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Hello Mrs Thompson - Part 2

"Marie and Kieron are both anxious to get together again, so they do"

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Forty-four-year-old Marie Thompson woke up on Friday morning and briefly wondered if it had really happened but she soon realised that yes, she had been fucked in the back of a car by eighteen-year-old Kieron Siddall. Another thing that she realised was that she wanted it to happen again, although not necessarily in the back of a car.

Marie met her husband Stewart at breakfast. He had slept in the spare room at Marie's request after a business meeting, which meant that he would not be home until early morning. As it happened, Stewart did not get home very much later than Marie but he did not know that and she certainly was not planning on telling him.

Marie asked about the meeting and Stewart said that he and his boss might well have to go back again in the near future but his boss had said that next time they will stay overnight in a hotel. Marie's first thought was that she would get a night alone but just possibly, she might not be alone.

Marie knew that she should be feeling guilty, but she wasn't.

In the flat that he shared with another youth, Kieron had awoken feeling elated that he had had sex with the mature woman that he had fancied when she was his teacher. He wanted to have sex with her again and she had indicated that it would happen.

Kieron was very tempted to text Marie, he had saved her number to his phone, but she had said that she would contact him and he was not to contact her, so he aimed to try to stick to that. He had college again that day but his thoughts were mostly on Marie.

Marie got through her day of teaching but with the hunky Kieron Siddall on her mind. She wanted him and she wanted him badly but she knew that she could not be reckless. She did send him a text with a request for him not to reply. 'Thinking of you will be in touch,' Marie texted.

Kieron respected her wish for him not to reply but the text had his penis hardening at the thought of the very attractive woman wanting him.

On Saturday, Marie wanted to actually speak to Kieron and with her husband Stewart having gone out, she got the chance. There was no hesitancy in ringing him this time and Kieron answered on seeing Marie's name come up. "Hello Marie, I am missing you," said Kieron.

"Oh, so I am not Mrs Thompson anymore," laughed Marie.

"Only in company," replied Kieron, sensibly.

"I am missing you too baby: I keep thinking about you," said Marie.

"When can we get together again?" asked Kieron.

"Not sure but it sounds like my husband might be going away for work again soon and he might be out all night," said Marie, enthusiastically.

"Oh Marie, I am longing to see you again," said Kieron.

"Me too, but we must be careful," replied Marie.

"Yeah, I know," acknowledged Kieron, reluctantly.

The conversation continued and Marie established that Kieron normally worked on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday evenings at the pub and his usual college days were Tuesday to Friday inclusive. That information made it easier for her to plan future meetings.

Half-term at Marie's school commenced the next Friday evening so she would largely have her days free for a week but she was hopeful of seeing Kieron before then. She had mentally pencilled in the Monday of that half-term week as being very promising with Kieron not at college but she then discovered that his college also closed for the week, making the possibilities almost endless.

The conversation ended with Kieron agreeing to wait to hear from Marie when an opportunity arose for them to be together but they were both confident of having time together during half-term.

On Sunday Marie decided to try to find out from her husband about just when he thought his night away might be. "This night you might be having in a hotel, any idea when it might be?" asked Marie, trying not to sound excited at the prospect.

"Why? Are you trying to get rid of me?" responded Stewart, semi-seriously.

"No, of course not, just wondered if you knew: are you talking in the next few days or weeks away from now?" said Marie.

"If it happens at all I imagine it will be in the next three or four days: I will probably know more tomorrow," replied Stewart, slightly impatiently.

"Oh right – I was just wondering," said Marie, thinking that if it was in the next three or four days it would be perfect.

With Kieron not at college on Monday, Marie rang him during her lunch break having made sure she was well out of earshot of everyone at the school. "Hey, I asked my husband when he might be away and it might be this week," said Marie after the preliminary greetings.

"If it is, are we spending the night together?" asked a thrilled Kieron.

"We will have to be so careful but yeah, most of the night anyway: he should have some more news today so I will get back to you when I can," answered Marie.

Marie was anxious for news of if and when Stewart would be away when he came home from work on Monday but resisted the urge to question him in case he got suspicious. Eventually, later in the evening, he divulged more news but it was inconclusive. "Oh, it looks like I will be away Wednesday night but it might be Thursday: I will know for sure tomorrow," said Stewart.

Wednesday would be perfect from Marie and Kieron's point of view because it was not a working night at the pub for Kieron. With Stewart in the bathroom before bed, Marie sent a text to Kieron. 'Husband away Wednesday or Thursday night, will know which tomorrow,' Marie texted. Kieron did not respond because Marie had said for him not to contact her but, like Marie, he hoped it was Wednesday although he might be able to change his shift if it was Thursday.

