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I Love Older Women - Chapter Six

"Older women are attracted to a young business man"

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Jack woke up at six forty. Su was awake and looking very happy. Jack quietly got up and out of the bed and signaled her to follow him. They got into the lounge then Jack said, “Good Morning,” then they kissed.

Soon they were on the rug and both were taking time with the foreplay. Jack was hard. Su was wet. Jack got her into position and went into her doggy style which allowed him to play with her clit as he rode her. After twenty five minutes Jack came. Su had cum several times. Then they lay on the rug.

Su said, “I really want to suck you off. The first thing I will do when I know I am pregnant is to suck you off. At the moment I want all your sperm inside me but when I have my period I will suck you off then.”

Jack replied, “Su you are so sweet. When is your next period due?”

Su answered, “I finished last Monday. I am very regular every twenty eight days. Jack, I get very horny before my period. Sometimes I have to use my dildo three times a day as I get the hots all the time. Wednesday is when I am most fertile and hopefully then I can conceive.”

Jack replied, “I really hope you do but don’t worry if you don’t as there will be next month to come.”

Su answered, “I have never taken the pill in my life so that hopefully has not clogged up my system. I also have never had a day's illness in my life. If I didn’t feel so good then I just struggled on and got on with it. I always felt better within a couple of days. I have never smoked a cigarette in my life. I have never had a sexually transmitted disease in my life. I am in fact a very healthy person. As from yesterday a very happy person.”

They kissed again and if Molly and Sue had not come out Jack was sure they would have started again.

Molly and Sue said, “Good Morning.” Su and Jack said,“Good Morning,” Jack said, “May is still sleeping but I will wake her now then we can all shower together.”

Then Su said, “I have no clothes here where is my coat and I will run down and get some clothes.”

Jack went to the hall stand and got her coat, then gave her a key. Su returned ten minutes later with a suitcase. Jack showed her some space in a wardrobe in his bedroom where she could keep her clothes.

May was starting to stir so Jack went over and gave her a Good Morning Kiss. Jack said, “Su and I are now going to shower. We would you like to join us?”

May replied, “Of course I will. I slept very well last night. I think yesterday took a lot out of me. Can I come with you when you meet Su’s friends?”

Jack answered, “Of course you can darling. I think it will be a very interesting meeting.”

May replied, "I'm sure Su and her friends will help you a lot. Maybe it is not a bad idea to ask Sue to come too as she will see things that many might miss."

Jack answered, "I will ask her. Yes I would love to hear what she thinks about it and if we get on well with Su's friends we can invite them to the party tonight."

Su replied, "They would love that but when will we be back from the twenty first?"

Jack answered, "Just after ten but they can come earlier if they want and get to know the others."

Su replied, “Jill will need to arrange a babysitter for her husband. She would have to know soon to arrange it as she has a twenty year old student. She stays over with her boyfriend. Jill leaves them beers and wine, also the use of a double bed when she needs to be away overnight. I will text Jill now so she can arrange it.” Su got her phone and sent a text.

Molly and Sue were getting breakfast ready and Molly ran over to the Hotel as we did not have enough sausages. I asked her to say to the reception when Jim came in for him to phone me. Molly said “I will do that”.

Val and Jo were chatting away. Jo asked, “Jack, is it ok if I stay here with you here? I don’t want to get in the way.”

Jack replied, “Jo stay as long as you want. Su, May, Sue and myself have a meeting this morning and then we will go to Glasgow this evening but will be back around ten. Molly’s daughter Clare will be here tonight. I think we will have another four ladies joining us for the party tonight.”

Jo answered, “Thanks Jack I love being here as I am so bored with living alone. I really appreciate the company."

Jack replied, "Don't worry Jo we have a few things starting soon. Then you will have a lot to do and you will get paid for it. May will tell you about it soon."

The phone rang and it was Jim. I wished him a good morning and thanked him for phoning me back. He told me that both buildings were structurally sound and depending on the work needed to separate the two businesses then it would be a lick of paint and some flooring. I thanked him and asked him if he could leave the keys at Reception as I would be showing the properties to some people this morning. He said he would do that now.

