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Creating an Empire Chapter Three

"Young business man attracts older women"

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As he walked across the road Jack saw a silver Mercedes E Class estate with the registration number PC 50. Jack thought that this is Pat. He turned the corner then saw her. It was Pat. She had opened the boot and was now walking round the car to get her suitcases. Then she saw Jack and smiled. Jack gave her a big hug then they kissed. Jack got her two suitcase out of the boot. Pat had about six little bags which she carried. They got into the lift. They kissed again.

Jack opened the front door. He showed Pat into a spare bedroom with empty wardrobes. Pat said, "Jack, can you give me a minute to hang my clothes up and powder my nose.”

Jack then showed her the entrance to the lounge. He said, "We will be sitting in there. Will I get you a glass of Champagne?”

Pat said, "Yes please. I will be there in a minute.”

Jack went into the lounge. Ruth, May and Jean were there sipping Champagne. Jack said, "Ruth has arrived, she will join us shortly as she is powdering her nose. Will we go over to the Hotel for lunch?”

Ruth replied, "That would be nice. I really want to start cooking again as I really enjoy that.”

Jack answered, "Next time I am in Champagne you must come with me as the maker of this Champagne son has a wonderful restaurant. He has a Michelin star but he cooks by Sous-vide, which is cooking at a low temperature in water but what you are cooking is in a sealed vacuum packed pouch. I told Aunt Mary about it but she was one of the old school. We had the same Head Chef in the Hotel for over thirty years. Sadly he died last year but we have been unable to find a suitable replacement.”

Ruth replied, "We will fly over some weekend then you can show me. My grandfather bought a Chateaux close to Epernay just after the Great War. We also own some very large vineyards around the Chateaux. We sell the grapes once they are harvested to some of the Grande Marques. It is very profitable business. It costs a lot in the upkeep of the Chateaux. I have a housekeeper and two gardeners. It must be over twelve years since I was last there.”

Jack answered, "This Champagne comes from a village very close to Epernay. I love that area of France. What did you mean by fly over some weekend?”

Ruth replied, "Jack, have you ever heard of Gordon Air? It is the largest Private Jet Company in Europe. My grandfather set it up in the thirties then after the second World War it really expanded. There is over two thousand people working within it.”

The Pat came in, she looked stunning. Ruth got up and shook her hand saying, "I am Ruth, we spoke on Skype yesterday.”

She then introduced her to May and Jean. They were all chatting away quite the thing. Jack said,”Ruth I am sorry to interrupt but I am trying to arrange tomorrow night. Molly and Claire want to go. We have already invited Sue. The question I need to know is how many rooms do you have in your apartment? May will be staying in her own house as her girls are coming home tomorrow. I haven’t told Pat about it but it is maybe better she comes with us. She doesn't need to come to the funeral if she doesn’t want too.”

Ruth replied, "I have the Master bedroom and five others all en suite so we have plenty of room. Pat, May’s husband died last week. The funeral is on Monday morning in Glasgow so we will go to my apartment in Glasgow tomorrow afternoon. Would you like to join us as we will go out for a meal close to where I live tomorrow night?.

Pat replied, "May I am so sorry to hear about your husband. Of course I will come. I have a lovely black number, that Jack likes, which I can wear on Monday.”

Jack smiled. Half an hour later they went over to the Hotel for lunch. They met Molly and Claire in Reception. Jack invited them to join them but they were going to visit Molly’s cousin who was still in hospital. Jack said, "I will rely to your message soon but you both can stay at Ruth’s. I will send you the address later but if you could be there at six thirty then we can go out for dinner.”

* * *

Alex’s funeral went well. It was mostly May’s friends that were there. The purvey at a local Hotel was very good. Sue, Claire, Jo, Moira and Pat were all getting on well. Claire had a captivating way about her. She was now getting very close to Jack. She had told Jack, "Jack, don’t cum inside me as I am not on the pill. When the right time comes I want to have a child with you, then I will be wanting you to cum inside me as much as you can.”

Ruth had suggested that on Wednesday after Jack’s meeting had taken place, then they would fly down to Sotogrande on Wednesday until Friday then would fly to Champagne for the weekend. Ruth was excited about this as she wanted to see the Sous-vide cooking. Jack was determined to have this style of cooking used in the Hotel. Only Pat and Jean were free to come.

Ruth then took Jack to a tailor she knew as she wanted Jack to have some suits that really fitted him. The tailor, Michael was his name was very exact in taking the measurements. Ruth and Jack then selected six cloths and a blue cashmere material for a blazer. Michael told them it would be three weeks before they would be ready. They thanked him and left. Ruth told Jack that Michael had been her father’s tailor.

