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I Love Older Women, Chapter Seven

"Older women are attracted to a young business man."

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May and Sue were very excited about the response from their texts.

May said, "To cut a long story short we will have tomorrow the complete mailing list with all email addresses and spending data. We will also have all their preferences. We have ten's of thousands of email addresses. All the nuns were released without charge as all could show they were being blackmailed. The school will reopen on Monday and a new headmaster will be appointed.”

“All the staff are willing to come and work for us but the travelling might be a problem but we could use my house as our Glasgow Base. This is a lot bigger than we imagined and they have over three hundred working for them and they will all come and work for us. They have customers from all over the world. They have people working for them in the US, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.”

Jack said, “Clare it is the afternoon in the States now give the guy a phone and ask him if he can implement the system you suggested. If we can operate from two bases quite close to each other.”

Clare replied, “I believe from the one site they can operate from the “models” home and their link goes on the main website but I will give him a call.”

Clare then made a note of the questions she wanted to ask. Then asked May if there was anything she wanted to know. May said, “I think you are covering everything Clare.”

Clare then phoned. She was so professional. She introduced herself saying she was telephoning for a client. She then was asking questions and taking notes. She soon had the whole thing sussed saying her client was interested in their top of the range system asking what could he offer us on that?

She got a twenty five percent discount on that. The hosting was down to eighty pounds a month or twenty pounds per week. It was for nothing. She then explained it was nearly midnight here. Could she call tomorrow or email him. He gave her his email address.

Clare then asked if she could download a demonstration of his software so she could show her client the system working. Yes this was possible. It would show her what was possible to do with it and also allowed multiple models to go online from their own home. They would appear on the main web site. She then said she would email him in the morning to set things up. He gave her his skype ID. Clare thanked him then hung up.

She said, “May this is for nothing. You would have your money back in days. It is global you can build this into a very big business. I am now thinking how to structure this for tax.”

May said, “I thought you were a lawyer.”

Clare said, “I am a Chartered Accountant but next year I will be a lawyer.”

May said, “Clare I like you.”

Clare replied, “May I like you too.” Then they kissed.

Jack saw Sue disappear with Val and Jo then the others were all gone. There was only Jean, May, Clare and Jack left. So as May and Clare were getting acquainted I was reacquainting myself with Jean. Then May and Clare went to the bedroom. We were left alone.

Jean said, “That girl is wonderful and has a razor sharp brain. She is in love with you. I think that is the girl for you.”

Jack replied, “I agree but we will wait until she graduates but Jean I love having sex with you and all the girls. I still haven’t had sex with Jill, Margie and Beth. I do hope Su becomes pregnant from me as that is all she wants from life. She would be a wonderful mother.”

Jean answered, “That would be wonderful for Su and she would be a fantastic mum. Jack I still have my period and I would love a child from you.”

“Jill, Margie and Beth are all very good in bed and love to give pleasure. Margie is the oldest at 59 but when she gets hot she is a turbo in bed. I think they will all be interested in doing something with May’s business.”

“We all have been on RolePlay and Dating web sites. We know how to make someone cum online. Then skyping and undressing slowly for them.”

Jack asked, “Did you enjoy doing that?”

Jean replied, “Yes I did as I felt I was mind fucking them with my replies. I sent a lot of pictures out but I am like May and Sue and always wore a mask. They have seen my cunt and tits but not my face which is what I wanted.”

Jack topped up their glasses. Jean said, “I really do enjoy this Champagne.”

Jack replied, “I will take you with me next time I am going to France.”

Jean answered, “I would love that Jack.”

Then we kissed. We were lying on the rug kissing and feeling each other. Their kisses were sincere and with feeling.

Jean said, “Jack play with my tits and pussy as that really arouses me.”

She popped her two big tits out of her Basque. Jack got into a position that he could play with her tits and pussy then she could suck me. They had foreplay for a good thirty minutes.

Jean said, “Jack, I want to go on top.”

Jack replied, “No problem.”

Jack lay on his back. Jean squatted above his cock. She then slid it in and it felt wonderful. She then started to ride Jack.

