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I Love Older Women Chapter Five

"Older women are attracted to a young business man."

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Chapter Five

At six-forty-five, May’s phone beeped. It was a SMS from Mags. May sent her an SMS back. May said, “It is from Mags. She wants to know how I got on last night. I have asked if I can call her as I don’t want to write what I want to tell her. I told you this would happen.”

Then May’s phoned beeped again. May read the message then signaled for me to follow her as Val was still fast asleep. We went to the lounge. May dialed Mags then put it on speaker phone. Mags asked how it went. May replied, “It was wonderful darling, we were alone for two hours. We kissed and cuddled a lot. It was very intensive and also very intimate.”

Mags asked, “What did you do?”

May said, “Let’s just say I did not want to spit his very sweet cum out.”

Mags said “That is wonderful Mum what did he do to you?”

May answered, “For the first time in my life I had my pussy tongued. I don’t know how many orgasms I had but it was a lot. My pussy is still tingling this morning. I didn’t let him go inside me but I think I will let him in tonight. He has the biggest cock I have ever seen in my life. I saw a lot when I was practicing medicine but it felt good in my mouth. He is so gentle and considerate as we played with each other. I really enjoyed it.”

Mags replied, “I have never been tongued either in my life but I am glad you enjoyed it. I think Bob’s is normal but I wouldn’t know as I haven’t seen many. You should let him go inside you tonight.”

May answered, “I will but Sue is very interested in him too. She is spending a lot of time around him.”

Mags replied, “Maybe you should share him as he is young enough to service and satisfy both of you.”

May answered, “I think Sue would like that but we must wait and see what happens. Sue wants to come to the party tomorrow night.”

Mags replied, “I will keep a watch out for her then. Mum I must go. I will see you tomorrow. I hope you have a wonderful day bye.”

May said, “Bye.” Then to me, “I think I have done it. I feel she will accept Sue and I together with you.”

I replied, “Yes that is good. If Mags comes on me then you will know Bob is not the man for her.”

May said, “That would be good to know.” She kissed me and we got on the rug again and twenty minutes later May was very happy. We showered then got dressed as Molly and Sue appeared. They were both dressed.

I said to Molly, “Molly use your Hotel Credit Card as this is my treat to you all.There is another lady going with you to the shop. Buy her what she wants. she has joined the coffee club. You will meet her at breakfast. Her name is Val. She is a lovely person.”

Then Val came out of the bedroom wearing her push up bra and crotchless panties. She said, “Good Morning I am Val. I am so happy to be here.”

Then May introduced her to Sue and Molly. Both of them complimented her on her boobs. Sue and Molly then started on breakfast. Val’s phone beeped. It was Jo. Val gave her May’s address then said, “We can meet at eleven at May’s house.”

Then Jo would help Val. They would take Val’s things down to Ayr. They would use Jo’s car as well as it was a large Jaguar estate car.

We had a super breakfast. I walked over to the Hotel so they could have my car to go to the shop. Molly said I can phone Mary and see if she can open a little earlier for us. Molly came back then said, “She is in the shop. We can knock the door when we arrive.”

I said, “That is good and let me know when you are nearly finished. I will walk up and we can leave from there.”

May replied, “I will do that.” We all left together. I went to the hotel then summoned the Maintenance Manager. I told him I had a couple of projects on the go. I gave him the keys of the three storey building. I said “I am going to convert this into two thirds an Antiques Market. The other third into an Auction house. Maybe you should give Gary, the Architect a ring as he was going to do some plans for me.”

Jim replied, “I will do that but still go down and have a look.”

I said, “The other is a property which I want to convert into a B&B with 6 en suite rooms but we can go up next week and see it.”

He answered, “Your idea about an Antiques Center is a good one. That will do well.”

I answered, “I hope so. I want a small bistro in it too to service the Auction House and the Center.”

Jim replied, “I will say to Gary.” I then went to the Duty Manager and asked how things were.

