandma? An old lady? Your Nana?”

“Well, you have to admit, this isn’t the typical car a mature…”

She cut me off again. “Tread lightly here. After all, I am your chauffeur.”

This woman was pretty fearless. She took off up the entrance ramp merging onto the Interstate like she was exiting from a pit stop at the Daytona 500. I glanced down at the speedometer, we were already exceeding the speed limit and we weren’t even out of the merge lane yet.

I was hanging on to the door handle, just slightly frightened. The car was weaving right and left, passing cars like they were standing still. “I appreciate you stopping to pick me up. My name is Paul. I’m on my way back to school. I am a junior at FSU.”

“Nice to meet you, Paul. My name is Darlene. Today is your lucky day. I work in Tallahassee and that is where I am heading. I saw your sign, that is why I stopped. We just have to make a stop at my house in Crystal River.”

This is luck. It is almost as good as driving myself except her driving almost made me shit myself. It was still better than sitting on a Greyhound bus all day and night. “Wow! That is great. My Father wanted me to take the bus. Thank you so much.”

There was a long silence. The purr of the engine was hypnotic. As we climbed up the Skyway Bridge I glanced over at Darlene. She was wearing a dress that was hiked up high on her thighs. Her legs were bronze and muscular. Then I noticed that with every bump in the road, her tits had a little bounce, she wasn’t wearing a bra. I couldn’t believe this senior citizen was starting to give me a hard-on.

She busted me staring at her. “What are you looking at?”

I was at a loss for words. Like a guilty child, I defensively lied. “Nothing! Why?”

We were flying past Tropicana Field. I wanted to change the subject. The only thing I could come up with was to talk about baseball. “Are you a Tampa Bay Rays fan?”

I am so lame. I wanted to catch my words and shove them back in my mouth. I should have come up with a wisecrack or something clever to say. The more I checked her out, I realized that she was a very sexy woman. Very different from the girls at school. Darlene had a confidence about her that girls my age don’t possess.

She ignored my question, responding with questions of her own. “Do you have a little honey at school that you like to hang around with?”

“No one particular. I don’t want to be tied down. I do okay though.” That was a lie. There was no one in my life. I had a girlfriend in high school, but we never messed around. She was raised Catholic and wanted to wait until she was married. The fact was, I was a twenty-year-old virgin.

“Well good for you, Stud. You’re a hunk. I’m sure you do just fine with the women.”

As she was talking, she pulled her dress slightly higher showing more of her legs. I was trying not to be so obvious as I looked over at her. She started to brush her fingers over her left nipple. My dick was straining against my blue jeans.

Darlene reached across the console that separated us and ran her hand across my lap. “My-my, what have you gotten yourself into?”

Her touch almost made me come in my pants. I unzipped my pants and let her see my erection.

She screamed, “What are you doing?”

I was so embarrassed. “I’m sorry. I thought…”

“Well, you thought wrong. What was I supposed to do with that while I’m driving?”

That was not what I expected her to say. I had no response. We sat in silence for the next ninety minutes as we raced toward her house. She brought the car down to what seemed like a crawl as we passed through the town of Homosassa, a known speed trap. I scanned the dashboard and realized that we were still going well over the speed limit. Within minutes the red and blue flashing lights of a county sheriff's car was on our tail.

Darlene pulled the car over. She also pulled her dress down over her knees. She magically gave the appearance of an old lady. She rolled the window down and kept her hands in plain sight. I could tell this wasn’t the first time she was stopped for speeding.

“Paul, keep your mouth shut. I’ll do the talking.”

The Deputy walked over to the car. “Good afternoon, Ma’am. May I have your license, registration, and proof of insurance, please?”

“Certainly. Did I do something wrong?” She sounded so innocent.

“Ma’am, I clocked you at twenty miles over the posted speed limit. Is there a reason you were going so fast through town?”

