If you use the toilets you have to move the houseboat out of the slip to empty the tanks when you leave. Ron had explained that to us when we arrived the previous day. We’d be here only a couple days and had no intention of going through the hassle of moving the houseboat. It wasn’t worth the trouble when there were community restrooms five minutes away in the center of the docks.
We’d spent all day on a scenic boat ride and Ron and Kami had just started the trek to the restrooms which gave Amber and I a few precious minutes of alone time to discuss what had become the elephant in the room.
Let me back up. Ron and Kami were our new friends. I’m Stan and Amber is my lovely wife. Two weeks earlier, I happened to stumble across an advertisement Ron had posted on Craigslist under the “Platonic Friends” section. I rarely look at Craigslist and when I do, it’s not the personal ads I look at. But for reasons I’ll never understand, I did. Serendipity maybe. Long story short, I was curious and Amber and I were fairly new to the area without friends to do things with, so I answered it.
We met for lunch and I was pleasantly surprised. Kami was pretty. Mid-forties, long dark blondish hair she kept pinned up, a sexy smile and a body just a little more ample sized than Amber’s 130 pounds. You couldn’t look at her and not notice her boobs. They weren’t huge but they were well-rounded, full and begging to be played with. Ron was a good looking guy, too. He was around my height, five foot eight or so with a regular sized body and a neatly-trimmed goatee. His hair was the same color as his wife’s but with a sprinkle of grey. Like Amber and I, he was in his early fifties.
We talked through lunch and actually hit it off with them. So well, in fact, that when they invited us to spend a weekend at their houseboat on Lake Powell, neither Amber nor I could think of a reason not to accept. So we agreed.
The plan was to go up on Friday morning, spend two nights and return to Phoenix on Sunday afternoon. We’d cruise around the lake in Ron’s speedboat, checking out the beautiful scenery during the day, barbecue and just hang out and relax in the evenings. It sounded like fun. Sex was not on the agenda.
In all fairness, Ron had warned me that he and Kami were quite touchy-feely with each other and tended to trade sexual innuendos on a regular basis. It’s just how they were. At our ages, sexual innuendos don’t bother us and I told him as much.
We found out that Ron wasn’t kidding. From the time they picked us up, seemingly every conversation between the two of them ended up being twisted and contorted into something sexual and they truly couldn’t seem to keep their hands off each other. Every time I looked, Ron’s hand was on Kami’s ass or copping a feel of her boobs. Kami wasn’t the shy type either. She had no problem hinting at sexual activities she had planned for later or casually discussing some previous sexual enterprise the two of them had apparently had. Whatever. It was a little different hearing people our age talk like teenagers in lust, but we didn’t care. It was all in good fun.
We arrived on Friday as planned and, after settling in and putting groceries away, the day was mostly shot. We took a short boat ride, marveling at the beautiful scenery and generally relaxing as Ron piloted us around Lake Powell.
The sexual banter between Ron and Kami continued through a barbecued dinner on the boat. It was interlaced in the conversation after dinner and continued right on through an hour of card playing. The card game was called 31, a quick game where each player draws and discards in an attempt to end up with 31 points in their hand. Whoever loses the hand, forfeits one of their three coins and, when your last coin is gone, you get one free pass. If you lose again you’re out. Twice Kami or Ron kiddingly suggested playing for clothes instead of coins. Amber and I took it as part of the continuous stream of sexual banter that had become the norm and kind of blew it off.
The next day was a long scenic trip up the lake with stops every so often to take pictures or stretch our legs. The sun was out and warm enough that both Amber and Kami had worn bikini tops with shorts. Ron piloted the boat while Amber and I rode in back. Kami preferred to sit in the open bow, facing backward so she could still talk to everyone. The sexually laced comments continued throughout the day.
When we’d hit a stretch of rough water at full speed, the bow of the boat would hammer up and down. Kami would have to grab the sides of the bow to hang on and the bouncing would pop her boobs half out of her top. She’d laugh and say, “Oops” and tuck them back in. Just part of the deal, but a fun part as far as I was concerned.
