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My Former Neighbor

"An old friend and surprise visit."

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Author's Notes

"If you've read some of my other stories, the main character in this story is the mother of the two sisters in "Dawn Of A New Day"... <p> [ADVERT] </p> Enjoy!"

He tied me to the kitchen table, bent over, my ankles secured tightly to the table legs on one side, my arms stretched above my head, wrists bound to the other set of legs. Frank used new fur-lined Velcro restraints that he purchased yesterday. I was nude, my ass and pussy completely exposed and ready for the taking. I was a virgin in my ass, but I knew not for long. His fingers slathered my asshole with vanilla-scented lube, my favorite. I moaned as he poked at my opening with his middle finger.

When I was ready, he plunged his cock deep into me. I clenched and begged for mercy as he reamed me. He gave my ass cheek a hard smack ordering me to loosen up. I obeyed. It started to feel good as he pumped in and out of me. I was enjoying it and he could tell. I didn’t use the safe word we agreed on last night, that’s how he knew. With every thrust in, I let out a little squeal. His cock was thick and my ass was tight, being stretched to its limit. It didn’t take long for him to unload, flooding me with his cum.

Two days earlier…

Frank traveled to California to visit his son Brian. He lived here for twenty-five years and they hadn’t seen each other for quite some time, so he was ready for a family visit. He admitted it was nice to spend time with him but, Brian works different hours so he had plenty of free time.

While he was in town, he called some old friends and neighbors to get together and reminisce. After several attempts to contact his former best friend and next-door neighbor, Timothy, without success, he called me. I’m Tim’s soon-to-be ex-wife. He wanted to know if everything was okay, that he couldn’t reach Tim. He didn’t know our situation and I advised him that it wasn’t and that we separated some time ago. Everything was too complicated to tell him on the phone so I extended an invitation to get together. I wanted to let him know what was happening in person.

We decided to have dinner. I insisted on cooking rather than going out to a restaurant. I wanted privacy to tell him about our relationship troubles. When I opened the door, he looked great. It had been several years and his hair was starting to gray, he lost some weight and it made him look so sexy.

After sitting for a short while and having a cocktail before we ate, I called him to the table. It was a feast fit for a king. Lobster bisque, a fresh garden salad, an inch thick ribeye done medium-rare with a baked potato and cheesecake for dessert. We shared a bottle of wine. After dinner, we sat on the couch in the living room and I started to open up.

Before I could even start telling him about the deterioration of my forty-year marriage to Tim, I could feel myself getting emotional. I promised myself I wouldn’t cry. It was tough but, I held it together for a short while. Frank sat on one side of the couch, I sat on the other. As I rambled on about Tim’s drinking and having a whore mistress, he showed true concern. I couldn’t hold back any longer and tears started to stream down my cheeks. He reached over and took my hand pulling me closer to him. He held me, running his fingers through my hair, caressing my face, wiping away the tears.

It felt good being held by a man who cared and I couldn’t help myself, I kissed him. It wasn’t just a peck. This was a full-on open-mouth, tongues intertwined kiss that lasted forever. His hand reached over and started to brush across my chest. My emotions turned from sadness to pure lust. I took his hand and guided it to my tits. He responded with a squeeze.

I could feel my nipples pressing against my padded bra. I hoped he wasn’t disappointed at my small A-cups. His hand slid my sundress off my shoulders, letting it fall around my waist. He reached around and unhooked my bra, removing it and tossing it to the side. For the first time, another man was undressing me. If he was disappointed, he certainly didn’t show it. He gently guided me onto my back, still kissing me. His head lowered and his lips latched onto one nipple then the other. He was sucking and biting them, switching back and forth. Then his head started down the middle of my chest, kissing the soft skin of my belly. His hands worked the dress down around my legs.

It had been several years since I had any intimacy in my life. Tim was always too drunk to provide any physical or emotional sexual satisfaction. Now, here I am, with a man I hadn’t seen in years. I knew his wife and his whole family. It was only three months ago that his wife passed away and I started to feel guilty. This was so wrong, yet it felt so right. I wanted him and I made the decision when I kicked Tim out that I would always get what I wanted.

