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The Wedding Reception

"A slutty middle-aged BBW meets a teenage hunk at a wedding reception and sparks fly"

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Fifty-nine-year-old Janice Spearing was under strict instructions from her daughter, Melanie Hutton, to behave herself at the evening wedding reception that they were to attend at a local hotel.

The wedding was that of the nineteen-year-old daughter of a female workmate of Melanie's and Melanie was concerned about her mother showing her up if she had too much to drink.

Janice considered her daughter and Melanie's husband Luke to be a pair of prudes, but she did promise to behave herself.

Janice had been divorced from Melanie's dad for almost twenty years since Melanie was in her late teens, and the divorce was brought about by Janice fucking around once too often. Her husband had tolerated her frequent flings with various males, but catching her in bed with an eighteen-year-old youth, a friend of Melanie's, was the last straw.

Janice had gotten herself the reputation of being a bit of a slag in the years since her divorce if she did not have that reputation before, and her dalliance with one married man had led to the break up of another marriage. She was not too particular about the age or the marital status of any males that she went to bed with, although she still liked a young cock whenever she could get one.

Melanie actually tried to persuade her friend from work not to have Janice on the guest list because she feared what might happen, but Janice's invitation arrived.

Janice lived alone, but she often had company, mostly at night.

When the taxi containing Melanie, Luke and their daughter Cindy picked up Janice, Melanie almost gasped in horror.

Janice was not a small woman, she was very much a BBW, and had thick thighs, a big arse, large tits and a bit of a stomach, she was wearing an almost indecently short and tight skirt and was revealing a lot of cleavage. She was also plastered in makeup and had overdone the perfume.

"For fucks sake mum, you are not going like that are you?" said Melanie, as the youngish taxi driver's cock stiffened at the sight of his new passenger.

"It is a wedding, isn't it? people dress nicely for a wedding," replied Janice.

"I think you look nice, grandma," said eighteen-year-old Cindy, who got on very well with Janice, although she did know of her reputation.

"Thank you, Cindy, glad someone appreciates me," said Janice.

Luke, who was in the front of the cab, said nothing, although he would not have minded fucking Janice as she looked right now.

"Is it okay to drive on?" asked the taxi driver, wondering if one or more of his passengers might be leaving.

"Yes, it is too late for her to change now," said Melanie, referring to both the time that they were due at the reception and her mother's natural behaviour.

They arrived at the hotel, and Melanie was still fuming and also dreading what might happen.

They went in and were greeted by the mother and father of the bride, Melanie's friend saw the concern on Melanie's face and she hoped that she had not made a mistake in overruling Melanie and inviting Janice.

They congratulated the bride and groom and acknowledged other people they knew there. One husband got a dig in the ribs from his wife because he was drooling over Janice.

Janice was feeling horny, she usually felt horny, but she was going to try to stick to her promise to behave.

They got some drinks, but Melanie was finding it difficult to relax. Several males were glancing in Janice's direction if they thought that their wives might not notice, and more than one woman was muttering about how Janice looked like the slut that she was.

Music was playing and Cindy asked her grandmother to dance, which Janice gladly accepted.

"Look at her shaking her arse about, this is so embarrassing," said Melanie to Luke.

"Why don't you forget about her and try to enjoy yourself?" said Luke, not admitting that he had looked at Janice shaking her arse about.

"She is showing herself up even before she has had much to drink, fuck knows what she will be like later," said Melanie.

"It is a wedding reception, people let themselves go at wedding receptions; just let her enjoy herself and try and let you and me enjoy ourselves too," said Luke, who could see the evening being a complete washout for him, although he did partly share Melanie's fears about her mother.

It was not only more mature married males that were noticing Janice because there were a lot of friends of the bride and groom there, and most of them were teenagers.

One particular youth, nineteen-year-old Cameron Scott, had a liking for the more mature well-built woman and several such women had had his sizeable cock in between their legs.

Cameron did not live in the town, if he did, he would probably have known of Janice Spearing, and quite possibly already be sexually acquainted with her.

"That is Janice Spearing, she is a right slapper; I have not had her but I have two mates who have," said Matt Timms to Cameron. Matt did live in the town and knew of Cameron's liking for women such as Janice.

"Really? she looks fucking hot; I think that I will introduce myself to her," smiled Cameron.

"Good luck, although from what I hear you should not have too much trouble," said Matt.

Janice was still dancing with Cindy, Cameron knew Cindy from their schooldays, although he was a year ahead of her.

"Hello Cindy, how are you? and who is your sexy friend?" said Cameron. Cindy quite liked Cameron but knew that she was way below the age of female that he preferred. She suddenly got protective of her grandmother.

