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I Love Older Women Chapter One

"Young Man growing up and older women are attracted to him"

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It was 10:30pm on a Monday night and I was sitting in my flat watching TV. I was having a glass of wine and the phone rang, it was May. I liked May. I had known her for all my life. She had married an older man. He was an accountant. They had two daughters, one three years younger than me. The other five years younger than me.

My mother as a child had grown up living next door to May. They had kept in contact when they both had married and had families. I was treated like a son in May's family. If my parents went on holiday, I would go and stay with them.

May did a lot for me when I was a teenager and I had a lot of happy times at her house. This Friday night her daughter would have her twenty-first birthday party and I was invited. I could stay over at their house afterwards.

The party was to be held in a hotel, which was about five hundred yards from where they lived. May asked if she was disturbing me and I said no I was watching TV and drinking a glass of wine. She said that sounded nice.

She was excited about the party and was asking me things about the buffet she had ordered. It was for a hundred guests. May wanted it to be right. My family business was in the Hotel business but our hotel was far from where May lived. I was happy that I had been invited. I was really looking forward to the party.

Last Thursday it had been May’s Birthday. Usually I took her out for lunch and gave her a bottle of Joy from Jean Patou, her favourite Perfume. She smelled wonderful when she wore it.

This year had been different, as May had phoned to say that the girls were in Edinburgh and Alex was in London could we go out for dinner rather than lunch?

I said, “No Problem but if I have too much to drink can I stay over.”

May said, “No problem. Your room will be ready for you. If you have too much to drink I will tuck you into bed."

I asked where she would like to eat and I would book a table.

May said, “The restaurant where we usually lunch but I want to share a Chateaubriand with you. This is a great opportunity to share one as it really is too much for lunchtime. Jack can you book the table in the corner as it really is quiet there.”

I told her I would arrange it and pick her up at seven thirty and May said, “Jack come at seven and we can have a glass of Champagne before we go.”

I said, “Super I would enjoy that.”

I arrived at 6:50pm with a bouquet of flowers and the perfume. I rang the bell. May opened the door and said, “I am glad you are early as I started on the Champagne thirty minutes ago.”

I said, “Happy Birthday May. Please get me a glass so I can catch up.”

May said, “Jack let’s go into the lounge. I have everything there.” She gave me a kiss on the cheek and we went into the lounge. We both sat on the sofa, as that was the way May had arranged the glasses on the coffee table. May poured me a glass and topped her glass up.

I said, “Happy Birthday.”

May said, “This is the first time you and I have been out for Dinner alone. Jack I really am excited about it.”

I said, “I was looking forward to it too as it felt like it was our first date.”

May said, “That is exactly how I feel,” as she bent over to give me a kiss on the cheek. May was dressed very conservatively. However, the outline of clothing showed her curves highlighted her curves.

I told her, “May you look wonderful tonight.” She thanked me and then we left after we had finished the champagne.

As we went into the restaurant, my mobile went. It was Molly my bookkeeper to remind me I had a meeting at eight thirty on Friday morning. I thanked her for reminding me.

I said “May I need to drive home tonight as I have a meeting in the morning.”

May said, “Jack that is a pity but you had better stop drinking. I will keep drinking if you promise not to take advantage of a tipsy woman.”

I said “May you know I would never do that.”

She smiled and then we went into the restaurant. We were shown to the table May had asked for. We flirted throughout dinner and the meal was wonderful. The filet just melted in the mouth. We had a bottle of Champagne with it. May drank the majority of it. We had no dessert. I paid for the meal and then we left.

In the car, May said, “Thank you Jack” and then we kissed and I was surprised as May’s tongue went straight into my mouth. She was a wonderful kisser.

She then took my right hand and put it on her left breast. Her boob felt wonderful and her nipple was very hard.

My cock was getting hard. I wanted May but not tonight. I wanted all night to enjoy her. We broke off. I started the car and soon we were in May’s driveway.

May said, “Jack, park beside the garages as nobody from the road can see the car from there.”

