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Selling Herself Short

"She would do anything for the man she loved, even if..."

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Kelly stood shivering under the streetlight. It wasn’t that cold, and she wore a long jacket. She supposed she was shivering because of what she was about to do.

Her boyfriend Jack was the reason she stood there. He had slowly gotten more and more hooked until now he was most certainly an addict. He had lost his job, and hers barely covered their living expenses. There was nothing left over for his ever-increasing need for a fix. When he had suggested that she could make some money through prostitution she’d been pissed and heartbroken at the same time. But the bottom line was she loved the jerk and so she eventually agreed to give it a try.

She’d been raised in a very strait-laced but secretly abusive family. They would be shocked if they knew anything about her life now. But she’d run away from that when she was barely sixteen and hadn’t seen or spoken to any of them since. Now at twenty, she was living with the only person she believed had ever truly loved her. If his need for a fix was this bad, then she’d do what she had to in order to help him and keep him.

So, she stood on the street corner as cars went by feeling scared and a little sick to her stomach. She wore her most provocative dress, a low-cut, tight-fitting mini. Underneath she wore only a pair of thong underwear and no bra. As a concession to the evening temperature and her ambivalence about what she was doing, she also wore a knee-length leather jacket.

She knew that Jack was hidden somewhere in the shadows of the alley across the street. Their arrangement was for her to take her John there so that Jack could provide some protection if she screamed or whatever. She doubted that in his current state, he’d be much help.

She watched a dark sedan slow as it approached and swallowed hard when it came to a stop in front of her. She could barely make out the driver’s face behind the glowing end of his cigarette.

“Hi, beautiful, what’s it gonna be?” a deep voice drifted out to her.

Leaning over to get a closer look Kelly felt her ample but pert breasts surge forward and knew she was giving him quite an eye full.

“Uhm... a hundred... yes a hundred,” she mumbled out the price Jack and her had agreed on.

She could still hear him say, “But you’ve got to be willing to take less...”

“Oh, babe, I ain’t got that much.” He was an African American man, she guessed in his thirties. “What can you do for twenty, doll?”

Twenty bucks! Kelly thought to herself, shit! I’m going to have to do this more than once. “It’s not much...” who was I kidding, thinking someone would pay a hundred dollars for me! “F... for twenty, you... get... a hand job, okay?”

“Sounds great, beautiful,” he leaned across his car and opened the passenger door. As she walked around the front of the car Kelly couldn’t keep from feeling shame at what she was about to do.

She climbed in and directed him to the alley. As he drove, he looked her up and down. Kelly was very aware of how her skirt rode up exposing a lot of thigh to his gaze.

He parked about thirty feet up the alley. Kelly looked at him as he leaned back in his seat, his arm moving over onto the back of hers as he turned slightly to face her. She could do worse, she figured. He was quite attractive, with a thin athletic build. She suddenly felt very warm and instinctively slipped her jacket off of her shoulders.

“Yeah, get comfortable beautiful...” He had a nice smile as he slipped her a twenty-dollar bill. “You too warm?” he asked.

As she slipped the money into her purse, he pushed the buttons opening both front windows as well as the moon roof. A cool breeze entered the car and cleared the lingering cigarette smoke. “There, that should be better.” Again, he flashed that smile.

He waited expectantly. Willing herself to move Kelly leaned over and without a word began to unbuckle his belt.

As she fumbled with the belt, snap, and zipper she noted a thick bulge running down the leg of his pants. That can’t be his cock, she thought to herself. He shifted in his seat, pushing his pants down over his hips as she pulled open the fly. He wore boxers and she slipped her hand under the waistband, her fingers passing over the tightly curled mass of pubic hair until they closed around a very thick and warm-to-the-touch tube of flesh.

Kelly’s mouth literally fell open as she pulled this stranger’s cock out of his underwear. She’d seen more than her share of penises in her young life, but never one anywhere near this big. It had to be eight inches long and was much too thick for her hand to close around the shaft. It flopped to the side as she pulled it out. My god, it’s not even fully erect! She sat staring at it as it seemed to grow harder, longer, and thicker in her small hand.

“It’s big huh?” Kelly heard his deep voice as if from a great distance. She was transfixed by this man’s enormous cock.

She began moving her hand up and down on the thick shaft. It now stood straight up from his lap and felt hard as a rock in her hand. She estimated it at nearly ten inches and incredibly fat. The swollen head seemed almost as big as her fist.

