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The Dirty Dick Encounter

"Sandra meets Dirty Dick, the filthy old man next door."

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Sixteen-year-old Sandra Taylor was stood outside her parents’ house in the pouring rain, wondering what to do.

When she had left school that day there were a few puffy white clouds lazily floating around the sky. However, as she had neared the end of her long walk home, the heavens had opened up and released a torrent of rain. But the rain wasn’t her only problem; Sandra had forgotten her door key and, to make matters worse, her parents wouldn’t be home for at least another couple of hours.

The mud from the front lawn had begun to creep into her shoes and socks when she saw the curtains twitching in the house next door. That’ll be Dirty Dick, she thought, as the rain seeped though her coat, dampening her white school blouse.

Dick Burgess had moved in next door to Sandra a few months ago. He lived alone and had, so far, proven himself to be a bit of a sex pest. Although subtle in his endeavours to entice young females into his home, it was nevertheless apparent to Sandra that he had a serious kink for schoolgirls.

She noticed him everyday as she walked past his house in her school uniform, watching her from behind cracked shades and the corners of net curtains. During the summer, whilst sunbathing in the back garden, Sandra had noticed the old man on several occasions ogling her bikini-clad body through a pair of binoculars from an upstairs bedroom window. He spent most summer afternoons sitting out on his front lawn, pretending to read a newspaper and peering sneakily over the top of the pages, secretly leering at unsuspecting girls as they ventured past. She’d even seen him offering out cigarettes on a couple of occasions.

Sandra felt an odd shiver of excitement run through her body when she saw his curtains twitching and, although she couldn’t see him, she knew he was watching her with a mischievous gleam in his eye. Perhaps even playing with his wrinkly old cock while envisioning her hot, young body.

Her suspicions were confirmed when the door suddenly swung open, revealing a baldhead and a chubby face full of stubble. Bald except for a couple of grey wisps above his ears, with a fat, round face, he wore bottle-top lens glasses, tatty old carpet slippers and a black bathrobe speckled with white stains. He had wiry grey hairs protruding from his ears and nostrils and his face was blotted with liver spots. He really was an ugly old goat, dishevelled and creepy.

Sandra stifled a giggle.

She had a sudden image flash through her mind of Dick stripping off her wet school uniform and groping her tits. The dirty thought, although unexpected and a little shocking, was exhilarating nonetheless, and gave her a tingle of excitement between the legs. It was strange but just recently the old pervert ogling her had been a real turn on. It gave her an almighty thrill to know he was watching her, lusting after her body. The previous week she had even gone as far as to flaunt her nakedness for the old man’s enjoyment.

It had been a warm day and she’d noticed the old goat pottering around in his garden shed. Sandra had stripped off her clothes and stood by her bedroom window, curtains open, completely naked, doing her workout DVD. Her tits had bounced and jiggled and swayed as she’d jumped up and down, doing her exercises. The old man had sat in garden shed with binoculars glued to his face for the entire hour.

Feeling her pussy dampen, she wondered how many times he’d wanked himself off to the sight of her nude body that day.

“Hello, sweetheart,” he said, his voice thin and wavering. “What the bloody hell you doing standing out there in the rain?”

She suddenly felt very shy and nervous. “I-I-I’m locked out,” she stuttered.

“Well, get yourself in here, then, love. It’s raining cats and dogs out here. You’ll catch your bloody death if you not careful.”

Although initially reluctant, after mulling it over, she came to the conclusion that even if he wanted to, Dick was far too old to get it up, let alone do anything obscene with it.

“Oh, look at you. You’re bloody drenched through to the bone, you are. Come on, give us your jacket, I’ll hang it up to dry,” he said as soon as Sandra stepped foot in the door. “Oh, bloody hell! Look at your shoes; they’re covered in mud. I can’t have you tracking all that through the house. Come on, Sandra, slip off those shoes and socks. There’s a good girl.”

“How do you know my name?”

“I know plenty about you, young lady. Now enough with the pleasantries and do as you’re told.”

Sandra didn’t protest and kicked of her muddy shoes before rolling her white knee-length socks down her smooth legs. When she reached her toes she tugged her socks off gently, revealing an immaculate set of toes with red-painted nails.