I said, “May I have really enjoyed myself tonight. I want us both to think how far we want this to go. You are a married woman. I do not want to put you into any embarrassing situations.”

May said, “Thank you Jack but I think you can see that I am attracted to you. I do think that you are attracted to me but I think you are right. We should take our time. In the next few weeks, I would like to spend as much time as you can spare with me. We must see how we get on when we are alone.”

I said, “That is a good idea May but I need to get a move on and get home. May next month I need to go to France to buy wines for about ten days would you like to come with me?”

May said, “Jack I would love to do that. I'll tell Alex I am going with you on a wine buying trip. I am sure when we come back we will know if we have a future.”

I said, “May we will have a future. I am sure a lot of fun as well but I need to go. I will call you when I get home?”

We kissed and then May said, “I would love you to phone when you get home as I will worry about you until I hear from you.”

We kissed again and then I left but made sure May got safely into her house.

May and I were phoning each other three times a day and when she phoned on Monday night that was the fourth call of the day. I loved all the calls as we were getting to know each other.

May had not mentioned anything about the possible relationship or us. The only thing she asked about was the trip to France.

I was thinking about that too. Would I stay in the Hotels I normally stayed in as I had stayed there with a few of my girlfriends? I thought it would not be a problem, as May would enjoy it, as they were all first class hotels.

May also spoke of changing her hairstyle and colour. I suggested a little shorter and blonder. She said she would ask her hairdresser. She had a big worry about appearing to be mutton dressed as lamb.

May asked why I was not bringing a partner and I told her, “I was not dating anyone at the moment.”

May had always taken an interest in who I was dating. For years she had always asked me to bring any girl I was seriously dating around for a coffee. Always after an audience, she would phone me a couple of days later then say something that would make me think again about them. She always had been right in what she had said.

I thought that she wanted me to have an interest in one of her daughters but that was not the case. She never attempted to push them in my direction. Years ago, I had been staying with May when my parents were on a three-week cruise and she had come into my bedroom and caught me masturbating. She said with a smile, “It is healthy to orgasm.” She then left the bedroom.

There were other times when we had not seen each other for maybe six months she would give a warm embrace, which was more than a cuddle. Both of us took our time in breaking the cuddle. Over the last two years, she had always given me a kiss on the cheek when we met. I had returned it with a kiss to her cheek.

May was fifty-one and Alex was sixty-eight. Alex was a heavy smoker and enjoyed his whisky. He was the senior partner in a large firm of accountants. He had cut back the amount of time he spent in the office but still had a large salary from the firm.

May then said, “I don’t think Alex will stay long on Friday night so I will be your partner.” I said, “That would be super but save the last dance for me.”

May laughed and said, “I will not be dancing with anyone else.”

My aunt had died when I was eighteen. I was going to study Law but had to go into the Hotel to manage it when she died. My grandfather had bought it forty-five years ago. He had built it up considerably. It now was a large hotel with one hundred and twenty rooms along with eighteen suites. It also had a ballroom, which could seat six hundred guests but could be partitioned off to make six rooms for a hundred people in each. There was a Spa with a thirty meter swimming pool, sauna, Turkish bath and gymnasium. All the staff had been there for years and were very good as it all ran like clockwork.

I lived in my aunt’s flat, which was across the road from the Hotel. It was a lot of work but the staff ran it well. I could choose the times I spend in the hotel. I had a wonderful bookkeeper who did a wonderful job with the new computerisation that had made her job much easier.

May and I had now been chatting for an hour and she told me she was sitting in her bedroom with a bottle of wine.

My family also had a wine company. I supplied May with her wine for her own consumption. I also had arranged a deal with the Hotel that I would supply the wine for the party and May would pay the corkage.

This was a good deal for May. The hotel would also make money from it.

I had finished my bottle of wine and wanted another one so I said to May “I have finished my bottle of wine and I need to go to fridge for another one.”

May laughed and said, “I finished mine ten minutes ago. I was about to tell you I needed the bathroom so I could go for another one.”

I said, “I love your style.”

We both went for more wine.

