It was not all flirting, sometimes there was some work done in the office and seventeen-year-old Lee Young and his two forty-something friends, Marian Richmond and Patricia Jarvis were all busy.
Sometimes one or other of the women would look up and catch Lee's eye, and smiles would be exchanged, but there was little talking.
Although the women and Lee got on well, there were still several unanswered questions.
Lee did not know how serious the women were in their flirting, he hoped that they really fancied him and might have sex with him, but he did not know.
The women did not know if Lee's talk was just bravado, they wondered if he was still a virgin despite him saying that he was seeing someone.
Lee did not know that Marian and Patricia had said to each other that they would probably fuck Lee if they had the chance.
The two women certainly did not know that Lee had fucked Sylvia Turnbull, a fifty-eight-year-old executive in the company, nor that he was regularly fucking another fifty-something woman that lived close to him.
Much mention of Marian's and Patricia's backsides had come up in conversation. Despite his tender years, Lee was fast developing an interest in mature female arses, although he had only seen two naked so far.
Lee wanted to bed Marian and Patricia, but his sex life might get very complicated if his fucking of Sylvia continued, plus his neighbour lady. Only the previous day, he had fucked Sylvia over her office desk after working hours and a few hours later, he was shafting the woman that lived near him.
Sylvia Turnbull knew that she could not have a full-blown affair with Lee because it was bound to be discovered at some point, despite Lee's promise not to tell anyone. After the office fuck the previous evening, she had told Lee that she wanted to spend the night with him sometime, and her current project was arranging that. She too had to try to concentrate on work.
Sylvia saw Lee as an occasional fuck, albeit a pretty sensational one.
"Are we going to the park again today?" Lee asked Marian and Patricia, the three of them had walked and talked in the park the previous lunchtime.
"Are you going to hang behind looking at our backsides again, if we do?" chuckled Patricia.
"I thought you were going to let me touch them," replied Lee, referring to something that had been mentioned earlier that morning.
It was now getting a bit more serious because if there was physical contact, the flirting would have moved to a further stage. The women had the decision to make, whether to laugh it off and leave it there or allow it to happen, with all that might follow.
The easiest thing to do would be to forgo the park visit, at least that would postpone any decisions about possible arse touching, Marian overrode that idea.
"Yeah, I don't mind going to the park; are you coming, Pat?" said Marian, but she looked at her friend in a way that was almost willing her to say 'no', Patricia understood the look.
"Um, I don't think I will today; I need to pop to the supermarket," Pat responded, looking at Marian in a 'are you sure that you know what you are doing?' way.
"Just you and me then, Lee; unless you don't want to go with just me," said Marian.
"Oh I do; I said yesterday that I would happily go with either one of you," said Lee, very enthusiastically.
The ante had been upped. Patricia was both concerned by where Marian might be heading, and jealous of her going to the park with Lee Young.
Just before the lunch break, Patricia and Marian got a moment together, "You sure that this is a good idea?" asked Patricia.
"I know what I am doing; thanks for leaving the way clear for me," replied Marian.
"I thought that you wanted him to yourself; you are not planning on seducing him, are you?" responded Patricia.
"I don't know, Pat; there is certainly something about him that gets me going," said Marian.
"Yeah, me too," said Patricia, ruefully.
"You can have him to yourself another lunchtime," said Marian, before their private moment had gone.
Lee was excited and nervous as his one-to-one lunchtime with Marian approached. It was one thing going to the park with the two mature women, this was far more intimate. He thought that he would let Marian dictate what happened, if anything, at least to start with.
"Have fun you two," said Patricia, turning towards the supermarket as the three of them left the office. She did not need anything in particular from the supermarket but she had given her friend the time with Lee that Marian wanted.
"We will," smiled Marian, almost taking Lee's hand in hers but pulling her own hand away at the last instant.
They got to the park, and they were both a bit giggly and both a bit nervous, "Well this is nice," smiled Marian.
"I really do like you and Patricia," said Lee.
"We both really like you, Lee," replied Marian, wanting to plant her lips on Lee's.
"I love how you both talk to me, and how you tease me," said Lee.
"Do we tease you? sorry if it upsets you," said Marian.
"It doesn't upset me; um, it, um,...excites me," replied Lee, suddenly feeling embarrassed at his choice of words.
"That is good to know," laughed Marian, deliberately turning off the main path through the park to a much less used one.
They had still not touched, but they were walking so close together that they would do soon, if only by accident.
"When I say that I like you, Marian, I mean that I really, really like you," said Lee.
