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Nancy: The Art Walk

"A trip to an art festival results in public sex surrounded by zombies."

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I met Nancy through an adult dating site. I am not sure what it was about her that specifically attracted my attention. At first glance, nothing special stood out either in the profile she wrote, or in the photograph she posted. But something kept nagging at me and I kept going back to it.

The profile did not reveal much about her. It did not speak to her interests and did not disclose what her sexual preferences were. Lacking any clues to her personality, I turned to the photo she shared online to see if it would reveal anything.

The picture was far from sexy. The impression I got was how nerdy she looked. The pose she chose had her sitting at a writing desk. Her left elbow was leaning on the tabletop with her chin resting in the palm of her hand. An awkward smile stared back at the camera lens.

Her wardrobe was nothing special. She wore a cream-colored knit sweater and a pair of dark slacks. The fact that she was wearing Harry Potter-like horn-rimmed glasses, and that her hair was displayed in a bowl-cut fashion reminiscent of what Harry had in the first film, contributed to the nerdy illusion. The only difference was her age, and she was a blonde.

After multiple views, what piqued my curiosity became clear. It was the profile ID she had chosen. She identified herself as howling-girl. It was such an unusual choice for a name. There had to be an interesting story behind it, and I wanted to know. What was it that made Nancy howl?

I contacted her, and we hit it off right away. We emailed a couple of times before Nancy invited me to her house. I learned quickly that patience was not Nancy’s strong suit. She had an impulsive streak which drove her to go after what she wanted with little or no delay, so the quick invite did not surprise me.

When I saw her for the first time, the perceived notion of her as a nerd swiftly evaporated. The glasses were replaced with contacts and her hair, while still short, was styled differently. In my eyes, it was a vast improvement.

We met in the driveway. “My, you are a tall drink of water,” she said scanning my six-foot four-inch frame with appreciative eyes. “Excuse the appearance. I just got back from walking the dogs.”

She was casually dressed wearing a white button-down blouse and a tight pair of denim cutoff shorts. Both highlighted her womanly form. I complimented her, “I think you look quite nice.”

“Let’s go inside. I can change my clothes and then we can talk and get to know one another.”

As I followed Nancy to the side door, I did what most men would do. I sized up her figure. I liked what I saw. Nancy had it all, nice legs, a tight, well-rounded ass, and a full, medium-sized bosom. None of that was apparent from her profile photo.

Once inside Nancy made coffee and served it in the living room. She had changed while the coffee was brewing. She was now wearing a pair of jeans and a lightweight knit top. We sat across from one another and talked the afternoon away.

An exchange of personal histories took place. All sorts of subjects were discussed, but an obvious one was missing. The topic of sex did not come up.

Since this was our first meeting, I did not expect to have sex with Nancy. I felt if it was going to occur, it may happen at a later date. For now, however, I could not get a good read on what it was she wanted, and I was afraid to ask.

Our exchange of words lasted until the coffee pot was empty. Then Nancy suggested, “Why don’t we go see a movie. There’s a newspaper on the desk. Take a look and see what’s playing.”

The movie was a good idea. I was running out of things to say so spending two to three hours in a theater absent of conversation was the kind of break I needed.

We agreed on the movie. There was no hurry to leave because the film did not start for a while. Nancy took a little time to clean up after our little coffee clutch. I followed Nancy into the kitchen to help with the dirty dishes. When the last cup was washed and dried, Nancy turned to me and, without hesitation, kissed me. It was no ordinary kiss. It was one of passion.

We embraced for several minutes. I felt Nancy’s hand grab at my groin. After a few squeezes, I quipped, “Is this my reward for helping with the dishes?”

Nancy replied, “No. I have been wanting to do this since I saw you standing in the driveway.” She went on to say, “I like my men tall because they usually have a cock to match. From what I felt that theory remains true.”

I stupidly responded, “What about the movie?”

“Fuck the movie. I want you to fuck me. I want what I felt up inside me.”

Nancy led me to the bedroom. I watched her strip and I quickly followed. She guided me to the bed and asked me to lie down. Then she knelt next to me on the bed. Her hand grabbed the base of my rigid cock pointing it in the direction of her lips. Nancy bowed her head, and I felt the warm, moist mouth close around my erection.

“I like the feel of a good hard cock in my mouth, especially when it is thick like yours.”

There was no longer any doubt. No nerd can suck a dick with such vigor and expertise like Nancy proved. No nerd would take a man’s cock to the back of her throat like Nancy could. No nerd would beg to be fucked like Nancy wanted. The real Nancy had arrived.