Jack still played with her wonderful breasts and she was loving it. She had a wonderful rhythm and was really grinding her pussy against his cock.

Jean was gripping Jack as well pulling his cock deeper inside her. She had been riding Jack for over twenty minutes. Jack was close to cumming.

Jean said, "Jack I will show you something but I don't want you to try it until after you have been Margie and myself. Margie is an expert at it."

Then Jean started gently slapping her vulva as she rode me. She then with one hand spread her pussy lips and started slapping her clit. She said, "Jack this is the most sensitive part of a woman's body and if you know how to do this you will be able to give so many women pleasure they do not know exists."

She kept on slapping her clit. Then they both came at the same time. Jean said "That was fucking wonderful Jack. Soon we must have a threesome with Margie as she really knows what she is doing. She will teach how and when to slap."

They kissed and cuddled. Jack said, "Thank you Jean we should try and have a session with Margie tomorrow."

Jean said, "It takes a while as Margie will get her pussy ready. Then you have to slap it. She will tell you as you slap how to slap also with how much force."

They kissed again. Jean said, "Jack tomorrow can you take me to my house as I want to get my car so I have it here. Also I have a camera with a few additional lights which we can use for taking pictures. I think as the camera is two years old we may be better if we got a new more powerful camera.”

“I will also bring my laptop as I have Photoshop on it and I am good at editing pictures. Jack I want you to take my pictures. I know the poses and lingerie I will wear for it. I will take all the pictures for the girls but we must get SD cards for the camera tomorrow."

They kissed and cuddled again and soon Jack’s cock was hard again. Jack turned Jean round and went into her doggystyle. She slapped her clit as he was riding her. Jack could feel her coming. After thirty minutes Jack came again, then they went to bed. When they got to bed Clare and May were fast asleep.

Jack awoke at six thirty and went to shower as May and Jean were still sleeping but Clare was not there. When Jack was dressed he went into the lounge and Clare was on May’s laptop.

Jack said, “Good Morning darling how are you?” She got up and gave Jack a kiss and said, “I have downloaded the program and it is the business. We can be operational very quickly but I want to set up where we will have the company registered. It looks like Luxembourg but that will need to wait till we have Bank Accounts set up.”

“All any of our “models” needs is an internet connection, a cam with speakers then they are in business it is so easy to use. You know how much everyone is earning.”

“You can have your star performers earning an awful lot. It is a wonderful system. Last night was wonderful with May. She was telling me about her daughter’s boyfriend. I am sure he is seeing two other girls as he was in my year at University. He is a total prat. He tried to get off with me. I just totally ignored him. He didn’t like that at all.”

“I told May that. I have met Mags and she is overwhelmed by Bob with all the lawyer shit he spouts, Jack he will never be a good lawyer maybe a bit of legal aid work but nothing else. What are we doing today?”

Jack replied, “Jean wants me to take her for her car then I will buy a camera and lens for portrait pictures. Then we will go to Largs and see the property there and I want you to come with us.”

Clare said, “I will.”

Jack asked, “Clare have you spoken with Su? She has one of the flats below me.”

Clare said, “I was introduced but did not really spend time with her but she seemed very nice.”

Jack replied, “She is totally self sufficient. Her husband has left her a lot of money. She is childless and wants a child. She wants me to be the father. I am telling you because I would like to know if you can live with that?”

Clare gave Jack a kiss and a cuddle and said, “Jack you know I love you. You will be the only man I will have sex with. Jack after my studies are finished I want to have children with you but I know you enjoy your darlings. I enjoy them too. I have no problem with Su having a child with you but remember a child needs a father.”

“I know that as my father was not there when I was growing up. Luckily I was strong enough that it did not affect me but you must be aware that bringing a child into the world brings a responsibility to that child. I know that you would accept that responsibility. If that did happen that Su has a child with you. In the years to come we had a child together then I would want these children to grow up together in the one home with the one father.”

Jack replied, “I agree with you. I will now speak with Su and tell her the conditions?”