Stewart had not been home long on Tuesday when he gave Marie the news about his night away. "I will be away Thursday night, we have got meetings late into the evening so we have got a hotel booked: we will travel back Friday morning," said Stewart.

"Oh, okay," replied Marie, trying to hide her disappointment that it was not to be Wednesday and simultaneously thinking about contacting Kieron. She thought that she needed to talk to Kieron rather than text but she did not know how she could phone him with Stewart there.

Kieron was already doing his Tuesday night shift at the pub and awaiting news from Marie about when they could get together. With Stewart watching sport on TV, Marie took her mobile to the bathroom and rang her young lover, hoping that he would not be too busy to answer.

Kieron was in the middle of serving a large order when his phone buzzed so he had to ignore it. Marie was disappointed but not surprised but she left a message on Kieron's voicemail. "Baby, it will be Thursday: will try to phone you later," said Marie.

Kieron got the message and made efforts to swap his Thursday shift for Wednesday but his initial attempts were unsuccessful. Marie made another trip to the bathroom, mobile in hand and with Stewart still engrossed in his TV sport.

This time, Kieron was able to answer Marie's call." Hi, I got your message and I have been trying to get Thursday night off but I have not got anything sorted yet," said Kieron.

"Well even if you can't I can pick you up from the pub and we can still have most of the night together," replied Marie.

"Yeah, okay: got to go now, bye," said Kieron, with customers waiting.

"I will contact you tomorrow," Marie managed to say before the line went dead.

With Kieron being at college on Wednesday, the only time that Marie could contact him would be after school hours but before her husband got home from work so she rang Kieron's mobile. "Hi baby, have you been able to get Thursday night off?" Marie asked.

"Not yet, but I will keep trying," answered Kieron.

"Okay, but if you can't I will meet you in the pub car park when you finish work and bring you back to my house," said Marie.

"That sounds good, I can get my mate that I flatshare with to drop me at work," said Kieron.

"I will have to get you back to your flat Friday morning early though, you must not be seen at my house," said Marie.

"Yeah, I understand," said Kieron.

"I will phone you at this time tomorrow," said Marie.

"Yes, I will keep trying to get tomorrow night off," replied Kieron.

"Oh Kieron, I so want you between my legs," sighed Marie.

"And I so want to fuck you, Marie," answered Kieron.

On that note, the conversation wound down leaving no doubt as to what was going to happen the following night, the only doubt was exactly when.

Despite his efforts, Kieron could not get Thursday night off work so whilst that was not a disaster it meant that he and Marie would have a few hours less together than they might have done. Marie phoned him after her school and after Kieron had told her that he had to work and that his mate would drop him at the pub, she advised him of the arrangements for later. "Okay baby: I will park in the pub car park and wait for you at closing, I will not come into the pub," said Marie.

"Okay, I wish that I could have had longer with you," replied Kieron.

"With it being half-term next week we should be able to get some daytime time together but we will make sure that we make the most of the time that we have tonight: your cock is going to have to work hard," giggled Marie.

"Oh, my cock is so looking forward to it," replied Kieron.

"See you later baby: you fucking stud," laughed Marie.

"Yes, teacher," said Kieron, before the conversation ended.

Marie arrived at the pub shortly before closing time and parked in a far corner of the car park. She was very conscious of the need for secrecy both here and when they got back to her house. She realised, in retrospect, that it would have been easier if she had worn a skirt rather than trousers the previous Thursday although when she went out that night she was not certain that back-seat-of-a-car sex was going to happen. She wore trousers now but their removal would be much easier as it would be in her house.

Marie watched as the last customers left the pub and, at almost eleven-thirty, the beautiful boy that was going to share her bed that night appeared. He spotted Marie's car and hurried over to her. He got into the passenger seat and the couple had a long and passionate kiss.

"I dread to think how I will be at school tomorrow but I am not expecting to sleep much tonight," said Marie, when the kissing stopped.

"Yeah, I imagine I will still be buzzing on adrenalin at college tomorrow," replied Kieron.

"Now it is very important that my neighbours have no idea that I have got company tonight: they will probably have noticed that Stewart's car is not there so when we get to my house, you get out of my side of the car so if they are still awake there will only be one car door closing," stressed Marie.

"Oh you are a naughty girl making all these plans, aren't you teacher?" teased Kieron.

"Yes and maybe one day you can smack my bottom but tonight is just for fucking," replied Marie.

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"Let's go and do it, Mrs Thompson," said Kieron, and Marie started her car.