Then May said, “I don’t know what to wear and am thinking I must buy something smart as I do not want to look like an old fuddy duddy on Friday night.”

I said, “May you will not look like an old fuddy duddy but I would like you to wear something that shows your wonderful curves.”

May laughed and said, “You should not be looking at my curves but to be honest it makes me happy that you notice them.”

I said, “May there is a lot to notice.”

May then said, “I think I will wear a nice blouse and skirt but I will need to buy some lingerie to go with it but I will do that tomorrow.”

We then chatted and I looked at my watch and it was one o'clock. I said to May that I had to be up at six thirty. We said goodbye and blew each other a kiss.

I got ready for bed and then my mobile beeped and I had a SMS and it read "Jack Darling I have really enjoyed our chat. I am looking forward to being your partner on Friday. Tomorrow I will buy something nice that will show my curves and maybe a little more. Good night darling, May xxx".

I replied "Thank you May I am sure you will look stunning but do not show too much. I love to see a woman dressed and leaving something to the imagination. Long gentle good night kiss, Jack xxx".

I left my mobile on my bedside table and two minutes later it beeped again and it read, "Darling Jack thank you for your good advice and what I will wear will be only for you and as I lie in bed thinking of you that day I saw you playing with that wonderful cock you have. I would love it gentle at the beginning but much harder at the end. I want you to feel my tongue in your mouth and all over your beautiful body. Lots of hugs and kisses, May xxx"

I read it and my cock was getting hard. Then another beep "Darling Jack can we meet tomorrow? Is it better if I come to you as Alex is at the doctor tomorrow morning? He will be in the house in the afternoon. Darling I hope you are not annoyed at what I am writing but I have felt for a long time that there is something special between us. I only want to make you happy. Can't wait to have your wonderful cock in my mouth. Lots of hugs and kisses, May xxx"

I was very happy with what she had written and replied with "Darling May yes come and have lunch tomorrow at one.

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I am free for the rest of the day. Can you try to arrange that you can stay the night? I hope that this is possible I want to spoil and pamper you. Lots of hugs and kisses, Jack xxx"

Another SMS came and it read “Darling Jack that sounds wonderful. I have to take Alex to the Hospital tomorrow. The appointment is for eight so I think that will be finished in ninety minutes, as they will do a few tests. I will talk to the Doctor, who was in the same year as me at University. He is a man I respect highly. When I have him home, I will come to you for our lunch date. I am so excited but so happy. I will see you tomorrow. Lots of hugs and kisses, May xxx”

I then took myself in hand and relieved myself thinking of May. After I had orgasmed I thought six SMS. We are now ready for bed, which was good.

I woke up at six thirty and checked my mobile and there were two SMS’s and the first one read “My darling Jack I came twice last night and once this morning thinking about you my Darling. I feel like I am a teenager again. I am thinking of getting my hair coloured the same blond colour as Sue has. What do you think? Hopefully tomorrow morning we wake up together and then spend the rest of the morning in bed. Lots of hugs and kisses, May xxx”

The next read “My Darling Jack I just went to Alex. He has been coughing all night but he is now in the shower. I am a little worried about him but am pleased he has his appointment this morning. I will write when I get him home Lots of hugs and kisses, May xxx”

I replied to May “My darling that is a wonderful idea to have your hair the same colour as your sister as that colour really looks good. I am thinking maybe a little shorter would look good too. I am really looking forward to seeing you for lunch. I am sure we will talk about many things. I came last night thinking about you. I should be out of my meeting by ten so will be free from then. SMS when you can. Lots of hugs and kisses, Jack xxx”.

I showered, dressed, and then went to the Hotel where I was having a meeting with my accountant and my private pension fund actuary. Mrs. Graham my bookkeeper would be there as well as she had all the figures at her fingertips.

In private I called her Molly but in public everyone called her Mrs. Graham as she had a very commanding and distinguished look. She also had a fantastic body. She was head receptionist when I took over the hotel. She had retired five years ago when she was sixty. I offered her the position of bookkeeper, which she worked two morning shifts with one full day, which was normally a Tuesday, a week.