Clare said, “I do not know Su but what I know of her I like. The conditions are for the benefit of any children we may have.”

Su appeared in the lounge. She said, "Good Morning," they said 'Good Morning' back.

Jack said, “Su I have been telling Clare about our arrangement.” and then told her exactly what Clare had said. Su came across and hugged us both and gave each of us a kiss.

Su with a tear in her eye replied, “That is the most sensible thing I have heard. I agree with it completely. If I am lucky enough to become pregnant then this is the way we will do. From the bottom of my heart I thank both of you for coming to this thoughtful way forward for all three of us.”

They then had a group hug. May and Jean appeared. Clare updated May on the software and how easy it was to work.

Jack said to May, “We will go to Largs this morning. Jean wants me to take her to get her car. She has photographic lighting units and also a camera so we will check the camera. If necessary get a new camera with a portrait lens.”

May replied, “I am so happy about the software. After breakfast you can take Jean to get her car then afterwards we can go to Largs. Things are starting to move.”

Then Molly and Sue appeared and started to prepare breakfast.

Then May said, "Jack come into the bedroom."

Jack followed her in and she shut the door. We kissed and cuddled me and then May said, "Clare is a dream. She has told me Bob is a bit of a ladies man. He is seeing two other girls as he is seeing Mags. Clare thinks he is a prat. I think I will get a private investigator to follow him and get pictures of him, then show them to Mags. I think that will be the only way Mags will realise what an asshole he is.”

“Clare is wonderful in bed. I don't know how many times she made me cum. Jack you should seriously think about this girl as there aren't many like her about."

Jack replied, "I know May, we talked about this this morning. We came to an agreement that if Su had a child with me, then Clare had any children with me then all the children would all live together as a family."

May said, "That is wonderful and the best way to proceed." We kissed again and then went into the lounge.

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Sue said, "Breakfast will be ready in five minutes."

After breakfast Clare, Jean and I went to Jean's house Jean got all her things she wanted.The lighting was very professional looking. The camera you could detach the lens. The camera could take 16 megapixels. If the lens was suitable for portrait photography then it would do the job perfectly.

Jean then showed Clare around the house and gardens. Clare was impressed. Jean then went for some more clothes. She came back with another Louis Vuitton suitcase. She said, "I'm ready, just the car now, then can we go back to the flat. If any of the girls need the car then they can use it."

Jack carried the suitcase to the car. Jean opened her garage. She had a Mercedes estate as well but her's was a little older than Jack’s. They drove back to the flat. Jean ran in with the keys. They then went to the camera shop where Jean had bought the camera.

The manager said there was a new model but this one was as good. It still would be good for many years. They bought five SD cards and replaced the batteries in the camera and went back to the flat.

May and Sue were ready so they left for Largs. They got there thirty minutes later. The house looked impressive. Inside was in very good condition. It had six bedrooms with three en suite and the other three could be converted easily. Jack found the WiFi, the password was on the back of it. He then got his laptop checking the upload and download speeds. They were excellent and would most certainly was more than enough for their needs.

May and Sue were looking all over the cottage. There were three barns outside. May had said Alex had a collection of old cars that he kept in them. Alex spent a lot of time in there looking after them but he never drove them on the main road only on the driveway of the house.

Jack asked May if she had the key. May said, “It will turn up but I don’t know where it is.”

May said, “Jack is it possible that we can go to my house after we leave here as Sue said that she is surprised we have no information about Alex. There are no details of who his lawyer was. We shared a safe in the house. We both had a key. We have found Alex’s key here so I would like to go and see what is in the safe”

Jack said, “No problem when do you want to go?”

May said, “Now if you want.”

Then they left.

They arrived at May’s house. They sat in the kitchen. May and Sue went up the stairs and ten minutes later May called for Jack. They were sitting on the bed and there were a lot of documents spread on the bed.

May said, “I did not know this but Alex is worth a lot of money I always thought Alex put the bread on the table and I put the jam on it. He has invested heavily in firms like FedEx, UPS and DHL and also in Apple, IBM, Microsoft and Oracle.”