Frank continued. I was so happy that I decided to wear some sexy silk panties. He started to pull at the lace waistband exposing a crop of pubic hair. I stopped him and pulled them off completely to let him know I was ready. He ran his hand through the triangle of hair. He spread my legs apart exploring what no one except my husband had ever had. His gentle touch sent me into paradise. He pulled back on the outer cover of my clitoris making his tongue dance across the petite tip of the most sensitive part of my body. Then, as he did with my nipples, he latched onto the soft skin at the top of my vagina and within minutes created an orgasmic blast. There was no stopping now, nature and my cravings took over.

I stopped him so I could move my hand to reach down to his crotch. I could feel his erection restrained by his pants. I started to unzip, unbutton, and undo his belt freeing this beautiful shaft. The emotion I was experiencing was so foreign to me. I shifted my body and took his cock into my mouth. It has been twenty years since I sucked Tim’s dick. I was hoping I was able to satisfy him. When he let out a moan, I knew he loved the attention I was giving him. It didn’t take me long before I was able to engulf his entire cock.

Within a minute of me bobbing up and down on his member, he stopped me. I thought I was doing something wrong. Not the case at all. He stood and pulled his pants and boxer shorts off. Then he stretched out his arm to lift me off the couch. As he pulled me up, I stepped out of my sundress leaving behind my bra and panties. He was leading me to my bedroom.

My bed is large and comfortable and I have never shared it with anyone except Tim. Now I am thrilled to give myself to Frank. When he was my neighbor, there were always sexual innuendoes and undertones to our friendship, always all in fun. We never considered acting on our urges though. He was Tim’s best friend and his wife Debbie and I were like sisters. Neither one of us ever crossed that line. Now, both of us have orally pleasured one another, something I never in my life would have thought could happen. He softly pushed me onto my bed and pulled his t-shirt over his head. We were both naked, enjoying looking at each other’s bodies.

Watching him as he moved towards me was so thrilling. I knew what was happening and I was fantasizing about having him inside me. He crawled on the bed and started to kiss me. I opened my legs enticing him. It was like a dream, I could hear myself telling him to fuck me, that I was ready. He knelt between my legs and, staring down at me, guided his cock into me. It was glorious. He was strong and in charge. My wrists were held tight above my head as he started a grinding rhythmic motion that made me lose control. It didn’t take long before I started to tremble.

His stamina was something I never experienced. I could hear screaming in the distance. It was me; he was causing me to climax over and over. I never experienced multiple orgasms before.

He pulled out of me and let go of my wrists, reaching around and grabbing my knees. He bent my legs up toward my head. It felt as if my knees were next to my ears. I was still feeling the joy of multiple orgasms when he buried his dick into my pussy. He was deep inside me. The feeling was remarkable. There was nothing gentle about this. He was pounding me hard and I couldn’t get enough of him. I started to cum again. He moaned and I could feel the heat of his release inside me. His body became limp as he collapsed on me.

It was late, almost midnight. We lay naked on top of my bed. He touched me and it sent a shiver throughout my body. I told him I wanted him to stay the night. He agreed and we pulled a quilt over our bodies. We held each other, kissing and touching, exploring one another. It was so intimate and erotic at the same time. The light touch, running his fingers across my skin made my nipples as hard as diamonds. When his fingers found my nipple, he pinched and twisted it. I yelped and then did the same to him. We laughed as he admitted that he enjoyed having his nipples twisted.

He worked his hand to my pussy burying three fingers deep into me. I was still full of his cum as his fingers twirled and twisted announcing that he found my G-spot. It drove me crazy. This was a new sensation, never reaching a peak like this. He wouldn’t let up and I pleaded with him to stop, that I was going to erupt. He laughed and told me that was the idea. I let go and lost all senses, shaking and screaming, my body quivering. Finally, he stopped and I nearly passed out. He told me that he was fingering me for fifteen minutes. No wonder I was in another world. Then he stuck his finger in my mouth making me taste the combination of his sperm and my pussy, another first.

We were both exhausted and fell asleep. The next morning Frank was up and ready to leave. I was disappointed, thinking that we might continue where we left off. He said that his son was probably concerned that he didn’t come home last night. I understood. If the shoe was on the other foot, I’m sure my daughters would be frantic. He leaned over, pulled the quilt off me gave my left nipple one last pinch, kissed me, turned, and left. He said he would call later and that maybe we would see each other again before he returned to Florida.

