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The Female Executive - Part 5

"Seventeen-year-old Lee fucks another woman from work"

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Seventeen-year-old Lee Young was not too disappointed that he did not have a text from fifty-something Linda Fletcher asking him to go and fuck her on Saturday night. Lee had hardly slept at all the previous night, he spent it in a hotel room with fifty-eight-year-old Sylvia Turnbull.

His penis was ready for a night off, Lee did not even wank.

The Linda whom he often fucked, lived three doors from where Lee lived with his parents, and Sylvia was an executive in the office where Lee worked. Lee and Sylvia had first had sex just over a week before and had now been together on three separate occasions, one in Sylvia's house, one in her office, and now in a hotel room.

Although they had had sex three times in eight days, Sylvia and Lee were not likely to be frequent lovers, and they certainly had to be secret lovers.

Lee had gotten close to two other sexy women, both of them married and in their forties, at work, and it looked like he might fuck one or both of them very soon. The ladies were named Marian Richmond and Patricia Jarvis, and they had been flirting with Lee for most of his relatively short time working in the office.

Marian and Patricia talked on the phone on Sunday, mostly about Lee.

"I find myself thinking about him and,.., you know," said Patricia to Marian about Lee.

"Ha, yeah, my fingers go between my legs when I think of him too," replied Marian.

"He has got us right where he wants us, hasn't he?" said Patricia.

"Not exactly, because we are not in bed with him,..., yet," replied Marian.

"I think that we are going to be, though," responded Patricia.

"Seems like it; I don't even feel guilty thinking and talking like this because I am getting bugger-all at home," continued Marian.

"Me neither, and the idea of stiff teenage cock sends me wild," said Patricia.

"It is a huge cock, I wanked him remember," replied Marian, referring to tossing Lee off in the park the previous week.

"I felt him through his trousers; he has certainly got a package," said Patricia.

"I am getting wet just thinking and talking about him," said Marian.

"Me too," confirmed Patricia.

"Fuck Pat, I have got to have him," said Marian.

"I have too; are we going to have him together?" responded Patricia.

"Fuck no; that might be his fantasy but when I have Lee Young, I want him to myself," replied Marian.

"Fair enough; I want his undivided attention too," said Patricia.

The conversation continued, but no where or when could be sorted in either case, it just seemed that there was no doubt that Lee would fuck both of these women, and the sooner the better.

On Sunday evening, Lee received a text from Linda Fletcher, I need a teenage cock, it read, so within fifteen minutes, Linda had her legs spread as Lee gave her a good fucking.

"Good Morning Lee," echoed Marian and Patricia in the office on Monday morning, both women looking sexy.

"Morning Marian, Morning Patricia," replied Lee.

"You think about our arses at the weekend?" laughed Patricia, with hers and Marian's backsides being frequent conversation pieces.

"Not just your arses," answered Lee, with a smile that made both the women think 'fuck.'

"We talked about you yesterday," announced Marian to Lee, Patricia looked at her in a way that seemed to ask, 'should you have told him that?'

"Oh did you?" asked an intrigued Lee.

"Yeah, when are you going to fuck us?" Patricia butted in, overriding whatever Marian had intended to add.

Lee's answering the question was prohibited by the arrival of more people in the office, Lee, Patricia and Marian just looked at each other and smiled.

Lee had been to the local park at lunchtime once with Marian and Patricia together and once each with Marian and Patricia. The two individual trips furthered the building of sexual furnaces between Lee and each of the women, greatly. It was raining heavily on Monday so there were to be no park trips.

There was some flirting in the office during the day, but the 'when are you going to fuck us?' question did not get answered before work finishing time.

"Would you like a lift home, Lee? save you getting soaked," asked Patricia, just before finishing time was reached.

Marian looked at Patricia and opened her mouth and raised her hand, making a sock-sucking motion. Patricia mouthed the word 'bitch.' in return.

Lee lived within walking distance of the office and normally walked to and from, Patricia lived further away and usually drove to work.

"Yes please, Patricia," answered Lee enthusiastically, looking from one woman to the other.

"Don't worry about her, she is jealous because she did not think of it," laughed Patricia, looking at Marian.

"Bitch!" laughed Marian, saying out loud the word that Patricia had just mouthed to her.

The journey from work to Lee's parent's house by car should take about five minutes, but Patricia wanted it to take a bit longer. She really wanted it to take a lot longer, but she could not make that happen. She did pull into a side street though, and seeing into and out of the parked car was difficult in the heavy rain.

"Kiss me, Lee," said Patricia, turning to face the youth in the passenger seat. Lee did not need a second invitation, and his lips met Patricia's.

