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Louise Carver's Awakening

"A married woman has a sexual awakening when a much younger male shows an interest in her."

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Louise Carver was aged forty-nine, was married to Philip, and had been for many years. They were parents and now grandparents.

Like probably the vast majority of marriages, sometimes their relationship was great, sometimes it was good and sometimes it was not so good, and much the same applied to their sex life.

They had had rocky passages in their marriage but neither of them had strayed, although both had considered doing so if the opportunity arose during spells when things were not so good.

Louise was quite tall for a woman, not exceptionally so but slightly above average height. She did not consider herself to be particularly attractive and she very rarely felt that she was sexy, although she was wrong on both counts in the eyes of some.

Louise worked in the office of a company that manufactured and sold glazing both to private individuals and to companies. She was, to all intents and purposes, the office manager, although she did not actually have that title.

The company was doing well and had recently had a recruitment drive, mostly for salespersons.

One recently appointed trainee salesperson was a twenty-year-old black male named Tyrone McMorris. He was a likeable young man, confident but not overconfident or cocky, and he was settling in well.

Some of his time was spent on the road with one of the senior salespersons, but he also spent a lot of time in the office.

Louise had rather taken Tyrone under her wing when he was in the office, simply because she liked him and hoped that he made a success of his career with the company.

Another female office employee, Sheila Towers, teased Louise about her 'mothering' of Tyrone, saying that Louise wanted to get at his cock. Louise could, in all honesty, deny that, because although he was undeniably good-looking, Louise had no sexual thoughts about him, and knew that he would have none about her.

Sheila was not really serious with her teasing because she did not think for a moment that Louise would stray with Tyrone or anyone else, she seemed much too strait-laced for that. Sheila, on the other hand, would stray if given the chance, and often did.

The company acquired a very lucrative contract and all employees were invited to attend a local hotel bar for drinks, all paid for by the company. Attending was not compulsory and Louise did not really want to go, but her husband said that she should do so.

It was not that she did not get on well with all or most of the staff, she just did not mix with them socially very often.

"Are you going to the Bull Hotel tonight Louise?" the smiling Tyrone asked Louise on the day of the drinks invite. He had originally always called her Mrs. Carver but now used her first name on Louise's insistence.

"I am not sure, I don't really want to go but my husband says that I should go," replied Louise.

"I say you should go too," laughed Tyrone.

"Oh well, in that case, how can I not go?" laughed Louise, although still not sure whether to go or not.

The end of the office day was reached with staff saying 'see you later' to other staff, the get together was arranged from seven that evening.

"You are going tonight, aren't you Louise?" Tyrone asked Louise, as people started to leave the office.

"Well, somebody has to look after you," chuckled Louise, possibly for the first time noticing just how sexy the well-built and handsome young man was.

"Thanks, mum," laughed Tyrone, with a special sparkle in his brown eyes.

Louise got home and now she had to think of what to wear, although she did not have very long to make up her mind. It was not a dinner so her evening gown that she rather liked herself in would be over the top, but she needed to be in more than jeans and a T-shirt.

She had a shower and then did something that was rare for her, she looked at her naked body in the wardrobe mirror. The worrying thing for her was that she did not know why she was looking at her body.

She mentally admonished herself, but still she looked. Her breasts were firm and quite impressive, her vagina had trimmed hair around it, and she turned and looked at her arse, which was also firm.

Louise settled on wearing red knickers and bra under a green blouse and a black trouser suit, although she had another look in the mirror when she was dressed because she was concerned that the trousers were too tight across her buttocks.

Philip dropped her off at the hotel and told her to phone when she wanted to be picked up but Louise knew that he wanted to watch football on TV, so she said that she would get a taxi or maybe have one of her workmates drop her off at home.

Louise arrived just before seven o'clock and it seemed that the entire workforce was there, meaning about thirty people.

Tyrone was chatting to a couple of the salesmen and his eyes met Louise's and they smiled at each other and raised a hand in a wave.

The company MD made a brief speech thanking everyone for their efforts past and future and saying that he would leave them to the drinks but not to go silly as it was a work day the following day.

People mingled and chatted, and had a drink, but Louise was not feeling comfortable and was wishing that she was not there. Tyrone appeared by her side.

"This is nice of the boss, isn't it?" smiled Tyrone, he always seemed to be smiling.

"Yes, it is," replied Louise, not adding that she wished that she was not there.

Tyrone looked as though he wanted to say something but was not sure whether he should. He was then speaking.

"Louise, I really like you," said the handsome young man.