He said, “They had been full all week and were full at the weekend. We have four weddings on this weekend.”

I replied, “Good.” I then spend some time in Reception where I always got the feel for what was happening in the Hotel. Everyone was happy that we were so busy. Then my mobile went and it was May.

She said, “This is a wonderful shop. They have wonderful things. We are just about finished so you can come up to see what we have bought. Jack you will love the push up bras we have all bought. Sue and I are keeping ours on as it makes us look so curvy.”

I replied, “I will be there in five minutes.” As I left the hotel James, the General Manager drove in. He got out of his car and said, “Long Time no see. How are you?”

I said, “I have a couple of projects going on. I will tell you about them next week. I have been quite busy, James could you drive into town?”

He replied, “No problem.”

I got him to leave me at my Accountants. When he drove off I walked round the corner into the shop. I asked if they had got everything. They all said yes they had got wonderful things. They were all very happy.

I asked Molly, “If she had paid?”

She replied, “It is all taken care of.”

I asked, “Did you get anything for Jo and Val?”

May said, “We have got her ten wonderful things. If she needs another size we can change tomorrow.”

I looked at my watch. It was nine twenty. I asked Val to phone Jo to say we would be at May’s at ten thirty. Val did this. We then got into the car. Sue drove us back to the flat and Molly, May and Val took all the purchases into the flat.

I asked Molly how much it had been. She said, ”For what we have bought not a lot just over one thousand five hundred pounds.”

I said, “Super. The girls are happy.”

They all came back. All of their boobs were sticking out. They all looked amazing. Val was stunning. We got into the car. We arrived at May’s at ten twenty five. Jo was there. We got out of the car. It was obvious Jo was wearing a push up.

I introduced her to everyone. We went inside. May got her car out of the garage. It was a silver Mercedes B class Diesel. I checked the fuel tank. It was a quarter full.

I said to Jo, “The car needs some fuel come to the Garage with me.” She got in and we went to the garage where I filled it up then checked the oil. I drove to where you put air and water in then kissed Jo. She had a strong tongue.

I said, “I am really looking forward to tonight.”

Jo replied as she opened her legs a little, “So am I. I am open for you.”

I slid my hand under her skirt, she had no panties on, her pussy was wet. I fingered her for a few moments.

I said, “We must go but we will be alone tonight as I want you alone and not in a threesome.”

Jo answered, “Super.”

May Sue and I then left for Edinburgh. May said, "We won't stay tomorrow at my house as we will just go for the buffet. Then leave so we probably will be back in your place at ten. That way it saves everyone travelling up then going back again the next day."

Sue replied, "That is a good idea as it let's the kids get on with their disco".

I agreed with them.

We arrived in Edinburgh and it was ten past twelve.We went to Parliament Square. I went to the Reception. The receptionist asked, "Are you here to see the Solicitor General?"

I replied, "Yes."

He said, "I have been trying to phone you but with no success."

I checked my mobile and it was muted. I had missed five calls and two SMS’s.

I said, "Sorry.”

He replied, “Can we can come now?"

I replied, “Yes.”

I took the Parking Permit then went for the girls. I told them he could see us now. We went into the Reception. An assistant arrived and took us to his office. Inside the office I said, “I am Jack Ryan. This is Dr May Roberts and her sister Sue Ritchie.”

We sat down. he introduced himself and his two assistants. Then May and Sue started. They were unbelievable. It like a presentation they were giving. May then gave them the two USB sticks. She told them the sticks contained all supporting evidence to the file they would now present. May assisted by Sue spoke for forty five minutes and every event was etched in their minds.

Mr Russell said, “You have made a very convincing case.” He then thanked us for our time then said, "I would ask you to not discuss what you have said today to anyone as I am sure these matters will unravel themselves in due course."

With that we left. I asked the girls if they would like something to eat. May said, “There is a very good Italian restaurant very close.”

We got to the restaurant and had a lovely meal. We all agreed that it had gone well.