"Wow! really, really; now that is serious," laughed Marian, checking to see if many people were nearby.
"I mean I fancy you,..., and Patricia," said Lee.
Marian stopped walking, and so did Lee.
"We know that you do, sweetheart," replied Marian, softly.
Marian again looked around. "Let's go into this wooded bit," she said, now taking Lee's hand and leading him.
They got into the wooded bit, which was just a clump of a few trees, and looked at each other.
"Would you like to touch my bottom, Lee?" said a turned-on Marian.
"Yes please," croaked Lee.
Marian turned her back on him and leaned forward and put her hands on her knees, her big arse in trousers on offer for him to touch. Lee reached out and caressed Marian's buttocks, "It feels so good," said Lee, running his hand over Marian's arse cheeks, his penis erect in his boxers.
"It feels so good to me too, baby," said Marian, letting Lee continue to stroke her backside. Marian was damp in her knickers.
"Kiss me, Lee," said Marian, turning to face him, and not waiting for him to kiss her before she planted her lips on his.
They snogged, tongues swapping, and their hands were all over each other.
"Mmmm, I think that you must have kissed a woman before," said Marian, when the kissing stopped.
"I have, but you are the best kisser that I have had," said Lee.
"Thank you, honey," smiled Marian.
They stood silently for a moment, both thinking over what had just happened, and thinking about what might happen in the future.
"I am married," said Marian, not telling Lee anything that he did not know.
"I know," replied Lee.
"We shouldn't be doing this," said Marian.
"I want to fuck you, Marian," said Lee, surprising her not by the sentiment, but by him saying it.
"Oh Lee, what are we doing?" said Marian, thinking that Pat's question about her being sure she knew what she was doing had been valid.
"I want you," re-iterated Lee.
"And I want to fuck Patricia," Lee added.
"We had better get back to the office," said Marian, trying to change the subject although her taking him into the wooded bit had brought the subject up.
"Do you want to fuck me?" said Lee, not letting the subject go.
"I think I do, but,...," started Marian, before Lee put his mouth to hers, and his tongue in her mouth.
"Feel how hard I am for you," said Lee, when the snogging finished.
Marian put her hand to the bulge in Lee's trousers, "Fucking hell, you feel huge," said Marian.
"It is yours when you want it," said Lee, looking into Marian's confused eyes.
Marian would have liked to have fucked right there and then, but they couldn't, "Maybe," said Marian, her knickers soaked. She had not been sure what she had expected to happen during the lunch break, but she had not expected things to happen this fast.
Lee had a throbbing erection, but there was little time to relieve it.
"We have to get back; I hope that goes down before we get back to the office," said Marian, looking at the lump in the front of Lee's trousers.
"Wish you could wank me," said Lee, more in hope than expectation.
"Shit," said Marian, looking at her watch, and then to see if anyone was approaching.
To Lee's surprise and delight, she undid and lowered his trousers and boxers and started furiously wanking his cock. "Gotta be quick," said Marian, standing to one side, her hand almost a blur as it shot up and down Lee's length.
"Mmmm, mmm, fuck," said Lee, as his body tensed, and jet after jet of spunk splattered from his penis. Marian kept wanking until Lee stopped cumming.
"Here, clean yourself," said a flushed Marian, taking a tissue from the bag she had over her shoulder.
Lee cleaned his cock, and pulled up his boxers and trousers. They looked at the spunk plastered on the leaves and a tree trunk.
"Now we must get back," said Marian, leading the way out of the wooded area.
They hardly spoke on the way back, both wondering if they had gone as far as they would ever go. Marian knew that she would get questioned by Patricia, and they were too close as friends for Marian to tell her anything but the truth.
Patricia was already in the office when they got back, and she looked up expectantly, "Tell you later," said Marian, in a way that suggested that there was a lot to tell. Lee had a strange look on his face, sort of a cross between joy and bewilderment.
Sylvia Turnbull had spent her lunchtime in her office, mostly thinking about Lee and how they could spend a night together. She decided that the best way, and probably the only way, would be in a hotel room. Sylvia thought that she could book a room in a hotel on the edge of town, tell her husband that she had a business meeting that merited a night away, and get Lee to tell his parents that he was staying at a friend's house overnight.
She knew that she would have to run it by Lee first, but the only really practical night was a Friday.
Sylvia's husband was usually at his golf club until late on Fridays so there would probably have been time for her and Lee to fuck in her house, but she wanted him for a night.
Sylvia sent an email to Lee's computer so it would be there for him to see after lunch.