I couldn’t believe it. This cop was looking to give her a break, a chance to explain. If it was me, he wouldn’t hesitate to write a summons for speeding.

“I am so sorry, deputy. I’m taking my Grandson Paul back to college in Tallahassee. I drove down to Bradenton to pick him up. I must have lost track of my speed. He will be a senior next year and we were discussing his future. He is my only grandchild and I want nothing but the best for him. When he graduates I want him to apply to law school like his Grandpa Al did when we were just kids. I wish he was still with us. He would have been so proud of Paul.”

Holy shit! She just made up a complete fabrication. Just a short while ago, she rubbed her hand across my dick. I was ready for her to take it in her hand and stroke it. Now I am her beloved grandson.

The deputy handed the papers back to Darlene. He leaned into the car and looked at me. “Son, you’re very lucky to have a Grandma that cares this much about you. Do the right thing and listen to her advice.”

He stood up and said, “Ma’am, I need you to slow down, drive safe and have a good day.” Then he turned back to his vehicle and left. No summons.

She giggled as we were on our way, about thirty minutes from her house. As soon as the deputy was out of sight, her dress was back up her legs again and she once again started to pinch her nipples to a hard point. My dick almost split my pants open.

I didn’t say a word for the rest of the trip. The fantasy I had, I was undressing this lady in my mind. She steered the car off the main road toward the Gulf of Mexico. I knew we were running out of land. I could smell the saltwater in the air. The road ended at a driveway but I couldn’t see the house. We came to a stop at one of the largest homes I’d ever seen.

I wasn’t sure what to do. “Should I wait here for you?”

“Don’t be silly. It’s Sunday. I don’t have to be in Tallahassee until tomorrow. We’ll spend the night here, get a good night’s sleep, rise early and I’ll have you at school in time for your first class. Then I’ll go to my office for my weekly grind.”

We walked into her house together. “My first class isn’t until Wednesday. I should call my Mother and let her know where I am.”

She looked at me with a wicked grin. “What are you going to tell her? That you missed the bus and you were hitchhiking and some strange woman picked you up. That you have no idea where you are. How do you think that will go over at home?”

I gave it some thought. “You’re right. I’ll just send her a text to let her know I am okay.”

She said, “Good idea, Stud. Make yourself at home. The fridge is stocked with beer, soda, and snacks. Help yourself to whatever you want.”

I went down a long hallway toward the kitchen. I passed a living room that was the size of my entire house. It had a wall of glass sliding doors that led out to a pool. Beyond that was the Gulf of Mexico. Water as far as the eye could see, the view was amazing. I grew up in a comfortable home and I wanted for nothing. This was a world that I was not familiar with. I became aware that Darlene was a wealthy woman.

As the winter clouds swirled above and the sun started to set over the water, the brilliant blue, gray, and orange combination in the sky was stunning. The view was mesmerizing. I felt a presence as I stood gazing outside. It was Darlene. She quietly snuck up behind me. I turned to comment on the sunset, she was standing there in a thick white robe.

“I am going for a swim. The pool is heated. I keep it at eighty-eight degrees. A comfortable temperature year round. Why don’t you join me.”

“I don’t have a bathing suit.” It was the only thing I could think to say. What an idiot I am.

She burst out laughing. “Okay then. You were ready to take out your cock in my car while I was driving. Now you're shy? What the fuck is that all about?”

She opened the door and stepped out onto the pool deck. She untied her robe and placed it on a lounge chair poolside exposing her nude body for me to see. There were no noticeable bikini lines. It became obvious to me that she rarely wore a swimsuit. I went outside to join her, shedding my clothes and releasing the erection that had been strangled in my pants for hours.

Darlene’s body was incredible. I wondered if she was a model when she was younger. Her tits were naturally firm, a muscular body with solid legs and a tight ass. Maybe she wasn’t as old as I originally thought.

Her eyes were focused on my dick. “Well, you have quite a weapon there.”

