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Susan Part 1

"A potentially embarrassing situation, resulted in passion"

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Author's Notes

"The situation with the accidental revelation of the porn site is true. I was so fortunate the audience were at that point facing away from the screen. Susan is imaginary, although occasionally there are attractive older ladies in these groups. She has morphed slightly since I started this story following interaction with another Lush Story member."

My day started off unremarkably. I had the day off work because just after lunch I was due to give a talk at the local Women's Institute. I do these occasionally and talk about my passion for the history of London and the southeast of England and try and fill it with quirky stories.  I've been doing it for about ten years now and must have delivered talks about a hundred times. My job allows me the flexibility to do this.

For the uninitiated, The Women's Institute or WI is a community-based organisation for women. They are registered charities and campaign on issues relevant to women. They are dotted all over the United Kingdom. Originating in Canada in the late Victorian era, they spread through several of the Commonwealth countries, including New Zealand, Southern Rhodesia (now named Zimbabwe) and of course the UK. South Africa also has WIs. They partake in many diverse activities away from their meeting venues and meet monthly, which often includes a talk from a visiting speaker, a demonstration or a performance.  A large proportion of the members are in their twilight years and many branches have ceased due to a lack of younger blood to keep them going. There are exceptions, with some branches actively targeting a younger membership.

Once I remembered what I was doing later, I got up and threw on a pair of baggy shorts and a T-Shirt. I made a cup of tea and some breakfast and then spent the early part of my day doing chores: washing clothes, running the vacuum cleaner around, and striping and re-making the bed. 

By mid-morning, I felt I deserved a break, so I made a coffee and sat down with my laptop and surfed the web for a while, before logging on to Lush Stories. I checked out the latest stories and then started searching genre-specific ones for some of my favourite genres. 

I then logged on to a well-known porn site and searched the anal section. I watched several videos: some familiar to me, and some new and edged myself until I finally exploded all over my T-shirt after a particularly good anal scene. Once my heart had returned to its normal rest rate, I checked the time. 

"Shit," I exclaimed out loud, as I realised I had been reading, watching and wanking longer than I'd thought. I closed the laptop, dived into the bathroom for a quick brush of my teeth, and then shaved and showered. I dressed in a pair of chinos, and a light blue smart shirt and then started getting the equipment I needed together; a projector screen, projector, connecting cables, a laptop and a power extension lead. I took it all out to my car and loaded up. 

I checked my phone for the name of my WI branch contact, a lady called Mary, the secretary of the group. I then looked up the address, entered the details into the Satnav and set off. 

The venues for WI groups in England are typically village halls, scout huts, church halls and occasionally a pub. Many of the venues are fairly old and in need of some tender loving care. They also variously provide a haven for nurseries, dramatic and operatic groups, choirs, book clubs, literary societies and elderly people get-togethers. 

I drove up to the venue for my talk today and unloaded the car.  I noted I had actually made good time and had arrived at the beginning of the time parameter I was given of 2:15 pm to 2:30 pm.  

Today's venue was known locally as the 'Scout Hut'. It was a very basic building, with no decorative features and looked like a post-WW2 pre-fab in style, even though it was made of brick. It was painted magnolia on the outside. The building was rectangular with an entrance doorway on one of the short sides. I was parked at the opposite end, so I walked round to the entrance with my two bags and projector screen and was fortunate to arrive at the same time as a lady in her sixties who opened and held the door for me. That brought me into a small hallway with toilets to the left and a kitchen to the right. 

I walked towards the door of the main hall and looked through the glass panel set at head height in the door. In the main hall beyond the door, I saw three rows of seated ladies, the majority of whom looked between sixty-five and eighty-five years old. 

The seats were at right angles to the door and they were facing a table on the right side of the room at which three other ladies were sitting with a tablecloth overhanging it with a motto or coat of arms. Experience told me that the central figure was the president, being flanked by the Secretary and the Treasurer, the three main officers of a WI group. At the far end of the hall was a stage, about one metre high. 

One of the ladies in the hall noticed me, and as I was the only male in the building, she probably assumed, correctly, I was their speaker for the meeting. I could see her say something to one of the women seated at the head table, but I could not hear what she said through the door. 

The officer nearest the door swiftly moved from her seat and made her way to the door, gliding effortlessly across the parquet flooring and it crossed my mind she had been a dancer in her younger days. She had ash blonde hair that looked natural and I suspect was the consequence of a visit to a very expensive hair salon. Her makeup was perfect but understated and her clothes were clearly expensive.

She had a rare air of grace, elegance and class and looked stunning. I suspect she was significantly older than she looked because she didn't look a day over fifty. However, the hair, makeup and clothes all indicated that this was a lady who looked after herself physically and she looked younger as a consequence.

