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Jan Acts Out Her Slutty Fantasy

"Jan wants to be a slut and finally gets her wish."

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Jan was now retired, she had lived a safe predictable but comfortable life watching her children grow up, marry and make her a grandma. When she had passed sixty-two and became a widow she realised guys didn’t look at her with desire anymore as they did when she was young, she could not recall when it changed?

After four decades of marriage her husband Mike passed away, Jan tried another relationship, but it didn’t last long because she realised she did not want to be tied to a man again. Jan enjoyed the freedom and independence of her single life, the small downside to freedom was loneliness, kicking around an empty house. What she sometimes missed was when she had those horny moments, when she craved the physical contact and passion of a man, feeling his body pressed against her, having a hard cock inside her pussy.

Jan had learned over time to become an expert with her fingers while watching herself masturbating in front of the mirror then she recalled a moment of lust a long time ago.

Jan could not know how a chance encounter today was going to fulfill the longing she fantasised about in those intimate moments of desire.


Jan was casually strolling through the crowded store, the multitude of voices all talking together made it feel claustrophobic. Jan like a magpie was looking at anything that took her interest. This was an exercise she performed practically every Wednesday. This was when she would meet Sally for a coffee and an indulgent slice of cake. Jan and Sally met regularly since Jan’s husband passed away three years ago, the first year it was therapy, it got her out of the house, then it had became a pleasant habit.

Jan glanced at her watch and sighed, she still had twenty minutes before coffee with Sally, so out of boredom she made her way to the lingerie department, Jan liked to browse in that sensual extravagant department.

She had a weakness for sexy underwear, so when she found the pink satin knickers she felt a familiar tingle; Jan felt the smoothness as they slipped between her fingers. They were totally impractical and ridiculously skimpy. Jan closed her eyes and deliberated how she would look wearing them, the notion pleased her, a small smile danced across her mouth.

She knew the gratification she would enjoy feeling those knickers pressed against her skin, so shear they were practically see through; provocative and teasing. Enough to drive a man wild? The kind a slut would wear to inflame a man?

Jan was now contemplating later today when she would be alone, dressed in nothing but those knickers. Sprawled on her bed watching herself in the mirror, leisurely caressing her tits. Stroking her nipples, feeling them grow hard and sensitive.

The sensation in her pussy as searching fingers investigated the silky knickers, her pussy becoming damp from her caressing.

When she could take the teasing no longer she would gently push the gusset of the knickers to one side exposing her swollen lips, Jan would be eager to introduce impatient fingers into her yearning pussy.

Jan was suddenly startled she became aware of voices as someone bumped into her, brining her back to reality, the stranger mumbled, “Sorry.”

Jan’s eyes sprang open; she was staring straight at a guy across the store watching her.

He was smiling and she automatically smiled back, then realised she was holding the knickers tightly in her hand and blushed bright red. Although quite impossible she imagined he knew what she had been dreaming. She dropped the offending knickers and grabbed the first thing that came to hand, unfortunately, a rather formal jumper.

While pretending to inspect the jumper she swivelled her eyes to look at the guy, he was still there looking at her with a big silly grin on his face. He was stood in a queue waiting to pay for a shirt. Jan had to admit he was quite good looking, slim with hair that was once brown but now had flecks of grey running through it. How old was he? Perhaps sixty but he looked in good shape, Jan could see laughter lines around his brown eyes. He was dressed in a dark jacket and jeans; she thought it smart but casual.

Jan watched him pay for the purchase then instead of heading towards the store exit, he began walking in her direction. Jan felt a knot in her stomach, she wanted him to walk up to her but at the same time, it filled her with anxiety. She clutched the jumper staring at it intently.

She sensed the stranger was close; perhaps he was he going to pass her by on the way to some other destination?

“I don’t know if you want my advice but if you are going to choose between that jumper and those enchanting knickers, please let it be the latter, that shade of pink is your colour.” His voice was deep and warm.

Jan was frozen she just stared blankly and mumbled, “Thank you”

The stranger stood for a moment, smiled and walked away.

Jan stood motionless for a while then threw down the jumper and picked up the pink satin knickers and bought them.

She didn’t know why but the whole situation seemed surreal but also erotic, she decided she wanted to wear the outfit, for him to watch her. Would he be aroused seeing her wearing them? Enough to rip off her flimsy pink knickers?