It was late afternoon by the time we returned to the houseboat, a little tired and sun baked. It was also when Ron and Kami headed for the restrooms and Amber decided to verbalize what we’d both been thinking.
“Do you think they’re just goofing around with all the sex talk or are they angling for something more?” Amber asked when our friends were out of earshot.
I sipped my Pepsi and watched Ron and Kami make the right turn at the dock intersection a hundred yards away and considered my answer. “I don’t know. I thought they were just kidding around at first. Maybe they are. What do you think?”
“I don’t think they’re sure exactly what they want. Kami has mentioned swinging a few times now but it’s always kind of in jest. To mention it more than once or twice tells me they’ve thought about it.” Amber leaned back in her lounger and closed her eyes.
“Does it bother you? All the sex talk?”
“Naw. I don’t care. It’s just... “ Amber trailed off.
We were on the top deck where the view of the marina and lake was spectacular. I took in the view for a minute, waiting for her to finish her thought.
“It’s just what?” I asked when she didn’t speak.
“It’s not what I had in mind for this trip. That’s all.”
“I know. It’s not what we signed up for when we agreed to this trip. I told you that from the start,” I said. “Sex with others wasn’t my reason for contacting Ron. The ad said platonic.”
“I know. It’s been years... swinging and swapping days are years behind us.” Amber leaned up and looked into my eyes. “Do you want to fuck Kami?” Her blunt question hit me like a slap on the back of the head.
“What? Where did that come from?” I stammered.
“They’ll be back in a couple minutes. We don’t have time to waste pretending we don’t know what’s going on here. Do you want to fuck Kami? It’s a simple question.” She looked at me expectantly like she was waiting for me to tell her whether I liked the red shoes or the blue shoes better.
“Do you want to fuck Ron?” I countered, deflecting the question until I could think it through.
“I think it would be nice to let Ron and Kami try swapping if it’s what they’re after. With that in mind, I’d fuck Ron. He’s a good looking guy so why not. Honestly, though, I think they’re on the edge. Like they’re at the edge of the pool but afraid to jump in for fear the water’s too cold. I think they’ve been at the edge for a while.”
“So, you do want to fuck Ron then?” I teased.
Amber shook her head in mock disgust. “Okay. I’ll play. Yeah. I’d like to get Ron naked and suck him until he’s hard and then lie back and let him fuck me.” She smiled and winked at me. “Happy now?”
It was my turn to laugh. “God I love it when you talk dirty!” Then I added, “Yeah, I’d love to fuck Kami if you’re okay with it.”
“I’m fine with it. We’ve done this before. No big deal, right?” she said seriously.
“We’ll just play it by ear tonight then. If it happens, it happens. If not... oh well.”
“What are you two doing up here?” It was Ron, making his way up the staircase to the upper deck where we were. Our discussion had distracted me and I hadn’t noticed their return.
“Not much,” I managed to respond.
He chuckled. “Probably up here having a quickie while we were gone.”
Amber offered a knowing smile at me.
That evening after dinner, the cards came out. Three hands into the first game, Kami won the hand and joked about playing for clothes. Ron ended up winning the game and we started the second game. Kami lost the first hand. Amber lost the second hand and when Kami ended up with 30 on the third hand, I lost.
“Ha! We should definitely be playing for clothes this game,” Kami teased when she flipped over her cards and showed the high hand. It was apparently the opening Amber had been waiting for.
“Okay. Get rid of your shirt Stan,” she ordered.
Kami and Ron stared dumbfounded as I obediently stood and pulled off my T-shirt and sat down. Like puppets on a string, their heads swiveled in unison to Amber. She smiled at the surprised looks on both faces and said, “Oh wait. I lost the hand before so I guess I should get rid of this.” She shucked the black satin swimsuit cover-up off her shoulders and let it puddle on the floor.