Ruth had already phoned Maria, her housekeeper in Sotogrande and Colette, her housekeeper in Champagne to tell them both that she and five of her friends would be visiting this week. Sue, Jo and Moira couldn’t go as they had other arrangements made. Molly was still concerned about her cousin so she would stay at home.

Jack was looking forward to the trip. He had never been in a Private Jet before, he was excited about this. Pat had offered to pack Jack’s suitcase but Ruth had suggested bring a lot of clothes so that some could be left in Sotogrande and Champagne. Ruth told them that her clothes in Champagne were so old she would have to buy a new wardrobe for there.

* * *

Jack had replied to Joyce:

“Dear Joyce,

So happy to hear from you and thank you for the pictures. You look super. Yes I too have a lot of good memories from those days. I was just starting to masturbate when I came to you for lessons. After the lesson I would go home and go to my room and play with my cock and think of you. Then I would squirt my cum into a towel. Do your nipples still get as hard when your tits are played with? Did you ever masturbate and think of me?

How were you tempted to take it forward? What would you have liked to do to me and what would you have like me to do to you?

I would love to lie on a sofa with you and spend a lot of time on foreplay. I will make you cum first with my tongue before I go inside you.

I have attached some pictures of my cock. I hope you like him.

We should write then plan a meeting when you come back to Scotland.

Lots of hugs and kisses

Jack xx.”

The pictures of Jack’s cock were good. There was one with Jack very hard and another with six inches of his hard cock showing above the waistband of his boxer shorts.

Joyce had replied:

“Dear Jack,

I will be honest I masturbated too after you left and at that time I had only my fingers but sometimes I used a small cucumber which filled my pussy. When I look at your cock pictures I am going to masturbate tonight and think of you. I loved it when you took my tits out and then sucked them. I love my tits being fingered and sucked.

I could have taken your cock out and given him a blow job or maybe a firm hand job. I would have loved you to go down and tongue my pussy but it was hairy then. Now it is smooth and is much more hygienic.

We must meet soon. How is next week on Friday for you? I am available anytime

Lots of hugs and kisses back

Joyce xx.”

* * *

After Jack’s meeting on Wednesday morning, where Claire was wonderful in the suggestions and recommendations she made, Claire went to Glasgow with May for the meeting. Ruth, Pat, Jean and Jack then left for the airport

The Charter company had it's own private car park. They parked there. A uniformed young man greeted Ruth then put the bags on a trolley. He asked us to have our passports ready then led them to the departure officials. They cleared this then were met by the flight stewardess who greeted Ruth then led them to the plane. They boarded the plane. They were airborne three minutes later.

Jack said, “What a way to travel. We arrived ten minutes ago now we are airborne.”

Ruth replied, “Jack I have only flown in private jets in my life. My grandfather set this up after the war. It is now the largest air charter company in Europe. Governments, royalty and the rich use us. We have the most modern jets in the world.”

The stewardess brought us some Champagne and the menu. They all ordered duck. They chatted then the meal was served. After the meal Jack said, “That meal let's this whole experience down.”

Ruth replied, “I agree. It has been a problem for a long time. We have only airport catering companies that can service us. We know it is not good but what can we do?”

Jack answered, “I have an idea. I will do some research then let you know. I will fix this for you.”

They arrived at Gibraltar. They went through the Gibraltar customs then the Spanish customs. They then went into a private car park belonging to the charter company. Ruth’s gardiner was waiting for them there. He was driving a Mercedes V Class. He greeted Ruth warmly. Ruth then introduced Pedro to Jack and the girls then they drove to Ruth’s villa.

They arrived at the villa. Jack said, "The only way to describe this is stunning.”

Ruth showed them around. It was wonderful. It overlooked the Golf Course. Ruth told Jack that it was the eighteenth fairway. Ruth then said they would have dinner tonight at the Golf Club as the wines and food were wonderful. Ruth said the beauty of it is we don’t need to drive as it is a minute walk.

After dinner they returned to the villa. Ruth got a bottle of Champagne then they all sat on the patio and chatted. Pat and Jean took a bottle of Champagne then went to their bedroom. Ruth and Jack finished the bottle then went to bed.

Thursday morning Jack woke at six. Ruth was fast asleep with a smile on her face. They were growing very close to each other. Yesterday evening Maria had told Ruth that she was so happy for her. She had said though Jack was younger than her, but Jack was the man for her.