Molly came back with the sausages and said, "I saw Jim and he will phone you."

Jack said, “Thanks Molly he has already phoned."

Then Su's phone beeped. Su read the text 'Jill's got the babysitter arranged for tonight. She is giving the other girls a lift. They will be there at ten thirty.'

Jack replied, "That is good and I think we will go there a little earlier as I have a couple of things I want to look at."

Su said, "I am really looking forward to seeing the place but I have the feeling that it will be good".

After breakfast Sue, May, Su and I left for the keys. I said, "I don't know how today will go but if you don't see us before we'll be back around ten tonight. If you need me, SMS me." They all said goodbye then they left.

They arrived at the Antiques Center and Su said, “What a wonderful building”.

They then went inside and showed Su around.

Su said, “This place is enormous and you can do so much with it. I love that lift. It goes to all three floors”

Jack replied, “Yes and the doors are big enough I could drive my car inside and it would lift us to the top floor.”

Su answered, “That means you can have furniture on every floor. That is good.”

Jack replied, “The heating works but I would change the windows to double glazed units as that would save a fortune in heating. The Auction House can have its storeroom on the 2nd floor above but it will be choosing where the toilets and the Bistro go. Also I will have a wine shop in here.”

Su said, “It is ten fifteen. I will phone Jill to let us know when they arrive so we can unlock the door and let them in.” She dialled Jill and the conversation went like this “This place is amazing we are inside at the moment so phone me back and then we will open the door for you. Then a “Now and okay I will open it now.”

They all went. Su introduced them to us and they were all very fuckable. All of them had class and all looked so distinguished. They all looked super. Jean was tall, she had a wonderful body. Su led them through the building repeating all the things I had said to her. From what was being said they all liked it. Then we went to the warehouse. After we went to the hotel for some coffee.

They went into a small conference room and the eight of us sat around the table. They all spoke with authority and knowledge. They all said it is best to offer quality and service.

Jean said, “You must keep the Auction House only selling antiques and collectables. Do not do any household goods sales as they are a waste of time and money. You can offer “House Clearance” from the Antique Centre. You make sure your price is low and then sent to an Auction House that does Household Goods Sales. Spend money on the interior of both units. That will create an atmosphere for you. I have worked in all the major Auction Houses. They all create an atmosphere.”

“Invest in large Flat Screen TVs so the bidders in the room see a photograph of the article when it comes up for sale. Invest in a high quality camera. Have an area that has professional lighting so you take professional pictures. Every member of staff must have class. Please don’t have porters with tattoos. I believe I speak for the rest of the girls as we all see tremendous potential here. Just having us as valuators will attract a lot of customers but you will need a manager, an auctioneer and a cataloguer.”

I would put myself forward as manager. I am sure the other two positions we will fill easily. The ATG, Antiques Trade Gazette is an excellent publication and you should subscribe to it. They offer many services that are tailored to the business that you are going into. When do you think you will open?”

Jack replied, “When you tell me we can open.” They all laughed. “It is now twelve thirty. May I invite you charming ladies for lunch?” They all said yes and I made sure I sat next to Su and Jean

They went to the cocktail bar. Jack ordered some champagne. Jack got a straw, then cut three the same length with the other was shorter. Jack then explained that Su, May, Sue and I were going to May’s daughters twenty first tonight. Whoever draws the short straw will do the driving.

Sue said, “Jack I will drive as I love driving that car of yours seriously I get a turn on when I drive it.”

Jack replied,“Okay that is good. You can drive. I hope you are hot when you get home. Looking at the new girls we are having a party ourselves when we get back around ten tonight. It will be like a coffee morning in the evening. You are all invited”.

They all agreed.

Jack said, “After lunch we can go over to the flat. I will introduce you to everyone. Then around seven we must leave but you can still party until we come back at ten. We have some dress rules that all ladies must wear Basque or Bodysuits with no panties.”

Jean replied, “We know that darling. We are all ready for you.”