The look on our friends faces was priceless when Amber, instead of retaking her seat, walked around behind Kami and leaned down until her head was nearly on Kami’s shoulder.
“As I recall, you lost the first hand sweetie. I guess this has to go.” Amber kissed Kami on the cheek and gently pulled her lace coverup off her shoulders.
“Fuck me!” Ron blurted out. “I like this game.”
I had to agree with him. Both ladies in nothing but swimsuits and, hopefully, they wouldn’t be on long. I was already hard as a rock thinking of the possibilities.
Amber made her way back around the table to her chair. “Well… you guys have mentioned it a few times so I figured we may as well try it.” She smiled her sexiest smile. Then, as if something was just occurring to her, her face took on a serious look and she added, “That is unless it’s been all talk and you don’t really want to.”
The silence was deafening. Kami looked at Ron and Ron looked at Kami. Indecision etched on both their faces. I could tell Ron wanted to go for it, but he seemed to be hesitating for Kami’s sake. Suddenly, she didn’t seem quite as gung-ho as she’d sounded for the past couple days. Amber saw it ,too.
“Hey you two. Forget it. We’ll just play for coins,” Amber said kindly. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” She smiled a disarming smile.

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“It’s okay. Really.”
The look in Ron’s eyes seemed like disappointment to me. He was doing what I would have done. Letting his wife decide with the intent of standing behind her decision as if he’d made it himself, but deep down hoping Kami would agree to Amber’s challenge.
“So… what are we talking about?” Kami finally asked. “I mean, at the end of the game all of us except one will be naked. What then? We just get dressed and play again or what exactly?”
Amber’s eyes connected with Kami’s. She reached over and took her hand, completely ignoring Ron and I.
“Correct me if I’m wrong here Kami. All weekend I’ve been getting the vibe that you two love each other, but you’re wondering about taking the next step. Spicing things up so to speak. Sex with someone other than your spouse. It’s a little scary and, frankly, it’s easier to fantasize about than it is to do it. Stan and I know this from experience. My advice is, go for it or don’t go for it, but don’t go halfway.”
“You’re telling me if we do this there will be sex before we’re done.”
“Yes. If we do this I intend to fuck Ron before the night is through. If all you’re after is seeing me naked, I’ll get naked right here for you. We don’t need to play cards for that.”
Kami turned to Ron. “What do you think honey?”
“Entirely up to you baby. I’m good either way,” Ron said. “If you decide not to, though, I’d like to take Amber up on her offer of getting naked right now,” he added and laughed.
“Only if they both get naked,” I added. I had no intention of being left out. The ladies ignored our attempts at humor.
Kami thought for a few seconds before a smile spread across her face. “Let’s do it. Whose deal is it?”
Ron and I both beamed with smiles that must have looked like painted on clowns. Shit was going to get real.
“Okay. How about this. Whoever wins the hand gets to remove the article of clothing from the loser,” Amber said.
We all agreed and the cards were dealt.
Ron lost his shirt to Kami and I lost my shorts to Ron the next hand. He wasn’t too keen on being the one to remove them, but as the ladies pointed out, rules were rules. In the end, I dutifully stood and he pulled my shorts off. I was down to just my boxers and everyone else still had two pieces of clothing.
Kami lost the next round to lucky me and I enjoyed every second of untying her bikini top and letting those voluptuous boobs bounce free. She seemed the tiniest bit self-conscious just for a second but recovered quickly. Ron lost again, this time to Amber ,who slowly unbuttoned his shorts and knelt in front of him as she slowly pulled them down and off his hips. His hardness tented his boxers and, as Amber stood, she suddenly grabbed him around the waist and pulled him against her.
“Since I’m here I may as well sample the goods,” she cooed and slid her hand inside his underwear to fondle his cock. His eyes widened and he reached for Amber’s tits. In a flash she pulled her hand out and deflected his hands. “Sorry, you have to wait. You lost that hand.” She laughed and sat down.
“Damn,” was Ron’s only response.