Normally we had Dinner on a Tuesday evening to go over the last weeks figures. We always had Dinner in the Hotel as Molly said it was the best food around. Prior to that Molly and I would go out on an evening she was not working in reception. I had been sleeping with her from just after the first month of my taking over the hotel.

Molly looked a very serious person and commanded authority, which she deserved, but she was one of the kindest and honest woman I have ever known. She often said how we had gotten away with our affair for six years was unbelievable but I said, “It is not that but people think you go to church every day to say your prayers. They think you act like a Catholic nun”.

She smiled when I said that to her. She was struggling when I took over the hotel as her daughter had just started studying accountancy. It was very expensive for Molly. After two months into our affair she told me she was struggling. I helped her out financially. Molly and her daughter really appreciated this.

One night when I was in Molly’s house Clare, Molly’s daughter thanked me for changing Molly’s life, as her Mum was so much happier now. It had been a dreadful struggle after her father had died.

In the wine company we had a five-year-old Golf Diesel. It was a good car and had a full service history. We were getting nothing for it so I gave it to Clare for her twenty-first birthday. We went out for a meal that night. Clare and Molly shared my bed. Clare passed her exams and is now a Chartered Accountant. I took Molly and Clare out to celebrate this and we had a wonderful night.

I said to Clare, “You are now a CA and I think it best for you to take a law degree.”

Clare said, “I would love to do that but my mother does not have the money for that.”

I said, “I have the money and I want you to do it for yourself and your mother. When you get it you come and work for me.”

Clare said, “Thank you. I will work hard as I would love to work with you.”

Molly is wonderful in bed. She knows how to satisfy a man but Clare had no experience. Molly taught her everything. Clare is now wonderful in bed, as she really knows what she is doing. For the last three years we have had threesomes every weekend. This is the real reason I am not dating anyone.

I was in a wonderful situation I had Molly and Clare. Now May was coming into my life in a big way. How could I bring her into our threesome? I honestly thought it could be done as May had been starved of sex for the last fifteen years.

A company have a showcase in the Hotel with wonderful clothes and lingerie. When it went in I gave them a lower rent if my staff could get a forty per cent discount on their products. They agreed to this proposal.

Molly and Clare are the only ones that use it. I am paying three hundred pounds every month. I am so happy to be paying it, as they both look wonderful. Last night I had been with Molly earlier but May had really turned me on when she sent me those SMS’s. I felt sure there would be exciting times ahead.

The meeting went well and we had now a lot of money in the pension fund. I had been contributing over eighty thousand pounds per year for the last six years and now was the time to buy some properties. I was sitting in my office and sent May an SMS which said "May darling my meeting is finished. Now I wait for you. When do you think you will be here? Lots of hugs and kisses, Jack xxx".

Two minutes later my phone beeped and this was her reply "My darling Jack I have had a very sad morning. At seven thirty I went to Alex's room and he was unconscious on the floor. He still had a pulse but it was very weak. I phoned for an ambulance. It arrived in eight minutes. He was still alive. I thought thank god there is still a chance. I followed the ambulance to the hospital but sadly he was dead on arrival. He is now in the hospital mortuary as they may do a post mortem. I have SMS'd the girls but have not told them that he is dead. I want to tell them face to face at their Edinburgh flat at six tonight. Darling could you drive me there? I have so much on my mind. I would love to have you by my side at this difficult time. I will make it up to you tonight, as I will have you all to myself. Darling I have so many things to organise but will be finished at four this afternoon. I am going to spoil you tonight. Lots of hugs and kisses, May xxx"

I replied immediately with this, "My darling May I am sorry to hear about Alex but he didn't suffer any pain. It's sad he will not see his children married. He will also not see any of his grandchildren. Darling let me come this now. I am sure that I can do things for you. I am sure that tonight will be very special. Lots of hugs and kisses, Jack xxx"