“Yes... it’s very big... I never saw one like it...” Kelly brought her other hand up to feel and squeeze the fat head. Though massive, the shaft was quite smooth, the skin almost soft to the touch. It seemed to glisten in the dim light. It’s absolutely gorgeous, she thought.

“Oh yeah, baby...” he moaned, “that feels real nice!”

Several minutes passed as neither spoke a word. Kelly’s eyes never left the monster she was handling with both hands. How could anyone fuck this guy, she thought. He’s so big I don’t think I’d ever get him in me. She’d never been affected like this by the mere sight of a man’s cock. She was fascinated and had completely forgotten her shame and discomfort at what she was doing.

As she played with her newfound toy, she also forgot all about the guy it was attached to. It slowly dawned on her she was getting wet. My god, I’m getting turned on by this! Shit! What’s wrong with me? All of her negative feelings resurfaced for a moment, but still, she couldn’t break the spell this magnificent cock held her under.

“Why don’t you take some clothes off, beautiful?” His voice sounded even deeper now, and it took a moment for his words to register. “You’ll let me cop a feel, won’t you?”

Kelly didn’t know what to say. They had agreed to just a hand job, but showing him a little, maybe letting him ‘cop a feel’ wasn’t such a big deal, was it? I guess if it gets him more excited then maybe he’ll cum sooner and this will be over with. She couldn’t yet admit to herself that she wasn’t quite so sure she wanted it over quickly now.

Still pondering what to do she felt him lean over and his hands close over each of her shoulders, gripping the narrow straps of her dress.

“Let me touch you...” he said as he pulled the straps off of her shoulders and down her arms uncovering her breasts in one fluid motion. “God, what gorgeous tits!”

When Kelly felt the cool air touch her bare skin she realized that her nipples had grown achingly hard. Despite being thin she had quite large breasts and they were topped by big, sensitive nipples. Hard like they were now they stood out three-quarters of an inch from the pearly white skin of her breasts.

“My god, you are beautiful.” She felt his hands move down over her breasts and had to release his cock with her right hand, as he gently pushed her back against her seat. It struck her that she’d gotten more compliments the last few minutes from this complete stranger than she’d gotten in the last year from Jack. “Let me kiss them.” She felt his hot breath on her cool skin as his face moved to her chest. “Mmm... keep stroking me, baby...”

Kelly’s left hand continued to move up and down on the thick shaft, obeying his wishes, as her eyes closed with the contact of his lips on her hard nipple. A shock ran through her body straight to her now very wet pussy. She felt its muscles spasm in response. Oh god, I can’t believe I’m getting into this so much. Her eyes tightly shut, Kelly reveled in the feel of his sucking mouth on her sensitive nipple. Jesus, it’s been a long time. Jack hadn’t been interested in sex for months; she doubted he could even get it up.

After several intense moments, his hand left her breast and moved over her stomach, sliding under the dress, searching out her hot pussy. Oh god, I’ve got to stay in control!

She leaned forward, reluctantly forcing his mouth from her breast and stopping the advance of his hand. She brought her right hand back to his cock. “Oh... it’s gotten sooo hard!” Kelly was surprised that she needed no acting to sound very turned on and sexy. Within seconds both of her hands were vigorously stroking him as he leaned back in his seat.

Once again she found herself becoming immersed in her play with his amazing cock. If I wasn’t doing this for money...

“Why don’t you go down on me, doll?” That sexy voice again. “Just imagine it in your mouth...”

Even as part of her mind thought that was not the deal, another part, as if on command, began to imagine the feel of his beautiful cock in her mouth. How hot and hard it would be. What would he taste like; his pre-cum oozing out into my mouth?

Down the alley, watching the darkened car, Jack was thinking, it’s been fifteen minutes, they were taking their time. Maybe she’s getting me a bunch of c-notes!

Back in the car, Kelly was struggling with her growing desires. If I keep giving in this guy’s never going to stop. She couldn’t even feel convinced that that would be a bad thing. It had been months since she had last had sex and she wasn’t entirely sure she’d ever been this turned on!

He was shifting in his seat, turning toward her, and she felt his hand move to the back of her head.

“Come on baby,” he purred, “wouldn’t you like to put it in your mouth?”

Kelly’s eyes were locked on the fat head.


She felt a gentle pressure from his hand pushing her head toward his lap. She didn’t resist.

He raised himself up to meet her. “Please do it...”

It was just inches away when Kelly finally pulled her eyes away and looked up into his face. “Y-yes, okay. B-but then you’ll cum... okay?”