She opened the door and said, "Hello, you must be David." I nodded in confirmation but before I could say anything she said, "I'm Susan, the Treasurer. Mary is just speaking to the group at the moment, so I am your welcoming party." She flashed a gorgeous smile that lit up her face and made her look even younger. She was captivating and her intelligence shone through her alert and sparkling eyes which I stared into.

I suddenly realised she had started speaking again, and she was indicating the stage at the far end of the hall would be where I would present. She explained the members would swivel their chairs through ninety degrees to the left to be able to see my presentation. 

I followed Susan around the back of the audience and to the stage, trying not to stare at her bottom as the silky skirt she wore slipped around the two firm buttocks underneath. She was either wearing a thong, G-string, or no undies, as the shape of her buns and the separation of her cheeks suggested the material underneath her skirt was small or non-existent. I marvelled at the two firm globes and suppressed a smirk as I thought of the old joke about two small boys fighting in a tent.

Once she had shown me to the stage, Susan returned to her seat at the top table and I set about my task of setting up my equipment. 

I finished setting up as the meeting continued and the audience focused on the top table. I switched the projector on after connecting it to my laptop, then powered up the laptop and entered my password. The screen jumped to life and to my horror, the last porn video page I had viewed at home was on my laptop screen.

I looked up and that same image was displayed over a metre high on the projector screen. An advert showing the silhouette of a cartoon woman giving a blow job to a man with an oversized phallus was in the bottom right corner. At the top of the screen was the final frame of the last video I had watched with several images for further suggested viewing, all of them anal videos.

In a panic, I shoved the projector offline, so the image was projected onto a curtain at the back of the stage, making it out of focus and less distinct. I pulled the connecting cable out from the laptop blanking the images through the projector, and then exited the screen being displayed on my laptop.

I looked to my right at the audience. Because they were not facing the front, they all appeared focused on the top table, listening to the president. I saw no reaction from the audience. 

I breathed a sigh of relief and my heart started to slow down. I opened up the PowerPoint for my presentation. I checked to make sure nothing else was going to surprise me, and then I reconnected the projector and reset its position on the screen, refocusing it. 

I looked up again at the audience and the president was still holding court. I glanced at Susan, the Treasurer and she was looking at me with a knowing smile on her face. Shit, did she see the porn on the screen?

I didn't have long to dwell on it, because the president finished speaking and the ladies stood and swivelled their chairs ninety degrees to face me and I was introduced to the audience by Mary, my contact for the booking. I then started to deliver my talk. 

Due to the age of the audiences at many of my talks, it's not unusual to find one of them nodding off to sleep. I don't take it personally, recognising that for many of them, an afternoon nap is a daily occurrence and their monthly visit to the WI group coincides with nap time. 

I'd delivered this particular talk about thirty times. So, I relaxed as I was in familiar territory. However, I glanced at Susan and she was smiling at me still, in the same way as earlier. It threw me off my stride for a second. I decided not to look at her for the rest of the talk. 

I got through to the end with no further mishaps.  The nominated tea makers slipped off to the kitchen to prepare the refreshments as the question session started. I dealt with the questions some of the women asked.  

After I'd finished, a couple of women came up to talk to me as I was taking down my equipment. 

Susan came over to ask if I wanted tea or coffee during this period. However, when she returned with my tea, I was on my own. 

Expecting her to clarify how much my fee was, or whether I wanted to be paid by cheque (yes, these are the only times I ever see a cheque these days), or bank transfer, I nearly dropped the cup and saucer she handed me, when she said, "So you like anal then?"

I could feel myself blush and was a bit lost for words for a second or two. I managed to say, "Yes," eventually. 

Susan handed me an envelope and said enthusiastically, "Oh, so do I. Here's your cheque."

I managed to say, "Thank you."

"I haven't had sex since my husband died two years ago," she continued.

I had recovered my equilibrium by then and said, "Really, I can't believe men are not queuing up."

"Oh, I've had quite a few offers," she said matter of factly, "but none of them appealed to me."

"That's a shame, and very frustrating for you, I imagine," I sympathised. 

"You appeal to me. What are you doing when you leave?" She stared into my eyes intently.

"No plans. I was going to head home." 

"Good," she said. "My address is in the envelope with your cheque. Take your time packing up, or find something to do for half an hour, then come round to my house.  If you want to, of course."

"I'd be delighted to," I said. "I'll see you there."

I finished packing up my equipment and loaded up my car. Then I drove to a nearby supermarket car park to wait, still not quite believing what just happened.