“Oh yeah,” he sighed, adjusting his glasses with thumb and forefinger while leering down at Sandra’s bare legs and adorable little toes. “Cute as a button, they are.” He shook his head to regain his composure. “Anyway, I’m afraid that blouse is gonna have to come off, too, love,” he said, slamming the front closed.

“No, I don’t think I’d feel…”

“Come on! Get it off.” His words were low and gruff, brought from the depths of him.

Determined to not look embarrassed or scared, she unbuttoned her school blouse and slipped it from her shoulders. But she blushed a deep shade of purple when she peered down at her chest and realised that her bra was wet and had become transparent from the rainwater that had seeped through. Her nipples had also hardened to tiny pink points and were protruding through the thin material of her bra.

“Jesus Christ on a bike!” Dick gasped, licking his lips mischievously. He couldn’t have had a better view of her breasts if she were actually naked. His breathing became ragged and his eyes rolled madly in a state of total delight.

Sandra squealed with embarrassment and tried to cover herself the best she could with her tiny hands. She was still blushing and trembling when she felt the palm of his hand on the small of her back as he led her through the hallway.

“Don’t be embarrassed around me. I’m 68 years old, love,” he said jovially. “I’ve seen more young girls’ naked bodies than you’ve had hot dinners. Mostly on my computer, mind you, but I’ve still seen them nonetheless.” He laughed and his stale breath brushed over Sandra’s face.

She giggled nervously, her heart racing and face burning, but she couldn’t help moving closer to the old man as his clammy hand rubbed the soft skin of her lower back. It was so incredibly erotic, prancing around this old man’s house in just her underwear, knowing he was lusting after her body. Her fear and embarrassment began to dissipate, overwhelmed by the exotic sensations the dirty old man’s grubby hand was eliciting from her body.

They entered the kitchen and Sandra felt his hand brush over the pert globes of her buttocks before giving them a gentle squeeze. “Sit that peachy little backside down at the table and I’ll put the kettle on. There’s a pack of ciggies there. Help yourself.”

She gave up trying to cover her chest as she eagerly reached for the cigarettes. Lighting up and drawing on the cigarette, she inhaled the smoke deep into her lungs and felt her body relax and grow warm with sexual desire. She slouched back on her chair and perched her bare feet up on the edge of the kitchen table.

After switching on the kettle, Dick turned and set eyes on Sandra. He gasped and the lenses of glasses steamed up. He lifted his glasses to his forehead and took a long lingering look at the rosy-red soles of her feet, her smooth legs, her flat tummy, the plump mounds of her chest and the pink circles of her nipples visible through her wet bra. The old man’s arousal leapt to full flame and his stiff cock throbbed mightily.

There’s no way this girl’s leaving my house without first sampling some 68-year-old salami, he thought, quivering with arousal.

There was an awkward silence as Dick took his time delighting in the sight of the young girl’s underwear-clad body. A dirty smile spread across his craggy face, revealing rotted teeth. “So, what’s been occurring in your life, sweetheart?”

“Very little I’m afraid. Once I’ve finished my final year exams at school, with a bit of luck I’ll find myself a job,” she said, sounding relaxed as the nicotine worked it’s magic.

As Dick rested with his back against the kitchen side, Sandra noticed the purple plum of his circumcised bellend protruding from the crack of his bathrobe. It was hard, bulbous and weeping pre-cum. A sudden plethora of images flashed through her mind of Dick violating her body with his nasty old man cock. She squirmed in her seat and squeezed her thighs together as her pussy began to dribble.

“A job!” Dick barked excitedly. “I’ve been looking for a cleaner for some time now. I’ve placed adverts in papers and all sorts. You’d be perfect for the job, you would. It’s bloody good money and all. It’s not to be sniffed at, darling, not in today’s climate, anyhow.”

“Yeah, I don’t see why not.”

“Right you are. Let’s see if you’re up for the job.” Dick scanned the kitchen. “They are, over there,” he said, pointing a finger. “See if you can pick that crisp packet up off the floor.”