That made me laugh. No one ever referred to my penis as a weapon. It was exceptionally solid at the sight of Darlene. It was straight out like a diving board. She turned and dove in the pool. I followed her lead. The water was warm just as she said. Now I understand how she was so fit. She was swimming laps like an Olympian. I’m in great shape and I couldn’t keep up with her.

“Now I know how you stay in shape. You are a strong swimmer.”

“I was on the swim team in college. I never lost my love for the water. Even when I travel, I try to stay in a hotel with a year-round pool.” Then she reached out and pulled me by the shaft toward her. “How about you Stud? How do you stay in shape?”

It was now or never. The only thing she didn’t do was lie down, spread her legs, and beg me to fuck her. I knew what I needed to do, to follow what came naturally. I reached out and held her hand, leading her to the stairs out of the pool. It was cool out and it caused both our bodies to develop goosebumps. I also started to shrink. Oh God no! Not now!

Darlene took the lead, walking me to her bedroom. Even her sleeping quarters were as large as a small house. This woman lives like a queen. Her bed is on a platform surrounded on three sides by glass from the floor to the ceiling. The unobstructed view of water encircles her room. There were no curtains on the windows. Anyone outside could see in.

“You sit here and don’t move.” She placed me in a small chair with no arms across from her bed and then walked into a side room.

The anticipation of my first time, making love to this woman was building. I sat for what seemed like an hour waiting for her to return. In reality, it was more like five minutes. When she came back into the room, she had handcuffs and a silk scarf in her hands. I became very excited thinking she was going to let me cuff her to the bed.

That was not the case. She pulled my hands behind my back and handcuffed me as if I were being arrested. Then she used the scarf as a blindfold, slipping it over my head making it impossible for me to see. Her hand started to stroke my erection.

I could feel her straddling me. “Have you ever fucked an older woman? Don’t you disappoint me. That is a beautiful cock you have. I want it all night long.”

She guided me inside her. It was just like I imagined. The feeling was wet and tight. Her body was sliding up and down, I could feel her nipples touching my face. I think she was doing this on purpose, teasing me. I tried to bite one as it passed over my mouth. She pulled away. Now I wanted it and became aggressive, leaning into her, trying to nibble and suck it. Her hands were behind her back on my knees and I could tell she was leaning back, denying me access to her tits.

The way she was moving created a sensation like I’ve never experienced. I was building up. It was the same feeling as when I jerk off to a porno. I didn’t want to explode yet, but she wouldn’t stop. Up and down, two, maybe three more times. Then it happened. I couldn’t stop the eruption.

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Darlene leaned into me, holding my face, and kissing me. Then she whispered in my ear, “That feels good doesn’t it?”

I never imagined it could feel that good. “Oh God, yes! More please.”

“Oh, don’t worry, we have all night. We are just getting started.”

My mind was a little foggy. Darlene took her time lifting off of me. She was gentle like she knew she was my first. Her touch was soft with a kiss to match. She removed the blindfold and stood over me. I could see my sperm flowing down her legs. The sight was mesmerizing. Her hand reached down between her legs making a scooping motion. She came up with three fingers dripping with my cum.

“Open your mouth.”

She smeared her fingers on my face and in my mouth. “Swallow it!”

I did as I was told. At first, I gagged, and then I didn’t mind the taste. The way she made me feel, I would have chewed glass if she told me to. She left my hands cuffed behind the back of the chair as she left the room. I was helpless, my face was still covered in my cream.

When she returned, she took the handcuffs off and led me to the bathroom. In a very motherly way, she cleaned my face with a cloth. Then she proceeded to lightly wipe my dick and balls, making sure that I was spotless. Her behavior was perverted yet at the same time so graceful. This gave me time to recover. During this ritual, I became erect. When she was finished caring for me, she guided me back to her bedroom.

All she said was, “Lie down.”

Like an obedient little boy, I followed her orders. I lay on my back, my dick was like a flagpole, standing straight up, waiting for what was next. I didn’t have to wait long.

