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Did It Really Happen? Part 3

"Laura and Sheila were becoming more audacious by the day."

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After Lynn had returned to the US, life for me settled back into a routine. My husband continued to be a pain. He had announced that he’d been chosen to head a sales initiative, which meant a trip to China within the next week. I was thankful that I'd have some time on my own for ten days.

I eventually caught up with Sheila for the first time since the party. We both had so much to tell each other. I went round to see her one afternoon, and we both revealed all. Her reaction to my adventures was real excitement, and I had to go through it all, almost minute by minute.

"Wow, Laura, you really are having your libido cranked up, and now women as well, I had no idea about Lynn, and Jeff seems to have lit a fire in both of us."

Agreeing with her, and giggling a bit, I really wanted to know whether she'd seen Jeff since the party, or, indeed, if anything had transpired from the party.

"Well, it's been really interesting, and I guess it's ongoing."

"Stop teasing, and tell me all, I know you, you're just insatiable."

"Ha ha! OK. Well, you probably saw me chatting to Gregg, the pharmacist. He's a bit of a 'smoothy,' and I think he'd targeted me from the minute we walked in. Whether Jeff had told him anything, I don't know, I don't think Jeff is that indiscreet. Anyway, he chatted me up, and asked me out for lunch. I wasn't going to refuse, was I?"

"Here we go," I sighed, adding sarcastically, "and you ended up in bed?"

"Laura, you're awful, you must think I'm a slut!" And she pretended to punch me.

"Now would I suggest such a thing?" By now we were both laughing.

"Actually we didn't, he's very much a gentleman in some ways, but he has unique ideas in other ways, which I'm contemplating at present." Sheila pulled a bit of a face.

"Oh my goodness, you've got me curious now, what do you mean? So you've not slept with him at all?"

"I didn't say that!" Sheila smirked, "I said I didn't sleep with him after that lunch, but we had a second date." And her smile broadened.

"OK, OK, I knew you wouldn't be able to resist, so tell me more, what unique ideas did he have? Ooooh, I'm so excited, tell me, tell me."

Sheila took delight in teasing me.

"He's a very imaginative lover, but I think he's experimented quite a bit. He goes to swingers’ clubs, and he wants me to go to one with him, but I'm not really sure."

"Wow, that sounds so exciting, but I can't imagine what they're like, is it like an orgy? Do you have to have sex with anyone, and everyone?"

"No, no, he assures me that you don't have to have sex at all, if you don't want to. He says it can be quite exciting just watching others." Sheila paused, before she added, "Would you come with me? With us, I mean? A bit of moral support."

I was stunned. I really didn't know what to say. Sheila could see that and made a suggestion, "Look, why don't you have coffee with us, meet Gregg, and just see what you think. I'd love to go, but I'm a bit unsure on my own."

I thought for just a moment, "It can't hurt just to have coffee, I'd love to meet Gregg, but I'm not committing myself...yet!"

"Great, maybe come here tomorrow? I can get him to have an early lunch. Are you up for it?"

And so the seeds of another chapter in my sex life seemed to have been sown.

The next morning I arrived at Sheila's around eleven and was slightly nervous about meeting Gregg and having to discuss his proposal. I'd thought about it overnight, and although I would be doing Sheila a favour by being her 'escort,' I would be a little bit vulnerable myself. I had absolutely no experience with swingers’ clubs. My decision was swayed by just wanting to be my own woman, and be a bit more daring.

I had a brief conversation with Sheila before Gregg arrived, enough time to tell her I was probably up for the visit. So it became easier to start the conversation with Gregg, at least after we had poured coffee and got through the small talk.

Gregg was in fact a charmer, a handsome guy in his early thirties, who was super intelligent, humorous, and apparently, according to Sheila, very good in bed. We all agreed to visit the club that Gregg knew, on that Friday evening. He was at pains to reassure us and didn’t want to ‘pressurise’ either of us. Although it was just before I’d  'lost' my husband for ten days, I wasn't going to let him interfere with my social life.