The beeper went five minutes later. This was what she wrote, "Darling can you please bring a case of Champagne as I only have two bottles left in fact make it five cases as there will be a lot of people calling and I want to give them Champagne. Yes come now if you want but go to my father's house first as Sue will give you a key. Please put the champagne into the fridge in the back storeroom. Sue has been phoning everyone and that is saving me a lot of time. It will be hard for the girls tonight but to be honest I am happy he is away. He was a good father but a dreadful husband. When we had sex he only thought of himself. He was in and out and never cared about how I felt. Lots of hugs and kisses , May xxx "

I replied, "Darling May I will pack a suitcase and leave some clothes at your house. I will have some lunch and then drive to Sue I will put the Champagne in the fridge is there anything else I can do for you? Lots of hugs and kisses, Jack xxx"

Another SMS arrived and May wrote "Darling Jack I have bought some lovely new clothes and also some super lingerie which I am sure you will love. Some of the pieces really push my boobs up. If the phone rings then note the name and phone number. Say I will get back to them. I am in the hairdressers having my haircut and coloured. I want to look wonderful for you. I will phone you when I leave the hairdressers. Could you run a hot bath for me when I call? I then can have a bath before I go to Edinburgh. I have also had my pussy waxed. It really is smooth. Lots of hugs and kisses, May xxx"

I thought to myself that she was really doing a lot to please me and she now has Sue doing the work of telling everyone. May has probably phoned a high quality Funeral Director and put it the entire organisation into their hands.

I sent May a quick reply saying "Thanks darling it sounds very exciting. I am smooth too as I shaved this morning. When you phone I will run your bath. If we have time I will join you. Lots of hugs and kisses, Jack xxx"

I told her a little lie there as Molly had shaved me last night and I had shaved her. I packed my suitcase went to the wine store got the five cases. I then had a quick lunch in the Hotel. I told reception I had some business to attend to and could be contacted on my mobile or by email.

I arrived at Sue's and the gardener was working in the garden. I wished him the time of day. Sue is two years younger than May. She had never married. She was a very attractive woman with an excellent figure. She ran the office of her father's Company.

May had said that a company had made an offer for the business with its one hundred and ten branches. Her father had separated the properties into a separate company, which he would now rent to the company that was buying his company. May's father was in his eighties and loved his time now relaxing in his seaside bungalow.

Sue answered the door and invited me in.

I said, "I was so sorry to hear about Alex. I am going to drive May to Edinburgh so she could tell the girls face to face."

Sue said, "I got a shock when May phoned this morning. So did my father but it was quick and painless and that is good."

I agreed and then Sue said "Jack you have grown to be a very handsome man. You also a very eligible bachelor. Are you dating anyone at the moment?”

I replied, "No I am working very hard. I do not have much time but you are a very attractive woman. I have often wondered why you have never married as I am sure you would be a wonderful wife."

Sue then said, "I am a bit like you in that I always put my work first. I have had a few boyfriends but none I would like to marry. I just meet now and again for a little rendezvous. That can give a lot of fun without having the responsibility of marriage. Look at poor May who has slept in a different bed for over fifteen years that is why I think it is better to have little rendezvous’s."

I then said, "I like how you think but you have to be careful nowadays as there are a lot of Sexually Transmitted Diseases around. I want to stay clean and healthy. I will only sleep with someone who is clean and healthy".

Sue said, "You are so right."

She then offered me a glass of wine and I told her, "I would love to have one with her but I had some work to do at May's house but maybe the next time."

Sue then asked me for my business card and I gave it to her. I thanked her for the key and the time she had spent with me. Then we shook hands and she held my hand for quite a long time. When she let go I left.

I went to May's house and put thirty bottles in the fridge and then went upstairs to May's bedroom and left my suitcase.

I then went into Alex's room. The smell of cigarettes was disgusting. I then opened the windows to get some fresh air in but that room needed to be painted. I looked round the whole upstairs and there were five bedrooms with three of them en-suite and a very large bathroom with bath shower washbasin and bidet. I thought that bidet will be used a lot more.

Then my mobile went and it was May to ask me run the bath in the bathroom. She would be home in ten minutes.

Written by jack1107
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