"I really like you too, Tyrone," replied Louise, thinking that it had been a strange thing for Tyrone to say.

"No, I mean like you as in fancy in, I want to fuck you," said Tyrone, knowing that he could not unsay what he had just said.

Louise, not surprisingly, was stunned, but regained her senses and replied.

"No, no Tyrone, I am married, I am old, I am not attractive, I..., you can't think that," said a flustered Louise. She hoped that nobody had heard what Tyrone had said and was thankful to realise that they were standing a little away from everyone else.

"I know you are married, but you are not old and you are gorgeous," said Tyrone.

"You have been drinking, let's forget you said what you said," responded a still-flustered Louise.

"I have only had one drink and I know what I am saying; I have wanted you just about since the day I started," continued Tyrone.

"Tyrone, we must forget this, it never happened, okay?" said Louise, her mind in turmoil.

"Can we talk about it another time, please?" said Tyrone, looking like he might burst into tears.

"Yes, another time," said Louise to placate him, but she did not want to talk about it ever again.

One of the salesmen called Tyrone away, and Louise was thankful.

"You still trying to get his trousers off," chuckled Sheila Towers, who sidled up alongside Louise.

"Don't be ridiculous," snapped Louise, and it was a snap.

"Oh, don't mind me; I was only teasing," said Sheila, moving away to see if she could have more fun somewhere else, possibly with one of the salesmen that had fucked her before.

Louise was mixed up. She thought that Tyrone probably believed what he had said, but it was ridiculous that he should fancy her. She thought it ridiculous that anyone should fancy her, she just did not see herself as attractive.

Louise stayed on the periphery of what was going on and waited for an opportune moment to leave. She had not wanted to come, and now she wished that she hadn't.

She had no further contact with Tyrone, although their eyes met a couple of times.

She phoned for a taxi and left without really saying goodbye to anyone, although she did glance in Tyrone's direction as she left, he was in a huddle with various salespersons.

When Louise got home, Philip was watching football and she replied 'Not really' to his 'Did you enjoy yourself?' question.

There was no sex between Louise and Philip, he did not suggest it and even if he had, she would have said no.

Louise did not sleep though, she lay awake thinking back over what Tyrone had said. She was pretty sure that he meant it and believed it, but it was too ridiculous for words. She was shocked to find herself actually wondering what it would be like.

It was the early hours of the morning and Louise had not had any sleep of note. She knew that she would have to face Tyrone in the office in a few hours and she wondered what she would say, what could she say?

Louise did get a bit of sleep but felt pretty rough when she had to get up. The problem of what to say to Tyrone still remained, maybe saying nothing would be best.

Despite feeling like shit and knowing that she looked tired, Louise was at work slightly earlier than she need have been, still trying to rationalise things.

She would not or could not accept that a handsome young man, twenty-nine years younger than her, really did find her sexually alluring, it had to be something else. She was now working on the theory that Tyrone was a virgin and he saw her as a safe place to lose his virginity.

Every time the door opened to announce the arrival of a member of staff for the day's work, Louise looked up, both in hope and trepidation. There were greetings and chuckles about the previous evening but Louise could not and did not contribute. It was almost the official starting time and still, there was no Tyrone.

A whole new set of thoughts rushed through Louise's head. Was he sick? Was he too embarrassed to come to work? Had he run away?

The next time the door opened, Tyrone McMorris entered. He did not look as confident as usual and, unusually, he did not look in the direction of Louise's desk, which had often been the first or one of the first things that he did.

Tyrone seemed unusually subdued, but he finally glanced towards Louise, who unbeknown to him had been focused on him since his arrival. Tyrone smiled, but not his usual beaming smile. Louise smiled back, but weakly, she suddenly felt sorry for him and wanted to hug him.

Louise had to talk to him. The kitchen was a good place but that was very busy at the moment with people making their morning coffees. She waited until everyone had settled down at their desks and then looked towards Tyrone, who was looking towards her. Louise nodded towards the kitchen and Tyrone acknowledged that he understood.

It was still possible that someone would enter at any time but for the moment, there was just the forty-nine-year-old married white woman and the young black male there, neither of them sure what they were going to say.

"Look Louise, I am so sorry for what I said," blurted Tyrone.

"Oh, so you didn't mean it?" replied Louise, not sure if that would please her or not.

"Fuck yes, I meant it; sometimes I toss myself off thinking of you being naked," said Tyrone.

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If Louise had been holding a cup, it would now be shattered on the floor.

"Tyrone, you mustn't say that and think that," said Louise, opening and closing her fists because if she didn't she would be throwing her arms around Tyrone and kissing him.