Jack laughed and looked at the new ladies. Jean would be my first as she had everything going for her. Jill was very attractive though didn’t say much but when she spoke it was important. Margie was the oldest. She was very attractive and very intelligent. I would have a lot of fun with Margie I was sure. Beth was tall and good looking. She had a presence about her. She also had beautiful boobs and a lovely body. All five of them would be an asset to the business and would turn it into an excellent business.

They had a lovely lunch and then went over to the flat. They knew we were coming as May had texted Molly to say we would be coming over after lunch. As we walked over I said to Su that I would like Jean.

Su said, “Great Jean and I work well together. I will tell her to stick with me when we get there.”

All the girls in the house were in their Basques or Bodies. They all looked super when May introduced the new girls. Molly was dispensing champagne. She said to me “We were down to five bottles so I had three cases delivered this morning”

Jack replied, “No problem but we should set a case as our reorder level. Next time order five cases, as we are drinking more now than when it was only you me and Clare.”

Molly answered, “It was good then but loving it now. These seem nice ladies.”

Jack replied, “They are and they will get the antique centre going.” Then he went to Su and said, “I need to make a phone call. I will make it from the bedroom. You can come with me.”

They followed me into the bedroom. Jack said, “I need to phone the architect.” Jack gave Jean a kiss and her tongue was in my mouth. It was a good kiss.

Then Jean said, “Make your call. We will get undressed.” They were still in their street clothes.

Jack replied,“Okay and I will do the same.” I took my polo shirt and chinos off. Then my Timberlands and socks. Finally as I dialed Jack took his boxer shorts off. Jean had a big smile on her face. Jack got through to the Architect and asked, “Did we need any planning permission or change of use for the properties?”

He answered, “No they are commercial properties. I will get a letter off to the Planning Department as a matter of courtesy that you were changing part of the building into an antique centre with the other part into an auction house. If the renovations comply with the Fire regulations then you will be ok. I have a friend in the planning department. I will call him. Give me a number and I will call you back.”

Jack gave him the Flat number. Jack saw that Jean and Su were in their Basques. They both looked wonderful. Jack asked Su if she could go to the fridge and get a bottle of champagne with a wine cooler. Then the phone rang and it was the architect. He said everything was okay. A building control officer will come down after I make plans up.

Jack asked,“Could we have a meeting early next week?”

He answered, “Yes how is Tuesday for you?”

Jack replied, “Can I phone you on Tuesday morning as I might have another job for you in Largs.”

He answered, “I am free on Tuesday. I can go to Largs and see what you want there”

Jack replied, “I will phone at nine on Tuesday”. I asked Jean, “Jean are you free on Tuesday morning?”

Jean replied, “Darling I am free for you at any time.” Then she went down on me. Su came back with the champagne and said with a smile,“He is big isn’t he?”

Jean replied, “He is wonderful, biggest one I have ever seen.” Jack had been fingering Jean’s pussy as she sucked me. Jack took her boobs out of the Basque. They were big. Jack am sure they were bigger than Val’s. Jack licked and sucked the monsters, her nipples were getting really hard. Her pussy was getting very wet.

Jack laid her on the bed then spread her legs. Jack said, “Jean I want you to get comfortable, just relax and just enjoy what I am going to do for you. When you are ready for me then tell me.”

Then Jack went down on her. She was wet and her clit was big and hard. Jack started to suck her clit. Jack had three fingers in her. She was getting wetter and wetter. Then Jack had four fingers inside. She was now pushing her pussy against his fingers. Jack said, “Jean I have four fingers inside you do you want my fist?”

Jean replied, “Yes it feels wonderful, do that and, then let me cum with it then I want your cock. I want you to fuck me hard.”

Jack fisted her for five minutes. Then she said “I am ready.” Su had been playing and sucking her tits as Jack had been fisting her.

Jack then went inside Jean. Her cunt felt tight. The best thing was she was a gripper. Jack started to ride her harder and his rhythm was getting better. Jack was riding her harder. Ten minutes later she had a big orgasm then said, “Jack you are fucking wonderful. For two fucks a week I will help you all I can. Then when the business is up and running we can talk again.”

Jack replied, “Jean we will make love a lot more than that in a week. I honestly enjoy your company. You turn me on.”