Then Sue said, "Why did he tell us not to discuss it?"

I replied, "Because they are about to act on it. We could discuss it with the wrong person and they could tip off Francis. When we get back I would like to spend some time with Jo as we have a lot to catch up with. We should be back by five. I can have a session with her then. After that will we go over to the Hotel for Dinner?"

May said, "No problem Jack, we hope you have a great time. Yes it would be nice to go to the Hotel to eat. Jack you will have five girls with you tonight. All with their tits sticking out. I love this bra. Thanks for all you gave us this morning.”

I checked my mobile and now had time to read my texts. I now had three. One from Val saying thanks for the lingerie and saying Jo was helping her a lot. They had got everything into the two cars and would now go back to the Penthouse.

The first one from Jo read, "Darling Jack Val has told me you got me some wonderful lingerie this morning. We have managed to get everything in the two cars and are now on the way to your flat. I hope you're day is going well. Thinking about you and what we will do tonight. Lots of hugs and kisses, Jo xx."

The second one read, "Jack Darling I really love what you have bought me. Tonight I will wear the Basque with no panties. When will you be home so I will be ready for you? I am so looking forward to seeing you and please excuse me if I cum very quickly. I know I will cum a lot. Lots of kisses, Jo xx.”

I replied with, "Darling the day has been good. We will be back at four thirty. I have said to the girls we will eat in the Hotel tonight so that will give us three hours together. I am looking forward to seeing you. I want to feel your tongue everywhere Lots of hugs and kisses, Jack xx.”

I told the girls what I had written. They both said have fun with her before we go out. After we are back if you want we can join you.

May then said the Funeral Director had sent an email suggesting the Hotel where Mags's party would be and how many people did I think would be there.

May said, "I have no idea what do you think Jack? "

I said,"When we are at the church we will have a good idea. Then at the cemetery we will have a better idea. Then we can tell him how many we think will be there. Did Alex have many friends from his work or business?"

May said, "No, he never went out. He had a friend from the firm but he died a couple of years ago. Alex never went to his funeral."

I said, "May I don't think there will be many there and on Sunday when we go to the service we can check the number of messages on your voicemail at home. Do you have Alex’s mobile then we could see if anyone has tried to contact him?"

May said, "Alex did not have a mobile. He would not have known how to use it."

I said, "Did he have a laptop?"

May said, "Yes he used it for his work. He even had an email address."

I said, "Let me have a look at it as some people may have been trying to contact you through the way they contacted him."

May replied, "I would never have thought of that we can go into the house on the way home and check."

I answered, "We get a lot of people giving us this information when we have Funeral Purveys. We should go in and have a look at his laptop and your house phone."

Sue replied, "That is a good idea."

We arrived there and the house phone had no messages. When I opened the laptop I soon knew Alex had been leading a double life. I didn't know whither to tell May. The laptop was in Alex bedroom. I said to May that he was on the same website as she was on but he was looking for men."

May said, "For fucks sake I would never have thought that but there was a time after Kay was born that he started to spend a lot of time in the office. That was the time he stopped having sex with me. One of his friends from the office was always on the phone to him."

I asked, "Do you remember his name?"

May said, "I think it was George Robertson but I met his wife once. Her name was Su with no e. Alex had forgotten some folders. I took them to the office for him then I met his wife there. We went for a coffee but I never saw her again. She was a lot younger than him. I think she worked in one of the big Auction Houses. She was tall and very good looking."

I replied, "May I will take this with us then when we have time we can go through it but if it doesn't matter to you then I can destroy the hard drive so his secrets go to the grave with him."

May answered, "No I would like to know. We can analyse it together."

Then Sue appeared and said,"I have been round to the house to check the mail. Papa has left a card for Mags with a cheque for a thousand pounds in it. He sends his best regards but saying he won't be at the Disco."

May said, "That was nice of him. Now let's go home".

I gave May a kiss and we left.

