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Mother And Daughter's Night Out

"A sixty-year-old mother and her thirty-nine-year-old daughter meet two eighteen-year-old youths in a pub"

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"Are you thinking what I am thinking?" smirked sixty-year-old Carla Bryanton to her thirty-nine-year-old daughter Cheryl Allchurch.

"Ha, yes I am, you fucking horny slag," laughed the younger woman in reply, causing Carla to burst into laughter.

Carla had been divorced from Cheryl's father for a few years and she now lived alone.

Cheryl was staying with her mother having recently left her husband because of his infidelity. Cheryl had strayed a few times during her almost twenty years of marriage but her husband's playing away was more recent and was ongoing.

The two women had gone to a country pub near Carla's home, initially just to give Cheryl a night out. They had gone by taxi as they would probably both be drinking.

Carla was a very attractive woman, as was Cheryl, which acquired her a lot of male admirers which, in turn, meant that sometimes she was not home alone.

Her taste was for males younger than herself and sometimes they were much younger.

Cheryl knew of her mother's many sexual escapades because Carla told her about them, often in great detail. Cheryl did wonder if her staying with her mother might cramp Carla's style, but the two women were so open with each other that she doubted if there would be any problems.

They were more like best friends than mother and daughter and now, in the pub, they were two mates on a night out.

Cheryl had not had sex since several days before she left her husband and she had told her mother the previous evening that she felt like she needed a good fucking. They had not gone out on the pull, as such, but if opportunities were offered, they might well take them.

What had caused Carla's remark and Cheryl's response, was the arrival in the pub of two young men, so young in fact that it looked like they were barely old enough to be drinking in a pub.

The youths had ordered their drinks and were standing at the bar and one of them seemed to be scanning the other customers. His eyes fell on the two women that were seated at a table in the corner and both women had their eyes on him.

The young man looked away but promptly looked back in the direction of the women who were still looking at him. He did not know if he should inform his mate about his discovery, but now the older of the two women seemed to be smiling at him.

"Shall I call them over?" Carla half-whispered to her daughter.

"If you are on heat, nothing that I say will make any difference," replied Cheryl.

"They are so fucking young, though," added the younger woman.

By now the young man that had been looking in their direction had alerted his mate and Carla was now beckoning them over. The two young men looked at each other, and then picked up their pints and headed for where the two women were seated.

Carla and Cheryl were both impressed with the apparent size of the youth's packages in their rather tight jeans as the young men approached.

"Sit down, boys, I am Carla, this is my daughter, Cheryl," said Carla, indicating the two empty chairs at the table.

"Hi," said Cheryl, raising her hand.

"Hi, I am Lee and this is Greg," said the young man that had first been looking in the women's direction, as the youths sat down.

"Hi," said Greg.

"Do you two live in the village? My house is about five miles away so we got a taxi," said Carla.

"We share a flat in the next town," said Lee.

"We have a car," said Greg, sounding hopeful.

"Oh wow, they have a car," teased Cheryl.

"Now, now, Cheryl, behave yourself," smiled Carla.

"Yes, mum," smirked Cheryl.

"I am on shandy," said Greg, making clear that he was not drinking and driving.

"That is very commendable, young man," said Carla, and she meant it.

"Can we buy you ladies a drink?" asked Lee, trying to impress.

"That is very nice of you but you keep your money; we can just chat and get to know each other a bit," answered Carla.

"Um, do you two live together?" asked Greg.

"We are at the moment," answered Cheryl, without saying why.

"So are you two just out for a drink tonight or were you looking for girls?" asked Carla.

"Well, sometimes there are girls from the village in here," answered Lee.

"And sometimes you get lucky?" asked Cheryl, feeling damp between her legs as the possibility of having a young cock grew.

"Yeah, sometimes," replied Greg.

"Don't let us stop you," said Carla, who got a kick from her daughter.

"No, no, we are happy talking to you two ladies," said Lee.

"Oh, do you think that you are in with a chance with us?" asked Carla.

"Um, well, um..." Lee started to respond.