"It is the truth, Louise, I long to have you," said a sad-looking Tyrone.

"I am married, I..." Louise started to repeat her response of the previous evening.

"Don't you fancy me?" interrupted Tyrone.

"I can't think about you in that way, I must not," said Louise, realising that they could not be in the kitchen much longer without someone wondering what was going on.

"Meet me in the park at lunchtime," said Louise, hurriedly making a coffee and leaving the kitchen.

Louise had no idea how the lunchtime conversation would go, but something needed to be said and it could not be said in the office kitchen.

Louise and Tyrone glanced at each other a few times during the morning, but basically just got on with their work. Lunchtime arrived, and Louise got up from her desk, as did a few others. Lunch breaks were staggered so that the office always had some staff. Tyrone also left his desk.

Louise did not need to look behind to know that Tyrone was following as she walked the short distance to the park. She had decided that she would have one more attempt at convincing Tyrone to forget what had been said, although forgetting it was impossible.

Tyrone walked a respectable distance behind Louise, his eyes on her backside in quite a tight skirt.

Louise reached the park and took a path that branched off the main path, she wanted to find somewhere where they could talk in private and also somewhere where they were unlikely to be seen by anyone from the office, should anyone else be spending their lunchtime in the park.

She reached a sort of pavilion which had benches on each of its four sides, she sat on the bench on the side facing away from the direction that she had come. Tyrone arrived moments later.

"Sit down, Tyrone, we need to talk," said Louise, her heart thumping. Tyrone sat down leaving a bit of space between them, but not a lot.

"Now, you might think that you like me but you must see how impossible it is," said Louise.

"I don't think I like you, I know I like you, and I know that I want to fuck you," replied Tyrone.

"Tyrone, young men like you sometimes see a mature lady and think, um, well, um, think what you are thinking," said Louise, trying to keep some sort of control and to talk some sort of sense.

"Young men like me? Oh, I see, you think I am a virgin," smiled Tyrone.

"Um, well, I don't know...are you?" said Louise, sure that she must be blushing.

"Actually no, I am a lot of fucks from being a virgin, many of them with a married woman older than you," answered Tyrone.

"Oh, right, um, oh," said Louise, her mind befuddled.

"I know what I am saying, and as I said, I have wanted you since very soon after I started working for the company," said Tyrone, who was now the one that was in control because his revelation about fucking another married woman had knocked Louise sideways.

"Tyrone, I can't believe that you see me like that," said Louise.

"I do, Louise, you are a very attractive and very sexy woman," said Tyrone, his brown eyes looking deep into Louise's.

"Please don't say those things," said Louise, falling under Tyrone's spell.

"Why not? They are true," said Tyrone, tentatively putting his hand on Louise's thigh over her skirt, Louise did not push his hand away.

Their heads moved slowly towards each other, each with their eyes on the other's lips.

"Oh Tyrone, we..." said Louise, but her hand was now on Tyrone's thigh, and their lips met.

Their lips barely touched and their heads separated, but then came together again and it was a proper kiss that became a tongue-swapping snog as their hands ran over the other's thighs. Tyrone's penis stiffened in his trousers and Louise's knickers got damp.

The snog seemed endless, but eventually, their heads separated again.

"Tyrone, it is so wrong for so many reasons," said Louise, who wanted him to fuck her right now.

"Yes, but you want me as much as I want you, don't you?" said Tyrone.

"I have never...I mustn't," protested Louise.

"Say it, Louise, say that you want me to fuck you," said Tyrone.

"Yes, yes, I want you to fuck me," replied Louise, thinking that she must be dreaming all this.

"When? When can we do it?" asked an elated Tyrone.

"Oh, oh, I don't know, it is impossible," said Louise.

"We both want it so bad, we will find a way, won't we?" said Tyrone.

"Yes, we will, baby," answered Louise, initiating another snog, this time she massaged Tyrone's trousers and he felt huge.

They broke from their kiss to see a woman with a dog glaring at them.

"Disgusting," said the disapproving woman, before walking on beyond the pavilion.

"Good job I had not got your trousers off," laughed Louise, feeling lightheaded.

"But you will have another time," smiled Tyrone, relieved that he had not ejaculated in his boxers.

"Oh yes," answered a wild-eyed Louise.

They knew that they had to calm themselves before going back to the office. The best way to do it would have been to fuck, but that could not be done right now. They slowly regained their senses, and Tyrone's erection started to soften. They knew that they would fuck, the when and where was still to be sorted.