Gregg had explained that there was no compulsion to ‘play’. It would be fun to chat to others, and maybe watch some couples doing stuff. There were likely to be single guys on the hunt, but most were polite and would not force themselves on anyone.

So Friday came and Gregg paid for a taxi to pick myself and Sheila up, and then him. I was half expecting a rather 'seedy' place, but I was surprised how upmarket it was. We arrived about nine, and had drinks in the luxurious lounge bar. A couple, about our ages, started to chat, and obviously saw that we were new, but immediately put us at our ease. They even invited us to watch them later that evening when a friend would be joining them. It all looked and felt very exciting.

Sheila and I kept exchanging knowing glances when we saw something that caught our eye. We saw a guy greet the couple we had been chatting to, and it seemed he was the one they had been waiting for, because they waved to us and disappeared upstairs. Myself and Sheila followed on, daringly on our own, because we were dying to see where they were going.

We followed the couple into a large room with an enormous padded bed the size of three king-size beds, and standing at the side of the room, we watched fascinated, as the two guys stripped off and then started undressing the woman. Very soon they were taking it in turns to fuck her, and she seemed to absolutely love it.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt an arm around my waist, but in the semi-darkness realised it was Gregg squeezing between the two of us, with his arm around each of our waists.

"What do you think, ladies? It's rather erotic, isn't it?"

Sheila just said, "It's fucking horny, if you'll excuse my French!"

I laughed and just muttered, "Lucky girl."

"Do you want to join them?" The question came like a bolt from the blue. Neither Sheila nor I knew what to say. Almost interrupting our thoughts, the woman started to cum loudly, as their friend was pumping away at her pussy. The husband, who was beside them, suddenly looked over at me, beckoned with his finger, and smiled.

I still don't know why, but I just threw caution to the wind and peeled my dress over my head, sliding onto the bed and towards the husband.

I heard Sheila give a stifled, "Fuck, Laura, you're not going to, are you?"

But I did; the husband slid my panties straight off, and undid my bra, and just pushed his cock into me. I must have been so aroused by watching, that within seconds he was pumping away on top of me.

Sheila, not to be outdone, was by my side in seconds, accompanied by Gregg, and it was an amazing sight to see Gregg fucking the wife of the couple, the husband fucking me, and the friend now fucking Sheila. Some other guy had joined in and was fucking the wife in an orgy of bodies.

For the next half hour, there was so much swapping and fucking, but there was a moment when I found myself next to Sheila with Gregg fucking me and Sheila fucking the husband, and I remember Sheila saying, "He's good, isn't he?"

It was a night like no other. When our mini orgy had slowly come to an end, we had to scramble to find our own clothes, which was amusing in itself. Later in the taxi we all giggled, and I couldn’t help saying, "Well, I wasn't expecting that! I'm sorry if I made a spectacle of myself, and Gregg, please, my husband knows nothing." I added a long wink.

Gregg was the typical gent, and although I'd had sex with him that evening, we were almost formal with each other. I made my way home, leaving Gregg to take Sheila to bed. I was shattered, not only from the group sex, but the nervous exhaustion that the evening had generated.

Saturday came and by late afternoon I was free, ten days on my own, to do as I wished.

Sheila came round that evening, and we spent it drinking my husband's fine wine and putting the world to rights. I asked Sheila about Gregg, and she made it clear that she did not want to have a 'long-term' relationship. She was happy to have both him and Jeff as intimate friends. Sheila also asked me about my sexual exploits, which I shared, being careful not to make reference to Matt, her son. However, my heart did leap when Sheila said that he would be home from uni for two days, on Monday and Tuesday, passing through with a friend who was on his way to where he lived.

At midnight, Sheila went home and I turned in, aware of an impending hangover, which duly arrived. I spent Sunday reviving myself and getting the house straight so that I could have the week ahead to myself without having too many chores to do. I did see Alice from across the road, who said she'd come for coffee in the week. I had a text from Sheila saying that she had spent Sunday preparing for Matt and his friend coming to stay, and that they were now arriving late that night.