"How old do you think they are, mum?" Cheryl asked as if the youths were not there.

"Well if they have a car they must be seventeen," mused Carla.

"We are both eighteen," said Greg.

"And are you going to answer my mum's question?" said Cheryl.

"What question?" responded Lee, playing for time.

"Do you think that you are pulling me and Cheryl tonight?" said Carla, rephrasing her original question.

"I wish we were," replied Greg.

"You could come back to our flat," said Lee, enthusiastically.

"My house might be a better idea if you are really up for it," said Carla.

"Great! Do you really mean it?" said Greg.

"Well, I assume that if you get lucky with the local girls sometimes, then you must know what you are doing," said Carla.

"She means do you know how to fuck?" laughed Cheryl.

"Yes, thank you, Cheryl, that is what I meant," said Carla.

"Yeah, we know how to fuck," replied Lee, as Greg grinned.

"In that case, we had better finish our drinks, and then you show us this car of yours," said Carla.

"Um, shall we, um... do we need...?" Greg tried to ask.

"No, you are alright, Cheryl is sterilised and I, um well, I am not going to get pregnant," answered Carla, who although she often had sex with males a lot younger than her, these two were forty-two years younger.

The drinks got finished and the four left the pub, getting either disapproving or envious looks depending on who was doing the looking.

The pub car park was quite dark and Carla planted her lips on Greg and Cheryl planted hers on Lee. They had not paired off yet, but each woman was snogging the youth closest to her.

They reached the car and Greg unlocked it and held the passenger door open for Carla, with Lee and Cheryl getting in the back. Carla told Greg the name of the town in which her house was as Cheryl and Lee resumed their snogging in the back seat.

"I don't know if you need to go to your flat first because I imagine that you will be at my house most of the night," said Carla.

"Yeah, we will get our toothbrushes and stuff, we have to be at work at seven in the morning," said Greg, as Cheryl unzipped Lee's jeans.

"I think you might both be tired at work," said Carla.

"Cheryl, can't you wait until we get home?" admonished Carla, seeing that her daughter had started undressing Lee.

"Shit mum, you know how much I am dying for a fuck," replied Cheryl.

"Cheryl, there will be plenty of time for fucking when we get home," said Carla, wishing that she could undo Greg's jeans right now.

"Spoilsport," chuckled Cheryl, who folded her arms in a pretend huff.

They went via the young men's flat and Greg went in to collect their toothbrushes and stuff. Cheryl and Lee were all over each other in the back of the car and Cheryl's blouse became undone and she had her hand inside Lee's boxers stroking his stiff penis.

Greg returned to the car and they were then on the way to Carla's house for what promised to be a night of fucking.

By the time they reached Carla's house, Cheryl's tits had been exposed by Lee dragging her bra off them.

Cheryl and Lee had been so engrossed in their heavy petting, despite the seat belts being an inconvenience, that they had not realised that they had arrived at their destination.

"I think you two had better go straight to bed; Greg and I will get to know each other a bit better before we go up," said Carla, as the four of them got out of the car and Carla opened the door to the house.

Cheryl and her soon-to-be young lover giggled as they scrambled up the stairs as downstairs, Carla softly kissed Greg before their kissing increased in passion.

"Tell me, Greg, have you fucked a woman as old as me before?" asked Carla, massaging Greg's bulge through his jeans.

"I don't know how old you are, Carla, but the oldest woman I have had was aged twenty-two," replied Greg, undoing Carla's blouse.

"I am a bit older than twenty-two, baby," said Carla, undoing Greg's jeans.


Cheryl and Lee had made it upstairs and into the bedroom that Cheryl was using whilst staying with her mother. They did not close the door.

Cheryl hurriedly got Lee's jeans and boxers down and wanked his cock as he undid her skirt.

"I can't wait any longer, I need to be fucked," said Cheryl, taking her shoes, skirt and knickers off as Lee removed his T-shirt. Cheryl took her blouse and bra off and was naked as Lee got his trainers off and removed his jeans and boxers. He still had his socks on as Cheryl threw her arms around his neck and backed toward the bed.