I lay in bed for the rest of the morning. All I could do was relive the memory of Frank having his way with me. My body was still tingling from the many orgasms I enjoyed. I couldn’t help but feel that he wouldn’t call and I would never see him again. If that was the case, I still had last night to relive over and over in my dreams. Around 3 p.m., my phone rang. I almost jumped out of my skin, it was Frank. I answered it in two rings.

He wanted to get together later, his son was working the night shift and his evening was free.

I had a warm tremor overtake my body and I didn’t hesitate to say yes.

He said he would see me at 7 and to not make a fuss. Dress comfortably. I chose my summertime go-to, shorts and a T-shirt.

The clock read 7:15 and I started to wonder if he was going to show up. At 7:20 the doorbell rang. My body suddenly felt warm as a rush of adrenaline shot through me. I opened the door; he was carrying a shopping bag. He stepped in and gave me a friendly kiss on the cheek. That’s not what I expected. I guess I thought it would be like in the movies where the man walks in, grabs the woman, and starts to rip her clothes off dragging her to the bedroom. That was silly and I knew it.

He walked to the bedroom to put the bag down. I assumed it was a change of clothes and that he was prepared to spend the night.

That would be wonderful.

Like last night, we sat on the couch and started to talk. The difference from yesterday, we sat next to each other instead of at each end of the couch. I offered him a drink, but he declined. Our conversation was polite and generic. I started to think that he wasn’t interested in any physical contact. My disappointment must have been obvious. He steered the conversation to last night and asked me if I had regrets. I smiled and answered firmly that I did not and that I was prepared for another night with him. Again, I could see his erection straining his pants.

He asked about my daughters. It was nice that he thought of them but I wanted him to fuck me. It had been so many years since I had enjoyed a man’s attention. Tim lost interest years ago. After yesterday, I crave Frank’s cock and actually, any cock. The conversation turned personal. Out of the blue, he asked if I had ever been with anyone except Tim. I was very honest with him and confessed that just yesterday; he was the second man I had ever been with. He reached over and started to touch my breasts.

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Just like last night I started to confide in him. The way he was touching me brought back some memories. I told him about a college roommate I had and she and I used to kiss and feel each other like he was doing to me. For an entire semester, we used to pleasure each other. It was at a time when that type of relationship was not out in the open. Then I met Tim. He was a heavy drinker back then but, I felt like he rescued me from being a lesbian. As it turned out, his alcoholism slowly drove us apart. I’m just sorry it took this many years.

The look of surprise on his face was obvious. Then he admitted that he would love to watch me going down on another woman. I became lightheaded at the thought. Before I knew it, the T-shirt I was wearing was off. I didn’t wear a bra. I’m proud of my tits. Sixty years old and they are firm and very sensitive. Frank latched onto my nipples and started to twist and pull on them. He was aggressive, pulling my shorts off, and rapidly started to flail on my clit with his tongue. In just two minutes, I went from a dressed and intimate conversation to nude on the couch having an orgasm. He asked if this was how she used to satisfy me. It brought back memories, things I hadn’t thought about in many years. I was nineteen again. I grabbed the back of his head, pulled him closer, and started to moan her name, Jamie.

My mind started to wander. It was as if I was losing reality. I pushed Frank down on the couch and mounted his face, grinding into him, forcing his mouth to take me. I started to twist my nipples and screamed out her name over and over. I was back in 1982, a virgin being ushered into a world that was foreign to me. My first orgasms came from a beautiful woman rather than a man’s cock.

I didn’t let up on him. Several times I could tell he was gasping for air. I was using him and I didn’t care. He finally couldn’t take it anymore and lifted and tossed me off his face. It caused me to come back to the real world.

His hand reached out to help me up, at the same time explaining that we needed a safe word. I didn’t know what that was. Another look of surprise as he explained, that it is a word that if you or I use it, everything stops and we regroup. No one gets hurt or is forced against their will to do something they don’t want to do. I was happy with his explanation. I chose Bourbon. He pulled me to my bedroom forcing me to bend over the footboard of my bed. He held my head down on the mattress. I could hear the zipper of his pants being undone. He pushed my legs apart and in one quick motion, thrust his dick deep into me. The turbulence between my legs was extraordinary. He was forcing me as if to get even for me using his face and I loved the effort. It didn’t take long for him to come.