On Monday morning I awoke late. An email arrived and the ping stirred me. I went downstairs to make myself a cup of tea, and pulling the curtains back, I saw Matt and his friend just leaving Sheila's. He looked as handsome as ever, and I felt myself moistening as I remembered him inside me. His friend was equally good-looking, and I thought what a fine pair they made.

I got showered and dressed and decided to go into town to simply browse around the fashion stores and maybe have a coffee, in fact, to do just as I pleased.

After a couple of hours sauntering around various shops and department stores, I found myself in a coffee shop that had just opened. Rather than go to one of those 'chain' coffee shops, it was rather nice to support any new start-up.

Sitting there and thinking about nothing in particular, I was suddenly awakened from my daydreaming by a voice.

"Hi, Mrs Reynolds, how are you? I thought it was you through the window. This is Bryn, a mate of mine, we're home for a couple of days."

It was a jolt to hear Matt's voice again.

"Hello," I stuttered, "great to see you, hello, Bryn, Yes, Sheila said you were coming home. Sit down and have a coffee."

"We'd love to, but we're late meeting another friend for lunch, if you don't mind we could maybe pop by this evening on our way out, if that's OK?"

"Yes, please do, I'd love to know about uni life."

And so Matt and Bryn left, and I sat there slightly excited by the prospect of Matt coming to visit. Daft, I knew, but the memories lived long.

I bought one or two things on my shopping trip and arrived back home about 4pm.

It gave me enough time to change and organise before Matt and Bryn arrived. They were obviously going out on the town, and as I expected, early in the evening there was a ring at the doorbell.

"Hello again, come in, you two," I said, "I guess you're having a night out on the town, I'm not sure how lively it will be on a Monday night."

"Thanks, Laura," Matt said, this time using my first name, "We're not sure either, but we'll have a few drinks anyway."

"I'm sure there'll be a few ladies out there that you can chat up."

Matt looked at Bryn and said, "This lady is terrible, she thinks all young blokes are after one thing."

Smiling, Bryn mumbled something along the lines of, "If we strike lucky."

Then not being sure where it came from, totally out of the blue, I said, "Well, if you don't get lucky, you can drop in for a nightcap here, my other half is away, and he's left behind some good malt whisky."

"There’s an offer that's difficult to refuse, Laura,” replied Matt, “we might take you up on that, as long as you don't tell Mum."

I wasn't sure if Matt actually winked, but he certainly smiled.

I made some coffee, and after some conversation about uni, they left for their night out.

I sat there for a while, a little shocked by what I'd said about coming back to mine. What had come over me? Did Bryn know about what had happened between us? I expected he did; boys discussed stuff like that! What if Sheila saw them coming back to mine?

I sat for a moment and finally reconciled in my mind that what would be, would be.

It was about 11.45pm when the doorbell rang, and I quickly let Matt and Bryn in. They had obviously had a bit to drink, because they were laughing a lot and talking about some girls they'd chatted to.

"You guys sound as though you've had a good time, now I promised you some whisky, do you need ice in it?

Matt said that he would prefer it with ice and got up to follow me into the kitchen to the freezer. We had a large double-doored fridge/freezer, and as I opened one door, Matt opened the other. Our bodies bumped into each other, and it was like an electric shock. I looked at Matt, and he looked at me, and we just kissed.

The kiss went on and on, and Matt's hands were moving over me.

"Oh god, Mrs Reynolds, Laura, I mean, I haven't forgotten."

"Nor me, Matt, no, I haven't forgotten at all."

"Hey, you two, if you carry on like that, the ice will have melted." Bryn was standing in the kitchen doorway watching us holding onto each other. "Look, if you two want to go upstairs, I'll watch a movie."

Both Matt and I were so embarrassed, but we both wanted each other. I was shocked when Matt said, "OK, buddy, if you don't mind." And he led me upstairs.

"Let me know if you need any help," Bryn added as we disappeared.