I’d watched Kami’s face during Amber’s assault on her husband. Her smile faded and what I took as confusion or anxiety replaced it for just a second before the smile returned. I wondered if she was going to be able to handle Amber and Ron having sex when the time came.
Amber lost the next round to Kami and, instead of the banana yellow bikini top going away when Kami eased up behind her, Kami hooked her fingers into Amber’s briefs and pulled them down to her ankles. Amber stood naked from the waist down with both Ron and I ogling the trimmed ginger hair on her pubic mound and not saying a word. To Amber’s credit, she went with the flow and simply kicked her bottoms to the side, smiled and took her seat.
“You’ll get yours,” was all she said to Kami.
My steel hard cock had been straining to get out since the game started and was begging for the real fun to begin. From the looks of it, Ron was in the same boat. We all had one item left. Next hand would put someone out of the game. It turned out to be me. When Kami pulled my boxers down my cock shot up like it was spring-loaded. Kami took a few seconds to envelop it in her luscious boobs for a few quick strokes. She looked into my eyes and gave me one long slow lick from base to head before resuming her position at the table. I was out and merely a spectator now. Not a bad thing really.
Ron lost the next hand to Kami and received the exact same treatment I got from her. Then it was just the two ladies. Amber won the last hand and sauntered around the table to where Kami stood.
“I guess it’s time for your bottoms to go,” she teased. Kami giggled as Amber eased her bottoms down and off. Unlike Amber, Kami was clean shaven and my wife knelt down to take a good look. “Wow. I like it,” she purred.
Ron and I watched in awe as Amber’s tongue flicked out and teased Kami with four or five long probings into her bare sex. Then Amber stood, put a hand behind her neck and pulled Kami in for a full on the mouth kiss. Amber held her there, lips locked together and with her free hand, she slid two fingers between Kami’s legs. A small whimper escaped when Amber’s fingers found what they were looking for. I could have watched the two of them for hours but all good things come to an end. They broke off the kiss, both of them looking flushed and turned their attention to Ron and I like a pair of hungry vampires looking for prey.
Amber motioned Ron over. “Help me off with this top will you sweetie?” she said. I’d pulled Kami over until she stood in front of me, her back to me as I toyed with her nipples and rubbed my steel manhood between the cheeks of her scrumptious ass. We stood like that and simply watched my wife and her husband.
When Ron had Amber’s top off, she pushed him back onto the leather couch and got right down to business. She straddled his head in a sixty-nine position and lowered her pussy onto his mouth. He greedily began sucking and licking. Amber bent down and took Ron’s hard cock into her mouth. She took just the head with her first stroke. With the second stroke she took half of him and, on the third stroke, she took his entire cock into her mouth, deep-throating him until her nose was pressing against his balls.
Ron let out a moan with every stroke and I had to wonder how long he could hold off before shooting his load right down my beautiful wife’s throat. Amber must have sensed him getting close because she pulled her mouth off his cock and released his head from the captivity of her thighs. The two of them snuggled next to each other on the couch and suddenly all eyes were on Kami and I.
“Are you ready sweet thing?” I whispered in her ear.
“Uh huh,” she murmured quietly.
“Okay. Show time.” I eased her over to the table, swept the cards onto the floor and gently pushed her onto her back. I took one last look, locking the image into my mind forever. Her legs hung over a table edge and her eyes were closed. Her white-knuckled death grip on the edges of the table and the tight line of her lips, warned me to start slowly. She was obviously nervous.
“Relax baby,” I whispered. “We can stop anytime you like. All you have to do is give me the word. Okay?”
Kami responded with a barely audible, “Okay.”
I leaned over her and planted a kiss on her forehead then began working my way down. Soft kisses on her lips and a few to her neck before moving to her full, velvety boobs. I lingered there, caressing and enjoying the fullness with my hands while my tongue circled her now eraser hard nipples. I resumed my journey southward with a slow kiss trail down her stomach and, when I finally reached the top of her legs, I stopped and repositioned.
