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Something To Be Thankful For

"An accidental meeting on Thanksgiving makes for a very steamy night"

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Competition Entry: Festive Unexpected

It was Thanksgiving morning. The sun hadn’t risen yet and I couldn’t sleep. I was off from work for the next four days and had no plans. Many of my friends are married, with family, or traveling. I have no spouse, no children, and no siblings so this time of year can become very quiet. I’m not sad nor am I complaining. I have no regrets and plan on living life to the fullest. Truth be told, I look forward to the solitude.

The reprieve from having to adhere to a stringent work schedule is quite appealing. Later that day, I went into town to one of the sports bar-restaurants, to have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, a few cocktails and to watch the Commanders play the Cowboys. Sounds pretty boring, but sometimes that is a good thing. Nothing in my life ever stays dull for long though.

Since I was alone, I didn’t want to take up a whole table on such a busy day. I found a seat at the bar. The view of the game was much better and I know the bartender, he was very attentive. People came and went as I kept to myself. Dinner was delicious and like so many on this holiday, I ate too much. I skipped dessert and just sat back and enjoyed the game. During halftime, the bartender came over with a drink and let me know the two ladies sitting at a table behind me bought me a round. When I turned to thank them, two women raised their wine glasses, toasting me.

This was a first. I’ve had men buy me a drink, but never a woman, and certainly not a couple of women. It was strange. I raised my glass to say thank you. In my mind, I shrugged it off thinking that as a public figure, they probably recognized me. Many people know who I am, but these two I didn’t know. I went back to the halftime show on the television. After several minutes, the bartender came to me to inform me that the ladies at the table invited me to join them.

Being alone was fine, but I didn’t want to be rude. Why not, I thought to myself. I picked up my drink and walked over to sit with them. They appeared to be genuinely happy that I took them up on their offer. As I sat, I noticed that they were younger than me. They were sitting there with a young man.

I introduced myself, offering my hand to each of them. “My name is Darlene, happy Thanksgiving to all.”

The person seated to my right spoke first. “Well, Darlene, we are so happy you joined us. My name is Susan, this is my wife Dana, and sitting to your left is our son, Ryan. We’re from Michigan. We were on vacation touring Florida when our car broke down on the Interstate late yesterday. We were towed to the dealership here in town, but of course, being a holiday, the service department is closed. We were lucky, the motel down the street had a room, and so, here we are. What about you? Are you a local?”

Great, I thought to myself. She is chatty, and we’re going to play twenty questions. I was already regretting my decision to sit with them. “Yes, I live here.”

Dana spoke. “This is such a quaint little town. Everyone is so friendly, not like back home. We were concerned about being in a small town in the south. We thought that we wouldn’t be welcome here as a lesbian couple.”

I laughed, answering her, “Really? What did you expect? It's 2023. We are aware of the world outside of Dixie. Many people here are from somewhere else. I’m originally from Connecticut. I’ve been here for fifteen years now. All are welcome here.”

Then, being the sarcastic bitch I am, I added, “Except Democrats.”

The three visitors had horrified looks on their faces. “I’m kidding. Seriously, everyone is welcome. You have nothing to be concerned with.”

A look of skeptical relief came over their faces. I probably shouldn’t have put that thought in their heads. They are not from here; they don’t know me and I am sure this was not where they wanted to spend Thanksgiving.

To lighten the conversation, I said, “Where was your destination supposed to be today?”

Ryan answered, “Orlando. We had reservations at the Lowes Royal Pacific Hotel. Are you familiar with it?”

“I am. I’ve never had the opportunity to stay there, though. I don’t travel to Orlando except occasionally on business. When I do, I don’t spend the night. It’s only a two-hour drive.”

Susan looked puzzled at my response. “You still work? I thought everyone over fifty years old in Florida was retired.”

Was she insinuating that I look old? I let it go, and my initial thoughts were confirmed: Susan and Dana were not the sharpest knives in the drawer. Now I was trying to think of a polite way to get away from them.

It must have been obvious by the look on my face. Ryan chimed in, “You’ll have to forgive my Mothers. Sometimes when they’re sipping wine they say stupid things. I think since I left for college three years ago, they have gotten worse.”

His remark brought a grin to my face. I like this kid; I could tell he is smart. He is also older than I thought. Three years ago makes him a sophomore, possibly twenty or twenty-one years old. He looks like he is in high school. Then, his hand brushed my leg. I didn’t give it a second thought until our eyes met. It was intentional. Oh my God, he is flirting with me.

Susan and Dana continued to drink. With each glass of wine, their comments became more ridiculous. I could see that Ryan was becoming more uncomfortable as the evening progressed.

I tried to put his mind at ease, taking his hand. “Sweetheart, don’t worry. This is fine. You don’t have to be embarrassed. You’re on vacation and your mothers are just letting off some steam. I understand.”

“Oh Darlene, thank you for understanding,” he said with comfort in his voice. “Sometimes they drive me crazy.”