We were both in a hurry; our clothes were on the floor in seconds, and Matt was pushing me onto the bed and kissing me as we collapsed onto the duvet. No sooner had I lifted my legs around his thighs, I felt him entering me. He seemed even bigger than I remembered, but I was just so alive to his body and ready for him, I groaned and pressed my nails into his buttocks.

The bed shook, the bedhead was banging against the wall, and when I came, I screamed so loudly that I had to stifle my face into the pillow. Matt came straight away, too; the feeling of his hot semen inside me was a comfort to my whole being.

"God knows what Bryn must think of me, that was loud enough to wake the dead."

"He'll be very jealous, I would think," said Matt, "I did tell him about us, but he's very discreet."

"I do hope so, I really don't want your mum to know. He seems a nice lad anyway."

At that moment, the toilet flushed along the landing, and Bryn's footsteps passed the door.

Matt coughed and said, "Hope we didn't disturb you, buddy."

I grabbed his arm and said, "Shush, don't."

But it was too provocative for Bryn to ignore. "Mrs Reynolds, you shouldn't lead my friends astray like this."

And then the conversation through the doorway got out of hand.

"I didn't need any encouragement, Bryn."

"I can understand that. You lucky guy."

It was then that the devil inside me attacked again.

"Why don't you join us?" I found myself saying.

Matt was flabbergasted, "Laura!... Are you sure?"

It was too late. Bryn came into the bedroom and started to strip off.

"Oh my god, Laura, I don’t believe it, you're so fucking sexy," Matt laughed.

He rolled aside as Bryn knelt on the bed and took one of my nipples in his mouth. A little gasp came from me before he moved to the other. My hand found his cock, and it was already stiffening, and in a few seconds he had slipped between my thighs and was inside me.

Matt watched as Bryn began to fuck me steadily, my pussy already lubricated by Matt's cum. I was building to another orgasm, and the bedhead was banging again.

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"Oh good god, oh fuck!" I cried as I came. But I was unprepared for Bryn pulling his cock from me, and Matt slipping inside me once more.

Matt started to fuck me for a second time. My pussy was alive and on the verge again. Just as Matt was building me towards that moment, Bryn pushed his cock into my mouth. I wasn't expecting this, but Bryn had obviously been ready to cum when he was fucking me. Within a few minutes, he started to jerk in my mouth. Spunk squirted to the back of my throat, dribbling out down my cheeks as I started to cum again, and Matt was shooting into my pussy once more. Both ends of me were filled with semen.

The three of us were flat out on the bed. I felt damp everywhere, from semen, from perspiration, and from my pussy juices. The smell of sex filled the room.

"Oh my god, you two, please, please, don't tell your mum. That was fantastic, but so, so wrong in so many ways."

"We both know it's our secret, Laura, don't worry, you can trust me and Bryn. And perhaps next time we're home, we might pick up where we left off."

Matt laughed, and Bryn looked slightly embarrassed.

Creeping out of the house at 1am, they made their way back to Sheila's.

On the Wednesday morning, Sheila came round for coffee. Matt and Bryn had left on Tuesday afternoon, and Sheila had been pleased to see Matt after his term away.

"He's getting on fine at uni," said Sheila, "I gather he and Bryn dropped in to see you on Monday."

"Yes, they did, he's growing into a fine young man, isn't he? And Bryn seems a good friend to have."

"Mmm...a lovely boy."

"Do I detect an element of lust, you naughty woman?" I raised my eyebrows.

Sheila looked at me guiltily. "Laura, we both know we're fallen women, but joking aside, I did flirt with him when Matt wasn't around."

I swallowed hard, knowing what had happened with me and both of them. "Flirt? I know your definition of that, Sheila!"

"Hmmmmm...we kissed a bit and I felt his cock."

I felt myself blushing slightly, knowing that I'd had his cock in both my mouth and pussy.

"So you will be inviting him to stay again?" I giggled, knowing I was right.

