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"Two old friends, Dom and Lisa enjoy first times at a late-night college reunion"

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The college reunion must be the closest mankind has come to mastering time travel. Twenty-five years older and in a swanky city-centre hotel rather than some rough student digs, everything else was the same: the same crowd, making the same in-jokes, sat cross-legged on a carpet playing the same drinking games. It was sweet in a way; a piece of eternal youth at that stage in our lives when we're all staring over the crest of the hill.

Me and Lisa were the last standing; that was the same too. We were inseparable in college. We loved music and worshiped the same angsty American grunge - Pixies and Nirvana mostly - and tried to outdo each other in the race through the standard outsider fiction; Kerouac, Salinger, Camus. We thought we were so cool. The thing is, she really was. Blonde, bubbly, with a woman's figure and a girl's sense of fun, she was as comfortable in a prom dress as a baggy knitted sweater. I think I loved her once.

We kept in touch until sometime in the mid 'nineties, when Lisa went off to South Africa for a summer and never came back. She met some lawyer, married and settled down in the wealthy northern suburbs of Bloemfontein: house, kids, the whole package. Friends Reunited came and went and we chatted briefly, same again with Facebook, but really we just became people we used to know. For my part, I married - twice - had a couple of kids with number two and settled into a boring, comfortable middle age. I was forty-five, my dark hair gradually fading to silver, and without any real direction in my life. I guess I hadn't changed much either.

'Another?' Lisa asked, not bothering to wait for a response as she poured me my fourth sambuca shot. Or fifth. By now I couldn't remember.

Women must dream of aging like Lisa. She has the colour and character of dark champagne. Her skin had been gently kissed by two decades of South African sun, and her hair retained all of its lustre; fashioned into stylish layers, it cascaded in sandy waves of gold to just past her shoulders. She wore a long, clingy white summer dress, which brilliantly set off the warmth of her tan and accentuated the contours and cleavage of the full, shapely chest motherhood had gifted her. Though years of sun and life had creased faint lines into her face and scrunched tiny crow's feet around her eyes, her happy face retained its childlike air of mischief. Her rich, cinnamon eyes danced and her restless, smiling mouth wobbled on the cusp of laughter which, when it came, rose like bubbles through her throat and into the night. The diamonds on her wedding finger and in her ears sparkled brightly in the sharp hotel room light. They reminded me that she was a married woman - someone else's - which stirred something deep inside of me, pitched somewhere between jealousy and desire. She took my breath away.

'My turn!' she chirped. Last standing or not, we were playing truth or dare; Lisa had insisted. 'Truth!'

'Okay, then,' I shot back my sambauca and drew up the courage to ask my question. I don't know what possessed me to ask, but drunk at 3.35 it didn't seem quite so absurd. 'What's the most shocking thing you've never done? Sexually, I mean.'

I emphasised the word 'never'; I felt so clever, as if no one had ever thought of that particular question before.

'Piss off!' Lisa howled in mock indignation, the fiery girl I used to know grinning from behind the white picket fence refinement. 'You can't ask me that! Ask another.'

'That's my question.' I smiled, smugly.

'No!' she shrieked, visibly embarrassed. She moved her hands to cover her mouth and shook her head emphatically, her eyes glancing up at mine. 'I can't!'

'Come on, Lis',' I cajoled. 'Look, I'll give you a free hit. I'll go too!'

She giggled inwardly and fixed her dress.

'Oh my god,' she squirmed, playing with her wedding ring to avoid eye contact. 'Okay...I have never...I mean no one's ever, you know...gone down on me.'

She fixed her eyes firmly on the carpet, laughing but embarrassed to raise her head.

'What, never?' I laughed, more in shock than amusement.

'Pete... Pete doesn't like it!' she shot back and looked at me, a touch defensively. 'Don't laugh!'

'But before Pe-,'

'Never!' she interrupted, firmly.


'Anyway, what about you?' she demanded, eager to deflect the attention. 'What have you been missing?'

'Well,' I hesitated, my eyes wandering around the room and my right hand scratching at my face. 'I don't tell everyone this, but...I've always wanted someone to get me off between their tits.'

My restless gaze settled on her eyes. I really was freed from my inhibitions.

'And no one has?'

I shook my head.

Lisa looked at me for a second then collapsed on the floor, rippling with laughter. 'That's just priceless, Dom!'

'I don't know what you mean.'