“My turn. Now you have to learn to satisfy a woman. I’ll teach you what to do. Let’s see how good of a student you are.”

She lay next to me. Her legs spread, enticing me to come to her. I placed myself between her legs. She pushed my shoulders down lower, guiding my head between her legs.

“Taste it, use your tongue. Start lightly exploring, then become a little more assertive. Don’t be afraid.”

I did what she asked. It was like silk and she started to get wet. I could still taste my cum. Her fingers moved to spread her lips open. There was a gush of sweetness in my mouth. Then she pulled my hair, guiding me.

“That’s my clit. Suck it. Swirl your tongue all over it.”

My tongue was doing a circular motion around it. I could feel it getting hard.

“You got it, that’s right… right there! Don’t stop… harder! Suck it harder! That’s it! That’s it!”

Then she went still and silent. I thought something was wrong. “Are you okay?”

“Oh baby, everything is wonderful. You did it perfectly. You made me come. Now scoot up on me and fuck me. Let’s see if we can come together.”

Darlene certainly knows what she wants. As I moved up, she pulled her legs up, allowing me to slide into her with ease. It was like a puzzle piece coming together. It was such a natural movement. Holding myself up, looking down at her. I started to grind in and out of her.

I whispered in her ear, “Does it feel good?”

Her hips were moving with the same rhythm as my grinding motion.

“Oh, Jesus Christ, yes! Keep going.”

She started to quiver. “I’m coming! You too! Now! Give it to me, fill me up!”

Hearing the words caused me to explode. My body stiffened up and it was like a cannon shot. I let out a deep breath as I emptied my balls into her. Then I collapsed on top of her.

“Are you done?”


She said it again, “Are you done?”

“I think so.”

“Good. Me too. Get off me.”

No romance. Nothing like in the movies. Darlene certainly knew what she wanted. And I gave it to her. I was quite proud of myself. I rolled off her and she got up.

As she was leaving the room, she turned to me. “I’m getting a drink. Do you want anything?”

She must have done this hundreds of times before. It was too natural the way she carried herself. Was I the first hitchhiker she had ever had? Was I her first virgin? I bet no on both counts.

“No, I’m fine, nothing for me, thanks.”

When she returned, she had two bottles of water. “I brought you one anyway. You need to hydrate.”

Just like a mother. No, a grandmother. Oh God! Why did I think that? I just fucked somebodies grandma! I am a sick pervert and my dick is getting hard again.

She spoke, “You’re quiet. What are you thinking?”

No way was I going to tell her what was racing through my head. “Nothing. Just relaxing.”

Then in a moment of insanity, I decided to get chatty. “Darlene, can I let you in on something?”

“I tied you, fucked you, then you sucked my clit and fucked my brains out. Do you really think you have to ask me that question?”

I laughed. “I guess not. I just wanted to let you know that I lied to you earlier.”

In a sarcastic tone, she said, “Oh God! You’re not married, are you?”

“What? No!”

She smiled. “Good. I hate it when I fuck a guy and find out he’s married. Somehow the wife always finds out and then wants to come after me, like it’s my fault. If you hear someone outside, it is probably someone’s crazy wife looking to kill me.”

“Oh shit! Really?”

“No! Not really. You are very gullible. I’m sorry, we went off track for a minute. What did you want to tell me?”

I almost forgot what I was saying. “I told you earlier that I do okay with women. That was a lie. You are the first woman I’ve had sex with.”

“Hmmm. I had a feeling. Well, you did just fine. You got me off twice. When you went down on me, you were great. A lot of guys just slurp around and never get the job done. Not you, you got right down to business.”

Darlene made me feel special. We lay in her bed, both hydrating as she put it. My dick was still like granite. I put the bottle of water down and moved toward her. I put my hand across her tits. Her nipples were hard. I started to play with them.