We arrived at the flat, as we were walking to the main door a tall woman was walking from the garages. She then said, "Are you May Roberts?"

May replied, "Are you Su?"

Su said, "Yes" and both hugged each other then Su said, "I'm so happy to see you. I was so sorry to see your husband's name in the newspaper. I will come on Monday."

May introduced me to Su then said,"I was telling Jack about you forty five minutes ago and now we meet. Jack has a flat here do you live here as well?"

Su replied, "Yes we had a very big house in Alloway. When my husband died I downsized then bought this flat. I love it. Would you like to come in for a glass of wine?"

May said, "I would love to come but Jack has some business to finish but I would really like to come."

Su said, "Super then Jack can come when he is finished."

May said, "Jack text me when you are finished. I will stay with Su until I hear from you."

We walked together then got into the lift. They got out at the second floor. May and I stood in the lift door and had a very long kiss.

When we finished Su said, "I wish I was getting kissed like that."

May said, "Jack is very good at everything he does."

I went upstairs, Jo opened the door wearing her Basque. We kissed. She told me that my room was free. I went to the fridge got a bottle of Champagne, two glasses and a wine cooler. We sat on a sofa in the bedroom. I said, “I have had a long day. I need a glass to relax.”

I then said, "You look wonderful.”

I took my clothes off and Jo said, "What a wonderful cock that is the biggest I have ever seen."

She then went down on me, soon I was very hard. She sipped her Champagne between sucks. Soon I was ready for her then took her to bed. Her vulva was swollen but looked super. I went down on her, soon she was very wet.

She said, "Jack, I have dreamed of this day for years."

Then I turned her round and went into her doggystyle. I worked her clitoris as I rode her. I had a wonderful rhythm, she was coming a lot. After forty minutes I came then Jo said, "That was wonderful and I have never cum so much in my life."

We kissed and my mobile rang, it was May "Su would like to join us for Dinner, she also wants to join our coffee mornings.

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She is super in bed. She has wonderful Lingerie and uses the shop we were in this morning a lot.”

I replied, "Give me twenty minutes to have a shower.”

I said, "May is coming with a friend, then we'll all go out for Dinner but let's shower first."

In the shower I told Jo how good she felt in bed and how attentive she was to my needs. I told her that May wanted me to spend some time with her friend but she should go into the lounge and circulate. She kissed me and said, “Thanks Jack my pussy is still tingling, when you have time I would love to do it again.”

I said, “Jo we will do it very soon then maybe have a threesome, would you like that?”

Jo said, “Val and I are brilliant together.”

I said, “I look forward to that.” Jo went into the lounge. I went and got my dressing gown. I swallowed the Viagra that was in the pocket.

I put on the dressing gown. Then the bell went. I opened the door. Su was wearing a coat and May was carrying a bag from a Designer shop.

May said, “Su let me help you off with your coat.”

May helped Su off with her coat and she was wearing a Basque with no panties and self supporting stockings.

I said, “Wow, Su you look super. You have a beautiful body.”

May said, “Jack take Su into your bedroom and I will get some Champagne.”

She gave me the bag saying, “Su’s skirt and blouse are in there and she will need it when we go out.”

I said, “If you see Molly ask her to book my table for seven people tonight as they will need to change the table.”

May said, “I will do that.”

I said to Su,“Thank you for the lovely surprise.”

Su replied, “It was May’s idea but I get a lot of pleasure in doing it.”

We got into the bedroom and started kissing and cuddling. Su was a good kisser and her tongue was everywhere. I was using my tongue on her neck and ears. I was playing with with her very sizable boobs. Su had her hand inside my dressing gown and was caressing my nipples very gently. I then took off my dressing gown and Su said “That is the biggest penis I have seen in my life.”

I said, “When he is sucked he will get bigger.”

Su said, “I will suck him just before you go inside me.”

I slid a finger very gently around her vulva. This aroused her as I slipped my finger inside her, she was wet. I went down on her. She had a big clit which I started to suck, I was finger fucking her with two fingers when May came back.