Changing the subject, I asked Sheila about the week ahead, knowing full well I was a free agent. She said that she had nothing planned, although she'd had a text from Jeff inviting her for coffee.

"I think we should have an adventure, while I'm free."

"Mmmmmm...what are you suggesting?"

"I was going to say, how about a little visit to that club again?"

"Really? You naughty girl, are you trying to lead me astray?" Sheila had a smile and a glint in her eye.

"Well, I think it could be fun, I've looked online, and it's open tomorrow night. What do you say?"

"Oooooh, you devil, yes, of course, what time?"

"I'll get a taxi for 9.30pm."

Thursday evening arrived, and both of us were wearing revealing dresses, short, low cut, and we had hold-ups on underneath. The club seemed just as busy as the last time, but the difference was that as two women on our own, we felt numerous male eyes on us as soon as we walked in.

We had made a pact that we would not separate, but stay together all evening. We'd mutually agree about anyone we might 'go with.'

On arrival, we made our way to the bar where the 'hosts,' a couple in their forties, started chatting to us. Tracey and Bill, as they were called, were pouring drinks and talking to a couple of guys about the same age as them.

"Are you two ladies new to the club?" The question came from the taller of the two guys, who was called Tom. He was quite a handsome fella, with piercing blue eyes.

"Yes, we've been once before with a friend," I replied, slightly nervously.

"Did you get to play?" The pointed question came from Andy, the second guy.

Sheila giggled and said, "We had a go on the fruit machine."

All six of us laughed aloud, and doubly so as Andy added, "So you pulled then?"

That set the tone for the next hour. The conversation flowed, and the four of us had several drinks while we all commented on various people passing in and out of the bar. Sheila seemed to be interested in Tom, and Andy was very attentive to me. We both caught each other's eye, and we signalled that if it happened, then it would be okay with these two.

Just before midnight a buzz went around the bar that one of the women, a young blonde who had been flaunting herself earlier on, was going to be gang banged. Tom said that she had done this before and was a terrible slut. Andy added that last time she was fucked by five guys.

"Do you want to go and watch?" Andy asked me.

"C'mon, Laura, let's go and see." Sheila seemed excited.

Tom led the way to a large room lit by blue lighting, and a large round leather bed. Around the edge were probably twenty people watching a very shapely blonde already on her back being fucked by a guy about thirty. The girl was being very vocal until a second guy pushed his cock into her mouth. I stood watching next to Sheila and squeezed her arm when the first guy started to cum. He pulled his cock out and shot spunk over her breasts. A second guy immediately knelt between her thighs and slid into her pussy. It looked so hot. Andy obviously thought so, too; he was standing behind me, and I felt him pressing against my ass; his cock was starting to harden. I pushed back against him to make sure he knew I fancied him. He leaned forward and said, "Shall we go to a room?"

"Yes, but with Sheila and Tom as well."

Andy nudged Tom on the arm, and the four of us made our way to where the 'private' rooms were. I was now quite nervous; I'd suggested this visit for excitement, and I felt my pussy moistening. As we got inside the room, Andy pulled me close, and we kissed, gently at first, and then longer and longingly. I felt his hands stroking my ass through the fabric of my dress, and his lips were kissing my neck; he seemed in no hurry to move to the bed.

As I was kissing Andy and enjoying his fingers unzipping my dress and finding my bra clasps, I heard Sheila's voice.

"Yes, Tom, yes," and out of the corner of my eye I saw her legs wrapping around Tom's thighs as he went deep into her cunt.

My dress dropped away onto the floor, and Andy released my breasts, bending to suck my nipples as he slid my panties down. I wanted him inside me now, tugging at his zipper. He quickly stripped out of the rest of his clothes, and as I lay back beside Sheila on the bed, Andy slid into my pussy.

Sheila and I were side by side being pounded into the mattress. Just before she reached her orgasm, our hands accidentally touched, and she clasped my fingers. It was an erotic moment, hearing her cry out and feeling her reaction.