Nancy lay down on the bed and spread her legs wide. The invitation was obvious. Her clean-shaven pussy beckoned me. Such a beautiful sight, and it was mine for the taking. A bit of performance anxiety crept in. I did not want to disappoint her.

I took hold of my cock and ran the tip up and down her slit. I could feel the slick wetness on my glans. Nancy was well lubricated with her own juices. Pushing up into her should be easy; however, I learned never to be too quick when entering a woman’s vagina for the first time. Take it slow. You never know how a woman may react to your size. Give her time to adjust.

Nancy was driven by lust. She was impatient with my approach. She grabbed my ass with both hands and pushed me forward as she lifted her hips upward. Her pussy consumed the full length of my cock with ease. “Fuck me hard and deep,” Nancy demanded.

I did my best to pound her pussy the way she wanted. The slaps of our bodies echoed off the bedroom walls. Nancy was grunting with each downward thrust, so I must be doing something right.

The groans grew louder the longer I banged her. Louder and louder, until it happened. At the point of orgasm, Nancy’s moans transformed into a wolf-like bay at the moon. I had never heard anything like it. Now, I knew the reason she called herself howling-girl. For the next four months, I would make her howl again and again.

One date proved to be especially meaningful. It happened when we were about two months into the relationship. Nancy suggested a drive to a section of the city where the stores catered to the arts and crafts community. Each year the businesses got together to hold a festival on the outskirts of the downtown area. There would be numerous street vendors selling their wares, and the shops, mostly art galleries, would open their doors to the public with an invitation to come in and browse. The festival was known as The Art Walk.

The festival was also known for its other attractions and entertainment. A section was reserved for food vendors where a person could enjoy a variety of fair food. In another area was a small stage where local bands would entertain the crowd. The highlight for this day was something of a festival tradition. This day was the day for the zombie parade. People from all over would put on makeup and tattered clothes and give their best impression of a zombie. They would march down the main street and sidewalks and engage with the bystanders. It all sounded very interesting.

Being familiar with the city, Nancy decided to drive. The trip took about twenty minutes. The conversation was casual, at least that is how it started. It then became more serious. “I want to tell you something that has been on my mind,” was how the dialogue began.

Usually, when a conversation begins in such a manner it is a warning sign that something unpleasant is about to be said. “I’m listening,” was my response.

Nancy began, “Sex with you is nice, but something is missing, which would make it better.”

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“Like what? What do you need from me?”

Nancy was never one to mince words. She was open and blunt about what she wanted sexually. “I need you to be more aggressive in bed, to take control. I feel like if I didn’t make the first move you wouldn’t do it. Show me what you want. If you want me to suck your dick, don’t ask. Put it in my mouth. And some dirty talk wouldn’t hurt.”

The criticism was not new to me. Other women have said something similar. I was raised not to hurt women. I guess I have taken that lesson to the extreme by waiting for a woman to tell me what she wants. It never dawned on me to be more assertive during sex. I was beginning to realize that many women like a man to take control in the bedroom.

I was more curious than offended by Nancy’s remarks, so I asked, “Can you give me an example?”

“Remember the day we first met? I wanted you to kiss me, but you didn’t, so I turned around and kissed you. I wanted you to be more aggressive and spontaneous. I wanted you to spin me around, pull down my pants, and pin me to the kitchen counter. I wanted you to fuck me right there in the kitchen. But I was the one that took you to the bedroom. You should have been the one to drag me.”

I didn’t know what to say other than, “I will try to do better.” I am not sure she was convinced.

We arrived and began cruising the festival. I was somewhat distracted by the conversation we had in the car. I felt a little anxious as my thoughts kept drifting to the evening bedroom activities. What am I going to do to prove I can be more assertive and spontaneous? As it turned out, I did not have to wait until evening.

The zombie parade was due to start shortly. People were lining the sidewalks in preparation for the event. Nancy and I decided to visit one of the art galleries instead of waiting outdoors in the sun.

The gallery was unique. Originally, it was two separate storefronts housed in two separate buildings. The owners, two women in their early forties, became partners and decided to modify the structures into one large gallery. This was done by tearing down the walls between the two storefronts and creating a hallway that served as a walkway and attachment to both sides of the expanded gallery.

Nancy and I began to browse. We entered the hallway which was somewhat dark. This was by design. Paintings were hung on one hallway wall with spotlights focusing on the art. This left the opposing wall in the shadows and quite dark.

We moved slowly down the corridor as we admired the paintings. It was at the halfway point when the idea struck. The shadows and isolation provided a unique opportunity. This may be my chance to exhibit some assertiveness and spontaneity.