They open-mouthed kissed and tongue swapped as Patricia's right hand massaged the bulge in Lee's trousers.

"I wish that we could fuck right now," said Patricia.

"So do I," replied Lee, a hand fondling one of Patricia's tits through her clothing.

"I want you so fucking much," continued Patricia.

"I can't wait," responded Lee, but they both knew that they had to wait.

"Shit, I will have to get you to your home or I will be mounting you in this car," said Patricia, removing her hand from Lee's crotch.

Lee withdrew his hand from Patricia's breast.

Patricia gave a nervous cough, rubbed and shook her head, and started the car. She dropped Lee outside his home, they did not kiss there. Lee went indoors with his cock hard in his trousers, Patricia drove away, wet in her knickers.

When Patricia's husband got home from work that evening, he had some news for Patricia, "I have got to work away on Wednesday and Thursday; I will be staying in a Bed and Breakfast on Wednesday night," said her husband.

Patricia just stopped herself from saying the 'Thank God,' that entered her head, out loud.

Patricia's mind was whirring, it did not occur to her that Lee might not be able to fit in with the plans that she was making.

She thought that although she had the night to herself, it was not practical for Lee to stay the whole night. He could come to her after work and stay until late at night, though. Patricia just assumed that whatever she came up with, Lee would be able to comply.

She was so excited, she nearly phoned Marian to tell her her news, but she prevented herself from doing so. She was like a love-struck teenager about to have a date with her crush.

Patricia hardly slept, she was just longing to see Lee in the morning and tell him that she had got a place and date for their first fuck.

Lee wanked Monday night, thinking of Patricia and how aroused they both were in the parked car earlier. As he wanked, he fantasized about the two of them having sex in the car with the rain beating down and people hurrying past.

Patricia was at work on Tuesday ahead of Marian and Lee, Marian arrived next.

"Morning, Tony is out all night tomorrow night, I can have Lee," Patricia said to Marian, excitedly. It did not occur to her that the news might upset her friend, they were not in competition to bed the youth but Marian had assumed that she would be first.

"Oh, that is nice for you," said Marian sarcastically, feeling deflated. It was probably true that Marian was the first of the two women that Lee fancied, she was certainly the first to wank him.

"Don't be like that," said Patricia, not wanting to fall out with her best friend.

"Like what? you have the boy between your legs, I don't care," snapped Marian.

"Why don't you come to my house tomorrow evening too?" suggested Patricia, although rather hoping that Marian said no.

"No, when I have him I want it to be just him and me," replied Marian.

Patricia did not want to lose her friend, and she certainly did not want to argue with her about Lee Young, so she said nothing further.

Lee then arrived in the office, his most recent memory of Patricia was when she dropped him off at home the previous evening after they had snogged in her car. That was the last actual memory, she had been on his mind later when he wanked.

He sensed the frosty atmosphere between the two women, neither of them had responded to his 'Good Morning,' but before he could say anything else, Marian spoke.

"Lover girl here has got something to tell you," said Marian, cattily.

Patricia glared at Marian, Lee looked at Patricia, "My husband is going to be out all night tomorrow night; madam here is jealous," said Patricia to Lee. Marian fumed at the last part of what Patricia had just said.

"Oh," was all that Lee could think of to respond.

Marian quickly calmed down and decided it was not worth losing a friendship over, "She is right, I am jealous because I wanted you first; I expect I will have you one day though, won't I?" said Marian, now with a smile appearing on her face.

As often happened, the arrival of other people in the office put a stop to a developing conversation, but all seemed well again now between the three of them.

Not much was said between them during the morning, the weather was much better than the previous day though, "How about the three of us go to the park at lunchtime?" asked Patricia, brightly.

Marian and Lee agreed, so at lunchtime, the three of them were walking and chatting. Each of the women was holding one of Lee's hands as he walked between them. It could have been two maiden aunts with their young nephew, but it was far from that. Some passers-by did look at the trio.

"Behind the bandstand is a good spot for a bit of privacy," said Patricia, having been there the previous week with Lee.

Once there, the women took turns kissing Lee, Patricia let Marian go first, and he caressed their buttocks as they kissed. Lee's cock stiffened in his trousers, "If we take it in turns to keep a look-out, we can wank this stiffness out of him," said Marian, with a smile.

"Okay, you get first wank," conceded Patricia, making sure that her friend's jealousy was placated.

Patricia kept watch for approaching people as Marian undid Lee's trousers and lowered them and his boxers. She stood to his right-hand side and started slowly wanking his cock with her right hand.

Marian stroked Lee's cock for a while, now wanking quite fast, and thought that her friend should have her turn, "Finish him off Pat, I will stand guard," said Marian, and the women changed places.