Jack replied, “They are all good firms to have money in.”

May answered, “He seems to have millions of pounds.”

Jack replied, “Make it work for you May.”

May answered, “Sue and I have no experience of stocks and shares that is why I asked you up.”

Jack replied, “May I have a very good Accountant. He handles all that for me. I understand Alex would have done all that. What you need is to find a good Accountant, perhaps Clare can help.”

May answered, “You are right, I panicked a little when I saw the numbers.”

Jack replied, “Clare will be able to help you as part of her Law studies would have included Stocks and Shares.”

May asked, “Will I ask her up?”

Jack replied, “Ask Jean if she knows anything about Stocks and Shares, I am sure she will, I am sure between the two of them they will point you in the right direction. I know you can trust both of them.”

They all went down the stairs. May asked if any of them knew about Stocks and Shares. Jean said, “What would you like to know? Jack who is your Accountant?”

Jack replied, “Duncan Grant.”

Jean said, “He is mine as well. He is very good. If I were you May I would get all your papers together and then make an appointment with him.”

Clare said, “I agree you need a good accountant. What Jean has said is good advice.”

May got a briefcase then went upstairs. She put all the papers she had found into it. She then came down the stairs and said, “What will we do for lunch? Jack I have found the key to the Barn.”

Jack replied, “That is good I will phone the flat to see what the others are doing.”

Molly answered saying they had made some potato salad. They had the barbecue out on the balcony and were just about to start. I asked, “Have you enough steaks and sausages?”

Molly answered, “I will go over to the hotel and get some more.”

Jack told her,”We would be there in forty five minutes.”

Jack said to the girls, “They are having a barbeque lunch on the balcony and that should be fun.”

May said, “It is years since I had a barbeque. Jack do you have a safe I can keep my papers in?”

Jack replied, “Yes and we will do that as soon as we arrive.”

Sue asked, “Jack may I drive the car back to the flat?”

Jack replied, “Yes you can drive it anytime darling.”

Sue said, “I am going to buy a car like that it is an Estate Car but drives like a Sports Car I love it.”

Jean asked, “May I drive it too one day as I would like to compare it with mine.”

Sue said, “You can drive it back now if you want.”

Jean said, “I would love to.”

Jean drove us home saying, “I will contact the Mercedes dealer and get one the same as this as it drives wonderfully.”

They arrived back at the flat and the barbeque was in full swing. Molly and Jo were doing the cooking. It all smelt wonderful. May and Jack went to the safe. Jack put her papers inside and May said, "I will make contact with the lawyer next week. I will get all of this sorted out as I do not know how much money is involved."

Jack replied, "Do that May, and then get it working for you." Jack kissed her. Then May said, "I want Clare to show me how the program works"

Jack suggested, "Beth should be looking at it as well." May said, "I will make sure that happens."

Jean was in the dining room. She had moved the table and arranged the furniture. She had brought a sofa in and was arranging her lighting. She had brought May’s masks and had them on the table. Jean said, "When I am set up Jack will you take some pictures of me?"

Jack said, "I would love to but let's have some lunch first."

Jean said, "I will be finished in a minute."

Jack went and got a steak and some sausages. The potato salad was super. Jack sat on the balcony. Jean joined him a few minutes later. She showed me a couple of pictures of just the sofa. The pictures were very good.

Jack said, "That is a good camera."

Jean replied "It is. The lens is very good."

They finished their lunch. Jean said, "The pictures we take are only practice pictures as I want to play around with the lighting and see how I can get really professional pictures. It is in automatic exposure. I think that is the best way to go but we will make changes to the lighting."

Then they started. Jean as well as being the "Model" she was directing as well. She would do a series of poses and then adjust the lighting. We did this for an hour and you could really see the difference the lighting made.

May came in and said, “That program is wonderful. Clare has four models online waiting for customers but we are not live yet until we get where we will register the company. Clare thinks all the models will be self employed and pay their tax and National Insurance themselves which seems a good idea. Then they get a percentage of what we charge per session. There is an accounting package built into the program which will do this.”