Looking around the crowded store she realised he was gone. The moment had in the blink of an eye, slipped away and she felt ridiculous and disappointed.

Jan gave up looking, dumped the silly daydream of a sixty-year-old grandma and set off to meet Sally for the usual coffee, as she had done many times before.


Sam needed a new shirt; he had no option but to look smart at work because his boss was a demanding woman. He entered the store and briskly made his way to the men’s department. It was an easy choice, and it took no time to choose the classic white shirt. Standing at the counter waiting to pay for the shirt he noticed her.

At first glance, he noticed she was tall and slim with a cropped slightly old-fashioned hairstyle, but that suited her face, which was actually pretty. She had dark sultry eyes and a mouth that some might think too wide but Sam found it sensual. She was wearing a knee-length dress that hugged her body, but not too tightly. Just enough to flatter her graceful shape. Her breasts didn’t look large; Sam liked her pert tits, and instantly thought about how they would they jiggle when freed from the constrictions of her bra.

Sam noticed that she had now closed her eyes and was clutching tightly a very skimpy pair of pink knickers.

Sam studied her more closely, she had enigmatic smile lighting up her face and he wanted to know what she was thinking.

As Sam was watching a woman brushed against her, the knicker lady opened her eyes and made direct eye contact with Sam then her eyes widened, she seemed shocked.

Sam smiled; she smiled back, but looked embarrassed and blushed.

Sam was now captivated and wanted to talk to her. He paid for his shirt and headed towards her. By the time he got close she was clutching a rather plain jumper.

Sam said, “I don’t know if you want my advice but if you are choosing between that jumper and those enchanting knickers, please let it be the latter, that shade of pink is your colour.”

He hoped for a friendly response, instead, she stood impassively and after what seemed like an eternity she softly mumbled a nondescript, “thank you.”

Sam gave her a halfhearted smile and reluctantly walked away. He was irritated with himself, he now wished he had said something different, something witty.

Perhaps he had embarrassed her, and she seemed a little cold.

Sam needed to pee.

As Sam exited the toilet he had to check twice, as not far in front was the same mysterious pink knicker woman, he knew in a moment she would be gone, what should he do?

“Hello again,” he called out.

She looked at him and this time her smile was warm and wide, “It's you, sorry I was in a day dream back then.”

“Day dreaming, about what?”

“The knick….um, Oh, nothing much.” Jan blushed again.

He smiled and said, “I am Sam.”

“Hello Sam, Jan,” she replied.

“If I asked you for a coffee what would you say?”

Jan grimaced, “I am supposed to be meeting a friend for coffee.”

“Well it was a long shot, but did you take my advice on your purchase.” Said Sam.

Jan looked a little uncomfortable held up a small bag and said, “Yes it was, err, useful.”

Sam replied, “glad to be of help, perhaps I will see you again, that is if you want, sometime… Soon?”

“That would be nice, but I can't today,” Jan said.

Jan was torn, she wanted to stay but she was already late, Sally was probably waiting in the café wondering where the hell she was. Jan was staring intently at Sam.

She made a split decision.

“Don’t move, I have to make a call,” she said fumbling in her bag. She took out her phone and punched the speed dial, the phone beeped, a female voice on the other end answered, “hi Jan, late again, where are you?”

“So sorry Sal, I can’t make it today, I have to look after the grandchildren, Mike my son has an emergency at work. I feel awful for standing you up at such short notice.”

“That’s ok Jan, these things happen, we will meet up same time next week?”

Jan replied, “That’s a date, see you then.”

Sam smiled and said, “Do I take it you are you free now?”

Jan felt a rush of excitement; she had lied so easily to her friend and was going off with a stranger, but one she found eye-catching.

“Yes, I suppose I am, I don’t know what made me do that. I can’t remember when I did anything as impulsive,” Jan said.

“Impulsive can be good, now do you fancy a coffee?” Sam asked.

“Not here, Sally is in the café, and I can’t let her see me with you.”

“How did you get here,” Sam enquired.

“I was dropped off by my son, Sally normally drives me home after we look round the shops,” Jan responded.

“Well my car is in the car park, but it's nearly out of time, do you want to go for a drive?”

Jan looked at Sam, she had never been picked up and was excited, and she now felt a little light-headed. Feeling free and energized she smiled, then she teased, “What kind of woman do you think I am Sam?”