Cheryl backed to the bed and pulled Lee with her as she landed on her back. With the help of Cheryl's hand, Lee's erection entered the mature woman's cunt and Cheryl raised her legs as the youth started thrusting his hips.

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"Yes, yes, fuck me hard," Cheryl encouraged as Lee's large, rigid cock moved rapidly in and out of her sticky cunt.


Downstairs, Carla had lowered Greg's jeans and boxers and wanked his erect cock as he undid her blouse and then had one hand caressing her arse over her black trousers. They kissed and had a tongue wrestle before Greg took off Carla's blouse and removed her bra.

Greg tongued Carla's rigid nipples as she threw her head back, her hand still massaging his penis. Carla removed Greg's T-shirt and he undid and pulled her trousers down before fingering her wet cunt through her knickers.

"Let's get ourselves naked and go upstairs and fuck now baby," suggested Carla, and Greg took off his trainers and socks and got out of his jeans and boxers as Carla removed her trousers and knickers.

They snogged and their naked bodies mashed together, "Mmmm, follow me, I want that lovely hard cock in me," said Carla, turning to the stairs and Greg followed her as she climbed, his eyes on the woman's large arse.

They went past the open door to Cheryl's room and although they did not look inside, they could hear that Cheryl and Lee were getting into some serious fucking.

Carla left her room door open as she turned to kiss Greg and then they collapsed onto the bed and Greg's penis entered Carla's vagina. Greg started thrusting and mother and daughter were now fucking a few yards apart.


Lee was giving Cheryl the fucking that she desired as his stiff cock slid rapidly in and out of her saturated cunt.

"Oh shit, oh fuck, oh yes," muttered Cheryl, as Lee shafted her towards orgasm.

Lee had not fucked a woman older than twenty-five and although he did not know quite how old Cheryl was, he knew that he was now having his first seriously older woman.

The couple writhed on the bed as the fucking got faster and their arousal increased, Cheryl got more vocal and Lee punctuated his thrusts with grunts and groans. They were not aware that Carla and Greg had just passed their open door, nor did they care.

The fucking went on and on and Cheryl yelled out as she came," Fuck, fuck, oh fuck, fuck, cumming," Cheryl wailed, Lee increased the speed of his thrusts by another notch.

Cheryl soon came again and their bodies were soaked in sweat, as the young Lee kept thrusting.


Carla and Greg were soon fucking at pace and Carla was panting verbal encouragement, "Fuck yes, this is so good, fuck," Carla said as the teenager fucked her.

They fucked on and heard Cheryl noisily cum for the first time and, soon after, for the second time as Carla's orgasm approached.

Greg kept going and Carla came although her announcement was more of a whisper than her daughter's shout, "Oh yes, going to cum, fuck, oh, cumming," said Carla.

Greg and Carla were now fucking hard and fast and Carla's second orgasm was announced more loudly, "Oh fuck, yes, fuck," shouted the mature woman.


Lee and Cheryl's fucking was at full speed and they were both grunting and groaning with their efforts.

The oldest female that Lee had previously had was aged twenty-five and although he did not know Cheryl's age, he was now fucking a genuine older woman and he was loving it.

Lee was fighting to hold back his ejaculation as he continued to give Cheryl a good fucking, but he did not think he would be able to hold it for long.

They had just heard what was Carla's second orgasm when Lee warned Cheryl that he was about to cum, not that there was any need to do so, "Can't hold it, Cheryl, going to cum," Lee managed to pant, just before he started ejaculating.

Lee's climax prompted another cum for Cheryl and their bodies shook as they came together.


Carla had her legs raised as Greg's rock-hard cock moved in and out of her at speed, it had been a long time since she had been fucked by a teenager, and this one certainly knew what he was doing.

Carla was about to orgasm for the third time when Greg groaned and started spurting his cum into her, increasing the intensity of Carla's climax.