Sandra stood up and, with her back to Dick, bent down to pick up the crisp packet. Dick watched, wide-eyed and mouth gaping, as Sandra’s knickers disappeared up the crack of her bum, revealing the pale globes of her peachy arse. She held the pose for a few seconds, giving the old goat a good eyeful of her taut bottom.

“Oh, yeah, that’s amazing, that is,” he mumbled under his breath. “I’d look dead good hanging out of that.”

“What was that, Dick?”

“N-n-n-no…I was just saying…you’re dead good at picking stuff up.” He prepared the tea and placed two cups down on the kitchen table before pulling up a chair and sitting as close as he possibly could to Sandra.

“When are your parents due back, sweetheart?” he asked.

“Not for another couple of hours.”

“Great. That gives us plenty of time.”

“Plenty of time for what?”

“To talk about your new job, of course. Congratulations, sweetie, you’ve got the job. Any questions?”

Sandra thought for a moment. “What does the job pay?”

“Well, that all depends, doesn’t it?”

“On what?”

Dick put an arm around her slender shoulders, inhaled the fresh scent of her hair and then whispered in a low, raspy growl, “On what you’re willing to do for me.”

His hand rested on her upper thigh and squeezed. He watched her blushing and saw her body trembling as his hand crept a little higher. Sandra instinctively parted her legs to allow him access.

She was frozen to the spot with both fear and exhilaration as she felt a podgy finger probing between her thighs then pushing the gusset of her knickers into her soaking wet slit, sending shivers of excitement through her womanhood.

“I see you have some dishes in the sink. I could wash them for you if you like,” Sandra said, jumping out her seat. She was just playing hard-to-get, teasing the dirty old goat.

She padded over to the kitchen sink before reaching behind her back to unclasp her bra. Pulling it down and off her body, Dick watched through stupefied eyes as Sandra’s tits were exposed in all their naked glory. Gasping loudly, his body jerked and his lips drew down at the corners.

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He leered at her young tits with a sinister and lustful grin on his face.

“Hang that up to dry for me, please, Dick,” said Sandra before throwing the skimpy garment in Dick’s direction. It landed on his lap and, just before Sandra turned her back to him, she caught a glimpse of him rubbing the garment over his angry-looking cock.

Sandra was unbearably aroused, being in this old man’s house in nothing but her white knickers. With her back to him, she could feel his beady eyes burning into her near-naked figure.

Her body buzzing with excitement, she reached for the dishcloth then turned the taps and watched the water fill the bowl. In an attempt to quell her nervous excitement, she concentrated on the warmth of the water and the bubbles on her hands as she washed the dishes. She didn’t hear Dick get up, but she gasped when she sensed him lurking behind her.

“I’m done with this cup if you’d like to wash it up,” he said, reaching both arms around her body to place the cup in the sink.

Making his intentions crystal clear, his hands gripped the sink on both sides of her, encircling her in his grasp and pinning her body to the sink. She squealed with shock when she felt the old man’s hot and heavy breath on her neck and then, as he moved even closer, his rampant cock straining against her upper thigh. The enormous bulge of his hairy belly mashed against her back as his hips began to sway, slow and gentle, gliding the slippery-wet head of his gooey cock over the smooth skin of her thigh.

The stench of his filthy bellend and body odour suddenly hung heavy in the air, and Sandra breathed through her nose, inhaling the pungent aroma.

“What’s that drooling all over my thigh?” she asked playfully.

“Don’t worry about him. That’s just Woody, up to his old tricks again. He gets all stiff and ever so excited when there’s a schoolgirl in his vicinity.”

“Can’t you put it on a leash?”

“Oh, don’t be that. He’s only being friendly.”

Then his gentle thrusts quickened and became more urgent, his drooling cock humping her thigh hard and fast, grinding against her skin, leaving behind streaks of slippery pre-cum.

“Oh, he likes you, doesn’t he?” he drawled in her ear. “He’s got a nose like a bloodhound, has old Woody. I reckon he’s picked up the scent of your cunny juice, you know.”

She bit down on her bottom lip when his filthy hands cupped her breasts and squeezed them hard. In a frenzy of excitement, he groped and mauled her plump tits before roughly tweaking and tugging on her stiff nipples. Then his mouth was at her face, dribbling and slobbering all over her ear, neck and cheek.