Su asked, “Could Jean come with us to the twenty first tonight?”

Jack replied, “I am sure she can but I would have to ask May. I will text her now." Then Jack sent May a text asking if Jean could come with us tonight. Jack then topped up the girl’s glasses. Jack's mobile beeped, it was May. She wrote “No problem would love her to come. Just had a wonderful session with Jo and Val. My cunt is so wet, Kisses May xxx.”

Jack said, “Jean no problem you can come with us.”

Jean said, “Super but I will have to ask Sue if she will drive me home so I can get some clothes for tonight.”

Jack replied “Let’s go into the lounge and see what is happening.”

Jean said, “I need to use the bidet.”

Jack said “Let Su and I help you with that.”

Jean replied, “Yes please.” We went into the bathroom. Jean adjusted the temperature of the water for the for the bidet spray. She then squatted her pussy over the spray. The way she had squatted Jack could wash her from the front. Su washed her from behind. They used shower gel and then the spray rinsed her. Then Su squatted and Jean and Jack washed her. Then Jack squatted and Jean and Su washed my cock and balls. They both had a very gentle touch.

It was now four thirty. We went into the lounge. Sue was sitting with Molly, Jill, Margie and Beth. They all looked very happy. I asked Sue if she could drive Jean home as she needed to get some clothes and I need to come too as I need to get a birthday card for Mags.

Sue said, “No problem but I need to take a shower then I will dress for tonight. Then I will take you in say thirty minutes or would you rather I drove you now?”

Jean replied, “It would be better if we went now then I can shower here when I come back and change my clothing.”

Sue answered, “Okay let’s get dressed and go”

There was a very good card shop on the way to Jean's house. Sue stopped and said "Pick me a nice card as well Jack as I have forgotten to get one."

Jack replied, "I will get one for May as well." Sue laughed. I got five beautiful cards as I thought Su and Jean would probably want one. Then we drove to Jean's house. It was a wonderful villa set in two and a half acres of manicured gardens.

Jack asked Jean if she had children? She said "Yes I had a son.

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We got him a sports car for his eighteenth birthday. Three weeks later he died in a car crash.”

Jack replied, "I am so sorry to hear that Jean."

Jean answered, "I tortured myself for years thinking we shouldn't have bought it for him but he was a sensible boy. I realised I still had my life to live. Six months later my husband died of a stroke."

Jack asked, "How long ago was that?"

Jean replied, "Four years ago but my husband was a lot older than me. He was seventy when he died."

They went into the house. It was so tastefully decorated with wonderful Antiques. Jean showed us the garden at the back. It looked wonderful. Jack asked, "How many gardeners do you have?"

Jean replied, "Two, one works full time. The other two and a half days a week. I am thinking of selling it and buying a flat like Su's as it is really too big for one person. I have to pack now and get something nice for tonight."

Jack replied, "Pack a suitcase then you don't need to be running here every day."

Jean came over and kissed me and said, "Thanks Jack I will do that"

Sue said when Jean had left, "I really like Jean. She is a nice woman"

Jack replied, "I really like her too. She has told me that I don't need to pay her until the business is up and running but I will look after her."

Sue answered, "All of them will be assets to your business Jack."

Jack said, "I know."

Five minutes later Jean came into the lounge with a beautiful Louis Vuitton suitcase.

Jack asked, “Let me carry that for you”. They then went back to the flat. Jean and Jack showered together, then got dressed. The basque Jean was wearing was wonderful and really pushed up her tits. Then she dressed and her outfit was stunning, it showed her curves.

Jack said,“Jean you look wonderful.”

Jean said, “I think I should give May’s daughter a little Birthday gift could we go to that card shop and I will get a card?”

Jack said, “Darling I have thought of that. I bought two extra cards thinking maybe you and Su would like to give a little gift.”

Jean said, “Thank you.” Then she kissed me.

They then went into the lounge. Su, May and Sue were there and all three looked stunning. Then the said their goodbyes. All the girls hoped we would have a super evening. They left at five forty and should arrive at May’s house at six fifteen as she wanted to get the keys of the cottage.