On the way to her house, Marie pointed out that she would have to take Kieron back to his flat before her neighbours were up and about and they would have to have the same only using one car door arrangement.

They arrived at her house and although the neighbouring houses were in darkness, Kieron got out of the driver's side of the car and Marie closed the door as quietly as possible. Hopefully, the sound of her car and her car lights had not got anyone nearby wondering what she had been doing out late at night.

Marie unlocked her house door and had to fight to stifle giggles because Kieron was caressing her big arse at the time. Although he had had his hands on her bare arse during their car sex the previous week, he had not yet actually seen her buttocks naked. Once inside, there were no restrictions and the age difference lovers kissed and groped, something they continued doing as they made their way upstairs.

In Marie's bedroom, she wasted no time in getting Kieron's trousers and boxers down and his rock hard penis in her hand and her young lover got Marie's blouse and bra off. Kieron got out of the clothing that was at his feet and then produced two packets of condoms from his trouser pocket. Although he had used one rubber with Marie the previous week he still had five left, Marie giggled to see how prepared he was.

"Shit Kieron, do you expect to use all those condoms tonight?" Marie laughed.

"Probably not but it is best to have enough, isn't it?" replied Kieron before taking Marie's right nipple in his mouth and having her throw her head back in pleasure.

Marie undid Kieron's shirt and then he decided that it would be a good idea to get Marie's trousers off so he started to drag them down and she completed the job for him. Kieron's fingers then went to the very damp patch in Marie's knickers and as he fingered her there, she wanked his cock and they kissed some more.

They were both ready to fuck, so Kieron took off his shirt and Marie took off her knickers before Kieron took a rubber from the packet. "Let me put that on for you," said Marie who had not actually put a condom on a penis since she was about nineteen.

Her husband Stewart had been her childhood sweetheart and they had married young. Stewart had had a vasectomy a few years ago after they had had their two children.

Marie giggled happily as she finally got the protection on her lover's large erection, she had plans for the future but for now, condoms were very necessary. They kissed again and then Marie sunk back onto the bed, dragging Kieron with her. "Fuck me stud, fuck your teacher," breathed Marie.

"Yes Miss," replied Kieron as his rubber covered penis slid into Marie's wet cunt.

Marie sighed as the teenager's cock went deeper and deeper into her. Their previous time in the car had been cramped and time-limited but now they were in comfort and had several hours ahead of them, it promised to be sensational.

Marie wrapped her legs around Kieron as he slowly slid in and out of her, "Mmmm, baby, oh yes, so good," Marie encouraged as her young lover's rigid penis drove her towards sexual delight.

Kieron was thrusting faster now and both he and Marie were panting as the mature woman got close to orgasm. "Yes, fuck, oh, fucking hell, oh baby, oh," uttered Marie as she headed for the peak.

A few more swift thrusts and Marie shrieked in orgasm. "Shit, fuck, oh fuck, fucking cumming," yelled Marie, who was pleased that her house was detached rather than terraced.

"Cum you fucking bitch," Kieron heard himself saying and then thought that maybe he should apologise.

"Yes, this bitch is cumming and cumming so fucking hard, oh shit," responded Marie. so Kieron decided that no apology was necessary as he fucked on.

They twisted and writhed as they fucked and Marie orgasmed again before Kieron could hold his spunk no longer. "Oh fuck," Kieron groaned as he creamed into his rubber.

When he had stopped spurting, they kissed and giggled. "That was quite a fucking you gave me, Mr Siddall," complimented Marie, her eyes alive with excitement.

"Yeah, well if you give me some time I will give you another one," responded Kieron.

"Yes baby, give me as much fucking as you can manage," replied Marie.

"Do you mean that? can we fuck often?" asked Kieron, hopefully.

"Whenever we can but we need to be careful: my husband is not usually away at night so getting together will be difficult," replied Marie. Kieron was still on top of her but Marie had relaxed her legs from behind him.

"I have a question for you in a little while, young man," said Marie mischievously.

"Oh do you, teacher? what is that?" smiled Kieron.

"I was thinking that my arse looked quite big the other day and I want your opinion," replied Marie.

"I used to look at your arse a lot in class and then wank at night thinking about it," confessed Kieron.

"You naughty boy: wanking whilst thinking about a ladies bottom," giggled Marie.

"Yeah, fuck Marie, you would not believe how much I wanted you," said Kieron.

"Well those notes of yours gave me some idea," replied Marie.

"Did you ever show them to anyone else?" asked Kieron.

"Nope, but I should have reported it: I think I wanted you too but did not want to admit it, even to myself," replied Marie.

"We have got each other now: are you going to show me your arse?" grinned Kieron, rolling off Marie.