"My sexy friend is my grandmother, and we are dancing, thank you," replied Cindy, hoping but not expecting that Cameron would go away.

"I can see that you are dancing, but this lady is surely not old enough to be your grandmother," said Cameron.

"Oh I am, but thank you for the compliment; Cameron is it?" said Janice, feeling very attracted to this hunk.

"Shall we go back to mum and dad?" said Cindy to Janice, trying to prise her away from Cameron.

"I am supposed to be on my best behaviour, so I should do what Cindy says," said Janice to Cameron, giving him a sexy smile and blowing him a kiss before departing the dance floor.

Cameron did not think that that would be the last contact that he had with Janice that evening, nor did she.

"Did she give you the brush off, mate?" said Matt, when Cameron returned to him.

"Far from it, I think that I am probably in there; you didn't tell me she was Cindy's grandmother," replied Cameron.

"Oh yeah, she is, I forgot that," said Matt, not thinking that it mattered too much anyway.

Cindy and Janice returned to where Melanie and Luke were seated, "That was fun, thanks Cindy," Janice said to her granddaughter.

"Please do not make a fool of yourself and us," said Melanie to her mother.

"Let her enjoy herself, love," said Luke to his wife.

"You do know what her idea of enjoying herself is, don't you?" replied Melanie, not proud at all of her mother's reputation.

"She was only dancing," said Cindy, although she knew that she would have to try to keep Cameron Scott away from her grandmother, or her grandmother away from Cameron Scott.

The four sat together for a while, but Janice was getting fidgety. She was getting fidgety because there was a hunk on the other side of the room and she wanted to get to know him better, a lot better.

Cameron kept looking in Janice's direction and their eyes met a couple of times. On one occasion, Cameron flashed a sexy smile and Janice raised her glass. Cindy looked where her grandmother was looking and her fears were confirmed.

Cindy did not want to alert her mother to where things looked like they were heading, but she wanted to try to stop it. She had no control over what her grandmother did when she was out of Cindy's sight, but Cindy thought that she needed to do something now.

"Grandma, think of mum, please," said Cindy, with her mum and dad out of earshot.

"Whatever do you mean, darling?" Janice smiled sweetly.

"I mean don't do anything to embarrass mum," said Cindy.

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"Your mother gets easily embarrassed," answered Janice.

Cindy did think that her grandmother was far more fun than her mother was, if she had to choose which to have as a best friend it would be Janice, but she did not like having her grandmother being known as an easy lay.

Cindy gave up on pleading with Janice, all she could do was hope that nothing happened.

"Do you know this Cameron well?" Janice asked her granddaughter a bit later, damaging Cindy's hope that nothing would happen.

"Not well, he was a year ahead of me at school," replied Cindy, not telling Janice about his liking for the more mature-aged woman.

"Oh," said Janice, it becoming clear that Cindy did not want to talk about him.

"Want to dance again?" Janice asked Cindy shortly after.

"Um, not really," replied Cindy, but then thinking that if she didn't, Janice would probably go on her own.

She was right, Janice got up, "Wait, I will dance," said Cindy. following Janice onto the dance floor.

Janice made sure that she was positioned so that she was facing Cameron, and they got and held eye contact. Cindy deliberately moved to try to block the eye contact between the two, who were practically fucking each other with their eyes.

Cameron acquired a woman, older than him but younger than Janice, and led her to the dance floor, dancing near Cindy and Janice. Cameron was more or less ignoring the woman that he was supposed to be dancing with, and Janice more or less ignored Cindy, as Cameron and Janice only had eyes for each other.

Cindy knew that she was powerless to stop whatever might happen, she could tell her mum, but that would probably cause an almighty scene and make things even worse.

The woman that was supposedly dancing with Cameron got fed up with being ignored and left the dance floor, but Cameron continued dancing.

The song finished, "I am going outside for a cigarette, Cindy," Janice said to her granddaughter, but loud enough to be heard by Cameron.

Janice went back to where Melanie and Luke were, they had hardly left their seats all evening so far, and got her cigarettes and lighter, "Going for a fag," Janice said to her daughter.

"What's wrong Cindy?" Melanie asked her daughter, seeing the expression on her face.

"Nothing, just got a bit of a headache," replied Cindy, as Janice headed for the exit.

Cindy did not look in the direction of Cameron, because she knew that if he had not gone outside already, then he very soon would be doing so. Cindy was tempted to follow her grandmother, but what could she do if she did?

Janice and Cameron arrived outside almost simultaneously, a few other people were milling around so, without speaking, they moved to somewhere a bit more private but still within the designated smoking area.