Jack was thinking about this. Everyday they made love three or four times. Both had not planned for this but it just happened. Conversation was so easy between them. They both talked incessantly but when either of them spoke the other listened intently.

Ruth had told Jack of how her business had grown. How all the generations had developed it. She was so proud of what they all had done. She then told Jack that she desperately wanted a child.

Jack replied, “Ruth, I will do everything I possibly can to give you a child. If that does not work them we should adopt a child.”

Ruth kissed Jack then said, “I feel we will have a child. I am so relaxed and comfortable when I am with you. Jack, there will never be another man in my life. You can have me for the rest of my life. I don't mind sharing you with the coffee girls. I also really enjoy having pussy. I am looking forward to Jean and Pat tonight.”

Jack had told her about a holiday he had with his parents in the Champagne region of France. They had found a wonderful restaurant which was run by the son of a small Champagne producer. They had introduced Mary to it and now the Wine Company were selling it. For them they sold a hundred cases a month, which was not a lot.

Jack then told her that the son cooked using the Sous-vide method. He had a very big business. Sometimes he would cook for over three thousand people. Jack then explained that the meals were cooked in vacuum packed pouches at very low temperatures for a long time.

Ruth then said, “After the First World War my great grandfather bought a Châteaux in Champagne close to Epernay. I have visited it when I was a child but haven't been there for years. We still have it. We have a housekeeper and gardener there to maintain the Châteaux but have extensive vineyards which we rent out to several Champagne houses.”

Jack replied, “That is interesting. I am looking forward to visiting Champagne on our way home.”

Ruth answered, “We use Reims Airport a lot as all the Champagne Houses charter or we operate their jets for them. I would love to visit the Châteaux again to see how it is today. I am sure that it would make a first class hotel.”

“Jack, we are working. What you have suggested about the meals needs to be investigated. I get embarrassed often with the quality of the food we serve on the planes.”

Jack then told her that one of the great French chefs had the contract with the French Railway to supply all the meals they served. People were taking train journeys in the evening just to taste his food.

Afterwards they showered and went downstairs for breakfast. They had a full English breakfast every morning. Maria got all the ingredients at the British supermarket in Gibraltar.

That evening they all went back to the Golf Club for dinner. Jean owned a property in Sotogrande which she rented out to the manager of the Gibraltar Deutsche Bank. The bank had taken the lease and every three or four years they changed the manager the villa was completely refurbished with every new manager. Jean was also a member of the Golf Club and had suggested to Jack the next time they were there they should play.

When they got back to the villa, Jack, Ruth, Pat and Jean went to the lounge. Ruth got some Champagne. They had all enjoyed their meal. They were all chatting. They finished the first bottle then Ruth went for another. Soon they all went upstairs to the master bedroom. Jill and Joyce were sharing a bedroom next door but they went to the master bedroom first.

Jack was having some foreplay with Jean. Soon he was inside her. Twenty minutes later Jean orgasmed then Jack started on Pat. Soon she had cum. Then Jean and Pat went to their bedroom.

Jack started very slowly with Ruth who was very wet. Ruth said, “Jack, tomorrow we will fly Reims Airport. I will organise this tomorrow. We don't keep a car there so I will arrange a hire car as well. Can you remember where this restaurant is?”

Jack replied, “No problem. It is close to Epernay. We ate there many times. The chef's name is Serge. His English is very good. I spoke with him a lot. He likes Scotch whisky so I gave him a bottle after our last meal. I am sure he will remember me.”

Ruth answered, “I think we will buy another bottle in Gibraltar before we leave on Sunday. I will also have to phone the Châteaux to say we will be there on Sunday afternoon.”

They then had a long session falling asleep an hour and a half later.

After breakfast Pedro took them to the airport. Jack bought a bottle of Balvenie as he knew Serge liked the brand. They boarded the plane then took off. When they landed in Reims they all got their baggage.

The Charter company representative took them to Europe Car Hire. The manager was there. He said, “Mrs. Gordon, head office had this Mercedes V Class delivered yesterday for you. They believe it has the colour and specification that you like. How long do you wish to have the car?”

Ruth replied, “Thank you. You have the colour right. I am not sure. I will be staying at the Châteaux. I think it will be a few days. If you give me your card I will advise you once I know.”

The manager gave her his card. They put their bags into the car then left. Ruth put the Châteaux’s address into the navi and arrived there twenty five minutes later. The Châteaux was beautiful. The driveway and manicured gardens were impressive.