“Oh, baby, with your hot mouth I won’t be able to stop myself!”

Kelly paused just a second longer, looking again at the big beautiful cock she held in her hand, and then she opened her mouth and let him guide her head down onto it. She couldn’t get much more than the fat head into her mouth. It was hot and alive as she swirled her tongue around it. The salty taste of his pre-cum was heady. Kelly felt her mouth producing more and more saliva as she started moving up and down on it. Both of her tiny hands closed once again around the shaft.

“Oh god!” he moaned out, “it feels so good!”

Her hands were pumping up and down the thick shaft, lubricated by her copious amounts of spit. The hot head seemed to pulse inside her mouth as she alternately sucked and licked it. She found herself more able to accommodate his amazing size and allowed more of his cock to slip into her mouth with each downward plunge. Kelly felt in complete control despite his hand on the back of her head. I’m giving him the blow-job of his life!

“Oh my god, you’re amazing!” he moaned in confirmation.

She could feel the enormous head enter her throat each time as he thrust up to meet her mouth, but Kelly maintained the pace. She was amazed at herself. She’d never deep-throated Jack with his very average-sized cock and here she was taking this monster. She had also never really gotten turned on before sucking cock but her young pussy was gushing. Spasms periodically started in the wet canal and ran throughout her body.

Still, only about half of his length was entering her mouth, but her hands lubricated by her hot spit were like an extension of her lips.

“Oh god, girl...” He was moaning almost constantly now. “No one’s ever... Jesus, that’s good...”

Kelly could taste his pre-cum in an almost constant flow now. She could feel the massive shaft starting to buck in her hands. He was close. He’s never had this beautiful cock sucked like this before, she thought in satisfaction.

“Ohhhhh... godddddd!” It exploded in her mouth. Kelly thought for a moment that she was going to drown, his first ejaculate was so huge. She pulled her head away, gagging slightly, but kept her hands flying on his big, fat shaft. She only pulled back a few inches and watched with extreme excitement as the monster surged time and again in her hands, spewing load after load of thick white cum over her face, hands, and arms. She looked up at his face, catching the bliss expressed there from his powerful orgasm. Raising herself and leaning forward she brought her breasts into contact with the fat, hot head and felt the last few gushes of cum splatter across the soft skin and hard nipples of her sensitive tits.

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 “Oh god, baby,” he was breathless. “That was absolutely amazing!”

Kelly was breathless as well. She sat back, although she kept her left hand wrapped around the thick shaft of his cock, almost reluctant to let it go. She surveyed her situation with her pulse racing. She sat in a stranger’s car, her dress gathered around her waist, her heaving chest naked. She could feel the soaked material of her thong underwear clinging to the swollen lips of her pussy. Her face, hands, and breasts were covered in this stranger’s cum, the taste of him still fresh in her mouth. Kelly could feel his pulse in the thick tube she held in her little hand. His cock seemed to be losing very little of its size and hardness as she held it. Her own extreme arousal was unabated, but...

“So, we’re settled... right?” she whispered breathlessly, looking him in the face.

He smiled at her and leaning forward kissed her softly and seductively on the lips. Kelly’s body immediately responded to the kiss. God, I’ve got to get control of myself!

“Yeah, sure...” he whispered as he continued kissing her. Kelly couldn’t bring herself to break away from those lips. “Only let me touch you just a little more...” Suddenly she felt his hand move between her parted legs, “...down here.”

Her hand went to his shoulder, but she couldn’t find the strength to push him away.

“N-no...” she mumbled.

It was too late. Kelly felt his strong, warm fingers slip under the small triangle of material and he was there, touching her hot pussy. “Oh... god....”

His fingers parted her outer lips, sinking into the warm, wet flesh between. When one of his fingers brushed her clit Kelly almost exploded. She kept thinking that she should stop him, but as one long finger entered her, she could already feel herself climbing.

“Shit, girl...” His voice returned to that deep sexy tone once again. “Sou are really wet! Shaven too! Nothin’ like a smooth skin pussy!”

A second finger slid into her, and Kelly let out a small gasp. His thumb found her hardened clit and began to lightly circle it as the fingers began moving in and out.

Kelly felt herself climbing quickly. She let go of his shoulder and unconsciously leaned back against the car door, giving him better access to her steaming cunt. He seemed to know just how to touch her. God, it’s been so long since I’ve felt someone’s touch; so long since she’d cum.