This was the first time Patricia had seen or touched Lee's naked penis, and she was very impressed, "Fuck, he is big," said Patricia, thinking that that cock should be inside her the next day.

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Patricia wanked fast, and she shrieked with laughter when Lee's cock spat streams of cum against the back of the bandstand. Marian turned her head in time to see most of the semen splattered.

One of the women produced some tissue, and they cleaned Lee's penis and their hands. With Lee's clothing now pulled back up, they moved from behind the bandstand, but not before looking again at the semen sliding down the woodwork.

On the way back, Patricia and Lee agreed that Lee would go to Patricia's house after work on Wednesday and that she would take him home late at night after they had had a good fuck. Lee would tell his parents that he would be very late home. Marian, diplomatically, stayed out of the conversation.

Sylvia Turnbull had been thinking about how she could again get herself fucked by Lee. Another night in a hotel room would be the perfect thing, but that could only be occasional. Her home was the next best thing, but arranging that was risky unless she knew that her husband would be out for a certain amount of time. That only really left another over her desk fucking one evening between office hours finishing and the cleaners arriving.

Sylvia had other commitments Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, but she might well request that Lee Young visited her office on Thursday after work. She would contact him the usual way, by internal email to his desktop computer, when she had made up her mind.

There was also Linda, who might text Lee any evening wanting a fucking. Not Tuesdays though, that was usually her bingo night.

Marian Richmond wanted sex with Lee as soon as it could be arranged. Lee was a busy boy sexually, and he looked like getting busier still.

Nothing much sexual was said during Tuesday afternoon, there was no reason for it to be, and they went to their own homes at finishing time. Lee would tell his parents that he would be staying out after work the next day, and not be home until quite late. He knew that as it was bingo night, he was not likely to be hearing from Linda.

Linda Fletcher was a great fuck for Lee, she had been his first and she had taught him a lot, but now that he had other women on the scene, he could not always be at Linda's beck and call. He did not know how she would react if he sometimes said 'no' or that he couldn't, but he was pretty sure that she was not only getting her fucks from him at the moment.

Wednesday dawned, and Lee and Patricia in particular were excited. Until very recently, Lee would have thought that if he went to bed with one of the women that he flirted with in the office, it would have been Marian.

The flirting had started not long after Lee began working in the office, but Marian Richmond had always been slightly more forward than Patricia. Marian was also the first of the two that he started to take a fancy to, and he had wanked thinking of her several times before he had wanked thinking of Patricia.

But on this day, Lee and Patricia Jarvis were going to fuck.

With Marian knowing what was going to be happening between Lee and Patricia later, there were no trips to the park Wednesday lunchtime.

Lee had managed to ask Patricia during the morning if he needed condoms, he had never used them with Linda or Sylvia, but she said that she had been 'doctored' after having her two now early twenties children, so there was no need.

Other than Lee having said that he was seeing someone, Patricia had no idea about Lee's sex life if he had one, although she was now pretty sure that he was not a virgin. She would have quite liked to have been his first, but she did not think that that would be the case.

An email arrived on Lee's computer from Sylvia Turnbull and, before opening it, he was dreading it requesting his services that evening.

Lee, I need you. Please can you come to my office after hours tomorrow? Please confirm then delete. S xxxxx

Lee was relieved that Sylvia was not talking about this evening because he had already decided that saying no to her was not an option, but how the hell could he have told Patricia that there was a change of plan?

Yes, I will fuck you over your desk tomorrow evening Mrs Turnbull. Lee xxxxx

Lee felt elated because he rather liked fucking Sylvia and he loved looking at her arse.

It was close to finishing time on Wednesday, and Patricia was feeling nervous. Not nervous about the fact that she was soon going to be getting fucked by Lee, but nervous about leaving the office with him and, even more so, nervous about her arrival at her house with him.

If Lee had been seen getting into Patricia's car on Monday. nobody would have batted an eyelid because it was pouring with rain and she was dropping him at his home. Today it was sunny, and it was not Lee's home that they were going to.

Patricia decided that it would be better if Lee got into her car away from the office, much as Sylvia Turnbull did, although Patricia knew nothing about that.

"Would you mind waiting for me in Lewis Street? I will pick you up outside the shop," Patricia said to Lee, just before the work day was due to finish.

Lee was happy with that, and he understood Patricia's reasons.

Marian smiled at Patricia before she left the office, but said nothing about the forthcoming evening. Lee left the office to go to Lewis Street and await his lift.

Patricia pulled up where Lee was waiting, and he moved to get into the passenger seat, "No, get in the back please, you will see why in a couple of minutes," said Patricia, and Lee complied.