I said, “May can you leave the Champagne and two glasses darling. After dinner we can have a threesome with Su as I would like to get to know her first before we do that.”

May answered, “Of course darling but when you are finished call me as I have so many things to tell you before we go for Dinner.”

I replied, “Darling give us forty five minutes, then come back.”

May said as she left the wine cooler with the Champagne in it and two glasses on the bedside table, “That is good darling then I can spent thirty minutes with you before we need to go. Have Fun.”

She blew us a kiss from the doorway.

I went back down on Su. Soon had a good rhythm going. I now had three fingers inside her. She was loving it.

Su said, "Jack you are the first man who has ever tongued me in my life. You are very good at it. I want to suck you. When you are ready I will go on top of you as I haven't had a penis in me for a very long time.”

I lay back and she licked a little pre cum from the slit on my cock then started to lick the length of my penis. She then put her mouth over the head. Soon was taking two thirds of me in her mouth. A couple of minutes later she was taking all of me. She was very good at it.

Ten minutes later I asked, "Where do you want me to cum? If you keep going I will cum."

Su replied, "Sorry I was enjoying myself so much. I have cum several times as I was sucking you. Jack I want you to cum deep inside my cunt."

Then she squatted over my cock and then guided my cock into her hot wet cunt. She slowly developed a rhythm. She was now riding me. She was a gripper. She was gripping my cock with her pussy muscles as she rode me. She was very good. I nearly came a couple of times but I held back. I could feel her pussy was getting very wet.

After thirty minutes of her riding me I said, "Su I am going to cum."

Su said as she started to ride and grip me harder "Jack cum for me CUM for me I want to feel you squirt inside my cunt. SQUIRT for me darling. Then I will lick your cock clean when you come out."

I came very quickly with her vocal encouragement. Su said, "Jack that was wonderful. You are a very special person."

I said, "So are you Su." I could feel her pushing my cock out of her pussy with her pussy muscles.

I asked, "What are you doing?"

Su said, "I want your cock out so I can lick him clean."

I kissed her and brought my cock out and it was glistening with both of our orgasms. Su started to lick and suck my still hard cock. As she took a long lick she had a lot of cum on her tongue.

She said, "Our mixture tastes very sweet" as she kissed me with her tongue deep in my mouth. I thought to myself that I liked this woman.

I opened the Champagne and poured Su and myself a glass saying, “Su you are a very interesting woman tell me about yourself.”

Su replied, “I am forty-four years of age. I married a man twenty-eight years older than myself four years ago when I was forty. That was the biggest mistake of my life. My parents were both doctors. I was an only child.”

“I had a wonderful childhood and education. I have an Honours degree in History. After I left University I got a job with Sotheby's, then worked for them until I got married. At that time I was working in their Glasgow office. I was amongst other things their Ceramics expert.”

“My husband had a wonderful Ceramic collection which I now have. Believe me, Jack, that was the only good thing to come out of that marriage.”

“My husband in the four years we were together only had sex with me four times. We never had sex before we married. With hindsight I know now that was a stupid thing for me to do. He was a partner in the same practice as May’s husband. The thing I didn’t know was he was a homosexual. For years his lover was Alex. They used to have weekends in what May calls the cottage beside Largs.”

“May and I had a long chat about this. I think this is what she wants to tell you. I had my feelings and urges which were totally ignored. I should have left him when I found out but six months later he had a heart attack.”

“I inherited a lot. I never need to work another day in my life but I want to work. May has told me about the Antique Center and Auction House.I think it is a great idea and will help you all I can.”

Sue then said, “Jack I have four friends in my coffee morning club. They have worked in Christie's, Bonhams and Lyon and Turnbull and are all experts in their fields. We often work together when Flog It is in Scotland and the North of England as behind the scenes valuers.”

When the Antiques Roadshow is in the North we work there as well. I am the youngest. Three are in their early fifties. The other is in her late fifties. All four are very fuckable. They will love you and your wonderful cock.”

