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Louise Carver's Awakening - Part 3

"Louise and Tyrone's relationship gets discovered"

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Author's Notes

"I had some help with where to take this story from a lovely lady and her suggestions. She knows who she is and I thank her."

It was Monday morning and forty-nine-year-old Louise Carver was in the office where she worked. She was feeling several emotions including exhilaration and guilt.

The exhilaration was because she had spent Saturday afternoon getting well-fucked by twenty-year-old Tyrone McMorris, the guilt was because she had spent Saturday afternoon getting well-fucked by twenty-year-old Tyrone McMorris.

Louise was married, and she would never have imagined herself doing what she had done on Saturday. Tyrone worked for the glazing company that Louise managed the office for, and the previous Wednesday had told Louise that he wanted to fuck her.

Tyrone was a very pleasant young black man and was employed by the company as a trainee salesperson, and Louise had sort of taken him under her wing when he was in the office. He also spent time out on the road with a senior salesperson.

Louise liked Tyrone but had never thought of him sexually until he had said what he said, but even then she did not think that he meant it.

Louise did not see herself as attractive, far from it, and did not believe that anyone else would either. She even doubted if her husband Philip found her attractive, although she assumed that he must have done so at some point.

Between Tyrone telling Louise what he told her on Wednesday and them actually doing it on Saturday, Louise went through multiple emotions and changes of mind. She started by thinking about what Tyrone's motive might be for saying what he said. One possibility she thought of was that he wanted to lose his virginity and saw her as a safe person to do it with.

The losing virginity angle was discounted during a chat between Louise and Tyrone in the local park on Thursday lunchtime, a chat that also involved snogging and Louise feeling Tyrone's apparently huge penis through his trousers. Tyrone told Louise that he regularly fucked another mature married woman.

On Thursday, Louise had decided to have sex with Tyrone, by Friday she had changed her mind.

On Friday evening, with Louise's husband out at the pub, Louise phoned Tyrone and they both masturbated to climax whilst talking. The fuck was back on again.

Louise changed her mind several times Saturday morning, but it happened, and what a fucking it was, the best of her life, Louise decided.

The euphoria of the fuck was soon replaced by feelings of guilt, although Louise did text Tyrone on Sunday thanking him for giving her the fucking of her life.

So Louise arrived in the office on Monday morning a quite mixed-up lady. Tyrone was not due in the office, he was scheduled to be out on the road for most of the week.

Sheila Towers worked in the office and she and Louise had a strange relationship, almost love/hate. They basically did not like each other, Sheila thought Louise was a stuck-up bitch who thought herself above everyone else and Louise thought that Sheila was a slut.

Sheila was married, but in name only because she was a long time separated but she and her husband had never divorced. She liked getting fucked and very much slept around, living alone helped with that. At age fifty-three, she was slightly older than Louise.

She had teased Louise about how Louise was with Tyrone, accusing her of wanting to get Tyrone's trousers off whilst not for a moment believing that she did. She just liked to try to wind up and embarrass Louise.

Sheila entered the office and immediately saw something different about Louise, although Louise was not aware that she looked any different.

"Morning Louise, you look bright today; did your Philip give you one over the weekend?" smiled Sheila, a false smile and a question designed to embarrass Louise.

"He might have done, did you get fucked at the weekend, Sheila?" retorted Louise, a response that neither woman expected.

"No, I didn't actually," replied a slightly shocked Sheila.

"Never mind, I am sure you will be soon," Louise almost sneered.

They both knew that Louise had comfortably won that encounter on points, something that very rarely happened. Something had certainly changed Louise Carver, although only Louise knew what it was. Louise needed to look at herself in a mirror as soon as possible though, because there must be something visibly different for Sheila to remark on it.

After waiting a while, Louise went into the ladies and the woman looking back at her in the mirror did look different, Louise could not define in what way, but certainly different.

Louise had to get thoughts of all other stuff out of her head and get on with running the office. She would not be seeing Tyrone that day but she was not sure whether that was a good thing or not.

The morning in the office went quite well, although Louise noticed that Sheila was a bit less mouthy than usual, probably because she had lost the sparring match.

It was a nice day and Louise went and sat in the nearby park at lunchtime as she had nothing else to do. Her phone buzzed to indicate that she had a text, it was from Tyrone.

Hi, Can't stop thinking about you, wish I was with you xxxx

Louise did not know whether to reply or not, or how to reply. She decided not to because Tyrone was probably in the company of Stan Meredith, the salesman that was training him, although she assumed that Tyrone had been alone when he sent the text.