The housekeeper, Colette greeted then at the door. She was a pleasant woman who had worked there for over twenty years. Her English was good. She told Ruth it was nine years since she last visited. Ruth was surprised. Then said, “I will come more often. It is so beautiful here.”

Colette showed them to the Master bedroom. It was wonderful. Ruth said that they were going out tonight but could they have breakfast at nine. Both Pat and Jean were impressed with the Châteaux. Jean commented on the wonderful Antiques which were there. Jean and Pat had a bedroom next door to them but it had a connecting door to the Master Bedroom

Jack drove. They arrived at the restaurant five minutes later. It was not far. Serge was in the bar. He remembered Jack. He was very happy when Jack gave him the bottle of Balvenie. Serge got a bottle of Champagne. As he poured it he said, “I am so happy to see you again. So is my father as so many of the Champagne House’s were using the restaurant that his father was finding it difficult to sell his Champagne as the Champagne Houses wanted him to sell their Champagne in the restaurant”

Jack asked, "How much does he made a year?”

Serge replied, “Depending on the weather between all three types it was around one hundred thousand bottles a year.”

Jack then explained to Serge why he was here. That he needed advice on Sous-vide cooking. He explained that he wanted it for an air Charter company. There were just over two hundred planes involved. He would be able to give more definite numbers in the next days.

Serge asked, “Will you be using a central kitchen or would you be buying the meals in to order?”

Jack replied, “I would look at both options. This is very important for our company. We would have to ensure a continuity of service if we were buying the meals in. We would also have to look at setting up a unit employing our own chefs.”

Serge suggested that they meet tomorrow morning as the restaurant was closed on a Monday. He would also get into more detail as you had to consider everything. He explained that everything on his menu was Sous-vide. He then gave Jack and Ruth menus. Jack asked what he would recommend.

Serge replied. “Every dish on my menu is correct. I have a Michelin star. Every dish is cooked in the best way I know. Please try the Coq au Vin as I believe it is one of the best dishes on the menu.”

He then left us to make our choices. They decided to have two Coq au Vin and two peppered steaks. Jack said, “I like Serge, he is very honest, he also works hard. This Champagne is wonderful. It is better than the Champagne we had on the Jet. Maybe we could use it as our House Champagne in the Charter Company. I will get prices later but I would like to buy some for ourselves to drink at the Châteaux.”

Ruth replied, “I was thinking the same thing Jack. It is a wonderful Champagne, I believe we pay a lot of money for the Champagne we are using. I will find out tomorrow when I phone the office. I was thinking about our breakfast. I think I will get some sausages and bacon sent over to the office in Reims so Colette can cook us a proper breakfast.”

The meal arrived and it was wonderful. The steak melted in the mouth while the Coq au Vin was the best any of them had tasted. Ruth said, “Jack, you are right we are on a winner here. This food is amazing, I have never tasted anything as good.”

Jack replied, “Ruth, I looked on the two planes of yours I have been on. They both had Combi Steamers in the galleys. Serge could give us these meals and we can heat them on your planes. We also could employ chefs or we give the contract to Serge, who has a Michelin star, this can take your inflight meals to a new level. Please let me do the negotiation.”

Ruth answered, “I will but let me be there as you will teach me things.”

Jean said, "These meals are wonderful. They are so tasty and delicious.”

Pat replied, "That steak just melted in the mouth. I wonder if you could cook a Chateaubriand this way?”

Serge came to their table five minutes later. Ruth told him the meals were wonderful. Then Jack explained that they would be interested in having him make up a small menu for the Charter Jet Company. They would also be interested in stocking his father’s Champagne for the Charter Jet Company as well. Jack told Serge he would be able to give him quantities in the next days.

Jack also asked if he could buy three cases of the Champagne this evening as he would like to keep a stock of it at home. Jack then paid for the meal and Champagne. He helped Serge load the Champagne into the car. They arranged to meet at eleven tomorrow morning. Jack thanked Serge then he and the girls drove back to the Chateaux.

In the car Ruth said, “That food and the Champagne are wonderful. We are on the right track with the food. I must phone the office and get all the figures tomorrow morning. It will be interesting to see what Serge will charge for his meals, they are so much better than what we have at the moment.”

Jack replied, "Tomorrow will be interesting. We should try and keep the menus seasonal. After we find the most popular dishes then it will be easy to have a small but popular menu. In the vacuum packed pouches when kept under refrigeration you could have several months of shelf life on the meals.”

They arrived back at the Chateaux. Jack took the three cases into the cellar, then put six bottles into the fridge. He then got an ice bucket and two glasses then went into the lounge as Pat and Jean had already gone to bed. They discussed the evening. Ruth suggested inviting Serge out for dinner on Monday evening. Jack agreed then suggested to ask Serge if there were any other restaurants cooking with Sous-vide in the area that they could visit.