Andy's body was working magic with mine; we seemed completely in sync, and I was ready to cum. I could hear myself uttering short little cries until my mouth opened in a silent scream as his cock massaged my pussy to my orgasm.

Breathing more slowly, I watched Tom withdraw from Sheila and slide down her body so that I could see his head between her thighs. Andy took his cock from me and knelt astride my chest, and I took his cock in my mouth, tasting my own pussy juices as I slid my tongue around and under the head. As I concentrated on trying to pleasure Andy, I could feel my pussy react to a tongue that was starting to lick it. I was in heaven, sucking Andy's cock and feeling Tom running his tongue over my clit. It wouldn't be long before I would cum again. Andy was starting to grunt as I flicked my tongue rapidly around his head, then sucked hard. He started to erupt, the semen shooting to the back of my mouth, then because it went on and on, it dribbled from the corners of my mouth.

As he lifted himself from my chest, Tom's tongue was starting to make me cum. Just as I began to shudder, I looked up and in that moment saw Tom fucking Sheila doggy style. His eyes were tight shut as he began to shoot inside her pussy.

"Oh god, Sheila, oh my god!" I cried out, realising it was her mouth that was bringing me off.

All four of us were gathering our thoughts as we were flopped out on the bed in the semi-darkness.

"You're a naughty girl, Sheila," I finally said.

Sheila giggled, "Never done that before."

"Well, it was damned good," I muttered.

Tom added, "You ladies ought to get together more often."

If the lights had been on, our blushes would have been obvious.

In a moment of complete madness, I leaned in towards Sheila and kissed her full on the lips.

"Oh my god, we've started something," Andy exclaimed.

Sheila pulled away from our kiss, slightly shocked, but equally as tempted as me, she pushed me back on the bed and kissed me again. Our legs entwined, and her hands were stroking my tits. I was carried along by this, and rolling her over, I buried my head between her legs and started to eat her pussy just as she had done mine.

My ass was in the air, and it must have been too much of a temptation to Tom, because I suddenly felt someone behind me, and with his hands gripping my hips he rammed his cock in my pussy. My second man of the night, I was enjoying the sluttiness of it all, and now I was bringing my best friend off.

Tom's thighs were slapping against my ass as he fucked me hard, and because he'd already cum once, he went on and on. Sheila clamped her legs around my head as she came, shutting out her cries of satisfaction from my ears. Lifting my head up, I braced myself against Tom's thrusting hips. I saw Andy sitting near me stroking his cock as it reached full erection again.

Sheila was now sitting propped up in her elbows, watching me getting fucked hard, gritting my teeth with every thrust. Me on all fours must have prompted her to want the same. With a nod to Andy, she knelt down so that our heads were almost touching, and Andy sank deep into her cunt from behind.

There we were, heads side by side, being pounded by two guys who were on a mission. It was easy to just turn our heads and begin kissing, but trying to withstand the pummelling we were getting didn't allow us to make much of it. Both Tom and Andy saw this and their fucking slowed to long, slow strokes as we savoured each other's mouths. The men were turned on by seeing us kiss, and it seemed to bring them closer to cumming.

Tom was first as I felt the heat from his spunk deep inside me; his grunt and our kissing soon brought Andy off. Sheila pulled her mouth away and gasped, "Oh fuck," as she felt him spunking inside her.

The four of us were just about exhausted as we all went to shower. The men were soon dressed, and were drinking in the bar waiting for us on our return. Our hair was damp, but even at 2am in the morning there were still men prowling around looking for a potential 'lay.'

Sheila and I were just about to call for a taxi when we saw, as a complete surprise to both of us, a couple who we both knew from the next road to ours emerging from another private room. Sheila knew them better than I did, as their daughter had been at school with Matt. They were probably more embarrassed than us, as they were accompanied by a tall black guy, who I suspected had just been fucking the wife, lucky woman!

"Hi," said the wife nervously, "Fancy seeing you two here, Jason and I come here every now and again. By the way, this is Josh, an old friend of ours. Josh, this is Sheila and Laura."