Kneeling with my head between her knees, I eased her legs further apart and kissed my way up her inner thigh. A moan escaped her lips when my tongue found her love button. I teased her with licks and flicks and nibbles and, when I sensed she was ready, I dove into her hot, wet lovebox with a vengeance. My only goal was to make her scream with delight and I did my best.
I licked and sucked and teased her clit with little love bites. Occasionally I’d spread her further, meander down and work my tongue into her other opening deep between her ass cheeks. I did my utmost to work her into a sexual frenzy and, judging from her squeals and squirming at the end, didn’t do a half bad job. When I finally came up to give my jaw a rest, Kami reached out and grabbed my hand.
“Come here,” she panted and pulled me to the edge of the table. She grabbed my cock and wrapped her lips around it. Her eyes were still closed like if she didn’t see our audience, they wouldn’t see her. I didn’t care. I held her head and began a rhythmic pumping into her hot wet mouth, careful not to go too far but wanting to go as far as I could. When I dared go no further, I pulled out. I heard sounds behind me and turned to see Ron on his back with Amber on top. She had two fistfuls of his chest and was riding his cock like he was a mechanical bull.
I wasn’t sure if Kami had even seen them. Her eyes had been squeezed shut since we started. It didn’t matter. We were busy with our own fun. I helped her slide off the table, turned her around and bent her over the table edge. I held her down with one hand in the middle of her back and stepped between her legs. “Are you okay?” I asked one last time. I wanted to be sure.
“God yes Stan! Fuck me. Stick that cock in me already!” It was all the encouragement I needed. I forced her legs a little further apart with my knees and, with my free hand, I grabbed my achingly hard cock and zeroed in on her sweet spot. When I shoved myself all the way in on the first stroke, Kami let out a shriek and her hands balled into fists.
“Oh my god! Oh my god!” she screeched. “Harder. Do it harder.”
She was warm and tight and dripping wet. I went slowly for a few strokes until I figured she was accustomed to me and then began a steady, hard pounding that slammed her thighs against the table with each push. We went until I couldn’t hold out any longer. One last stroke and I held her hips as I exploded my load deep inside her. We collapsed on the table right. I don’t think I could have moved if I’d wanted to.
When we did finally extricate ourselves and find a place to sit, Ron and Amber were already cuddled on the couch, done and basking in the afterglow.
The four of us sat in silence for probably ten minutes until, finally, Amber worked up the courage to ask the question on most of our minds.
“Well, Kami, what did you think?”
Kami waited a few seconds and then answered, “I think we should have done this last night instead of waiting until our last night here.”
The look in Ron’s eyes seemed like disappointment to me. He was doing what I would have done. Letting his wife decide with the intent of standing behind her decision as if he’d made it himself, but deep down hoping Kami would agree to Amber’s challenge.
“So… what are we talking about?” Kami finally asked. “I mean, at the end of the game all of us except one will be naked. What then? We just get dressed and play again or what exactly?”
Amber’s eyes connected with Kami’s. She reached over and took her hand, completely ignoring Ron and I.
“Correct me if I’m wrong here Kami. All weekend I’ve been getting the vibe that you two love each other, but you’re wondering about taking the next step. Spicing things up so to speak. Sex with someone other than your spouse. It’s a little scary and, frankly, it’s easier to fantasize about than it is to do it. Stan and I know this from experience. My advice is, go for it or don’t go for it, but don’t go halfway.”
“You’re telling me if we do this there will be sex before we’re done.”
“Yes. If we do this I intend to fuck Ron before the night is through. If all you’re after is seeing me naked, I’ll get naked right here for you. We don’t need to play cards for that.”
Kami turned to Ron. “What do you think honey?”
“Entirely up to you baby. I’m good either way,” Ron said. “If you decide not to, though, I’d like to take Amber up on her offer of getting naked right now,” he added and laughed.
“Only if they both get naked,” I added. I had no intention of being left out. The ladies ignored our attempts at humor.