Ruth told Jack she was excited about the developments.

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She would phone the office tomorrow morning and get as much information as she could regarding the number of meals and the amount of Champagne the Charter Company used.

Jack checked the bill that Serge had given him. The cost of the Champagne was only eight euros a bottle. They were both surprised at this as the quality was so good. Ruth told Jack they were paying much more than that at the moment.

Jack suggested they would have to work out the logistics of it all. Was it possible to store the meals and Champagne in the airport offices of the company? There were so many things that had to be discussed.

They finished the bottle of Champagne then went upstairs. Forty five minutes later they both fell asleep.

Ruth woke at six thirty. Jack was still asleep. She went to the bathroom then back to the bedroom. She opened her laptop and checked her emails. She then got into the company's intranet. She checked the previous month's Champagne and meals purchases. They were paying just under twenty euros for the Champagne. They were buying eight thousand bottles per month.

The meals were averaging fourteen euros a main course. They had bought twenty two thousand meals in the month. Ruth wondered how much Serge would charge. Jack then woke up. Ruth then got back into bed. She told him the news.

They then made love for the next forty minutes. They showered together then dressed. They had breakfast at nine. Colette had a beautiful breakfast prepared for them and Jean and Pat had got up early and had an hours swim in the pool.

After breakfast Ruth called the Financial Director and asked him to check how many bottles of Champagne and how many meals were they serving a month. She also asked if there were any flights from Britain flying into Reims today as she wanted some bacon and sausages brought to her.

Ruth finished the call then said, “He will call as soon as he knows what flights are coming to Reims Airport today. He will also email the numbers from each month for the last twelve months.

He phoned back ten minutes later to say they had eleven flights to Reims today. Ruth asked him if he could get some good bacon with Scottish sausages and send them over. She then told him the quantities. He told her that would not be a problem and would email her the time they would arrive in Reims.

They then left for Serge’s. When they arrived Serge introduced them to his father, Rene, who had a wonderful smile. They then sat in the restaurant where coffee was served.

Serge explained that in the last year his business had expanded considerably as he had to buy a lot of new kitchen equipment. He then told them that the restaurant was in the grounds of his father's small Châteaux. He had borrowed eighty thousand euros from the bank. The restaurant was worth over two hundred thousand euros but the Bank had taken security over the Châteaux.

This was a great worry to Serge and his parents as the Bank had demanded much higher security than normal. This was a very big worry.

Jack said, “Serge, perhaps we can help you here. I believe through one of our companies we can offer you a much better deal with security only over the restaurant. May I ask you what the Bank is charging you for this facility?”

Serge replied, “It is very expensive. The Bank rate is two percent but they are charging us eighteen percent. It is very difficult in France today to do business. The Banks are all very greedy.”

Jack answered, “Serge, I believe we can help you. The interest rate would be two percent higher than the standard Bank rate and would fluctuate around this point. If the Bank rate went to three percent then you would pay five percent. I believe this could be set up in a matter of days. The security would only be for the restaurant.”

Serge then translated what Jack had said to Rene. Rene then shook Jack’s hand. They were both looking very happy.

Jack then explained that they would need around eight thousand bottles per month. They would also need around twenty two thousand meals a month. They would be able to give more definite numbers in the next days.

They would also need to work out a logistics system but Jack believed this would mean having a storeroom at Reims Airport for the meals and Champagne. They would need to buy a van to take the goods there. Jack then said that he expected these numbers to increase in the future.

Serge replied, “Would you like me to give you a price for the meals and my father will give you a price for the Champagne?”

Jack answered, "That would be good. We will also pay on receipt of the invoice. The money will be in your Bank in two days.”

Serge replied, “That sounds very good. Is it possible to meet tomorrow morning at the same time as this will allow my father and I to give you the best prices.”

Jack agreed, then they talked about about the menus. After ten minutes Jack said that they would have to go to arrange the money. Jack asked if there were any other restaurants offering Sous-vide. Serge wrote down the address of three, saying that all three were good. Jack then asked Serge if he would like to join them but Serge had a previous engagement.”

Ruth and Jack then left. In the car they discussed how they would arrange the money for Serge. Ruth said she would phone the Financial Director when they got back to the Châteaux. She said they had a few businesses in France so it would not be a problem.

Years ago her father had introduced her to a French lawyer who looked after the sale of the Champagne grapes. There were five men that looked after the vineyards. He was also responsible for them too.