Josh was at least 6' 4" with a toned body and skin like black marble.

"Hi, Becky, Hi, Jason, Hi, Josh, gosh, all these introductions. This is Tom and Andy, who we met tonight." Sheila continued. "We were just about to get a taxi home."

"So were we," said Jason, "Do you guys want to share?"

Tom and Andy mumbled about work the next day, so we made our excuses, and Sheila and I ended up sharing a taxi home with Jason, Becky and Josh.

Josh was apparently going to stay the night with them. I wasn't sure how 'regular' a friend he was, but I ended up squashed between him and Jason in the taxi. My god, did Jason have thighs!

When we got to Jason and Becky's, although it was 3am, we were asked in. Sheila and I thought 'what the hell' and soon we all had a drink in our hands and were seated on seats and sofas in a circle. The conversation inevitably turned to the club, and the fact that Jason and Becky lived the swingers' lifestyle. We said that we had been to the club twice, and had had a great time.

Becky was obviously a bit of a daredevil, and Jason was willing to let her have her way, which I guess was where Josh had entered the equation. I could see, and feel from his legs touching mine on the sofa, that Becky probably used him as her stud. Becky was about our age, shorter than me, a few pounds overweight, but had enormous breasts. Jason was 5' 9" and also quite chubby but had an amazing sense of humour.

"So did you have a good time with Tom and Andy?" asked Becky, looking at me with a smile.

"Oh gosh, yes, we are new to this, and really they were the first guys we spoke to."

"Women can pick and choose, I've found, I guess I was lucky to find Josh," Becky winked, and Josh looked embarrassed.

Jason added, "He certainly puts a smile on your face."

Josh stood up to get another beer. He asked if anyone wanted a top-up. Becky saw me following him with my eyes, admiring his tight buttocks in his trousers.

"You like, Laura?" she asked quietly.

I must have blushed deep red. "I do share!" Becky said and giggled. Obviously she was intent on mischief, because she went over to Josh and whispered in his ear.

Returning to her seat, she was smiling broadly. My heart missed a beat when Josh put down the beer he'd just opened and walked towards me. With everyone's eyes on me, Josh took my hand and pulled me to my feet. Without a word, he led me out into the hall and upstairs. I heard Sheila say under her breath, "Gosh, you lucky cow."

As I climbed the stairs, I was thinking about what a slut I'd become, Josh's legs flexing and his muscular thighs just inches from my face. As we reached the bedroom, my dress was peeled away, and panties and bra discarded. I stretched out on the bed and watched Josh's body reveal itself. He looked like a god: muscles rippling, rigid six-pack, and finally his cock slowly stiffening.

Josh sank to his knees on the floor, and his mouth covered my pussy. His tongue looped out deep into my cunt, and made me gasp. As he flicked it in and out each time, he was sliding it over my clit and back again before plunging back into me. This was something new, and I was starting to become so wet. When he started to slide his tongue up to my breasts, I felt his body move between my thighs. Oh god, his body felt so good against me.

He lifted himself to a kneeling position between my legs and lifted them up onto his shoulders. I could see the length of his cock ready to enter me, and it looked heavy and dark in the dim light. In the background I heard laughter coming from downstairs as he slowly slid his cock into me. I cried out, "Oh fuck, oh god," and more laughter came from downstairs, but I couldn't have cared less. Josh then began a long and slow episode of delightful fucking that seemed to last for ages. He had me in every position I think I knew. I came twice before he finally let me suck him and swallow the copious amounts of spunk he produced.

Exhausted, I lay back on the bed and stroked Josh's chest, hoping that I'd get the chance to see him again.

I was aware that the laughter had stopped downstairs, but then as I was almost drifting off to sleep, I heard Sheila's voice, and it wasn't just conversation. She was being fucked, and it was her cries of pleasure I was hearing. She was obviously being fucked by Jason.

The two of us had really had our hidden wishes fulfilled.

We had become middle-aged sluts.


Written by Cleevedreams
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