"Yeah, you tell me what you think of Mrs Thompson's arse," said Marie, getting off the bed and displaying her quite substantial backside to her lover.

"It is fucking wonderful," said Kieron, moving to caress Marie's buttocks.

"Don't you think it is a bit big?" Marie pouted back over her shoulder.

"As I said, fucking wonderful," replied Kieron who then kissed Marie's arse cheeks.

"Oh baby, I like that; fuck, you turn me on," purred Marie.

The sight and the feel of Marie's behind were getting Kieron aroused again and another fuck did not seem too far away.

There was a bit of debate about what to do with the spunk filled condom that Kieron had now removed but they both knew that there would be another condom in use quite soon.

They were now standing face to face and tongue swapping as they each caressed the other's bare arse. Kieron's hard penis in between their bodies.

"Would you fuck me from behind, please baby?" asked Marie with Kieron's erection indicating that he was ready to go again.

"I would love to, Mrs Thompson," replied Kieron, who put another rubber on his penis as Marie got on her hands and knees on the bed.

He looked at the gorgeous mature bottom that was on display before moving up close and touching Marie's cunt lips with his hard cock. Marie moved back as he moved forward and his penis was again in her.

Kieron wanted to make this a long-lasting fuck so he kept his thrusts slow at first although that was so stimulating to both him and her that he was starting to have doubts about how long he would last.

Kieron stopped worrying about how long he might or might not last and concentrated on producing maximum pleasure for both he and Marie and her announcement that she was cumming again pleased him greatly.

Kieron was now grunting as he thrust hard and fast and Marie came hard again. "Fuck, oh fucking hell, Kieron, fuck," she wailed and a smile crossed Kieron's face which changed to a sort of frown as he felt his spunk suddenly rise and he filled his second condom of the night with his sperm.

With the need to get Kieron out of the house without the neighbours knowing and with the time now about three in the morning, there seemed to be little point in trying to get any sleep. Marie had never done a day's teaching without sleep before but it looked like she would be doing so in a few hours.

They both had a shower and then Marie announced her idea regarding future sex between them. "I want your cum in me next time we get together so I will get myself some morning-after pills," Marie advised.

"Okay, I would love to fill your cunt with my cum," replied Kieron.

"I was thinking that maybe we could get together during the day on Monday at your flat. Could we do that?" said Marie.

"It is a bit of a tip but my flatmate will be at work so yeah if you do not mind the state of it," replied Kieron.

"I assume that there will be a bed we can fuck on," said Marie.

"Yes, there is a bed," replied Kieron, who made a mental note to tidy the place up before Monday.

They lay side by side both thinking of what they had done and what they intended to do.

Marie then smirked as another idea came into her head. Her hand was on Kieron's currently flaccid penis when she giggled and made another suggestion. "Although I cannot have your cum in my cunt today, I could have it in my mouth: what do you say?" asked Marie with a sexy smile

"You want to give me a blowjob?" asked Kieron.

"Yep, do you fancy it?" asked the hot mature woman.

"Ha, go for it teacher," laughed Kieron who had already ejaculated twice in the last few hours.

Marie started by slowly wanking Kieron to almost full erection before putting her lips and tongue to work. She had given her husband a lot of pleasure with her mouth in the early years of their relationship but she had not blown him for ages.

Kieron closed his eyes as the beautiful woman played his cock with her mouth and as she licked and sucked, he started to squirm. "Fuck, you are good at this," said the wriggling Kieron.

Marie could tell that he was getting close so she edged him a bit but she was not going to be cruel. When she next felt that he was about to cum she kept going. "Oh fuck!" groaned Kieron as his cock started pumping cream into his ex-teachers throat.

Kieron did not cum as powerfully as he had in the two fucks that night but Marie had trouble swallowing all of his spunk and in fact, she had to scoop some off her chin with a finger as it leaked from her mouth.

The happy couple then kissed before Marie said that maybe they should get dressed and she take Kieron to his flat.

Kieron got into Marie's car via the driver's door and Marie, once inside, gave a silent prayer that the car did not now wake the neighbours and make them suspicious of her nocturnal activities. After another long kiss in her car, she dropped Kieron at his flat, and she said that she would phone him on Monday.

She drove home, again hoping that she was unheard, and actually got about an hours sleep before she had to get up for school.

She just about got through the school day although a couple of her colleagues mentioned that she looked tired. Kieron had similar problems at his college.

Forty-four-year-old Marie Thompson and eighteen-year-old Kieron Siddall appeared to be in the early stages of a very sexual relationship, one that had to be kept secret.

Written by PJH
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