"Would you like a cigarette, Cameron?" asked Janice, in her best sexy voice.

"No thank you, but I know what I would like," replied Cameron, his eyes devouring Janice.

"Oh, and what is that?" said Janice, putting her hand on Cameron's chest.

"To give you a good fucking," replied Cameron.

"That may well be arranged, young man," said Janice, moving her hand to the large bulge in Cameron's trousers.

"You are so fucking sexy," said Cameron, caressing Janice's tits.

"Then kiss me," said Janice, who had not yet lit her cigarette.

Cameron did that, and their mouths opened and their tongues battled. Cameron's hands were now on Janice's large arse.

"Come on, I need a fuck now," said Janice, dragging Cameron into a wooded area.

"Won't you be missed?" asked Cameron.

"Probably, so let's make it quick," said Janice, stopping in a small clearing and undoing and pulling down Cameron's trousers. It was dusk, but there was still some light. There were voices not very far away, so not making too much noise would be a good idea.

As Janice undid and removed her skirt and pulled her knickers down and off, Cameron lowered his boxers and his long and thick erection sprung free.

Janice turned and bent over, her hands on a fallen tree trunk.

Cameron caressed Janice's large arse, "We have no time for that, put your lovely cock in my cunt and fuck me," said Janice.

Cameron put his penis at Janice's well-used cunt and slid in. Janice gasped because although she had had almost countless cocks inside her over the years, this was certainly one of the bigger ones.

Cameron eased backwards and forwards, he wished there was time to use the full repertoire that he liked to use when pleasuring a mature woman, but that would have to be for another time with this one.

"Fuck me fast," said Janice, reiterating the shortage of time.

Cameron obliged and he was shafting Janice rapidly, "Um, oh, yes, fuck, yes," muttered Janice as the stiff young penis slid in and out of her.

After a bit more fucking, Janice came, fighting to try to keep the noise down because her orgasms were usually very vocal, "Shit, shit, fucking hell, shit, fuck," panted Janice.

Cameron kept going and then groaned as his spunk rose and shot out of his penis into Janice's wet cunt.

When they had both stopped cumming the need to get back to the reception was the priority. Cameron withdrew and Janice stood up, "We will have a night of fucking soon; I will give you my phone number," said Janice.

Cameron pulled up his boxers and trousers and got his phone from his trouser pocket and Janice gave him her landline number. Janice put her knickers and skirt back on but, not surprisingly, her thighs and cunt were very sticky.

"I will go to the ladies and clean myself up a bit, you get back to the reception," said Janice.

"When can we fuck again?" asked Cameron.

"Very soon, baby; phone me tomorrow," replied Janice.

Cameron left the wooded area first and, trying not to look guilty, went back into the hotel.

Janice came out of the trees just after and was pleased that there was nobody that she knew outside the hotel because if there had been, they would have quickly worked out what she had been doing.

Cindy had been looking at her watch, and Melanie was aware that her mother had been missing for some while, and was dreading what she might be doing and with whom.

Cameron got back into the ballroom in the hotel where the reception was being held, "You haven't been fucking have you?" smiled Matt to him. Cameron grinned but said nothing.

Janice went to the ladies' toilets and cleaned her thighs and cunt as well as she could, she knew that she would be leaking cum into her knickers for the rest of the evening. She made her way back into the ballroom, knowing that she would face a grilling from her daughter.

"Where have you been, you have been gone ages?" demanded Melanie, with Cindy looking rather disapprovingly at her grandmother.

"I went for a fag and then had to go to the toilet, okay?" answered Janice.

Melanie was not convinced by the answer, but that was the story that she was going to get.

Janice felt a bit strange, she was on a high because she had been fucked but felt disappointed that, due to necessity, it had been quite brief. She was looking forward to when she could have unlimited time with Cameron.

Janice did some more dancing with Cindy, and as expected, she had cum seeping into her knickers.

Janice had no more direct contact with Cameron, although they smiled at each other a couple of times and Janice made a telephone motion reminding Cameron to phone her, not that he needed reminding.

The evening came to a close and a taxi arrived to take Melanie, Luke, Cindy and Janice home.

"See, I behaved myself," said Janice to her daughter.

"Did you?" replied Melanie, disbelievingly.

The next morning, Sunday, Janice's phone rang.

"Hi, it is Cameron, when can I see you?" said the male voice.

"Hello Cameron, well I am all on my own right through today and tonight, would you like to change that?" replied Janice.

"I would love to, what is your address?" responded Cameron.

Written by PJH
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