Kami thought for a few seconds before a smile spread across her face. “Let’s do it. Whose deal is it?”
Ron and I both beamed with smiles that must have looked like painted on clowns. Shit was going to get real.
“Okay. How about this. Whoever wins the hand gets to remove the article of clothing from the loser,” Amber said.
We all agreed and the cards were dealt.
Ron lost his shirt to Kami and I lost my shorts to Ron the next hand. He wasn’t too keen on being the one to remove them, but as the ladies pointed out, rules were rules. In the end, I dutifully stood and he pulled my shorts off. I was down to just my boxers and everyone else still had two pieces of clothing.
Kami lost the next round to lucky me and I enjoyed every second of untying her bikini top and letting those voluptuous boobs bounce free. She seemed the tiniest bit self-conscious just for a second but recovered quickly. Ron lost again, this time to Amber ,who slowly unbuttoned his shorts and knelt in front of him as she slowly pulled them down and off his hips. His hardness tented his boxers and, as Amber stood, she suddenly grabbed him around the waist and pulled him against her.
“Since I’m here I may as well sample the goods,” she cooed and slid her hand inside his underwear to fondle his cock. His eyes widened and he reached for Amber’s tits. In a flash she pulled her hand out and deflected his hands. “Sorry, you have to wait. You lost that hand.” She laughed and sat down.
“Damn,” was Ron’s only response.
I’d watched Kami’s face during Amber’s assault on her husband. Her smile faded and what I took as confusion or anxiety replaced it for just a second before the smile returned. I wondered if she was going to be able to handle Amber and Ron having sex when the time came.
Amber lost the next round to Kami and, instead of the banana yellow bikini top going away when Kami eased up behind her, Kami hooked her fingers into Amber’s briefs and pulled them down to her ankles. Amber stood naked from the waist down with both Ron and I ogling the trimmed ginger hair on her pubic mound and not saying a word. To Amber’s credit, she went with the flow and simply kicked her bottoms to the side, smiled and took her seat.
“You’ll get yours,” was all she said to Kami.
My steel hard cock had been straining to get out since the game started and was begging for the real fun to begin. From the looks of it, Ron was in the same boat. We all had one item left. Next hand would put someone out of the game. It turned out to be me. When Kami pulled my boxers down my cock shot up like it was spring-loaded. Kami took a few seconds to envelop it in her luscious boobs for a few quick strokes. She looked into my eyes and gave me one long slow lick from base to head before resuming her position at the table. I was out and merely a spectator now. Not a bad thing really.
Ron lost the next hand to Kami and received the exact same treatment I got from her. Then it was just the two ladies. Amber won the last hand and sauntered around the table to where Kami stood.
“I guess it’s time for your bottoms to go,” she teased. Kami giggled as Amber eased her bottoms down and off. Unlike Amber, Kami was clean shaven and my wife knelt down to take a good look. “Wow. I like it,” she purred.
Ron and I watched in awe as Amber’s tongue flicked out and teased Kami with four or five long probings into her bare sex. Then Amber stood, put a hand behind her neck and pulled Kami in for a full on the mouth kiss. Amber held her there, lips locked together and with her free hand, she slid two fingers between Kami’s legs. A small whimper escaped when Amber’s fingers found what they were looking for. I could have watched the two of them for hours but all good things come to an end. They broke off the kiss, both of them looking flushed and turned their attention to Ron and I like a pair of hungry vampires looking for prey.
Amber motioned Ron over. “Help me off with this top will you sweetie?” she said. I’d pulled Kami over until she stood in front of me, her back to me as I toyed with her nipples and rubbed my steel manhood between the cheeks of her scrumptious ass. We stood like that and simply watched my wife and her husband.
When Ron had Amber’s top off, she pushed him back onto the leather couch and got right down to business. She straddled his head in a sixty-nine position and lowered her pussy onto his mouth. He greedily began sucking and licking. Amber bent down and took Ron’s hard cock into her mouth. She took just the head with her first stroke. With the second stroke she took half of him and, on the third stroke, she took his entire cock into her mouth, deep-throating him until her nose was pressing against his balls.