Ruth phoned and was given the name, address and phone number of Monsieur Paul Le Grand. George Gray, the Financial Director, said he had funds available to finance it but the Company also owns a Private Bank which has a branch in Reims. He also gave her the name, address and telephone number of the manager.

Ruth phoned Paul Le Grand and arranged a meeting for three. Jack and Ruth then went for lunch at one of the restaurants Serge had recommended. It was wonderful. The chef told them that Serge was an expert in Sous-vide. All of the local chefs had been trained by him.

After lunch they went to Monsieur Paul Le Grand. His English was perfect. He remembered the time years ago when he met Ruth with her father. Jack explained the deal he had offered Serge. Paul had told them a lot of French Banks were being very tough with security.

He told them he had the funds available from the Company's deposit account and he would only take security on the restaurant. He would contact Serge’s current Bank to transfer the funds and adjust the title deeds. He would contact Serge and his father to see if they wished to open accounts in the Private Bank.

They thanked him then left for the Châteaux. George had sent an email to Ruth saying the bacon and sausages would arrive at Reims Airport at six. Ruth and Jack then went to bed for ninety minutes.

They collected the parcel from the airport. It was in a refrigerated container. They then went to another restaurant that Serge had recommended. It too was wonderful with the Chef also saying Serge was the top with Sous-vide. Pat and Jean both said that Serge’s meals had the edge on the meal tonight.

Ruth said, "This is very exciting. I want to stay in France until this is all organised. Can you all stay with me?”

Jack replied, "Yes, I have no problem staying with you as Molly will be looking after the Hotel. We should stay until everything is organised as the food on the Jets must be changed quickly.”

Pat said, "I am enjoying it so much here. If I can do anything to help then ask me and it will be done.”

Jean replied, "Pat and I are so happy here we both can stay as long as you need to sort things out. I was thinking about visiting some of the Antique markets which are around the area but I will hire a car to do that.”

Ruth replied, "Don’t worry about that, I will have a car delivered in the morning that you can use. I am so happy that you all want to stay as the catering is so important for me.”

They then drove back to the Châteaux. They sat in the lounge and discussed the day. Ruth was happy with the day. She was also happy with the bacon and sausages which she had put into the fridge when she got the Champagne. Once again Pat and Jean had gone to bed leaving Jack and Ruth alone.

Ruth said, “Paul is a good man, he will have the papers ready for signing on Thursday which will be good for Serge and Rene. We will need to set up training for the cabin crew. There is enough bedrooms at the Châteaux for them to stay here. I believe there are ten bedrooms which are all en suite, which should be enough.”

They finished their Champagne then went to bed.

* * *

Jack’s phone beeped, he had a message from May, it read:

“Jack darling I am missing you so much. When are you coming home? I have been very busy getting the Estate sorted out. Claire has been a great help. She had given lots of great advice. Both my Lawyer and Accountant are both highly impressed with her. She is working in Glasgow this week and has been staying with me, which is good for both of us.”

“I think she has been helping Molly with the bookkeeping at your Hotel. I believe she has found a better way to do it with some new software she has found. No doubt she will tell you herself when she gets it sorted out.”

“Jack, I really am missing you. When do you think you will be back in Scotland? Please let me know then I will arrange to be with you.

Lots of hugs and kisses

May xx.”

Jack replied, "Dear May,

I am so happy to hear from you. Ruth and I are both working on a project that will affect both of us. Ruth with the meals they serve on her Private Jets. It will also change the way we serve food in the Hotel. It is a big project. Ruth has suggested that we stay in France until we get it sorted out.”

“I think this is a good idea. It may take a few weeks but if it is any longer then I will get Ruth to arrange for a plane to bring you and any others that want to come over. Ruth has a wonderful Châteaux in Champagne. It really is beautiful. She is thinking of retaining some private rooms for herself, then converting the Châteaux into a Hotel.”

“We have a lot of work ahead of us but I am sure it will be worth it in the end. Tell Claire I will message her soon. Don't worry I will see you as soon as I am back in Scotland.

Lots of hugs and kisses back.

Jack xx.”

Jack then sent a message to Joyce saying he did not know when he would be back in Scotland but would let her know as soon as he knew.

Twenty days later.

It was Sunday evening. Jack was driving Ruth to Serge’s for dinner. It was three weeks ago today that they had arrived in France. They both had been very busy. Ruth now fully understood Sous-vide. She had a Miele Combi Steamer Oven installed in the kitchen of the Châteaux. She also had one installed in the Penthouse and in Spain.