All four of them slowly came down from their sexual heights and, somewhat belatedly, Lee removed his socks. Then the naked Carla and Greg appeared in the doorway to Cheryl's room.

"Sounded like you got the fucking that you needed," said Carla to her daughter.

"It was sensational, mum, you look well fucked too," replied Cheryl.

"Oh I am, this young man knows how to pleasure a mature woman," said Carla, before kissing Greg.

"Yeah this one knows how to as well," said Cheryl, kissing the young man that had just fucked her so well.

The two youths were silent but loved the compliments.

"How about we go downstairs for a drink and then maybe swap for more fucking?" suggested Carla.

"Sounds good to me, are you two boys up for fucking a different partner?" said Cheryl.

"Yes, fine with me," said Lee.

"And me," said Greg.

The four went downstairs, all still naked, and Carla sorted some drinks and then put some music on.

They danced to some fast stuff with large cocks swinging and large tits bouncing and then smooched to slow songs.

Carla had her back to Lee and he moved behind her, his erection prodding her arse as he cupped her tits.

"Mmmm, when you and me fuck, I want it from behind," said Carla, grinding her backside against the young man's rigid penis.

"Let's fuck on the same bed, you and me on our hands and knees as these two take us from behind," suggested Cheryl.

"Ha, sounds like fun," said Carla.

Greg and Lee had no problem with the idea as they had fucked in the same room in their flat.

After a bit more drinking, the four went upstairs and were all in Carla's room.

Mother and daughter were on their hands and knees on the bed, displaying their substantial arses to the teenage hunks.

The youths were positioned behind the women, each caressing the arse that was being offered to them before shifting to have their erections at the waiting cunts.

Lee slid his cock into Carla's vagina as Greg entered Cheryl's and the side-by-side fucking started.

The two women were soon gasping and purring as their respective hunk shafted them from behind. Greg and Lee were thrusting at very similar speeds and it was almost synchronised fucking.

Carla and Cheryl glanced at each other, both with their mouths wide open in sexual pleasure as teenage cocks moved rapidly in and out of their cunts.

Cheryl was the first to cum but Carla started cumming very soon after, as the youths gripped the women's hips and concentrated on pleasuring them.

All four were making noises of various descriptions and Carla and Cheryl orgasmed simultaneously, as the youths looked at each other and grinned in acknowledgement of their success.

The fucking continued but both young men were getting close to cumming and shortly, Lee started ejaculating into Carla closely followed by Greg spurting into Cheryl.

The four of them collapsed laughing on the bed and remained there cuddling for some time.

"Will you boys be able to manage another fuck before you go to work?" said Carla, it was now the early hours of the morning.

Lee and Greg both said they could and Cheryl was certainly up for some more, "Who fucks who?" asked Cheryl.

"Not sure that it matters, these two are both great at fucking," replied Carla.

"Okay, well I am going to my room and I want one of them to follow," said Cheryl, getting off the bed.

Both youths watched Cheryl's arse leave the room and then they looked at each other. Nothing was said but Lee got off the bed, it seemed logical to finish with the pairings that they had started with.

Very soon, Lee was again entering Cheryl as Greg mounted Carla.

They all had a very satisfying fuck before the youths each had a shower, they would be tired at work as Carla had predicted after they left the pub. Carla and Cheryl could make up for lost sleep during the day.

The youths got dressed, Lee's clothes were upstairs and Greg's downstairs, and then there was a lot of kissing and caressing with both of the still naked females.

They did not make definite plans to meet again but they did exchange phone numbers.

The mother and daughter night out to the pub had worked out very well.

"Well we had a great night of sex, didn't we, mum?" said Cheryl, after the youths had gone.

"Mmmm, it was amazing to have a hard young cock sliding in and out of my cunt," agreed Carla.

"I am going to bed, I need some sleep," said Cheryl.

"Me too, I might be getting a bit old for all-nighters," chuckled Carla.

The two women went to their bedrooms and both soon fell asleep, both very well-fucked.

The two youths struggled at work because of lack of sleep, but they had had a memorable night with two very hot mature women.

Written by PJH
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