Just before the appointed time, I drove to the road where Susan lived. I found her house, but I parked further down the road. I didn't know her circumstances, but had no wish to embarrass Susan in front of any nosey neighbours.

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I knocked at her door and she opened it after about ten seconds. "I'm glad you came," she said. "It was very bold of me to ask you and I had my doubts whether you would. I reassured myself that if you decided not to, I was unlikely to see you again, so it would reduce the likelihood of any awkward occasions of bumping into each other in the future."

"When a beautiful woman asks me to her house, I will be there," I responded, before quickly adding,  "Please don't think I spend all my time being propositioned by women though."

"Equally, please don't think I spend my time asking men over to my house," she countered. "I've never done this before. However, I liked the look of you, I saw the way you looked at me and it excited me.  When I saw your porn viewing, I knew we could have some fun together and I have an itch that needs scratching."

"I'll scratch any itch you want me to," I reassured her. "Don't be shy in telling me, or showing me what you like, what you need, what you want, how you want it. Your pleasure is my paramount objective. Oh, and "No" means "No" in my book. 

"Thank you," she said. " I knew you'd be a gentleman."

She offered me a drink and we settled on some red wine, a Malbec. Our glasses charged, and we sat together on the sofa in her living room and talked for a while. It was relaxing and helped break the ice. I learnt more about the sudden death of her husband from a heart attack, her career as a ballerina and the daily yoga and exercise routine she still maintains. I also gleaned how she missed the feeling of being held, kissed and loved.  

After a while, I leaned towards her slowly, but obviously, to kiss her. I wanted to give her a chance to back out. She held steady and our lips touched. We started with just gentle pecks but it was obvious she was kissing me back. 

I reached up with a hand and placed it on her cheek my fingers extended to the back of her neck. The kisses became longer and her breathing changed. I slid my tongue between my lips and touched hers and she parted her lips and welcomed me into her mouth, she mirrored me and we jousted gently with our tongues, as we both moved closer, our bodies pressing together. 

I slipped my fingers into the hair at the back of her neck and took hold of some hair and tugged slowly. She moaned into my mouth. Our kisses became more passionate and unconsciously, our bodies pressed into each other more firmly as our passion increased. 

After several minutes we broke off to come up for air. 
"I'm as excited as a teenager," she said. "That was lovely. Thank you. You've helped to dispel most of my nerves. It felt natural and comfortable."

"Kissing is very underrated in my opinion," I responded. " I find it incredibly erotic and a massive turn-on."

She looked down at the visible bulge in my chinos, smiled and said, "So I see." She placed a hand on the bulge and gently squeezed. 

"I can assure you that I too am having physical reactions, although mine are not so obvious. My nipples are hard, my pussy is tingling and my knickers are getting damp. Let’s take this to my bedroom." 

We both rose at the same time. She took her wine glass and I picked up mine. "Bring the bottle," she said. I followed behind her as we climbed the stairs to her bedroom, again admiring that wonderful bottom.  

We put the glasses down on the two bedside cabinets and I placed the bottle next to my glass.  

We met back at the foot of the bed and embraced, resuming kissing. I ground my hardness into her public mound and ran my hands up and down her back, eventually taking hold of one of her firm buttocks through the silky material of her skirt. I kneaded and squeezed it for a while before my other hand came south to the other bum cheek and I repeated the exercise. I started massaging them in unison and pulled them apart periodically. She moaned into my mouth again and I knew I was triggering the right nerve endings, stretching her holes with my manipulations. 

I slid one hand up to her hip and found the zip to her skirt, and slowly drew it down until it wouldn't go any further. I then released the fastening at her waist and at the same time I stepped back slightly to release the material trapped between us. Susan gasped quietly as the skirt dropped and pooled around her feet. I returned to playing with her bottom, feeling the lacy material of her thong knickers that were cut very high on her bottom.

After a short while, I reached up around her front and slowly started to undo the buttons of her blouse whilst I looked into her excited green eyes. I pushed the blouse off her shoulders and arms and it too, dropped to the ground.

I returned to caressing her back, her neck, and some gentle tugs on her hair again as we kissed passionately, her slim taut frame pressed into my deep chest.

With my left hand, I released her pretty white lace-topped bra. I held both shoulder straps and slowly pulled the garment from her, exposing her small round breasts and dropping it onto the pile of already discarded clothes. Her beautiful orbs were topped with erect nipples that begged for my attention, and I gently tweaked her nipples one after the other, eliciting more moans. I pulled gently on each.

"Lie down please Susan," I said softly. I started to remove my clothes as she lay on the bed. She scooted up to the pillows to lay her head and watched me. I didn't stop until I was naked, my hard erect penis pointing out.