The zombie parade was just getting started. I was surprised to hear the commotion that was going on, but that was something that could be used to my benefit.

I looked down the passageway and I could see the two women gallery owners were occupied with the revelry. They stood by the doorway, their gaze intently focused on the parade. I took advantage of the distraction.

I put my hands on Nancy’s shoulders and spun her around. She was facing me with a startled expression on her face. Before she could say anything, I kissed her very passionately, and then pushed her up against the dark shadowy wall. When I broke the kiss I told her, “You want spontaneous? I’ll give you spontaneous!”

This was the first time since I had known Nancy where she had nothing to say.

I began kissing her again, only this time I reached for the hem of her sun dress. As my hand began its ascent up her thigh, she struggled a bit. I sensed it was nervousness about the potential of being caught because her resistance was, at best, minimal. By the time my fingers reached her pussy, her legs had parted to provide better access. Her kisses became increasingly urgent. She began to coo and moan. The noise emanating from the zombie parade and its onlookers drowned out any noises coming from Nancy, that is, until I made my next move.

I grabbed the waistband of her panties and yanked them down to mid-thigh. Her pussy was exposed, and, as I soon discovered, very, very wet. I inserted a finger. She was so moist that I easily inserted another. I used my thumb to rub her clit which made her squirm. “Do you like it? Do you want more?”

She tried to speak but all she could do was pant. Her moans told the story.

I maintained a quick, steady pace with my fingers which were now covered with her vaginal juices. Nancy state of arousal heightened. She began to grind on my intruding digits. She was enjoying this. Her moaning was becoming quite loud.

Nancy was getting close to orgasm. No matter how much ruckus the zombie parade was making, I knew Nancy’s howl would draw attention. To stifle the sound, I took my left hand and placed it over her mouth to muzzle her increasing vocalizations.

With my hand clamped over her mouth, I increased the speed and intensity of my fingers. Then her release arrived. The walls of her vagina clamped down on my fingers while her body stiffened and then her legs turned to rubber. She would have collapsed if I had not caught her.

Nancy tried to gain some composure but could not. She needed time. I was not about to wait.

I spun her around and pinned her body, face first, against the wall. I lifted the hem of her sun dress over her hips exposing her bare ass. I gave those glistening white cheeks some hardy slaps. There was no protest from Nancy.

I leaned over and with my lips close to her ear I whispered, “Is this what you meant by being more assertive and spontaneous?” All she could do was nod her head in the affirmative and utter a breathless, “Yes.”

I left her bare-assed in the hallway with her panties down around her ankles. I wish I had a camera to capture the moment.

I walked over to the two gallery owners who were watching the tail end of the parade. I forgot about the full erection I still had. The outline of my cock was easily discernible through the light fabric of my slacks. There was no point in trying to hide it. “How was the parade?”

The women began to answer when one of them turned around. She suddenly developed a slight stammer mid-sentence.

I saw her eyes glance at my crotch. She nudged the other woman, who was still looking out the door, with her elbow causing her to look in my direction. Her eyes immediately caught the bulge in my pants. They both grinned and then they whispered something to each other. I wondered what was said. Asking may be rude or embarrassing, so I told myself they must have liked what they saw.

About this time Nancy entered the room. Everything about her looked in place, but I could swear she walked slowly and with a slight wobble. We bid adieu to the gallery owners and walked outside to enjoy the rest of the parade.

Nancy did not say much the rest of the day, but she was more affectionate holding onto my arm. She had a perpetual smile plastered on her face. I believe it was the same goofy smile I saw on her dating profile.

The drive home was very different. When Nancy sat down in the driver’s seat, she lifted the hem of her dress exposing her thighs. The panties were gone. She was no longer wearing them. Nancy quipped, “My pussy is so hot I need to let it cool off.”

Nancy started the car for the trip home. “Take your cock out, please.” I was glad to oblige.

Nancy drove with one hand on the steering wheel and one hand on my cock. She slow-stroked it until she pulled into the driveway.

Before getting out of the car Nancy said, “That was quite an experience for me. Not only did you surprise me, but you made me experience something new. I never had sex in a public setting before. At first, I was nervous and scared but then became extremely excited knowing there were hundreds of people around. Now let’s go inside. I want to ride you like a horse and suck you dry.”

Nancy did as she said she would. She stripped off my clothes and then proceeded to mount me cowgirl-style. I never saw Nancy as enthusiastic as she was that night. She howled more than once before the evening was over.

As for me, all I can say is she put that same goofy smile on my face that she had in her profile photo, and I came close to howling a couple of times myself.

Written by jackhmmr
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