Jack asked May if she had a card for Mags. May said, “Fuck I have forgotten to get one.”

Jack replied, “I thought that may happen. I have cards for you and Su if Su wishes to give a small gift.”

Su said, “Yes I will give her a gift with pleasure”

May replied “Money is the best thing to give her or any girl at her age. Jack thank you for thinking of that.”

We were making good progress. Sue was a fast driver and also a good driver. Then Jack's mobile beeped and it was Jack's QC friend. His message read “Watch the Scottish news at six thirty tonight. There is something of interest for you there. Regards Jack. Jack then asked Sue if she could get us to May’s for six thirty?

Sue replied, “No problem you will be there at six ten” Jack then read them the text.

May said, “I am hoping this will be good.”

Jack replied, “I hope so.”

They arrived at May’s at six nine. May immediately put on BBC and it was the National news that was on. They all were looking at it. May said, ”Su or Jean if you go out of this door and walk down the corridor you will come to the kitchen. Keep walking then you will come to the back kitchen. There is a fridge with champagne in it and there is a cupboard above it with champagne glasses in it. Could you bring a bottle and four glasses?”

They both went and when they came back the news had switched to the Scottish News desk to give the Scottish Headlines. The presenter said, “An unprecedented day in Glasgow as the Mother Superior of a convent is charged with living off immoral earnings and tax evasion. There was a dawn raid this morning. The school is closed until further notice. Then the moved back to the National news.

May shouted, “That is wonderful.”

Sue said, “I hope she rots in jail”. Sue then explained how they were involved in this and the business she was running from the convent.

Sue said, “That nun is just a high class prostitute. I am going to get drunk when I get home tonight. I am so happy this has happened.”

May said, “Thank you Jack for having the courage to push this through.” Then she kissed me.

Sue replied, “If you had not acted I don’t think this would have happened.”

Jack answered, “I don’t think it is down to me. I may have spurred it on a little but she must have been on the radar for a long time for the Customs and Tax officers to be involved.”

Then the Scottish news came on and the convent was raided at five this morning by the Police and HMRC. The Mother Superior of a convent is charged with living off immoral earnings and tax evasion. A Police spokesperson said other charges were imminent. She now was in Police custody. It then showed video of computers and boxes of documents being removed from the convent. The school has been closed but will reopen on Monday. A full report will be given to Parents in the following days.

Sue said, “I am sure she is finished. I am so happy about that”.

Then May asked for a Birthday card. I put the selection I had and asked them to pick the one they liked. Then May and Sue got their cheque books out and so did I. May and Sue gave £1,000 each.

Jack gave £500. May saw this and said, “That is too much.”

Jack replied, “You were very good to me on my twenty first.”

May answered, “I would have been a lot better if I had known then what I know now.”

Then we kissed.

Su and Jean both put a £50 note inside their cards. May said, “Thank you”.

May then went and got the keys of the cottage and said “We must go up to Largs tomorrow and see what it is like. Then find someone to build the website.”

Jean said,“Beth after her husband died studied web site building.”

May said, “I must ask her when we get home.”

Then May left the room and came back with a box containing about seventy masquerade masks some that just covered the eyes. Some that covered the whole face. May said, “These are for our girls that don’t want to show their face when they are performing. I think they will add to the charm and intrigue to what we will be doing.”

Jean replied, “That is a good idea. I know a lot of women that would perform wearing a mask.”

May said,“It is now twenty five past seven so I think we should go to the party.”

They finished their drinks. May left the dirty glasses in the dishwasher. When they arrived Mags and Kay were there. May introduced Su and Jean. She then told them Su was a neighbour of Jack. Her husband had been a partner in the same firm as Alex. Jean was her friend.

Then we all gave our envelopes. Mags thanked us. Mags and Kay both said, “Mum you and Aunt Sue are looking wonderful. Both of you are glowing.”

May said, “It must be the sea air. Have you heard the news about the convent?”

They both said no.

May asked, “Is there a place where we can speak privately or will we go out to the car?”

Mags replied, “The hotel has given me a bedroom to keep my presents in. We could go there.”