She couldn’t believe this was happening, nor could she believe how incredibly erotic it felt, being touched up by the dirty old goat and having his slippery hammerhead smearing her soft skin with gooey secretion. Her orgasm was already bubbling in her loins when she felt one clammy hand leave her tit and go south, rubbing her belly before slipping under the elastic waistband of her knickers. Reaching inside her knickers, his hand sank deep, two sausage fingers probing her damp entrance before entering her slick passage.

He nestled his stubbly chin on her shoulder and panted excitedly in her ear, “Oh, yeah, dripping like a leaky tap. Just as I suspected.”

She emitted a loud moan when his fingers pumped in and out of her slick pussy in unison with his thrusting cock. Her thigh was now coated with a thick layer of slime that had oozed from his rampant member.

Her pussy pulsed and her hips gyrated of their own accord as she felt her orgasm building. She arched her back to allow his fingers to sink deeper then reached a hand behind her and took hold of his gnarled cock and pumped it hard in her fist. The tiny hand throttling his cock spurred him on, and he frigged her faster, her sloppy-wet pussy making wet squelching noises as his chunky fingers thrust in and out.

Her body responded and her knees buckled beneath her as her orgasm washed through her. Dick’s fat belly held her pinned to the sink as his fingers slowed, while his other hand still fondled her tits.

The old man’s pistoning fingers had forced air up into Sandra’s pussy canal, so when he removed them from her passage, the air was released, causing her pussy to make an embarrassing wet-raspberry farting noise.

“Oh, God, how embarrassing,” she giggled, blushing a deep shade of purple.

Dick was busy sucking the juice from his fingers when he heard the queef. He dropped to his knees, pressed his ear to the wet patch at the front of Sandra’s knickers, and said, “I think your cunny just spoke. I’m sure it said it wants to meet old Woody. Come on,” he said, getting to his feet and slapping her arse playfully, “Get your knickers off. I think it’s time we introduced Woody to your honey pot.”

“You’ll have to catch me first, you dirty old codger,” giggled Sandra, before shrieking then making a dash for the kitchen table.

Her plump tits, streaked with angry red marks where the old man’s busy hands had mauled them, bounced and jiggled with her every movement.

“Get back ‘ere,” Dick barked angrily as he shuffled after her around the table, the soles of his carpet slippers making squeaking noises with each step on the hardwood floor. “Get back ‘ere, you saucy little minx!”

For Sandra, the thrill of being chased was beyond exquisite. The hairs on the back of her neck rose in response; her skin went goose-pimply; the butterflies in her tummy were beating their wings furiously; her body buzzed with sexual electricity and hummed with anticipation.

Dick, panting and wheezing, chased relentlessly with his stumpy erection flapping about wildly and slapping against his flabby thighs. There was urgency about his movements and a furious pounding in his ears. He was like a sexual beast stalking its prey. All he cared about at that moment was fucking the gorgeous young girl running naked around his kitchen. He was being unrelentingly teased to the point of madness, his face all red and contorted with rage. Spittle flew from his mouth as he screamed obscenities at the top of his voice.

She dashed through the hallway then up the stairs and into the old man’s bedroom. Stopping at the doorway to scan the room, she wrinkled her nose in disgust at the sight that greeted her.

Mouldy plates poked out from beneath the bed. Cups sprouting alien life forms stood on every surface. There was an over-flowing ashtray surrounded by suspicious-looking tissues littering the floor. And everywhere else lay piles of dirty clothing.

Hearing Dick stomping up the stairs and homing in on her, she shrieked shrilly and scampered into the bedroom, accidentally kicking over the foul-smelling ashtray as she went.

Wheezing and panting, Dick burst into the bedroom completely naked with sweat pouring down his chubby face. Unable to take the relentless teasing any longer, he lunged at Sandra, causing her to fall back onto the bed with him on top. He was like an animal possessed as he forced his tongue into her mouth and thrust it to the back of her throat. Then he was licking and sucking her face, grunting and squealing like a pig as he slobbered all over her. Sandra giggled when she felt frantic hands yanking down her knickers. Once he had tugged them off he threw them to one side.