He leaned a little closer; she could smell his after-shave, “I think you are impulsive. I think it will be fun to find out what kind of woman you are.”

They left the store together and drove off in Sam’s car.

Sam drove for a while, the CD was playing classical music, “I hope you like Mozart, my day isn’t complete without a little Mozart.” Sam said.

“Yes, I often listen to classical music, I think opera is timeless,” Jan replied. She was in a relaxed dreamy state. The warmth of the sun through the windscreen and the rocking motion of the car made her feel comfortable sitting in the deep seat. She was wondering what made her leave with Sam, but she knew it was the thrill, the unfamiliar, it excited her and a tiny tingle between her legs made her shiver, perhaps with anticipation, as she clutched the bag with the pink knickers.

They drove miles, lazily chatting about nothing really important, then Sam enquired, “Do you have to be anywhere essential anytime soon?”

Jan shook her head, “I am a free woman, no commitments or obligations. Why Sam what have you in mind?”

“My place is not far, and the coffee is quite good. Or would you feel more comfortable in a public place?”

Jan looked at Sam and said coyly, “Do you do this often Sam? Pick women up?”

“Only if they are pretty and mysterious,” Sam replied and laughed.

Jan laughed, “You say the nicest things, let's go for that coffee Sam.”

Sam’s place was a semi-detached house, not large but comfy, he parked his car in the space in front of the house, got out of his car and opened the passenger door for Jan.

She slid out gracefully and they walked towards the front door.

Out of the blue Jan suddenly became nervous, “Seriously Sam, believe me, I really don’t ever do this, that is, go with men I don’t know. I was married for forty years and was never unfaithful, in fact, all my life I have only been intimate with three men.”

Sam interrupted, “slow down Jan, I like you and want to get to know you, so let's see what happens. We can enjoy each other’s company, and when you decide that you want to go home just say so.

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I won’t even be upset if it’s in five minutes time. In fact, if you want me to take you home right now we can meet up another day, would that make you feel more comfortable?”

Jan looked at Sam, his lips carried a feint smile and his eyes were warm. Jan felt the nervousness dissolve, the knot in her stomach told her she was getting excited at the prospect of diving into the unfamiliar.

Jan nodded at Sam. “The reserved Jan would take your offer of meeting up another time, but at this moment the inquisitive, impulsive Jan has overruled her and wants to be with you, so shall we see if your coffee is as good as you claim it is?”

Sam took Jan’s hand and led her inside.

It was a modern clean house, obviously a mans place, everything functional and uncluttered. The furnishings matched but were a little bland for Jan’s taste.

“Take a seat,” Sam gestured to the sofa, a large three seater facing a large T.V.

“I will go and make the coffee, you relax and chose some music.”

Jan flicked through the CD collection and decided on Chopin, perhaps not light hearted music but her favourite piano player.

It didn’t take Sam long to return with the coffee and a plate with a selection of biscuits.

“Nice music, help yourself to the only thing I can offer you, some biscuits. I hope there is something that takes your fancy?” Sam passed her a cup and offered her the tray.

“Thanks, who could want anything more,“ Jan responded and took a chocolate one.

They drank coffee and nibbled biscuits and told each other the bland safe things that strangers reveal to each other.

The coffee was gone, only crumbs remained of the biscuits and Sam and Jan were now sitting closer together. The hours had slipped by in pleasant conversation. A little laughter and a little flirting, the sun was now low on the horizon. They were absorbed with each other.

Sam had one question that had been on his mind since he first set eyes on her, and now he felt confident enough to ask. “Jan, when I first saw you, you were holding those divine pink knickers in your hands. Your eyes were shut and that intrigued me, what were you thinking?”

Jan remembered all to well and blushed, “Of all the questions to ask, I don’t think I can to tell you.”

“Please, I won’t laugh or judge, I can’t get it out of my mind, you looked entranced.”

Jan pondered, then she started her story, “It was something that happened so long ago, I was in high school and like all the girls had a crush on the school football team. We used to hang around and watch them practice. Well one day a young guy that had talked to me a few times before came up and asked me if I wanted to go for a walk, I was so flattered that he was taking an interest that I would have said yes to just about anything he asked.

We walked and he told me how pretty I was, he put his arm around me and by then we were near a small wooded park. He led me into it and I didn’t put up much resistance.