May then ordered two bottles of champagne and a glass of water for Sue. We all toasted Mags. Then all of us apart from Su and Jean went to the room.

May told them what had been on the news and they were both shocked but happy that Francis had been found out. May then told them about me organising a meeting with the SG in Edinburgh yesterday. Both Sue and I realised we should have done this earlier.

Then May said, “Let’s get back to the party. Mags we will leave after the buffet has been served.”

Mags said, “That is a good idea.”

Jack thought she was going to let her hair down after they left. A lot of the guests were starting to arrive. They looked a nice group. May knew a lot of them and was chatting away with them. There was a table where Mags was putting the presents. It was filling up. Jack hadn't seen Mags boyfriend Bob but maybe he was coming later. Then the Disco started. they were playing easy listening to music which was good.

Jack was sitting with Sue, Jean and Su. apart from Sue we were drinking champagne. The guests could have wine or beer as it was a free bar but no spirits would be served.

Then Bob arrived. He was all over May. He then came to Jack and said, "May has said that you have been a great support for her during the trying week she has had. I would just like to say thank you to you for that."

Jack said, "Bob I have known May all my life. There is nothing I wouldn't do for her and Sue. They are staying with me. They can stay as long as they want."

Then the buffet was served and it was very good.

Then May went to the disc jockey and asked if she could use the microphone. She was given it and then said, "Good evening to all of you. I want to make sure that everyone has a glass in their hand. She then raised her glass and said, “Happy Birthday Mags and we all wish you well."

Everyone stood up and said collectively "Happy Birthday."

May then said, "This has been a very difficult week for the family as my husband. Mags and Kay's father died on Tuesday morning. On Tuesday evening I went to Edinburgh to tell my girls the sad news. I gave Mags the option of postponing this party or to still have it tonight. Mags said, "Life must go on and so will the party. Dad would have wanted it to go on."

May said, "So please raise your glasses. Alex we are all sorry you're not with us tonight but you are here in spirit Thank You for all you did for us in your life."

Everyone in the room stood up and raised their glasses. With one voice said, “Alex ".

As May walked back to her seat she was applauded. It was a very touching moment Both Mags and Kay had tears in their eyes. May sat down beside me. Jack said, "Well done you couldn't have done that any better."

Jean and Su both said that was wonderful. Sue topped all our glasses up then said to May "That was wonderful".

They stayed for another half an hour, then left, Jack did not say goodbye to Bob. Jack hoped that Mags would find someone better. Jack felt he was getting smug and arrogant in his relationship with Mags. He was a lawyer but not a very good one. Jack was sure May would see through him.

In the car May said, "I am glad we have left early as they can now enjoy the party without parental control. I said to the Manager that we were leaving early and not to send out a bill as I was away for a few days but would come in on Sunday to settle the bill then. The Manager told me he would keep his eye on them. I think Bob is getting very arrogant."

Jack replied, "Smug and arrogant."

May answered, "Exactly. I hope Mags finds someone else but he is always around her. He keeps her on a very tight reign. She doesn't go out herself enough"

Jack told May what he had said to him.

May replied, "He is an absolute prick. I will tell Mags. I hope she takes notice as I think she is blinded by his control of her."

Sue answered,"I have never liked him everything he says is too sweet to be wholesome. He is only out for himself."

May replied, "You are right. I will get it sorted. When we get home can we have a chat. I would like Su, Jean and Beth to join us as I would like to formulate a plan for Largs. I also want to check the internet to see if Francis's website is still operating. I also want to text some of the nuns to find out what is happening as I know some of the nuns that left because of Francis."

Sue answered, "Yes we will do that. I will text my contacts. am sure that we will know a lot more very soon but I am really looking forward to my glass of champagne."

Jean cautioned, "We should take our time with this and think everything through."

May said, "Jean you are right but we have the opportunity to get a lot of Francis's staff as I am sure they won't be able to work there anymore. Francis was only out for Francis. She blackmailed and coerced people into doing what she wanted. She wasn't paying her taxes. We will treat people correctly and pay our taxes."