His body racked with exhaustion and sheened with sweat, he used his fat belly to force her legs apart then slipped himself between her thighs and pressed his body weight down on top of her to keep her still.

Gazing down, the young girl beneath him was something he had only ever dared dream of; he couldn’t believe he was about to rutt this beautiful young girl. So he wasted no time, and pressed the weeping head of his smelly cock against the schoolgirl’s sloppy-wet fuck-hole. He let out a loud groan as he nudged into the tightness of her teenage cunt. His face was contorted with pleasure as he pushed himself a little deeper.

It felt like nothing he’d ever known, mind-blowing. Despite being dripping-wet with her juices, she was still so tight that he had to pull back a little before pushing it in further.

“Fuck me,” she groaned, slowly writhing her head from side to side when he eased his cock halfway into her tight depths. She clenched her arms and legs around his sweat-soaked body, feeling his length slam home with a grunt, burying himself balls deep in her snug snatch.

He pumped away on top of her, pounding her body relentlessly for the next five minutes, her head thumping against the headboard with his every forward thrust, the bed thumping against the wall. The bed and headboard banged out a constant cadence on the wall, interspersed with Sandra’s moans and giggles and Dick’s grunts and snorts.

He suddenly stopped thrusting and scooted back a few inches, withdrawing himself just enough to prop her legs up on his hairy shoulders. Then he leaned forward, bending the schoolgirl in two before slamming back into her and pummeling her with hard thrusts.

Sandra loved it. She felt like a little slut, a naughty schoolgirl, a real-life fuck doll for the revolting old man to manipulate, touch up, and stuff full of nasty old cock.

“Not long now, Sandra, my love,” he panted in a hoarse whisper, feeling his orgasm bubbling to the surface. “Her it comes, love. Her it comes. Her it...”

Then his body stiffened and a strangulated squealing sound came out of his mouth. She felt a hot rush as he flooded her, bathing her inner pussy with his old man seed, filling her cunt completely with sticky goo.

Completely spent, his limp cock flopped out of her with a sucking sound. He then slid off her and fell off the edge of the bed and hit the floor with a dull thud. “Oh, Jesus, my back,” he hollered.

Sandra pounced off the bed and squatted down over the old man’s head as he lay writhing around on his back on the bedroom floor. She pressed her creamy cunt lips to his face and spread her vagina with her fingers, opening herself and allowing a torrent of semen to trickle out and dribble all over the old man’s face.

Having seen it done many times before in her favourite porn movie, Old Men Love Cream Pie, she just had to try it for herself.

She could hear him slobbering and slurping as his gunk, mingled with her juices, slopped out of her and onto his face. He seemed to be enjoying it, so she squatted down lower, completely smothering his face and burying his nose deep in her dribbling vagina.

His body jerked and and he cried out, but his screams were muffled by Sandra’s teenage pussy, so she couldn’t make out what he saying. Finally, he grabbed her buttocks and forced her off him. Gasping for air and panting, he snapped, “Jesus, I can’t breath.”

As Dick urgently inhaled deep breaths Sandra knelt beside him and fondled his shriveled cock, rolling the foreskin up and down the flaccid shaft. “Come on,” she sighed. “We’re not finished already, are we? Can’t you get it back up?”

“I’m 68 years old, Sandra, love. Old Woody will be dead to the world until at least tomorrow morning.” Then, grimacing with pain, he added, “You couldn’t call us an ambulance, though, could you, sweetheart? I think I’ve done me back in.”

“Boring,” she said, before jumping to her feet and scanning the bedroom. She saw Dick’s laptop standing on his dresser unit with the lid up. ”Oh, can I use your laptop? I’ve not updated my Facebook status since lunchtime. Shall I tell everyone we just screwed?”

Dick gasped and his body lurched on the floor. “No, Sandra, leave the laptop. Please, don’t look at the laptop. It’s private” He tried in vain to get to his feet, grimacing and moaning as his throbbing back quashed his efforts.

Sandra grabbed the laptop, sat at the edge of the bed and placed it down on her lap. When she gazed down at the screen her eyes widened. Then, with a couple of clicks of the mouse pad, she gasped, “You dirty old git!”
Written by MonsoonMicky
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