It took less than a minute and the waves were washing over her. Kelly could hear herself cry out as she felt the wonderful release. The muscles of her pussy contracted, spasm after spasm, around those long, strong fingers. Her back arching, she rode those magnificent fingers through a shattering orgasm.

Her body seemed to collapse as she came down, but he would not let her rest. She felt him pull her dress and panties completely off. “God, girl you are amazing! I gotta taste that sweet pussy!”

Kelly felt him lift her up off the car seat and guide her upper body through the open moon roof. She marveled at the ease with which he lifted her as she felt him plant her right knee on the dashboard of the car. His hands moved under her, and each grasped a cheek of her ass. Then he pulled her to his mouth.

She felt his hot tongue parting the puffy, hairless outer lips of her pussy. It slid into her, probing deeply up the wet canal. Oh god, his tongue is as long as his fingers! She felt it retreat.

“What a piece! Girl, you taste like honey!”

And then it hit her clit, flicking across the little nubbin repeatedly. He paused just long enough to add, “Hold on, girl, I’m gonna take you to heaven on the tip of my tongue!”

And he carried through on the promise.

Jack had moved a little closer and when Kelly’s head, shoulders, and bare tits appeared out of the top of the car he was stunned. Jesus, what are they doing?

The tongue was relentless, and Kelly found herself having to hold on tightly. She almost swooned with the intense pleasure she was feeling. He built her up quickly. “Oh... oh god... I’m gonna cum again!”

Hearing her cry out her boyfriend was further amazed. Wow! She’s a really good actress, he told himself, refusing to believe she might actually be cumming. But his body knew differently and for the first time in a long time, he felt himself getting hard.

Kelly wasn’t sure if she had multiple orgasms or just one long, fantastic cum, but her body went limp when finally, he stopped and lowered her carefully back into the car.

Her eyes closed, and she sagged onto the car seat, but immediately felt his fingers enter her again. “I gotta have this!” his voice thick with lust.

Rousing herself Kelly sat up and tried to regain control. She instinctively reached out and her hand closed once again around his cock. My god, he’s as hard as ever!

“W-wait... wait a minute,” she murmured. “We had a deal... you didn’t pay enough...” Her voice didn’t sound sincere even to herself.

“Oh, come on, baby.” His fingers were moving inside of her again. “I ain’t got no more...” His touch was quickly melting any slight resolve she had had.

“I... I don’t know,” she moaned. “I really shouldn’t let you...”

“Oh baby, you’re so amazing, I can’t stop now,” his sexy voice pleading with her, giving her back some sense of control. Her eyes moved back to that wonderful cock that she still gripped tightly. “Please, baby.” His eyes followed hers. “You like it, huh? You like how big and hard it is, don’t you? Don’t you want to know what it would feel like inside of you, inside that sweet, hot pussy of yours?”

God yes! The thought flashed through Kelly’s mind. She still couldn’t imagine it even fitting but she knew she wanted it. “I... I don’t know... you... you...” She didn’t seem able to even form a sentence.

“Come on baby, please... I’ll... I’ll just put in the head, then you decide. I promise, let me just put the head in and then you tell me to stop or go on.”

Kelly knew there was no way to trust him but her rational mind was long gone. “But... but you gotta use a rubber...” She reached for her purse.

“Whatever you got probably won’t be big enough, baby,” he smiled as he pulled his fingers out of her and reached for the glove box. He pulled out a plastic package with the words ‘super-sized’ on it and handed it to her.

Kelly let go of his cock long enough to rip the package open. Appropriate name, she thought as removing the condom she turned back to his huge cock. Using both hands she slowly rolled the rubber down over the fat shaft as he leaned back in his seat watching her. “God, baby, you make even that feel good!”

Once it was in place, she looked up at him. Taking charge, he gently turned her around in her seat. She was kneeling on the console as he placed her hands on the sill of the open passenger-side window. Oh god, what am I doing? she thought briefly.

Kelly looked back over her shoulder as he positioned himself to enter her from behind. “Just the head... right?” her voice sounding small, and a little scared.

“I promise...” he smiled at her as she felt the hot fat head of his cock parting her swollen outer lips. She braced herself but he took his time, moving the head up and down her wet slit. Each time it passed over her clit Kelly felt a spasm run through her body.

Still, he didn’t enter her, continuing to pass his cock-head up and down between her lips. Slowly she felt herself relax and her arousal return with force. After a few more moments she found herself pushing back against him.