Jack had also been very busy. He had spent a lot of time with Paul Le Grand. He now understood how the vineyards worked. Rene had told him the vineyards they owned were the best in the region. Rene had asked Jack why they sold the grapes as they would make a lot more money if they produced the Champagne themselves. Jack had then started on a viability project to see if they could build cellars under the Châteaux.

Jack had also had a series of videos done showing how the meals should be presented after they were opened from their pouches. All the senior Stewards and Stewardesses had been to the Châteaux for training. Stocks of the meals were now in place at all of Gordon Air’s offices. The transition was now taking place with the feedback showing that the meals were proving very popular along with the Champagne.

Serge and Rene were very happy as Paul had processed the agreement in days. They now were free of their old Banks grip on them. Rene and Serge had both given a lot of advice to Jack on what to do with the Châteaux. Jack had suggested a Champagne called Châteaux Gordon to be the name of the Champagne that they could produce from the vineyards they owned.

Jack had also spent time at the office of Europe Car Hire. He soon realised this was a very big company. Ruth had told him that her grandfather had invested in Mercedes and Volkswagen after the war. They were major shareholders in both companies. When Volkswagen had set up Europe Car Hire, her grandfather had financed it. It was now the biggest Car Hire Company in Europe.

Pat and Jean had got into their own routine. They were in the Master Bedroom two or three times a week. A Mercedes E Class estate had arrived the morning after Jean had asked for it. Pat and Jean were spending a lot of time going around the Antique markets and shops. They had both bought a lot of smaller items.

As they approached Serge’s restaurant Ruth said, “Jack tomorrow I would like to go back to Glasgow. It is now forty days since my last period. I feel so good, I think I am pregnant. I won’t drink anything but water tonight. I have tried to book a flight but there is a global conference on in Barcelona and all our planes are busy.”

Jack replied, “There is no problem, if we can’t get a plane I will drive you. Ruth, I really hope you are pregnant. That would be wonderful.”

Ruth answered, “I did not know this but Gordan Air keep a plane for me, their very latest. They have a booking for it for tomorrow morning from Andy Roberts, who works for the BBC is on standby for a plane from Nice. They will give him the flight but he must share from Reims to London with us. We will have to be at the airport at ten thirty.”

Jack replied, “Will we fly to Glasgow after we drop him off in London?”

Ruth answered, “Yes but we will land at the City Airport as I want to get you some shirts for your new suits. I also want to buy you some shoes. We will have an hours shopping then fly to Glasgow. I have an appointment with my gynecologist at four so we have plenty of time.”

Jack replied, “I have enjoyed the time we have had in France. I have learned a lot. I think we should spend time here again soon. The Châteaux is a beautiful place to live, you relax so easily there.”

Ruth answered, “I feel the same. I have also really enjoyed our time there. We will be back soon. If we have a lot of work during the week then we can fly over for the weekend.”

Jean said, "That is wonderful news. I am so happy for the two of you.”

Pat replied, "It is super. I will be a great babysitter. I want to celebrate this tonight.”

They arrived at Serge’s. Ruth only drank mineral water and she drove home as Jack and the girls had three bottles of Champagne. Serge and Rene were sorry to see them go but Ruth said we would be back soon. The got back to the Châteaux then went straight to bed. Ninety minutes later they fell asleep.

Next morning Colette made them their fry up breakfast. Colette was also sorry to see them go as she had helped Ruth a lot with the cooking. They left the Châteaux and arrived at the airport at ten minutes past ten. They had no baggage and went through the customs control then sat in the waiting room at Gordon Air.

Their jet arrived and they were taken to it. The stewardess introduced them to Andy Roberts, who was not as tall as he appeared on television.

Andy said, “Thank you for letting me use this wonderful plane, it is by far the best plane I have ever flown in.”

Ruth replied, “I think we were both lucky as the company is so busy with this conference in Barcelona. I believe this morning this plane flew Prince Albert from London to Nice. It was then able to fly you to London via Reims. Years ago my father had said when I was travelling the newest jet must be available for me. So this is how we are in the same plane.”

Andy answered, “That is a wonderful story. I use Gordon Air a lot but the planes I use are much smaller. I love the new menu you have introduced and the Champagne is the best I have tasted. Can you tell me about the Champagne as I have a couple of publishing companies that have Wine Clubs. I would be very interested in stocking this Champagne.”

Jack replied, “We are very lucky to have this Champagne and we have a contact to buy the total production each year. We also own substantial vineyards in Champagne and are at the moment researching the possibility of creating our own Champagne House.”