Louise was so mixed up. She did not think that she would ever lose her feeling of guilt, and in some ways, she wished that what had happened had not happened. She did not know if she wanted it to happen again or not, despite it having been truly sensational. She supposed that she could not feel any more guilty if it did happen again.

The rest of the working day went okay, with Sheila continuing to be subdued. In fact, Sheila was fuming because the stuck-up bitch Louise Carver had got the better of her, Sheila would get her revenge somehow and sometime.

On Monday evening Philip was watching football on TV so Louise went to her bedroom with her mobile. She would text Tyrone and maybe even have a text conversation with him.

Hi Baby, I did not respond to your text in case Stan was with you. How are you? xx

Tyrone's response was almost instant.

I am okay but I want you so bad. I want to see you and I want to fuck you. xxxx

Louise squirmed as she lay on her bed, she did not know what the future held.

You will see me Wednesday when you are due in the office, don't know about the other bit. xxx

Tyrone was getting sexually aroused being in contact with the mature Louise, so he told her.

My cock is stiff just texting you, I have it out and I am stroking it. xxx

Louise squirmed some more, she was getting turned on but with her husband downstairs she had to be careful. Philip was not likely to be leaving the football game he was watching though.

Mmm, I can imagine it. I am getting horny myself. xxxx

Tyrone was wanking as he sent another text.

Do what we did the other night. I am wanking.

Louise was tempted, she was getting wet and squirming on the bed, but she couldn't, could she?

I can't my husband is downstairs.

That did not deter Tyrone, in fact, it encouraged him.

That makes it even more naughty and sexy, Do it, Louise.

After a very brief hesitation, Louise undid her jeans, lifted her arse off the bed, lowered her jeans and knickers to her thighs, and started fingering herself.

I am doing it. It is so wrong and so sexy, oh fuck.

Texting became less frequent, as Tyrone ran his hand rapidly up and down his large penis and Louise's fingers worked fast in her cunt. They were both approaching climax.

Shit Tyrone, I am cumming. Fuck! Louise texted.

Tyrone responded.

Me too. My spunk is spurting.

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There was then a period of non-communication before Louise sent another text.

What are you turning me into?

Tyrone, who was quite philosophical for one so young, responded.

Nothing that you have not always been.

The texts ended with them saying that they would see each other in the office on Wednesday, and they then both went to clean themselves up a bit. Louise felt good, in fact, she felt exhilarated again.

Tuesday in the office was uneventful, with Sheila longing for a chance to take Louise down a peg or two.

Louise went to work on Wednesday feeling nervous and excited, two emotions that she had felt a lot over the last week. She both longed to see Tyrone and was concerned about seeing him because she did not know what would be said or could be said.

Louise was at her desk when Tyrone arrived and their eyes met and they smiled, but it was a special smile, and Sheila Towers saw it.

Sheila, who was feeling frustrated because she had not been fucked for a week, could hardly believe what she had just seen. She knew that she teased Louise about fancying Tyrone but she never believed it, but that smile was not a normal smile between work colleagues.

That was something that Sheila would very much keep her eye on, was Mrs Goody Goody dropping her knickers for the hunky Tyrone?

Sheila was actually doing some work as well as trying to keep an eye on Louise and Tyrone, but work was on the back burner when she saw Louise get up from her desk and head for the kitchen, glancing at Tyrone on the way. If Tyrone followed her, Sheila had to know what happened next.

Tyrone did indeed get up from his desk and follow Louise towards the kitchen. Sheila got up from her desk too and went in the same direction.

Tyrone entered the kitchen, and having looked behind to make sure that nobody was there, ran his hand over Louise's arse.

"Mmmm, I like that," giggled Louise.

Sheila had arrived at the doorway just in time to see the arse feel and hear what Louise said.

Oblivious to Sheila's presence, Tyrone and Louise talked.

"When can I see you again?" asked Tyrone.

"We will go to the park at lunchtime and talk," replied Louise.

"Oh, can I come too?" said Sheila, a triumphant grin on her face.

"Wh..what do you mean?" said a shocked Louise.

"To the park with you two for a little talk; you can feel my arse if you want, Tyrone," said Sheila, delighted with life all of a sudden.

"Sheila, it is not what you think," said a flustered Louise.

"Of course it isn't; see you both at lunchtime," said Sheila, before another smile and walking away.

"Shit! Fuck!" said Louise to Tyrone, Sheila knowing or thinking she knew was her worst nightmare.