When we were in a secluded place he started feeling my tits through my top, if felt so good. He was saying how much he had fancied me for a long time and wanted me to be his girlfriend.

By now we were on the ground and he had pushed up my skirt and quickly pulled down my knickers. He asked me if I wanted to fuck and I was wet at the thought of a star footballer being my boyfriend, “yes I want you to take me, I want you inside me,” I pulled down my knickers and unbuckled his belt.

He pushed his jeans down to his knees and I saw his cock hard and erect, it looked huge to me.

He kept saying how much he liked me and that this was special.

Then he pushed my legs apart and his cock slid into me, he was thrusting hard and fast.

Except for my knickers, I was fully dressed and he only had pulled down his jeans.

He was so hard and desperate and stabbing my pussy with his cock so furiously that I orgasmed quickly and as I did he cried, “oh fuck baby,” and came.

It seemed that almost as soon as he came he withdrew, stood up wiped his cock with a tissue, zipped up his jeans and said something like, “sorry babe but I have to go, I will see you around, let's do this again, it was fun.”

The whole thing from pulling down my knickers to him zipping up his jeans lasted about five minutes.

He didn’t even know my name and the next day, he didn’t give me a second glance at next football practice, he was with another girl.

But do you want to know something; I was a virgin when he fucked me for fun.

Sam was taken by surprise at her confession, he said, “That was awful, and your first time.”

Jan continued. “But the strange thing is that as he was fucking me for fun his desperate animal passion turned me on. Afterward, I did feel used like a slut, but the more I thought about it the more I liked the feeling.”

Jan smiled at the shocked look on Sam’s face; she was feeling more confident and aroused now. “It was the most intense orgasm I have ever had, I kept the knickers for a week after, I could smell his cum on them. I would sniff them as I watched myself fingering my pussy.”

Jan was observing Sam’s face as she told her tale and knew he was as excited as she was.

“That is why I like to buy slutty underwear, and enjoy masturbating in front of the mirror, thinking of that day”

Sam was stunned, but also aroused, his cock was uncomfortable encased in his pants, “Wow Jan, what do I say to that?”

Jan was silent for a moment then continued, “five years later I was married, to Mike, he was a good man but I know he married me because he got me pregnant. Sex was Okay, gentle and loving. But over time and by that I mean near forty years it fizzled out. We ended up close friends, but don’t get me wrong in our way did love each other. Then when he died I didn’t really want to be tied down again.

Sam could see how Jan was recalling her life, but it was as if he wasn’t there, she was deep in thought, remembering her past, talking as much to herself as him.

Jan continued, “Just recently I did try a relationship, whatever that means. He was a kind man, but I think he was lonely more than anything and I was not prepared to be a comfort blanket, also the sex wasn’t all that good, I had not realized that sex was something that I didn’t want, I needed.”

Jan stopped talking and looked at Sam, she asked, “Well Sam what kind of woman do you think I am now?”

Sam was in confusion, “You looked smartly dressed, stylish and pretty. I would have taken you for an accountant or a lawyer. I was attracted to the enigmatic aura surrounding you. Yes, there was something erotic about the way you held those knickers, something slightly kinky that I loved. I wanted to meet you.

I don’t know if I should be but if we are being honest I do feel aroused by your story.”

Jan had hoped for this reaction, “Perhaps I hoped you would be turned on, perhaps I am turned on as well Sam, if I was a slut what would you do?

Jan noticed Sam’s bulge smiled and said, “When you looked at me that first time I was holding those knickers and thinking about how I would look in them, I wanted to think about a man lusting after me as I was wearing them, him taking me like a whore feeling like I did many years ago.”

Sam spluttered, “wow that is a hell of a fantasy, you don’t look the whore type of woman.”

“That’s the point, I have been a good girl, a good mother, and I have always had that memory, craving to feel raw passion, primitive lust, to be taken. And always pushed it away.”

Sam’s cock was hard, he felt the warmth of Jan’s body against his, he had his arm around Jan, comforting her. He desperately wanted her; she hungered to be taken so he decided he was going to fuck her.

He lightly moved his arm and gently popped the top button of her dress, Jan didn’t resist, so he popped the second button, then the third, as he was popping the fourth button Jan said in a not very convincing voice, “Sam what are you doing? We have only just met and this is inappropriate touching.”

Sam replied, “First I am going to remove your dress, so stand up.”