Ron let out a moan with every stroke and I had to wonder how long he could hold off before shooting his load right down my beautiful wife’s throat. Amber must have sensed him getting close because she pulled her mouth off his cock and released his head from the captivity of her thighs. The two of them snuggled next to each other on the couch and suddenly all eyes were on Kami and I.
“Are you ready sweet thing?” I whispered in her ear.
“Uh huh,” she murmured quietly.
“Okay. Show time.” I eased her over to the table, swept the cards onto the floor and gently pushed her onto her back. I took one last look, locking the image into my mind forever. Her legs hung over a table edge and her eyes were closed. Her white-knuckled death grip on the edges of the table and the tight line of her lips, warned me to start slowly. She was obviously nervous.
“Relax baby,” I whispered. “We can stop anytime you like. All you have to do is give me the word. Okay?”
Kami responded with a barely audible, “Okay.”
I leaned over her and planted a kiss on her forehead then began working my way down. Soft kisses on her lips and a few to her neck before moving to her full, velvety boobs. I lingered there, caressing and enjoying the fullness with my hands while my tongue circled her now eraser hard nipples. I resumed my journey southward with a slow kiss trail down her stomach and, when I finally reached the top of her legs, I stopped and repositioned.
Kneeling with my head between her knees, I eased her legs further apart and kissed my way up her inner thigh. A moan escaped her lips when my tongue found her love button. I teased her with licks and flicks and nibbles and, when I sensed she was ready, I dove into her hot, wet lovebox with a vengeance. My only goal was to make her scream with delight and I did my best.
I licked and sucked and teased her clit with little love bites. Occasionally I’d spread her further, meander down and work my tongue into her other opening deep between her ass cheeks. I did my utmost to work her into a sexual frenzy and, judging from her squeals and squirming at the end, didn’t do a half bad job. When I finally came up to give my jaw a rest, Kami reached out and grabbed my hand.
“Come here,” she panted and pulled me to the edge of the table. She grabbed my cock and wrapped her lips around it. Her eyes were still closed like if she didn’t see our audience, they wouldn’t see her. I didn’t care. I held her head and began a rhythmic pumping into her hot wet mouth, careful not to go too far but wanting to go as far as I could. When I dared go no further, I pulled out. I heard sounds behind me and turned to see Ron on his back with Amber on top. She had two fistfuls of his chest and was riding his cock like he was a mechanical bull.
I wasn’t sure if Kami had even seen them. Her eyes had been squeezed shut since we started. It didn’t matter. We were busy with our own fun. I helped her slide off the table, turned her around and bent her over the table edge. I held her down with one hand in the middle of her back and stepped between her legs. “Are you okay?” I asked one last time. I wanted to be sure.
“God yes Stan! Fuck me. Stick that cock in me already!” It was all the encouragement I needed. I forced her legs a little further apart with my knees and, with my free hand, I grabbed my achingly hard cock and zeroed in on her sweet spot. When I shoved myself all the way in on the first stroke, Kami let out a shriek and her hands balled into fists.
“Oh my god! Oh my god!” she screeched. “Harder. Do it harder.”
She was warm and tight and dripping wet. I went slowly for a few strokes until I figured she was accustomed to me and then began a steady, hard pounding that slammed her thighs against the table with each push. We went until I couldn’t hold out any longer. One last stroke and I held her hips as I exploded my load deep inside her. We collapsed on the table right. I don’t think I could have moved if I’d wanted to.
When we did finally extricate ourselves and find a place to sit, Ron and Amber were already cuddled on the couch, done and basking in the afterglow.
The four of us sat in silence for probably ten minutes until, finally, Amber worked up the courage to ask the question on most of our minds.
“Well, Kami, what did you think?”
Kami waited a few seconds and then answered, “I think we should have done this last night instead of waiting until our last night here.”