“Suck them.” She took my hand and pushed it between her legs. My lips latched on to one nipple then the other as my finger started to run up and down the outer folds of her pussy.

“Mmmm, that is nice. You’re firing me up again. Rub it harder.”

I spread her open. Like before, I could feel her starting to stiffen. She became wet and slippery, a combination of our orgasms. A woman’s body is amazing. There is a chain reaction from just a slight touch. Then she rolled over. I thought she wasn’t interested. I was wrong. Her ass lifted in the air exposing her opening.

“Get behind me. Fuck me doggie style.”

My hands reached out and I grabbed her hips. Her head was on a pillow and her ass was up in the air. It was easy to bury myself deep inside her.

“Oh so nice. You hit the right hole on the first try.”

I didn’t understand. I was just happy that she was pleased. Like before, I started a rocking motion that seemed to please her. She started to scream into the pillow. I could barely make out what she was saying.

“Fuck me, Paul! I’m yours! Fuck me! Oh, Paul, I love your cock!”

Her screaming was getting me worked up. It was difficult for me to not come. I kept going.

“Darlene… I… can’t… hold…”

I blew up again. The third time. I’ve never jerked off three times in a night and I felt like I could keep going. I pulled out of her as she settled flat on the bed. She just lay there, hugging the pillow.

“I’m sorry, Darlene.”

She looked at me confused. “What have you got to be sorry for?”

“Well, I came without you.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I had two very satisfying orgasms. Don’t ever apologize to me for that. Trust me, I am a selfish lover. I wait for no one. I come when I am ready. You do the same.”

Again, she made me feel special. She was still on her stomach. I brushed her hair to the side and kissed her neck. Then I ran my tongue down the small of her back. She took in a deep breath, I could tell she liked that. I lay next to her. She was staring into my eyes. I had no idea what she was thinking.

“Can I ask you a question?” I didn’t wait for an answer. “When we first started, you said I hit the right hole on the first try. What did you mean?”

The look she gave me was one of amazement. “You really are a virgin, aren’t you? Sometimes, when a woman is bent over, a man will fuck her ass by accident or without warning. But really, I don’t ever think it is an accident.”

I must have had a look of horror on my face.

She said, “What’s wrong?”

“Has that ever happened to you?”

“Sure. Sometimes I ask for it there. Anal sex can be very satisfying. Maybe we’ll try it sometime.”

Now I was starting to get a hard-on at the thought of fucking her in the ass.

“What about now.”

She had such a kind look on her face. “No. I’m done for tonight. I have to work in the morning and you wore me out Stud. Time to get some sleep. She rolled over, and so did I. It took me no time to fall into a deep sleep.

When I opened my eyes it was light out. There was a heavy cloud cover over the Gulf of Mexico. Darlene was already up. I could hear a shower running in the distance. A hot shower sounded like a wonderful idea. With all the strength I could muster, I lifted myself off the bed and walked toward the sound of running water.

Darlene saw me walking through the door. I stepped into a stately bathroom. The shower was large enough for ten people. I counted eight shower heads spraying in every direction. She was in the middle using a large sponge over her body. It was exciting to watch her touching herself.

“Don’t just stand there. Get in here, let me clean you up. You have to get ready for school.”

There she goes again, sounding like a mother. I couldn’t help thinking that the last woman who washed my was my mother when I was just a little boy. She pumped a coconut-scented body wash on the sponge and started to softly scrub the sex off me. My dick started to thicken as she touched me. I didn’t say a word.

“You like this, don’t you?”

I shut my eyes, answering her question with a nod. The water was running down my body and the smell of coconut was filling the air. I wanted to bend her over and fuck her in the shower but, she didn’t seem to be interested in that. Now I was in full bloom, my dick was ready for another round of mind-blowing sex.

“I know what you want. We don’t have the time. I need to get to work and we have a three-hour drive and I still have to drop you off. So let’s get ready.”