The football game was over. I never did get to see the second half. I didn’t care about the game. It was just a way to kill some time while I was out. The evening was starting to wind down. It was apparent that Susan and Dana were going to be a handful for Ryan to get back to the motel.

“Ryan, would you like some help getting your mothers back to your motel? I’m not sure they can make it on their own.”

He was thankful. “Please, yes. If we wait for an Uber, I’m afraid they will continue drinking.”

“No worries, sweetie. I have nowhere to be tonight, and my car is right outside.”

Ryan helped Susan, and I took Dana by the arm and led them to my car. We loaded them into the back seat; Ryan sat in the front passenger seat. While sitting at a traffic light, I was able to take a good look at Ryan. I didn’t notice earlier, he was wearing tight blue jeans that hugged his body like a glove. When he sat in the car, I realized that he must work out. His arms were as thick as my legs.

The motel was only a five-minute drive. I was admiring his arms and broke the silence. “You have incredible guns there. Do you work out?”

“I do, every morning. I spend an hour working out before my first class at school. I know it is not polite to ask but, how old are you?”

I was surprised at the question and in a joking way said, “I’m old enough.”

Ryan smiled. “Okay, sorry I asked.”

We turned into the motel parking lot. Susan and Dana passed out during the short ride. I’m guessing this isn’t the first time Ryan has had to deal with this. He opened the rear door and lifted Dana like she was a sack of sugar carrying her to their room.

As he was walking away he said, “Please wait with Susan. I’ll be right back.”

He returned and lifted Susan the same way he carried Dana. I shut the car door and followed Ryan to the room. He dropped both of them on the bed fully clothed.

“Do you need any help with them?”

He smirked. “No, just leave them. This isn’t my first rodeo with the two of them. They’ll wake up in the morning as if nothing happened, ready to start the party again.”

Not sure of what to do next I said, “Well, it was nice meeting you. I hope everything works out with the car and you can continue your journey.”

Ryan looked lost and lonely. I felt bad for him. It was early and leaving him in a motel room with his drunken mothers seemed mean. I took pity on him. “It’s early. I’m going home to soak in the hot tub for a while. Would you like to come to my house and join me?”

His eyes lit up. “That would be fantastic. The last thing I wanted to do was sit here and listen to the two of them snoring all night.”

He went to his suitcase and pulled out a pair of gym shorts and a T-shirt. We wasted no time leaving the motel. “It’s only a ten-minute ride to my house. It’s my turn to ask a personal question. How old are you?”

I should have anticipated his answer. “Like you, I am old enough.”

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“Yeah, okay. That’s fair, I deserved that.”

During the short ride, he was staring at me. I was wondering what was going through his head right now. He was probably thinking, I’m in a car in a strange town with a woman I don’t know, old enough to be my grandma who would love to get laid right now. If I was even close to that prediction, he was correct.

We arrived at my house. I think he was a little surprised at how big a house it was for one person. I live on the water, and the pool and hot tub overlook the Gulf of Mexico. He stood, taking in his surroundings. He walked to the sliding glass doors.

“This is a very nice place. Nothing like where I live in Dearborn.”

“Open the door, we can go outside. There’s a chill in the air but the hot tub was right at 102 degrees. It is a very comfortable temperature on a cool night.”

He was still clutching the shorts and shirt he brought from his motel room. “Where can I change?”

“You can use the cabana to the right but, you don’t have to put that on if you don’t want to. I never put a bathing suit on. It is more pleasant in the water unrestricted.”

Without hesitation, he dropped his shorts on a chair and started to strip. When he slid his pants down he unleashed a beautiful cock. I thought I would melt and knew I would have it before the night was over. His trips to the gym paid off. This young man’s body was rock solid.

I followed his lead, laying my clothes on the same lounge chair as his shorts. We stood for a moment gazing at one another’s attributes. He approached me, reaching out, touching my breasts, and giving each one a slight squeeze. The cool air caused my nipples to stand at attention. He was fascinated, giving them a pinch. His cock was thickening as I took it in my hand.

We never made it into the hot tub. I took him by the hand through a second sliding glass door to my bedroom. He was gentle, leading me to my bed. His strong hands guided me onto my back in a single motion. My heart was pounding like it was my first time, the warmth between my legs increasing as I prepared to take him into me.

My legs lifted and spread as I begged him, “Ryan, now! Give it to me.”

He guided himself into me. The sensation was glorious. He may be young, but he knew what he was doing. His hands held my shoulders back as he surged into me. He worked into a rhythm that created a natural reaction. It was a feeling of spontaneous combustion.

I was out of breath. “Oh, oh, oh… I love your dick. Keep going! I’m coming!”

The driving force of his cock continued, bringing me to continuous eruptions. I started to be overcome with an exhilaration that I’ve rarely experienced. Then he started to slow, his breathing became labored.

I encouraged him, “I’m coming again, come with me Ryan, let it go.”

One final push and the warmth that flooded me was fabulous. He continued pumping and coming. I was thinking, so young, so strong as he filled me with his sperm. He finished and delicately lifted himself off of me. We lay in silence taking in the moment. After a short time, he was ready for another round. He was so handsome; I wanted to take him in my mouth.