“What have I done since my husband died well not really a lot. I will be honest with you I can still have a child. This is what I have been trying to do. Apart from you and my husband, the last man I slept with was in my mid thirties.”

“I have tried everything. I am a bit like May, I have tried RolePlay sites, risky dating sites, in fact everything. I have not come across one man I would be happy with being the father of my child. They are all so fucking stupid.”

“I thought of socialising more with married couples then find a husband that had a brain that I could fuck but there was no one I was remotely interested in. I want that child. I have the money to give it a decent life and education but I do not think it is going to happen for me. I do not know what I can do to make this happen.”

I said, “Su if you are interested I would consider it a privilege to be the father of your child. We have only just met but I believe you would be a wonderful mother. If you want we will make love every day until you are pregnant. Believe me I will be a wonderful father.”

Su replied, “Do you mean that? But you don’t know me.”

I said, “I know that I like you as a person. I can give you something that you want this now. I know that you will be a great mother to my child. I may have a child with someone else. I may have more with you but only time will tell but I feel a great attraction to you. I know we are compatible in bed.”

Su said, “Those are the nicest words that have been said to me in my life. Yes I would love you to be the father. If it happens I will do everything I can for you and any children we may have.” Then she kissed me.

I said, “Su this is now your bed but if we want a night to ourselves then I will come to you.”

Su said, “Jack I am falling in love with you.”

I replied, “Su I enjoy having the women I have but if you can accept that then I am sure we can have a wonderful life together. If we have kids so much the better.”

Su said, “I accept that. The women I have been to bed with, I have loved these times. I want them to continue but Jack as long as I am with you I promise you I will never have another man.”

We kissed again. I honestly felt very happy and felt sure I was doing the right thing. I then went and called for May.

May came with a glass in her hand and it was seven-twenty-five. We had thirty five minutes before we had to leave. May said, “You two look happy.”

I said, “May, Su has told me about her life and her situation. What she only wants from life is a child or children. I am prepared to give her that if she can conceive from me and is fertile. I like Su. I would be proud to have her as the mother of my child as would I be if you or Sue had a child from me. If Su has a child then we both will be good parents but we still will have our coffee mornings. We won’t be jealous of that.”

May said, “Jack you are a wonderful man I and am sure Sue would love to have a child with you. We both still have our period it could happen but I do not think we are both as fertile as we once were.”

Su replied, “Thank you both this is the happiest day of my life.” We kissed and hugged each other.

May said, “I will be a great babysitter.” I asked May “Has Molly asked for a table for seven?” May said “Yes.”

Then the three of us showered together then dressed and went into the lounge to meet the rest. They were all there and they all looked so sexy, but not tarty with their boobs sticking out. Each of them through their own taste in clothing all looked so subtly sexual. I thought how many men could go out for Dinner and sleep with all of them. All would be willing to give him pleasure. I was a happy man.

We had a wonderful meal and a lot of men were looking at the girls.It made the Cocktail Bar busier before and after our meal. After the meal the Cocktail bar was full. We only had one bottle of Champagne. I thought to myself to check the turnover for the Cocktail Bar tomorrow and see if it is higher than a normal Thursday night.

We got home. We had another bottle but Sue and Val went off together and did not have another drink. Val’s tits looked amazing and that was probably the reason no one left the bar.

Then Molly and Jo left. Molly said, “Will we have breakfast at eight-thirty?”

I said, “That would be good.” Both Molly and Jo thanked me for the lingerie and for Dinner.

May then said. “Su tomorrow night is my daughter’s twenty first. She is having a party and Sue, Jack and I are going for say an hour and a half would you like to join us?”

Su said, “Yes I would love that. Then she asked, “Can I see the properties I had bought and maybe bring my four friends as she would welcome their input?”

I said, “Yes, no problem my Maintenance Manager has the keys. I will get them off him. We probably go down there at ten-thirty.”