Do you fancy a night in a hotel room with me this Friday night? Let me know and I will arrange it. Sylvia xxxx
Lee was back from his lunch break in the park with Marian Richmond, during which he had felt her arse, had some great snogs, some sexy talk and she had wanked him. Now he switched on his computer, and there was an email from Sylvia. He was a confused young man.
He did not respond to Sylvia straight away, but he did think that it was probably not a good idea to say no to her, not that he wanted to.
Yes, I would love that. Lee xxxx, Lee sent back.
I will arrange it. Looking forward to it. Delete emails S Sylvia replied.
"Okay, tell me all about it," said Patricia to Marian, having followed her into the ladies.
"You will think I am a slut, but I let him feel my arse, and we kissed; then I wanked him, he is fucking huge," confessed Marian.
"Shit! what the fuck are you playing at?" replied Patricia, who knew that those things had become possible when she let Marian and Lee go off on their own.
"He told me that he wanted to fuck me, he said that he wants to fuck you too," blurted Marian.
"Fuck! what did you say to that?" asked Patricia, putting her hands to her mouth.
"I couldn't speak for you, could I? but I think I said maybe..., it became a bit of a blur," replied Marian.
"This is getting dangerous," said Patricia.
"I know, but my knickers are fucking soaked with my cum," replied Marian.
"You have got yourself into a hell of a situation, might have got me into it too," said Patricia.
"I have not got you into a situation, the boy fancies you, that is not my fault," said Marian, a bit indignantly.
"No, I suppose it isn't," conceded Patricia.
Another woman entered the ladies, curtailing their chat.
When Patricia and Marian got back to the office, the look on Patricia's face suggested to Lee that Marian had told her everything, he was not sure how he felt about that. Patricia gave Lee a sort of half-smile, which he thought was encouraging and certainly, it was sexy.
The atmosphere in the office was strange in the afternoon, certainly different to the morning. Lee, Marian and Patricia were not the only ones that used the office, but they were in a corner and a little bit isolated from the others.
Marian and Lee's relationship could never be what it was, because of the events in the park. It could well develop further sexually but it could not go back to just flirting.
Patricia and Lee's relationship had also changed, although they did not spend lunchtime together, because Patricia now knew for sure that Lee wanted to fuck her, although she had gotten that impression before.
What happened next involving those three, nobody yet knew.
Upstairs in the building, Sylvia Turnbull was putting the finishing touches to her plan for her and Lee. She had provisionally booked a room for Friday night in a hotel just out of town. It was not an upmarket hotel but that did not matter, all that was needed was a bed and a bathroom.
She would tell her husband that she had a business meeting in the evening and as it was out of town and likely to run very late, she would be staying in a hotel. She had little trouble with being dishonest with her husband, although this was the first time that the required dishonesty was because she was having sex with someone else.
She emailed Lee.
I have provisionally booked a hotel room for us for Friday night. Once you have told your parents that you are with a friend for the night, I will confirm S xxxx
Okay, was all that Lee replied, his head still spinning from lunchtime and a fifty-eight-year-old woman was arranging for him to fuck his way through Friday night.
"Are you okay? I mean with what happened at lunchtime?" a concerned Marian asked Lee, just before work finishing time.
"Yes I am, are you?" replied Lee, thinking that Marian had loads of regrets.
"Ha, yeah I think so; see you tomorrow," said Marian, but with a very sexy smile.
"See you tomorrow, Lee," said Patricia, also with a smile. She had mellowed a bit since her chat with Marian.
"See you tomorrow, ladies," said Lee.
Unlike the previous evening, Lee did not have an appointment in Sylvia Turnbull's office to give her a fucking. He had every prospect of fucking her several times in a hotel room on Friday though.
Lee also knew that the woman that he fucked who lived near him, her name was Linda Fletcher, went out to play bingo most Tuesday evenings, so he would not be fucking her either. It looked like he would be wanking, but would he be wanking thinking of Sylvia, Marian, Patricia or Linda?
Lee settled on thoughts of Marian for his Tuesday night wank, thinking of the feeling of his hand on her arse and her hand sliding rapidly up and down his erection. He thought that he had a good chance of fucking her one day, fucking Patricia might be more difficult, but he thought that he would try for it.
Before going to his room, he had told his mum and dad that he would be out all night Friday night, they seemed okay with his 'staying with a friend from work' explanation and they did not press him. His parents did not pry into Lee's life too much, they had no idea that he had been regularly fucking Linda Fletcher from just down the road for quite a while. They would have been appalled if they had known, Linda was well known locally for the number of men that she had had between her legs.