Before I took his dick, he spoke, “I’ve never seen a woman completely shaved down there.”

With slight puzzlement in my voice, I responded, “Really? I would have thought all the girls your age were clean like this.”

“I’ve never been with a woman my age.”

I was stunned and told him, “I’m shocked. You seem to know what a woman needs and do it so well.”

At first, he said nothing. Then, slightly embarrassed, he admitted, “I’ve only been with one other woman, Susan.”

“Oh. Wait! What?” I wasn’t sure if I heard him correctly. I’m lying in my bed naked, about to suck his cock, and he drops that little tidbit on me.

I was a little freaked out. “So, let me make sure I understood you. You fuck your mother?”

“It’s not as bad as it sounds. I call her my mother, but in reality, Dana is my biological mother. Susan is her life partner. She and I started having sex when I was seventeen. Susan and my mother have been together for a long time and she needed more. Dana wasn’t satisfying her the way I could.”

An incredible evening of passionate sex with this young stallion got very weird. I wasn’t sure how to handle this. In my mind, I started to justify continuing this night of carnal play. I was seventeen when I lost my virginity but, it wasn’t with an older family member. Then I started to rationalize this. It’s not like I’m going to become serious with Ryan. And, I am older than Susan and I have his erection in my hand about to suck him off. I certainly understand why Susan would want him. He is a stud in bed.

I was curious. “Does Dana know that you are having sex with Susan?”

“Sure. She encourages it. She doesn’t want her to stray. If it matters to you, Susan is forty-three and I am twenty-two. She was thirty-eight when we first started to make love. She’s taught me everything I know.”

My deviant mind started to take over. When I heard that, I started to think, she’s done a great job educating him. Then I thought about having a threesome with Susan. Then I took it one step further, having a threesome with Dana and Susan, a lesbian love triangle, leaving Ryan out. I quickly turned my attention back to him and his magnificent shaft.

After hearing all this, I needed to put this out of my mind, to lighten the mood and have some fun with Ryan. “So what do you enjoy more, a full bush like Susan’s or a pussy that is smooth as ice like mine?”

He seemed to ignore the question and didn’t answer. It was obvious that he was done talking about it. I dropped it and took his cock into my mouth. He wasn’t expecting it. That seemed to break the tension. A blowjob usually does. I knew he liked it by the loud moan he let out. He laid back like a king, against a pillow, hands clasped behind his head while I labored over his knob. I stroked it while I twirled my tongue around the head. Then, I engulfed his entire tool.

This went on for a while. All he muttered was “Darlene,” and then he released his load down my throat. I sucked and swallowed the hot lava as he continued to come. It was so much, but I was able to take it all. I lifted my head and could see he had a look of satisfaction on his face. I was amazed, his dick was still like granite. This kid has a gift and I’m not sure he even knows it. I was ready to take full advantage of this talent.

I climbed on top of him as if I was boarding a ride at an amusement park. My hand reached down to guide his steel-like implement into me. His cum was still inside me from before. It was like a lubricant as I eased myself down onto him. He was still lying there with his hands behind his head while I rode him hard. He was watching my tits bounce as I increased the intensity.

My pussy was on fire. Ryan’s cock was so satisfying. I leaned forward and started a grinding movement that sent shock waves through my body. My arms extended out to Ryan’s chest, supporting myself as I rocked back and forth.

“Here I go again Ryan. You're making me come. Oh Jesus fucking Christ, you’re a magician!”

The earthquake occurring in my body was uncontrollable. I started to fantasize, imagining that I was fucking Ryan while Susan and Dana watched. It made the orgasm last. I started to scream when he reached up and twisted my nipples. The titillating pain was heavenly.

I sat straight up and leaned back, reaching behind to hold myself up. My breasts were pointing toward the ceiling. I was out of my mind and I screamed at him, “More! Harder, you motherfucker! Do it harder! Twist them!”

The orgasm continued to pulsate. I reached an adrenaline level like none before. I wanted Ryan fuck me all night. Then, I started to come down from my euphoric high. I collapsed on top of him, twitching and quivering. He kissed me softly on the neck. I didn’t move, still laying on top of him, his cock still inside me when I passed out.

My eyes focused on the clock, it was 6:30, and daylight was starting to shine through the window. I reached around the bed and realized I was alone. When I rose I searched my house for Ryan. He was nowhere to be had. I stepped into the shower to wash his scent away. His spunk was still draining from my body. The hot water cascaded off me for what seemed like an hour. I felt fantastic.

As I dressed, my mind turned to my accidental encounter last night at the restaurant. My perverted thoughts were racing through my head. I wanted to go to the motel and shave Susan bald. This way, when Ryan had sex with her, he would think of me. Then I would spend the day fucking and sucking the three of them.

No, that would be poor judgment on my part. Instead of acting on my twisted idea, I put that thought out of my mind. He was gone, no long goodbye, no romantic ‘will I ever see you again?’ It was best that way. Last night is just a fond memory, one that I will keep forever.

Written by Darlene69
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