They drove until they were close to Patricia's home, "Lay down please; I don't want the nosey neighbour seeing you," said Patricia.

Lee lay down on the back seat and soon after, Patricia turned into her short driveway, "Stay there a moment; sorry about this," said Patricia.

Patricia got out of her car and opened the front door to her house, she made a visual check of the houses on either side of hers, particularly the one to her left.

"Okay, go straight indoors," said Patricia, opening the rear door of her car. Lee scrambled out and hurried into Patricia's house, Patricia looked for twitching curtains as she shut the back door of the car.

Patricia went into her house and closed the door," Sorry about that but the nosey bitch next door misses nothing; I think she is out because her car is not there but I just wanted to be safe," explained Patricia.

"Okay," said Lee, looking at the woman that he would soon be fucking. They were both a bit nervous, being about to have sex with someone other than her husband was a first for Patricia, since her marriage.

"Um, do you want something to drink..., or eat?" asked Patricia.

"Not unless you do," replied Lee, seeing similarities with the conversation with Sylvia Turnbull in the hotel room.

"No, I am good; do you want to go to my bed?" said Patricia, thinking to herself that that was a strange question because that was what they were there for.

"Yes please, Patricia," replied Lee.

"Um, can I ask, um, have you had sex before?" said Patricia.

"Ha, yes; have you?" laughed Lee, pleased with his adult reply.

"Yeah, I have; but not with someone thirty-odd years younger than me," laughed Patricia, starting to relax.

Patricia threw her arms around Lee's neck and they kissed as their tongues probed.

"Mmmm, let's go start fucking," said a now fully relaxed Patricia.

They went upstairs and Patricia led the way into her bedroom. They started removing each other's clothes.

Lee's trousers were at his ankles and his boxers at his knees, and Patricia's skirt was at her feet and her knickers pushed off her arse.

"Oh Lee, fuck me with that wonderful cock of yours," said Patricia, wanking Lee's penis.

They both got naked and then Patricia was on her back on the bed, as Lee's cock entered her cunt.

"Fuck! Shit!" said Patricia, as she became aware of the size of the weapon sliding into her, a fair bit bigger than her husband's.

Lee started thrusting, maximum pleasure for Patricia Jarvis was his aim. He was already discovering that being a considerate lover would get him brownie points with women.

They writhed on the bed as Lee's large cock moved in and out of Patricia's sticky cunt, they were having a good fuck.

Patricia felt herself about to cum, "Oh fuck, Lee, oh fuck, oh, oh," wailed Patricia, as her teenage lover had her cumming.

Lee was enjoying making love to Patricia, she was very receptive. He had her cumming again and again, as they fucked on.

After a lot of fucking, Lee's body tensed and he ejaculated into the third different cunt that he had cum in during the last few days.

They lay on the bed after their fuck, and Lee was examining Patricia's arse. "You have a lovely arse, Mrs Jarvis," said Lee, enjoying calling a woman 'Mes.' just after he had fucked her.

"Thank you, Lee; you had mentioned it several times before so I am pleased that you like it now that you see it bare," said Patricia, as Lee caressed her buttocks.

"It is wonderful," said Lee, who thought that all three of the bare female arses he had seen so far were wonderful.

After Lee had played with Patricia's backside for a while, they were both ready to fuck again. They had a long-lasting multi-orgasm for Patricia fuck, before Lee spunked in her again.

They kissed for a while after this fuck, and then they showered.

It was thought that Patricia had better take Lee home soon, so they got dressed.

"When we get into my car, we need to try to close both doors at the same time," instructed Patricia, not wanting to alert the neighbour that she had company because they quite likely knew that her husband was away.

There was an upstairs light on next door when Patricia and Lee left her house. They got into her car, Lee in the passenger seat this time, then had to choreograph the car door closing.

"One, two three," said Patricia, then nodded her head and the two doors closed as one.

"I hope that what we just did was not a one-time only," said Patricia, as she drove Lee towards his house.

"I certainly don't want it to be; it was great," replied Lee.

"Good; I imagine that you will be giving Marian similar very soon," said Patricia.

"I expect so," acknowledged Lee.

They pulled up a short distance from Lee's house, and away from street lights. They had a long, passionate kiss.

"See you tomorrow, Lee Young," said Patricia.

"See you tomorrow, Patricia Jarvis," answered Lee, as he got out of the car.

Tomorrow was only minutes away because it was not far short of midnight.

Lee had an appointment in Sylvia Turnbull's office in not much more than seventeen hours.

He also had to have a fuck arranged with Marian Richmond, hopefully soon.

Written by PJH
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