Jean said, “Do that. Get as much information as you can, I wager they will have a lot of contacts.”

May then was texting away to her contacts.

We arrived at the flat. They had been having a party to themselves. Molly introduced Clare to May, Su, Jean and Sue. Then brought us glasses and poured us some champagne. Clare was wearing a wonderful Basque and her vulva was swollen.

Jack asked, “How are you?”

“I have had a very busy week” Clare said “I have missed you. Mum was telling me you hadn’t stopped all week”.

Everyone was relaxed and Sue was texting away like crazy. May then got everyone's attention, then started to explain what had happened with the convent. All her experiences she had had. She said she saw an opportunity to open a legitimate business on the same lines. She asked Beth about web sites. Beth told her she only knew about websites for Antiques but there would be companies that will host and have programs to do what you want.

Then Clare said, “When I was at University we had a project on exactly this with all legal aspects taken into consideration. I got a Distinction for the work I had done. A few years ago it would have cost you hundreds of thousands to set up with the best hosting company.”

“There is a company that gives you everything. With them you have a one off price of five thousand plus a monthly hosting of a hundred pounds per month. Yes you can make a lot of money from this type of business but you need classy people to be doing the chatting. I will bring you my project papers tomorrow. I think you will find it informative as I got a lot of detail in it.”

“The object of the project was you had to choose an online business that a client wanted advice in setting up. I chose sex chat and then realised it was a very good business.”

May said, “That is wonderful.” She got her laptop out and found the site. “All the information is here.”

Clare said,“In the research I did there are a lot of people who want to remain anonymous and don’t want to use a credit card or anything traceable but want to use PaySafeCard which is say you are charging thirty five pounds per session they can go to many outlets and pay thirty five pounds and get a code of numbers. When paying you lose a small percentage but your money is in the bank. I would have that adopted into the software. You will get a far greater percentage of the market but you must choose carefully what section of the market you are targeting.”

May said, “Love older women”

Clare said, “Take the initials of each word and call your banking account “Low Media,” make this the name that appears on credit card transactions. Discretion is very important in this business.”

May said, “Thank you Clare I feel so much more comfortable now. I would love to see your project.”

Then May and Sue’s mobiles started to beep.

Molly topped up our glasses and as she topped mine up she asked if Jack could help her with the champagne in the kitchen. Jack followed her there. Molly said, “Jack, Clare knows a lot about the financial matters of the Convent as the Accountancy firm she has been attached to her department has been seconded to the Revenue investigation. She will only speak to you and May about it.”

Jack gave Molly a kiss and said, “Thanks.”

Molly replied, “Good I will tell Clare.”

Jack then went to Su and said, “Darling I have a lot to do tonight but if we go now I can give you a quickie as I have my work arranged for later”

Su answered, “Super Jack I was thinking that so let’s go now”

Jack said, “Let me check with May and Jean. Then we can go.”

I then went to May and she said, “She was getting so much information and so was Sue. That website is wonderful and just what we need.”

Jack said, “May, Clare knows a lot more about the finances of Francis as her Accountancy firm has been seconded to the Customs to help in the investigation so tonight it will be you Clare and Jean in bed but first I need to look after Su.”

May said, “Okay I will be here texting until you finish then I will tell Jean”.

Jack then went and took Su to the bedroom. She told me Val and Jo had both made her cum. She had made them cum. Both were very good in bed.

Su said let me make this hard. She went down on Jack. Soon he was hard. Jack turned her around and went into her doggy style, working her clit as h rode her. Jack soon had a great rhythm. He was riding her harder. She was getting wetter and wetter. Su then said, “Jack I am cuming.”

Jack came at the same time.

They then went into the shower and washed each other. Su said, “Thank you Jack I am happy we did that. I really appreciate it as I can see how busy you are. That Clare has a brain and is beautiful. Would you have a child with her?”

Jack replied, “I don’t know but I am first going to have a child with you if we can.”

Su said, “I really hope so. Then if you have one with Clare it would be great too.”

They kissed then dried themselves. Jack got a viagra from the cupboard. Jack swallowed it and then they went back into the lounge.

Written by jack1107
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