She stepped out of the shower first, drying off quickly. Then she held out a large towel and motioned for me to come to her. She delicately patted me dry, taking a little extra time with my balls. The smile on her face was adorable as she blotted me dry.

“You do have a beautiful cock. So young and firm. The best part, you know how to use it. I wish we had all day, but we don’t.”

We dressed. I found my backpack and waited for Darlene in the kitchen. She joined me about ten minutes later. I was amazed at how she looked. Dressed in a dark blue business suit, a white silk blouse, and low black heels, she was the complete opposite of the nymphomaniac I was fucking just eight hours ago.

“Ready to go?” she said in a very professional tone.

I answered with the same tone, “Ready.”

We walked outside and I started for the BMW. I wasn’t looking forward to the drive remembering the way she handled the car yesterday.

“No-no, not the Beamer.”

I was puzzled. She started to walk toward the five-car garage. When the door opened I was shocked. She started to climb into a lifted Ford F-350 diesel. I followed her.

“This is what we are taking to Tallahassee?”

She smiled. “Yes. This is my everyday driver. I love the power. If you didn’t notice, I like everything big.”

She did indeed. “This is my favorite. It even has a name, I call it ‘The Beast’. It is like driving my living room around.”

The engine fired up. It sounded like a jet fighter taking off. We rolled down the long driveway onto the street heading north. The silence was deafening. If she wanted to talk, I’m sure she would have. I decided to break up the tranquility.

“So Darlene, what do you do for a living that you travel to Tallahassee?”

She thought for a moment, then answered, “I am an attorney. I work for the State of Florida. How about you, what is your major?”

With the same straightforward tone as her, I answered, “I’m a math major.”

Then we went back to total silence. For three hours, those were the only words spoken. The drive is straight, flat, and boring. Except for a few small towns the road is two lanes in each direction and nothing but pine trees on both sides of the road. I wound up falling asleep until we entered into Tallahassee.

“Sorry, I fell asleep. I even have a tough time staying awake when I’m driving.”

“No worries Stud. I use the quiet time to gather my thoughts before I step into my office. Thank you for not wanting to chat the entire trip.”

I was relieved when she said that. I thought she was upset with me. “I enjoyed the quiet time.”

She turned The Beast onto the campus. When she pulled up to my dorm, she shut the engine off and turned to look at me. She looked like a different woman from the hot blond that picked me up yesterday. She was gorgeous but in a different way.

I spoke first. “Do you make this drive every day?”

“Don’t be silly. I have a small apartment not far from the capital building. I travel quite a bit for work so I don’t spend much time there either. When I am in town it is very lonely.”

I was surprised at that. “Really? I would have thought that you would have many men wanting to be with you. That is sad that you are lonely.”

“Oh, don’t be sad. It is my choice. After I came out of retirement, I decided that I wouldn’t mix my business life with my personal life. What I do is my business.”

That seemed sensible. I was about to say something else when she continued.

“Paul, I loved our time together. You are so young and strong. I want more of you. If I had the time I would take you to your room and suck your cock, but I don’t. I have to go."

My dick immediately stiffened.

She went on., “When I am in town, I have plenty of free time. I would love to see you again. Not as boyfriend-girlfriend thing. The age difference, you know. I enjoyed the sex with you, we can be friends with benefits. Do you know what I mean?”

I knew exactly what she meant. I smiled and, tongue in cheek, said, “Yes. You want me as your play toy for when you are feeling a little horny.”

She laughed. “That pretty much sums it up. Give me your number. I’ll call you.”

I found a pen and paper in the console between the seats and scribbled my number down. She took it from me, reached over the console, and gave my balls a little squeeze.

“Now get out. I have to go to work.”

My feet barely hit the ground when she took off. Her taillights were a blur in the distance in a matter of seconds. I don’t know if I’ll ever hear from her again. I know this, if she calls, it is every young man’s responsibility to make the time to visit his Grandma.

Written by Darlene69
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