'Oh come on, surely you see the irony! You're the biggest breast man I have ever known, and you've never had a tit wank! Life's a bitch, right?'

'We're quite the pair, aren't we?'

'I'll drink to that,' she agreed, pulling herself up and refilling our shot glasses.

'Anyway, we've both done 'truth' so me again. Dare!'

'Okay,' I paused. Was I really going to do this? What the hell, I thought to myself, you'll probably never see her again anyway. 'I dare let me eat you out.'

'Shit, Dom!' The mood changed with the suddenness of a slammed door, her eyes hardened and flashing. 'I mean, what the fuck!? We can't sleep together!'

'Who said anything about sleeping together,' I motioned to the old-fashioned green sofa across the room. 'Just sit there and let me show you what you've been missing out on.'

'Drink does wonders for your confidence, doesn't it?' she chuckled, briefly, before touching my hand and soberly reminding me of the self-evident fact. 'We're married, Dom. Both of us.'

'Who's going to know?' I reasoned, 'you're going home. When will we see each other again anyway?'

My own words took me by surprise; they stung a little. Lisa looked wounded, as if the question dawned on her for the first time in that instant. She sat silently, her indignation completely overcome by a heavy sadness I had never seen in her before.


'What?' I exclaimed, almost alarmed in my surprise.

'Okay, you can go down on me. I want you to...and...' her voice faltered, struggling for an explanation before just letting it be. 'I just want you to.'


I helped her to her feet and we staggered drunkenly across the floor to the sofa, into which she fell and reclined. I knelt between her bronzed, unblemished legs and fumbled beneath the thin fabric of her dress to inch down a tiny, white thong. Her body stiffened awkwardly; she was tense.

'Are you sure?' I looked up, sensing her unease.

Lisa nodded.

I gently prised apart her legs and began planting a trail of butterfly kisses along her left inner thigh. She moaned softly as I brushed my coarse stubble against her soft skin, my kisses rising until stopping just short of her pussy. Her smell was intoxicating; heady and complex, like fermented wine tempered with an earthy musk of sweat and sex. I breathed in greedily before blowing delicately across her vagina and extending my kisses down her other thigh.

'Don't tease,' she pleaded, arching her back and offering herself. 'Just taste me.'

Her desperation caused a heavy cloud of desire to settle in that sweet spot between my gut and my cock, which grew rock hard against the rough fabric of my jeans.

I gripped her thighs and drew my face into her heat.

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Her pussy was completely shaven, with neat, blush-pink folds made sleek and glistening in her wetness; it was utterly perfect. I lapped tentatively between her labia, savouring her clean, faintly metallic taste for the first time and sucking hungrily on her throbbing clit.

Lisa breathed hard, her fingers knotting my hair and her right hand gently pushing at my head.

I quickened my pace, my tongue tracing ever-tightening circles that seemed to spiral in perfect harmony with the rising of her shallow breaths and the arching of her back.

'God, that is incredible!' She writhed, digging her nails into my scalp and forcing my face deeper into her soaking cunt.

Nudging back her hand with the back of my head, I eased my middle and index fingers into her tight hole as I continued to feather her clit with my tongue. Her wet, muscular walls clamped tightly against my knuckles and I curled my fingers in slow, beckoning motions that turned her moans into deep, throaty roars.

'Oh my God!' she cried, widening her legs as if to absorb as much pleasure as possible. 'Keep doing that!'

My dick felt long and hard as her smell, taste and moans enveloped me. My fingers fucked furiously like accelerating pistons and I kissed her deeply, drinking from her flooded valley with a primal thirst.

'Fuck, Dom! Oh my God!!'

Her body arched from the sofa and her nails dug tightly to the back of my head, as if fighting to hold on to every precious second of her ecstasy. I continued fingering and lapping between her soaking folds, reaching to hold down her stomach with my left hand as her writhing turned to violent, uncontrollable convulsions, my face soaked with her sex. Her legs seemed to collapse beneath her, gripping my head between them as her vulva began to overflow with her juices. With one final, bestial roar she seemed to almost levitate from the sofa before collapsing in a breathy, exhausted heap, her legs quivering around me closing as if to retain the dying embers of her orgasm.

I withdrew and ran the back of my right hand across my mouth, smearing it with spit and cum. I looked up at Lisa and smiled.

'Dom!' she gasped a breathless laugh. 'Fucking hell!'


We sat together for several minutes, me at her feet and she slouched on the sofa, the silence broken only by her slowing breaths.