"Will she tell anyone?" asked Tyrone, who had not spoken since Sheila announced her presence.

"I don't know, but she hates me so she could do anything," said a worried Louise.

"Are you going to see her at lunchtime?" asked Tyrone.

"I don't think we have a choice," replied Louise.

Tyrone and Louise went back into the office, Sheila, not surprisingly, was looking very pleased with herself.

Louise was very miserable for the rest of the morning, worried about what Sheila would do in the long term and worried about lunchtime. She thought that it might be better if it was just Sheila and her without involving Tyrone in whatever Sheila wanted to say.

Lunchtime arrived and Sheila looked in the direction of Louise.

Louise got up from her desk and went to Sheila's.

"I will come with you to the park but can we leave Tyrone out of it?" Louise asked.

"Nope, he comes too, I want him to feel my arse," laughed Sheila.

The three of them went towards the park, one feeling very happy and the other two not so.

"Shall we go and sit somewhere or chat as we walk?" asked Sheila, loving her moment.

"You are in charge," responded Louise.

"Yeah, I am rather, aren't I? We will go to the pavilion up there," said Sheila, although she could not know that that was where Louise and Tyrone had gone the previous Thursday.

"So, how long have you two been fucking?" asked Sheila, as they walked towards the pavilion.

"We aren't," said Tyrone, instinctively.

"Of course you are sweetie, I saw how you looked at each other and I saw you caress her arse," responded Sheila.

"Sheila, what are you going to do? Who are you going to tell?" said a worried Louise, not wanting to play games.

"Well now, I could make an announcement in the office when we get back; Shall I do that?" smiled Sheila.

"Please don't, it is not fair on Louise," said Tyrone.

"Very noble of you, protecting your slutty lover," sneered Sheila.

"What is it going to take for you to keep your mouth shut about this?" said Louise, as they reached the pavilion.

"Straight to the point then, Mrs. Drop Her Knickers," laughed Sheila.

"You are loving this; tell us what you want," snapped Louise.

"Okay, the first thing that I want is for you to put your backside on that seat while your lover feels my arse," smiled Sheila.

Sheila sat down and Tyrone looked at her for guidance.

"Do it, Tyrone, please," said Louise.

"Yeah, do it, Tyrone, please," said Sheila, pointing her large arse at the young man.

After another look at Louise for confirmation that he was to do it, Tyrone put his hand on Sheila's backside and stroked.

"Do it like you mean it, caress it," demanded Sheila, and Tyrone ran his hand over Sheila's buttocks. Louise felt jealous and wondered what else Sheila would demand.

"Mmm, if he fucks anywhere near as good as he feels arse he must be amazing; is he amazing Louise?" smiled Sheila.

Louise did not answer.

"I think that is probably a yes," said Sheila, feeling the bulge that had formed in Tyrone's trousers.

"You have had your arse felt, now what?" said Louise.

"Well let me see; you have been a very naughty girl Mrs Stuck-up Bitch, I think that you should get your arse tanned," said Sheila, shocking Louise.

"Don't be ridiculous," said Louise.

"I think that I will tell your Philip and insist that I watch him spank your bare arse," continued the triumphant Sheila.

"No, no, don't tell Philip, please," Louise almost begged.

"But I want to see you get your arse spanked, who will do it?" smirked Sheila.

"Tyrone, he can spank me," blurted Louise, without thinking.

"Oh kinky, but I don't think that he would give you the good hiding that you deserve," said Sheila.

"I would, I would if you promise not to tell anyone about us," said Tyrone.

"Just one more thing and I will think about it," said Sheila.

"What else?" said a defeated Louise.

"I want a fucking from Tyrone, with you watching," said Sheila, glaring at Louise.

Tyrone and Louise looked at each other. Tyrone would not be averse to fucking Sheila, he quite fancied her, but not if it upset Louise.

"If we do these things, if Tyrone fucks you and spanks me, will you promise not to tell anyone?" asked Louise.

"I am not all bad, he can fuck you too, and yes, I promise," replied Sheila.

Louise did not trust Sheila, but she had little choice.

"Where and when?" said Louise, which was what Tyrone said to her less than a week before.

"My house, whenever you two lovebirds can make it," said Sheila.

Sorting the when might be a problem, but it was agreed.

They went back to the office, Sheila's victory almost complete.

Louise Carver knew that when she had sex with Tyrone McMorris her life had changed forever. She was now committed to watching her young lover fuck a woman that she despised and have that woman watch her get her arse spanked. The upside was that she would get another fucking from Tyrone too.

Written by PJH
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