Su replied, “Super now let me text them.”

The text read as follows “Darlings I have just had the best night of my life. Don’t be jealous but I have had the biggest penis I have ever seen in my life inside me for over an hour. God knows how many times I came but believe me this guy is wonderful. He is part of a new coffee morning club. He is the only male member.

The good news is he has just bought two properties in Ayr. He is going to turn part of one into an Antique Center. The other part into an Auction House. My dream man is only twenty four. He has a lot of money.

He lives in the Penthouse above me. Now I told you not to be jealous. I am more than willing to help him in his new and if any of you are then please let me know ASAP. I am sure this project will fly. His coffee morning is the same as ours Basques, Bodies with no panties No Pain only Pleasure. Hope to hear from you soon, Su xxx.”

Su then said, “We will hear from them soon. their names are Jill, Jean, Margie and Beth. They are all very fuckable. They all very nice with it. They are all experts in their fields. They all have access to the top drawer in the Antique’s world.”

Margie was first to reply. Su said, “She was the oldest, fifty-nine but gorgeous looking and a widow her text read, “Su I am not one bit jealous but so happy for you. Of course I will join his Coffee Morning. Then will have access to his cock (Any pics of it yet?) I will help him all I can. I am an old lady who only needs fucked once or twice a week now. Let me know when we can meet and I will be there, Margie xxx.”

Su said, “Jack can I take some pics of your cock?” I said, “No problem but you will have to make him hard.”

May replied, “Su I will help you do that.” Within a couple of minutes I was hard. Su had six pictures of my Prince.

Su said, “I have another three texts. Jill who is fifty and married to a man of seventy-five with has dementia wrote, “Dear Su so happy to hear that for you and hope it works out. Want to join his coffee morning. The sooner the better. I will help him all I can and would love to meet him soon. Have you any cock pictures yet? Lets meet soon, Jill.”

Jean and Beth who were both widows texts were similar wishing her well and saying they would help but looking for cock pictures. Su replied to all of them with all six pictures but with one with her holding the base. This was a very sexy picture as her hand only covered a quarter and three quarters of my cock with a very large head was what you saw.

Su replied,“Darlings we can meet at ten-thirty a.m. am tomorrow at 16 Harbour View in Ayr and then we will show you round. Any input will be gratefully received. I have attached six cock pictures as all of you wanted to see that. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow morning. Many thanks, Su xxx.”

Su said “I bet they send pussy pictures for you to look at Jack. The reason they want to see cock pictures as we were all on the same websites. We had so much fun sending each other the cock pictures that came in every day. Jack your cock is the biggest I have ever seen.”

May said, “The biggest cock I have ever seen and I practised medicine for over eighteen years.”

May topped up the glasses.

Su replied, “This with the Antique Center and Auction House will work. Ayr has only one Auction House now. They do mostly General Sales. We will only do Special Sales. With the number of contacts we all have. Our names will attract buyers and sellers.”

Then Su’s phone started to beep. She had pictures from all four. She showed May and I them. They all looked very sexy. They all had big boobs and smooth pussies.

Su was able to tell from the pictures. Jean seemed to have tits as big as Val’s. Su said, “Jean’s tits are enormous. When she wears a push up they really look big. None of us has small tits but none of us was getting any cock.”

I said, “I go over to France every couple of months to buy wine. I was thinking I could also buy Antiques, then bring them back to sell here.”

Su replied, “That is a good Idea. Maybe two of us would come with you and buy. We could suggest things for you to buy. I am sure all five of us will will want to rent space in the Center as we all trade in our different areas.”

“All of us have thought of going into a Center. Jack this is going to work. I will sent a text back to them saying Thanks for the pictures and you are looking forward to meeting them tomorrow.”

Su did this and then we went to bed.

We all got on well. First, I fucked May but did not cum inside her. Then May and I worked on Su. After a long hard ride I came inside her. Within five minutes of finishing with Su we were all asleep.

Written by jack1107
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