Andy answered, “That is good as I would be very interested in stocking this.” He then took a business card from his wallet which he gave to Jack. He asked Jack if he had a business card. Jack said no he did not have one but would email him his contact details.

Soon they arrived at London City Airport. Ruth had arranged for a car and driver. She offered Andy a lift. Andy asked where they were going to. Ruth said, “Jermyn Street.”

Andy accepted the lift. They dropped him off at the Ritz then Ruth and Jack went shopping. They went to Trickers then Turnball and Asser. Two hours later they were back in the jet. They arrived in Glasgow then went to the tailor on the way home. Every one of the suits fitted like a glove. Ruth paid him cash then they went to the Penthouse.

They showered together. They made love in the shower. Then they washed each other. They dried each other then Jack drove Ruth to the gynecologist. Jack waited in the car. He was thinking that he hoped Ruth was pregnant. Over the last few weeks they had spent hours in each others company. There was a mutual attraction between them. They got on so well together. Jack did not see Ruth as an older woman but as a very attractive woman. They had never discussed the difference of their ages.

An hour later Ruth returned. When Jack saw her he got out of the car and they hugged and kissed then Ruth said, “Jack, I am pregnant, I am so happy.”

They hugged and kissed again. When they stopped they looked at each other and both had tears in their eyes. Jack said, “Ruth, let’s go home. I want you so much.”

They spent the next two hours in bed. They then showered. Ruth said, “Jack, we can stay in tonight as I have all those meals from Serge in the fridge. What would you like to eat?”

Jack replied, “Do you have the lamb casserole?”

Ruth answered, “I was thinking the same thing.”

They kissed again then Ruth went to prepare dinner. Jack poured himself a glass of Champagne. He sat in the kitchen looking at Ruth. He then said, “Ruth, I am so happy, I am going to be the best father in the world. I don’t think I have ever felt this happy in my life. I also think you will be the best mother in the world.”

Ruth replied, “I am so happy you said that. I feel the same way but Jack you must realise I am fourteen years older than you. When our child is twenty I will be fifty five. I may not see if I have any grandchildren but hopefully I will. I have thought long and hard about this. Jack, you have given me something I have wanted all my adult life. We have only known each other a few weeks but I can honestly say I am in love with you.”

They kissed then Ruth said, “I have all the money I will ever need. I have the best Accountants and Lawyers in the world working for me. Jack, honestly if I went to them for advice on whither I should marry you or not then I am sure they would tell me not to do it. I want us to marry as I want our child to grow up in a stable relationship as I have had and you also have had. This is so important for all three of us. I ask you to think about this as it could affect so much.”

“Jack, I could say to you now I am pregnant then ditch you. I do not want this as there is a chemistry between us. I am being honest with you Jack. I don’t want us to talk all night and leave it all unsaid.”

Jack immediately replied, “Ruth, I do not need to think as I have thought it for the last weeks, I will marry you tomorrow as the most important things in my life are you and our child.”

They kissed then Ruth said, “This is the best day of my life. Jack, I will never let you down. I will give you my love and support through thick and thin. I only ask that you do the same for me.”

Jack replied, “I will never let you down.”

Then they had dinner then went to bed.

* * *

Serge came into lounge of his father’s Châteaux. Rene was sitting on the sofa with the coffee table in front of him covered with brochures on all sorts of Champagne bottling and storage equipment. Rene said,”Serge, the relief I got when Jack organised the loan for us, I will never forget what he has done for us. Any father would help his son. I did my bit for you and your business is now thriving. I am going to help Jack create Châteaux Gordon and it will have a style superior to anything on the market today. He owns the finest vineyards in Champagne.”

Serge replied, "I really appreciate what he has done. I am going to suggest he builds a very large kitchen at the Châteaux. Then I will work from there and develop my business with him. A month ago both of us had a lot of stress in our lives. Jack has removed that completely. He will buy your total production of Champagne which will return you a very good profit. If I am selling him twenty two thousand meals a month and I am making two euros on each meal. I think I can live well on forty four thousand a month.”

Rene answered, "Serge, it is like a dream. Both our lives will now change. In the coming days I am going to speak with all my contacts in the Town Council. The conversion of the Châteaux to a Hotel and the tunneling of the cellars for your kitchen and my Champagne cellars must start soon if we want to be able to store the Autumn harvest. I will contact Monsieur Le Grand tomorrow so he can get an Architect to prepare the application for the cellars. The hotel plans can come later but the cellar plans need to be in soon.”

* * *

Written by jack1107
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