When he was done, he manhandled me onto the bed and then went to the shopping bag that he carried earlier. He pulled out a fairly long length of rope. He grabbed my legs and started to tie them to the bedposts. He did the same with my arms. I was spread eagle on top of my bed, frozen in position, motionless. I could feel his liquid heat flowing out of me like lava from a volcano. When he was done securing me, he dressed and left. I heard the front entrance door open and close. I was trapped and alone. I became scared.

About an hour later I heard the door open. I was getting stiff from the inability to move. So many thoughts were racing through my head. What if it was a stranger, an intruder? Would the intruder fuck me? Or maybe it was one of my daughters coming to visit. It could also be Tim, unannounced to pick up a few things. I had to stop letting my imagination run away.

Of course, it was Frank. He came in smiling, complementing the way I looked, so vulnerable and afraid. His fingers ran down my torso, sending a shiver throughout my body. He stripped his clothes off and sat in a chair in the corner of the bedroom staring at me.

Then, the bedroom door opened. A very exotic and beautiful redheaded woman entered. She introduced herself as Trish. As she came into the light, I realized she was naked. Her pale skin, clean-shaven pussy, and very dark nipples made her look like a model. I glanced at Frank; he was stroking his cock as he watched the evening unfold. He explained that he invited Trish and that she would be spending the night with us, here to serve us both. She approached the bed. I was in shock.

Her touch was gentle. She had long fingernails that lightly scratched my skin. It gave me goosebumps. Her scent was slight, a clean aroma like soap. She leaned over and kissed me, her taste was sweet. A fingernail started to scratch at my pubic hair; it sent a shock wave through my spine. Frank approached the bed with the shopping bag he was carrying earlier. Trish joined him at the foot of the bed. She cooed as she pulled out a small wand, a device used to produce a torrent of intense gratification. I was not prepared for what was next. Trish pulled out a blindfold. She had an evil laugh as she fastened it to my head. Now I couldn’t move and, I lost all ability to see what was going on. Frank seemed to enjoy this.

A click and a dull humming sound was clear. I knew what it was and within seconds I was being tormented with the wand. The vibration was so extreme that every time it ran across my clit, a powder keg erupted. My screams were ignored while I swamped the bed with my cum. My back arched up every time the wand started to ease up. My desire for more was increasing each time, and I could hear myself begging for more. I had no clue who was teasing me but it was like nothing I’d ever enjoyed before.

After some time, the blindfold slipped off and I saw it was Trish. Frank was giving her instructions on how to manipulate my sweet spot. The wand was a torture device that was causing me to become delirious. As I started to have an orgasm, he gave an order to stop, then, start again. Over and over just as I was to explode, I was denied a climax. It was agonizing being brought to the brink. I pleaded with Frank to let Trish finish me. My pleas were ignored. Then the humming sound disappeared. They were through. I was out of breath and thought I would pass out.

I needed to satisfy myself but couldn’t. I was still tethered to the bedposts. Pent-up energy that was disallowed needed to be liberated. I was shaking and near tears. Trish went to Frank and took his cock in her mouth. I was forced to watch him being pleasured by that bitch. I wanted him, to taste him, to swallow his cum. Then he could fuck me. Instead, I had to endure watching this without satisfaction. She was enjoying taunting me. Frank let out a howl. I knew he just coated her throat with his seed. Trish turned to me and forced me to suck the cum out of her mouth.

Finally, I was untied and free to move. Now it was my turn. I quickly grabbed the wand and started to fuck myself with it. I buried the thin stick inside finding the G-spot that Frank discovered yesterday. It was just a matter of minutes. When I was finished I was exhausted but, I became aggressive, seeking revenge. I wanted to punish both of them for denying me the natural pleasures of an orgasm. Trish used me to clear her throat of Frank’s semen. Now they were going to pay. The shopping bag was on the bed. I dumped the contents out to see what was in there and found what I needed. It was foreign to me but obvious in how it was used. It was a large pink penis with a straps attached to it. It was in a package called Queen Strap-On. I followed the directions and put it on.