May said, “These pictures are wonderful. They look so professional.”

Jean replied, “With a little more work I think I can get them better.”

They all went into the lounge. Jack saw Su and Clare talking and then they hugged and kissed. They went to a bedroom. They both smiled. Jack blew them both kisses when they realised he had seen them kissing. Jack was now sure that if Su got pregnant, that when Clare got pregnant everything would be good.

Jack had really enjoyed the steak, sausages and the potato salad. Jack said to Molly we should do that again when the weather is good.

Molly said to Jack, “Jack it is wonderful and so easy to do. Everyone loves it. If it is a good day tomorrow we should do it again.”

Jack said, “Tomorrow is a big day as at six thirty, we have the Church service for May’s husband. Clare knows the boyfriend of May’s daughter. She thinks he is an ass hole. Maybe it would be better if Clare came to the Service with us.”

Molly said, “If it will help May’s daughter then Clare will go as May is one of the kindest and most genuine persons I have ever known.”

Jack replied, “Mags, May’s daughter, must realise what an asshole he is.”

Molly said, “If Clare has anything to do with it then he will.” They kissed.

Jack said, “I am so happy you wanted to go with me for that meal all those years ago.”

Molly said, “So am I.”

They kissed. Then Jean introduced me to Margie. Margie said, “Jean has told me I have so much to teach you. Believe me I want to teach you.”

Jack replied, “Margie I will be a good pupil.” Then they kissed, I knew Margie was hot.

Jean said, “Jack let’s take Margie back to your bedroom.”

Margie said, “I would love that.”

They got to the bedroom. Margie gave Jack a kiss and said, "We must take our time Jack as what I am going to show you can not be rushed."

She took Jean to the bed then said to Jean, “Get ready for me darling.”

Jean removed her panties and then took both her boobs out of her body, her nipples were very hard. Margie then started to finger Jean’s nipples then started to suck them. Jean was moaning with pleasure.

Margie then said, “Jean is now ready. Jack please watch carefully as I finger her pussy.”

Margie then positioned her middle finger on the top of Jean’s slit. Then moved her finger down and then inside Jean. Margie said “I am stimulating Jean’s clit when I do this. Jack please understand the clitoris is positioned inches outside of the vagina, it is almost impossible for the penis to stimulate it directly during intercourse. So we must try and stimulate it with our fingers, lips and even teeth.”

Margie then opened Jean’s pussy lips. Then with her index and middle fingers together started to gently slap Jean’s clit with these two fingers. Jean was loving it. Margie kept doing it and five minutes later Jean orgasamed.

Margie then said to Jack, “Finger me the way I showed you. Then open my pussy lips and slap my clit.”

Jack did as he was told and soon had an excellent rhythm. Five minutes later Margie came.

Margie and Jean then had Jack’s cock out. Both were licking it and soon it was very hard. Jack was fingering both Jean and Margie’s pussies as they sucked him. Both were very wet. Jack was giving a lot of attention to 'Clitoris Stimulation' and both were loving it.

Then Jack got Margie into a position that he could go into her doggystyle so he could finger her clit as he rode her. Soon they were hard at it. Jean was playing with Margie’s tits as Jack was riding her.

Margie was good. She was gripping Jack’s cock with her pussy muscles as he rode her. It felt so good for both of them.

Jack had been grinding her for twenty five minutes. Margie was starting to get quite loud. She said, “Fuck me harder Jack don’t hold back give me it as fucking hard as you can.”

Jack moved up a gear and was now fucking her very hard. Then Margie came. Jack pulled out. Jack said he was ready to cum. Margie went down and finished Jack off in her mouth. She did that wonderfully.

They then kissed. Margie said, “Jack my pussy is tingling. That was amazing.” Jack kissed her again. Jean topped up their glasses. They then went back into the lounge.

Jean said, “Margie come and let me take some pictures of you as I need to get some experience with the lighting.”

Margie said, “I need one of those masks on as I do not want my face shown.”

Jean said, “No problem.”

Written by jack1107
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