They went back to the office separately and frequently smiled at each other during the afternoon.

Tyrone was scheduled to be out on the road with a salesman the next day, which was a Friday, so they would not be seeing each other.

That Thursday evening, Louise felt swamped with guilt. She was very subdued and Philip asked her what was wrong and she answered that she had a bad headache. The same response met Philip's sexual advances in bed. For the second consecutive night, Louise did not sleep much.

In contrast, Tyronne felt delighted with life that Thursday evening, especially when spunk shot out of his impressive cock at the culmination of his masturbation thinking about fucking Louise Carver.

By Friday morning, Louise had decided that she could not possibly go ahead with having sex with Tyrone, as much as she wanted to. She decided to text him, she had his mobile number through her capacity of running the office, but he did not have hers.

Tyrone, we cannot do this. Sorry x

Louise sent the text but did not expect it to be that simple. The reply she got a while later surprised her.

You need some time to think, I understand x

She did not text back, but the young man's reply had not closed the door on sex, nor accepted her suggestion that the door be closed.

Louise now felt concerned that Tyrone had her mobile number, and she hoped that he would be sensible enough not to phone her or text her when she might be in the company of her husband. She need not have worried on that score, because despite her being in Tyrone's head much of the time he knew it would not be wise to contact her except maybe when she was in the office.

Louise was unsettled, as well as tired, throughout her working day on Friday but had no further contact with Tyrone.

On Friday evening, Philip went out to the pub with some mates, a regular occurrence on that day, and Louise was at home with her thoughts.

Those thoughts had now swung back again towards Tyrone and having sex with him, although feelings of guilt were still in the background. Louise decided to phone him, despite having no idea what he might be doing. He could be fucking the other married woman that he had mentioned for all Louise knew.

"Hello Louise," said a surprised and delighted Tyrone when he answered the call.

"Hey, how are you?" said Louise in a sexy voice, a voice that she did not often use.

"I am good, how are you?" replied Tyrone.

"Very mixed up, but I am thinking about you. What are you doing, baby?" said the still sexy-voiced Louise.

"Ha, right now I am getting my cock out of my boxers and starting to wank," answered Tyrone.

Louise knew that she should be shocked, but she wasn't, and she undid her jeans.

"Mmmm, well I am now putting my hand inside my knickers," replied Louise.

"Really? I guess you are on your own," said Tyrone.

"Yeah, hubby is at the pub; Are you alone?" said Louuise. now fingering her cunt.

"Mum is downstairs, I am in my room," replied Tyrone, wanking faster.

"Not fucking your married woman then?" said Louse, playing with her clit.

"No, I am having phone masturbation with the married woman that I am going to fuck," answered Tyrone, now really tugging his rigid penis.

The talk went on with Louise's fingers working rapidly in her increasingly wet cunt and Tyrone's hand becoming a blur as it shot up and down his huge penis. Excitement mounted and mounted, the end was getting close for both of them.

"We will fuck, baby, I promise, Oh shit, I'm cumming!" said Louise, raising her arse off her chair.

"Me too, oh fuck," replied Tyrone, as his semen spurted from his penis.

There was a brief silence as they had their mutual climaxes, Louise worrying that her cum might stain the chair and Tyrone concerned about where his spunk was splattering.

"Wow!" laughed Louise.

"Yeah, wow! When can we fuck?" replied Tyrone.

"Tomorrow, my husband is at football tomorrow," blurted Louise, it was so spontaneous.

"Realy? Where?" said a delighted Tyrone.

"My house, but I will pick you up because my neighbours must not see you," said Louise, thinking on her feet, or rather on her arse.

They fixed a time and place for Louise to pick her about to be lover up, it was going to happen.

When the chat finished, Louise wondered just what she had just done and what she had arranged to do.

Louise Carver, who did not consider herself remotely sexy, had just masturbated whilst talking on the phone to a much younger male who was also masturbating. Not only that, she had arranged to meet him for a fuck the next day.

She had not slept much for the last two nights, she did not know if she would sleep much this coming night.

Tyrone McMorris did not know if he would sleep much, he was so happy.

Philip came home from the pub, he had had a few, and promptly fell asleep in the armchair. The pub was within staggering distance of his home.

Louise left him there and went to bed, she was so tired from lack of sleep the previous two nights that she fell asleep but was awoken when Philip made his way to bed in the early hours. Louise was then awake with her thoughts and she could not understand why the feelings of guilt were disappearing.

In a few hours, she was due to pick up Tyrone McMorris and have what promised to be a memorable fuck.

Written by PJH
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