He held the shaft rigid at the entrance to her wet pussy, but still didn’t enter her, allowing her to control the situation. Realizing that he really wasn’t going to just slam into her, Kelly felt even more turned on by this stranger. She slowly pushed back against the fat, hard head.

As it gradually parted her, Kelly felt herself being opened up more than she’d ever felt before. But she was so hot, and they were going so slow, she felt no pain. She stopped to let herself adjust to the huge intruder.

“That’s the head, baby...” he breathed. Kelly was surprised, thinking she’d already taken more of him in. “What you want girl? Should I stop?”

“God, no!” she moaned.

She felt him begin to push, but still, he was in no rush. She felt as if she was being split apart. When finally, he had hilted himself inside of her she was in a state of shock. There wasn’t much pain, but she felt like she’d been stretched beyond what was possible. He did not move, allowing her to slowly get used to it. When he did move it was not his cock but rather his hand as he reached around between her legs and began to finger her clit.

Almost immediately her arousal returned, and she felt her muscles relaxing around him. He stayed that way for several long minutes continuing to manipulate her clit. Kelly’s head fell forward. God this feels good, she realized as she once again started building quickly to orgasm.

“Oh... oh god!” Jack heard her voice. Man, that sounds real, he thought. He could see his girlfriend’s head sticking out of the car window, rolling from side to side, as she continued to moan and gasp. He found his hands fumbling at his pants, needing to free his cock from the tight restraints.

As she peaked Kelly felt him begin to move. He slid out a few inches and then plunged back in, sending her to an even higher peak. By the time her orgasm finally subsided, he was moving steadily in and out of her.

She realized with surprise that not only was there no pain but fucking had never felt this good before. He was hitting something deep inside of her with every thrust, and although her orgasm had receded this new stimulation was keeping her on the brink.

“Oh god girl, you are so tight!” he moaned as he slowly increased his pace. “You the best piece I ever had!”

She knew it was absurd, but Kelly was immensely flattered. She wanted to be the best he’d ever had. She suddenly knew she wanted to fuck him till he couldn’t get it up. She began rocking her hips to meet his thrusts.

“Oh god, girl, if you hadn’t just given me head I’d be blowin’ by now!” He was now pumping in and out of her with long powerful thrusts, each one setting off a new spasm in her vaginal muscles. She couldn’t believe how good this felt.

When his fingers returned to her clit, Kelly forgot all about giving him a good fuck and lost herself in the best fuck of her life. She came again and just like when he’d been going down on her she seemed to reach one peak after another. She was crying out almost continuously in an ecstasy of sexual frenzy. He was pounding away at her now, and she couldn’t get enough.

She had no idea how long it went on; he seemed to have an amazing ability to hold back his orgasm. She had cum so many times she was on some plain of semi-consciousness.

Jack was now furiously stroking his hard cock as he watched her fuck. Kelly’s entire upper body was now outside of the car, those wonderful tits bouncing with each thrust. It was the hottest thing he’d ever seen. When he came he almost fell, shooting strand after strand of thick milky cum on the dirty ground of the alley.

She’d nearly passed out. He was like a machine, pounding in and out of her. Her pussy was contracting around his fat shaft constantly as she was lost in what felt like a perpetual orgasm.

“Oh god, girl,” Kelly heard him cry out, “you da best.... Ahhhhh!” he slammed into her one last time and then froze. Deep inside of her, she felt the thick shaft lurching, her own contractions matching it surge for surge. Vaguely she heard her own cries mingle with his.

Finally, he collapsed onto her back and then fell backward, his long, fat cock sliding out of her. Her pussy continued to contract even after it was gone, as if willing it to return.

She lay draped over the door frame trying to catch her breath. She’d done it! From his labored breathing and the repeated exclamations coming from behind her, it was clear he’d cum very hard. She’d been a great fuck, maybe even his best ever, like he kept repeating. God knows he’s the best I’ve ever had.

After several more moments, Kelly finally pulled herself back into the car. She slowly got dressed the whole time knowing her face wore the same silly grin his did. She was almost reluctant when she climbed out of his car and said goodbye.

After the car pulled out of the alley Jack sidled up to her.

“Well, that sure took a long time,” his recent newfound sexual arousal having been quickly replaced by the ever-present need for his next fix. “So how much did you get?”

He was furious when she handed him the twenty, but she cut him off before he could say anything.

“No… I’m done. You need more, go ahead and pimp yourself out here,” she felt a smile slowly spread across her face. “I’m going home and having a nice, long, and satisfied night’s sleep!”


Written by lee
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