'Right,' Lisa said finally, lifting herself out of the sofa, 'your turn.'

'What-' I began.

'Come on,' she patted the sofa and smiled, 'I've had mine; you're getting your tit wank.'

'You don't have to.' I reasoned.

'You don't mean that.' she laughed, noticing that I had already pulled myself onto the sofa. 'Besides, we're in this together.'

She knelt before me and peeled away the thin, spaghetti straps on her dress, releasing her tits. Though having lost some of the pertness of her youth, they were large and sat high on her chest, hanging downwards only slightly and swaying gently in a way that somehow added to her femininity. They were lightly bronzed, flecked with galaxies of tiny freckles and shadowed by faint tan lines, which enveloped large, round dusky pink nipples which stood erect at the peaks of each breast.

Lisa ran her fingers lightly along the outside of my jeans and unzipped me, my freed cock springing up as she shuffled my jeans down my legs. It was long and poker straight, engorged and veiny with my building desire.

'Goodness!' she chuckled. 'Looks you enjoyed my fun as much as I did.'

A dainty, manicured hand grasped delicately at my shaft and pumped slowly; it looked so small and feminine against my hardness. 'Now I know this wasn't part of the dare,' she cooed, 'but it's pretty essential.'

She lowered her lips to my dick and took it into her mouth, beginning to suck and explore.

'God!' I exhaled, a sweet tingle shooting from my cock and rippling through my body. I gripped firmly on the back of the sofa as her tongue swirled lightly around my aching head. She gradually eased my entire length down her throat, holding her head at the base for as long as she could stand before gagging and dragging herself back along my shaft, exposing my glistening cock to the cool night air. She coughed and dribbled a long, thick trail of saliva onto my throbbing hardness.

'You've got a beautiful cock, you know that?' she purred, words pouring out of her wet mouth like caramel. Her rich brown eyes looked deep into mine as she massaged her spit along the length of my shaft.

My cock stiffened at her words. I didn't know that, or at least I wasn't told. Sex with my wife was so clean, so functional and clinical, that to have Lisa be so expressive, to delight in my manhood, was almost transgressive. I wanted to cum there and then.

She heaved her tits into my lap, an erect nipple lightly grazing the tip of my head. She squeezed my agonised cock tightly between her cleavage, wanking it slowly between her tits. They felt so heavy and soft and warm.

'Is this how you dreamed it would be?' she cooed, the diamond on her wedding finger catching the light as she shuffled furiously along my shaft, squeezing tightly and hauling her body up and down my cock.

'Yes,' I gasped, almost dumbly as I watched my glistening, purple head shoot through the cavernous darkness of her long, deep cleavage.

'Are you gonna shoot all over my tits, Dom?' She looked up into my eyes and almost rolled the words around her mouth with her tongue, teasing me with her hushed , honeyed voice.

She varied the tempo and giggled, squeezing tightly and slowing down her shuffling; I was in warm, soft, wet heaven. I thrust my wet, hard cock into her with all my might, desperate to get off.

'That's it, Dom. Fuck my tits.'

I looked at her face, smiling and golden, as she continued to heave her huge tits along my throbbing cock. My head tossed back against the sofa in a single movement and I let out rapturous, involuntary moans as I fucked harder and harder, my balls tightening and my toes beginning to curl.

'Mmmmm, you are a hungry boy,' Lisa cooed sensually, sensing how close I was.

I pumped harder and faster, losing myself in the moment, her words driving me over the edge. I let out primal grunts with each thrust. I felt goosebumps shoot up at my neck, arms and chest and ripple along my body. Every muscle stiffened, I arched my back and felt long, heavy spasms pulse through my cock. Lisa continued to grip tightly, dragging her tits along my shaft as I kept thrusting. My fingers gripped tightly against the soft back of the sofa and I spluttered a thick, white rope of cum which covered the tops of her golden, freckled tits. Then another, and another. I felt I could go on forever, each powerful ejaculation exhausting me and causing my breaths to grow shorter and shallower.

We slowed in turn, her final shuffles eking every last drop of lust from my heavy balls. Her bronzed chest was soaked in white pools of cum, which quickly began dripping down her cleavage like icing on a freshly-baked cake. She kissed my spent head and slowly pulled away.

'How was that for you?' she laughed, taking a cushion to clean herself up.

Sated and panting, I simply stared into her cinnamon eyes. 'When will we see each other again anyway?'
Written by NomDePlume
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