Wednesday morning at work was again a bit strained because Marian, Patricia, and Lee all seemed to be struggling with the situation. They were polite with each other, but there was no flirting as all three seemed to be appraising what had gone before and wondering about the future.
Lee did email Sylvia to say that he had told his parents that he would be out all Friday night and Sylvia said that she would confirm the hotel booking. Lee was not, at this stage, as excited as he probably should be at the prospect of a night in bed with a mature woman, because he had Marian and Patricia on his mind.
There was no possibility of a walk in the park at lunchtime because it was raining.
"Are you mad at me, Patricia?" Lee asked his work colleague in the afternoon.
"No, why should I be mad at you?" replied Patricia.
"Because of what I said about you to Marian; I expect she told you," said Lee.
"That you want to fuck me?" answered Particia, in a whisper and with a smile.
"Yeah, that," said Lee, relaxing a bit.
"No, I am flattered," responded Patricia.
That was about it for the day, nothing had progressed except Friday night for Sylvia and Lee being confirmed, but things were less strained at the end of the work day than at the start.
Again that evening, there was no fucking for Lee to do. He usually went to Linda when she sent him a text, but there was no text. This time he wanked imagining fucking Patricia.
Thursday was a better day than the day before, both in the office and with the weather. The flirting between Lee and the two women was back, and everyone was more relaxed.
At almost lunchtime, Marian said to Patricia, "The weather is good today."
"Yeah, I was considering going to the park," replied Patricia, with her eyes on Lee.
"I can't today," said Marian, without explaining, but leaving a Patricia and Lee trip to the park a possibility.
"Well, I am going to go; fancy a walk in the park, Lee?" asked Patricia, with such a sexy smile.
"Yeah, yes; if you are sure," replied a surprised and delighted Lee.
"I'm sure, but don't expect everything you got with this slut," laughed Patricia, nodding at Marian, who burst out laughing.
Patricia and Lee went happily to the park, they were very open with each other as they chatted.
"I wanked thinking about you last night," announced Lee.
"Wow! I have progressed to being a Lee Young wanking fantasy," laughed Patricia.
"Do you mind?" asked Lee.
"No, it is flattering, like you wanting to fuck me," replied Patricia.
"Do you think we will?" said Lee.
"Will what? Fuck?" replied Patricia, stopping her walking.
"Yeah," answered Lee, looking at her longingly and hopefully.
"We shouldn't, but it seems to be heading that way, don't you think?" said Patricia.
"I hope so," replied Lee.
"Let's walk some more; not to the wooded bit where Marian wanked you though," laughed Patricia.
"Do you think Marian and me will fuck?" asked Lee.
"Ha, well, that is for her to decide, but I think it pretty likely," replied Patricia.
They walked and talked a bit more and arrived at a bandstand, "Let's go behind here and see if we can have a bit of privacy," said Patricia.
They went behind the structure and they were out of sight of everyone else in the park, they kissed.
They kissed long and hard, "Marian said that you were good at kissing; she also said you had a huge cock," said Patricia, massaging the bulge in Lee's trousers.
"Are you going to wank me?" asked Lee, hopefully.
"No, I will leave seeing your cock until we fuck; you can feel my arse though if you want," replied Patricia, turning so that her large skirted backside was towards Lee.
Lee caressed Patricia's buttocks, "Lovely arse, I am longing to see it," said Lee.
"One day I expect, baby; now we had better get back to work," replied Patricia.
They kissed again and then emerged from behind the bandstand and went back to the office.
Lee had an email from Sylvia telling him to bring any overnight things that he needed to work on Friday, as he would not be going home after work.
Later in the afternoon, Patricia told Marian all that happened and was said during her lunchtime with Lee.
It seemed that Lee would be fucking Patricia and Marian in the not-too-distant future, he would be fucking Sylvia Turnbull the night after this coming night.
Linda Fletcher texted Lee, asking for a fuck on Thursday evening, Lee was happy to oblige because he had not fucked since having Sylvia and then Linda on Monday.
Lee and Linda had quite a session and were both breathless and well fucked when they were done.
Friday at work was happy, with flirting involving Lee and his two mature work colleagues, work colleagues that he would very likely soon be fucking. There were no trips to the park though.
One woman that he would be fucking more imminently was Sylvia Turnbull, and as the work day's hours ticked by, they were getting closer and closer to their night in a hotel room and both Lee and Sylvia were looking forward to it.