“Oh Sam, this is so wrong, I told you I am a good girl.” Jan stood up. Sam gave the dress a tug and it slid down her body and Jan stepped out of it.

“Good girl now take off your bra, show me your little tits” Sam ordered.

“I shouldn’t Sam, it's so wrong,” Jan replied at the same time she undid her bra and let it fall, releasing her tits. They were small and firm, and as Sam suspected they did jiggle as they popped from her bra. Her petite nipples stood erect.

Sam said, “They are lovely tits, I am going to suck your nipples and you are going to let me, what do you think of that Jan, would a good girl like her tits sucked?”

Jan now let all pretence go, she was living her fantasy, “Sam I am not a good girl, the only thing I am good for is filling with cum.”

Sam stood up and guided Jan to the sofa, he laid her down and started to suck and bite her nipples, Jan moaned and held Sam’s head firmly against her chest.

Sam pulled away and took off his shirt, and unbuckled his jeans. He flicked off his shoes pulled off his socks then slid his jeans down his legs and stood out of them.

Jan was transfixed watching him undress; as he slid off his jeans his cock sprang into view, it appeared as if from nowhere, he was not wearing any underwear.

Jan gasped at Sam’s nakedness and her eyes widened, “Sam I can see your cock, you are so aroused. I want you so eager that you cum as soon as your cock is inside me, just fuck me like a slut.”

Sam grinned, “I am going to. Take off your knickers and spread your legs you slut.”

Jan panted, “Do you think that cock of yours is enough, will it satisfy a slut like me?”

As she was talking she razed her hips slightly and hooked her thumbs round the top of her knickers, hastily she pushed at them, Sam took them and slid them down her legs now she was also now naked.

Her legs were slim and the dark patch of soft hair covering her pubic bulge stood out in contrast to her pale skin. Sam stroked her silky patch and sighed, “Your pussy is beautiful, and my cock is aching to fuck it.”

Then Sam tried to push her legs apart, Jan held them together, “do you think I will make this easy, show me that you want me enough?”

Sam placed his hands inside Jan’s tightly closed legs and pushed hard, slowly they parted and Sam wedged his body between them.

Jan watched as Sam’s erect cock came closer, she was gasping, “Ohh Sam, Ohh Sam that cock, push it in my slutty hole.”

Jan felt his cock brush against her pussy lips; she shifted her hips to stop him entering her so Sam pushed her legs as wide apart as he could; now she could not move.

Jan felt Sam’s body slide closer, then his cock pushed between her lips and penetrated the depths of her pussy, slowly forcing its way inside.

Jan moaned as she felt his cock deep inside, “Sam tell me you are desperate, show me you are an animal, are you going to cum in me? Fill me with your dirty spunk?”

Sam said, “Oh Jesus Christ Jan, I can feel my cock in you.”

Jan was seeping wetness, and her pussy was throbbing. She was impaled on his shaft and felt as if Sam’s cock was filling her.

Sam grasped the cheeks of Jan’s arse and began frantically thrusting as deep and fast as possible, he was panting and grunting with the effort.

Jan arched her back pushing her pussy against his stabbing cock, his balls were slapping against her pussy. She trembled and cried out, “Oh fuck me, fuck me hard.”

Sam felt her pussy spasm as she came, he felt his cock grow a little more as he pushed his cock in as far as possible, his hands tightly grasping her arse, he pulled her against his cock.

Sam trembled and hissed, “Yes, yessss.”

Jan was acutely aware of Sam’s cock assaulting her pussy. As the first jets of cum spurted Jan wrapped her legs around Sam and held him tight. Sam ejaculated cum in powerful jets into her pussy. She cried into Sam’s ear, “Fill my slutty hole with cum you dirty bastard.”

He cried, “Oh fuck,” as each brutal thrust shot more cum.

Sam’s stabbing subsided, they relaxed and Jan held him tight as they trembled, Sam’s cock slowly softening.

Jan felt Sam’s cock throbbing as it lost its hardness. As he was breathing gently she pushed him sideways and slid from under his body. She quickly retrieved her knickers and put them on.

“I can feel your cum trickling out of my pussy, Mmmmm it will be so nice to use these when I masturbate, I will remember you, Sam,” Jan said as she rubbed her sticky pussy and put her finger under her nose.



Written by Hampton
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