Frank saw what I was doing and held Trish’s wrists down on the bed making her immobile. She gave no resistance. I positioned myself between her legs and forced the rubber cock into her pussy. She pretended to be frightened, screaming and begging for me to stop. She wasn’t very convincing but it was still a turn-on. Being in control of this slut was exciting. Her nipples were rock hard. I leaned into them and started to bite and pull them with my teeth. Her screams became real. I was rocking back and forth, fucking her and at the same time tormenting her breasts. Frank backed away, releasing her. She wrapped her arms around me scratching at my back, convulsing from a powerful orgasm. Frank was watching as I continued to punish Trish with the twelve-inch appendage. When I was through with her I fell back on the bed. I was still wearing the strap-on; it was glistening with Trish’s juices.

Trish situated herself next to me. She became a tame lover rather than the attacker that she was just a short while ago. Her touch was gentle, stroking my arms. She leaned into me and started to kiss my neck working her way to my lips. Our mouths locked as she lightly squeezed my tits. Frank moved next to us. He started to bite my nipples the same way I had teased Trish just minutes before. This was crazy; I wanted both of them to take turns satisfying my raging urges.

The rest of the night we took turns pleasuring one another. It was tender and affectionate. At one point we formed a love triangle. Each one was performing oral sex on one another. Frank was sucking Trish’s pussy, I was gulping Frank’s cock and Trish was munching away on me. I had so many mini-orgasms that I lost count. For the second time that night, I had a mouth full of Frank’s cum. This time it was so titillating, letting his warmth slide down my throat. Our three-way love fest was starting to slow down. Frank started to fall asleep and Trish settled in next to me. In the previous thirty-six hours, I had more sex and orgasms than in the previous five years combined.

I slept soundly. The sun was peeking through the curtains causing Frank to stir. It woke me up. Trish was gone. I don’t know what time she left. In a way, I was sorry she left. Frank’s eyes were open; he was looking at me smiling. I kissed him good morning and told him that last night was incredible. He just kept smiling. He asked if I wanted more. My head started to spin thinking about another round of incredible sex with Frank but, I wasn’t sure I could. My pussy was sore from the pounding I took over the past two days. He told me not to worry, took me by the hand, and led me into the kitchen.

I thought we were going to have some coffee. He had a different idea. He laid me on the kitchen table and then left the room. When he came back, he was carrying something in his hands. He rolled me over. He tied me to the kitchen table, bent over, my ankles secured tightly to the table legs on one side, my arms stretched above my head, wrists bound to the other set of legs. Frank used new fur-lined Velcro restraints that he purchased yesterday. I was nude, my ass and pussy completely exposed and ready for the taking. I was a virgin in my ass, but I knew not for long. His fingers slathered my asshole with vanilla-scented lube, my favorite.

I moaned as he poked at my opening with his middle finger. When I was ready, he plunged his cock deep into me. I clenched and begged for mercy as he reamed me. He gave my ass cheek a hard smack ordering me to loosen up. I obeyed. It started to feel good as he pumped in and out of me. I was enjoying it and he could tell. I didn’t use the safe word we agreed on last night, that’s how he knew. With every thrust in, I let out a little squeal. His cock was thick and my ass was tight, being stretched to its limit. It didn’t take long for him to unload, flooding me with his cum.

He was done and left the room leaving me tied up. I heard the shower. His sperm was flowing down my legs. I wanted to clean myself. When he came back in the kitchen he spanked my ass asking me if I enjoyed our morning sex. I did and told him so. He was pleased and started to unfasten me. I needed a bath. All I wanted was to soak in a tub of hot water. It was almost noon by the time I climbed out, dried off, and dressed.

I went into the kitchen. Frank was waiting for me. He stood and kissed me, holding me for a long while. I wanted him to stay but I knew he couldn’t. He was flying home to Florida in a day and needed to spend time with his son. I understood and was thrilled with the time I had with him. He unleashed a sleeping tiger and I will forever be grateful to my old friend.

I wonder if he contacts Tim; will he share the details of our visit?

Written by Rockwell469
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