I climbed onto the bed, moved up towards Susan and lay beside her and we resumed our kissing. I caressed her skin, dragged my fingernails over her flat belly, squeezed her prominent hip bones, and teased the edges of her breasts with my hand as I brushed past, before eventually taking a breast fully into my hand and squeezing gently. I then lowered my head and took a nipple into my mouth. I sucked it, flicked in with my tongue in a fast motion, grazed my teeth along its hardened length and then bit her breast gently.

My hand slid down her body and over her flimsy undergarment. I cupped her vulva through the material and squeezed. The gusset of her knickers was damp with her intimate secretions. I pressed a finger against her still-covered clitoris and she arched her back. 

I then lifted myself up and over the top of her. I started to kiss down her elegant neck, over her collarbone. I licked her breasts and carried on south planting kisses on her stomach. I paused at her belly button to invade it with my tongue then carried on my journey, detouring via first one hip bone, then the other to nibble, which to me, is an exciting area of a woman. Hip bones are a massive turn-on!

I stopped and placed a couple of fingers on either side of her knickers under the elastic. I looked at her face and asked the question without saying the words, by using my expression. She looked me in the eyes and gave an almost imperceptible nod at the same time as saying, "Yes, you can."

I pulled her knickers down and she lifted her bottom off the bedding an inch or two to ease the passage of her knickers over her taut bum. I slipped them slowly down her legs, over her calf muscles and off her feet. I lifted them to my nose and inhaled deeply her aroused scent, before tossing them backwards in the general direction of the pile of her clothes.

I lowered my face back to the bottom of her stomach and resumed planting feathery kisses on her skin, inch by inch down her body. I passed over her pubic mound which was covered by a small strip of fine hair, with the rest of her vulva smooth. Just as I got to about a centimetre above the hood protecting her clitoris, I veered right and kissed down towards the front of her thigh until I got to her knee.

I then switched sides but as I started back up, I pushed her left leg outwards, exposing her inner thighs and the honeypot at the point where they met. I alternated with kisses and nibbled up her thighs, swaying from one to the other as I crept up. 

Susan's breathing became more noticeable the higher I got. Once I reached her pussy, I licked the skin on either side of her outer labia, increasing the tension and anticipation. I did this several times before moving inwards to lick and suck on her labia. 

I put my hands under her bottom and lifted her cheeks slightly then licked from just under her clitoris, down her pussy, over her perineum and slowly licked over her puckered hole, I repeated this several times. The last time, I stopped, and my nose tried to burrow into her pussy as I pushed my tongue into her anus. After probing her tight hole for a while, I moved back up and alternated between tongue fucking her pussy and sucking her labia. 

I could feel the build-up of pressure as Susan moved steadily to an orgasm. I licked her clitoris for the first time then sucked on the little hard button and the rush hit her. She cried out and she thrust her hips in the air before her body began to shake. I lost contact with her body due to her writhing and enjoyed watching her anus pulse as she came strongly and her legs shuddered as she rode the waves of pleasure coursing through her body. 

When Susan had come down from her eruption and regained some of her equilibrium, she opened her eyes looked at me and said, "Make love to me please."

I moved back up her body and my cock brushed her clitoris. I lifted myself up and slowly pushed into her wetness until I bottomed out. I paused for a few seconds, basking in the feeling of being inside this passionate and gorgeous woman. I started the kissing process from scratch again with gentle brushes of her lips with mine before drawing my cock backwards and making slow sensual love with Susan with slow, but deep thrusts, as I ground my sex into hers. We kept a constant rhythm supplemented by increasingly passionate kissing. 

After a few minutes, it was clear Susan was close to orgasm and she said, "Oh my God,  I'm going to cum again. Don't stop." Knowing she was close increased the sensations I was feeling and I willed myself to hold out. Fortunately, Susan's orgasm arrived swiftly and just as powerfully as her previous one. It inevitably pushed me over the edge and my cock hardened as I pumped several loads of my seed into her. 

We both took a while to recover. I was just about holding my heavy body off Susan, so she could breathe. Eventually, my penis had shrunk back and started to fall out of Susan's slippery wet pussy and I took this cue to roll to the side and lie on my back. She rolled towards me, onto her side, her hand started to stroke my hairy chest and she wrapped her top leg over my thigh, our combined juices leaking from her, partly onto my thigh and much of it onto the duvet cover. 

"That was beautiful," she said eventually. "You made me feel very special. I hope it felt as good for you?"

"Absolutely," I replied. "It may sound corny, but I promise you I mean it when I say, my pleasure is your pleasure."

To be continued…

Written by Openside
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